Wednesday, April 18, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #80 Tuesday 4/17/12 That darn blabbermouth kid

La que no podía amar (LQNPA) April 17, 2012, Cap 80
That darn blabbermouth kid

This is another short bulleted recap, which hopefully will be expanded later. (UPDATE: It's been as filled out as it's gonna get!)

We start out with a screencap:

Rohell, garbed in fetching hospital gear, looks serious after hearing from that blabbermouth M-Grito that Cupcake is bedridden.

RECAP IN BRIEF (Events are not necessarily listed in order)

* It looks like Rutile is believed now to be the culprit for Maripaz's demise and Miguel is (finally!) off the hook. Macaria and Ulises apologize to Miguel. Consuelo does too, and she and Miguel hug and make up.

* Sinthia is now officially the Weakest Link. She has messed up the cattle thing soooo badly. She's told by the officials that this doping the cattle thing could land her (or someone) in jail. She begs Effer for help, but he tells her to accept the blame for messing up. She took the guards off the cattle, just to defy Cupcake and now she (Sin) is going to have to accept the consequences for that.

Sin is desperate for Effer's help, but it's not forthcoming, since she's been such an idiot. She also earns points with Effer by calling him "stupid." 

* The Gustavito gives Cupcake a rose and tells her some mushy stuff about how he'd die if anything were to happen to her or the hijo. Then he tells her about Miguel's good news. She's thrilled. Gustavito moves in for a kiss but Cupcake doesn't seem all that eager to be kissed by him. Tia walks in on this (interrupting the almost-kiss) and rips the Cupcake a new one for allowing all this to happen.

Prince Charming . . . NOT.

Cupcake really isn't totally into getting this kiss, but she doesn't resist it either. Fortunately Tia comes in to save the day. (Seriously, Cupcake? This is in your HUSBAND'S house. True, he's been a douche, and true, he's not a "real" husband . . . yet . . . but he's trusting in YOU. Use some decorum. And you too Gustavito! You eat Rohell's food, boink his sister, and now are putting the moves on his wife, while he blissfully is unaware and trusting.  Sheesh!)

* Sin complains to Bruno about the clenbuterol. Somehow it's Cupcake's fault, she thinks. Really, she is too much.

* Mersnotty freaking out by the Gustavito's near miss with Rutile and his gun. Shrieking and carrying on as I FF>>>

* Sin thinks that when the clenbuterol crap (however you spell it) clears from the cattles' bodies (a few days) that they should be good to sell. Vainessa, however, says no way, that the cattle are contaminated and she's not buying them! Sin tries to play the friendship card with Vain, but Vain, who is for the moment showing common sense, is not going along with this. She even threatens to sue Sin if she doesn't sort out this mess. Impactada look from Sin. Vain says she'll get her meat somewhere else, she's not going to let her business suffer because of Sinthia's idiocy. (Remember, Sin ordered the guards off of the cattle, which then allowed them to be tainted yet again with clenbuterol crap.)

* Vain even goes on to say that she now sees why Rohell never allowed Sinthia to handle her half of the Hacienda—she's incompetent! Also, it's revealed that if they lose this account, that the Hacienda could be out half of their profits. Vain also reluctantly admits that when Paula was in charge, things were going okay. So this is all Sin's doing. Sin responds to all of this by kicking Vain out.

"Don't put the blame on Cupcake!" Vain yells at Sin.

* More crap with Team Evil. The Gustavito knows that Rutile worked for Bruno. The Gustavito also knows now that Bruno was the guy that Mersnotty saw kissing Cupcake. Gustavito now connects the dots and figures that Bruno sent Rutile to beat him up, thus separating him from the Cupcake, and threatens Bruno and says if he ever finds out that it was Bruno that was behind his beating . . . Bruno tries to imply that Rohell ordered Rutile to beat up Gustavito. He leaves in a huff and Bruno displays a sh*t-eating grin.

Sneaky Bruno smirks as a huffy Gustavito leaves.

* Tia comes in and puts in a word for Team Rohell. What a great guy he is, generous, blah blah blah. She tells Cupcake that she loves Rohell. Cupcake claims that she loves both guys. More claims of confusion. FF>>

* Effer talks with Ulises and Macaria about that Rutile guy. They're trying to connect the dots more about him being the culprit for Maripaz's death. After Macaria leaves, Ulises and Effer talk about Ulises's marriage. Yeah, right. Ulises says that at some point it feels like he and Macaria became less of a couple and more like Maripaz's parents. He's afraid that Macaria doesn't love him anymore. Effer looks concerned about this.

* Sin cries on the Gustavito's shoulder about being such a complete and utter loser and hopeless at running the business. Gustavito gives her encouraging words, not aware of what a complete dipshit she really is.

* Cupcake writes Rohell a very lovey-dovey, touchy-feely letter to Rohell, hoping for the best outcome for the operation, telling him that she "querers" him, and ending the letter by giving him a "strong hug." All very affectionate, so you know Rohell's going to lap that up.

* Cupcake gives this letter to Maria (who will relay it to Ernesto). She and Maria have a nice little chat where she thanks Maria for her support, even though she knows that her complicated situation (impregnated by the Gustavito) will affect Rohell when he finds out. Maria smiles and says she doesn't see any reason to make things more difficult for Cupcake. Then it comes out how Sin is treating poor Maria like crap, even though Maria raised her from infanthood. Maria is very hurt by this and cries that Sin makes sure to remind her that she's just a servant. Cupcake comforts her.

Sin, you bruja, you made your NANA cry. That is seriously not okay.

* More with Sin and Gustavito. She can count on him to help; he thinks it's troubling that there's someone trying to sabotage them.

* Bruno spins some BS tale to Ulises, saying that he didn't know what Rutile was up to and that he's told the police everything he knows, but it wasn't enough to help. Ulises has no reason not to believe this.

* Rohell is writing a letter to Cupcake, while wearing black satin jammies. He displays his dimples to great advantage and he remembers (as we are shown flashbacks) all the good times with Cupcake—her offering him a taste of her ice cream cone, the many kisses they shared, and so forth. He remembers her saying that if she fell in love with him, all she'd care about was him. This brings on even more dimples as he smiles, all hopeful and oblivious to what's really going on at home, thinking good thoughts of love about his blushing bride. Then the nurse comes in to ask him how he's doing. He says he's fine, but nervous, since tomorrow he's having an operation that will change his life forever. Then he gives another dimpled grin. Aw, Rohell, bless your heart, your trusting, hopeful heart!

Writing a letter in his satin jammies.

Remembering some of the good times with Cupcake, while also remembering what she told him about if she falls in love with him, he'll be the only thing she'll think of. 

Hopeful and dimpled.

* Sin and Bruno talking about the cattle problem. She tells him all her concerns. He advises her to suck it up and ask Vain for help.

* Chio appears and I hit the FF button. Sorry. (Okay, I didn't hit the FF button but I felt the need to check my email just then. Just saying.) Actually, she's looking for a good carpenter. Gus does know of one, as it happens.

* Mersnotty tries to make nice with Cupcake, since Cupcake is the incubator for Mersnotty's niece or nephew. She also tells Cupcake that the Gustavito would "die for" the kid. Cupcake is touched, I guess.

* Tia gets into an argument with Bruno about all that's going down. Bruno has a plan, however. Rohell will be gone for a while, Cupcake can have her baby (or not) and in the meantime, they can conspire to get everything signed over in Cupcake's name, and then Bruno can get his lands back, and then start to manage the Del Fuerte Hacienda. He has a lot of contacts and can repair the soon-to-be-trashed reputation of the Hacienda by saying that it's no longer in the hands of the Monteros.

* Tia enjoys rubbing it in with the Gustavito how his single (cheapskate LOL) rose does not compare favorably with Rohell's (hideous) large floral arrangement. She makes a big production of finding somewhere to put Gustavito's lone rose, making sure the Gustavito sees Rohell's lavish gift in the process. The Gustavito gets the message loud and clear.

* Sinthia approaches Cupcake in her sickbed and asks Cupcake if she really cares for Rohell, and if so, Sin will help clear the path for Cupcake, encourage Rohell to accept Cupcake and her kid, as this will leave the field clear for Sin to swoop in on the Gustavito and marry him. Cupcake looks a bit incredulous at hearing this offer.

* Things are going bad for Sin, who is now regretting her arrogant mishandling of the cattle thing. Vain just isn't in the mood to let her business suffer due to Sin's idiocy. David looms in and says to Sin that he's the only one who is left supporting her. Sin replies that it's a lie; had he been truly "supportive," he wouldn't have cut off water to the Hacienda. Ouch!

* Rohell is about to go to be operated on, and he calls home. Big mistake. He gets that blabbermouth kid M-Grito, who lets slip that Cupcake is bedriddin and too ill to come to the phone. Rohell tries to act like he's not concerned, and M-Grito immediately realizes that he blabbed where he shouldn't, but the DAMAGE IS DONE, DAMMIT!!! You can see the wheels spinning in Rohell's mind as he digests this news.

Rohell is shocked to hear about Paula's mystery illness.

Little blabbermouth realizes too late that he's stuck his foot in it.

* Later, Cupcake, M-Grito, and Maria all pray for Rohell's well-being as they wait for news on his operation. Which never comes. Night falls and still no news. 

Many prayers for Rohell's wellbeing.

Avances: Rohell returns to the Hacienda, STILL IN HIS WHEELCHAIR. That darn kid! He's ruined everything! We see Rohell talking with Cupcake, his face at first hopeful, but then she drops the bomb and you see Rohell looking shocked and striken. I think she's going to make Rohell cry.

Here are some select screenshots:

Still hopeful, Rohell rolls into Cupcake's room.

She drops the bomb. . .

. . . and I think she made him cry!

Poor Rohell, still absorbing the shock.

That is all I've got in me. Put a fork in it, I am done!


Gracias Elvira, I'm off to work early this AM so I'm enjoying your early version. Can't wait for the rest later. Looks like you've hit just about all the important moments. I can't be sure because I don't record these but it looked to me as if M'grito, in his distraught state of "OH SH--" realization, neglected to hang up the phone properly after spilling the beans. The camera lingered on the unhooked receiver long enough to make me think this would be a plot point, as in nobody could call in...hence no news. But I could be wrong.

And, thanks for the screenshot. I actually think the hospital johnny is far more fetching than those black satin (yuck) pjs he's been wearing.

Elvira, it was nice to be treated to your great recap as well as the shot of handsome Rogelio. You covered all of the highlights (and lowlights) in great style.

Loved your title and "Rohell, garbed in fetching hospital gear". What a shame that Mag had to blab before the operation! Ack...Rogelio had to find out about the baby at some point, but now?? Ack.

Sin suffered last night and not undeservedly. And the dagger to the heart was that Efrain did not appear to "console" her. This is probably not a popular opinion but I think Vainessa is far worse than Sin and I hope her comeuppance comes quickly.


Diana, I disagree. Sinthia deserved every second of that humiliation. And if Efrain drops her on her butt he's better off, too.

One thing is certain: Either she or Vainessa will figure out that their male accomplices pulled this crap and the four of them will completely turn on each other.

Rogelio is still in the wheelchair in the avances. That's disappointing, but it could mean any of the following:

-- He can't get out completely yet until after some weeks of therapy.
-- He didn't have the operation once he knew that Cupcake was bedridden.
-- The first operation didn't work, per TN custom.
-- He's faking.

My vote is for #2 and the operation will be delayed by a number of episodes.

Many thanks, Elvira, for your very quick and helpful summary. I think you covered the main events very well, including "Chio appears and I hit the FF button.: :-)

Though I look forward to your posting more great shots of Rogelio later today, I should mention that I just watched the recent DVD of "Labios Rojos" with Jorge Salinas and Silvia Navarro. It's totally trivial, but Jorge is there front and center throughout the entire film (yum!), and we don't have to put up with Chio. (It's available from Netflix and for sale on Amazon.)

UA, I agree with your vote for #2. I think if Rogelio had had the operation, whether or not it was successful, he would be in no shape to take himself off so soon to the hacienda.

Greetings all! I need some help. I'm supposed to post tonight's recap, but so far I haven't heard from anyone about giving me access to the Caray blog. I already have a blogger account (as you can see from my avatar here). Elvira has my email, as does Sylvia and a few other Caray regulars. I thought Jardinera would get in contact with me, but I haven't heard anything yet.



Thank you for your excellent recap. Short, sweet, and to the point.

Urban Anthropologist, I always enjoy reading your take on things. Agree with your points today.

That kid annoys every last nerve. I wish they would boot him from a couple of scenes...could do without him

Last night's episode was interesting. When Gustavo talked with Mercedes, she told him Bruno was the man she saw AP kissing the night he was beaten up. Finally, someone is getting on to Bruno! And Gustavo made it quite clear to Bru no what he thinks about him.

It was also interesting that when Vainessa told Sinthia off, she also mentioned that AP did a much better job and (begrudgingly) admitted that she had handled things well.

I think that whatever happens cupcake is going to wind up with Rogelio, who will forgive her after a lot of misery, and unfortunately Gustavo will wind up with Sinthia as he likes to play Knight in Shining Armour, and he seems blind to her machinations. Like he did when AP went back to the hacienda, he will turn to Sinthia to soothe his wounded ego.

I really felt sorry for Maria, and strongly got the feeling that Sinthia is her real daughter. Otherwise why would she be so distraught that Sinthia only sees her as a servant?

Absolutely agree with you NJSue. The looks Maria and Rohello would give when Cinthia was being discussed. I hope she does turn out to be her mother, wonder what that would make Cinthia? Hoping it does happen would like to see that episode up front and center.

Kids in TN's, they should be seen and not heard, can't stand this kid, nor the kid in Familia con Suerte and the little girl on Corazon Valiente. Why do TN's make them so yucky.

nj sue, it may be that Maria is Sinthia's real mother, but I certainly think that's not necessary for Maria to feel such closeness and such hurt. Heck, if I had raised a child as if I were her mother and the adult child turned on my and accused me of being nothing more than a servant, I'd be devastated, too.

NJSue, I got that same vibe last night.

There is a precedent: Rebeca had a wealthy widower who boinked the ama de llaves when drunk; she and the wife got pregnant and were due at the same time. The wife's baby was stillborn, the servant's baby was healthy. He switched the babies, telling the servant that her daughter would get his name, his social position, and everything else that went with that. He never told his wife, who died ten years later. He had told the servant that they would ultimately tell their daughter, but was reluctant to keep that promise when she began having mental health issues. Of course, she did eventually learn the truth.

However, Maria is not the same as Sarah was, so this will have a slightly different outcome.

If this assumption is correct, I wonder whether Rogelio knows.

Are those shiney black jammies of Rogelio's believable? They seem a little metro for such a macho guy.

Cinthia deserves her commupance, but Efrain sure blew it when he got all uppity with her. If he had been nicer, he could've been in charge completely instead of having to help out the White Knight Gustavo. I thought they were actually in love with each other but maybe they're both too wacko for such normal emotions.

Vanessa however may be showing signs of change. Itsy, bitsy signs. Baby steps.


Loved the recap and screencaps Elvira. Yeah. The blabbermouth boy had to let it slip which brings Rog home to see what's going on. Per the previews, he gets his heart broken when AP tells him her expectant news. Oh boy.

I was glad that Rosaura ripped into Gus and AP for basically carrying on an affair in Rog's house. AP was about to let Gus kiss her if Rosaura hadn't walked in. LOL at her dig at his little rose compared to bouquet that Rog sent

Cinthia definitely messed things up and she has no one to blame but herself.

Can wait for the fireworks that will go off tonight.

@Audrey Will you be recapping on Wednesdays then? If you want to, you could send me the recap to and I will post it on your behalf until you get access or if not, you can start recapping next Wednesday and I'll make today's one. I prefer this option, I really want to do this recap :D

Can't wait. Typos from typing too fast.

Okay, the screencaps are up and I added a few more details. I'm not saying it's all that complete, but that's all I have time for.

I THINK THE SH*T'S GONNA HIT THE FAN TONIGHT, FOLKS!!! Look at the tears on Rohell's face in the advances.

While I'm sorry it looks like Rogelio put off the operation, I'm actually glad Margarito spilled the beans. I want Cupcake and Rogelio to realize she's in love with him before he walks (if he eventually does walk). Margarito blabbed inconveniently just like real kids do. Cupcake has shared way too much information with him. Sure, she couldn’t avoid Margarito knowing she’s bedridden, but all the past talk with Margarito about Rogelio being a murderer and now the openness with him about Gustavo and the baby really burns me. It was only a matter of time before he blabbed. Plus, I’m sick of Rogelio being in the dark.

Pirate Babe - Agree about the almost kiss between Cupcake and Gustavo. I was almost as bad as Tia and Mersnotty when that happened. Honestly, loving Gustavo is one thing, but making googly with Gustavo in Rogelio’s own house is colmo.

nj sue – I’m right with you on Bruno. I cheered when Gustavo realized Bruno must've ordered Rutilio to attack him. We’re up to episode 80 and this is the first time someone’s seriously suspected Bruno. Wish the cakes would compare notes about Bruno, but of course they won't.

Loved seeing Sin humiliated and even Vainessa admitting AP ran things better. I'm betting on Vainessa to get redeemed. Can't stand her, but I do like the way she doesn't give Esteban false hope. Like her dress too.

Could Sinthia be pregnant by now? She got it on with Gustavo a few times and I'll bet she didn't use anything to prevent it.

Nellie and NJ Sue,
While I agree that Maria might be mama de Cintia's, last night I was wondering if she, like AP, was pregnant with offspring of her Prince Charming and lost that baby. It seems to me as though she views both Cintia and Rogelio as her own. IMO it explains her wonderful Cupcake compassion and understanding with the situation. You can't help but think there is a whole lot more to her story.

i agree with all ur comments niecie, & i didnt think rogelio was going to have the operation yet, felt like something was going to postpone it

cant wait for tonight' episode! i just hope that what we saw in the avances doesnt happen in the last 15 min

UA, I did say Sin deserved to suffer (but said it in a roundabout way). Anyway, I was trying to say it was deserved.

Juanita, I would be crushed by Sin's words and treatment too! Whether Maria gave birth to Sin is irrelevant. She loved her as though she were her own child.


And I didn't have my coffee yet when I posted.

Hi Alexandra:

Thanks. Jardinera will post it for me. I've already written most of the recap for tonight. I checked and Elvira was told I would be taking Sara's place and alternating Wednesdays with you, and that this Wednesday would be my first since you did the last one?

Sorry for the confusion.


When does Cynthia take her pregnancy test? Then Gustavo can stop walking around Rogelio's house all smug.

Elvira, thank you for the recap, so funny-and you kept it tight and covered everything.
I was so surprised at how fast the story is going.

I can't tell you how much I appreciate the recappers and the comments from everyone else. I have watched a number of the TN before this one, but this is the first time I have tried to figure out how to participate. I love the drama and the more over the top they are, the more I love them!

Anyway, I still think that something is going to happen to AP's baby - it will go away in some form or fashion. Hadn't even considered that Cin might also be PG. Makes sense though. And it makes sense that Gus may take the responsibility for the deed. Don't think EF will stay around.

I have reached the point where I feel sorry for Rogelio. He needs to start charging room and board to all the losers living in his house. I can't wait for tonight. Like everyone else, I wanted to throttle Margo. Typical kid though.


Who does Maria's hair? That's a pretty precision braid job she's got going in the back there. Not something you can sleep on and get away with. And not something you could do by yourself. Are there lower minions in the Hacienda we haven't seen yet? I know Cindy was delegating household chores to various named servants, but how many could there be. Also like the chartreuse "uniform" with the lavender flowered trim around the neckline. They don't have those in my local uniform store.

What happened to the snake?

Hi Elvira!

Finally had a chance to read your filled out recap with all the pics. Thanks! And to UA's from yesterday - thanks much! I'm sorry UA I always seem to be very busy on Tuesdays and never have a chance to thank you until Wednesday! This time we were for a couple of days chasing birds in migration. But of course I had my computer with me so I didn't miss any recaps and comments!!!

Whomever brought up Gus as the Knight in Shining Armor - that's exactly his modus operandi. He met both Ana Paula and Cinthia when he rescued each of them from a dangerous situation. He seems to be super drawn to the damsel in distress. He doesn't seem to be able to discern the huge difference between Ana Paula and Cinthia's characters - Ana Paula being strong and brave, and Cinthia being weak and cowardly. He's just always ready to impulsively jump into the fray and protect each from whatever.

I also still believe that María is Cinthia's mom based on the reactions and interactions between María and Cinthia. But there is a stronger reason I am so convinced: it would be karmic justice for Cinthia who is so outrageously class conscious of her "elevated status", so very rude to underlings, and so despising of the "servant class" in general, to find out that she herself is "nothing but" the illegitimate daughter of a servant.

Jackie - I think Effer retrieved the snake and took it away after it looked like AP's pregnancy might not make it anyway.


And there was so much made of naming AP's baby the other night and naming a baby boy for his father. Gustavo was named for his father so perhaps so was Rogelio and therefore Margarito is Rogelio's half brother rather than his son.

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