Tuesday, April 17, 2012

El Talismán #55 Tue 4/17/12

We are free to discuss among ourselves. There may be bullets later.

First Half:
(by Sylvia)
Big excitement at El Tal. Gabriel has purchased a brand new red car, some cute litte hatchback thingie. (A commercial advertised a Ford Focus so maybe that’s it.) He wants to surprise the catwoman. When he goes inside Sarita is pithed off until Tracy spills the beans.

Fabi wants to go to the hotel room with Army. He kvetches silently about his perfidy.

Doris wants to tie one on with Tony to celebrate their last day of marriage. She fondles the belt buckle and jumps on him for one last farewell f...you get the idea. He wants to pretend Doris is Cameela and gets slapped for it. She snarls that everyone hates him including his father. He pushes her on the bed but Pigoria shows up and tells Tony hands off.

Pedro meets with Doc Benitez and tells him about Mariana Aceves, his amnesiac wife who disappeared. Doc wonders why Mariana fled from her husband. “Is that what she told you?” asks Pedro. Doc doesn’t commit and tries to figure Pedro out. (Good luck with that Doc.) He is incredulous when Pedro explains their wedded relationship was that of  “hermanos”. Doc recommends that Pedro just live his life but Pedro says he’s been looking for Mariana for too many years. Doc insists that Magaly is not Mariana. (How he can be so sure is beyond me because he hasn’t even seen a picture of her.) Pedro brings up Cameela and the doc gets more practice making the confused face. Pedro explains what we already know. 

Smarmy Lucas enters the waiting room. He smirks when Mariana asks if  he needs help, then he sneakily confirms she is *the* Mariana.

Doc calls Mariana and asks her to retrieve some records from his car. But there is nothing in the car, so Doc must have called just to get rid of her. 

Pedro finally shows Doc a picture of Mariana and asks if the Doc hears anything about her to call him. Doc tells the pic that it’s time for her to face her past.

Camila presses Claudio for Mariana’s whereabouts but Claudio doesn’t know. Camila whines and frets about Mariana and Pedro for several scenes. She and Padre Matchmaker run into Margarito and the guys advise her to cool down, finding Mariana has long been a dream for Pedro.

Pedro goes to a church and prays to find Mariana alive and well. 

Meanwhile Camila sits on her bed and prays that Pedro will find Mariana. Pedro walks in the door and says it’s another dead end, let’s go back to Fresno. He reports that the doc didn’t seem to recognize her photo. He figures at this point it’s best to assume she’s dead.

Sarita and Gab are outside jumping around the car. “Just imagine everything we can do inside of it,” grins the little horndog, and I’m talking about Gab, not Sarita. She’s ready to christen that car right now. Aw, they’re cute.

Fabi and Army slowly enter the hotel room. He doesn’t want to do anything she will regret. He goes for the gold and seems to have forgotten about telling her the truth, although he does mention he loves her.

Mariana knows Doc faked the errand to get her out of the office. He admits that is was Pedro, her husband, who was there with him.

Back in Fresno Pigorio and Tony are still going at it. Tony says Doris is still his mujer, not the pig’s. El Pig, with Doris cowering behind him, orders Tony out. “Keep her, I give her to you as a gift,” snarls the Belt Buckle. Pigorio embraces a smug Doris.

Tony sees LooKrazy out on the porch. She’s come to tell him Cami and Pedro are going to marry. He has a fit but insists he’ll marry Cami, he’s even got the rings picked out.

Darn, I was hoping we’d have an Elvira-free episode. She shows up at the apartment and she looks down her nose at everything. She wants Army but hears he’s out with his girl. “Which of the two?” she asks. She goes to her room and comes out in a state, Army has forgotten to bring over her beauty creams! She dashes off to The Only Hotel Inn to retrieve them.

Doc and Mariana go back to The Only Bar In LA so he can tell her about Pedro, that he married Mariana to protect her (at which he failed miserably I might add), but that he really loves another woman named Camila. 

Oh gross, Fab and Army have done the deed. Fab is dressed but Army’s still in bed nekkid just as ElViral flounces in, “What’s going on here?”

Second Half:
(also by Sylvia)

ElViral is exceedingly annoyed that Army just boinked the pig’s granddaughter. Elvira calls her a little tramp and NOOOOOOO, Army jumps out of bed. Whew! He’s still scary but at least wearing undies. Fab bolts. Elviral is pleased, he has humiliated a Negrete, next in line is the little sis.

Mariana assumes this Camila is to blame for coming between her and her husband. Doc’s not exactly what Cami’s role was. Mariana is so confused. (Franky dear, so are we.)

Cami and Pedro smooch under the anvils, making up for lost time.

Lucas calls Tony to tell him Mariana is alive. Tony asks if Lucas is betraying El Pig how can he be sure Lucas won’t betray the Belt Buckle? No guts no glory, says Lucas. He reports he followed Pedro, but Pedro never saw Mari.  They make an appointment to discuss terms.

Pigorio tells Doris that tomorrow is her divorce and he doesn’t want to see her flirting with anyone else.  She convinces him she no longer cares for Tony, he is her past. He says he wants Tony far from the ranch. Doris smiles victoriously.

Tony goes after Valentin. He wants the truth about what happened to Mariana. Val says El Pig made Val abandon Mari in LA. Tony asks why didn’t they just kill her? Val explains the pig wanted her to suffer. Tony doesn’t know who is crueler, The Pig or The Belt Buckle. Val whines about going to jail. Tony says he’s going to LA first thing, he wants to find Mari first.

Flor frets to Tracy about her parent’s problems. Yawn.

Fab runs home in tears and cries that La Marmota caught them in bed and insulted her. It was the biggest shame of her life.  Tracy runs right down to the kitchen and blabs it to Alberta. She says this Armando sounds very weird to her.

ElViral and Army get back to the apartment. He’s pithed. Elvira snarls that the Negretes must pay for what they did to her. Maria rolls her eyes.

Next morning Doris and Pigorio kiss to celebrate her divorce. The lawyer shows up and announces Tony is a no-show. Pigorio orders Valentin to find Tony. Doris gripes if Tony doesn’t show she’ll nix the divorce. Pig tells her she’ll do what he says.

The Belt Buckle arrives in LA and meets with Lucas. He shows Tony proof and Tony hands over a wad of cash. Lucas gives Tony the address of Doc’s office. Lucas says as long as Tony keeps paying he’ll work for him. Tony says it won’t be long, the Pig’s gonna die soon.

Pedro and Camila run into Margarito and report that the woman he saw was not Mariana. They tell him they are on their way to Fresno to get going on their marriage. Margarito doesn’t think he’ll go back with them because Claudio is still mad.

Fab mopes about Armando.

Armando gripes to his cousin about mom treating Fab like dirt. He blabs that it was Fabs first time and he really truly loves her.

Mariana tells Doc she’s ready to be brave and face her past. Tony walks into the office and she stares at him. Does she know him? Is he Pedro? Doc walks back in and Tony says he’d like to talk to the Doc alone.

Cut to a close-up of Geno kissing that guy she likes, with Claudio in the background. Weird. Panchito runs to Claudio and tells him to beat it because he’s got orders to kill him.

Pig and Doris decide she should go ahead and sign the papers. He decrees that from this moment she is divorced and now she belongs to him. She says now nobody can criticize him for bedding his daughter-in-law. (Hack, spit, gargle!)

That’s it folks. Kind of leaves a bad taste in one’s mouth, doesn’t it?


Madelaine took the day off but will be back tomorrow. I wasn't really planning to do such a long-winded recap, and I could say I was inspired, but the truth is there is something else I was supposed to do but didn't really want to do so I did the recap instead. Make sense? Anyway, I forgot how fun it is to recap El Tal.

Thanks, Sylvia! Haven't seen the episode yet, but I needed a little perking up. I do so enjoy your recaps, especially of this circo.

The only way I ever get anything done is by using it to put off doing something worse.

Thanks Sylvia. What a great recap and I agree, most of what happened today is just gross!

El Viral is BSC. What did F1 and F2 have to do with what happened her? That poor girl is going to be scared for life and probably pregnant on top of everything. There is just not something right about Army, such a momma's boy. He needs to get a job and move on out this TN.

El Viral needs to return those expensive creams, they are not working. El Viral is another one that needs to get a job and moved on out of this TN.

I think Tia Maria is much more interesting. She needs more screen time.

What line of BS will Tony feed pobre Mariana? Dr. B looks befuddled most of the time, so I don't think he is going to be of any help.

Rosemary Primera

Thanks, Sylvia,
I hate to admit it, but I'm really enjoying ElTal, disjointed and repetitive as it is. Especially with the recappers 'splaining what is really going on.
Elvira is such a piece of work, and Armando is a wimp, doing whatever Mommy says. Grow some avocados, dude!

Thank you Sylvia. I went to the Spanish website to read today's episode and was sort of surprised at their snarky comments about this TN. I said to myself too bad they don't have the wonderful reappears of Cary to give it justice.

I'm glad there are a few of us who can't resist this train wreck. Thank goodness the writing has improved.

Rosemary P, I truly feel sorry for the Negrete girls. They are innocents and very immature for their ages, whatever those ages are. Yes, they drive me nuts with their giggling and stupid behavior, but they haven't hurt anyone. They are remarkably unscathed considering their environment.

Nellie, that is a very nice thing to say. I hope Madelaine reads your comment, and Anita too since she kept the ball rolling at the toughest time.

"Smooching under the anvils" -- priceless!

Ummm... OK... a Sylvia recap of El Talismán posted by Blue Lass...

Unusual... but wonderful.

Thanks guys. My favorite line:

"and NOOOOOOO, Army jumps out of bed."

I didn't think anyone could look more befuddled than Pedro, but... TADA!... meet Dr. Bermúdez...

I was saddened by Fabiola and Armando. I think that is the most furtive, uncalled for coupling I've ever seen in a TN. Yuck... Ick... Yikes. Why couldn't Elvira have arrived about three minutes sooner?

I'm going out on a limb and predict that Dr. B will believe anything that Tony tells him. I hope that isn't a spoiler.

Is there room in that little car for... ummm... you know?

Cat suit and all?


I have to admit that the one-two punch of ET and Peinados Abominables, er, Corazón Apasionado is a surprisingly fun way to blow a couple of hours. Double the circos, double the eyecandy, double the death glares...

Semi-serious question: when did Genoveva get herself a man? How did I miss this?

I'm kind of wondering if, once Mariana does regain her memory, she'll end up coupled with Doc Benitez. I mean, it's not like she could end up with Margarito--right?

And then there's Elvira...oh, boy. Obviously the lady's cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, but how far are they going to let her run before the karma chain yanks her back like a crazed pit bull?

Bill C,

Your comments about Elvira are too funny. I would like for the karma chain to break and have her run right off a cliff. Do they have cliffs in Fresno?

Rosemary Primera

If anyone can twist herself into a position to fit in that car, it'll be Sarita.

And Armando may be finding his inner cojones. He said something to Angel about how he wished he could be like his sister and stand up to their mother. Hear hear Armando.

It still seems that the doc thinks of Mariana as a daughter. They may be saving him for one of the Tias, who both deserve a little happiness and peace and sexy car time given all the crap they've put up with. I was a little concerned with him ignoring Pedro. Glad they're going to Fresno because I was questioning his qualifications. Then again, Pedro should've given him the name and number of the police or the Fresno do who treated Mariana. That'd clear up whatever nonsense Antonio is going to come up with.

Usually the evil scheme lasts for most of the show and then gets solved at the end. It's refreshing to have some bad guys who so completely suck at being bad that none of their plotting last much more than a week. Keeps things fun. Whatever will they do next?


Carlos, I drove a VW bug during my college years. So, ummm, yep.

I kinda half-watched Corazon Apasionado today because I heard there was an island marooning. That's one of my favorite themes and it didn't disappoint. Too bad I'm too busy to get addicted to another telenovela.

Kelly, I missed that Armando said that. Thank you for sharing. He still needs avocados (Thank you Emilia!) but at least it's a step in the right direction.

We should be over halfway through the show by now, so Mariana's abduction lasting this long isn't too bad in the greater scheme of things. That said, that and Lucrecia's BSC plan to get close to Pedro by faking (well...) assault are the only two plans that seem to have succeeded in the course of the entire show; so, yeah, in the broader sense the antagonists do pretty much suck...

And now courtesy of Rosemary Primera I give you all the mental image of Elvira running headlong off some outcropping at Lost Lake (the closest place I could find to Fresno that might have a cliff) while screaming "Donde esta mi dinero?!? Gregorioooooo...!"

[A floral-print hairband flutters in the breeze. Faintly, in the distance, a voice shouts "Largate!"]

You're welcome. :)

Bill C,

Your mental image of Elvira is wonderful especially the hairband. Dare we hope the writers read this and use your mental image?

Sylvia, so that was you rocking the little VW bug, who would have thought?

Rosemary Primera

ceeR la P & Bill C, this is ALTERNATE FRESNO -- OF COURSE there's a cliff! It's right behind the yogurt shop! Easy parking!

Thank you so much Blue Lass and Cap'n for covering for me. Thank you so much Nellie for what you said about these recaps. I hope Anita sees it too. Love doing them though, even though sometimes the storyline drives me crazy.

This recap rocks Cap'n. Loved it. I missed alot. I was really hoping Pedro would make more sense to Manuel. I too agree he should have told the doc about the investigation and El Capitain's name in Fresno that was investigating. I hope Tonio doesn't tell the doc that Pedro tried to kill Mariana.

Bill C and Rosemary Primera-loved the mental image of El Viral and the cliff with the headband and the yelling of largate! I laughed till I had tears in my eyes, it was too funny. It would be a great ending anvil for this woman who only wants money and tries to pimp out her son and daughter.

I really hope if Manuel was involved with one of them, It is Tia Maria he ends up with. El Viral doesn't deserve him. I hope it is Manuel they keep arguing over.

And Pigorio and Doris yuk and double yuk. I hope we don't see too many bedroom scenes.

I feel bad for Fabi too, poor thing to have that beyotch yelling at her. I hope "Jose" doesn't do this to Flor.

I just have to comment on something. Is it me or the Negretes walk into Pedro's house like walking into starbucks. Noone there has a saying. I was under the impression that Tighty pants could not leave fresno becuase he is out on bail? Also, how does he manage to get to Mariana first? I belive that Mariana is going to give Cameela a hard time and she is not divorcing Pedro.

Sylvia, thanks so much for this recap! Your procrastination is our gain!

Bill C - Semi-serious answer, Genoveva had been flirting with this co-worker and after a long absence on her part, the writers decided to have Camilla walk in on her and her man making out. I had hoped they would leave Fresno.

Thanks, Sylvia for the fun re-cap. I, too, breathed a sigh of relief that Armando had on undies. Poor F1 to be humiliated like that after her 1F.

Egads, I am missing something big. Panchito is supposed to bump off Carlito? Por que?

R la O, actually the bumping off of Claudio is a dangling plot line. Way back when Pigorio found out that Flo was hanging with Claudio and he ordered Valentin to kill him. Nothing ever came of it. I guess at this point there is a general instruction to all El Trash personnel to kill Claudio if he sets foot on Trashland.

Oh, and "Poor F1 to be humiliated like that after her 1F", snort! That's pretty darn funny R la O.

Cap'n good to see you back in form for El Tal trash talk. Gracias.

So, Elvira is good at acting while acting. We saw that in the hospital room with Maria and now with poor Armando. How on earth she could humiliate *him* as well as Fab and think nothing of it is beyond me.

Loved the NOOOOO--. It seems most couples in telenovelas make love with all their underthings on. It's only when you get to the movies that everything comes off.

I wish Tia Maria would just take Army and Angel and head for the hills and leave Elvira to her Cocoa Puffs and headbands.

I like Bill's idea of taking a flying leap off a cliff. Tell her to follow the dinero and sprinkle the path with dollars up to and over the edge.

Bill, you missed the coming together of Genoveva and Tomas because it was barely on screen long enough for us to figure it out, too. Tomas was sent as a replacement for Camila when she originally decided to leave the El Tal job. We saw a chaste kiss between them in the avocado fields and then Camila caught them in an almost compromising position (mercifullly, they still had their clothes on) when she returned unexpectedly to El Tal.

Good point, Kelly. Poor Pedro. The writers are still *not* putting the right things in his script. Instead of insisting he meet with Mariana, he should have spun the whole story to Dr. B, including the beating and the loss of the child being the reason she lost her memory.

OTOH, Pedro doesn't *really* know what Mariana and the good doc's relationship is--whether it is genuine--and Dr. B doesn't really know who Pedro is, after all, he just showed up. Margarito should have come with him and made the introductions. Dr. B knows Mgto.

This situation only puts Mariana in danger, especially if their *vacation* is back to Fresno and not Paris.

Carlos, ITA 1000% with most of your comments about Pedro/Manuel, Fab/Arm, and DrB listening to Tony prediction.

Also LOL about Sarita and what they plan to do in the cute little car. Practice for the clowns fit in the car circus act, what else?
except having more fun than most clowns.

Kelly, ITA with
doc thinks of Mariana as a daughter. They may be saving him for one of the Tias, who both deserve a little happiness and peace and sexy car time given all the crap they've put up with.

and LOL at
It's refreshing to have some bad guys who so completely suck at being bad that none of their plotting last much more than a week. Keeps things fun. Whatever will they do next?

makes me think of the Coyote in the Road Runner cartoon...

Bill C... ROFLOL about 'Peinados abominables' hysterical! I was on vac last week so got to peek at the beginning of that one and thought exactly the same thing! Even Guy with the reddish short hair looks nasty.

I like Bill's idea of taking a flying leap off a cliff. Tell her to follow the dinero and sprinkle the path with dollars up to and over the edge.
me too. i can help the set up. of course she is so out of it she won't tell the difference between monopoly money and real money.

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