Monday, April 09, 2012

El Talismán #49 Mon 4/9/12 Schemes, Cheques and Screams

Last time on El Talisman:
Lucrazy and Tonio plot and scheme in the jail cell.

Today on El Talisman:
Pedro looks at the house for the orphanage and deems it to be perfect. His friends come with and love it too. He closes on the house right then and there.

Fabi is thought bubbling about Army, when Doris comes in to talk to her about her boyfriend and when is she going to meet him? Fabi says with all the divorce stuff going on, she didn't want to bring him by. Doris wants to know if Cameela and Tonio have met him yet? She says no, not yet. Fabi tells her it is very personal and she isn't ready for Doris to meet him yet. Doris tells Fabi that Cameela is no good and just wants Tonio for his money.

Pigorio is talking to a guy (sorry don't know his name) about the forged will and that Tonio and Lucrazy want to investigate if it is real. Pigorio gets a call from Piglet who tells Pigorio that Tonio is in the carcel.

Lucrazy and Tonio talk about how he will get Cameela to fall in love with him, Lucrazy tells Tonio that Cameela is still in Pedro's head. Tonio tells her to get pregnant pronto. Lucrazy is QTH, it isn't easy, Tonio tells her it is as easy as pie, and she better do it soon.

Flor is talking to Army who says that his girlfriend has the same color and make as car as Flor does. Flor tells him this is my sister's car and how do you know her? Army says that Jose is his brother and Flor says have him call her.

Tia Maria and Cameela meet with the Dr who says El Viral is on the verge of a breakdown and needs a psychologist. He needs her to come into the office after her release for a consultation.

El Viral is in her bed in the hospital and is afraid of being put in the street with no money and her enemies will laugh at her.

Rennie is having nightmares about what happened, and Rita comes in and strokes his face and tells him he is strong and she wants him to get better. She has a worried look on her face.

Lucrazy tells Tonio about the fake will. Tonio loses it in the cell and beats the table and chairs and says we have to investigate cause the will old Pigorio showed you is surely a fake. Lucrazy says they will investigate.

El Viral escapes from the hospital and goes to El Tal and goes to Pedro's office. Claudio is with him and El Viral wants that cheque already! Pedro tells her to get out, he doesn't owe her anything and he can't give her a new check.

Cameela tells the Dr. about what happened to El Viral before the breakdown, the fraud by Rennie, the cheque etc. The Dr tells Cameela that he was a friend of Mariana and her Dad, that Pedro married Mariana to give the baby a name
and that Pedro is still in love with Cameela. As they are talking Cameela gets a call from Pedro that tells her El Viral is there and come and get her.

Meanwhile, El Viral is screaming at Pedro about that cheque, she deserves it, she wants it and he better give it to her. She tries to tell him that Cameela is still in love with him and he tells her yeah right, sure. Cameela is in love with Tonio and don't you forget it. He tells her to leave the property and get out.
He leaves the office and poor Claudio is stuck with her now. She is still screaming she wants that cheque and to help her find it. She starts searching the desk and screaming about that cheque. Claudio tells her, he will not help her find any new cheques. Pedro calls Cameela and tells her to come get El Viral.

Lucrazy and Tonio are still talking in the carcel. Lucrazy asks him if he just wants Cameela or does he want Alcatrash too, Tonio tells her he wants it all. Tonio tells Lucrazy that little by little Cameela will fall in love with him. He is going to make sure.

We have another Margarito sighting. He is still in LA moving things and he tells his friend he wants to reconcile with Claudio.

Rennie wakes up in the hospital and Rita looks really happy he is alive and awake. They scheme to get money from Tonio due to Rennie's injuries. The Dr. (same one that is treating El Viral) tells Rennie he will fully recover with no adverse effects. Rita tells Rennie they should still get money from Tonio, but Rennie is afraid of the Negretes.

Doris corners Tracy and wants the scoop on her daughters and their boyfriends. Tracy doesn't want to tell, but Doris says she is the duena of the house and she better fess up. Tracy goes to the kitchen. In the meantime, Doris corners Pancho the Piglet and tells him to spy on her daughters and she wants to know everything about their boyfriends etc. He is glad to do it. Piglet tells Tracy what he is going to do, but Tracy isn't down with that. He tells Tracy he will look good in Pigorio's eyes for doing this. Tracy says oh, anything for the Pig.

Pigorio has a drink at Madame Brigitte's and tells her Tonio is in jail and that Tonio is going to try to have the will investigated. The Madame tells Pigorio, well while Tonio is in jail he can't get any money can he? Pigorio thanks her and grins as he walks off.

Army sees Fabi and they talk a little bit. They talk about how much they love each other,and Army is thinking of a way to tell her about the ruse he pulled with Flor, but saved by the bell, oh friend Fabi has to go, and Army thinks about how he is going to tell her.

The lawyer comes to see Tonio in jail, and the lawyer tells Tonio that Rennie is going to want a lot of money. Tonio says nah, he was rescuing El Viral and Cameela from that loathsome roach Rennie. The lawyer says ok, we'll go with that.

Finally Cameela comes to El Tal to collect crazy El Viral but Lucrazy won't let her pass. They argue about Pedro ad nauseum, blah blah till Pedro finally comes out front and has to rescue Cameela from Lucrazy. Cameela wants to know where crazy El Viral is so theycan leave tout suite. Pedro grabs Lucrazy and kisses her right in front of Cameela, but she turns her back.

Pigorio goes to the hospital to visit Rennie. Rennie wants to know why the Pig is there. The Pig wants to know if he wants a bunch of money. Rennie wants to know what for? The Pig tells Rennie to press charges against Tonio that will keep him in jail for a long time! The Pig will pay him for this service.

Tomorrow on El Tal:
Lots of kisses between Pedro and Lucrazy and Pedro and Cameela!

* recap by Madelaine, posted by Blue Lass


This epi had alot of info in it. Especially with El Viral and her down ward spiral and Pigorio giving Rennie lots of money to keep Tonio in jail, and he got the idea from Madame Brigette! That was too funny. El Viral I almost feel sorry for. She needs to go to the manicomio ASAP

Oh and if I missed something or left something out please add/correct.

I'm about to sit down to watch this porqueria we love so much.

Madelaine--I see you were successful in your contact. Happy to see the recap on the front page.

Will anyone notice, I wonder, that the new Guy Ecker tn follows El Tal? I was *dismayed* that it is also by Venevision. We may have to start adding our comments about Corazon Apasionada here, as well.

Madelaine, this is great. There were some pretty good lines in this episode but my favorite was by Claudio when Elvira threatened to kill herself... he told her:

"Mire señora, de verdad, con todo respeto, si se va a matar, hagalo afuera..."

"Look lady, truthfully, with all due respect, if you're going to kill yourself, do it outside..."


Madelaine, thank you so much for your superb recap. This episode truly was a hoot. ITA it was packed with info and setups for future wackiness. I didn't notice that you missed anything terribly important.

Oh, I think Flor now has a cruch on Army. When Fab's girlfriend met Army she told him he was a hunk. What is his power over these teenyboppers?

Carlos, I almost fell off my chair laughing when Claudio said that to Elvira. I had to do a rewind to make sure I'd heart it correctly. That's when she went ballistic and shrieked "If you want me to leave then give me my cheque!!!" Uh, I think she kind of missed his point there.

Madelaine thanks for the recap and thanks to Blue Lass for posting.

Oops, I meant Flor has a cruSh on Army.

Forgot to say the title is perfect. Well done.

Thank you so much ya'll for the comments. Carlos- I'm sorry I missed that. I agree with Claudio lol. She just went completely berserk.
Cap'n- you are right about Flor she does have a crush on Army. I too wonder what the girls see in him. Wait until they meet Angel. I think they will change their minds.

I forgot to add a part about Doris and Tracy speaking English. It was too funny, I think Tracy said "I'm just sayin" and Doris answered her in English and said "Don't say just do". It was too funny.

I can't wait to see tomorrow when Cameela has to face the unhinged El Viral.

Oh, I loved that scene! I was laughing so hard I had to rewind.

I wonder if Claudio got hazardous duty pay for babysitting Marmota? She was baring her fangs in every scene.

Cap'n that is too funny about baring the fangs. I know this actress was on CME, which I didn't watch. That is why I keep calling her El Viral, I swear when she shows those teeth, she looks like a rabid dog. I can't stand the way she cries either.

And poor Claudio, he looked like he wanted to run away, but he knew if he did, she would have torn that desk apart until she found a blank cheque lol.

I wanted to strangle ElViral the entire episode. I've no idea how these people have so much patience with her. LOVED Claudio in his scenes with her. He's really growing on me. If I were him, I would have duct taped her mouth, and made sure to wrap the tape around her head a few times so it would take her longer to get it off.

Then, if I were Camila, I would have said to Lucrazy, "Fine. YOU deal with my mother. She's all yours!" and I would have left.

And if I were Pedro, I would have told Evilra she can have her check as soon as she brings Mariana back safe and sound. Evilra needs a project anyway.

I'm not buying all the Armando love. Does he wear bacon pheromone cologne or something?

Madelaine, thank you for the recap!

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Madelaine--Mil gracias for the wonderful review of cosas pasando. Made me think I was watching it all over again.

Elvira's meltdown was priceless. After portraying the staid and sensible, but beautiful mom in CME, I think she's having a blast doing all this screaming and carrying on.

I thought Claudio's telling her that if she was going to kill herself to do it outside was a hoot, too.

Pedro tried to explain to Elvira that he couldn't write another check because the account was frozen. He told her again that he never took El Tal away from her husband, that he won it fair and square from Don Gregorio. That shut her up for a hot second. When she started up again, that's when he told her to forget about it, leave and he never wanted to see her again.

After Pedro told Elviral to get lost and walked out, she wanted to snag Claudio to help her find Pedro's checkbook and started rifling his desk. She asked him if he was familiar with Pedro's signature so he or she could forge Pedro's signature on a blank check.

Armando sure gave some pretty lame excuses as how it was he ran over to the car Florencia was in--he knows someone with a car just like that (hmmm, if only Flo were a little more lista, eh?). Two Armandos? (if Flo were a little more lista--I repeat myself, sorry). Armando1/Armando2 needs to change his shirt pretty quick--and he should always carry a spare. I wonder if Fab & Flo will discuss the two Armandos with each other and will remember the diver-Dan T-shirt.

Oh, and Tonio was telling Lucrecia to chantajear Pedro with a pregnancy. Lulu was telling him that it wouldn't be easy. He said, just get him drunk and it better be soon. How many galan's have we had drunk or "medicated" into thinking they had slept with someone *not* his beloved. Make him think he slept with her and now she's pregnant (Ivana in STuD, Romina in ENDA). Can't they think of anything new? Oh, pardon me, that's why it's on our Bingo cards--it happens so often!

CORAZON APASIONADA—2pm on Uni – Report on First Episode (but probably no more)

There's a few minutes of años atras before they bring us into the present. Patricia is a Gaby Spanic look-alike in her younger days, with bangs and everything (Marlena something-or-other).

THEN: Patricia lived with her sister, father and grandmother (la gran Susana Dosamantes) who is a bit of an ogre. She’is in love with Marcos, a peon on the rancho. Her father is addicted to gambling and is in debt to some enabler who won't wait for his money since the authorities are closing in on him. Granny won’t cover his debt. Enabler guy is leaving town and is willing to settle the dad’s debt by having him hand over his daughter Patricia to him. As luck would have it, Patricia overhears her dad's conversation with crooked-guy. She finds Marcos and they decide to run away together. Her sister finds her note of despedida and tells abuela. Meanwhile gambler dad (a bit of a wimp) goes to her bedroom to snatch her, only to find a bunch of pillows. He’s mad. Next thing we see is Patricia and Marcos wading in a river with a beautiful torch, lighting everything around them. They are stopped in their tracks by gambler dad and crooked-guy and his thugs. They shoot Marcos, who goes floating down the river and start to grab Patricia, when granny shows up, along with the local police. Dad swears he was trying to rescue her from kidnappers, but granny doesn’t believe him and has him hauled away.

NOW: Years later, Patricia—still wearing bangs, but decidedly a lovely woman is still single, swears she will never love another man and is a rather cold and aloof woman who is going to take over and run the ranch for granny some day. Granny is very proud of Patricia for following in her footsteps. Apparently there is now a little sister whom we didn’t meet in the años atras part and there is a brother David, who is away. Older sister, Virginia, is very religious and apparently hasn’t married either. I get the two big sisters are quite different and it looks as though they are not very close, but not enemies.

Enter our galán, Guy Ecker, driving up in a red jeep. He’s met by his (male) cousin on horseback who tells him *not* to go by the river because the granddaughter of the house bathes there every day. Of course, he wants to check her out. He does, finds her very beautiful and gets chewed out for spying on her. Back home, little sis and the housekeeper’s daughter, Rebecca are having it out in the living room, but apparently they are friends. She’s being sent away to a convent boarding school and doesn’t want to go. They also are talking about Rebecca’s brother coming back to visit.

Corazon Apasionada, cont'd

Rebecca’s brother just happens to be Guy (The Guy is 52 in real life, and looking good—he could pull off 40, but not much younger, so I don’t know how old he’s supposed to be here). He’s been away, working in the city for years but now he’s been laid off and is coming to spend a couple of weeks with mom, sis and cousin before looking for a job.

Meanwhile, Patricia’s granny’s chaufeur has just quit and Granny needs someone to take little sis to the boarding school, even though Patricia volunteers to do the driving. Little sis runs into Guy. He remembers little sis when she was just a little chamaca, and she remembers him and drags him in to meet granny (I guess he’s never met her? It’s also a little strange that he and Patricia don’t remember each other.) Granny has an idea, being the son of a servant, Guy is offered the job All this under Patricia’s scowl and Guy’s good humor. She does give him a catchetada when they meet up in the kitchen and he just laughs it off.

He seems to have a great relationship with his mom and asks why she’s still working for the patrona. She likes it there and Patrona-grandmother doesn’t bother her. She has asserted that Rebecca is never going to be a criada working for someone else. I’ll bet Guy is fairly successful, but plays chaufeur to stay close to Patricia.

There is a side story abrewing with Patricia’s best friend married to an older gentleman, Ignacio. She is already bored with him and wanting a little spice in her life. She’s tempted by their all-around cute handyman, but is scared that Ignacio will cut her off and turn her out, so she only fantasises about Diego. As luck would have it, Ignacio can’t accompany his wife to Paris to meet with his brother and wife and go shopping, so he is sending Diego with her as a body guard.

The other story that will intersect with Doña Patrona is a man and a young girl who come back to the Pueblo and go to mass. Padre greets them as though he knows them and I gather this is bad gambling father, reformed, and another daughter. We’ll have to wait and see for that one.

Don’t know whether I will follow this one diligently or not, or report on it, but I thought I might share this much in case anyone is intrigued by the story so far. BTW, the houses and interiors are very Eva Luna-like.

Thank you Anita-I thought Pedro had said the account was frozen, but wasn't sure. The pregnancy part, oh m gee I didn't know he told her to get Pedro drunk and then sleep with him. She already did that, but nothing happened. That is probably why she told Tonio that it wouldn't be easy lol.
I hate that plot device too.

I saw a few minutes of Corazon. Guy Ecker does look good. I have never seen him in anything either.

Julia-too funny about the bacon pheremone stuff lol.

Madelaine thanks for your recap and Blue Lass thanks for posting. Antia thanks for your additions and reporting on the new Guy Ecker TN. And finally Carlos, thanks for sharing Claudio's line to El Viral.

ITA w/all of you about Army and his mysterious control over teen-aged girls. It's mind-boggling as he's not that cute and dumber than Pedro (most of the time).

And Pedro. Has there ever been a galan drawn so dumb? His continued relationship with Lucrazy is is ridiculous which is probably why the actor wanted to quit.

Karen I agree with you, Pedro is one dumb guy. The only emotion he seems to show is when he is fighting with Pigorio or telling Cameela to get out already. The portray him as almost naive. You know the women in this TN especially Doris, Tia Maria and Pedro's Tia are very strong women. The only strong man is Pigorio.

Madelaine- Thanks so much for the fun recap. I actually watched this yesterday (day off). Since I haven't watched in a long time, I didn't know who the poor kids was that was left with Elviral in the office. But I did laugh my butt off when he said that line. Thanks for pointing it out Carlos.

There is still too much blah blah in this for me (Camila and Lucrazy), but the new characters have added some spice. I could not believe that Pedro started making out with Lucrazy right in front of Camila like that, and that he's allowed this crazy stalker to manipulate him like this. He is as dumb as galans in those old tns from the 80s and early 90s. (I have seen reruns of Esmeralda, Maria Mercedes and Marimar. Those galans almost make Pedro look like a genius!) But we expect more these days from galans-- like common sense, intelligence, and loyalty.

I also saw the new Guy Ecker tn. Thanks so much Anita for that rundown. I laughed during the opening scenes when the grandmother who had been yelling at the top of her lungs from scene one on, said to the granddaughter who had just avoided being sold by her father, and had just watched the love of her life being shot and float down the river--- “Stop crying!!!! We don’t cry in this family!!!!” Yeah, but you sure as hell screech. I’d prefer the crying. The opening credits show the love of her life looking dashing, so I don’t think he died after all. You’re right that the ages of these characters don’t make sense. (Guy does look good though.) Nor does the fact that the little sister remembers Guy, but the older sister does not. This is not dvr worthy, but if I’m sick at home, I’d tune in to see Guy. His son in currently in a Telemundo tn, Corazon Valiente, playing a cute bodyguard being pursued by the rich girl he guards and by the maid in the household (who played a model who tried to seduce Guy in Eva Luna—she has gotten to kiss both father and son).

I liked the way Tía María came right out and asked the Dr. if Pedro married Mariana platonically, then gave Camila the "I-told-ya" look when he confirmed. She's got something on the ball. I miss the abuela characters we usually have on TNs, though -- did somebody tell the writers that Americans don't pay attention to their grandmothers? The same person that told them that we like to dress up in Hallowe'en costumes before bed?

BTW, Pedro is just renting the orphanage casa on a year's lease, and he's not even sure where he's going to get the money for that. You would think orphans would need a little more security.

Blue Lass--I did hear that Pedro had rented the casota for a year. It really doesn't look suitable for a bunch of orphaned street kids, regardless of how much love is poured into the space. They are also way out in a residential area with McMansions on every side. Will the neighbors object? Seems to me....well, forget about it, I shouldn't worry, this tn is almost halfway through. Pedro's heart is in the right place.

Hope we get that kiss we saw in the avances. Hope that avances the tn a little more.

Are there still orphanages in the U.S.? The only "children's homes" I know of are for kids with severe disabilities and/or violent behavioral problems. Regular orphans seem to be put in foster care. Where is Pedro rounding up these orphans from? I hope they'll sing and dance like in "Annie." Evilra has got the screech down pat to play Miss Hannigan. Not to mention the sense of entitlement.

Madelaine - yes Piggy is the only strong guy which is so sad as he's not even a really competent villain.

Thanks Vivi - the TN history. I thought galans of old may have been dense so its nice to see audience expectation has required that the men step it up.

Julia - you are right. In the US, we have the foster care system and no longer use orphanages. Maybe Pedro will get the kids from down south?

I was in Hobby Lobby yesterday, and could not help but notice that you can buy zebra-print EVERYTHING. EV. ER. Y. THING. Up to and including 5 foot high "daisies" with zebra-print petals. So really I guess it's amazing how much restraint the set designers and wardrobe people have.

One of my students just got back from the Dominican Republic with a killer tan and feathers in her hair...

Julia, great zebra daisies. You caught me off guard there; I almost dropped my avocado sandwich in my lap I was laughing so hard.

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