Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #221-222 Tue 4/24/12 busybodies and gossips make the world go round.

No time to proofread. Maybe tomorrow.

Vince will stay awake and watch while Candy sleeps. He is very tender!

There is a battle of the boobs in Rebe's dream. She and Isabella hiss and Rebe gets the worst of it.

Rebe is eating lots of donuts at Avon. Her babies will be built out of donuts. They won't be the first.

Sebastian comes to see Pancho? Is he dating Pina? He doesn't want to gossip which puts him in the .5% of Avon employees. He doesn't want to be friendly with anybody, he doesn't believe in it, his best friend betrayed him.

Tomas had a lab guy analyze some footprints (or maybe fingerprints?) and they are not Vince's or Candy's - they'll have to be compared to Napo's, sometime the next day.

Salome mocks Napo for still loving Candy, that's why they're in their current predicament. He denies it and threatens her for the suggestion.

Rebe is very crabby with Isa, who denies having anything to do with Pancho. FF>

Finally! Pancho succeeds in getting Sebastian to stop working and start gossipping! Now he fits in, as he wonders how Pancho and Rebe, such disparate souls, fell in together. They later gossip about Pina, Pancho says he likes her quite a bit and she's changed - and is even helping people with her foundation for broken families. And hours later they are still gossipping. Sebastian says, after his divorce he's afraid of getting involved. Pancho says he felt the same way after Laurita died. He pushes Sebastian to send Pina flowers. What a busybody!

Pina gossips with Ray, he appears to be her replacement gay confidante since Arnold isn't gay any more. "Sebastian won't talk about his son." "Pina, that means either he's divorced and the kid lives with the mother or he's dead!" He snoops on the internet (during work hours) and finds that the 8-year-old son drowned.

Moni tells her dad she wants to help Frida the way Vince helped Enzo himself. He says the difference is, he got an education and worked on huis financial career while he worked for Vince. PSA: Edúcate!

Candy's been taking an antipsychotic drug. She says it isn't working, she still sees Napoleon. She wants to go to a loony bin. While she and Vince are at the shrink's office, Tomas calls and tells her about the footprints.

Lupita is getting married at the end of the year. Nosy Ana tells Chela she should tell Enzo it's time to get married. Chela wants to get married in white at the end of the year like Lupe. Lupita asks Ana: if Freddy were to get independent from Moms, would she want him again? FF>

Isa and her sidekick gossip about Pancho - she'll have to finish her work and leave ASAP to get away from her feelings. Rebe whimpers and feels fat. FF>

Moni tells Frida that Pepe is a special guy and very good in bed. FF>

PSA: Ana tells Adrian that bulimia generally begins with depression. She tells him about the kissing lessons she took before kissing her first love Freddy. She & A. kiss, his daughters run up and ask when they're getting married.

Tomas visits Lupe on her first day back at the childcare facility. "Good news, Candy isn't crazy."

Vince, who broke up with Arnold when A. admitted to being ungay, tells A. they can be friends again if Arnold helps him destroy Isabella. He wants video of the Isa/Pancho grope on the floor of the warehouse.

After hours of gossipping with Sebastian, Pancho invites Isa in and they commence to gossip about Vince and about "lo nuestro" ("the 'Pancho & Auditor Barbie Show' "). Boring! FF>

Lupe and Tomas go to Chela's and tell her, Candy, and Rebe that the fingerprints found on the scene are Napoleon's, he's alive. The weird stuff is to drive her crazy and frieghten her.

Pina is very tender talking to Sebastian about his dead son when he comes to bring flowers. Her sympathy is a buzzkill, he leaves.

Vince rushes home to Candy, Tomas el ex-plomero explains he's now a policeman. They found a projector, good for making one's image disappear. Pancho and Rebe discuss: some catalepsy-inducing drug made Napo look dead and now he's out for vengeance. Pancho points out to Vince that his marriage to Candy isn't, since her previous husband is still alive.

The sidekick brings Napo a picture of Tomas, the investigating officer. "Simple - kill him," Napo rumbles cheerfully. She would rather they ran away to his place in Venice.

Adrian tells Ana about his wife, his first love, they never fought. She's amused that she, Ana, is so different. Ana tells him about how much she loves Freddy. He doesn't seem to notice and pours compliments on her and gets a big kiss.

Freddy takes a kiss from Kari but tells her he is going to fight for Ana's love so he has to split up with Kari. Kari doesn't advance her case by calling Ana a naquita, she also yells "you used me, you'll deserve it when Ana marries Adrian and you're left lonely as a dog."

Vince loves the movie of Isa and Pancho on the floor of the warehouse - it will be his revenge on Isa (who at the same time prepares to send Vince an order of embargo since his finances are so crooked and he doesn't pay his taxes nicely).

I love Pancho's proposed names for his future son: Maciosare, Heler, Eutinio.

Haydee will be Enzo's secretary in Monterrey. Candy nags Chela into calling Enzo to propose; Haydee answers. She is wearing a micro-skirt. Enza says his secretary is fat and ugly. Chela comes to visit (with the baby) and sees he was lying. They waste the day cuddling the baby and blabbing.

Today is the first anniversary of Sebastian's son's death so he doesn't accept Pina's invitation to dinner.

Freddy comes to Arnold to join the Avon publicity team.

Kari tells she had sex with Freddy, but now he's dumped her and is coming back to Ana.

Salome brings a suitcase full of money to Tomas: "forget about investigating Napoleon." He arrests her.

Napoleon hides in the ladies' dressing room and snatches Candy. He puts a gun to her head and plays loud opera singer music. He says his Japanese friends are standing ready to kill Vince, too. He may kill everybody she loves, or she can go with him to Venice or wherever. For now, she's kidnapped.

The picture of Isa and Pancho is on the first page of the newspaper. Vince had punched it up on photoshop. Isa screams at Pancho, who says they can undo the lie, but she says it's too late and her boss will fire her.

I don't think they usually let rookie policement interrogate mafiosi alone, but whatever. Salome says nothing except that Napoleon saved her life.

Isa and Pancho figure out Vince is behind all the mischief.

Barb brings the lurid newspaper picture to Rebe.


Thank you so much Melinama for this fast recap. I FF too in some of these scenes. lol. Poor Sebastian to have a son that drowned. It was sad when they showed him identifying his son. I am glad Pina is getting to know him, this is a nice and slow relationship with them.

Glad Tomas discovered that Candy is not crazy. I hope Napo gets arrested too. Tomas is a very good cop.

I never knew Kari could be so ugly when she is screaming. I can't stand her anymore. She drives me crazy. She knew Freddy would never give up on Ana or she should have known she was the rebound girl.

Glad Moni is going to help Frida. Hopefully Frida accepts.

Melinama- Just a quick comment before bed. I really enjoyed this recap and the theme. This group does love to gossip and butt in, but I appreciate Pancho's attempts to matchmake on Pina's behalf.

Glad the truth about Napo is out.

I am so proud of Chela for not getting jealous and bent out of shape about Enzo fibbing about his Amazonian sexcretary. I don't mind at all that he and Chela wasted the day away chatting and cuddling with their baby. They are such a cute couple/family.

I found it wierd that Frida wanted to know so many details about Moni and Pepe, even their sex life. Yuck! Girlfriend needs to get a life. Maybe she and Kari should become bffs.

One missing bit. After Napo revealed to Candy that he intends to kill Tomas, and then leaves the dressing room somehow without being detected by her body guards (they should be fired), she calls Lupita. Lupita then calls Tomas a dozen times and he keeps sending the call to voicemail since he's interrogating Salome. This sends both Lupita and Candy into a tizzy of worry, which I'm sure will continue into tomorrow's episode. Lupita is becoming increasingly disenchanted with the danger level of Tomas' job and told him she doesn't want to be widowed a second time. I don't blame her and understand her feelings (being a detective in Mexico is VERY dangerous), but I think she's going to have to get used to it. The good cop/detective in La Verdad Oculta retired and moved to his peaceful ranch in order to have his happily ever after with the woman he loved and his daughter. They did not make it seem like happily ever after would have been possible had he stayed on the force. Hmm..

Oh Vivi you are so right about the detective from La Verdad Oculta, Commandante Fiadella and I think her name was Julietta. He was a great cop with a dangerous job. Tomas just became a cop though and the Commandante had been on the job a long time. I really hope nothing happens to Tomas, that would be too tragic. I hope Napo gets nabbed way before anything like that happens.

Always savor your succinct, cut to the chase recaps Melinama. My favorite line was "no time to proofread. Maybe tomorrow." That's always how I felt after those two-hour Dinero marathons.

"Battle of the Boobs" was another gem, and your quip that Pina's proffered sympathy was a buzzkill. Indeed.

Looks like the writers are ramping up a lot of contrived drama for the Ultimas Semanas but I am finding the harping on womens' suspicions of husbands hitting on other women tiresome. Though, from what I've heard about Mexican men's behavior, that suspicion is well-founded.

JudyB, All men are capable of straying from their wives. All they need is the opportunity, and a willing recipient.

This is over played on this TN, but trust and believe that men will roam, especially when the wife is pregnant.

It is what it is....

We're all "capable of anything" Anon #1, but I remember reading, in a sociological study on Mexico, that male infidelity is considered the Norm, whether the wife is pregnant or not. I don't think it's quite reached that state in our culture, but I could be wrong. I'll have to let you be the expert on the male psyche.

Thanks, Melinama! So much great coverage. I am wildly impressed with this whole recapping team -- not only do you guys cover two hours per night of rapid-fire, colloquial Spanish, but you even get the jokes! (I'm still at the level of "let's call him Julio -- no, Febrero, it rains less." JAJAJAJAJA.)

Can someone point me to that fabulous Familia slang chart I saw once and then immediately lost the URL of? There are some words that are used in practically every sentence that I swear I have never heard before (chido, Simón, no manches.) Also the insults are quite colorful. :)

BTW, I thought Pina was very fetching with Sebastián, with her blown-forward hairdo and her pretty, husky voice. And it was nice to hear her lay off that goofy fresa-talk for once, although I do get a kick out of it.

Blue Lass.. I think "chido" is like "cool", Simón is slang for "si" and "no manches" is like "no kidding, yeah".

We had tons of slang in Gancho and it was quite the struggle for awhile.

Gracias Melinama!

Poor Sebastian. His no-gossip policy didn't last long!

Soo.... Kari feels used by Fred? Excuse me, she's known him for how many years while he was using girls behind his fiance Moni's back? She threw herself at him how many times - including naked, while he was on the rebound - and he never said he loved her... and now she feels used?? Huh, go figure.

Whose idea was it to bribe Tomas - Salome or Napo? Thank goodness they're both idiots. Tom doesn't need money since he's engaged to Lupita.

Barb's a real pal, bringing that newspaper to Rebe. The photo contains no new information, but will get Rebe all wound up again for no good reason. Good work, Barb!

JudyB-thanks for the meanings of the slang. I actually looked up No Manches and my dictonary said no scars. lol

Julie you are so right about Barb. If she were a really good friend she would have hidden the pic and not brought it to Rebe's attention, especially since Rebe is pregnant and very emotional.

Thank you, Melinama!

I loved the scene where Tom arrested Salome. His reactions when she tried to bribe and then seduce him were perfect, crackling with electricity. He's so brilliant and confident in his new job.

I'm typing on my phone and don't think I can manage a link, but if you search for una familia con suerte vocab I think you should find the list. It's about 500 entries already!

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Thanks, Judy. That's helpful. I don't think I'll adopt that vocab myself, but it does fill in the blanks. :)

Hooray, I got my modem sort of working again.

The vocabulary list is at 550ish entries!

Here are a few more from last night's episode:

de refilón - obliquely, in passing, grazing, barely touching on

el que no habla, dios no lo oye - if you want something, say so

si mi abuela tuviera ruedas, sería bicicleta - the "what if" you mention is so improbable as to be completely irrelevant

azahar - orange or lemon blossom

cuando el río suena, agua lleva - where there's smoke, there's fire

I thought it was funny when Arnoldo was talking to Vice and kept drifting back and forth between his low voice and his flamer affectation, like he couldn't even keep it straight (pun intended) anymore. Why can't he go public with his hetero identity? Isn't the whole Midori fiasco in the past?

Melinama, still amazed at how your recaps zip through all madness. Thanks a bunch.

Blue Lass, here's the link to Julia's fabulous vocab list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsZzo9zuWs_4dFdoTFA4Z2w5NVRXWFNrQURyX3R2TXc&hl=en_US#gid=0

Vivi, ITA Moni needs to set boundaries with Frida. I never could understand why one woman would tell another what a great lover her man is. If somebody tells me they make a great chocolate cake, it’s only natural that I’d want a piece.

It's kind of sad that evil, ruthless Napoleon would be a much more devoted husband to Candy than that I-love-you-but-it’s-all-about-me Vince.

Thanks for the vocab link! It is indeed a work of art.

Niecie, ITA, and Bonnie Raitt was all over that:

Woman be wise
Keep your mouth shut
Don't advertise your man
Don't be sittin around
Havin no conversation
Bout the good things he do to you...

I've now added columns to the right in the vocab spreadsheet, with the entries sorted more or less alphabetically.

I couldn't believe Frida actually asked that. Well, I could, because it's no-boundaries Frida, but still. Maybe she needs to be friends with Lupita, so some manners will rub off. Lupita's the forgiving type who can probably get over Frida bad behavior. She got over Tom's, after all.

Auditrix is annoying and she may leave any time. I wouldn't mind if Jimena stayed. She seems smarter and more professional than her boss.

Sebastian's story is so sad (kind of took me back to poor drowned Cesar in Mi Pecado), but I like the opportunity he's giving Pina to be the better person she's capable of being.

I thought it was funny when Candy and Vice were in the shrink's office and her completely loca, needs to be locked up mannerisms were basically a mimicry of Vice's normal spastic behavior.

Julia- I thought that was funny too. The shrink was looking at them like, maybe I should lock BOTH of you up? ITA about Auditrix too. Just leave already! (But, throw the book at Vice first.)

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