Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #203-204 Wed 4/11/12 More babies, more weddings.

Frida's boss says he'll help her fix up her car if she'll let him rent it out for weddings etc.

Chucha says being the only maid at the casa Lopez is too much work - there are an awful lot of people in the house! A new (tall, young, skinny) maid is hired to help.

Rebe Sr. misses her husband Julio, even though she told him life at his side was profoundly boring.

Freddy tells Vince he's broken up with Ana and is now unenthusiastically dating Kari. "But you don't love her!" "Maybe I could." He tells his dad he wants to get a job, a real job, in publicity or communications. He doesn't want to be the hubby who follows his singer wife around the country - also he's annoyed about that other galan following her around. He and his dad make fun of Adrian (who texts Ana just as she's leaving for a three-week tour and is not too proud to bring her flowers in various hotel rooms).

Product placements for Avon.

In the hospital poor little Nayeli tells her mom she doesn't want to go back where her dad is. The mom hasn't got a cent to set up house with. Fer, Doc Oc, and Lupita press her to leave the abusive husband. She agrees.

A pointless potpourri of unnecessary scenes follows. Then Lupita and Rebe go to the gynecologist and find out Rebe is pregnant.

Frida calls Pepe, she hasn't seen him for a month. Her car is good as new and she's over her anemia. They go out for juice together.

I see Adoracion Sr. works for Chela and Enzo now.

Adrian comes to Avon to tell Pancho he's in love with Ana and has the most proper intentions toward her. Pancho tells him: "She still loves Freddy. And she's too young to take on your children. In sum, sir, you don't stand a chance."

Pina is reading one self-help book after another. Chela comes into her office with some stuff from the house. "How does it feel to be living in a social class you don't deserve?" Pina sneers. "You should think less about us, do less hating, think instead about what to do with your energy. Try helping others." Pina pretends to be bored but she's listening.

Ana tells her dad she is not interested in Adrian. Her current problem: she thinks she's getting fat.

Frida stands very close to Pepe, she's glad things are not going well with Frenchie. She asks him to race against her one more time, he says it's dangerous, she asks for a kiss instead. "Satan, don't tempt me!" says Pepe, centimeters from her lips. He gives her the kiss. It's a nice long one. Mmmm.

Vince and Candy meet in a cafe. He is a baby with a very special piece of paper - his divorce!! Now she's happy! He has an engagement ring for her! Don't marry a baby, Candy! But of course she says yes. They dive into bed.

Chela has moved into Pina's house. She tells Moni (who's living there too) not to let jealousy destroy her relationship with Pepe.

Freddy comes to see his ma. "What should I do with my life?" she whines. "I'm asking myself the same question," he says. He feels he can't move on when Moms is so miserably parked under a blanket reading self-help books. He says "Learn from your mistakes, don't be so rancorous." She can barely say the words: "Chela thought I should do something for other people." She finds this distasteful, but he suggests, since she's loaded, she could establish a charitable foundation of some kind.

Ana's very fat manager tells Ana she's losing her figure! "Nobody wants a fatty singer." She goes on a diet.

Frida says goodbye forever to Pepe (wagging her butt in farewell). She gets on a bus and bam, it's in an accident and everybody on it faints in a heap. Meanwhile Pepe walks Moni back to the former Iracheta's, they're lovey dovey. Just like Lupita and Tomas canoodling only a few steps away. Tomas will graduate soon, Lupita's worried that he'll be in danger then.

No dinner for Ana, then no breakfast.

Pepe gets a call - Frida's in the hospital. He takes Moni with him to the hospital. Frida's foot is wrecked, she may lose it.

Pancho is shocked and disapproving that Candy's going to marry his cousin Iracheta. Then he's additionally shocked to hear: Rebe is having twins.

Chela reminds Ana, who's upset but not talking, "When your mom died, you didn't talk for a month. You were the one I worried about the most. I know something's wrong."

Tomorrow: are you kidding me? Candy and Vince are getting married? And Napoleon's not happy to hear about it.


Thanks Melinama.

You know, I was liking Ana's new manager up till this episode. How dare HE tell Ana she's getting fat!

Rebe and Pancho have been busy their first month of marriage. Twins!

Candy, Candy, Candy...She'll never learn. Vince certainly has learned nothing, so we know he'll be up to his old tricks soon enough. If Napo doesn't kill him first. The wedding looks like it will be eventful.

Pepe gets no love from me this episode. He kissed Frida, AGAIN! WTH? 1st time- caught by surprise. 2nd time- caught up in the moment. 3rd time- premeditated, and I hoped he would be caught in the act. Not cool dude.

One thing that surprised me. When Chela was talking to Ana about when her mom died, she said that Ana was 12, and Lupita just a little girl, meaning Ana is older than Lupita! Lupita is so much more mature than Ana that this is surprising.

When this tn started they said Laura had died 8 years ago. At least a 1 year-1 1/2 years have passed since then. If Ana was 12 when Laura died, that makes her 21-22 now. I'm guessing Lupita is about 2 years younger-- 19-20. Pepe is about 2 years older than Ana-- 23-24. And Temo started out as 8 and is now 9-10 years old.

Thanks Melinama for this great recap. I agree with all of Vivi's comments. Twins for Pancho and Rebe. That should be a treat. I am glad Dona Rebe is sticking around.

I can't beleive Pepe either. What is wrong with that boy? And he takes Moni with him to the hospital. I am glad he did that though. Now we just know Frida is going to need him more than ever.

Glad Nyeli and her Mom are leaving the abusive Dad.

Loved what Chela said to Pina. Pina needs to do something positive and stop being so negative.
I don't know about Vins and Candy either. I like what Pancho told Vins about being cousins and now they will be in-laws that was funny. But I think Vins will get the wandering eye again.

I am glad Freddy still loves Ana. He ought to fight for her instead of just giving up and dating Kari. I liked it better when Kari and Freddy were friends.

I too agree about Ana. That girl is nowhere near fat. He should talk, I'm just sayin'. Now she will go on some crazy diet. I hope she doesn't get sick. She didn't look too good. Even Pancho told her she wasn't fat.

Thanks, Melinama for recapping this episode.

I was so outraged by the manager telling Ana she was fat. Really, the pressure celebrities are under to be a certain size seems just terrible to me.

I have colleagues who work in LA and the abuse of diet pills and cocaine are rampant in Hollywood as actors of both sexes are expected to be scary skinny.Women are expected to be skinny and have large breasts, a combo that doesn't happen very often in nature.

When you combine this situation with the escalating numbers on juvenile obesity it just doesn't make sense.

Thanks for the quick and snappy recap, CHF. I so did not enjoy the Pepe indulgence but maybe he now has a clue by taking Moni with him to the hospital. Now he can continue his volunteer work on this walking disaster while Moni protects him from Frida's needy clutches. I hate to see his generous nature smashed but this boy needs some training in setting boundaries.

This is a sad day with two great telenovela actors dying. Julio Aleman died today of cancer. I just rewatched Tontas this winter where he was delightful even when BAD but always so elegant and suave.

Oh Cheryl, I liked him too. I saw him in La Verdad Oculta and of course Corazon Salvaje as the judge in the 2009 version. RIP Julio Aleman.

How dare Pepe look so handsome and charming when he's being such a toad? It's confusing my shallow mind ;).

How could that horrid manager look at Ana and tell her she's fat?! He needs to get his eyes checked. Also he needs to learn not to say rude and unnecessary things. Is this going to be a PSA about the damaging effects of the bitchy entertainment press and absurd judgments?

Mil ocho mil gracias por el recap. I so admire your ability to distill.

Tonight's vocabulary:

ñañaras - fear, the creeps

embriagante - heady, intoxicating

estar en ascuas - to be in suspense

tragar camote - to bite one's tongue (camote means sweet potato and is used in lots of fun dichos)

mellizos - twins (the doc distinguished "gemelos" as meaning identical twins. Rebe is expecting fraternal twins.)

I haven't seen this epi yet but your recap allows me to feel as if I have. Thanks.

Is the Ana's getting fat talk actually about something else? Could there be et another baby in the works?

So Pina still can't get over making classist comments to Chela? BUT she is beginning to listen to the advice of everyone -- even Chela right after dissing her. I have high hopes for Pina & Freddy in the end. Vince?? Not so much. But even he told Candy that he'd ben thinking about what she told him about his own shallowness. Maybe even he will become worthy of our Candy. Ah but what to do about her not-so-dead-after-all husband?

Thanks, Vivi for the time line on the age of the Lopez sibs.


I really thought Ana was younger than Lupita, too. I did briefly wonder if maybe Ana was puffing up a little because she was pregnant (although of course it is invisible to viewers), but if a whole month had passed since Pepe had even seen or talked to Frida, then it had definitely been long enough since Ana had been with Freddy that she should have noticed if that might be the case.

The fat Ana thing could be a PSA or another Lopez on the way. I had no idea Ana was older than Lupita. I just reread the synopsis and cast write up I have, Ana is referred to as the "second child", Lupita "third. thanks Vivi! Guess cause she is smaller we assumed she was younger. Duh.

Dear Rebe gave the censors some work when she did a couple "peek-a-boobs" in the opening bed scene.

Vins calling Fred "nene" all the time really fits with how they treat him - like a small child or baby. I do feel there is an adult hiding within Fred if he'd only let it out, and quit letting females run his life.

Julia- Thanks for the vocab. I heard when the doc and Rebe said mellizos but I forgot to then look it up to see if it was just another word for twins, since I knew gemelos. Pancho and Rebe could have a boy and a girl. Some fraternal twins look a lot alike (like how some siblings look a lot alike) or totally different. So many possibilities.

Conejita- I also noticed the American censors having to work overtime to blur Rebe's boobs. And then Temo and Popeye just jumped right into the mix. LOL! Obviously, the Mex audience is not afraid of kids seeing a little boobage.

Melinama...once again I salute your ability to cut through the crap and just give us the plot nuggets. With two-hour episodes, this is a real plus.

Julia...thanks for the vocab. I knew both "gemelos" and "mellizos" but did not realize the latter was only for fraternal twins. I have "mellizos" living next door (they were once adorable 6 year-olds, now in the teenage years, sigh)so that's good to know.

Hope the "fat" bit is a PSA for self-acceptance and not another fertility romance complication. We've had enough of those.

Sorry to hear about Julio Aleman, but admire these aging actors who seem to be able to work up to close to their time of death. Better to die in the saddle, sez I, doing what they love. If I have my druthers, I'll stroke out on the dance floor doing aerobics.

Ana and Freddy have been broken up for a while now, so I don't think it's pregnancy. I think it's a PSA. It also fits with how insecure Ana has always been about herself.

So far, only the older adults have been getting pregnant-- Pina, Chela and Rebe. Let's keep it that way. Elena lied about it, and Moni had a scare.

I too think that there is a repressed adult in Fred but with the immature male example he has for a father doesn't make it any easier for it to emerge. I really disliked Freddie in the beginning, now I just feel sorry for him.

Melinama, thanks for a fun recap.

If Moni were a friend, I'd advise her to step away from Pepe and give him some space because who wants to be with a guy who is so into someone else. If you have to browbeat a boyfriend to stay away from woman, it just isn’t worth it. Pepe is not married, so he really needs to break up with Moni and be a free agent. That said, I'm glad Moni was by his side at the hospital and remained silent.

I'm shocked too that Ana is the older sister.

Candy knows all Vince’s dirt but is still in love with him, so she might as well marry him. Unlike Pina, she can’t say she didn’t know what she was getting.

Julia, thanks for the vocab. Yay, I now know the difference between mellizos and gemelos.

Que descanse en paz, Julio Alemán. Loved him as the complex villain in La Verdad Oculta.

Descanse en paz, Julio Alemán. I really liked his character in Duena. Class act.

They also call fraternal twins "cuates" in Mexico and this phrase was used last night too. Thanks for catching the "mellitos" sometimes I miss a lot. I spent a summer on the Galalpagos Islands (Ecuador) long ago and a woman there described twins from the mother's point of view as una placenta o dos placentas.

I meant to type mellizos not mellitos, must be those cookie crumbs in the keyboard again ;>0

Thanks, Melinama. "Don't marry a baby, Candy!" Words to live by.

I sympathize with Ana... my doctor once told me I needed to lose 20 pounds. I was tempted to reply, "after you."

Pepe? Pepe is a dope. Just when you think he understands what's at stake, he just HAS to kiss Frida... again. Idiot. I never thought he'd have something in common with Vice, but there you go...

Vivi, thanks for recalculating the kids' ages. I also thought Lupita was the older sister.

I loved Julio Aleman in Destilando Amor. Cheryl, did you say two great TN actors died? Who was the other one?

Julie- The other was Yolanda Merida who played Manuela in CME and was also in Amor Real. She died the day before Don Julio. Some actors heard about Julio as they were leaving the wake for Yolanda.

We had a lot of comments about Don Julio on today's Abismo thread.

Thanks, Vivi. I haven't seen her in anything yet, but I have Amor Real on DVD and I'm hoping to get to it some time in this lifetime!

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