Saturday, April 07, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #197-198 Fri 4/6/12 Another wedding? Are they crazy?

I think this is the fourth wedding I've recapped on this TN.

The first was Pancho and Laurita. (Now I'm wondering if Tom's parents were at that wedding. I think they would have still been alive.) That was pretty nice, until Laurita dropped dead a dozen years later. Slacker.

The second wedding was Lupita and Alex. Alex dropped dead moments later.

The third was Adoración and Big-nose, whose name I've gladly forgotten already. Pina and Goya conspired to invite Big-nose's wife, which really put a damper on things.

I didn't recap our fourth and fifth weddings, which were, in some order, Candy marrying Napoleon under duress, and Fernanda's wedding to Doc Oc which was interrupted by an obnoxious outburst from snobby Pina.

I'll admit that of the recent weddings, each has been a little less horrible than the one before it. Nevertheless, I am amazed that everyone in this story doesn't suffer from wedding-induced post-traumatic stress by now. I, for one, am quite nervous. If the trend continues, someone is likely to spill taco sauce on a dry-clean-only jacket, or perhaps get their toes trampled while dancing.

But if these two fine people are determined to take a chance, we can only cheer them on, and hope that no one slips on a banana peel.

Part One: Rest is for dead people

I didn't catch the first few minutes, so I may be missing something here:

At the daycare, they're worried because Lupita's not back yet. Ana goes to lunch with Adrian, who promises not to kiss her.

Arnold calls Candy about the boutique. Pina overhears and is jealous. Well, what does she expect from Arnold - she wanted to be "just friends"! Pina is upset because Candy is her worst enemy. Arnold reminds her that he's always supported her, even at the cost of his friendship with Vice. Pina wants to know what Candy's got that she hasn't, "besides these," she says, gesturing for boobs. Arnold says she's fresh and spontaneous.

Lupita is at Avon with Pancho and Rebeca. She's worried about Nayeli, who never showed up at the daycare. Mónica arrives. They all make a fuss over her New Luke.

Pepe finds Frida some tires for the Pantera. She gives him a grateful hug. She says she doesn't know how she'll pay him back, but she will.

Moni tells Pancho she's so angry jealous about Frida she can't think straight. Pancho tells her of the trouble he had with a fair-haired fellow with a ridiculous tan. He was infected with such jealousy that he lost Rebeca. Sure Frida seems perfect for Pepe; that's just what they all thought about Mike for Rebe, too. Don't let jealousy poison your heart. Love is pure. Frida can't help how she feels, but Moni has to fight for Pepe.

Lupita and Rebeca look at the Department of Families website. Lupe tells Rebe how gross Nayeli's dad was, reeking of booze. Lupita would like to talk to N's mother before taking her to the Department. They'll take photos, too, in case they need proof.

Candy and Rebeca Sr. come back from a shopping trip. Napoleon is hiding behind a tree. But instead of seeing that, Candy sees a big hazy floating image of his face. Rebeca Sr. tries to talk some sense into her, but terrified Candy runs into the house, leaving Rebeca Sr. to carry all their bags.

(Those two get along so uncannily well that I have to wonder if Rebe Sr. is her birth mother.)

At lunch, Ana blames Adrian for Fred's behavior with Kari. He's an insecure mama's boy. Adrian says, "even so, you must have fallen in love with him for a reason."

Rebeca Sr. tells her husband (Julio) about Candy. He scolds her for getting involved. She decides to talk to Pancho. He turns his attention back to his jigsaw puzzle and remarks that it's difficult.

Lupe and Rebeca go driving around and find Nayeli on the side of the road. "Dad said if I go to the daycare, he'll hit me!"

Lambi is preparing Avon's taxes and tells Pancho there are some loopholes they can take advantage of. Pancho tells him not to. He wants everything to be perfectly legal! (I thought loopholes were legal. Maybe these are a different type of loophole.) Rebe Sr. arrives and Pancho entertains her with some awful mother-in-law jokes. (Is it bad luck to do that before the wedding?)

Enzo takes Chela on a blindfolded mystery tour. He takes off her blindfold to reveal... the Irabién home! Chela is confused. What's all this, then? Enzo says this will be their new home. "WHAT?!" she exclaims, in English. Yes, Pina sold Enzo the house. Now she can live near her nieces and nephews. He tells her, "my love for you is the best thing that's ever happened in my life."

Ana and Adrian encounter Kari and Fred on their way home. Awkward! Who has the moral upper hand here? NOBODY! Ana tells Kari, "I'm not even going to knock your teeth out... Fred is all yours. And this time I mean it." Since this is the second time, she's not going to forgive him. Adrian and Ana drive off, with Ana staring daggers at Fred and Kari.

Moni arrives at the garage just in time to see Frida hugging Pepe gratefully yet again. His half of the hug looks fairly casual, but his face takes on a very guilty hue when he hears Moni's voice. Moni delivers an ultimatum: it's her or me! Frida says she'll multiply herself by zero and go.

Pepe tells Moni he's in no position to fire Frida - he's not her boss - and Moni is the reason he's working two jobs and Frida needs this job because she doesn't have anything except the car. Moni says she had every right to ask him to choose. He agrees and apologizes. (Whuh??) Hug. Frida watches sadly from afar.

Adrian invites himself to the wedding as Ana's date, but then gets a phone call and has to go back to Guadalajara to be with a sick child.

Rebeca Sr. tells Pancho about Candy seeing Napoleón. "No manches," Pancho says. "¡Sí, mancho, Pancho!" (I knew someone was going to say that sooner or later!) He tells her he thought Candy was just having a nightmare the night of Día de los Muertos, but now that she's seeing things in broad daylight, he's having his doubts. Rebe Sr. suggests that she go to a psychiatrist.

Lupe, Nayeli, and Rebe (Jr.) come home where Ana is crying to Candy about Fred. Ana runs out crying. Rebe follows. Candy comforts the frightened child while Lupe gets her some soup (nobody feeds the kid when she's alone at home all day).

Fred tells Kari he's going to miss the house. He's lived there almost his entire life. Kari offers to cheer him up. He says he doesn't deserve her love or anyone's - Ana's right - he's insecure. Kari says she loves him just the way he is and he shouldn't change so much as an eyelash. "Until I free myself from my mom, I'm not going to have anyone in my life." Kari says he'll get a good job when he graduates, have an apartment and be independent. Fred realizes this is going to kill his mother.

Rebeca tells Ana it's okay to cry and gets her to tell her everything.

Pepe tells Moni that Frida needs his help. "Why does it have to be you?" It's upsetting enough for her to know that he's already kissed Frida and all that. He asks if she'd rather he hadn't told her. Moni says she's never doubted her love; has he ever doubted his? No. Te amo, etc.

Pancho and the Rebecas try to persuade Candy to see a psychiatrist. She insists she's not crazy. No one's saying she is. Candy says maybe Nap's a ghost. Rebeca Jr. lets slip that Nap kidnapped her. Rebe Sr. is aghast.

Pina is with a psychiatrist right now. He diagnoses her with poor self-esteem, codependence, and an addiction to conflict. It's become a way of life for her; it's how she interacts with the world. She needs to learn to live without conflict. (Predictably, she resists!)

Lupita and Tomás tell Nayeli she has rights, and her father shouldn't hit her. They'd like to take her to the Department of Families. She's afraid her father will find out. They'll protect her. What about her mom? He hits her too! Nayeli tells them where her mother's morning job is.

Rebeca (Jr.) meets with her father. She can see that he's troubled. He admits that he and Rebeca Sr. are having problems, but don't want to spoil the wedding. It's just that after 40 years of work, he wants some rest and quiet at a nice retirement place in Palm Beach. She's catching her second wind and feels that rest is for dead people. "But if you're happy, I'm happy," Julio tells his daughter.

Enzo tells Vice, "I'm buying Pina's house." He'd rather Vice hear it from him than someone else. "How nice for Quesadillas," Vice responds sarcastically. He is horrified and feeling sorry for himself. "Everyone helps Pina, but who helps poor little Vicente?"

Part Two: Candy sees live people

Arnold assures Pina that her psychiatrist helped him when Midori fired him and his life was a mess.

At home, Pancho gets good news on the phone and won't tell Rebeca what it is. "You're not going to believe it!" He takes her to a big outdoor picnic with balloon arches and a ton of food. Most of the family is there (Candy is elsewhere). They all crowd along the same side of the table, which makes for difficult conversation. Pancho hushes everyone repeatedly so that he can hem and haw endlessly. Finally he makes his big announcement: They got the cathedral in Toluca! (Big surprise.) Also, a special birthday surprise for Rebeca: A huge band plays Las Mañanitas for her. She takes the first big bite out of the cake - with her face. She blesses Ana and Lupe with frosting on their noses. They all do the Una Familia con Suerte cheer. There's a heavy shower of confetti, or as the local wildlife calls it, "litter."

Candy's not there because she's at the psychiatrist. Of all the mental health care professionals in the area, he just happens to be the same guy Pina went to earlier! Candy tells him that she sees dead people. She assures the doctor that Napoleon was definitely dead. The doctor says she might be hallucinating, but she's not crazy, and anyway, "we don't use that word around here." Her hallucinations are the product of a serious traumatic experience.

Napoleon, very much alive, looks at a wedding invitation and mutters, "I'll be there."

Rebe and Pancho look forward to waking up together every morning for the rest of their lives. Rebe says she looks awful in the morning. Pancho says he snores and he's difficult to wake.

Fred goes to Avon to tell Vice about his plan to become independent. Vice says Fred should let Kari help him. Fred says that would defeat the purpose of trying to become independent.

Pina angrily tells Arnold about her diagnosis. She really seems to enjoy arguing that she's not addicted to conflict! Arnold says maybe there's a remote possibility that the doctor is right.

Back at the birthday party (minus Pancho and Rebeca, and the confetti is mysteriously gone too), Chela tells the family she doesn't want to know the baby's gender. They'll call it Laurita, after her sister, if it's a girl. If it's a boy... Francisco! Everyone groans. Other suggestions from the family: Vicente (ha ha), Temo, Torcuato, Marciano, Pancrácio, Obdulio, Lara, Iberio, Evo, Masyosare...

Candy's session with the doctor is done. Rebe Sr. is waiting for her. Yes, she missed her own daughter's birthday party to make sure Candy would be okay. They talk about how much they like each other. (Hmm. Could it be the call of blood?)

Vice tells Fred he's doing just fine. Fred doesn't believe him. Vice admits he's lost. He cries. It's a pathetic sound.

Tom has gotten permission to take some time off from police academy. He and Lupe go to the bakery where Nayeli's mother works. She is nervous and defensive right away - before they can say anything, she tells them if they wants her to work in their house, she's already doing three shifts and she can't take on any more, so forget it. (Apparently, she's in demand!) But she relaxes when Lupe introduces herself as being from Nayeli's daycare. They assure her that Nayeli's okay and agree to wait till her shift is over so they can talk.

Vice tells Fred that what he feels for Candy is true love, just like Fred feels for Ana. Reconciling with Pina was just an illusion. (Give Vice a shred of credit for being able to accept that Fred really loves Ana, even if she's not Vice's first choice for him.) Pancho bursts in with a wedding invitation; of course he wants his cousin and Ana's boyfriend to attend. Oops, he didn't know that Fred and Ana are splitsville. (It doesn't seem to worry him much.) He says he feels a bad vibe in there and it smells like sulfur.

Nayeli's mom's shift at the bakery is done. She needs to hurry to her next job at someone's house, so they agree to walk and talk, and Lupita gets straight to the point. Mom becomes defensive again; Dad's not hitting Nayeli! Ugly bruise (moretón) on her arm? Surely she just whacked it against something. (Yeah, I'm sure there's a door in their house that has four fingers and a thumb.) They say they know he hits Mom too. Mom says Nayeli's lying. Lupe says kids always tell the truth. They want to help. Mom says who asked you - if you don't mind your own business I'll have you thrown in jail. (Oh yeah? Why not have your husband thrown in jail instead?)

Frida's sad and bitter. She tells Pepe it was one thing to hear him say he had a novia, and another thing to meet the stuck-up (estirada) Frenchy in real life. Pepe asks her not to bad-mouth his girl. Frida says, "I'm going to change" and walks away. (Not sure if she means change her clothes or change her attitude.)

Moni tells Enzo she feels as though something's broken between her and Pepe; it's Frida. Then she gets a phone call; she's invited to be a bridesmaid in the wedding. That cheers her up! She goes off to try on her dress.

Rebe teases her parents and Pancho about her bridal gown. Rebeca Sr. playfully punches Pancho in the stomach. (Let me tell you, there is no playful way to be punched in the stomach.) Is stomach-punching the groom a previously undisclosed Mexican pre-wedding custom? I'm joking, of course. The scene just struck me as odd. Maybe it's her revenge for all the bad suegra jokes he's been telling her.

Pancho and Rebeca are together in bed, enjoying their last night together as single people. He really, really wants to see her gown. She offers him three hints, and if he guesses right he can look:

1. It's long and white.
2. There are lots of sparkly crystals.
3. It's in the closet.

Pancho opens the closet door, and is attacked by an explosion of fluffy pillows. Ha! That's what you deserve, Mr. Snoopy McNosington.

Morning. There are fireworks at the cathedral. The plaza is packed with fans. Rebe's friend Bárbara is there. The wedding planner is ready for action. Pancho makes some vague but friendly statements to the press.

The bridesmaids are wearing bright green. These are by far the nicest bridesmaid gowns I've ever seen. The color isn't great for everyone, but it really pops with Moni's hair.

Fernanda and Pancho share a tender moment. Rebeca arrives in her white BMW, which is decked with flowers. Elena and Oríon show up, fresh from Japan.

Rebeca and her father enter the cathedral. Everyone oohs and ahhs at the sight of her. People comment on her gown.

Raimundo flirts with Arnold.

Enriqueta tells Lambi she's never been married, but she's open to offers. Lambi reveals that he is divorced. (When'd that happen? I didn't think that shrew he was married to would allow him to get away. Maybe she found a guy with more money.)

Ori says something to Elena about monarch butterflies.

Temo shouts, "You're cuerísimo!" (I can't find a definition for this.) Everyone laughs.

At home, Pina tells Adoración to pack some of her stuff. She says she's reading a perioquiro. (I don't know what that is either, but Ado laughs.) The book is called "How to Live a Life Without Conflict." Ado asks if change shouldn't come from within.

Fred comes home and tells Pina that he has something to tell her. No, it's not about him and Kari. There is no him and Kari. He wants to become independent. Ado overhears and cheers silently.

Back at the wedding, someone's waaaay up in the balcony. Candy watches the ceremony and flashes back to her own unhappy wedding. Then she senses movement and looks up. It's Napoleon. She starts to freak out.

"Nobody has loved you, nor will love you, as I do," Napoleon mutters.

Next time:
The rest of the wedding. There's still plenty of time for something to go wrong!

Have a wonderful Passover and Easter!


Thank you for the great re-cap!

Thanks Julie, I missed the show due to Passover. Great holidays to everybody!

Thank you so much Julie for this great recap. I missed this epi too, but reading your part 1 of the epi I feel like I did. Poor little Nyeli. Hopefully Lupe and Tomas can help her and her Mom get away from that drunken lout.

Is Candy hallucination or is she really seeing Napo? I hope the shrink can help her.

Pina does need a shrink and the shrink was spot on with her. She does enjoy conflict. She needs to get some self esteem.

Poor Freddy and Ana. Freddy does need to grow up though. Can't stand Kari right now. She is enabling Freddy as badly as Pina does.

Vice should complain, not. He is such a backstabber and womanizer he brought this on himself. He needs a shrink and not the one he saw with the clocks lol.

Can't wait for your part 2. Great Holidays every one.

Oh and I loved your little forward too Julie. I didn't know you had recapped all those weddings. Hopefully this one works out really well for Rebe and Pancho.

Madelaine, Candy definitely saw Napo at the wedding (I haven't finished typing up pt. 2 yet, but it'll be in there). I'm not sure whether she saw him or dreamed him the night of Day of the Dead.

But in pt. 1 with Rebe Sr., it definitely looked like a hallucination because you normally don't see giant floating disembodied heads. However, he was actually nearby, lurking behind a tree. So it's possible that she caught a glimpse of his coat without realizing it, and her nervous mind converted it into a full-fledged giant Jumbotron image.

Also, on further consideration I have to say that Ana really did have the moral upper hand in that confrontation with Fred and Kari.

And Moni really did deserve an apology from Pepe, even though her ultimatum was inappropriate. She and Pepe still handled the situation much better than Ana and Fred are doing.

I want Adrian back though. Sure he was pushy, but so was Pepe with Moni, and Alex with Lupita. I don't like guys who are that pushy in real life, but in telenovelas it appears to be quite appropriate. Also, I miss his pretty face.

Julie- I love part 1 so far. I think what happened with Candy's 2nd Napo sighting is what you just said. She caught a glimpse of him behind the tree, then her nervous mind starting going and the big floating head appeared. Everyone is going to think she's nuts. Hope she doesn't start screaming in the middle of the ceremony. At least one of these weddings should go off without a hitch.

As many weddings as we've had, we still have a few to go. Enzzo and Chela (who I guess are waiting till after the baby is born), perhaps Chacho and Sandra, and probably at least 1-2 or more of the youngster couples by the end.

I'm glad that Rebe Sr. is taking Candy under her wing. Candy needs a nurturing influence/mother figure in her life. Rebe Sr. has already spoken to her about what a wild child she was before she got married. She and Candy seem very alike that way. And Candy is bringing a little fun into Rebe Sr's life, who is stuck with stick in the mud Julio. I can't believe he has been hiding out in his bedroom and missing all the family get togethers with the Lopez. I understand being an introvert, but that's just rude!

I'm glad that Lupia enlisted Rebe and Tomas' help in the Nayeli problem. The mom doesn't look too keen to rock the boat (and anger her husband). Not sure what it will take for her to realize that the best thing for her daughter is not to grow up in a house where she is abused and watches her mother get abused-- not matter if the alternative is struggling alone to raise her. If she can't make that difficult decision, then I am fully supportive of Lupita calling child services on BOTH parents. The mom, as nice as she may be, is putting her daughter in danger by having her in that environment. Poor little Nayeli. I felt so sad for her as she broke into tears when Lupita and Rebe found her.

Did Pepe really give a real appology to Monica about the kissing? Seems to me he mostly whined about her abandoning him. I also felt that Moni demanding that he choose her or Frida was perfectly appropriate. I didn't take it in that moment as her wanting him to fire her-- although I understand her desire for Pepe NOT to spend time with her. But Pepe has been on the fence the last few weeks about who he wants to be with, even pushing Tomas to make the decision for him. It was about time that he had to make the decision-- Moni of Frida. He can't keep both women hanging and being led on by him.

Freddy has more growing to do and a lot to sort out with his relationship with his moms. And Ana is so darned selfish and self centered. I think it's a good thing that they break up while they both mature.

I was really pleased to hear the psychologist give Pina such a great, dead-on analysis. I hope she's on her way to really changing.

I continue to love Enzzo and Chela. He just loves spoling her (like he spoiled Moni all these years). And Chela is so used to giving, giving, giving. It's strange for her to be on the receiving end of so much pampering and affection.

Julie thanks for part 2 of this great recap. Now I see what you mean about Napo. I wonder if he is trying to gaslight Candy. I am glad the shrink told her she is not crazy. I like that Rebe Sr. is helping her.

Yay Freddy. I am glad he is going to go out on his own. This will help him to mature.

Pina is so cracking funny. I can imagine her with that book, but she still loves the conflict. It seems this is her raison d'etre for now. Hopefully she gets over it.

Frida, I like her, but wish there was someone else for her. Pepe and Frida have a lot in common, but Pepe fought so hard for Moni, why would he give up on that?

I too like the spoiling of Chela by Enzzo. It is very sweet, and Vivi you are so right about her giving all the time, and noone doing anything for her until Enzzo.

I can't wait for Monday now to see what happens.

I don't think Nap is trying to gaslight Candy. I think he's looking for an opportunity to approach her, more or less on the level. Maybe I'm wrong. But she has all his money now and he probably wants it back. The only way he can do that is to reconcile with her.

Pepe. I can understand his conflict. On the one hand, there's Moni who is demanding and emotionally dependent and impossible to satisfy. She makes him feel useless. On the other hand, there's a girl who can mostly take care of herself, but also has a vulnerable side and is always grateful and makes him feel needed.

I want to be on Moni's side, but lately I'm having a hard time remembering what Pepe sees in her. She's changed her hair, but her attitude is unchanged or possibly worse than it was before. I can understand why she's being possessive with the Frida situation, but she's not showing much support or appreciation for the way Pepe is busting his ass for her. I don't see her busting anything for him.

In the beginning, Moni confronted her dad, the Irrabiens (who demanded that she be their DIL), and Freddy to be with Pepe. That was not easy. And when her mom came on the scene, she also was very clear with her about wanting to be with Pepe. She may be spoiled and whiney, but she did fight for Pepe. Sure, Pepe went after her, but it's not like he had to fight with others to be with her like Moni did to be with him.

When Pepe went after Moni, he knew her background. She never lied and said she knew how to cook, keep house, and live like the little people. I also see Frida to be just as needy as Moni, maybe even more so. Pepe seems to be her ONLY friend and she seems lonely all the time.

I would love it if Moni becomes more self reliant, but there's still time enough for her to continue to grow.

What a delightful recap Julie. Loved the title of the second part. Haven't seen this in ages but RebeSr. sounds very interesting. I'l have to try and check in sometime this week.

Thanks for one and all for continuing to turn out great resumens of these two-hour marathons, weddings and all.

Happy Easter to all......
Good to see your back Judy B.....

What a lovely Easter it has been. I only now had time to check in. I fear for the wedding coming off OK. Napo lurking makes me nervous. I hope that he doesn't have it in for Pancho who was instrumental in his being caught & jailed. I hope that he is just there hoping to be close to Candy and family.

Good for Freddy. I agree that he & Ana both need to grow up a lot. Maybe this break will allow them time to do that. I do like them together & hope they end up a couple eventually.

Pancho was right on in his talk with Moni. It's true that the Pepe/Frida situation is a lot like Rebe & Mike. They seem like a perfect match -- but the love bond is with the mismatched Pepe/Moni & Rebe/Pancho. I just hope Frida finds love elsewhere.


Thanks, Judy. I hope you get a chance to see Rebeca Sr. She's a real character.

Vivi, you're right that Moni had to really stand up to a lot of people in order to be with Pepe. But being around Frida gives him an ego-boost that he doesn't get from Moni, and I think he needs that. It can't be good for him to always feel as though he's falling short. Something is going to have to change.

Julie, Thanks for taking the time on the holiday weekend to deliver a great recap. Enjoyed your commentary on the past weddings.

My guess is Napo's going to want Candy to clean out his accounts and run away with him, since he's got to stay "dead" or the police will nab him.

Julie, thanks for the weekend recap. The weddings are my favorite part of TN and you do a terrific job of recapping them.


Thanks for your recap Julie. I hope you and everyone else enjoyed the holiday.

I hope Lupe and Tom can rescue Nayeli.

JudyB - you should definitely try to catch Rebe Sr. She is a hoot.

Julie, Happy Easter Monday (I understand in SOME countries today is a holiday/day off, too) and thank you for your excellent review of the action. Amazing how you get so many of the weddings. I suspect there will be a LOT more of them before the fat lady sings.

I usually don't mind the weddings as long as the actual wedding part doesn't drag out too long because it's fun to have so much of the cast together and there are often shenanigans (HATED when Alex died, though...that is not good shenanigans). I do NOT like it when they have a HUGE crowd gathered and include that footage. I think it takes us out of the world of the show. Pancho and Rebe may (weirdly) have their fans, but a crowd that size is obviously there for the actors/production, not people who would really care so much about the personal lives of the local biz execs. Or on some shows, where the bridal couple parades on a float through the town to cheering throngs, when the characters are not supposed to be famous. It's just weird.

I'm glad Pepe and Moni made up, but they still have a long way to go before they can be happily ever after. I hope Moni lives in the newly swapped house with Chela and Enzo and Chela teaches her some life skills. She needs more resilience and competence, even if she and Pepe become rich enough that they don't have to do housework.

Nayeli's mother doesn't seem to care much more about her than her father does. I wonder if Lupita and Tomás will eventually adopt her.

I doubt I'm the only recapper who's done a bunch of weddings. Most weddings span more than one episode, so everybody should have gotten a piece of at least one by now.

I think Nayeli's mother is just afraid. She's sticking her head in the sand because the reality, should she choose to accept it, is too frightening to contemplate. She's afraid she'll get in trouble for what happened to Nayeli, or her booby prize of a husband will harm one or both of them. I wouldn't blame her if she didn't have a lot of faith in Lupe's (or the law's) ability to protect her.

I'm not saying I agree, but it seems a common enough reaction in situations like this. Lupe and Tom need to be able to convince her that she and her daughter will be safe. It might be a tough sell. I'm not sure if I'd be convinced either.

I think I only recapped Fernanda and Octavio's wedding, so far.

Julie, Bravo for a great recap. You keep our weekends sparkling with your humor. I will be back to recapping tonight so hope to see you all on the blog later.

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