Friday, April 27, 2012

Abismo de pasión #34 4/26/12: A rapey snake, a strange encounter, a big surprise, a bored princess, and a save the day.

Old beans, courtesy of Marta:
Alfie turns it up a notch suggesting to hurry up the wedding and then the children will keep Princess Poop busy…
WHOA!! Hold your horses, mommy!! Damian protests that she (Alfie) is going too fast…
Alfie whines he is losing interest in his fiancee. Did he change his mind about marrying her? (FREEZE!)

New beans:
Dam tells Fina of course he hasn’t changed his mind about marrying Florencia, and he goes off looking for her.

When he and Flo connect she tells him he abandoned her and left her alone all day. (Am I watching Abismo or El Talisman?) Elvira Florencia pouts maybe it would be better if she went back to Mexico City. Yep, he says, maybe that would be best. “Que?? You want me to leave?” No, he just feels it was egotistical on his part to think she’d want to stick around when he doesn’t have time for her. She says everything would be different if only he’d accept the job in Mexico City. He doesn’t want to discuss that subject again and she should head back to the DF. “Oh you would just love that,” she whines. She accuses him of not loving her or wanting her around, of lying to her. He denies it, says he loves her and has never lied to her, but he thinks it would be healthy for them to spend some time apart prior to their wedding. “No!” she cries, flinging her arms around him. She never wants to be apart from him for the rest of their lives. He doesn't look thrilled and I think her new nickname is Clingwrap.

Elisa gets home and Paolo forces himself through the door. Elisa is not happy. She doesn’t believe that the door was open earlier, he came into her room, forced a surprise kiss on her and she doesn’t believe he has good intentions. She wants him to disappear from her life forever. “Lárgate ya!, Take off now!” He tries to apologize and swears nothing will happen. “Damn straight nothing’s going to happen,” she says, “because the little “friendship” we had is over.” He tries his fawning but she pushes him out the door and slams it behind him, her big bubble boobs heaving in overinflated outrage. You go girl!

Next morning Gael finds Padre L consulting with the crucifix on the wall. Padre says he wants Gael to go somewhere with him. Gael’s work can wait, this is very important.

Lolita brings Elisa a glass of that ubiquitous orange breakfast beverage, and Elisa tells Lolita that Paolo showed up last night but she told him to take a hike. And he’s not the only imbecile who came through the door. Alfonsina also came for a visit to supposedly strike a bargain. She would help papa’s economic problems if Elisa agreed to cut off all contact with Damian. Lolita thinks Fina must be worried about Damian dumping Flor for Elisa. Elisa says she would have nothing to do with that woman.

Pop! goes the Sleazel! “What do you want tia?” asks Elisa as she spies Orangina lurking behind the door. “Nada mucho,” she purrs fakely sweetly, “just a little breakfast if Lolita has the time.”

Padre and Gael are at The Only Hotel Inn La Ermita when suddenly Ingrid and Gabino bust out the door giggling and kissing into the hallway. Gab’s got her pressed up against the wall and they are really going at it. Gael gets a little bug-eyed. Suddenly Ingrid she opens her eyes. Yikes! Cara impactada! Gael supposes Ingrid is who they came to see. Padre says yep, but evidently this isn’t a good time. “Vamonos!”

They leave and Ingrid is obviously upset. No more nookie for Gabino today. She wants to be alone. He asks what does she have to do with Padre Lupe? “Vete, it’s none of your business,” she cries.

Downstairs, Gael is utterly baffled as to what they are doing there. Why should he care who Ingrid hangs out with? Padre says he just wanted Gael not to trust people so quickly, and to see what kind of people Ingrid is tangled up with. He wanted Gael to see that he (Gael) was wrong about her. (Gabino has snuck downstairs and is eavesdropping.)  Gael tells Padre this is all very lame. Padre says Gael had better get to work, they’ll talk later, and he escapes, his robes in a flutter. Padre, one

Back at Casa Castañon Orangina tries to make nice with Elisa, saying papa wants to try to have a more normal family. (He always says, but never does.) Elisa tells her not to worry, Carmina doesn’t have to act fake in front of her. Carmina says with all the Paolo business she forgot to tell Elisa that Damian stopped by to see how Elisa was doing after losing Blanca. She asks if Elisa is interested in Damian because if so she should put a stop to it before it’s too late. Disgusto would never allow it with all their past history. Elisa says don’t worry, independent of what daddy likes Damian is engaged. “Fine,” smirks Carmina, “you know perfectly well that women fall in love with married and engaged men all the time. Like what what your did.” Elisa narrows her eyes and approaches the Orange Toxic Waste, “More like what you did. I’ll never forget seeing you kiss my father when my mother was still alive.” Zing!

La Anita Pro Ces A Dora is looking busy this wide-angle morning, but inside Paolo is anything but. He doodles. He yawns. He puts his feet up on the desk. He’s put out because the phone rings. It’s brother Guido, full of pride that Paolo is actually working. Paolo complains about all the work to be done. It’s tons of responsibility but he likes it. (Really, he should be wearing hip waders with all the manure that is building up in this office.) Guido says he’s also busy, lots of serious problems at work that he’s trying to resolve. Puhleaze, says Paolo, what money problems to do you have that marrying into the Arangos won’t solve? Guido huffs that he only wants Flor’s happiness. Paolo tells big brother it’s time to wake up and face facts, the wedding is in jeopardy and might not happen. If Guido plays his cards right he can have the black widow eating out of his hand. Guido is indignant but Paolo presses, surely Fina could loan him any amount of money he needs.

Guido’s not calling about his money problems, he’s calling to tell Paolo that Kenia is still desperately looking everywhere for him. “That chick is loca and obsessed with me!” swears Paolo. Guido says that’s what Paolo gets for sniffing around young girls. He’s got a very serious problem and he needs to come home and deal with it. “Sorry big bro, I’m way too busy at my new job to come back now or in the future!”

Vaya vaya vaya...Ingrid opens her hotel room door and who is on the other side? It’s the chica loca herself, Kenia! “What in the hell are you doing here?” When they spoke on the phone last night Ingrid told Kenia very clearly not to come to La Ermita! Kenia tells her so sorry if she’s messing up Ingrid’s plans, but she needs her. Ingrid scoffs, it’s not her fault Kenia got tangled up with a cad who dumped her. Kenia says she thought her life would be different from Ingrid’s. She really thought Paolo loved her, and would marry her if she ended up pregnant. Now she can’t find him anywhere, he’s left the country, and his brother won’t tell her where he is. Ingrid suggests Kenia tone it down and calmly ask for financial help. Kenia yelps that’s no good either. She investigated and the Landuccis are on the verge of ruin.

More yelling and blaming. Ingrid suggests Kenia go back to the DF and get rid of the little package. Kenia says she’s here and maybe she’ll dump her baby on the church steps, huh? Or tell Ingrid’s son what Ingrid is up to. Now Ingrid is really pithed, and says Kenia has no idea what she is capable of if Kenia gets in the way of her plans. “If you want me to leave then give me money,” demands Kenia, “And if you don’t have money then find some. I’ll be here for a few days.” Ingrid angrily says she’s got something to do and Kenia needs to get her own room. “And by the way, don’t you dare tell anyone I’m your mother.”  

Over at La Pro Ces A Dora Damian asks Braulio what exactly is Enrique’s job? “Oh a little of everything, he’s one of the laborers, but his degree is in agricultural engineering.” Damian says then Braulio should put Enrique in the job that makes the most sense for his profession. Braulio points out Gabino doesn’t like people changing his decisions. “If Gabino asks tell him it’s my order.”

Enrique (aka Kike) has gone over to Doc Tovar’s office and is down in the dumps. Paloma asks if it’s because she is his secretary. Nopis, he’s got too many of his own problems to be worried about that. Doc Tovar actually seems quite pleased to see Kike, its been a long time since he visited dad’s office. Kike reminds dad that he said he was also Kike’s friend, is that true? His problem is about a girl he likes a lot. The bad part is that she’s not single, not married but practically. Dad asks what does she feel about Kike? The kid’s not sure, he thinks she likes him, but she’s about to get married. Dad says mucho cuidado, sometimes women like to play with men’s feelings. Gosh, sounds like dad knows about this firsthand. Dad warns Kike that mama is very interested in whoever called Kike a couple of nights ago. Uh oh, Kike doesn’t want dad sharing this with mom. Oh hell no son, but as long as she’s engaged Kike shouldn’t breathe a word of this to Blabamom.

Ingrid is late to work and gets a well-deserved reaming by Maru. (That was fun.) Flor shows up and asks Ingrid to announce her. “Who is calling?”  “Uh duh, his fiancee Florencia Landucci!” she sniffs. Landucci?? Ingrid is impactada as Paolo comes out to give Flor a big hug. She introduces herself and learns his name, Paolo Landucci. Her little cogs and sprockets start turning. (No, not “Hey that’s my husband!” as some of you might be thinking.)

Paolo complains to Flor that the only reason for his being in this wretched town just slipped through his fingers. Flor can’t believe that a simple pueblerina like Elisa is not interested in the infamous Paolo. She teases him. He gets mad. She says she’s going to kill time with Sabrina because apparently her Damian is indisposed.

Elisa tells Lolita that she’s going over to Paloma’s casa for a while. Lolita warns her to come home before  it gets too dark, walking around the cenote can be dangerous. Uh oh. Pop! goes the Sleazel! Orangina pops her head out from around the door and smirks at what she has just overheard.

Damian gets home from work and asks if Flor is around. Paolo says she stopped by the Pro Ce and said she might visit Sabrina. The phone rings, it’s an amiga for Paolo. It’s Orangina calling to apologize for how things went with Elisa the other day. She says maybe things can improve if he has a chance to talk to Elisa without interruption. Orangina reveals that Elisa is visiting a friend on the other side of the cenote and if he plays his cards right maybe he’ll run into her. Click. Paolo’s got to play it cool because Damian is behind him this whole time, glaring and listening. Paolo won’t tell Dam who it was and Dam heads out of the house, ostensibly to look for Flor. Darn, he probably thinks it was Elisa.

Hey, we finally get to see the inside of Sabrina’s salon. Flor is there refusing a haircut because she’s sure the styles in this backwater aren’t the latest style. I would have whacked her with the magazine but Sabrina doesn’t bat an eye. She asks Flor about Paolo and Elisa. Flor teases Sabrina about liking her uncle but then warns her about him. He only likes women who are kind of liberal. “Huh?” With distracted morals. “Huh?” “Oh for pete’s sake like Elisa Castanon!” “Ohhhhhhh right.” Kike arrives and is stunned to see Flor. He happily agrees to escort her home.

Out in the street Damian on horseback sees Paolo whiz by on his bike.

Ramona gives Elisa a warm welcome and invites her to sit and wait for Paloma to get home. Besides, she wants to have a little talk with Elisa. Elisa admits when she thinks of Blanca she feels very alone. Ramona reminds Elisa she’s got her padrino, Dolores, Ramona and all of her friends who love her a lot, including Damian. Ramona agrees that Elisa has suffered a lot or one so young, and she will probably suffer some more, but in the end she’ll get her just recompense. She laughs because she’s a witch and she can see the future. (So cute.) Elisa kisses Ramona and says she’ll go meet Paloma in the woods. No! Stay. Out. Of. The. Woods.

Kike and Flor have stopped for coffee and Kike’s still grumpy. He says he’s uncomfortable with what they are doing. She scoffs that they aren’t “doing” anything, but if he’s uncomfortable and doesn’t want to be friends she’ll leave right now. “No no no, wait,” he begs. She tells him not to make things so complicated and complains that there’s no privacy in this town. He has an idea.

Suddenly it’s dark in the woods where Elisa strolls the cenote. Pop! goes the Sleazel! (Are we allowed to have two?) This time it’s Paolo. “Que haces aqui?” she demands, “are you following me?” The big bad sleazel denies it, this is just a coincidence. He offers to walk her home and she tells him to bug off. He grabs her and says the world will know just what kind of woman she is. “Estupido!” she yells as she hauls off and slaps him. She brushes by him but he grabs her from behind and presses her against a rock. She yells at him to let her go but he keeps pressing, ugh. “Leave me alone degenerate,” she cries. He swears he’s going to make her his and tells her to shut up; he covers her mouth. Noooo!!

Damian rides by and dismounts. Scream Elisa, Scream! She breaks free and hollers. Super Damian to the rescue! He rips Paolo away from Elisa. “Eres un asco!”  (You’re disgusting!) and proceeds to beat Paolo to a pulp. Paolo gets a couple of good punches in and a head butt but he’s no match for Super Damian. Paloma comes onto the scene, hugs Elisa and begs Damian not to kill Paolo. Dam gets one more good kick in and explains Paolo was trying to rape Elisa. Paloma hustles Elisa away while Dam glares down at Paolo.

Ingrid returns to her hotel and is irritated to find Kenia waiting for her. Kenia laughs when she finds out Ingrid is working. That’s not like Ingrid, especially for the two pesos she must be earning in this town. Ingrid assures her that very soon her situation is going to change. Kenia hopes so for both their sakes. Ingrid tells her to go back to Mexico City but Kenia says she prefers to stay with Ingrid. Besides, Paolo left so she has nothing back in the DF. Ingrid asks does she expect to find Paolo in this one-horse town? Now beat it!

Oh darn, I thought we were going to get an Assgusto-free night. He arrives home and the first question he has for Orangina is “Where is Elisa?” Dolores tells him she went to visit Paloma. Carmina tries to put a bad spin on it, Elisa left much earlier than Paloma gets off work. Assgusto thinks she should have been home by now. Dolores points out when girls talk sometimes they lose track of time. Assgusto challenges her, who is Elisa with? “If you don’t believe me then look for her yourself,” suggests Dolores, “You can find her and then she won’t have to come home alone. Go!”  But he doesn’t.

Elisa is recovering at the yerberia and Ramona is in high dudgeon, she never liked that Paolo! Elisa swears she did nothing to entice him and she is terrified of what her father will do if he finds out. He won’t believe her. Paloma says Damian was a witness. Doesn’t matter, she cries, her father never, ever believes her. Ramona will take Elisa home.

Ingrid visits Padre Lupe, her alligator tears are flowing. She asks what Padre told Gael about her. Nada, he says, and she should thank God he didn’t tell Gael about her before they saw her at the hotel. She swears she is truly repentant and wants Padre to intercede on her behalf. He doesn’t believe her and says she sure didn’t waste any time hooking up with with losers like Gabino Mendoza. Por Favor, says the padre, decent women don’t spend the night with men they barely know. Blah blah blah Gael was shocked. Padre says he has nothing else to say to her. Sorry, but he’s got things to do so later.

Kike has taken Flor to dad’s office where they can talk without interruption. This was his great idea? Man, there really is no place to go in town. She says she’s known Damian for many years, since they were children, studying and never speaking Italian together in Italy. “Are you very in love with him?” asks the brainiac. “We’re going to be married,” she says. He points out that doesn’t really answer the question. She says their relationship has changed since they arrived in La Ermita. She’s become a little confused because in this town she’s met some very interesting people. “Como tú,” she says, laying a kiss on him. He tells her not to play with him, his feelings are serious. “Don’t misunderstand me. I’d better go,” she says. Kike grabs her and the kissing continues.

Gael gets home and wants to finish the odd conversation that Padre started with him this morning. He demands to know why Padre took him to see Señora Ingrid. Padre insists it’s because he wanted Gael to see she hangs out with types like Gabino, that she’s not trustworthy. Gael scoffs, that’s absurd. How could Padre know Gabino would walk out in that very moment? He insists he’s not a little boy anymore so tell him the truth. Padre is squirming and looks 100% guilty.  Gael says padre is acting very suspicious and if he didn’t know better he’d think Padre had lost his mind (deschavetado = nutty, perdido la chaveta). OK, OK, says Padre, he admits what he did was stupid. Gael’s not letting him off the hook. Padre is hiding something and he wants to know the truth!

Avances: Damian gets home all messy and bloody. Fina assumes Elisa lured Paolo. Antonia reluctantly admits to Damian that Elisa called Paolo (but someone is obviously making her lie). Damian bursts into Elisa’s room. She really needs to get a lock for that door.


Stuff we learned & confirmed in this episode:

Kenia is pregnant

Kenia is Ingrid's daughter (therefore Gael's sister)

Landuccis are broke

I still say it must be written into David Zepeda's contract that his character gets into a bloody fight in every novela.

great job on a fairly odd episode, Sylvia!
loved your depiction of that hotel scene... with Gael's bug eyes at watching Gabino and Ingrid at it..
Gael supposes Ingrid is who they came to see. Padre says yep, but evidently this isn’t a good time. “Vamonos!”
then Gael tells Padre that the whole scheme of wanting him to come see Ingrid only to get to see she is not as sweet angel as he thought has no head or tails (makes no sense at all)...

at the cenote scene when Damian gets there he calls Paolo a pervert first, then an 'asco' (filth).
Damian tells Paloma Paolo wanted to rape Elisa and to take Elisa away, that he will take care of this 'sick man', then he tells Elisa she will be alright. that was nice of Damian to address Elisa and how she feels before anything else...
Was this the most conservative dress Elisa has worn in all the episodes we have seen yet? exactly on the episode she almost gets raped... odd, isn't it?
I can really understand Gael's total confusion on Padre's attitude about Ingrid... and also his demanding Padre tell him what is going on...

Gael was standing there with his arms crossed, i was wondering what went through his head 'ok, Padre... you brought me here to watch a free x-rated show?' ... first the bug eyes, then a great pose by Mark T... you can tell he did a bit of modeling before acting.

Ingrid seems to really care about Gael and not so much about Kenya, so maybe she did love Rosendo but not Kenya's dad?... i wonder exactly what went on back then with Rosendo and Ingrid, and whether Alfonsina would recognize Ingrid at first sight.

Anon201, lol about DZ always in fights. So true! I was absolutely gobsmacked when Kenia showed up at Ingrid's door.

Marta, you are up late. Thank you for your comments and help with what was going on. Yes, this episode had some odd things going.

For some reason it started about 10 minutes late and ran 10 minutes into the next hour. Thank goodness I was watching real-time or I would have missed the last 10 minutes. Why does Univision do that?

Even though I hated the attempted rape scene I have to give huge props to Sergio Mayer. He can go from a buffoon to a sleek don juan to a frightening rapist in the blink of an eye. He was very believable!

Oh, and Marta, good point about Elisa's dress. It was quite short but at least her boobies weren't busting out all over. For once.

Yes, I wonder too if Alfonsina will recognize Ingrid. We still don't know who she was or what she did way back when in La Ermita.

it was so funny that Paolo tells Guido that since Flo is having issues with Damian and their wedding is really in thin ice, to go for plan B with the widow (Alfie)...

LOL!!! on padre's last attempt argument at 'explaining himself':
an experience like that will help you with your character building (formacion)...
then he admits the whole thing was silly... what else do you want me to say? ... how about the truth, padre??!! (You go Gael!)

Gotta hand it to Paolo, he's never one to miss an opportunity. He might be lazy but his mind is always going.

Why does Padre think he can pull one over on Gael? Those two know each other so well that when they face each other it must feel like looking in the mirror. His big plan was a big backfire.

exactly, cap'n. like Gael said in the very end... if i did not know you i would say you are going nuts... i am no little kid, i am a man now! i just want the truth, padre!! I know deep in my soul that you are hiding/keeping something from me.
I think Parfe needs to follow up on what he told Gael the other day in the church... "Gael is a grown man now and he should be allowed to make his own decisions"... FULLY informed of course!
SO Padre! follow up on that!! TELL HIM THE TRUTH and LET HIM DECIDE!.. no need for gimmicks to make Ingrid look bad in his eyes. LET HIM DECIDE!

sorry its getting late... Parfe=Padre

Hee, I was wondering. And already trying to find the meaning of Parfe.

Thanks Sylvia! Was trying to watch last night and be on the phone, so saw some action but didn't catch dialog. You're a lifesaver!!

The most frustrating part of the whole attempted rape scene? Elisa admitting her father never believes her.And with Dam as the witness, yeah that won't go over well either. Just get out of that house already!!

And Guppy can just die already...(and why can't she make her own breakfast? )

Kenia is a little b*&*&* and II's daughter. Not a plotline right now I"m thrilled to be watching.

ANd then poor Gael. Honestly, he must be thinking the Padre has gone totally loco. He is a big boy...tell him the truth. He's going to find out eventually anyway.

Oh my, you step away from the TN for the NFL draft and you miss a lot. I hope I have it all considering the odd 10 minute late, 10 minute into the next hour business (which frankly scares the stew out of me. Looneyvision did that crap right before moving LQNPA to the ungodly hour of 10 PM)

Now, on to the recap. What a marvel!!
I enjoyed the following gems:
*Her new nickname is Clingwrap
*Blabamom (Truly inspired and totally getting stolen)
*She really needs to get a lock for that door

Sylvia, this was exceptional and you scattered many gems in the lovely garden you created: "Clingwrap", "ubiquitous orange breakfast beverage" and "his robes in a flutter" among many others.

Your narration was superb (as always) - you are such a gifted writer.

I so enjoyed that Paolo's office was better suited for a closet. No work, no computer only a lone pencil. It appears answering the phone occasionally from his brother might be his only duty. George Costanza had a similar job but even he had the Penske file.

Lolita handles Augusto like a seasoned pro. She knew challenging him to find Elisa would keep him from doing so. Augusto wasn't looking to vent his rage and frustration on Elisa at quite that moment. We will give him a few more minutes.

So many wonderful, kind caring mothers in this! Add Ingrid to the list. Blech.

Did Carmina tell Antonia that she was Elisa when she called for Paolo?

Flo fueled Paolo's fire by chastising him for not living up to his Don Juan rep. I guess it's too much to hope that Paolo will be charged with attempted rape? I want Damian to run Paolo straight out of Dodge but I'm afraid of where he would land and what other poor victims he would hurt. A nice long jail sentence seems appropriate.

How much more must Elisa endure? Her crying to Ramona that her father won't believe her was heartbreaking. And true.


Ingrid and Gambino, you're in the hotel already, why throw yourselves around the halls when your room is paid for? Ingrid, you weren't looking like mother of the year when Gael saw you!!!! You need to tighten up your game, lots of people are on to you!

Sylvia, wonderful recap. I'm afraid that I'll have to join the chorus of people that loved "Clingwrap".......soooo true! If Flo would follow Julia's advice of yesterday and start painting or SOMETHING maybe she wouldn't be the reigning "Miss World Clingwrap!"

OT: For those who like to see a member of our telenovela familia do well, this is a clip of Mark Anthony and Sara Evans singing a Lionel Richie hit on a TV special. Mark Anthony is a "first cousin twice removed" in our Caray novela family, not an actor (as far as I know), but a singer! Sñr. Anthony did a wonderful job on the song! Careful with the volume if you are at work!

Endless Love


Many thanks Sylvia. This episode threw a lot at us and you relayed it perfectly and with humor.

Just to be clear, Padre finally decided to bring Gael to Ingrid to reveal the truth to him. I understand how he would be totally thrown off his game when they found her getting it on with Gabino. "Hey son. You see that nice lady there, getting freaky with the biggest sleaze in town? That's your mommy! Aren't you so happy?!"

But once they were back home and had a bit of distance from the situation, he should have just told him. It will be so much worse when the truth comes out.

Gael will now inherit a mama and a sister, who are both gold-diggers.

The previews clearly show a very uncomfortable Tonia (because she's lying) standing next to Alfie when she says Elisa is the one who called. That has Alfie's influence/threats written all over it. Damian is about to stick his foot in his mouth big time when he questions her about it. She will not forgive that very easily, and he deserves her scorn for even thinking something like that possible. Even if he believes Tonia is trustworthy, he knows she's under his mother's influence.

I was very happy that his distrust of Paolo lead him to follow Paolo and rescue Elisa.

Another thing we learned this episode. Flo (or Flor as Kike calls her) confirmed that she and Damian only started dating a year ago, even though they spent most of their adolescence together. The trigger for them getting together romantically was her mother passing away, when Damian stepped up to the plat to support her after her loss. Now I understand better how/why this relationship got started.

Thanks for the recap, Cap'n Sylvia! I'll get to watch this episode later, if at all, so I truly appreciate the summary. Loved the "ClingWrap". I'm betting my DVR didn't get the ten minutes that ran into the next hour. It won't let us program the darned thing to start a few minutes early, so I always miss the first few minutes of AdP. Gah!

So... Kenia shows up in La Ermita, and we are surprised. We find out she is Ingrid's daughter . . . why are we not surprised.

Sylvia you scanp! You came up with such a wonderful slew of nicknames in this one:

Clingwrap (Florencia)
Big Bubble Boobs (Elise)

Yup, as you can see the last two are my favorites. Orangina and Tropicana aren't evil enough. Orange Toxic Waste really conveys the poison that reigns in this woman's soul.

But for some reason, the line that really cracked me up was about Damian and Florencia "studying and never speaking Italian together in Italy." Maybe because my youngest's semester abroad in Italy had much the same result. Other than order a cafecito or two in a public restaurant, I don't think she spoke or learned a word of Italian the whole time she was there. (Saw a lot of wonderful art though.)

I desperately need something positive to happen for Elise. This has been unrelentingly grim for her so far. Throw us a bone writers!

And thanks so much Sylvia. Another gem. Which, of course, is what we've come to expect from you.
And you never disappoint.

Sylvia thanks for your recap. ITA that SM can go from a smooth operator to a rapey snake very quickly. Not that we didn't know that Paolo is bad but his fast turn to rapist was a bit disconcerting with what we've seen of his character. But I guess the sad reality of men like him is in spite of their skills and ability to manipulate, this won't stop them from resorting to violence. Ick.

The info on how Dam/Flo got together was interesting and explains his gradual realization that she isn't his best choice.

In addition to poor Elisa having to put up with Dam impending questions based on his mother making Antonia lie, the sibling lie is bound to surface soon.

I too loved Clingwrap, big bubble boobs and
I can see Lolita telling Elisa:
you need to get a lock on that door! (so true!)

poor Elisa... she is right in that everyone beginning with her own father will believe the worst of her... esp with Alfie getting Antonia to lie for her.

That Paolo is a nasty one, isn't he?!
He suffers from a serious entitlement syndrome, too. I'm hoping for a deliciously wicked end for him in this telenovela. Maybe his "brain" will get The Rot and fall off.

And I'm still channeling Elisa to morph into Laura Croft Tomb Raider and stick it to everyone who has hurt her!

Great job, Sylvia. Love Clingwrap. She displayed that same property in LldA. Clingy? Yes... but oh so cute.

My favorite line? Your last:

"She really needs to get a lock for that door."

I thought that Julia was going to open up a door lock franchise in Mexico.

After this episode I've decided to dial back my defense of Ingrid a notch. Heck, I always try to see the best in people... especially pretty women... sometimes they let me down.


Sylvia: Loved the Clingwrap comment.

I really wonder if Ingrid and Tonia are really mother/daughter - or, whether they are scam artists who fell on hard times when their mark turned out to be worthless.

Also, Ingrid is the best-dressed unemployed woman/secretary in that little village. She has some plan for Paolo - she knows who he is, but, he doesn't seem to know her - unlike Lucio.

Even if Elisa did call Paolo (which she didn't) the screams told it all. Surely Damian isn't that stupid.

Carmina tops the list of the most evil - she set up Elisa to be raped then is prepared to blame the girl.


Probably what happened is this:

Alfie: It was Elisa Castañon who called, right?

Toña: I don't think so, I don't know.

Alfie: It was Elisa Castañon who called, RIGHT? (gives Antonia the stink eye)

Toña (catching the hint): Uh, yeah. Yeah, it was Elisa Castañon.

Alfie: Ok, well that's what you're going to tell Damian.

I would kind of give Damian a break on thinking Elisa "could" be the town slut, especially since everyone including her own family attests that she is. It would be one thing if he were just hearing it from Alfie, Begoña and Sabrina but when he's hearing slut rumors wafting from Augusto and Carmina....

But even IF Elisa WERE the town slut, and even IF she did call Paolo, that doesn't give him any excuse to attack her, and that's what Damian SAW, Paolo attacking Elisa.

Oops! I forgot to mention that I noticed that Carmina's teeth glow in the dark. Next time she peeks her head out of a dark corner - just take a look.

Hang on Sylvia -

Marta - Thanks for your informative recap on Wednesday's episode. They are always a delight to read. I am just sorry I can't get to them on Thursdays! Please know I am always appreciative of your intelligence and wit.

Sylviahhhh - Haven't watched this yet, but loved the recap.
-"Clingwrap" this has a double meaning, her demeanor AND her dresses
-"Pop! Goes the Sleazel!" Who would have thought we'd get to use that line repeatedly? That sneaky little thing hiding in the shadows with her glowing teeth.
-"Orange Toxic Waste" lol lol
-"her big bubble boobs heaving in overinflated outrage". That black dress she had on during Marta's episode was so beautiful, yet you couldn't even look at it without seeing squeaky balloons (thanks Sara!).
Are these people's agents afraid to tell them they are over the top? Anaranja-ho's too orange, Elisa's too buxom, Assgusto needs his hair styled. It's just too circus-y and bizarre. Certainly they can't be going for that look.

I do not think Ingrid loved Rosendo. She's come back for the money. Could she have just found out about the accident?

R la O

I think Ingrid really is Kenia's mother, because she made a comment about how hard up they are "now that your father has stopped sending us money." And now that she's recommended abortion, we know she has to stand in the baddie line. No redemption for her.

Carmina's floating head last night was like a big orange balloon with eyes and teeth, tethered to various doorknobs. It was creepy.

Sandy in TN, I'm so glad you have joined the conversation. I've missed you.

Vivi, thank you for clarifying that Padre had intended to tell Gael the truth. Even so, showing up at someone's room in the a.m. before that someone goes to work is a really stupid idea. Padre might be a great papa and Padre, but some of his other social skills are seriously lacking.

I don't think Damian actually followed Paolo. I think he was probably going to the cenote to reminisce and stumbled on the rape. But I could be wrong. I would love that he actually tracked Paolo.

Oh, and I totally missed that Flor said she and Dam had just started dating a year or so ago. So he is one of those savers of lost souls. Move over Flor, Elisa is way more lost than you are, lol! (I am going to start calling her Flor to, because there is already a Flo in El Tal and same-names confuse me.)

Doris, Elisa was showing signs of Laura Croft until Paolo got too strong for her. I have hopes for her too.

JudyB, figures you would catch the "not speaking Italian". I still think it's hilarious that the Landucci's don't even have accents, although in earlier episodes it sounded like they might be trying.

Since Blue Lass coined Pop! goes the Sleazel; it's her call if we get to add another sleazel. Blue Lass? Did you ever think we would get this much mileage out of your nursery rhyme?

ok so we have Ingrid learning that Flo and Paolo Landucci are in town (possibly more family members too)... does she know Kenya's baby daddy's lastname? did she make the connection? I think she did... but i guess she wants Kenya gone and out of her way so she did not tell Kenya that Paolo is in town...

R la O - I think they definitely are pushing the envelope and "going for that look." Televisa sells these telenovelas to markets all over the world. I have a feeling that "over the top" is what sells right now. Imagine my shock, disgust, and embarrassment upon seeing the U.S. show "Wife Swap" on Irish TV several years ago, during a trip over there. Look at how many "real housewives of ****" so-called reality shows are on TV in the U.S., as IF those are real housewives. Over-the-top is what sells, right now.

marta - I think you're right about Ingrid wanting Kenia out of the way, because she knows the Landuccis are broke. The big fish she wants to reel in is Gael and his "inheritance" share from Rosendo's estate. Kenia's presence can cause nothing but problems. That's my theory.

My DVR chopped off those ten minutes of overtime, too. I am sooo grateful for the recap!

Pour moi, you may certainly have as many sleazels as you like. We may have to start giving them more specific monikers, like Smurfs: Orangina Sleazel, Snakey Sleazel, Bandanahand Sleazel, Freckleboob Sleazel...

Oh, and I was totally wrong about Ingrid's attitude toward Gabino -- I thought she was giving him the bum's rush, but obviously he suited her just fine, if she put up with him all night. Ugh. She could at least have made him take a shower.

I think this is my 6th telenovela in just a little over a year, and the ONLY thing I have correctly predicted in that whole time was that Damián's mommy was giving him a horsey.

Thank you Sylvia.

This TN is not turning out like I thought. I thought for sure that Augusto would reveal to Carmina that he is not Elisa's dad and then Carmina would let it slip in front of the doc's wife so she could spread the tale. This would make Elisa/Damien/Gael related. Am happy they did not go there. I thought Gael would suffer the most knowing he had a brother and sister.

Wrinkle-free Sleazel, Kimmie Hibler Sleazel, Hair on Top of Hair Sleazel, or Cracked Lens Sleazel, Ace Bandage Sleazel, Eats Too Many Carrots Sleazel.

Damian got a very suspicious face when Paolo received that phone call at Alfie's from 'a woman'. Damian knows Paolo's ways with women and he probably was heading after Paolo to prevent a woman from hts hometown to fall into Paolo's black book of 'been there, done that'. He knows from Gael that Paolo had targetted Elisa so that might have helped Damian in deciding to follow Paolo. Paolo was in his Harley(?) and Damian was in his horse... so unless Damian was following Paolo intentiionally, thee is no way he would have ended up at the cenote too... first thing he sees when he gets in the cenote area is Paolo's bike and then he DID hear Elisa say 'Paolo please!!' No!!' and that is when he started running and got there in a flash.
so i definitely think Damian actually tracked Paolo down to the cenolte and jumped into action when he heard Elisa's screams calling Paolo by name.

OK good. I like that Damian tracked Paolo. I have a small, crappy TV and I missed that Dam saw Paolo's bike.

So many sleazels, so many great names!

Thanks for the recap! I'm looking forward to watching this (mostly to see Dam beat the snot out of Paolo). Didn't have time last night, but I couldn't wait to find out what happens.

Let me calm your fears about the schedule shenanigans: They aren't messing with your show, they're messing with Familia, again some more. Last night they crammed THREE episodes into the 2+ hour time slot. I'm hoping that was a one-time deal and not something they're going to continue.

Ingrid does know that Kenia's baby daddy is Paolo Landucci. Kenia kept referring to "Paolo" and then used the Landucci name when she said that they were nearly broke.

Ingrid Sleazel nearly licked her chops when she asked Paolo to introduce himself to her. She just wanted to confirm her new mark.

Thanks Carlos and Sylvia for the welcome!

Carlos, your instinct of yesterday on Ingrid's tense background music was on target. Yes, she is looks like a sneazle, walks like a sneazle and quacks like a sneazle. At least the writers let us know quickly.

Doris, do we have a seamstress around who will volunteer to do the alterations on the bodice of Angelina Jolie's Laura Croft costume to fit the "bodice" of Angelique Boyer's? I think the job will require much more than letting out the darts! I hear you are good on a sewing machine........

I wish I had been at the cenote for the beat down. I would have taken a big stick and bopped Paulo on the head instead of just crying on the sidelines! What is it with damsels in distress? In tough situations, they need to pitch in and help!

Blue Lass, like you, I am legendary for my WRONG novela predictions. Of course, that doesn't seem to stop me from chiming in!!!

ok then Ingrid is definitely trying to get Kenya out of town before Kenya finds out Paolo is there so Kenya won't shed the spottlight on them when she goes after Paolo... especially now that Kenya told her the Landuccis are ruined so the only pot of gold worth aiming for is the Arango one via Gael.

"I still think it's hilarious that the Landucci's don't even have accents, although in earlier episodes it sounded like they might be trying."

To me it seems that Florencia speaks w/ a faux Italian accent about 15% of the time and her father a bit more often.....but Paolo, never.

The actor playing Guido is half Italian. However, Sergio Meyer isn't convincing me.

Paolo is beyond creepy and well into revolting. And Assgusto will be no better when he refuses to believe his own daughter.

Amazing comments. I've been lurking here during this entire novela and eagerly anticipate reading the commentary after each episode!
Quiestion :(I may have missed this) Do we know who Kenia's father is?

Hi Sandy! Hi Kathleen!

Sandy lol about the alterations needing more than letting out the darts. And then some. Maybe Doris can add dangling balloon strings. That would give Elisa a festive look all day long.

Kathleen, I don't think we know who Kenia's father is just yet. I am betting whoever it is now works at the pro ce sa dor a. So many characters, such a small world.

OK, thanks Anon. Admittedly I am not very good at picking up on that sort of thing. Nice to know they are at least trying on the accents.

I, too, am wondering about Kenia's dad. La Ermita is one very small town.

But Kenya is a minor (or was at the time she was with Paolo) and we know Gael and Damian are at least 23 or so... so Kenya might have been conceived away from La Ermita and her dad is not involved in our story... remember the only rich guys in La Ermita were supposed to be Rosendo and to an extent Asgusto so if this guy ahd money, chances are he was not in this town and was an affair of Ingrid's AFTER she left town.

I doubt that Kenia's father is someone we currently know, but maybe he will appear later in the story. Most shows bring in more characters later after some of the originals have been killed off/gotten boring, to keep the story from getting stale.

Vaya! Elisa's boobs are no match for my mediocre sewing skills. Blanca should have taken care of that before she got herself bumped off. There is not enough fabric there, in those bodices, to let out anything. ;-) Elisa will continue to run the risk of death by silicone explosion. (or is it saline, these days?)(which further makes me wonder how mammograms go . . . ?)

Hi, Sylvia:
Thanks for this recap. As usual it was wonderful to read your work. Sorry to be so late to comment.


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