Friday, April 06, 2012

El Talismán #48 Fri 4/6/12 Cage Fighting with Tony & Rita


Date: April 6, 2012
To: Meester Smeeth
From: Genoveva, your humble employee
Subject: A Fresno Plaga on All Their Houses

I wish to report there is a particularly virulent strain of the Stupid Plaga spreading around Fresno. I’ve seen it all around, but particularly in the hospital (to be expected), the local jail (may be a source), out at El Alca and El Tal and even made its way onto the campus of the Fresno branch of UC. I’m worried. Suppose there is no cure. Please advise next step.

Jail: Rita pretends to make a friendly visit to Antonio, who is languishing in jail. He didn’t ask to see her. Why is she there? To help him. He’s a Negrete and doesn’t need her help, so largate. Rita gets her dander up and warns him that what he did was very bad and if “tio” dies, he could end up in prison for the rest of his days. Antonio gets testy, his testosterone rising, and lunges for her throat. He releases her and she spits back that she’s still has to give her declaration and is going to make sure he rots in jail. That earns her another lunge and ring around the collar. This time, the guards are on the alert and separate them. (I just don’t understand Fresno jail procedures. Is just anyone allowed to visit a detainee who is not restrained and the guards just hang around outside a barred visitor’s cell? My, my this reminds me more of Televisa, somehow.)

Rita gives her anti-Anto declaration, weeping and sighing and tossing hair for extra emphasis. That cursed man decked her tio for no reason at all. Antonio, meanwhile is hauled in front of FDCI (aka Capitán) to explain himself. El Capitán says he’s in a bunch of trouble and it looks as though he’s doing it on purpose--to himself he notes that the Negrete lawyer hasn’t bothered to post bail yet. Antonio wheedles a phone call out of him and calls Camila. He tells her he’s not out of jail yet, but not to worry. He just phoned to see how she and her mother are doing. Camila responds that mom is still in a very delicate state, but once she is stable, she’ll come to see him, over his strong protestations not to. Antonio somehow gets in a second phone call. This time it’s to sis. He wants her to get Pedro down to the jail, pronto, at all costs and not to fail him. Now it’s Tonio’s turn to give his declaration.

Sure enough, Camila shows up at the jail, as Tonio is being carted back to his jail cell. And in the most perfect set-up ever, Pedro shows up to rescue Lulu who cried Wolf (as in Don Gregorio was going to attack her and she’s beside herself with fear). Antonio mooches a smooch from Camila while Pedro gets an eyeful. The incestuous duo are loving it. Camila has no idea Pedro saw them kissing, but begins to regret it later.

Hospital: Elvira is sedated and out cold. We won’t have to listen to her express pain, anguish or self-pity for now. Tia Maria is calm, cool and collected (I like this lady). Everything is going to be ok. Camila is not so sure. Without a husband nor a fortune, mom will have to go back to the hotel and Camila will have to pay the bills. Armando volunteers to get a part-time job and go back to UC Davis. She offers him a little of what she’s managed to save. Camila dreads having to go back to El Tal and un-resign her job, see Pedro every frickin day and have to deal with Lucrazy.

El Tal: Speaking of said Lucrazy, she hasn’t been bothering me lately, but she certainly is making a nuisance of herself around Pedro. She has installed herself in the house, acts as his novia and calls him Mi Amor. Even after Pedro tells her that her dearly beloved brother is in jail, she says, that’s too bad…she can’t do a thing for him, so after breakfast the two of them should go the house that’s going to be the orphanage, Mi Amor. Pedro declines her offer and tells her she should go visit bro and he’ll go to the site alone. (Foiled—but she gets in a kiss and another Mi Amor). I noted there were 5 (Five) of them in two short scenes—I gagged—who drank and who did sit-ups? Gabriel, Pedro’s pro-sidekick, has seen through Lulita’s teatrito and tries to get Pedro to see the light. Pedro has blinders on where she’s concerned. He feels he still needs to protect her from Don Gregorio (what a laugh).

El Al: Gregorio has just gotten up. Doris is still in bed. He’s p*ssed that Antonio won’t answer his cell or call him back. Tonio’s been out all night, probably with some floozy. He worries that Lulubelle has already told him about the will and is plotting something against him. Doris is calm, she tells him that if she had, Tonio would have been all in his face by now. She knows him well. He gets hot under the collar right away, then cools down to do his plotting. Not to worry, as she kisses the back of Don G’s neck, ears….euuwww.

Meanwhile, the F&F girls charlan on the porch with Tracy about going to Frederick’s of Fresno, the whole seduction technique lessons at Sarita’s and having their tight little behinds saved by Tracy from the wrath of their mother because they left their computer on at an adult-only web page. Well, anyway, no biggie. Flo needs to get to class pronto, while Fab doesn’t need to be there until later. Alberta notices that Flo’s car is a mess, she spilled coffee in it yesterday and she’s going to clean it all up. Fab offers Flo her bright RED car to go to campus. There are thanks and hugs all around. Gregorio and Panchito emerge from the house and approach Fab; does she know where her dad is. No. Well, Panchito, you are in charge of locating the son-of-a-gun. Under his breath, Panchito says something that ends in “mi papa.” Fab picks up on this and quizzes him. Poor Panchito tries to fumble and mumble his way out and ends up leaving abruptly.

Hospital: Quiet hour is over. Elvira is awake. She sees Maria and freaks out. Why are you here? Are you here to reproach me for what I did to you? (Looks like we have another side trip before we head for the finish of this tn). No, replies Maria, she’s here to make peace with her sister and help her. Elvira says, you have no idea how much I need you (aye, aye, and so do we and the El Tal scriptwriters. We do so need a rational, level-headed guide to lead us out of this murky, swampy [Florida] morass. Armando’s ire is beginning to boil. He darts for the door and loses it in Renato’s room, screaming that he is to blame for his mother’s delicate and perhaps suicidal state of mind. Renato sleeps through this, but the noise alerts a nurse and he gets thrown out of the room. Maria, meanwhile, suggests that Elvira forget about the money and think about her children. She’s going to stay in (or was it leave) Fresno to help her and they’ll get a big apartment so they can all live happily ever after (I have my doubts. This plaga is much too insidious.)

Somewhere in LA: We get a gratuitous Margarito sighting (the tall, dark, handsome one, not the little one) who retells his colleague the story of Mariana’s disappearance and musing on whether this one he saw was really her or a twin.

Big Finish in 3 Parts: Part 1--Primo Angel arrives (we are so glad) at the hospital and makes nice to everyone around. I wonder what his role will be. Elvira gets hysterical realizing that since the check that Pedro sent her in payment for El Tal was never cashed, he OWES her a replacement check. He *has* to give her another check. That money is *hers.* Camila and Maria both tell her to forget the money. Things have changed. They don’t need all that money. Elvira wants Camila to go back to Pedro and fix things up between them. Camila reminds her that she was the one who wanted them to end things. No, no, she insists; go back to him, she was wrong about him. Pedro is a good man. She moans that it’s not fair for Camila to throw a fortune into the garbage because of her pride. Go back to him. Camila tells her that it won’t work because Pedro’s not going to give them another check. He doesn’t want to have anything more to do with them. Elvira has an anxiety attack.

Part 2—Somewhere on the UC Fresno campus, Flo rolls up very slowly in Fab’s very red red car. Armando spots the car and knows immediately who is in it. Then we play the mistaken identity game. Armando says, Fab? Flo says, José? Armando says, er, thinking very slowly (and badly) on his feet (still in his diver-Dan T-shirt), no, you’re mistaken, I’m not José, I’m, I’m his twin (I have a feeling José has forgotten his twin’s name, as have I). If Flo were a little more lista, she would wonder how José’s twin knows Fab, but that’s for lunes or some other chapter.

Part 3—The Jailhouse Rocks with the incestuous duo having a cute little smiley tête-à- tête over their in-house joke which we all know about. Little sis wants to know how far bro has gone with Miss Camila. Not as far as he would like since he’s still esposado (I guess that means still married). All he’s managed is to worm a little kiss out of her. She hasn’t agreed to be his novia yet, but everything is in motion. He will make her his. Of that he is sure.
So, Meester Smeeth, there you have all the goings on in this plaga-filled place and this is just during one day (determined by the number of dress changes that have taken place). We hope this persuades you that we really do need a stronger dosage of Anti-Stupid Plaga than what we’ve been using up to now. Hopefully, you, the scriptwriters and Tía Maria will comply soon.

*recap by Anita, posted by Blue Lass


Flo in Fab's car... sounds like trouble brewing for Armani...

I knew it!!

Luk; how far did you go with Cameela?
Ant: how far can I get if i had handcuffs on? (well, pretty far)

Can't wait for your wonderful recap Anita. Looking forward to it.

Did Pedro actually sleep with lookrazy the night they got drunk or is she just leading him to believe that?

I love this story line with Renato finally getting busted. I guess I hate him more than Elvira! And how dumb is she that she still hasn't figured out there's a big, fat check with her name on it?!! This woman is truly dim witted.

Don't understand why her sister came to town. She doesn't seem like the most exciting character....


i dont think Pedro actually slept with her but he is so idiotic lately that he takes her word for it.

Looking forward to the recap. My CC's were awful today. Only the first few words of every other sentence.

BUT the big news I did pick up on the Avances..... Elvira isn't wearing a headband!

I just sent Blue Lass the recap. It should be up tomorrow morning sometime.

Martaivett you are sooo funny--about the handcuffs.

Katy--Maria came to town because the writers needed some sane person to deal with an out-of-control Elvira. The two sisters have been estranged for some years, but now Maria wants to make peace. Apparently Elvira did something to Maria that we are only teased about. Stay tuned.

Martaivett--It was not only funny, but you are right. I translated esposado as married; esposas (pl.) means handcuffs, manacles, shackles. It's even funnier that the two words are so closely allied.

The game is afoot, Talismaniacs! Enjoy Anita's hilarious recap at your leisure...

Oh Anita, loved this funny snarky recap. Plaga indeed. El Viral is becoming more and more unhinged. I too like Tia Maria. She has such good, common, rational sense. Much like Pedro's Tia does. These two Tia's ought to get together and knock some sense into these Plaga infested people lol.

I'm liking Primo Angel, who is much like his mother. I think he looks better than Army. That was funny with Flo and Army. I really thought Army would never answer her.

Tonio of the many faces. Love how his face changes, depending on the circumstances.

Thank scene with Doris and Pigorio yuk.

Little Piglet should watch what he says and when he says it. Fab and Nana are beginning to think he is crazy.

Thank you Anita/field agent Genoveva! Somehow I worried that with the show getting better, the recaps might be less fun, but clearly that is not the case! Awesome work.

Armando is an idiot. He should have just claimed not to know José. "Some guy who looks just like me? Weird." As soon as Fabi finds out anything about his family they'll soon know he doesn't have a twin.

Why has Camila been paying for the hotel all this time? Didn't she give her family a deadline at one point? How can she afford anything when she never works? Someone, at some point, needs to stop enabling Elvira's entitlement and make her support herself.

New primo is a cutie. He seems like a much better pick for Flor, no need to pretend to be a twin.

So Flor spilled coffee all over her nearly-new car and didn't bother to clean it up or at least mention it to the maids? I guess she, at least, really is Antonio's daughter. At least it wasn't beer.

¡¡Ay, Anita!! Love the device -- message from the last sane resident of Alternate Fresno -- it's very sci-fi. Maybe those dangly earrings keep her sage like a little tinfoil hat.

I'm going to wait to comment further until I've caught up on my video...but I am anticipating a *very* entertaining weekend.

"Keep her SAFE," I meant to say. But whatevs.

Blue Lass - Sage works!

Thanks so much for your recap Anita. Stupidity is rampant on this TN but thankfully the new characters Tia Maria and primo Angel seem sane. Now we just need those who have sense to catch the demonic duo planning to separate the two lead dunces. Though I understand that may not be until the end of the TN :(

Just finished watching, and here's un poco más:

Tía María sent Primo Angel off to tell someone that "we need an apartment with 3 bedrooms instead of 2." So who's going to share? Will Angel and Armando get bunk-beds?

From the avances, it looks as if Elvira is escapes from the hospital while everyone is sitting around discussing how crazy she is and ends up screaming at somebody somewhere. Who?

Elvira is screaming at Pedro, requesting a new check. Hopefully, this mess will get Pedro and Cameela closer. Pedro will probably call Cameela to come get mom. My opinion.

Thanks, Anita! So *that's* what this episode was about. I was way off on some of the parts. Really, I am so glad you are keeping the recapping going. I do like this show, maybe 10 x more than I did 2 weeks ago, but without the recaps I'd be sunk.

How cute to put it all in the form of a memo to Meester Smith from Genoveva.

Madelaine - you mentioned Antonio's changing faces. Rita is also excellent with them. She can change from gripey to sweet in a split second. She has a beautiful smile. And when she was sweet talking Oscar to his face, but pulling faces behind his back. So funny when she "kissed" him by putting her fingers to her lips and then to his.

R la O. you are so right about Rita. She has the same face changes according to the circumstances. She was really funny crying to the cop that was taking her statement. And loved the stink eye look she gave Oscar behind his back and then she kisses him with her fingers too funny.

The music is funny too, its always dun dun DUN. You can always tell that something*dramatic* is going on whenever it plays.

Oh I know! I love El Talisman's music! There is an article in this month's espanol people about Jesse and Joy, also Blanca Soto and another one about Aaron Diaz with a DARLING picture. He only has in half as much Brylcream and is smiling a real smile, kind of like his I-love-beating-people-up smile, only cuter.

Then representing Abismo is an article on Mark Tacher. And another on William Levy. So, I recommend you pick one up if you haven't already!

Oooo I wish I could get People en Español...maybe I could subscribe.

That's what I do. Dos anos / $25.

Anita, thank you for the latest edition of the smallest but best newspaper around.

I like Tia Maria and if I had to venture a guess about the falling out, I am sure that Elviral stole away Tia Maria's love, Esteban. That is why he drove himself crazy and ultimately killed himself - anything to get away from Elviral. Of course, this is must a supposition.

I cannot believe how dumb Pedro is and continues to get worse.

Why does everyone think Tony is so wonderful, smart, etc.? I wouldn't buy a used car from that guy.

I really don't care for the teen romance storyline - can we please move on?

I subscribe to People Espanol and TVyNovelas and I really prefer TVyNovelas.

Looking forward to another week in Avocadoville.

Rosemary Primera

Anita, Your format for this recap absolutely rocks. You do the FUG proud, amiga. The danger of the plaga indeed. Oh, and your title is the funniest ever!

OK, I admit I'm a wimp. I only took a sip of wine every time LooKrazia said Mi Amor. I'll leave the situps for tomorrow and the tequila for a Friday or Saturday night.

What the heck happened to Armando in the hospital? Did he all of a sudden wake up and get an emotion transplant? His little outburst was very unlike his typical apathetic attitude.

Welcome Tia Maria and Primo Angel. We've been waiting for you guys!

ElViral is totally losing it. It's so much fun to watch and thank goodness for the mute button.

Thanks again Anita!

Rosemary P, I FF through all the teenybopper parts as well -- but I guess they need something to bring in the next generation of fans. After all, it takes a seasoned palate to appreciate the silver foxes -- I mean, the finer points. BTW, can you say a little more about why you like TVyN better than People? I only have room for one on my coffee table.

Sylvia, I agree that watching Elvira crazy is going to be way more fun than watching her whiny. Here's to the road to the manicomio -- may it be long and rocky!

Wow thank you for great recap.

I have to agree, I only tape Friday episodes, but I fastforward through the teen romance thing, can't we ship them off to some kind of school?

Armando and Pedro, come on, one is lazy and the other one stupid, I don't think I see any male portrayed in a positive light in this TN, except of course for the cop that is trying to be sane. They should just stop everything, and concentrate on the cop trying to resolve the Mariana storyline and end it. I don't think I want Cameela with Pedro. But I know I want to see Lucrazia locked up in a mental ward, and see her brother get punished by not having a belt buckle.

I still expect someone to smack Elvira, and tell her to snap out of it.

Pedro seems to have a long way to go before I can see him as the hero in this one, I just don't understand how the writers would think that Cam is going back to someone that keeps making her second.

Right, Nellie, I do like Pedro, but I pity him. I want Camila to meet a nice guy there at the hospital, go on a normal date, laugh, get engaged, married, move out of Fresno and not feel she has to support her mom and brother. Let them work.

I feel bad I am not rooting for Pedro. Letting Lucrecia slip that wedding garland over his head was just too much. I am over him.

Last word before ET-time (maybe).

As long as we're pairing people up not according to tn regulations. Pedro and Mariana got along so well that maybe they should end up together.

Maybe it'll turn out (sort of like Eva Luna) that Antonio and Lucrecia are not related at all and they could end up together.

Armando should go back to school and get a job in a gym. He could meet a nice, divorced older lady in great shape at the gym, with a nice divorce settlement, and have a nice long affair with her.

Too bad Angel is a blood relation, otherwise I can see him and Camila hooking up. Or Camila and Claudio. Or Camila and Meester Smeeth. But a nice doctor from the hospital would be really cool, as RLO suggests.

Fab & Flo need to grow up--a lot before they settle into upper-class society matrons with a couple of silicone valley VPs.

What about Doris? Do we really leave her with Don Gregorio? How about Lucas for her? They'd be fairly well matched and not bad looking.

Enough matchmaking and on to the show.

While we're matchmaking, I vote for Tía María and that nice bearded cop.

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