Wednesday, April 18, 2012

El Abismo de pasión #27 4/17/12: Hotheads and Cold Beds

Oficina Tovar:

Carmina still has her tongue in the Doc’s ear. Between pants & gasps, she repeats that if he really loved her he’d falsify the blood test. At least tell me why, he says, but she refuses. The Doc carefully weighs his training, career, professional ethics and reputation against Carmina’s bazongas, and…the bazongas lose! Go figure! Guess they didn’t weigh quite enough.

“You’ve lost me forever,” snarls Carmina. “And you’ve lost ME forever,” says Ed. Good doctor!

On her way out, Carmina takes advantage of Paloma’s lunch break to steal the address of the clinic in Mérida. Hey, it’s only strike one – she’s not out yet.

Procesadora La Anita:

Damián snags Braulio to show los Landuchi around the factory. Florencia’s first observation is that the workers just look so tacky in their little outfits – couldn’t Dam make them wear something cuter? It’s not a casa de modas, he snaps. Really, girl.

Everybody puts on hair nets and dust masks for the Learning Channel tour of habaneros getting bathed & fluffed. Even with only their eyes showing, the Italian contingent looks bored to tears. Zesty Damián looks like he could pinch peppers all day.

Finally Flo starts whining about the heat and runs on home, while Paolo heads to the procesadora office to visit his new bestie Gabino. While Braulio fills Damián in on the real story behind Don Lucio’s “retirement,” Gabino spins Paolo the Arango-approved tale of Eliza coming onto him in the street. (OK; Blue Lass has changed her mind – he can’t be redeemed, no matter how nice he is to his horsey.)

Casita Azul:

Gabino shows up for a rendezvous with Carmina, “right on time,” he points out, just as she asked. But I thought you didn’t want anything to do with me? She circles him like a jungle cat and asks exactly what he would be prepared to do “to have a woman like her.” “Anything,” he says, and somehow he manages not to look like a whipped dog when he says it. (Dr. Tovar, take note.) I think we see where this is going…

But no! He wants trash-on-the-barrelhead, while she wants to run a tab. Scuffle, hiss, lárgates-all-around. Strike two for Team Orange!

Casa Padrino:

Damián drops by to visit Don Lucio and oh, by the way, offer him his old job back. Don Lucio demurs – are you really sure it’s your place to do that? Why are you going back to Mexico anyway – just to prove that mama's not the boss of you? Damián, in a confessing mood, admits not only that Lucio’s partly right, but also that he always dreamed about returning home and taking over the procesadora…but he has another reason to roll besides cutting the apron strings: he’s afraid he might fall in love with Eliza.

This is a telenovela, so of course Eliza is just about to come through the door with a pitcher of water. Cara muy impactada de Eliza, pitcher muy impactada on the floor. Eliza rabbits off. Oopsie, says Blanca – clumsy me!

Casa Castañon:

Paolo shows up to mack on Eliza, who asks him what part of “not even remotely interested” he doesn’t understand. After he leaves, Carmina keeps her part of their little devil’s bargain by telling Eliza she should think twice. After all, she doesn’t have a lot of options in this town. Heckuva marketing plan there, tía.

Assgusto™ sort-of apologizes to Eliza about his latest outburst, but she wants to talk peppers. What if Doña Alfonsina really means it about buying up? Why can’t we plant the fallow fields, Daddy? Why? Why? Assgusto bahs, humbugs, and storms out as usual.

Casa Arango:

Damián walks in the front door and is greeted by Lady A, who demands to know where he was, what he was doing, and who he was with. Unsurprisingly, this gets up his nose, and he tells her he went to offer Don Lucio his old job back. You QUE QUE QUE??? He looks Mommy Dearest full in the face and enunciates very carefully: yes, his old job. At the pro-ce-sa-do-ra.

She squawks that he has no business hiring useless people. Oh, you mean like Paolo? Anyway, I thought you wanted me to take an interest. Alfie gets a gleam in her eye. Well, if you move back here, you can make all the decisions you want…once you’re married, of course. She’s not taking any chances. He says he’ll think about it. (Well, she didn’t say married to whom!)

The Only Restaurant in La Ermita

Damián joins Florencia and Begoña’s brats for dinner out, arriving just in time to keep Enrique from admiring Flo a little too much. The kids switch into rapid-fire gossip mode, running through all the latest scandals, real and imagined – the slap at the party, Eliza coqueteando a Gabino, the altercation with Don Lucio – they are amazed that Damián knows none of this. (Well, maybe he has other things to do -- like be a grown-up.) Then Enrique laughs that no one should be surprised about Eliza and Gabino: after all, she goes with everybody.


Dam elbows aside all the incensed middle-aged women in Viewerland and goes to the head of the smackline, where he picks up that pup and tosses him across the cantina like a sack o’ habaneros. He then storms out, with Flo following in tears – would you defend me like that? Would you? Damián can’t answer, which is answer enough.

Casa Arango: The Big Finish

Eliza makes a formal visit to Doña Alfonsina to talk business. Were you serious about buying up our crop? It doesn’t matter, says Alfie smugly, because your father would have to agree, and he doesn’t. We don’t need my father, says Eliza, holding her pointy little chin high: I will be planting my own fields. You go, girl!

More happenings around town:

Useless Vicente has his first day of actual real work at the procesadora. It doesn’t go well.

Ramona warns Carmina to lay off her niece. Listen here, witchy – no, you listen, slutzy – the conversation goes nowhere, and even the mule doesn’t think it’ll do any good.

Eliza fondles her amulet and looks all goofy. [Ai Virgencita, thank you for not giving me the dueling-amulets scene! I promise to be very, very good until my next recap.]

Irritating Ingrid™ pretends to sprain an ankle in front of Gael to gain access to the house. Padre Lupe is not best pleased but misses a chance to come clean – one of many, no doubt.

Carmina tries unsuccessfully to bribe the nurse at the blood lab with a string of pearls. Strike three!


Lots of amulet action, and Enrique lobs a soft grounder to Flo on first base.


oh my! right off the bat you have me laughing, Bluelass! right from title and first sentence!... good thing i had not taken a sip of my coffee yet.

Gracias, Marta. What are we here for, after all, but snark and nose splorts?

Blue Lass this recap is the bomb! You are so funny and snarky. I agree with Martaivett that we need to pace our coffee sipping,
This story is great fun except for the occasional arson so far.

Thanks Blue Lass, this is perfection. So snappy and chock full of goodies.
I especially enjoyed this jewel:

"He wants trash-on-the-barrelhead, while she wants to run a tab."

I'm still laughing.

Hurrah for Dr. Tovar. Yesterday I would have bet that he would succumb to the kiss of the Spiderwoman... I was so proud. How refreshing that there is a medico in Mexico with some degree of ethics, if not exactly high morals.

And as an added bonus we were treated to Lab Lady... not everyone in the medical field in Mexico is for sale after all... I wanted to hug her neck.

And good for Damien tossing that little cockroach like he did. My only disappointment... I believe he could have honestly answered Flo that he would defend her with just as much enthusiasm.


LOVED the whole thing top to bottom, Blue Lass...
my favs:

Cara muy impactada de Eliza, pitcher muy impactada on the floor.
yes, that floor at Lucio/Blanca's house will smell like fresh lemons for a good while now! lol! that drink looked so good in the pitcher!

LOVED the tour at the procesadora, and you described it perfectly... the Learning Channel tour of habaneros getting bathed & fluffed ... the Italian contingent looks bored to tears. Zesty Damián looks like he could pinch peppers all day.

And Damian spelling 'pro-ce-sa-do-ra' to his mom had me smirking a smile all over my face...

holding her pointy little chin high: I will be planting my own fields...
i felt the same way... YOU GO GIRL!!

the Irritating Ingrid's 'i've fallen and i can't get up!' trick was too worn out for my taste.

Well, if you move back here, you can make all the decisions you want…once you’re married, of course. She’s not taking any chances. He says he’ll think about it. (Well, she didn’t say married to whom!)
yeah, that is also why he did not really give her a final answer either. hehe

and I too was celebrating Orangina's 3 strikes!! too bad i am afraid that count won't last for long. somehow she will manage to get AssGusto to hear the lie.

I have not given Gabino even a slim chance at reivindication since he burned the invernadero...

i too thought the Ramona/Orangina scene was pointless...

now a question... with that bland earthy blah color tank top, are they trying to make Elisa's boobies compete with Orangina's?
somehow that top made her chest look bigger... no need IMO.

add in Paloma and you have a heckofa wet tee-shirt contest.

i have to say i was proud of Inmundo's restraint and ethical decency... even if i am sure it won't last long.

Carlos, I am sure in this episode you were proud of your co-leagues.

Oooo I wish I'd thought of "I've-fallen-and-I-can't-get-up"! We should recap in teams.

Blue Lass, you knocked it out of the park. (I'm still cheering the Indians from last night).

And three strikes she's out. I have to admit:
-- A leading Doctor in a TN with real ethics! Who knew? I was so proud of our poor unhappy doc.
-- An underpaid nurse in a clinic who did NOT succumb to bribery in a TN. WHo knew again?? Three cheers for the medical profession (and the writers for not caving to stereotype).

"Dam elbows aside all the incensed middle-aged women in Viewerland and goes to the head of the smackline, where he picks up that pup and tosses him across the cantina like a sack o’ habaneros". YES he did!!
Now that will endear Flo to Enrique for some ungodly reason, she'll realize her amulet is the same as Elisa's ( thought the one getting miffed would be Eliza--again nice twist) and looks like smoochies start between the Whiners.

Mama has planted the seed of insisting on a marriage. Figured that had to be worked in somehow. Hoping we don't get the TN cliche of Flo getting preggers and passing it off as Dam's. The writers are doing good so far, please don't go that route.

I am so proud of Elisa! And of course if she gets those lands, she'll recruit Gael to help. Our little Spunkette!

Irritating Ingrid needs to get go away. Where's that bus from Teresa when you need it? I could stand to see her airborne again. (Please Padre--do the right thing and be honest with Gael.)

Blue Lass: LOL all the way. Aren't you going to trademark "trash-on-the-barrell"?

Sara - How does one start off behind on Monday, like I did? In catching up, I have to tell you thanks and how much I enjoyed your recap from yesterday.

I enjoy how you inject your *feelings* into the text. They mirror mine precisely.

Best line of that episode was Lucio's "Who died?".

Blue Lass - loved
-this gets up his nose
-your paragraph that is simply "uh-oh"
-tosses him across the cantina like a sack o' habaneros
-even the mule doesn't think it will do any good

I almost don't want to watch this show because I am so afraid of the possibility of a switched blood test. I have not recovered from the Renata/Roberta hairbrush debacle yet.

R la O

Blue Lass, as other have noted, this was great fun. Thank you.

Add me to the list of those shocked that the Doc didn't fall for Carmeany. I hope he finds a good woman perhaps his wife will get one of those personality transplants and become good. HA

Blue Lass- Muchisimas gracias for the snarkilicious recap. I very much enjoyed this episode. Loved seeing Carmeany strike out, loved seeing the medical professionals stick to their ethics, loved seeing Damian slam Ricky (but I agree he should have told Flo that he'd defend her honor too), and loved Elisa deciding to take control of her own lands and do business with Alfie.

I also enjoyed Damian getting all snarky and basically spelling procesadora for Alfie like she was stupid. There will be quite a tug of war between those two. She wants him to stay in town, but also wants to control him and the business. She can't have both things.

Although listening at doorways is tn cliche, usually it's the bad guys finding out valuable info, or the good guys hearing a lie or only hearing part of something which leads to major misunderstandings. But Elisa heard the whole truth about what Dam is feeling for her, and I think it's a good thing.

Dang...Carlos got there first but "he wants trash on the barrelhead while she wants to run a tab" is sidebar-worthy. Just a great sentence.

Haven't seen this yet, but looking forward to watching Carmina be constantly thwarted....for now anyway.

Thanks Blue was a delight to read.

Dang...Carlos got there first but "he wants trash on the barrelhead while she wants to run a tab" is sidebar-worthy. Just a great sentence.

ITA!! side bar!! side bar!!

Oh. Em. Gee. Great title!! Blue Lass, this was a perfect recap with clever, succinct descriptions and funny as hell.

Favorite line: "Dam elbows aside all the incensed middle-aged women in Viewerland and goes to the head of the smackline...".

Kudos to the telenovela medical profession for last night's rare show of ethics. I couldn't believe Doc TooFar reigned it in. I almost fell off my chair laughing when Carmeany showed her handful of jewelry. Really? Jeopardize a career for a handful of pearls?

Oh man, Carmeana kneed Gabino in the nuts like a pro. (Not that nut-kneeing is a profession, but you know...) She left behind a wake of carnage in this episode, but doesn't seem concerned much about any of the consequences.

I loved the Learning Channel tour and the bored eyes of the Italian contingent. Those were some funny scenes.

Hooray for Elisa! She is showing some real spunk at last.

Thanks Blue Lass. You were definitely full of habaneros and vinegar when you wrote this. Nice job!

Yes, I'm southern, yes I drink buttermilk, and yes it is a royal PAIN to clean off a computer monitor! Thanks, Blue Lass...
Seriously, a most excellent recap from top to tail. My favorite lines have been quoted so I'll just say a hearty 'agreed!'

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"Dam elbows aside all the incensed middle-aged women in Viewerland and goes to the head of the smackline...".
Blue Lass.. were you thinking of the Airplane movie? LOL!!

however, i seriously doubt Flo would be trying to convince ANYONE she is still a virgin... would she? jeje

Great stuff! The title alone is enough to suck one in.

Great to see medical personnel sticking to the code for a change. After so many doctors who don't keep confidentiality and others willing to falsify documents, this is a huge relief.

However, Carmina will probably still find some way to make sure Ughgusto doesn't treat his daughter correctly.

Ingrid needs to disappear.

Florencia and her uncle can go to the devil.

As for the implants, I wonder whether Televisa pays for them.

Blue Lass - Thank you for the excellent, snarky recap! Very LOL and an enjoyable read.

In the first scene where Carmina and Dr. TooFar are talking, even HIS skin looked orange on my TV screen. It's contagious!

Doc TooFar still has LOTS of time to compromise his medical ethics. We have a LOT of episodes left to go before the end.

Didn't Carmina try to pawn those pearls off on Gabino at one time?

Paolo truly looked bored at the Pro-ces-a-dor-a. Just like a six-year old boy. Which is the level of his maturity, anyway. Maybe he was deprived of some oxygen during the birth process?

"Uh-oh" was my favorite paragraph, too. roflol

I'm almost willing to bet that the jewelry is costume and that once upon a time Estefania sold the good stuff to help Assgusto with a problem he couldn't face. That would serve TangeloHo about right.

good thing Paolo already knows Gael's face and that Gael is a solid supporter of Elisa, otherwise if he tried to pull one of his signature moves on her in front of Gael, Paolo would get an instant makeover just like Tonita's kid did. But a more PERMANENT one.

of course i meant its a good thing FOR PAOLO's sake!

Thank you thank you thank you; it's brilliant and the lines everyone is mentioning are BRILLIANT. Love it.

I was thoroughly impressed that Doc and the Lab Lady could not be bought (at least, not for so low a price...). So refreshing. Can't imagine Carmeany will give up, though. Making Elisa think she's Dam's half-sister has too much traumadrama potential.

I am curious to find out what Irritating Ingrid's plan is. What does she hope to gain from this visit? I think on some level Padre should be grateful to her (while still angry, of course)...even though he was a priest, thanks to her abandoning her kid he still got to be a dad, and clearly he's found that very gratifying.

Thanks, Blue, for a dandy recap. So much fun to read. My momination for the 'Abismo Paragraph of the Week Club' is:

"Ramona warns Carmina to lay off her niece. Listen here, witchy – no, you listen, slutzy – the conversation goes nowhere, and even the mule doesn’t think it’ll do any good.

I had to read the PP three times just to savor the snark and dark you have going on, Infanta Azul. Terrific!

Now I must agree that the argument seemed pointless, except to establish Ramona as an out-and-proud supporter of Team Elisa. Plus anybody who will get in Carmina's face is a friend of mine.

I love your work Blue Lass.


Stuff we learned in this episode:

Irritating Ingrid is manipulative to get what she wants.

Alfonsina was NOT pleased to see Irritating Ingrid.

Overinflated orange boobs don't work when you're trying to bribe women.

Edmundo has SOME ethics after all.

Enrique will be getting his mack on with Florencia. He might have stayed away from her but that was before Damian tossed him around the restaurant.


How come the Landuchis don't speak ITALIAN to each other away from Damian & 'Em?

Did we discuss the ugly shirt that Damien was wearing when he threw Enrique? I was going to immediately write the wardrobe department until I noticed how David Zepeda's (DiZZy) muscle's rippled so well under the material. Ummm watch this spot...I might be cheating on Victor Hugo Cabrera for the duration of this Abismo. Hopefully, he'll take me back.

Oh, Cyndi, they only want you more when they worry they can't keep you.

The Landuccis don't even have Italian accents.

UA... so true! lol! the only one that could pass as italian if in a crowd of italians is Guido... I think Denzel Washington looks more italian than Florencia.

how long do mules last? that mule has seen a lot of HISTORY in that crazy town.

I just googled "mule lifespan" -- I'm a trained librarian; don't try this at home -- and it says 30-40 years. So I guess it could be the same mule!

(I guess I should admit that the mule wasn't actually in that scene; I was just looking for a way to stress how pointless it seemed.)

I'm still jealous that you got this recap. Tomorrow looks like it's gonna be good too. With my luck, Friday will probably be about home to bale hay or watching someone clean a chicken. I won't have anything interesting to talk about. How come my new boyfriend doesn't take his shirt off that much? On El Tal, Aron (ticktockticktockticktock) Diaz had his off every 5 minutes and it was devine. Sorry. I may have went TooFar (I like that name too).

Blue Lass, this was amazing. I smiled all the way through. So many wonderful lines but my favs were the consecutive: "Even with only their eyes showing, the Italian contingent looks bored to tears. Zesty Damián looks like he could pinch peppers all day." Fabulous - simply fabulous.

Augusto is abusive and should be brought up on charges. He is unredeemable and reprehensible. Period.

Carlos: "My only disappointment... I believe he could have honestly answered Flo that he would defend her with just as much enthusiasm." Ah, you are so true to Altair! thanks for always making me laugh.

Karen, like you and others I was shocked at the weak doctor's strong stance. But, I fear resistance may be futile. I think he is addicted and will cave. I hope I'm wrong.

I know the Padre loves Gael and doesn't want him hurt. I fear though that the longer he maintains his silence the more upset Gael will be when he learns who his mother is. I know it's unfair but I'm not a huge Isabel Camil fan - didn't care for her in Teresa either.

Great recap, great comments.


Cynderella... trust me, i won't give you details, just read the very brief mex recaps and there will be PLENTY to talk about tonight through friday... just trust me.

Also, if people want to know what Ingrid's up to, it's alluded to in the character description on the official Televisa website. But no spoilers here!

I think Damian is growing increasingly disenchanted with Florencia but I'm not sure that's 100% because he's falling in love with Elisa. She doesn't enjoy the same type of activities he enjoys (horseback riding, etc) and sniffed down her nose at the La Anita workers' attire. He had a serious WTF? attitude when Flo whined about the factory workers not having more stylish attire.

Anon, ITA. I think now that Damian is at home and remembering how happy he was here BEFORE the car accident, he is realizing that he DOES belong here whereas there is VERY little, Much less than he thought, in common between him and Florencia... so with or without Elisa, he would be seriously questioning his decision to marry her.. esp when his leaving again would hurt all the other people he would ONCE AGAIN leave behind at the hands of people like his mother and Gabino AND Carmina. And now he has brought in Paolo who would be adding to the negative outlook for everyone at La Anita (procesadora) AND La Ermita, not just for Elisa.

With my luck, Friday will probably be about home to bale hay or watching someone clean a chicken...
LOL!!! cynderella.. you have a gift for describing 'visions'...

marta i - let's hope the mule was not emotionally harmed during the filming of that scene.

Cynderella - we can only hope for some swimming scenes, Or shower scenes, with all the muscular guys in this telenovela. FELS rocked in that arena. ;-)

I was neutral about Florencia until she made that comment about the factory employees' attire. Now she is filed in my tacky-sort-of-villana category.

Ingrid probably wants to know her son, and have a relationship with him. If I've learned anything from telenovelas, it seems that abandoning your baby is probably the second worst thing a mother can do, after aborting a baby. If she can know Gael and if he accepts her, then in her mind her sin is redeemed.

Hot heads and cold beds LOL! LOL! Awesome, Blue Lass. Thanks for the terrific recap. :)

Hm. Okay. I was trying to give Ingrid the benefit of the doubt. I even apologized for calling her a heifer offhand before knowing her back story. And then she up and perpetrates a lie right off the bat. In my mind, a pitiful telenovela mom unjustly separated from her child would follow her kid around while inwardly suffering until accidentally running into said child. Instead, Ingrid acted and lied her way into Gael's abode like a pro. Like she'd been doing it all her life. Which means she probably has. *sigh* Ruh-roh.

Doc Tovar the Weak wasn't so weak last night! Huh, didn't see that coming. I just might have to rename him.

Of course, Flo would know what a tacky outfit looked like. Wouldn't she. Heh.

Boy, is a good fight brewing between Augie the Lame and Elisa the Good over those fallow fields! I really dig that girl.

Agent Orange wasn't just tangerine last night, she had this radioactive glow on top of it. Maybe it was just humid on the set.

Now, time to read comments. Cheers, Caray mates. Thanks again, Lass. :)

Martaivett said: add in Paloma and you have a heckofa wet tee-shirt contest.

Daisynjay said: rritating Ingrid needs to get go away. Where's that bus from Teresa when you need it? I could stand to see her airborne again.

trash on the barrelhead going in the sidebar, YAY! ahahaha

Cap'n Sylvia said: Oh man, Carmeana kneed Gabino in the nuts like a pro. (Not that nut-kneeing is a profession, but you know...)

Urban said: The Landuccis don't even have Italian accents.

Martaivett said: I think Denzel Washington looks more italian than Florencia.

OMG. ROFLMAO!! Y'all are killin' me.

Thank you Blue Lass for the very descriptive recap. And you're right, Alfie didn't say who Dam has to marry in order to be the decision maker. But we all know that she would never approve of Elisa marrying her son.

Orangina has nothing on Cynthia from La Que No Podia Amar when she wears a half shirt baring her abs. Abs? I didn't see any, just a bit of a muffin top. She's way too old for that style.

It's hard to take, show after show, of everyone talking negatively about Elisa. And I have a huge problem with how she keeps putting up with the way her father treats her. She's a grown woman. She needs to leave that house and live on her own.

Thanks for the kind words, everyone. I do enjoy this so much -- and I can no longer imagine watching a TN without being able to read the recap afterward -- it just wouldn't be the full experience!

Pasofino, I think the trademark is usually slapped on the *second* time a term is employed, as an acknowledgment to the original author. After that we all get pretty confused. ;}

Marta, I've actually never seen Airplane! Was there a similar scene?

Julia, loved "traumadrama." That's what we've got, all right...

Oh Blue Lasss! I only just watched the episode and this recap is per-fec-to! (I assume it's EL Traceyspeak.)


I can't praise any single line 'cause the entire thing had me laughing.

I enjoyed weighing ethics against bazongas...

Loved the set up: important story-lines and the "also rans" lol

er..Blue Lass. Two s's. Didn't mean to imply you were snaky. :-)

Blue, Airplane is one of a series of 3 movies... in my opinion the first is the best...
it had Leslie Nielsen, Peter Graves, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, and even Lloyd Bridges..
All these guys had awesome moments in the movie.. even better than the leads.
in one of the scenes where the passengers already know the plane is out of control and might crash, a young girl begins to tell the person sitting next to her that she is still a virgin, that it would be a shame she died now... then it goes to other scene and we come back to her and there is a line of men standing waiting to 'help her out of her bind'...
in another scene a lady goes crazy scared and begins to scream. I think it is either Leslie Nielsen or Peter Graves that slaps her to try to get her out of her freak-out moment... and we see then another line of passengers standing waiting for their moment to slap her... i know it sounds cruel but it was really funny...

marta i - Wasn't the original Airplane movie the one where Beaver Cleaver's mother "speaks jive" and translates? I've always loved that movie, so many puns and just hysterical.

yes doris, i think it was the first that had that scene.. and yes, it was so full of funny stuff, mostly snarks about the Airport movies, Star Wars, Star trek, cop shows, politics jokes, ethnic jokes... it was one of those where 'if you blink you missed a good punchline!' even the colombian and other nasty looking guys going through the security scanners with shotguns in plain sight...
the lead man's last name was Striker... so at some point Lloyd Bridges shouts 'striker!' except his assistant understood 'Strike her!' so he smacks the woman beside him right on the jawbone!
another funny detail i remember was that the plane's auto pilot has a mind of his own and tries to prevent the leading guy from taking control of the plane, even throwing buckets of water at him.
... there's some old lady who can't stop talking, which drives the people sitting by her insane...

This is some bull! I am jealous AGAIN! Ugggggggh!

Oh, is that the one where someone starts a sentence with "surely," and Leslie Nielsen says, "Don't call me Shirley"?

Blue Lass, yes!!

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