Wednesday, April 25, 2012

El Talismán #61 Wed 4/25/12 Wedding Plans, More Scheming and a BIG Reveal Keep Fresno Folks Busy

Recap by Anita, FUG's esteemed Editor in Chief. 

Ahem, and since the staff of the FUG was laid off recently due to threats of closure and/or cancellation, our EIC is also acting as Intrepid Reporter.

The Episode begins with a little backward look to yesterday, but your intrepid reporter will plunge right into today with notebook in hand, pencil sharpened, binoculars hanging around her neck, sound recording equipment off the shoulder, avocados and raisins for sustenance and curiosity intact (Notez Bien: some scenes have been combined to minimize whiplash.)

--Dr. Manuel Bermudez gets home from his first day at work and Magaly (aka Mariana) greets him.  Dinner is ready and she has lots to tell him and he her.  She goes first.  She saw Pedro today.  Dr. B wants to know what she felt.  Well, despite the circumstances, she got the feeling Pedro is not a BaD GuY and though he was really angry at someone, it sounded as though he was in the right (she doesn't mention how disturbed she was hearing that "other" voice).  Then Doc gives Mariana the skinny on what he’s found out about the Negretes.  He tells her that Don Gregorio is very important in these parts, but people fear him and his son takes after him.  He warns her that Antonio’s sister, Lucrazzy could also be dangerous, in fact, the whole family is very bad.  He heard this from some of the talk around Fresno.  Well, ok, maybe, but Mariana wants to know about Pedro.  Doc says he wasn’t able to find out anything about him.  Even if he’s not bad or dangerous, he recommends she stay away from him until he can find out more about him.  Mariana is sure that someone around town should know her or recognize her.

She finally recognizes that he’s a little distracted and he tells her about seeing Maria, his lost love, again and how they will be working together at the hospital.  Next morning, Doc is getting ready for work and he invites Mariana to come have lunch with him at the hospital.  They still have plenty to talk about—Pedro and Maria.  Doc says the book on Maria is closed.  She made it clear that she doesn’t want to have anything to do with him, except professionally.  He sits down to tell her that he made a big mistake getting involved with Maria’s sister (Big Hint).

--Our happy couple is still dancing cheek-to-cheek to Camila’s theme song.  Pedro and Camila romantically promise to love each other forever, grow old together and have lots of children.  My, but Pedro has a contented look on his face and Camila is swooning in his arms.  In mid-dance, they bump into Genoveva and Tomas, apparently both couples are at The Only Restaurant in Fresno that has a dance floor.  They spend the rest of the evening together toasting Pedro and Camila’s engagement.  Pedro and Camila are still basking in the glow of their love as they stand by the fountain at El Tal later that evening.  There is a lot of hugging and kissing going on.  Once inside, Pedro and Camila are horsing around and he carries her into her old room and puts her down.  Since her stuff is still in the cabaña, he tells her she’ll just have to come to his bedroom to find pajamas and it they don’t fit, …something, something…about having to make do with his body.  They go off together happy to (possibly, probably) spend the night together.

--Tonio and Lulita continue their conversation.  Sis is frustrated that Camila and Pedro are heading for the altar and Tonio hasn’t done anything to stop them.  He explains to the dummy that as long as they have Mariana, they can’t be married.  Their marriage will be invalid, duh.  Ok, well, she wants Tonio to go get Mariana and head for Pedro’s right away, but Tonio says to cool her jets and let his plan work (and how many times has that gone well for you, bro?).

He needs Lucrazier to find Daddy-O and persuade him to sign the papers giving them the part of El Al-trash that belongs to them.  She says, you know he’ll never give them to you.  Yeah, he knows that, but it’s mainly to put him on notice so when he confronts him, if he doesn’t sign them, he’ll denounce Don G. to the police and he’ll spend the rest of his days in prison.

Lulu still doesn’t see how that will prevent the wedding between Ped and Cam from taking place.  Tonio, with a wicked twinkle in his eye says they won’t get married because Mariana will make her appearance at just the right time (a su debido tiempo).

--Next there is a disgusting little scene between Doris and her new Sugar Daddy-O.  She’s a little testy because she doesn’t seem to be in charge any longer and can’t order the maids around.  He tells her that her job is to please him, so hurry up and get undressed and put her mask on (gag).

--Maria gets back to the apartment from work and is talking to herself about how seeing Doc Manuel affected her.  Nobody must know, especially Elvira.  She doesn’t know the two boys are in their room discussing Angel’s put down of Tía Elvira earlier.  She greets him and learns the topic of conversation—how did that happen?  Well, she provoked him.  Armando tells Tía Maria that Fab (and Flo) uncovered his deception and confronted him.  (He doesn’t tell her he stood there like a lump of coal, mute.)  He feels terrible because he really loves Fabiola (she’s Fabulous, yeah).  Angel tells his mom that he told Elvira to her face that she has ruined the lives of everyone around her.  Armando says dejectedly that it’s his mother’s fault he lost his love.  Tía says, no, you chose to play with both of them, so it’s up to you to straighten it all out.  Talk to her; insist on it and fight for her love; he has no idea what it’s like to live without the person you love (we know who she’s thinking of).

--Sad Fab wanders around her room and wants to forget the whole sorry mess.  She feels lucky she found out about the deception earlier than later that Army was just playing with them.  Feisty Flo says, no, no, she’s as mad as a hornet now and she’s going to confront him and make Army explain why he did such a horrid thing to them.  (I.R. noticed that Fab finally shed her suede funny-looking high-heeled boots for some really high stiletto heels a little later.  She hopes the producers have a orthopedic surgeon on call for this dangerous footwear.)

--Back at Maria’s apartment, Elvira is Me-Meing Maria that she was left all alone yesterday even though Maria had promised to come home to be with her.  Can’t she see how depressed she is?  Her kids have abandoned her and it seems so has Maria.  Maria says, don’t you start that with me, sissie.  What could she expect after what happened to Armando yesterday.  Elvirus insists that she was defending her family and needed vengeance against all the Negretes.  Wrong, says Maria, you weren’t defending your family, you were using your son to hurt two innocent girls.  Elviral says you are the psychiatrist, Maria, you should be able to help me.  True, says Maria, we help patients see reality, but you are still blaming everyone around you (not an exact translation, but that is what she meant).

--Over at El Talisman, the gang is hand-addressing the lovely engraved wedding invitations (discounted heavily at Tal*Mart since there was no firm date for the wedding to print).  Everybody is helping.  Pedro wants to hand-deliver the one to Dr. Raul at the hospital.  He does and asks if Dr. R will be their padrino at the wedding.  The talk around the table is how few folks are being invited.  Camila says they don’t know that many people (huh?).  Talk turns to whether mama Elvirus should be invited to spread her venom.  In the end, Camila says it’s the right thing to do to invite her.

Meanwhile, Margarito and Santiagito are getting to know each other.  Santi tells Margo he can call him hijo, if he wants to—and that he would like to be called hijo by Margo.  The big folks worry about his status.  Margo thinks that if they turn him in to the authorities he’ll just run away again and it will be harder on him.  On the other hand, the El Tal folks don’t want to be accused of kidnapping or abuse.  There is talk of adoption.  Camila would consider it.

Mariana arrives in a taxi at the front of El Tal.  She hides behind trees when Margo and Santi walk by talking.  She hears Margo saying what a great bunch of people live there.  Santi likes Pedro, but wonders if Camila will like him.  Margo assures him that Camila is Un Pan De Dios (very nice).  Mariana thinks she will have to revise her assessment of Pedro.  Later on she overhears Genoveva and Camila at the door talking about the wedding and they go off to buy a wedding dress.

Once Santi is finished gorging on Domatilla’s cooking, he goes back outside.  He spies Mariana.  He boldly walks up to her and wants to know who she is, does she want food, or is she trespassing.  Margaro calls for him and Mariana is desperate that Santi not give her away.  She promises to return the favor and gives him her address. (????)

--Fab and Flo have been joined by their little friend who tells Flo to forget confronting Armo, he isn’t worth it.  Fab agrees, but Feisty Flo says, no, señorita, she wants to hear it face-to-face from his own mouth.

--The boys get ready to go out.  Angel tells Armo there are lots of women out there, but Armo says none like Fab.  Angel tells him straight—forget about having him talk to Flo first or asking Cami to talk to Antonio.  He needs to put his pantalones on and straighten this out himself (mama’s advice, too).

--Over at El Trash, Antonio is asking Lulu if Piggorio is around.  Nope.  Well, he’ll just plop down on the couch and wait because today is the day he’s going to make El Daddy-O sign the papers to hand over the part of the ranch that belongs to them.  Lulu, of course cares not ONE whit about the ranch.  She just wants Ped & Cam separated.  Bro says Cool It (again).

--Dr. Bermudez and Pedro meet by accident in the hospital waiting room and exchange pleasantries.  Pedro wonders if he’s there for the asunto de Mariana, but gets over his surprise that Dr. B is in Fresno for a job.  Is he there by himself?  No, Doc says, Magaly came with him.  They talk about Mariana and Pedro says that so many years have gone by without knowing anything about her that he’s resigned to the fact that Mariana is dead, so he’s going to marry Camila.  Pedro says welcome and if he needs anything, El Tal is at his service.  As an afterthought, Dr. B asks Pedro if he’d like to have coffee, or lunch.  Pedro says gladly, how about next week?  Dr. B would like him to meet Magaly and get to know her (surprise, Pedro—if your wedding is this weekend, you will have already met her, thanks to Antonio).

--Rita and Rennie are visiting El Capitan at the Police Headquarters.  He seems completely uninterested in their complaints about Antonio walking around free as a bird, while Rennie suffers from nightmares and pain from the after-effects of the beating he got.  He’s also racking up bills for his therapy.  El Cap says these things take time and after showing them out the door, he does a little bah-humbug motion with his arm.

--Antonio is still trying to find El Piggorio.  He runs into Valentin outside in the yard who tells him he’s back and holed up in his despacho with Panchito.  He shares that Don G. is worried about Mariana.  He thought she was here in Fresno.  Ant finally gets it out of Val that Piggo put out a hit on her, but got two innocent people instead.

--In the despacho, Panchito is pretty sure Mariana must be dead.  Greggio is not so sure.  It could be that Lucas lied to get more money from him and he doesn’t want to be surprised finding out that Pedro has her hidden away somewhere.  While they are talking about Antonio, he bursts in, all macho and pushes Panchito around and out the door and gets in Piggorio’s face to tell him I HAVE Mariana sequestered.
Piggorio insists she’s dead. 
Antonio says he’s talked to her and she says you and Valentin dumped her in LA.
Piggorio says that’s stupid.
Antonio says look at this cell phone photo
Piggorio says it’s a fake, a photo-montage, she’s dead.
Antonio says it’s real, and if you don’t do what I say, Mariana will talk to the authorities and you end up in jail.
Piggorio says, you will *jamas* get this rancho.  It’s MIO, MIO.

--Doc Bermudez hears Maria’s voice outside his consultorio and goes out to ask to talk to her.  She pretends she’s too busy, but accompanies him in.  He asks her what she thinks—of us.  Maria says she already told him yesterday—that she isn’t interested in thinking about what happened over 20 years ago.  Doc B replies that in those 20 years not a day has gone by that he hasn’t thought about her.  Maria snaps back—thinking about me or thinking about how you betrayed me by SLEEPING with my sister (This is the big reveal.  Oh, the world may get smaller still — could Camila be Manuel’s daughter?????)

(I.R. wishes the episode ended here, but there is more…..)

--Elvira is sitting in the apartment.  It looks like the boys haven’t left yet.  She blames Armando for ruining her life.  Now Maria hates her and it’s all because of the two F girls.  The girls aren’t worth it and she’s the one offended here.  Basically Armando tells mom that if he had to choose between Fab and never seeing his mom again, he’d choose Fabiola.  That shuts her pie hole for a bit.

--Pedro greets the Tijuana Padre who is going to marry them.  He didn’t know about Claudio and Patricia.  He’s happy to be officiating (those papers Beatriz was carrying must not matter, or the writers forgot about them).

--Continuing the argument in the despacho, Antonio wants his share of the ranch.  When the reply is that they get nothing, Antonio says, yes, in fact now not only does he want his share but he wants the whole thing while he pudres in the carcel.  Don G. suddenly looks very ill (and here endeth the reading for today).


Can't wait!

Lady Anita I can hardly wait for your recap. This epi was so good and so full of info.

Oh man! I won't be able to watch this for hours! I am excited about the BIG reveal. Valentin is an undercover cop? F2 is really a boy? Antonio enters the priesthood? My imagination will run wild until I get home late tonight.

Word verification: ntsso lol, yes we are!

What a teaser. I am so excited to read about the BIG REVEAL. ElTal has had so few of those...


I'm going to spoil it and say that f2-Flor- is not a boy. She is quite the little spitfire though. Good for her. She needs that strength to get out of her crazy family.

So just how long will it take for the doc to finally tell Pedro abt Mariana? I suppose he's waiting for the wedding day?

Can tia Maria have Elvira committed and get rid of her once and for all?


It's done. Will type it up and send it to the Cap'n after LQNPA.

I'll have to apologize now. I was full of snark and snort after my hiatus, but this was not the episode to pull it off. It's a good one, full of info, so it's going to be just the facts, ma'ams and sirs.

...Santiago is not a girl, either.
HaHa these are good.

Thank you so much Anita for this great wonderful recap. So Dr. Manuel slept with El Viral ugh. I hope El Viral never finds out he's in Fresno, but ya know she will.

El Viral is on my last nerve. Really, she should look in the mirror. Her headbands are getting longer and tighter I think.

Loved Flo's stance. They should both confront Army and he should tell them the truth and who he is really in love with. He is part way standing up for himself. He just needs to stand on his own two feet now.

Loved Tonio confronting old Pigorio and it looks like the Pig is in some danger from the advances. I can't wait to do the recap Thursday.

I am feeling bad for Mariana. She looked so upset when she heard Cameela's convo about getting married, Mariana had tears in her eyes. I hope she remembers a little more soon.

Lucrazy is crazy, she doesn't care about anything but Mi Amor lol.

And Cap'n thanks for posting.

“Un pan de Dios”? A little God’s bun? Qué cute!!!

I loved the scene with El Capitan and Rennie and Rita. El Capitan looked at Rennie like yeah you're faking lol. And Rita trying to massage Rennie's shoulders for effect and that gesture of El Capitan too funny.

Great job, Anita. Thanks once again for keeping the newspaper afloat.

I'm still vexed by the lack of mourning for Aunt Paty and Gabriel. Wasn't it just yesterday that they blew up? Even when Padre Whatshisname was told about it, he was just,Well gee, that's too bad. At least maybe we could have a combo wedding/memorial service.

I'm feeling bad for the folks at Ford, too. So we're going to leave as an electrical malfunction? "Well, heck yes... happens all the time with those Ford Foci."

So Dr. Manny was able to find out all about los Negrete but not a thing about Pedro? Maybe try asking Dr. Raul who hired you... Pedro's designated best man... he might know something.

Please, please, please don't kill the Pig... he's evil but entertaining.

Does anyone think that the fab Fab might be pregnant? Oh that's right, a girl can't get pregnant the first time... nevermind.

I may be in a minority here, but I'm really looking forward to Elvira meeting up with Dr. Bermúdez again. It will be an opportunity for her to selflessly redeem herself.


Carlos--Maybe that is the only redemption Elvira gets, huh?


Carlos, I thought in telenovelas the girl *always* got pregnant the first time! Or is that only when it's her one true love and he has a long-lost fiancée who's about to reappear?

Anita, you are un pan de Dios. Thank you. I enjoyed the format and did not suffer whiplash.

This was a great episode. Rita and Rennie need to have a spin off. They are so funny!

About Ford Foci malfunctions.. just last night here in SLC 4 teenagers were driving and heard a lawnmower noise coming from the car, so they got out and the car exploded! Unlike Tia Pati y Claudio, these kids are fine. The car was a Subaru.

Of course El Viral slept with her sister's Amor. And it was all his fault.

Oh, and about the lack of a wake, the burial and mourning, maybe it was a three episode deal in the old script, but the new team of writers thought they might lose the last of their viewers for minor characters. They didn't know how beloved Aunt Patty and Claudio were to the viewing audience. It was a little crass of the Padre to brush it off.

So, the avances show an Elsa-Federico staging. With Santiago added as an orphan who needs adoption, I wonder how many of the writers were wooed away from LQNPA with promises of green cards and a doubling of their salaries to hang out in Fresno, FL.


Blue Lass, for over 40 yrs. teen age girls (and a few adults) have whined to me, "But I thought you can't get pregnant the first time!" or "My boyfriend said I couldn't get pregnant the first time."

Don't forget that Claudio gave us one of the best lines ever when he told Elvira that if she was going to kill herself, then do it outside.

I'm going to miss him.


Thank you, Intrepid Reporter/Editor! I have this great mental image of you trekking around after our characters in a trench coat with a press pass stuck in your hatband, getting the scoop.

I am thoroughly enjoying the dressings-down Maria and Angel are giving Elvira. I think Elvira must have been dropped on her head many times. She seems to have absolutely no ability to Get It.

It was mentioned that Elvira was already married when the dalliance with Unmanly Manny happened. Not her only affair, either. And she has the nerve to call Camila and Fabi sluts!

Maybe I should move to Fresno, if the apartments are that big. Army and Angel's bedroom is as big as my entire home, I think.

Anita, so sorry I missed the party! I was too tired after posting to read the recap and had a very early appointment today. Stoopid life getting in the way of my telenovela fun. How very annoying.

What a great episode (still can't believe I'm saying that about El Tal), and what a super recap. I like Julia's image of you dogging our characters for the scoop.

I couldn't believe Elvira, a grown woman, whining to her sister, a doctor, about Elvira being lonely. Yo beeyatch, get a job is what I would have told her.

I'm with Carlos, I'm very much looking forward to Elvira running into Manuel. Redeem herself? Nopis, I predict she's going to go after him again. Then I will look forward to the inevitable smackdown.

R la O, great idea about Red and Rita's spinoff. They are one wacky pair. Loved the scene with El Capitan.

Fabi preggers? Very likely. It reminds me of that old joke, What do you call people who use the rhythm method? Parents.

And Cameela being Manuel's daughter would explain why she seems to have more brain cells than Elvira and Armando.

Thanks IR and EIC! This was a very fun recap. OK, I'm off to watch today's episode.

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