Wednesday, April 11, 2012

El Talismán #51 Wed 4/11/12 The Search is on for Mariana, Mystery at the Orphanage

News Flash: Fresno, California the #1 most Beauty Obsessed city in the U.S.

Read all about it here.

Thanks to our eagle-eyed commenter and El Tal faithful Rosemary La Otra for discovering this gem. Now, on to the show...

Recap by Madelaine
Previously on El Talisman:
While drinking tequila, Pigorio and Panchito talk about Mariana and the fake
Today on El Talisman:
Pigorio wants Panchito to get all the info he can about what Pedro is up
to as far as the investigation goes in finding Mariana. He wants specifics
and all the info he can get. Panchito says whatever you need I will do.
He leaves.
Lucrazy has a plan. She takes Yenny to the hosptial where she knows
Cameela is and tells her to remember the plan they talked about. Yenny
bumps into Cameela and tells her she is looking for a worker for her business
which I think is the same as Cameela does. Cameela is so happy, she asks
about it. Yenny tells her to come by the Only Hotel in Fresno tomorrow and she
will be happy to talk to her about it. The job is in LA. Later Lucrazy and Yenny are
talking and Lucrazy says she better follow the plan. She wants Cameela gone
for awhile, but if Tonio finds out he will kill Yenny.
Tracy is talking to Nana again about Panchito being obessed with being
Pigorio's son and spying on Pedro.
Cameela takes El Viral back to the hospital, El Viral is still talking about
the check, she wants that check. Cameela asks Dr. Raul if her Mom is ok
he says physically she is fine. Tia Maria comes to the hospital too and
she stays with El Viral. El Viral is whining to Maria about how all this is
Cameela's fault that she didn't get that check from Pedro. Maria sets
her straight and tells her this is her own fault, quit blaming it on the kids
and accept the blame herself! Then El Viral remembers Tonio telling her
that half of what is Rennie's is hers. Uh oh, now she wants half of what
Rennie has.
Cameela goes back to El Tal and interrupts Geno and Tomas.
Tomas leaves and Cameela tells Geno about what happened with
El Viral and Pedro. She tells her about the job possiblity in LA.
Geno is WTH. But she understands.
Angel and Army talk about the same old, same old. Army tries
calling Fabi for the umpteenth time, he hangs up just as Fabi
answers. Army is mad she won't talk to him.
Pedro and Claudio talk about Margarito. Claudio wants nothing to
do with him, he abandoned him, became a drunk and he wants
nothing to do with him. Pedro says people change and he ought
to give Margarito another chance. Claudio calls Flor and asks
her where's she been. She says school, friends, her parents
she hasn't had time for him. He says he needs to talk to her.
She goes to see him at El Tal and he tells her everything about
Margarito. She too says he needs to talk to his Dad. Claudio
says she's right and gives her a quick kiss. She likes it.
The whole Negrete family is having dinner. Tonio brings up
that fake will again to Pigorio. He has had enough and get up
and goes to his office. Doris gets up too and follows him.
Tonio is left with his daughters. He asks about the boyfriends
and they don't really want to talk about it. He says love is important
that he is divorcing Doris and marrying Cameela. The girls are none
too happy about that, but he tells them he loves Cameela and that
they should accept it.
Margarito is at his AA meeting in LA. The doctor is giving a speech
and then talks to Margarito afterwards. Margo is happy that he has
quit drinking for such a long time, and the doctor says he should
contact Claudio and make amends with him. The doctor is interrrupted
by a phone call from his daughter who is waiting for him in an SUV.
Margo and the doctor kind of walk out together and Margo thinks
this is Mariana and runs after the SUV calling her name again.
Margo's friends tell him this can't possibly be Mariana cause this
is the doctor's daughter, but Margo is positive this is her. Later
his friend tells him, how can you look for Mariana in a city this
big? I think his friend has convinced Margo this wasn't Mariana.
Margo doesn't know but he is going to try.
Doris and Panchito have a conversation. She was send to find
Valentin cause Pigorio wanted a meeting with him. Anyway,
I didn't catch what they were talking about. I know part of it was
the will, his neices and thinking he is above his station. Someone
please fill in here.
Rennie and Rita are talking in the hospital about the money they
will get from Tonio. Rita says something about getting another
doctor, to make Rennie's injuries worse than they are, so they
can get lots of money. Rennie doesn't look comfortable but agrees.
(Wait till he finds out he owes El Viral half )
Oscar is at home having an argument with his wife. He tells
her he wants a divorce. The major domo is listening while
eating a sandwich and smiling and nodding. Oscar comes
out and says he can't wait to be single. He is thinking of Rita.
Finally Pigorio takes a meeting with Valentin. He calls the
investigator to find out if he has found Mariana. The investigator
tells him not yet. Pigorio says he is a good for nothing and hangs
up on him. Pigorio wants Valentin to find her tout suite or get the
info about where she is. Pigorio wants her dead. Valentin says
he doesn't want to go to jail. Valentin is so not down with this.
Doris goes to talk to Pigorio in his bedroom. I think they are talking
about this will again. Doris wants to make sure that Pigorio doesn't
kick her out of Al Catrash. Pigorio says Al Catrash is his and just
cause she is his lover doesn't mean anything. He tells her to get
out. He tells her like three times. She finally goes out of the room,
and there is Tonio. She is shocked and he wants to know what
she was doing in Pigorio's room. Dun Dun Dun Dun
Pedro, Sarita and (don't know the guy's name) go to the orphange.
They notice the door is open, and Pedro goes inside and is
knocked in the head by someone in jeans. Sarita and friend
go in after Pedro and find him knocked out. He says he is fine
doesn't need to go to the hospital and they will search to find
this person. They search all over the orphanage and in the kitchen
they find a pile of belongings. Pedro says it is probably some kid
from the streets needing a place to stay and they will come back
in the morning to search. They go back to El Tal and of course
Lucrazy is there to tend to Pedro, Mi Amor.
Next on El Talisman:
Margarito finds Mariana and talks to her!


Won't get to watch this til tonight, but I had to tell you that on the news today they listed "The Most Beauty Obsessed Cities". #1 is Fresno!

R la O- that is too funny. I can't beleive it. I laughed so hard when I read your comment.

As usual if I got something wrong please add/correct. Thank you.

Thank you for putting up the header

Ok, Cameela is going to be tricked into going to LA for a job, Pedro has to go to LA to meet with the investigator reagarding Mariana.
I see an opportunity for Pedro and Cameela to be alone. We will see.
Is the doctor (father of Mariana, the suited guy?) Also, that tells you she has no recollection of what happened to her or who she is? Thanks for the recap.

Also, I see something happening here. If Cameela sleeps with Pedro and gets pregnant, Lucrazy is going to tell Pedro that the baby is Tonio's.

I don;t see Lucrazy getting pregnant by Pedro. Is just doesn't fit. You have to see now, that by Mariana returning, this messes Lucrazy's plans. What do you guys think. I'm I way ahead of myself. :)

Anon-the doctor is not Mariana's father. Her father died of an illness. I think the woman Margo saw today is not Mariana, but some woman that looks like him. I think the woman Margo saw with the doctor today is the doctor's daughter. It looks like tomorrow from the advances that Margarito runs into the real Mariana.

Thanks for still recapping this tn! :)
I am sure this is the real Mariana. I think she has amnesia... The actress is filming again so it's really her. I saw this on twitter.
I read something on the official site that might be considered a spoiler although this is the original run so no one knows what's going to happen. I think it might be about the man Mariana is with. And the reason why Elvira and her sister didn't talk to each other for a long time.

Thank u Madeliane. Now I understand.

Ano- where in twitter do u go to check this info?

Thanks, Madelaine for keeping the El Tal flame alive.

R la O: The most beauty obsessed city is...Fresno. Who knew?

I will have to find time to at least skim El Tal if Mariana comes back. Too many TNs—to few hours in the day.


Just because it's the same actress doesn't mean it's the same character -- they might be doing the twins/cousins/everyone has a double angle. (Although I do hope it's her. How will they prove it, though, if she's lost her memory? Fingerprints?)

I read it on Karyme Lozano's twitter, the actress who plays Mariana and also on Blanca Soto's twitter. They were filming together so I believe everybody finds out she is alive. About the man with Mariana, I read it on the official site, at tia Maria: . It's in Spanish but.... You might consider them spoilers.
I don't know why but I kinda love this tn so I search for news about it online....

The doctor and Margarito were talking about amnesia. Then when Margarito went outside to follow, the guys said that wasn't Mariana but someone he thinks of as a daughter. Probably because he took her in when SHE had amnesia. But since there is such an epidemic of amnesia in televovelaland, they'd never question the coincidence.

But score one for Panchito. He very subtly let Doris know that he knows about her affair with Gregorio, and that it's in her best interest to not say anything about their conversation to Greg. He may have questionable hygiene, but he's looking like a better and better catch for Tracy.


"Ano- where in twitter do u go to check this info?"

Not the Ano, but Karyme Lozano (Mariana) twittered she returned to Miami and started filming again on March 13. She's still working, so I'm guessing she's sticking around, probably for the duration.

Thank you Blue Lass- I too want to find out from watching this TN to find out if she is Mariana or some other character. This Tn is really getting legs and I enjoy it more all the time.

Thank you Kelly for clarifying for me the convo between Panchito and Doris. I just couldn't catch it all, but now I get it. Also about the doctor and "Mariana". I thought he said daughter, but now this makes sense too. I am hoping we see the real Mariana soon. It would be interesting if she has amnesia.

Madelaine, thank you for the last three days of recaps. I have finally caught up online.

So everyone is going to LA to look for Mariana. How does Pedro plan to get out of town with his Lulu baggage?

I am glad to see that Mariana has had someone looking after her that truly cares about her.

RLO, I don't think Avocadoville got the memo about being beauty obsessed like they are down the road in Fresno. Trashy, yes. Beauty, no.

EJ, if we give up family, friends, jobs, eating and sleeping we can watch each and every TN!

Lulu needs the little go-cart because she probably cannot walk six feet in those spike heels without falling over. Of course, being top heavy doesn't help.

Rosemary Primera

Thank you Madelaine!

I thought it was funny how, at the dinner table, Antonio told Doris since she's always following Pigorio around why doesn't she just marry him and stop ruining his own (Tony's) life. Bwahahaha! If he only knew.

At last Army changed his shirt. It's a miracle!

I wonder who bonked Pedro on the head? It looked like a skinny kid in too-big clothes. Pedro said it was probably a "nino de la calle". Future orphan-helper for the orphanage perhaps? I wonder if he's legal?

Thanks for keeping this all going Madelaine. You're numero uno!

Pedro noticed the blankets and stuff in the orphanage house when they looked at it before, but for some reason he didn't mention it to the agent. The others didn't look in that little room or closet or whatever it was. It was pretty obvious that someone was squatting in the house.

They may be obsessed, like ElViral with her insistence on a day at the salon, but can it be called beauty when she puts the headband right back on?

Thanks Madelaine. This is great.

A few details I picked up:

The Dr. at AA is Dr. Bermúdez who calls Mariana (now named Magaly) his niña perdida en el bosque (my girl lost in the forest). She suffers from amnesia.

Both Margarito and I are certain that she is Mariana.

I was amazed at how Pancho stood up to Doris and confronted her (as Kelly points out) with her sleeping with donG. She was impressed and conceded that he might be the smartest of donG's children.

He's becoming more and more sure of himself.

Lu's latest harebrained scheme is to take pictures of Yenny with Cami and use them to convince Pedro that Cami is behind the fake Mariana calls. With Pedro... it just might work.

Oscar wants a divorce and Renato and Rita are going to recruit Jaime (Oscar's butler) to be Reni's fake doctor.

Renato told Rita he has a bad headache. She thinks that's a good thing and wishes his stomach and even his toenails hurt as well.


Thank you Cap'n for posting this recap for me. I too laughed about that quip of Tonio's and I think he
is about to find out. When Doris came out of Pigorio's room she is wearing her Pj's and is very shocked Tonio was outside. I wonder if he heard what they were talking about?

Carlos-thank you for adding that.
I just heard the word daughter and so I was confused. Thank you for that. I like the Doctor he is very nice and I am glad he helped Mariana. I hope we find out what happened to her after Pigorio and Valentin dropped her off in LA.

It should be funny with Rennie and Rita and the butler being the fake doctor. I wonder if he can pull it off. And I can't wait to see what they do when El Viral wants her half of Rennie's stuff lol.

How many people know now that Panchito is Pigorio's son? Doris, Pigorio, Nana, Tracy and Valentin.
It is the worst kept secret. He is getting more cocky by the minute.

Can't wait to hear the excuse Doris gives Tonio about being in Pigorio's room, and I wonder if he will buy it?

Julia from yesterday' epi I too wonder how Pedro can afford the license for his orphanage and if he is bringing the orphans from Mexico or from the U.S. I think Lucrazy said something to Pedro about helping him with the money or maybe it was Tonio. I know he and Tonio had a long talk. They haven't said lately how the avacados are doing or what other crops they are growing and how El Tal is doing financially. I know that Pedro can't give El Viral money cause evidently it was alot of money he doesn't have.

Julia I also noticed the headband, maybe she feels lost without it lol. It was obvious that someone was squatting there cause I saw the scene with the blankets, Pedro just looked at it and didn't say anything.

Madelaine thanks so much for this recap. You are so kind to do this for us and things are heating up. Margarito did see the real Mariana now the question will be if she can remember her past.

I was shocked Panchito stood up to Doris and knew of her schemes.

Julia - thanks for the pic of the zebra daisies.

Blue Lass-they would have to have some kind of evidence if she has amnesia. Fingerprints would work or maybe DNA although I don't know if they have any of Mariana's on file from when she orginally disappeared. So many possiblities.I would think she would have amnesia especially after the beating from Pigorio and the circumstances that Pigorio and Valentin left her in. The question is will she ever regain her memory?

Loved the episode and the recap. Thanks again, Madeline for keeping us all in line.

I don't understand why the three intrepid investigators didn't just turn on the light and surprise whoever was there. After all, they DID see a light on in the house and that's why they stopped to check it out. Hmmmm.

So...if I understood right...the L.A. AA doc has taken in a young woman who appeared out of nowhere a few years ago, with amnesia...and NO ONE is interested in listening to a guy who says he recognizes her? QTH is wrong with these people? What is the doc up to that he wouldn't have gone to the police and tried to have them identify her, or gotten her photo in the news and asked if anyone knew her?

I noticed the house had mysterious glowy lights on behind the furniture...yet of course they needed flashlights.

Loved Antonio telling Doris she should have just married his dad. Heh. I still find it entertaining that he's talking about marrying Camila like it's a done deal, and Camila still hasn't even heard of this. Did Tracy overhear? Will she report this to Camila?

And as Mariana's friend we have Victor Camara, son of Carlos Camara (Teo's friend in La Mentira) and brother of Carlos Camara Jr (cop in Cuidado con el Angel)

whoa!! whats up with those previews for friday?? will that be a dream of Pedro's or Camila's?

martaivett, details Please. have not seen the TN...What dream? tell me is good. I know they are both going to LA.

no clue if its a dream or not, but we see Pedro and Camila making out in a beach somewhere in the previews for friday, my guess is its a dream, but if they are both heading to LA there is a chance...

Thank you martaivett. Enough with the dreaming. The first writer was into more dreams,that's why she was fired. This new one is moving things along.

The recap for today Thursday is coming. I just sent it and it should be posted soon.

Order up!

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