Friday, April 06, 2012

Abismo de pasión #20 4/5/12: Where's the Passion Pit? All I See Is a Pit of Scheming Vipers.

El Refrito from Cap'n Sylvia's Recap:
The BFFs are yucking it up and going over old times. Gael reminds Dam about the amulets. Dam asks what is between Gael and Elisa. “Great friendship and affection, como hermanos,” he replies.

Padre Lupe arrives wearing a snappy white straw Panama hat and is thrilled to see the guys together. Dam says it’s late and they’ll talk tomorrow. We get another terrific Padre/Gael scene and Gael tells Padre about the fiesta. He says no way is he going to go, but wouldn’t it be a hoot if Damian invites Elisa and Paloma? Oh man that would pith off Padre’s sister. “Oh, and Padre, lose the hat,” he teases.

Dam finds Elisa weeping in the square. He assures her she can confide in him just like old times. She falls into his arms. “I’m tired of fighting against the current,” she weeps. She’s sick of her life since she lost her mama and she can’t take anymore! comes Princess Poop’s-gonna-hit-the-fan in super slo-mo with fire in her eyes and smoke coming out of her ears.

Lo Nuevo-Bullet Style

  • Flo is pithed and pitches a fit right there in the plaza. Dam is not pleased and tells her to go back to the hacienda. Flo thinks Elisa should leave, which Elisa does after telling Dam his place is with Flo. Dam drags Flo's ace-bandaged clad arse home.
  • Lola confronts Assgusto about his mistreatment of Elisa. He reminds her of her place and threatens to fire her. She tells him to go ahead. No one else will 1. Put up with his and Carmina's mierda nor will they 2. love Elisa as much as she has.
  • Tonia and Braulio dine. He is worried about the sketchy Horacio. Tonia does not like this and wishes he worried as much about their son. Blah blah blah.
  • Horacio asks Gabino about the job he was promised. Gabino tells him to be patient. The important thing right now is for the son of the dueña to get out of town.
  • Braulio and Blanca blabbity blah about Lola and her possible new feller. Blanca thinks it's not his business since he dumped her. He says Lola dumped him. Whatever. Blanca says to stay out of Lola's personal bid-nezz.
  • Carmeany talks to Assgusto about his argument with Elisa. Carmeany suggests the girl is with Dam. If Assgusto can't find her, maybe he can go door to door looking for her so everyone knows he has no control of her.
  • Elisa spends the evening with Blanca and asks her not to tell her dad where she is.
  • Flo is still yelling at Dam. She is spitting nails and is convinced he lied about seeing his uncle and really went to see Elisa. Poor Dam tries to explain, but Flo really doesn't want to listen. Momster comes running and Flo fills her in about Dam hugging Elisa. Flo tells Dam that "lo nuestro" is over and leaves. Momster tells Dam this is exactly why she didn't want him to be friends with Elisa. Elisa is trouble with a capital "T"
  • Momster convinces Flo not to leave by reminding her that that would mean Elisa wins. Elisa has always been after Dam. Flo brings up Elisa's mom and Rosendo. Momster again tells her that she can't let Elisa win.
  • Lucio and Blanca discuss the Elisa/Assgusto bronca at breakfast. When Elisa sits down, she tells them that she has to learn to make her own decisions. Assgusto bangs on the door. Lucio and Blanca deny Elisa is there.
  • Padre tries to convince Gael to go to the party. Gael reminds him Alfonsina would blow a fuse (did I hear Alfuchina or did my ears make that up?) Padre asks Gael to do it for Dam and Gael wonders why Padre always wants the two boys to be so close and united. Padre just says their amistad should be like that between brothers. Ominous music lets Viewerville know something is up. Anyhoo, says Padre...wouldn't you want Dam their at your engagement party?
  • Dr Tovar rings the bell at Hacienda Assgusto but runs and hides when he of the broken glasses and beaten down demeanor arrives on his horse.
  • When he gets inside, Lola asks Assgusto about the bell. He doesn't know what she's talking about. They argue. She's pithed because he's not going to look for Elisa anymore and he's pithed 'cause she's just the help and can't tell him what to do. He threatens to fire her again. She thinks that would be doing her a favor.
  • Gabino is at Haciendo Harangue-o™. He slimes all over Tonia and forces a kiss...and then plays off like it was all Tonia's fault when Fina shows up. Fina thinks the worst of Fina and sends her inside.
  • Dam tells Padre there likely won't be a party since Flo broke up with him. They discuss Elisa's life since he left. We know the tale. Padre notes that Dam seems more concerned with Elisa than his broken engagement. Padre tells Dam that what Elisa needs is a man to protect her, care for her and LOVE her. Dam seems to be considering this as it cuts to commercial.
  • Assgusto asks Gael about Elisa. Gael yells at him about not caring where Elisa is and goes off to look for her. Assgusto tells him if he leaves he'll fire him. Gael quits.
  • Fina tells Gabino to be at the party...but not as an invited guest but to make sure people have what they need (personally, I think she wants him there to be a bouncer.) She tells him to leave Tonia alone and he says he tries to, but the woman won't leave him alone. Ass. Fina gives him a blank check to buy something a gift for Dam and reminds him not to be late for the party.
  • Flo whines about Elisa to Unkahunkapunk. He thinks she should make friends with Elisa. Flo sees right through this and says he just wants her to be friends with Elisa so he can bust his moves. He says sure, but while he's keeping Elisa occupied, she's won't be bothering with Damian. Besides, if Flo wants his help, she's going to have to help him.
  • Tovar vists Carmina. They end up doing it.
  • Tonia's son is a little jerkwad. Fina tells Tonia to lay off Gabino or she will tell Braulio.
  • Blanca and Elisa talk about Lola's "boyfriend". Elisa is not happy that the town is now gossiping about Lola. Blanca tells Elisa that the reason Lola didn't marry Braulio was so she wouldn't have to leave Elisa. Elisa feels bad that Lola sacrificed happiness for her. Flo shows up
  • At the mercado, Horacio meets up with Lola and confesses he can't stop thinking about her. Awwww! He is so sweet with her! He can't believe that she's single. Surely she has at least has a slew of "pendientes". He asks her if she wants to go for a walk and maybe get some ice-cream. Seriously, I'm swooning. I hope this turns into a bad-boy goes good for love story line. Oh, back to the recap. Lolita turns him down and the poor guy takes it the wrong way. I swear I saw tears.
  • Flo apologizes and asks Elisa (and Gael and Paloma) to the party. Flo says she's already talked to Fina about it and it's all arranged. Flo makes nice. I get nauseous. After she leaves, Blanca asks if Elisa will go to the party and we get a "¡por supuesto que no!"
  • Gael looks for Elisa at Ramona's. Ramona tells him his obsession with Elisa is going to make him suffer. He better let it out or it will burn his soul. She's only telling him for his own good ...and the good of those close to him.
  • Tonia's son scams Lola into giving him money for a refresco, but ends up with a cerveza instead. And yay (NOT), Tonia comes up in time to see him with a beer and gets mad at Lola. Their usual barbs ensue. Dn't mess up my son. Get a man and have your own son.You know, I try to like Tonia...and then she is such a witch to Lola.
  • Dr Tovar is cuddly and obsessy after sex. Guess he likes that orange volcano luvin'. Carmeany is just "meh." As they leave the bedroom Assgusto comes in and catches them.
  • Damian dresses like a cowboy (with a belt buckle!)
  • Gael confesses his love to Elisa.
  • Damian threatens Unkahunkapunk.


Is this Cynderella's work or Sara's? Either way, nicely done! Thank you.

Cynderella - Welcome home! I am glad you are back. Now, if you hear us talking about the other Cinderella, please know we are not dissing you. We heart you! But we sure like to compare dreamy-hard-boiled-egg-eyes Elisa to that other Cinderella.

Looks like I need to take a closer look at Assgusto's broken glasses. I will be watching this ep manana in the manana and will chat it up then.

Thanks again,

R la O

great recap! i like your tone and comments. i tried to confirm what you thought you heard but my dvdr erased that one clip out.

Good morning all...back from a vacation with children and grandchildren. Nice to be able to catch up on Abismo with my CarayCaray mates.

Thanks Sara for that thorough bullet-style recap. Sure works for me.

Laughed at your description of Dr. Tovar being cuddly and obsessy after sex. First time I've seen this actor play a needy male and it's disorienting.

I too am rooting for the new romance for Lola and Horacio. She looked particularly lovely last night as she listened to his stammered entreaties.

Gabino was his usual vile self but oh those biceps! Hard to hate such a sculpted fella.

Hope you all have a glorious weekend...Easter or Passover or just a holiday. Good to be back.

Welcome back Judy! I missed your "voice" here.

Sara- You captured almost everything with your great bullets.

I was happy to see that Elisa wasn't buying any of that bs appology from Flo and challenged her on it. I think I even saw a couple of eye rolls. So glad our heroine isn't naive and trusting of everyone.

I felt sad for poor Horacio. He really has it bad for Lolita. She might as well start dating him since the whole town practically has them hitched in their gossip.

I also loved your description of Doc Tovar after the volcano. LOL! It must have been years since he had a good boink!

I think it's funny how Ughusto keeps firing and kicking people out, but not really following through. He kicked Elisa out, but was then upset that she didn't come home. He's kicked Orangina out a bunch of times, and I bet he's "fired" Lolita and Gael a ton of times. I bet next episode he'll be wondering why the hell Gael hasn't come to work. :)

We got yet another clue that Dam and Gael are indeed brothers. I'm kind of mad at Rosendo for not doing even more for Gael (like in his will) if that's the case. So who's Gael's mom? This is a wild theory, but wouldn't it be crazy if Carmela was Gael's mom?! If she and Rosendo were having an affair from way back when, she got pregnant and hides out for some months, he tells her he is giving the baby away to some people far away but instead gives the boy to Lupe so that he can keep him close. I know that would be insane, but Gael is fair like the Bouviers. That would make him and Elisa first cousins. Hmmm....

If I were Gael and found out that Carmeana were my mother I'd jump into the magical cenote and hope to come out another person.

A fine holiday weekend to all and welcome back Judy...wondered where you were. Sounds like you had a fun time.

First, can I just say that I am starting to live for those Gael/Padre scenes? I watch every nuance & gesture. These two actors are remarkable in how they just keep bringing this relationship to us. Love the way they mock each other, etc. Can't get enough!! But wasn't happy about Ramona's wanring to Gael. I do not want that boy going off the deep end over Elisa.

But I think we got a confirmation that Dam and Gael are half-brothers. Don't think Highlights is mommy dearest though. She was too broken up over the loss of her baby and think that would have made a mother reach out to the child she had given away. She doesn't have an attitude towards Gael that convinces me there's anything there. Thinking it's someone who felt being a single mother would have been unacceptable in the eyes of the town. ( I think sis would have help Highlights.)

Horacio, Horacio...keep trying. Lola is softening and they are sweet togther. As for AbsGab, he acts like a jerk, but why constantly go after Tonia after all these years? Methinks the guy is really smitten but can't get over himself to admit it.

But Tonia is grating on me.And that son! Gripes. Send him off to juvenile detention. An unnecessary character is ever there was one.

Does anyone ever really listen to Assgusto (love this!) He and Rodney Dangerfield could have had a great time talking about "not getting any respect". he is nothing but a buffoon and everyone knows it. someone give him one of AbsGabs trucks and let it flip over a ledge somewhere.

Those previews sure have me anxious for Monday!

Daisynjay- In my crazy theory (and I am not committed to this at all), Carmela wouldn't know Gael was hers. Rosendo would have lied to her about putting the baby up for adoption in another town like Merida.

I am sure at some point we'll get more clues about Gael's origins.

I also hope that Gael doesn't totally lose it over Elisa if it isn't meant to be for them.

Stuff learned from last night's episode:

Padre Lupe has probably known all along that Gael & Damian are half brothers.


Begona probably refuses to have sex with Edmundo. It might mess up her face mask or curlers or something.

Who's to say Rosendo DIDN'T leave anything to Gael in his will? The only person who would/should have been around to hear the will reading would have been Alfonsina...she shipped Damian off to Italy fairly quickly. Damian certainly wouldn't have known.

We'll need to be on the lookout for a fair woman to come on the scene, to be Gael's mother.

I wonder if Elisa really will refuse to go to the party, or if the Cenote Crew will show up after all.

I'm so glad to see that Elisa is not some crying, handwringing heroine like on other shows.

Flo's dresses get shorter and shorter.

Sara: Great recap - I loved it.

Vivi: I hadn't picked up the clues about Gael's parentage. This wouldn't be the first time in Novelaland that potential lovers are thwarted by the revelation that they are close blood relatives.

Now, down to the serioud stuff. Augusto catches Carmina and Dr. Tovar leaving her bedroom. How much you want to bet that Augusto falls for their story that they were playing doctor because Carmina is sick? She has Elisa to back up that story.

I like Damian more every day. He is resisting being his momma's dupe. He answers her back and keeps Flo in check. Too back he didn't seize the opportunity to send her packing to Mexico when she made the offer.

There were absolutely no clues about Carmina being Gael's mom. I'm just throwing that out there because of her history with Rosendo and her coloring. The only thing we've gotten clues about so far is that Gael is Rosendo's.

If Gael is Rosendo's, I can just imagine Gabino's face when he finds out he has TWO heirs to battle for control of La Anita. Ha!

I'll bet Ramona knows who Gael's mother is. Why else would she have so deliberately warned him about forgetting about Elisa?

I'll also bet that Ramona knows most of that sleepy little town's dirtiest little secrets.

The Assgusto guy...this guy is one homely looking dude. Hard to believe he was paired with the beautiful Stef.

I hope he gets bumped off, but we are probably stuck with the dude to the very end.

Yes, what did Stef see in him anyway? Forget the physical attractiveness factor. It's everything else that is the biggest turn off. And we can't say he's brooding cuz of her death / affair. In the beginning it was mentioned that he has always been so jealous. She deserved better.

I think Disgusto was kind of like Gael, in charge of Senor Bouvier's habenero fields. Stef probably was running around the fields like Elisa and was probably attracted to his knowledge and intelligence. SHE probably made the first move on Disgusto, because he's a coward and would never have made a move on her (IMO). He seems very much like a person who lets things happen to him, instead of making them happen.

Disgusto spoiled Stef with gifts and attention, 1) because he was enchanted this beautiful young girl was interested in HIM and 2) because he felt he had to give her trinkets & jewelry to keep her by his side

Carmina was probably always jealous that first Papa Bouvier spoiled Estefania, and then Disgusto spoiled Estefania and she wanted some of that. I think it was mentioned in the first episodes that Carmina is Estefania's older she has probably always resented Estefania's presence in her life.

I don't think Disgusto loved Estefania as a person, but as a trophy. You don't treat people you allegedly love the way Disgusto treated the body of Estefania and his daughter Elisa. Or himself, really (broken glasses ---symbol of he can't see clearly)

Also, I wonder if Disgusto knew all along that Elisa was the heir to the lands and that's why he didn't sell them until she found out and "gave" them to him?

Sara - Thank you for the great recap! I like the bullet-style also. Very easy to read.

"Urban Anthropologist said...
If I were Gael and found out that Carmeana were my mother I'd jump into the magical cenote and hope to come out another person."

UA - LOL and amen to that!

Anon207 - I'm convinced Flo's dresses are really Spanx with embellishments.
BTW - I like your theory that Augusto married Estefania more as a trophy than for her person. Plus the land came with her . . .

All of what Doris just said!

Thanks everyone! Sorry I forgot to clarify, but I just did last night's recap. Cynderella will be the regular Friday recapper starting next week.

As far as plot movement I thought last night was a little slow, so I just went with bullets. Oh, and I was feeling lazy. lol.

" Too back he didn't seize the opportunity to send her packing to Mexico when she made the offer."

You know, at this point, I think Dam feels he really loves Flo. I notice subtle moves like when she sits next to him, he was the one to pull her in. I think he hasn't quite admitted to himself yet what he feels for Elisa - he's just glad to be back close to her and is getting into that conflicted phase. He seemed sincere in trying to get Flo to not get worked up and have her leave.

Now as Flo starts becoming more of a mini-me of Mumsy, her lecherous, but adorable, uncle starts messing with Elisa, and/or Elisa would start heading into Gael's arms, then I think Dam will start to realize that what he feels for Elisa is more than what he feels for Flo.

And then the fists and fur will fly.... (and I'll be reaching for my kleenex for broken-hearted Gael.)

Thanks for your recap Sara. Glad you had a nice vacation Judy.

I'm glad Elisa is taking her opportunity to get away from her awful father. I loved how her padrinos covered for her and how Gael just quit on the Toad to find Elisa.

Vivi, I enjoy your theory and look forward to who Gael's real mother is. I also think the reason why Padre is so keen that Gael and Dam get along is b/c he knows they ARE brothers.

I don't think Elisa "gave" the lands to Disgusto. She told him he could use them as he pleased, in an effort to encourage him to expand his operation. Big difference. The verb was disponer, but I'm pretty sure she didn't mean "dispose" as in get rid of.

To actually give the lands to her Dad, she would have had to sign some papers transferring the deed. What a slap in the face to tell her he wanted to sell them. He's such an ass.

Yes, I'm sure Carmina will claim they were playing doctor legit, not playing doctor naughty. Piece of cake. Carmina has lied herself out of much trickier situations than this.



What nice work with the recap. Thank you for stepping into the breach.

It's official; I love this TN. Vivi and Daisynjay, I ADORE Padre Lupe and Gael together. Some of you told us that Tacher was good and I am really enjoying his turn as the enthusiastic Gael.I can't get enough scenes with these two.

I know the 'good padre carrying an extra secret or two because of his vows' is a standard plot device in Tns. But 'Lupe is such an obviously good person in this nest of scheming vipers that his dilemma—having to keep Carmina's secret is very real to me. For the first time I am really feeling how hard it would be to have been tricked into having confidential information that you cannot share.

As a psychologist I have long dealt with the difficulties inherent in keeping confidentiality. But for a priest it must be so much harder. In his position he is sort of the resident wise man and spiritual guide, at least for a majority of the townsfolk. He has this info about Estef, Carmina, Rosendo, Damian and Gael and he tries to manipulate these people into right relationship with one another, without revealing what he knows about any of them.

Rene Casados is really making me feel the character of Father Lupe.

Judyb, so glad you had a good Holiday with children and grandchildren. Welcome home!



Sara - I also liked the bullet points and the ease with which it could be read. Thank you.

Once I watched I was shocked just *how* cuddly and obsessy Dr. Tovar was. lol Carmina was just bristling at his touch.

And, oh my, what large "avocados" Carmina has to do it right there with people in the house. Not only large, this casa must have thick walls. At mi casa I can even hear my husband clipping his toenails in the next room. .

Hmmm, if Carmina is older than Stef, I wonder how the lands did get in Stef's name. Maybe it is the 50 - 50 we considered?

R la O

This comment has been removed by the author.

I bet he's "fired" Lolita and Gael a ton of times. I bet next episode he'll be wondering why the hell Gael hasn't come to work. :)
with the little backbone he has shown so far, i don't doubt it for a sec.

UA, i am jumping into the cenote right behind you if Carmie is my mom... btw i bought a book about touring MEx spots and found a photo of a cenote at Yucatan/Merida area... i want to be there so bad!

Anon, ROFLOL on
Begona probably refuses to have sex with Edmundo. It might mess up her face mask or curlers or something.

Anon, I like your theory of Papa Bouvier, Estefania, Carmie and Disgusto.. makes a lot of sense... esp when we see Disgusto has nowhere near the backbone that any of the Arango boys have or even that Elisa has and Este had.

(broken glasses ---symbol of he can't see clearly) I LIKE IT!! maybe Gael should punch the glasses right out of his eyes!!

daisynjay, i tink Dam is already realizing he has 'feelings' for Elisa that he has not felt for Flo. otherwise why would he even bother to ask Gael about him and Elisa? he at least must be 'feeling/sensing' something there... esp in the conversation he had with Padre Lupe... where Padre tells him what Elisa needs is someone to protect and love her. his face said volumes... not exactly completely sure therunderstood his feelings yet or what he will do, but there WAS a reaction there.

(and I'll be reaching for my kleenex for broken-hearted Gael.)
I am right there with you!

glad to know you are a psychologist. now i dont feel so bad in admiring the position of PadreLupe... kind of in like Privilegio/TriunfoDA the priest has the secret of who is the daughter but can't reveal, however he does his best to try to get mother and daughter to give each other a little mercy/consideration.
but when it is about crimes and abusing children it must be even harder to swallow and keep quiet.

Let's not forget Rene's last priest character, Padre Tadeo of FELS. He heard so many "confessions" of crimes and dealt with so much blasphemy he was willing to risk excommunication to put things right.

I don't know how a decent priest can do this and keep his sanity.

Just finished getting caught up -- what fun. What do you want to bet Damián's mami gives him a horsey?

That would be sweet (not Alf, I meant the horse). Too bad Cheryl isn't watching this with us. She'd love a gift horse story.

Anon 207 - I love the broken glasses symbolism.

So...Damian's mother loves him SO much that she can't bother to get off her own high horse and buy the guy a gift?! She gives a blank check to the mobster and trusts that HE will find the right gift?

What am I missing here?

Well, if my guess is correct, Gabino does seem to know a lot about horses...

At first I questioned Alf giving Grabby a blank check but I think it would be to easy to follow up is a bunch of cash went missing so I think he really will just get a gift. A horse is a great idea. I hope that happens.

Alf...such a loving mother.

Gabino is still a mobster in my book.

Sara, thanks so much for recap.

UA, I loved Padre Tad in FELS.

I wonder how long it going to take before tells Dam and/or Elisa that they are half brother and sister? That would be one way to keep them apart.

If the gang shows up for the party there will be fireworks for sure.

Rosemary Primera

Sara, thank you for doing Friday's recap and for doing every Monday starting next week. (Tomorrow I guess.) You are a lifesaver.

Assgusto...bwahahahah!!! I love it.

I also love how this program is moving right along. No excessive or unnecessary conversations in this one. I agree that Tonia's son seems unnecessary. Here's hoping he goes the way of the inconvenient character.

I really enjoyed everyone's comments and speculations regarding Gael. He's such an interesting character.

Thanks again Sara!

Oooo...maybe before he goes all inconvenient, Tonia's son could give us "character needs blood transfusion." (Yes, I'm still playing bingo. BTW, can I use "te quiero tanto" for "te amo tanto"? Probably not, huh?)

Tona's son's purpose is to:

a) expose the schemer/liar that Tona is

b) show Braulio the light (He should have stuck with Lolita)

He could also end up revealing who Paloma's dad is (ex. Paloma might need a transfusion or vice versa)

And another thing about Antonia/Braulio/Lolita:

Wasn't one of the sticking points b/w Braulio/Lolita was that once they married Lolita would have to quit her job? So why is Tona still working at Hacienda Harango? She didn't have to quit HER job. If Braulio wanted to move to another part of Mexico, what could Alfonsina really have done about it? Spread a rumor about Tona so she can be shunned by a town she no longer lives in?

Braulio could have easily stayed in town and let Lolita keep working for the Castanons like he stayed in town for Tona. That's another reason why I don't want Braulio/Lolita to get back together...too much inflexibility on both sides.

"I also love how this program is moving right along. No excessive or unnecessary conversations in this one."
I agree. Let's hope Telerisa does not ..... extend (ouch! bad word!)... this one.

That is what confuses me, too. Braulio wanted to leave La Anita because of Greaseball, but Alf must have made him a nice offer to make him stay. Had he not agreed to marry Tonia, and instead stayed with Lolita, there would have been no offer and he'd want to move, but she would have stayed with Elisa anyway. So, either way, they weren't meant to be together... at that point of time. What does the future hold? Does Braulio think he is the father of Antonia's son?

I hope Lolita's new beau ends up being a good guy and works for Elisa along with Lucio.

Great recap.

I thought that Gael and Padre were related? I thought with the great chemistry with each other and the fact that "Sis" can't stand Gael, Padre is the Daddy. I don't know, I am just guessing here. I mean I can't understand why "Sis" would be so opposed to Gael since he is being raised by her brother?? She's so into what other people think I think she would have embraced Gael to show how generous and loving her family is, instead she's spiteful and bitter, like she knows or suspects something.

Paloma, I always think she's Gabino's child, doesn't he father everyone?

I also hope Lolita's new beau is a good guy, simply because I like the actor and was happy to see him.

Nellie- I think Padre is too honest of a man to raise a child that is his and hide it from even the child. The reason that we all believe Gael is Rosendo's, aside from the fact that Padre is always telling him and Damian they should be like brothers, is because Rosendo was giving Padre money to support Gael when he was alive. That would not make Padre and Gael related by blood. That's why it's even more endearing how alike they are.

Isn't Horacio running from the law in another town? I thought that's what he told Gabino when he came to town. Even if he turns out to be a good guy at heart, it still not end happily for him and Lolita if his past catches up to him.

Thank you, Sara! Great title, and I love the succinct recap. You even crammed some funnies in there.

I wonder how much of a struggle it was for Padre to continue caring for Gael after Rosendo died. I can't imagine Alfie kept up the support payments. There seem to be many indications Rosendo was Gael's father, but I wonder who his mother was. How old was he when Padre took him in?

Sometimes I see too much of Teresa's simpery saccharine fake sweetness in Elisa still, but I loved her reactions when Flo tried to act like instant friends with her.

Julia, I have this vague memory of Alfonsina agreeing to continue the payments for Gael. Did I imagine this?

I like the character of Horacio. Seems like a good guy around Lolita, but definitely has trouble in his past. I'm looking forward to seeing his story unfold.

R la O, Braulio believes the child his his. Gabino once threatened Antonia that he would tell Braulio the truth about the kid.

The story of exactly *why* Braulio and Antonio stayed in La Ermita has not been revealed to us (yet), but we do know that Alfonsina had something to do with it. Likely she offered Braulio some sort of increased salary, protection from Gabino at work, or something along those lines.

I missed part of the show around the time jump, so I'm not sure. I suppose Padre Lupe might have been able to convince his sister to continue to pay, or maybe she decided to on her own. I wasn't sure whether she knew Rosendo was supporting Gael. I guess she wouldn't want it getting out that suddenly Padre didn't have money to care for Gael now that Rosendo was dead, ahem. People might connect those dots.

Braulio probably does think Brat is his son. Antonia probably pulled a Carmina and had Brat "prematurely".

Thanks Vivi. I missed that whole thing about money for Gael. Thanks for clarification. I guess it was when I was going back and forth between this TN and Telemundo's TN.

But Padre is a fine specimen of a man, I could imagine his being younger and sowing his wild oats before he took his vows. He's not the typical Priest for a Univision TN.

No, he isn't and I sometimes think that's why Rene Casados has played two priests so far. There were two other atypical ones: Cesar Evora and Diego Olivera. They played the same character in two different versions of the same story. Although Triunfo del Amor was inferior to El Privilegio de Amar I love that it had the good Padre considering the possibility of giving up his vows.

En Nombre del Amor also had an atypical priest, played by Arturo Peniche. He became a priest after believing his beloved fiancee had died and coming out of a dark bout of alcoholism (among other things). When he discovered that Macarena was still alive and that they had a daughter, he considered leaving the priesthood. In fact, he did announce he was going to resign, and even proposed to Mac, but then her sister murdered her and the church needed him and he decided to remain a priest.

He was so good in that role, the character even got a cameo in Cuando Me Enamoro.

Great recap Sara!


"I agree. Let's hope Telerisa does not ..... extend (ouch! bad word!)... this one."

Unfortunately, they already did. It has gone from 125 episodes to 150. It's only 25 extra episodes but Cañaveral de Pasiones was 92, so that's 58 extra episodes on the original story. I hope they will manage well with the obvious new plots they will have to write.

It's actually my main gripe with En el Nombre del Amor which had 165 episodes when the original had only 80, making it 85 episodes longer. I felt they ended up ruining the male lead by making him do too many stupid things, it didn't help that Sebastián Zurita was still too green for a lead.

I remembered who Horacio was on Cañaveral, ummm. His character had barely any screentime there. I guess with Armando in the role he will become more important here.


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I just don't know why they insist on extending tns. If they are doing well, and the audience loves them, it's because of the writing, acting and direction. Extension usually negatively affect the writing, which then extends to the actors and the direction. You end up turning a really good tn into one that is mediocre for long stretches of time, till they get back to the originally planned storyline at the end.

I think Gancho could have been extended another hundred episodes and still been awesome. In that show I felt like the main romance storyline was pretty much beside the point, so whether Moni and Mau stuck together or split up another dozen times, whatever. I wanted more Ximena and Rolu. Also I wanted to know what became of Aldo and Estrella Falcón, Actriz.

Speaking of Rolu, I noticed in the credits that Alex Sirvent composed some of the music for the Passion Pit. Shouldn't he get an on-screen role as well? Please?

Julia: Alex Sirvent is currently in Amor Bravío so I don't think he'll show up here :(. His wife is playing the lead in my current tv addiction "Infames" and I swear I saw his name on the credits at one point so maybe they used his music there too.

Vivi: I think Televisa prefers to extend successful stories to prolong a good price for sponsors instead of taking the chance with new ones that can potentially fail. Besides that, the longer a telenovela is, the less they have to worry about building new sets every year and spending money on that.


I figured it was unlikely; I just like to request his presence in every show I am watching. One of these times it is bound to work :).

Julia, Emilia and I still use Ximena's "Sipis" and "Nopis" sometimes. That was a good show, wasn't it?

Sara, thanks a million for the recap and I really do enjoy the bullet format. My aging brain can digest the small bites more readily.

Gancho was supposed to be around 150 episodes and ended up in 220 but the extensions of that show were pretty crazy: one day they'd receive news about extensions around three times in its run.

I think it's much easier to handle extensions when they tell you about them in advance, so you can plan ahead. LQNPA had a 10 episode extension right at the end because Televisa wanted to give more time to Amor Bravío and they really struggled with that because they had started airing the completion of the plots already and suddendly they needed a new conflict out of nowhere.


Sorry, I meant to say that in Gancho, they would receive news of an extension for a certain number of episodes one day and then a month later they would receive more extension orders. It was pretty crazy for those poor writers. The actors usually like the extensions though, it means more time a year working steadily.


I think extensions are easier in comedies because you can throw in a lot of filler that doesn't affect the plot but is actually entertaining rather than repetitive and boring. Like, a bunch of characters sign up for a charity dance marathon, or go on a camping trip, or take part in a cultural festival, or whatever. Wacky hijinx ensue. Or the ever-popular schemes where characters switch places and have to do someone else's job or wear a disguise and pretend to be someone else. It doesn't work as well in more serious dramas which are more plot-driven.

It can be like that.

I think Rebelde had the most extensions I can remember. It was 440 episodes, I don't know what was the original plan but I doutb it was all those episodes. It lasted 2 years on the air.

I did gain alot of respect for the actors who were gathered for the RBD pop group though. When I visited Televisa they explained to us how they'd have to work long weekdays and then on Saturday they could be doing a concert in Colombia and interviews on Sunday morning, then flying back home during the afternoon and on Monday once again they'd have to be ready at 5 am at their make up chairs. And there were also the choreography practices and the singing practices, etc.

That's why I always wondered how Maité Perroni felt about certain attitudes in her telenovelas from actors who complained having to be too early at the shooting of scenes.


I think a schedule like that would kill me within two weeks. I don't understand how they aren't sick all the time with so little sleep and, for some of them, the travel. Or if they do get sick, how they manage to still show up and hide it onscreen and not look terrible. Maybe they get a few naps while they're waiting to film scenes.

The 1993 Corazon Salvaje was longer than the two previous versions and that was a masterpiece. I think series extensions can work if they are planned in advance rather than if they happen because of good ratings. Telemundo is guilty of that one all the time.

Is it legal to sell beer right on the street, to minors? Too bad Braulio didn't have more influence on Tonia's horrid kid. He must have a lot of Gabino in him. If Paloma is indeed also Gabino's spawn, I don't think she'll be at all happy when she finds out about her half brother.

UA: "series extensions can work if they are planned in advance rather than if they happen because of good ratings"
I agree, which is why I'm glad the extension for this show was announced so soon.

Julia: It's illegal to sell alcohol to minors but the only place where I've seen the police doing something about it is Mexico City and this is also the one place I've seen with serious underage drinking problems.


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