Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #223-224 Wed 4/25/12 Waterloo

Hi everybody... sorry for the brusque recaps lately; the two-hour shows have been really wearing me down.

But this episode was a juicy one. Finally, no Pancho/Rebe mush scenes!

Holly hell! Ultimos Capitulos already? So maybe they were just in a big hurry to get it over with? But why?

We open up the episode on Napoleon pointing a gun with a silly silencer at Candi. I'm afraid I was talking and missed this scene, but the gist of it was threats, I love you, and the like.

Tomas arrests Napoleon's ninja-babe after refusing her bribe.

Cut to Chela, Enzo, and a bimbo in a suit. Is this the woman they've hired to feed the baby? "Haydee?" She certainly has the "equipment." You know, I kind of like coming into these episodes with no idea what's going on.

Ana tells Lupita that Freddy wants her back. After all, she likes him. But what about Adrian? That's where the piggy tail curls. No decision is made.

Candi calls Lupita merely to say that Tomas is in danger. Meanwhile, he interrogates the same flunky, who says Napo is like a father to her. Tomas is too busy to answer Lupita's call, but she's figured out that Napo is back just by Candi's terrified voice. Smart cookie.

Now she calls Vins to tell him to watch out for the Japanese guy. No word on which, but it's probably the henchman.

Pancho and auditor-barbie are freaking out about the front-page scoop (a picture of the two of them apparently smooching, for those of you who missed the avances). Meanwhile, Rebe's friend brings her a copy of the same article ("romance de altura"). Pancho and the auditrix take it out on Vins, and Pancho entire face goes a remarkable shade of red. Vins will get an order of embargo for his shady taxes. He tries to blackmail her, but probably should have made the threat *before* releasing the photo. They are going to have to fight dirty. They have a GREAT argument!

Rebe cries on Barb's one-shouldered zebra-dress.

On of Pina's suitors arrives to apologize - it was the anniversary of his son's death. He will take her out to eat to make up for it, and she looks quite pleased! She wiggles with glee after he makes his exit.

Candi comes and lets Lupita know that Napo made threats against Tomas. Lupita Loses. Her. Shit.

Fred begins to compose a mushy note for Ana.

OLD DIAL-UP MODEM in the police station! My sense of nostalgia at that noise totally erased anything else that happens in this scene. Geez, Tomas has grown up fast. They must have put him on the convicted prisoner's fast-track path through police academy.

Pancho tries to explain to barbie's boss that the newspaper was pure fiction, but he doesn't buy it. She will be be suspended. She has a brief moment of hope that the boss will understand once he sees evidence against Vins, but she's OUTTA THERE.

Tomas calls Lupita (enough with the calls already, babe). "don't you understand, I can't always answer my phone." He was in the middle of interrogating a known associate of a major crime boss (see what I mean about the fast-track to detective), and can't always take calls.

Rebe storms into Pancho's office with a copy of the paper in hand, and they have a cute little moment where she's mad at him and he calls her cell phone from three feet away. He seems to gain a little traction with his explanation of evil Vins and his tax situation and the fake photo, and she swiftly forgives Pancho after a little correction of his grammar. Barbie wasn't so lucky with her boss, and brings the two the bad news.

Pancho brings her a little tea. They will try to find some witness, some way, but she doesn't think it can be done. Swiftly, Rebe gets an idea. We don't find out what it was, but the two ladies have a sweet scene together.

Fred is hard at work, printing out a fancy card with a mushy note for Ana. He will show her his love *and* his prowess with desktop publishing software.

Tomas is tailing Salome, undercover, alone, with a gun. Again, fast-track-to-cop. She pulls into a parking lot and meets the Japanese henchman, who smashes her sim-card, and takes her away in another vehicle. Tomas is hot on the trail, looking not very undercover with his gun in one hand.

Tomas gives chase, and his boss warns him not to try to arrest Napo alone. But it doesn't matter, because he loses the criminals (or they lose him, I don't know how you say it).. anyway, Tomas is grumpy and yells at his steering wheel.

Toshiro is the Japanese guy. He's made it back to the supply closet where Napoleon is hiding out (seriously, it seems to be stocked with mostly cardboard tubes and a barrel of hay). Napo begins weakly strangling the "incompetent" Salome as punishment for trying to bribe Tomas rather than kill him. He lets them know that before he leaves, he must fulfill a promise he made to a man. Very menacing.

Pina and Sebastian are out to dinner. They have super-downer music for their date, and even the extras in the background look miserable. The walls are an awful shade of brown... are they out to dinner inside a giant cardboard box in a train station (a soft voice echoes like a PA in the background). Gawd, this is a downer, talking about his dead son and all. But Pina does offer to try to diminish his pain, and he accepts. They kiss!

Napoleon creepily watches Temo play soccer from up above, then lands the copter on the soccer field and creakily gets out with his whole crew. The goalie is wearing a giant mask. What exactly is going on here? The villains take out the chauffeur, and kidnap Temo. He doesn't resist, and in fact looks excited. Napo promised the kid a chopper ride, and is here to deliver. This has got to be the easiest kidnapping of the month! But Napo stays on the soccer field while Temo has a ball, and they bring him back afterwards. I really wasn't expecting that. They even have a remote-control helicopter for him! The chauffeur comes back and takes Temo home. When the kid arrives, he tells the assembled Lopez what just happened and they collectively LOSE. THEIR. SHIT.

Pina is being really sweet, and the date has gotten a lot brighter. The girl eating at the table behind them still looks miserable, though. The two have a chat about Arnold, a much more amusing topic. She also explains her recent transformation. They kiss.

Napo shows up at Chela's to menacingly congratulate her on her baby, display that he knows exactly how much it weighs, and drink from a flask. He also knows about the milk issue. Then he moans to her about his beloved Candi. He came to Chela because he knows she's the only one who can calm the family down after he takes Candi away. If she won't? He'll start killing. Ninja-babe (Salome) descends the staircase with the baby.

Next stop on Napoleons tour of threatening appearances: Pancho, who greets the baddie, then just about breaks his own neck with whiplash in a double-take (Que haces aqui Napo-WHAAAAH?). Napo gets a little misty and explains that he's jealous of Pancho's wonderful family. He's never had one of his own, and he lost his mommy. Pancho: you can't have Candi. What do you want? Napo: I want a hug. They hug, but Pancho looks really disturbed, like he just found out the truth about Santa Claus. Maybe Napoleon is grabbing his butt?

Tomas tells the family that he's headed to rescue Candy. He drives over to her place, fortunately with a little backup this time.

Freddy sends his labor-intensive gift via maid-mail. Ana receives it and squees. Her happy-music goes away as Adrian calls. After a Napoleon interlude, Ana reads the fancily-printed note to the strains of the show's pensive love theme. Meanwhile, Pina seems to have finally come to terms with Freddy's feelings for Ana. She also tells him about how her new guy makes her feel like a little girl!

Candi confronts Vins about the photo scandal. They don't resolve anything. Then they discuss the possible kidnapping and, guess what, here comes Napoleon with a gun. "Vins, don't pick up that gun." Vins puts it down. "Vins, put down that lamp." Vins puts it down. Unarmed, Vins puffs out his chest and gets ready to take the bullet as we are treated to dramatic music and a closeup on Napo's nose hair. Candi volunteers to go with Napo to save Vins. Vins says no. Fortunately, Tomas shows up behind Napo with a gun. Napo tries to psych him out "you got killer in you, boy?" Napo misses, but Tomas still shoots. Napo gets some brief death throes and we cut to commercials before his eyes close. Will he get a final speech? Stay tuned to find out. Yes! maybe he won't die. They're loading him onto the ambulance as his accomplices are taken off to jail. No, he's really dying, but he still gets that speech. He only wants to die by Candi's side, and takes her hand. He has just a few minutes to live, and he just wants to spend them with her by his side. As soon as the villain's eyes close, Vins begins jumping up and down and shouting with glee! Also, what does Salome mean by "la reina del jaque mano." It sounds like the queen in chess, but it looks like some kind of (probably poisonous) salt-water taffy. As she is carted away by the cops she hands it to Tomas. Maybe I heard wrong.

Also, in the last minutes of the show, we get a random love scene with Chacho and Sandra in their new pad, which seems a little silly after what just happened.

Candi is impressed that Vins was ready to throw down his life, and all is forgiven. They close out the episode on a kiss.



Oh Ezra this was so darn funny. Loved your line of they "LOSE THIER SHIT" lol. It was weird how Napo went to most of the family. It was almost like saying goodbye to everyone.

Freddy was cute with the card. Freddy and Ana were always so cute together.

Love Pina and Sebastian. They have great chemistry and he is so much better for her than Vince.

Vince was funny getting in front of Candy while he is scrunching up his eyes to take that bullet. Glad he stood up for Candy, I never really thought he would.

Also liked how Tomas handled himself regarding Napo. He sure has come a long way.

Ezra, you are hilarious.

A few of my favorite lines:

"the gist of it was threats, I love you, and the like." Sure, the usual combo.

"OLD DIAL-UP MODEM in the police station!" Are they making a point about a lack of police resources, or did the sound guy just forget to update his sound effects to...nothing?

"He will show her his love *and* his prowess with desktop publishing software." Hey, gotta play to your strengths. He isn't in marketing for nothing. Besides, he already used the old cherry-picker-and-poetry maneuver.

"it seems to be stocked with mostly cardboard tubes and a barrel of hay" I don't know why, but this one really cracked me up. It's still making me crack up as I type this.

Hooray, so glad the Napo plotline is wrapped up. It is, right? Do Vice and Candy have to get married again?

Ezra- I love the title. LOL! Let's hope this really is the end for Napo. It was creepy how he kept popping up everywhere (and getting hold of children). Madelaine, yes he was saying goodbye to everyone, except Candy whom he intended to take with him.

If Napo dies before he was declared alive again, is Candy's marriage to Vince still invalid? Do they have to get remarried?

I was so happy to see Pina and Sebas hit it off and have deep conversation. I like how she asked him to call her out if she starts acting like old Pina (because she can't change completely overnight). His suggestion that he kiss her whenever she starts reverting was cute.

Freddy's getting his own apartment. Yay! Pina approves. Wow!

Ana should take note that her happy love theme music died away when Adrian interrupted her reading Freddy's card.

I also liked your perfect description of Lupita and the family losing it over Napo.

Looks like Rebe may be getting back to normal, and Chela and Enzzo are planning their wedding. Yay! Lots of good steps forward for many of our characters tonight (except Lupita who seems to be spiraling back into her post-Alex grief).

Taking the day off for my b-day tomorrow. Woohoo!! I don't think I'll be getting a mariachi serenade, a party with a band, and a hot new police detective proposing to me though. But I'll take a day of playing hooky and going to the waterfront in Baltimore for some crab instead. :)

Happy Happy Birthday Vivi, enjoy your time off and the crab too yum.

Ezra thanks for this recap. It was so funny.

Add me to the list of those who hopes the Napo storyline is really over.

Have a great birthday Vivi! Enjoy some crab for me.

OH! I forgot to mention my very favorite line (besides the title, which is perfect):

"Holly hell!" Is that a reference to the Christmas decor explosion?

No wonder being a police officer in Mexico is so dangerous, if that's the way they operate ;). Lupita's right to be concerned.

It's been awhile since I found Vice funny, but he actually made me laugh this episode.
Napo: I'm taking Candy to Italy, Venice, with the gondoliers.
Vice: NO! Not with the gondoliers!

A grammar question: on Freddy's professional lurve card/self-promotional brochure, why did he say "te ama" at the bottom instead of "te amo"?

Love the title, Ezra. This was so funny.

Have a happy birthday, Vivi. Baltimore & Crab --sounds wonderful.

They sure are wrapping up the plot lines here. Is this over sooner than I thought?

I like the changes in Pina & Freddy. My favorite part of his car was when he told her that he wasn't rushing her because it would take some time for him to grow into someone she could be proud of. (or something like that)

It was fun to watch for a while but I'm glad Rebe's tears are done. The phone scene in the office with her & Pancho was really cute. She's been getting some great comic scenes lately. I loved those dream sequences.


Thanks Ez! Happy Birthday Viv!

Ezra, you had me laughing my A$$ off with this recap....great job.

Happy Birthday Vivi, my sister's birthday is today also. Baltimore is the home of good crab eating. Sometime you should drive down to Joes Crab Shack in Fredericksburg.....they have the best Dungeness Crap on the east coast.

When is the final episode of this show going to air, does anyone know?

Typo.....Dungeness Crabs

Fredericksburg or Frederick, Anon#1? This is News I Can Use.

These last weeks are plenty crazy! I'm looking forward to seeing it all wrapped up -- there are so many couples I'm rooting for, and I just topple over laughing every time I hear Arnold's heterovoz.

Anyone know what's coming next? Maybe they'll move El Tal back to evenings now that they have new writers...

Fredericksburg, the Potomac Mills Shopping Mall

Happy birthday, Vivi!

It was funny that after the helicopter landed, the kids went right on with their soccer match, as if it's totally normal for a helicopter to land on the sidelines. Then again, if your soccer match involves giant cartoon characters all over the field, maybe everything and anything is normal to you.

I didn't understand Salome's chess piece, either. She said "jaque mate", checkmate, and gave the piece to Tomas, but...que? The chess pieces in MEPS made somewhat more sense. I have no idea what this one is about.

Ezra! You are TOO funny!

Julia - maybe the card said "te ama" at the bottom because it was third person - as in "Fred te ama"?

I was confused about the chesspiece too. I think Salome was holding it the first time we saw her with Napo, too, but I don't remeber what, if anything, they said about it.

I doubt that it's meaningless, though... either we'll see Sal again later and she'll explain it, or else there's something very valuable inside, or maybe even something very deadly. (Yay! More mysteries!)

Happy birthday, Vivi... at this very moment I'm eating an Imitation Crab Salad sandwich in your honor. Wish it was the real thing!

Whoa Ezra...I happen to like your "brusque recaps". But I have to admit you did make this one extra funny. I ditto all the great lines that Julia were on fire, dude!

Vivi...Happy Happy Birthday. I have a feeling you spread joy wherever you go, so I hope today is filled with joy, delight and a super-delicious wonderful dinner. AND THEN CAKE!!!! (and maybe the waiter could sing Happy Birthday to you....why not?)

Happy Birthday Vivi.

Excellent recap, I came in as Plumero shot Napo. Glad I had the rest of the details. Yes I knew Tomas would be police chief within a week. I have yet to see him in a rookie uniform??? Napo's death scene was that for an academy award or a TN award? I thought he was going to keep coming back.

Also am happy that I read that Por Ella Soy Eva starring Lucero and Jaime Camil will be next, but I wonder if it will be 1 hour or 2. It's really funny as it says this TN is presented by AVON! Will we see Pancho Lopez in a scene.

Thank you so much for the excellent recap, & happy birthday to Vivi!

RE: the mention of Chacho & Sandrucha having a brief love scene toward the end of the episode... I did find it funny when she chased him around the room. I wish they had done a couple more laps! ;-)

Hey everyone! I had a fabulous b-day (even if it started out sort of chilly and drizzly). Thank you for all the wonderful birthday wishes. I'll continue the celebration into the weekend when my friends can come out and play, and not just my mom and aunt like today. :)

Welcome Radiomom and thank you. I just read your comment on Talisman.

Heads-up to folks on the West coast: we got an extra 12 minutes or so tonight.

I have NO idea why, and was even starting to wonder if Uni had switched us to a THREE-hour format, but then the episode finally ended. Whew!

I actually took some notes in case they're needed, but I missed the avances for tomorrow.

Grumble grumble grumble...

Yeah Julie. I was surprised too. Not only did it go 12 minutes long, it didn't have any repeats at the beginning and there were fewer comercial breaks. I think there was an extra 1/2 hour worth of show. It must have been a special holiday capitulo in Mexico.

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