Thursday, April 26, 2012

Abismo de pasión #33 4/25/12: 'I AM THE LADY OF THE HOUSE' cries MISS PEACHYBEECH... and BOYS WILL BE BOYS

 Recap by Marta Ivett
Replay: Paloma warning Inmundo about Carmina, who did not show up to the funeral because she never liked Blanca, and giving Dr the lab results.
At La Anita, we rewatch Lucio giving Irritating Ingrid a weird stare while she tries to hide her face from him. (Maru also notices this exchange). Gabino introduces Maru/Ingrid.
‘Does Damian know already? / Yes’
Inmundo receives ToadHead after shutting up Paloma, who was ready to spill the beans about his earlier relationship with Nemo-Ho. Inmundo gives ToadHead the results.
ToadHead takes them home to read them in private. (what’s wrong, Toadhead? ashamed of having a friend watch you cry a river?)
Nemo-Ho moody so she takes it on Super-Lolita, who is also too moody to hear Nemo-Ho’s insults and nagging (the house is a pigsty, you work for me, I am the LADY of the house, you are under my command)…
Lola’s backfires:
            You brag you are ‘the lady of the house’… I wish you really behaved like it.
            I am sure you let that Paolo come into my nina Elisa’s bedroom.
            So much insistence of you for pairing my nina Elisa and that ‘tipo’
            I am not buying that one (lie) from you. I know you hate my nina Elisa, and want to know why?
Because she is daughter of MY Senora Elisa.. and every time you see Elisa you remember HER.
All your life you were jealous of your sister. And above all, envy.
            I know you hate my nina Elisa so much you would go to any measures to harm her.
            IF you could, you would make Elisa disappear into thin air for good!
Nemo-Ho yells at & fires Lolita, getoutaDODGE!! U GOT 15 mins to pack your dirt balls (bola de mugre).
Irate/intense/determined Gael arrives at Arango hacienda looking for Paolo and making lotta racket… Tonita tells him quickly that Paolo might be at the pro-ce-sa-do-ra.. Gael is leaving when Alfie comes out nagging about the racket… when she sees who it is she turns on the offensive face and takes the opportunity to throw mudd at her absent  brother for not teaching Gael manners… (this woman is something else?) what do you want? (and you want an answer when you give him that kind of a welcome speech?) Tonita tells her he came looking for Gael… I did not know you had established a friendship with my daughter in law’s unkahunk … / that man is not my friend, ma’am. / then why do you want to see him? / … with all due respect (love that disclaimer he gives before insulting gossipy older ladies), that is none of your business… c’iao(leaves her all stirred talking to herself about having to take his disrespect. LOL)
Nemo-Ho is still trying to get Super-Lolita busy packin’… Elisa arrives and asks Nemo-Ho why she fired Super-Lolita… Elisa asks Lolita why she got fired, Lolita says she told Nemo-Ho she was the one that let Paolo in Elisa’s room…. Elisa asks Lolita if she really believes Nemo-Ho capable of that… yes, of that and much more… Elisa says Lolita stays…  Lolita says she is leaving… she does not have to take any more crap from Nemo-Ho. Elisa tells her she would be left all alone. Lolita assures her that would not be.
At La Anita, Paolo is not happy with the office space Gabino is setting for him. He wanted a jacuzzi, leather sofa, baño turco, etc. Gabino did not expect him so soon… Paolo tells Gabino he lost some points with Elisa last night… tells Gabino he got in her room, and if it was not for her father arriving, he would have had better luck with Elisa… it was her aunt Nemo-Ho’s idea to let him in there. Gabino laughs and warns Paolo Nemo-Ho is special. Better b careful with her or she’ll use you for her own agenda.
At warehouse, Damian, who is somewhat irritated already, confronts Kike why he wanted to see Flo… he still does not understand why he used two women (his sister and Flo) to get Damian to forgive him without firing him from the job. It is not logical at all. Damian says it is a shame that Kike feels like he needs to use women to fix his problems, Damian doesn't mix personal issues with business matters. And with that he leaves Kike, who looks like he needs another minute to understand what Damian just said…
Elisa argues with Nemo-Ho who seems to like the sound of the phrase ‘I am the lady of the house’ out of her fish lips… she keeps on repeating it… and she has the right to hire or fire the help… Elisa says Lolita has been with them for years, she is more a member of the family…  Nemo-Ho says Lolita disrespected her. Elisa asks how? Because she said you let Paolo in my room? I am beginning to believe that too.
 Nemo mocks her… and finds another phrase ‘I am your family and you believe her more than me’.
Elisa says ‘you are the most bitter person I have ever met’.
ToadHead walks in his studio at home with the lab results in his hands… and we have that heavy breathing music while he remembers that Nemo-Ho told him Elisa is not his daughter… and when Elisa asked him to tell him and he did not and did not let Nemo-Ho either…  also when Lucio rebutted that idea… also early on when he came home and Estefania and Elisa were preparing the dinner table for the Arango family as guests… he reads the result and begins to cry… burns the paper with a lighter…
(so in this town they have lighters and hi-liters [Gael was using one when reading the paper looking for a job] but no cell phones) ..he thinks ‘Elisa is not my daughter’… and continues crying…
Gael arrives at La Anita and charges Paolo, in front of Maru, Ingrid and Gabino…
Gael gets IN HIS FACE and demands that Paolo play nice with Elisa (why does he remind me of Woody from Toy Story here?)… Paolo rebuts that Elisa loves the way he treats her… Gael says he will make Paolo swallow those words and when he is about to beat the crap out of him, Damian arrives and grabs him from behind… Damian asks Gael what is going on. Gael yells that ‘your friend’ is an imbecil, Gael leaves mad… Damian asks Paolo why Gael said that, Paolo plays innocent victim… Damian goes out and asks Gael what is his bronca with Paolo… Somebody poisoned the water hole!! (no, just kiddin!) Gael tells him that imbecil is crossing the line with Elisa… don’t know the details but it is enough to know that man was in Elisa’s room and I am sure he did not have good inentions!! (not exactly with a tea party invitation in his hand)  Damian impactado, now he is the one looking intense/determined.
Looking sweet as ever, Lolita has her tied up box and old suitcase… heading out… Elisa catches her at the door and says she is going with her… Lolita tries to make her desist, ‘this is your house’.. ‘no, my place is with those I love’… Lolita gives up and lets her come… when they are at the door ToadHead comes out of his studio… Elisa tells him where they are going… and why… ‘all you want is freedom to keep seeing Paolo and who knows how many  more, I won’t allow it’… ‘’I won’t let you keep insulting me.. .i am an adult and I can do as I please with my life.’… ‘I won’t stay here alone to endure the hell you mother left me in’ … (Lolita is quite upset and scared by now watching this exchange.. by the way, seems Elisa borrowed Lolita’s crochet’d black dress.) ‘you will share it with me!’ … ‘how can you say that?? How can that be the ONLY reason for you to want me to stay! (you go girl!) you don’t love me, I have always been a burden for you. it is best that I go’ (he grabs her arm, won’t let her go) ‘the only reason I would stay is that Lolita stays too! Your call!’ (ToadHead yells for Nemo-Ho to come over)  ToadHead argues with Nemo-Ho… he is not willing to let Elisa go, he asks Nemo-Ho to support him… With a couple more insults for Lolita about being replaceable, Nemo-Ho leaves defeated…
Back at La Anita, Gabino (says something about apples and pears, I guess he means boys will be boys) is glad Damian came in time to save Paolo. Paolo says no, he came to save Gael. (yeah right!, pretty boy with hunk-a bod but I seriously doubt you would have been a match for my homeboy Gael!) .. Damian waltzes in, warns Paolo ‘this is your last warning to leave Elisa alone, otherwise it won’t be Gael to whip your habaneros, it will be me… and that is a task I will do with pleasure…  (with that he leaves).. Gabino says it seems Elisa Castanon is becoming a threat, just as her mother was back then. (jerk!)
At hacienda, Princess Poop whines to Alfie that she can’t stand this situation anymore, don’t know what I am doing here, I am going back to Mex City. All day I am alone, Damian is busy with other things and with other people… like Elisa.   Every time Damian and I argue is about her, (tells Alfie about the incident at the fonda where Damian hit Kike… and how Damian got mad when Paolo and Elisa arrived together to the funeral) … I am afraid he will end up dropping me for her. .. the only way to fix the problem would be that Damian and I return to Mexico.  Alfie is not happy at the thought of that…
Gabino comes to hacienda to give Alfie his own version of the incidents at La Anita with Gael and Damian with Paolo.  ‘Elisa Castanon’ … always Elisa Castanon… in the soup…  in the tv commercials.. in the junk mail… in my nightmares… in public busses… in the magazine covers… in the taxi roof ads…
Back at Castanon manor… Nemo-Ho is nagging at ToadHead about having favored Elisa over her. He finds it stupid to be caught in the middle of a domestic dispute.. .you are the ‘lady of the house’… and you can’t handle it. .I have enough with the my issues with the business and the habanero fields…  Nemo-Ho says when the lab work results get here, she expects him to kick Elisa out of the house and of your life… ToadHead says those results are here already.. but regardless Elisa stays… Nemo-Ho continues mocking ToadHead’s inability to control Elisa no matter what… ToadHead gets furious. Nemo-Ho repeats Elisa inherited Stefi and Rosie’s ways… and NOW, after 120 hours of argument, ToadHEad asks Nemo-Ho what was the issue with Lolita to begin with… Nemo-Ho says Lolita assures NeMo let Paolo in Elisa’s room. ToadHEad bahs. Nemo-Ho threatens that she is the one that will leave if he keeps defending Elisa.
Gael gets to church and is irate telling Padre Loopy that if that ‘tipo’ gets close to Elisa again he will kill him!! Padre asks him not to be silly… Gael won’t let anyone harm Elisa… Nobody… Nobody! … Nobody!
Loopy asks Gael not to get in fights without knowing the details… Gael claims he does not need details to know he believes in Elisa and be willing to put his hand on the fire for her… Gael mentions Ingrid was there too… and suddenly Loopy forgets the ‘reprimend’ he was in the middle of, ‘was it the same woman that came to bring you the ‘pastelito’ ese?’ yeah that one!
ToadHead asks Elisa where she is going.. to my godfather’s house… Elisa gets defensive right away… ToadHead says ‘don’t lie to me, or else… I swear I don’t know… what I might do..’ (no, really, ToadHead, surprise us).. Elisa assures him she won’t have any more interaction with Paolo or anyone… since he would distrust even Gael… he says ‘the only one I distrust… is you’… (that hurts, stupid ToadHead)… on her way out Elisa is faced with Alfie (some bad day for Elisa)… Alfie tries to make a deal with Elisa… she can solve all her father’s financial woes.. in exchange for something very simple… interested?  (commercial break)… tempting, isn’t it? all you have to do is get away from my son for good’… ‘I am not understanding … we have minimal contact… why does it worry you so much that Damian and I see each other? He will be married soon, right? ‘… ‘it is for his fiancee’s sake.. she does not understand (your relationship with him) … Elisa keeps rejecting the deal… Alfie suggest she think.. nothing to think about … for all I care you can package him nicely in saran wrap and ship him away with fiancee and all!
Nemo-Ho confronts Lolita in kitchen, warns her that the war is not over… Nemo-Ho will keep looking for a way to get Lolita gone for good… Lolita doesn’t care about her threats… Nemo-Ho says you should heed my warnings.. because this time I will do it…
Nemo-Ho walks into ToadHead’s studio. Finds the empty envelope and celebrates her triumph all alone.
‘you will believe Elisa is not your daughter until the last miserable day of your life’.
ToadHead is drinking his woes at the town’s only bar…  all alone.
At La Anita, Maru is leaving the office for the day. Ingrid asks Maru how long she worked there.. more than 20 yrs since Don Rosendo lived… how did he die? … in a car accident… a tragedy… he must have left a good estate.. this business must be worth lots of money.. (Maru gives her a very questioning look given what Ingrid is saying)… Damian comes out… Ingrid almost spills her beans saying she wanted to know the son of Don Rosendo.  Damian asks if she knew his father, nope but everyone in town speaks of him… Ingrid comments to Maru that Damian is very gallant.. Maru agrees but gives her another inquisitive stare… Ingrid brings Gabino a report. He wants to escort her home… she passes on it so he asks if she is hiding anything… I live in the hotel in town.. no mystery there… not married. I live alone too….  We have so many things in common.. we live alone.. we have 1 nose, 2 feet, we are schemers, we worship the god of Moolah… we should not be trusted further than we can be thrown…
At Lucio’s Lucio tells Elisa he just came from the police station at Merida.. there is no leads, no witnesses, as if the fashion house was in the middle of the desert… there was nothing inside that would have caused the fire.. no stove, no gas tank, no TNT, nuclear devices, no C4, no matches, no gunpowder, and no McGyver to mix household chemicals up…
Elisa wants them to cook dinner together, have something to tell him…
Elisa wants him to work with her at the invernadero… he insists he has to work on finding whoever did kill Blanquita… Elisa is afraid all this obsession to find the culprit will destroy him… he says it ain’t easy.
Elisa says she had mentioned her plans about the invernadero to Nina and that she wanted Lucio to help her… Nina thought it was a great idea… he is still reluctant, Elisa was waiting for the project to be better laid out before asking him… finally he gives in and she showers him with kisses and hugs…
Padre Loopy runs into Ingrid at La Anita before she leaves… she says she is determined to become a useful woman… so when she confronts her son he will have no shame of her… She asks him if he has a problem with her getting a job or it being precisely there… why do you distrust me so much? … I have told you, I find it hard to believe in that sudden love for a son you barely know. She gets all teary/dramatic… you are right.. I barely know Gael but he is my son!! MY SON!! All I want to do is make up for my mistakes… why can’t you understand that? … well, it is hard for me to understand. It was more than 20 yrs before you cared about MY GAEL!! … you have no idea what my life has been like all these years! (you are right in that one point, II) … and even if you don’t believe me, I have always thought of Gael.. please help me win Gael’s love… even if I wanted to, I could not… Padre, I beg you… For God’s sake please help me…  we all deserve a 2nd chance… and you, who are a priest, can’t deny it to me.
Ingrid leaves and Loopy, with teary eyes, asks God to enlighten him.
At Ingrid’s hotel, she is arguing with someone she does not want to come meet her… go look for that man who needs to show face for you! don’t count on me! You are all on your own! (sola, meaning female.. is this a daughter?)
A while later, when she is already in pJ’s, Gabino shows up at Ingrid’s door… he was thinking about their chat about being two lonely people in the world… and it’s gonna be fine…  I have been waiting for the right woman… they get busy…
Damian arrives home… Alfie brings up his neglecting his fiancee… Damian says she has to understand he is working… and when they get married it would be the same so she better get used to it… Alfie plays the understanding mother… and advices they go to Mex and after they get married they can return… Damian thinks it absurd that she now wants them to leave if she was insisting in his staying… Alfie turns it up a notch suggesting to hurry up the wedding and then the children will keep Princess Poop busy…
WHOA!! Hold your horses, mommy!! Damian protests that she (Alfie) is going too fast…
Alfie whines he is losing interest in his fiancee. Did he change his mind about marrying her? (FREEZE!)
Previews show the replay of the first kiss… 
Nemo-Ho asks Elisa if she is interested in Damian, Elisa responds ‘Damian is a man with a commitment’
Damian asks Flo to split up for a while… Flo upset and in disbelief
VO: a decision that will lead to a vengeance (Flo apparently tells Paolo about the split) without limits, without mercy…
(we see what seems like Paolo trying to rape Elisa at the cenote after he insults her and she slaps him…) 


sorry i goofed... Tonita tells her he came looking for Gael…
should have been
Tonita tells her he came looking for Paolo…

is it me or they are making David Z look like a true descendant of Cesar Evora? they look alike!

also, whats up with Princess Peach still wearing mourning black? the dress is beautiful but i find it odd she is wearing black still.
Also, that flowery black dress of Elisa must have a pound of spray starch to hold her boobies from falling out/over.

sorry one more typo..
Because she is daughter of MY Senora Elisa..
should be
Because she is daughter of MY Senora Estefania..

I guess the theme of the spaguetti western from EJ stayed with me, so i thought of Woody from TS.

I don't know if it would be worse for Elisa to hear from ToadHead that she is NOT his daughter or to be tottured day by day and not even know why her own father is turning on her like this...

Thanks so much for the recap. OMG can it get any darker for Elisa? The writers need to give us a little hope, for heaven's sake.

You are too right, Marta, Augusto's cutting words still hurt Elisa. O that, TOAD!

Now we see Paolo manhandling Elisa in the advances? It's just too much. arghh!


Hey Marta, super recap! Sorry there was some funny formatting on the recap. Stupid blogger was messing with my head.

Marta, I would never have understood that conversation between Damien and Enrique. Thank you for explaining what they were saying. It didn't make much sense to me. Actually, it still doesn't. I guess they really weren't on the same page, were they?

My favorite quote of the recap: "yeah right!, pretty boy with hunk-a bod but I seriously doubt you would have been a match for my homeboy Gael!" Woo hoo! Say it girl!

Also loved: "always Elisa Castanon… in the soup… in the tv commercials.. in the junk mail… in my nightmares… in public busses… in the magazine covers… in the taxi roof ads". Alfi, you ain't seen nuthin' yet!

EJ, I'm with you on the torment that Toadhead gives Elisa. What's his damage? Yee gods he is incredibly self-centered!

Marta, once again I am so glad you have the recap before me because you clarify so many things. And those things are starting to get complicated.

Awesome recap!! I loved the "wrap him in saran wrap" line and the whole Ingrid/Gab "we have so much in common" line. "Worship the God of Moolah" Ha!

And thanks for pointing out "solA" I heard it, but it didn't click. What's the possibility it's a sister? Maybe the true mother of Gael? Pure conjecture. And for the record, my conjecture is usually WRONG! lol

And I hate to be rude to Elisa, but HER puppies were HUGE looking last night. Every time I saw them I kept hearing the sound of balloons squeaking as if they were too tightly packed.

Great as always Marta. This TN sometimes can be damaging to my blood pressure with the antics of some of these denizens. Lover the lines Sylvia already noted too. And your description of Gabino and Irritating Ingrid! Winderful.

Guppy is beyond the pale. She and Assgusto actually deserve each other. Wouldn't it be nice if they were the ones to pack up and leave?? But Brava Elisa for sticking up for Lola! Have to say the burning of the results surprised me. So apparently there's no evidence of the true paternity. But he did surprise me not throwing Elisa out. Sorry, but I took that scene that he needed Lola around, so shucks they can stay. Of course, he'll continue to make Elisa's life a living hell. Think she would have been better off leaving anyway.

Gael is my hero. Damian should have left him to throw a few punches first.

And now I my guesses on Irritating Ingrid are pretty close to being confirmed--she's out for the dough. I will be putting the oversized anvil order in - noone need bother.

I am hoping that since they show such an obvious preview, that nothing really happens with Paolo and Elisa. I'm hoping Gael rides up and beats the crap out of him, but I have a feeling someone will save the day. They wouldn't go there so early in the story...or they better not. Sick of that plotline in TN's.

Marta, awesome recap! All of the lines so far mentioned were on my greatest hits list, along with this one:

“…no, really, ToadHead, surprise us…”…

(Anyone else sorry he didn't accidentally set himself on fire with his own lighter? Nah, didn't think so.)

Marta: The recap was incredible.

Many of your wonderful lines have been pointed out but the truth is that you interspersed humor and insight throughout. Gracias!

When Augusto brought the results to his lair with his flashbacks in full view, I thought for one brief moment, for one solitary second that he might rip up the results. There was a small battle being waged. It was a last chance for the real, loving memories to take over and lighten his heart. But the battle was lost. Not knowing was tearing him apart and now knowing (the false truth) will be his ruination.

The fact that Lola was in tears after living in that horrible house for so many years gives only an inkling of how Elisa must have and continue to suffer. Thank God Elisa has her!

I'm so glad that Gab and Ingrid got together. He's been waiting for the right woman. Yes. The right woman for last night. Blech.

The preview had me really rattled: "Flo upset and in disbelief VO: a decision that will lead to a vengeance (Flo apparently tells Paolo about the split) without limits, without mercy… (we see what seems like Paolo trying to rape Elisa at the cenote after he insults her and she slaps him…)" Basta - please don't let anything else happen to Elisa. From everyone's comments this morning, I think we all feel enough is enough.


i still say Lucio is on to something... at that fashion house there was nothing that could have caused a second explosion strong enough to blow the locked door right out of the hinges...
all i can think of is the sewing machine... but that does ot have any flammable fluid that can blow that strongly.

i too found the conversation of Damian and Kike stupid... then again Kike's face as Damial lleft him alone sort of told me that Damian would have wasted his time trying to make him get the notion of 'be a man' and face up to your own problems without using women as shield or messengers... (that's what i think the point was).

Sara, that was why i mentioned the spray starch... if that black dress was not strong enough, they would have fallen right outathere.

forgot to mention that Ingrid was ON THE PHONE talking to that other woman.

I too was very proud of our Elisa for standing up for Lola like that. They REALLY should move in with Lucio... give him company while avoiding the unhealthy environment at the quinta from HELL. I remember back then Gael offered to find Elisa a place... but with it being Don Lucio her godfather, and with them moving in there together noone would dare say anything.

Good thing Maru and Loopy are both onto Ingrid... she has an agenda for sure. and it is definitely related to money.

when Gabino showed at her door, i remember he said they were both alone and she replied that it was better alone than in bad company... but still she let him in.

as far as ToadHead, i would want him to trip in his habanero fields and land in such a way that he chokes on a habanero...

Diana, Gabino and Ingrid with him thinking he got the right woman... that is so cool... it would be a case of 'ladron que roba a ladron' since she herself has a money related agenda... (for the talismaniacs... sort of the same case as Elvira/Renato show?)

oh sweet!! on Despierta America they have a mariachi singing 'esta vida' (sorry, i LOVED LHDM!!)

Diana, i totally agree that ToadHead alone in his office with the envelope in his hands was a huge fork on the road... and like you said, his NEED to KNOW fueled by Nemo-Ho's lies won over his memories of good times with Estefania and Elisa... poor man... he has had chances... but now i am no longer rooting for him to survive this show... even if that would be yet another HUGE loss for Elisa...

as far as the previews... i was glad that Damian comes semi-clean with Flo and at least asks for them to split...
and as far as the 'rape' scene, i am rooting for one of the home boys to show up (would make more sense for Gael to be the hero since i have a hard time figuring what Damian would be doing at the cenote area unless he was specifically looking for Elisa).

i just had a funny thought... i envisioned Gabino getting involved with a woman and she happened to be married to an 'Arturito' (LHDM character) run, Gabino! run! lol

Marta: Great work.

Elisa is assembling her team: so far, we have Gael and Lucio who are going to help her set up the habañero operation. I just have a problem envisioning her as a titan of industry and business when she can't seem to find a dress with a bodice big enough to hold her boobs. And, she had just altered it. In fact, in a previous episode she told Lolita that she was using her sewing skills to modernize her wardrobe. We're in for practically topless to keep it barely legal!

Ha ha, Pasofino, at least we can see why the dress needed altering -- but where did she get all that extra material???

I'm not so sure Gabino & Paloma are gettin' busy. I think he's about to have his channel changed. We'll see.

Marta- I figured that's what the spray starch comment was about. I was just confirming.

I know she's had her hooters inhanced but normally they don't look so fake. Srsly last night all I heard was squeak squeak

Hello old friends, I've so missed each of you! I've been living in Telemundo world for awhile.

Thanks to a head's up from Doris, I'm watching this novela and enjoying it! It is filled with such complicated yet realistic characters. Also, as we watch the cruel, cruel meanness of the likes of Carmina and Gabino we can balance our emotions with the true kindness of Lolita, Blanca (RIP) and Lucio. I had really sworn off programs, English or Spanish, where most characters are cruel and the rest are DUMB so this one fits my new requirements perfectly, cruel and SMART.

I have focused most of my attention on Augusto, he is in such extreme pain, he is losing his business, the good memories of his marriage and his "blood" daughter, but he only sinks lower and lower to the dark side with his pain. How can he reject the devotion of such a beautiful girl like Elisa, after loving her for so many years, because she isn't "blood?" I took it as a good sign when he burned the fake DNA papers, could it be that he was shielding Elisa? Hope so! Also, there are low moments in novelas, but Carmina's "she (Elisa) has the blood of Estefania and Rosendo," was just as low as it gets, I'm still cringing!

Marta, loved your fun filled recap, plus you translated conversations that confused me. I especially liked your riff on  ‘Elisa Castanon’ … always Elisa Castanon… in the soup…  in the tv commercials.. in the junk mail… in my nightmares… in public busses… in the magazine covers… in the taxi roof ads…" Isn't that the truth!

Can't wait for the dueling habanero haciendas to start, my bet is on Elisa, Gael and Lucio!

I was moved by Ingrid's desire to be a mother even if it is a little late (20 years!), have I been taken in by her? Is she up to no good?!?! Hanging with Gabino isn't a good plan! Oh well, we'll just have to wait and see.

Thanks Marta, very well crafted and very entertaining.

Hello Sandy, I've missed you. I'm a little surprised to find myself kinda agreeing with you about both Ingrid and Augusto.

Augusto is weak, he lacks good judgement, and he treats Elisa horribly which I abhor, but he's had terrible misfortune. He's one of those poor poopies that would get along fairly well in life as long as there are no challenges or adversity.

The music seems to warn us that Ingrid is up to no good, but so far I can't see the reason for Padre Lupe's outright disdain and disgust nor for the undisguised looks of revulsion and alarm that Maru and Lucio have given her.

Note to Padre Lupe... yes she admits to abandoning Gael 20 some odd years ago, but is that all you can come up with? I thought forgiveness is a big part of your job description.

I'm guessing that she's looking to cash in on a fling with Rosy years ago, or maybe feels like Gael has a claim to the procesadora (which he may if he's Rosendo's son), but so far her worst crime lately has been a twisted ankle.


Muchisimas gracias, Marta!

Also thanks to the other recappers and commenters...last night was the first time in a while I was up to date watching the show, but I've been trailing along in the wake of the recaps. So helpful and entertaining!

Lolita and Elisa should have just left. Living in the old runaway cave would be better than staying with Naran-ho and Disgusto.

That pose Garbagino made in the doorway of Ingrate's room made me laugh so hard. By the way, the phrase he used earlier about apples and pears was "entre son peras o son manzanas" which means something like "while we aren't sure what's going on" or "while the facts still aren't known." I think maybe he was saying to be cautious until they see how things shake out.

Augusto has had financial misfortune. He is weak and without good judgment, but none of those can hide what he really is: an emotional abuser of the worst kind.

His financial misfortunes are no excuse for the emotional and physical abuse he has perpetrated upon his daughter. Obviously, he lacks insight into any of his actions and is oblivious to the machinations of the whore he married, but he is an abuser nonetheless.

Listen to the words as he spits them out to his daughter. They are sickening words...words that make one nauseous just hearing them.

Elisa...who has been abused for how long now...would be so much better off away from her father and the whore of a stepmother, but she can't quite seem to break away from this man simply because he is her father. The tiniest act of interest in her (the conversation between himself and the whore he married), and she feels 'rescued' by him and agrees to stay and the cycle resumes once again.

Somewhere along the line, someone posted that the actor in this role said that Augusto was not a bad person. If I could find that post, I would paste it here,but what struck me then and strikes me now is that the actor himself did not acknowledge that Augusto is an abuser. Don't tell me...the actor thinks this is just 'boys being boys', right?

Weak? Poor Judgement? Oh my Lordy, yes! This man deserves no redemption. There is no excuse for what he has done and continues to do. I have no pity for the likes of him.

"There is no excuse for what he has done and continues to do. I have no pity for the likes of him."

This. Assgusto frankly lost me with the way he treated his daughter right after Stef's death. He ignored her/yelled at her, only after having that eureka moment days later that "oh I have a daughter who I should worry about." His reactions and behavior have always been self-centered and that's how Guppy can play to him.

I had one shred of hope last night after he burned the results, that he still felt that Elisa was his daughter since he raised her (the theme of Gael and Paloma), but no, the venom and attitude was still there in the very next scene. He wanted a housekeeper more than he wanted his daughter to stick around.

The actor may feel he's not a "bad man". No, he's not committing crimes like Gab or Horacio, but a verbal abuser is "bad" in my book, no matter how they try to justify it. He is not mentally ill, he can CHOOSE not to talk to Elisa in that fashion or question that crud that Guppy feeds him. Frankly, I think much of his behavior and way he operates convinces me he isn't really very bright. What the heck Stef ever saw in him is beyond me.

julia, thanks for the translation of the pears and apples line, i had never heard that one before. but it totally makes sense in that context since they don't know what Damian is up to or what he will do.

and ITA on AssGusto. it is ONE THING to make YOURSELF miserable by misunderstandings and lies and your believing someone else just by her word... it is TOTALLY ANOTHER thing to perpetuate such an abusive behavior and toxic living environment on your own child (what fault of hers is it if she is not your blood child? you behaved like she was for so long and she loves you like you are...). ITA that it is well beyond poor judgement... it is simply abuse on your own child... and it does indeed deserve no redemption... it is several levels underneath abandoning your child for 20 years for yet-to-be-revealed reasons...

I'm really curious about why Padre Loopy is so hostile to Ingrid. What exactly was going on when she abandoned Gael? If Rosendo was the father, why wouldn't she just get him to support them? He supported Gael financially anyway, so it isn't like he was shirking that duty. Why did she leave?

Besides which, it may have been wrong for Ingrid to leave, but that way Padre got to be a dad, and as a priest he wouldn't have otherwise. He seems to have really enjoyed raising Gael. So why is he still so bitter?

marta - thank you for the recap! The snark is subtly woven into it and is a hoot.

Ingrid's eyes bother me. They are set too far apart on her face. She looks like 'ET' to me.

Pobrecito de Padre Lupe, he is so afraid that once Gael discovers he has a mother, he'll be forgotten by G and lost forever. I think that is what is behind his behaviors to Ingrid.

Is it possible Elisa is suffering Stockholm Syndrome, since she stays with Augusto? The guy has his nerve, commanding her to stay and live in that house. Augusto is dead to me. He is a murderer, slowly killing Elisa's spirit and mental health.

I have grand visions (hopes!) of Elisa showing up one day, a la Laura Croft Tomb Raider, and sticking it to everyone who has made her life miserable.

Elisa's boobs looked like they were going to pop out of the bodice of her dress. Are they inflating daily?

Elisa's boobs looked like they were going to pop out of her skin, never mind the dress. Wouldn't it be painful to have them so inflated and pushed up? And she specifically tailored the dress to fit that way?

Disgusto told Viewerville last night why he's keeping the secret of Elisa not being his daughter (I think he told Carmina too):

If Disgusto tells Elisa she's not his daughter, she's gone. Estefania left him in hell, and Elisa's going to join him in hell.

If Elisa knows she's not Disgusto's daughter, she's not going to stick around. That's why he burnt up the results. Carmina thought he would toss Elisa out on her ass once he got the results but was confused when he demanded she stay. That's why she snuck into his office to see if he got the results.

Since Augusto didn't throw Elisa out and isn't going to tell Elisa the "truth," Carmina will have to UNLESS Disgusto catches Elisa kissing/about to have sex with Damian. That's the only way I can see him telling Elisa the truth.

Maru was giving Ingrid the stink eye big time.

Florencia needs a hobby. Make herself useful or something. Learn how to cook Damian's favorite meal from Antonia. Take up drawing. Do something sitting around whining that Damian isn't paying attention to you.

Disgusto told Viewerville last night why he's keeping the secret of Elisa not being his daughter (I think he told Carmina too):

If Disgusto tells Elisa she's not his daughter, she's gone. Estefania left him in hell, and Elisa's going to join him in hell.

If Elisa knows she's not Disgusto's daughter, she's not going to stick around. That's why he burnt up the results. Carmina thought he would toss Elisa out on her ass once he got the results but was confused when he demanded she stay. That's why she snuck into his office to see if he got the results.

Since Augusto didn't throw Elisa out and isn't going to tell Elisa the "truth," Carmina will have to UNLESS Disgusto catches Elisa kissing/about to have sex with Damian. That's the only way I can see him telling Elisa the truth.

Maru was giving Ingrid the stink eye big time.

Florencia needs a hobby. Make herself useful or something. Learn how to cook Damian's favorite meal from Antonia. Take up drawing. Do something sitting around whining that Damian isn't paying attention to you.

Elisa showing up one day, a la Laura Croft Tomb Raider, and sticking it to everyone ... I LIKE IT!!

ok, on another line of thinking...
Nem-Ho threatens Lolita that she will 'harm' her and/or Elisa...
BUT... Nem-Ho does not count on Gabino's enforcer, namely Horacio, being number one on Lolita's fan club...
so if Nem-Ho is trying to hurt Lolita via asking Blah-Bino to ask Horacio to do something to her (and by association to Elisa since Horacio would know how much that would hurt Lolita if something happened to Elisa), things might get quite interesting in La Ermita.

I can easily foresee Carmina planting valuables on Lolita and then accusing her of stealing...

Anon207: Elisa is Assgusto's daughter. Carmeeeena faked the results to say she wasn't.

No redemption for this sorry excuse of a father. And if I were on the writing staff Elisa would not forgive him at the end.

We all know that Elisa is Assgusto's daughter, but HE doesn't know that. But he knows that if Elisa knows that she's not his daughter, she's not going to stick around, that's why he's not telling her. He wants her around to join him in the hell Estefania left him in. He said that last night.

Egads! Blue Lass I hope Lolita doesn't get framed! Unfortunately it sounds way too plausible.

Assgusto makes me so mad. How can you turn off your love for a child that way? You thought she was yours for what 7, 8 years. One orange tinged Ho says no and you stop living the child?

Loving. Stoopid phone.

Boy, Marta, you really took another one for the team. Sounds like it was a dreadfully cruel night. Got a kick out of your describing Enrique looking like he didn't quite get what Damian was saying. Evidently a lot of us didn't either. I haven't watched this yet, but since I have your translation, I'm in good hands.

Maybe when they were pumping extra collagen into Carmina's lips, they put the leftovers into Elise. I'm afraid if someone gives her a bear hug, she'll be in agony.

Sara, I don't get that either. So you can only love people with your DNA? So much for adoption...

Blue Lass I hope Lolita doesn't get framed! Unfortunately it sounds way too plausible.
at this point Orange Ho knows she won't get backing from AssGusto if she tries to frame Lolita because that would mean Elisa leaves with her. so why bother... she needs to GET RID of Lolita (as in have another grave dug) to really hurt Elisa...

JudyB... just about to walk into a one on one with boss and i can't stop laughing at your...

Maybe when they were pumping extra collagen into Carmina's lips, they put the leftovers into Elise. I'm afraid if someone gives her a bear hug, she'll be in agony.
THanks!... i think...

i dont know about you guys, but this is one strange novela... we LOVE to admire the acting and drama JUST AS MUCH as we love to snark at the ridiculous and AssGusto's stupidity... LOVE IT!!

crossing fingers we get a hero riding to Elisa's rescue tonight... where is that crazy 'Trigger' character from the Police academy movies? he could really get one on Paolo ...

Marta said:
"i dont know about you guys, but this is one strange novela... we LOVE to admire the acting and drama JUST AS MUCH as we love to snark at the ridiculous and AssGusto's stupidity... LOVE IT!!"

Oh so true! I think that is why I am enjoying it so much. It's good quality, but there are still opportunities for snark.

BTW, I was trying to find Elisa's boobage on last night's recording to show hubby (I am such a good wife) and as I FF>> he said in reference to ToadHead "What's up with that guy's hair?"


Sara and EJ, I meant to comment last night that I am ITA on Carmina's motormushmouth Spanish. I had a real leap forward in my oral comprehension last month, and now I mostly watch w/o reading the captions -- except for her. I almost never understand her. I think it's that thing she does where she slides her lips around on her teeth and grins's just not conducive to proper articulation.

Hey All, great comments today on Marta's recap and last night's episode, which was a very good one.

Although I was thrilled at Elisa and Lolita's little triumph, I was absolutely baffled that they would decide to stay at the dreariest of all abodes. I was yelling at the TV, "Get out! Leave now!" Gah. And now I'm worried that Orangina will set Lolita up to be accused of thievery. (Which totally would not make sense for such a long-term employee, but you know, telenovelas.)

I also have an impossible time understanding Carmina. The words come out but her lips are always doing something totally different from what normal lips would do. It's weird and distracting. The other character I can never understand is Gabino. Don Lucio, I can always understand him. I love how he enunciates.

I must admit to being amused when Elisa was defending her honor to Augusto, while at the same time wearing a dress that revealed much more than a bustier. I know that clothes have little or nothing to do with morals, but I still had to laugh.

Sorry to be late to the party. Wonderful recap Marta, and great comments. I was so happy when Elisa and Lolita were walking out the door, and I was happy to see Elisa stand up to Assgusto. But I was not pleased that they decided to stay. Arrgg!!

is it me or were elisas boobs like super there today? like way out there and way huge?

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