Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Abismo de pasió #32 4/24/12: Pesky Paulo Pursues Pulchritudinous Elisa, or; The Spaghetti Western Rides Again

Tonight’s episode has a few main themes:

·      Anguished Augusto Always Takes the Wrong Decision

·      Conniving Carmina Schemes To Make Elisa’s Life Even More Miserable

·      Pesky Paulo Pursues Pulchritudinous Elisa

·      The RESULTS of Augusto’s Paternity Test have arrived

·      Casa Arrango Guest Quarters
Our capitulo opens with Sabrina breathlessly rushing into Flo’s bedroom at the Hacienda Arrango. Huh? Flo looks surprised because she is enjoying a fantasy meeting with Enrique.  At this moment, a flustered Sabrina Tovar the teenage beech bursts out that Enrique needs to see Florencia, in the Plaza, at 7:00 PM. Will Flo meet him? Damian walks in at this inconvenient moment of tryst–making and asks Flo what is up and if she is going to meet Enrique. Although Flo is not yet a full-fledged villain, she has potential, this girl. She blinks her beautiful brown eyes, looks innocent and convincingly squirms out of the awkward situation with an “Obviously not!”. Damian doesn’t look convinced but he doesn’t challenge her either. Sabrina spends the whole scene with an, “OMG, what have I done?” look on her face.  ¡Que tonta!

Over at Antonia and Braulio’s place Antonia, Braulio and Horacio are eating. Braulio wants to know just how Horacio got the job in the Arrango stables. Horacio replies that his friend, Gabino Mendoza, recommended him for the position. Braulio’s eyes get wide as he asks unbelievingly, “Gabino y tu son amigos?” I know, Braulio. We in viewerville echo your surprise. Can swaggering bully and one-stop-village sperm donor Gabino HAVE any friends? Since we know that Braulio has just murdered innocent and beloved Blanca, I guess he’s just about sleazy enough for Gabino to like.

·      Casa Castañon
Outiside the Casa Castañon Damian rings the bell.  Carmina answers. Damian is looking for Elisa. Carmina looks delighted to report that Elisa is not at home and she insults her niece with references to her “loose’ reputation. Damian doesn’t believe Carmina—I love that Damian has Carmina’s number. “Is she not here or not?” Damian pushes La Ermita’s Orange Crush. But Carmina has met and beat down many others in her quest to ruin her niece’s life. She is not intimidated by Damian and, in fact torments him about Paolo and Elisa. Damian tells Carmina that Paolo is not a good friend for Elisa. He leaves Carmina with a message, “If you see Elisa, su padrino es muy mal.” Well, of course Lucio is muy mal, Damian. Someone just murdered his wife! After giving this lame message to  Carmina, Damian takes his leave.

·      Spaghetti Western
Meanwhile, back at the Hacienda Arrango Guest quarters, Florencia and Paolo meet and sit comfortably on Paulo’s bed. Florencia complains bitterly about Sabrina’s botched attempt at match making, “Tio, you won’t believe it. Stupid Sabrina.” Yeah, Flo, it’s rough when your henchwoman in arranging illicit meetings is a foolish and inexperienced teenage hairdresser who is both loudmouthed and stupid. Cry me a river. Tio Paulo continua’s to explore Flo’s crush on Enrique. Flo is faux indignant.
Flo- You know I am engaged to and in love with Damian.
Tio, Paulo- So? You know that Enrique is loco por ti.
Flo: Smiles to herself.  
Well, what do you know, viewerville? I think Flo actually has a thing for Enrique-qui-que. It is not JUST Paolo’s sh!#-disturbing going on. Hmmmm…All I can say is who would take Enririque when Damian was on offer?  There is no accounting for taste.

·      At Casa Tovar and Hacienda Arrango Flo and Enrique connect…
Casa Tovar - Enrique is fighting with his sister Sabrina about her failure to secure him a meeting with Flo. Begonia answers a  phone call for Enrique—It’s Florencia. They make an assignation for one half hour from now in the Plaza. Mobile phones anyone?

At the Hacienda- Alfonsina comes in and discovers Flo on the phone.
“Who are you talking to?’ the controlling Dueña asks.
Flo lies easily and says she is talking to her Dad. Alfonsina sends him her best wishes and
Flo opines that her dad is working too much, as always. Like I said before, if Flo keeps on practicing, she has real potential as a liar.

·      Don Lucio’s House
The writers are trying to convince us that Augusto may be a Grinch, but he has a heart, even if it is three sizes too small. He has brought the food that Dolores prepared for Don Lucio but Lucio is not hungry.  Augusto  says he understands—when Estephania died, there was great sadness.  He was grateful to Blanca and Lucio for comforting him then.
Don Lucio- “No es lo mismo.” It is not the same now, Lucio protests. to Augusto. You had a reason to live. You had Elisa.” Now Don Lucio waxes poetic about Elisa to her father. “You have a marvelous daughter, beautiful like her Mother.” Lucio makes Augusto promise that he will try to appreciate his daughter Elisa. Put away his doubts about her paternity. Augusto excitedly reports that the RESULTS will be back soon. Elisa is your daughter, says Don Lucio. Sorry, viewers, but I think there is fat chance of Augusto believing that. Augusto is incapable of taking a good decision about his daughter.

·      In the Plaza
Elisa and Gael talk about making her mother’s lands productive again. She is going to involve her Godfather, Don Lucio, in the project in order to secure her Dad’s permission to increase production. The happy habanero music starts up as they see Flo on the other side of the street tottering along on her sky-high tacones (heels).

·      At Casa Arrango
A testy Damian picks a fight with his Mother. “Where is Paolo?”, he snarls. Alfonsina answers that she does not know the location of her houseguests.  Damian, we imagine, is worried that Paolo is chasing Elisa’s skirt. But, instead of going directly at the problem he complains that Paolo has no interest in the work at the PRO_CES_A_DO_RA and is a parasite. I could see that, from Paolo’s perspective. La Anita work probably interferes with his time at the gym, pumping iron.  Later Damian challenges Paolo about whether he really wants to work at the procesadora. If he does, he had better show up for work tomorrow!

·      Meanwhile, In the Plaza.
Enrique and Flo meet and Rique-rique says he is sorry for what happened in the house.  I think he means to say that he is sorry for kissing Flo, but he is not, not really. Flo plays dumb, always a bad move for a blond, I think, by asking, “What happened?” Enrique admits his interest in Flo, he like her even thought she is engaged to Damian. Flo encourages him with some deft flirtation, a soft kiss on the cheek, and an innocent, “Me Voy.”  Well played, Flo. Dig those hooks in!

·      Casa Castañon
Another of Elisa’s suitors comes to the door. Paolo rings the bell outside and waits for Carmina to answer. He is looking for Elisa (just as Damian suspected). Paolo and Carmina exchange flirtation and Carmina says Paolo can wait for Elisa. Carmina has a surprise for Elisa, I think.

·      Don Lucio’s House
Lucio walks Augusto out to the street and thanks him for everything. He reminds Augusto to keep his promise to be nice to Elisa. R-i-g-h-t. For the first time in 16 years—that is not likely to happen. Augusto questions Lucio about what Blanca was going to say to Alfonsina and me? No Lucio does not know. The mystery remains.

·      Fourth Level Plot Point
Irritating Ingrid meets with Gabino. She starts working tomorrow AM in la procesadora. Gabino thinks Ingrid is a very mysterious woman. When Ingrid actually goes to the procesadora to start work, Maru gives her major eye-daggers. I don’t understand why we care.

·      Carmina and Paolo contrive counter intelligence
Conniving Carmina contrives to set Elisa up for yet another fall. The woman is a stupid  orange-colored harpy but she is relentless. So Elisa comes home from her o-so-innocent meeting with Gael to discus agronomy and the costs to do start-up on the fallow fields (and green houses). She goes into her room to take a load off and finally get our of the pirate boots.

But, whaaaaat? Carmina has let Paolo Landuchi, known seducer of young women, wait for Elisa in her BEDROOM???  Carmina, you are a hag. Elisa reacts with outrage at finding the Italian Stallion, Mr. Spaghetti Western himself in her ROOM.  She starts to throw the rascal cad Italian Cowboy out on his fancy a$$, when Paolo catches and kisses a furious Elisa.—just as Augusto walks into Elisa’s room to see what the fuss is all about. Naturally he has a dead-on view of Paolo planting a lip-lock on Elisa, in her bedroom. Carmina enters and tries to put the worse possible spin on things. This man is much older than you He is the age of your Mother! “Nothing happened!”, cries Elisa. Augusto interprets things as badly as he can—Elisa has no morals at all!  Augusto storms out without letting Elisa explain and with Camina pouring poison in his ears. So much for his reconciliation with his daughter.

Augusto fights with Carmina. He does not believe that Paolo Landuchi has good intentions toward his daughter.

At the Padre’s, Gael crunches numbers on Elisa’s pepper project while Father Lupe tries to find out how he feels about  Ingrid.  She is muy amable, according to  Gael.

Elisa is left to cry herself to sleep on top of the covers in her Mother’s bedroom. She remembers her mother comforting her and telling her she would always love her. Oh, this is so sad. Delores finds her still sleeping on top of the bedclothes when she enters in the morning. Elisa is still broken-hearted about Augusto’s lack of trust in her. She felt recently that she and Augusto might be reaching some understanding but after last night’s incident it all feels ruined to Elisa. Ah, she is very young. Delores does her best to comfort Elisa.

·      But Carmina is not done creating chaos for Elisa…

Now Carmina completes a series of machinations worthy of Machiavelli regarding the pending results of the paternity test of Elisa and Augusto. We remember that she planted the seeds of doubt in Estupido Augusto that Elisa was not his child many years ago. She fed that poisoned vine as it took root and grew in Augusto’s tiny little pea brain and withered heart.

She tried to persuade Dr. Tovar to switch the results to show that Augusto was not Elisa’s father, but El Gordo somehow grew a spine and a conscience and refused to change the results for her. She went to the Lab itself and tried to bully them into giving her results. No luck.

Augusto drops by the church and tells Gael the most scandalous gossip possible about his daughter, Gael’s good friend. What is he thinking? “Paolo was in her room last night,” Augusto tells Gael. I hope Augusto ends up with Begonia, for his sins. They can gossip there way together through the streets of hell for an eternity.

Don Lucio goes to La Procesadora and tells Damian he will not be coming to work for La Anita. Lucio says goodbye to Maru just as Ingrid comes in with Gabino to report for her first day’s work at La Anita.

Now two guys (who look a lot like Gabino and Horacio with ski-masks on their heads) ambush a postal truck and driver and intercept his letters and packages. We cut to a scene where Carmina has an interaction with Horacio in which she asks for and receives the intercepted letter from the lab. She gets copies made and the copy-meister compliments her on the ‘good work’ on the papers. She then goes to town with her false copy and pays Antonia’s no-good son to deliver the fake copy to Dr. Tovar’s office.

Paloma gives the mail to Tovar and tells him that Augusto is sitting in the waiting room. Augusto comes into the Doctor’s office, hat in hand, and thanks him for his help with a cringe-inducing hug.

Dr. Tovar announces that Augusto will now have the definitive results about whether Elisa is his daughter—or not! And all the anvils in telenovela heaven rain down on Elisa’s fair head.

My recording cut off the avances. Please fill in the blanks!


Enjoy the recap, my friends. I have been gone for a few days with limited access to Caray. Thanks to Cynderella and Sara for their excellent recaps of the last two episodes.

I don't think it is possible for me to dislike the character of Augusto anymore than I do. Between his misogyny and his stupidity it is hard to fathom how he could ever be redeemed, even if he is our heroine's father.

I dread tomorrow's test results and the inevitable outfall. Sorry Marta, that you drew that card!

Can someone give Elisa a BREAK? Geez.


Elna June you have done a fabulous job. It is very difficult to do recaps when this sort of evil, scheming mierda is going on.

Little things like "Well played, Flo" and "Carmima you are a hag" help take the edge off. The Spaghetti Western theme is perfect!!!!! And I think ending up with Be-Gone-Ya is a fitting fate for our Obtuse Assgusto.

Great recap EJ. Seems like tonight was one big setup for the disastrous fake paternity results and their aftermath.

"Augusto’s tiny little pea brain and withered heart." If I had to see that puss one more time last night, and that blank stare he pulls when he's suppose to be contemplative, I was going to throw something at the TV. You know when you look back fondly on the Flo/Enrique interlude, it ws a sorry night.

I was hoping Elisa would just get so pithed at her dear old sperm donor that she would give him a major verbal smackdown and leave. I hate seeing her wallow in grief over that ..... words cannot express my distaste.

Lucio recognize, or think he recognized, Irritating Ingrid? Anyone else think that? Was a strange encounter there.

Things are looking up tonight--Gael is on the loose. Little beat up the smooth operator and get into Dam's face. Didn't catch what he said, but somebody....anybody but Guppy and Assgusto and I'll be happy.

Thanks so much EJ. Things are looking mighty grim for Elisa. The previews do show both Dam and Gael bringing their fists of fury to Paolo to leave Elisa alone. They are not buying that she let him into her bedroom willingly.

I think Maru was giving Ingrid the stink eye because she's worried about her job. Why do they need another secretary, I think she's wondering. But you did miss the hard stare Lucio gave Ingrid on his way out, and the way she tried to hide her face from him. He knows her!

Elisa should move in with her Padrino. I wonder where she and Gael will secure the money for planting the fields and paying workers?

When Horacio brought the test results to Carmeany, he said he thinks this makes them even. She doesn't say anything about his involvement in Blanca's death and he doesn't owe her any mroe favors. Carmeany didn't commit to that, so I think Horacio is going to be pulled into more intrigue. But, considering he is not so willing, I think he'll be the key in revealing the whole truth to everyone in the end.

EJ...What a wordsmith you are! "One-stop-village sperm donor" and Augusto's Grinch description as well as his "tiny little pea-brain and withered heart" were just superb.

Haven't seen this yet and not sure I can bear to watch. I hate the way the writers are piling on little Elisa.

In general, I have decried the harsh treatment meted out to female villains in these telenovelas but I'm ready to see Carmina slowly poached and then brought to a rolling boil in tanning oil!

I just can't bear Carmina's continued jihad to ruin Elisa's life. It's not as if she hasn't already been making Elisa's life miserable from the very beginning. And what a pile-on now. Assgusto is such a miserable father that Carmina could arrange for Elisa to be raped in their own home, and Assgusto would think it was his daughter's doing. Assgusto deserves Carmina, but Elisa doesn't. I just can't watch the abuse. Enjoyed the rest of the recap though - but I have to skip over the Carmina part in the recap now too! If only Elisa can leave that house and find somewhere safe to live. I hope she and Lolita go live with Don Lucio.

Elna June, you brought tenderness, compassion and humor into yet another sad episode. You encapsulated how we are all feeling with: "And all the anvils in telenovela heaven rain down on Elisa’s fair head".

The flashbacks of Elisa with her mother are pure heartbreak. We desperately needed a light touch here at times which you amply provided with "Yeah, Flo, it’s rough when your henchwoman in arranging illicit meetings is a foolish and inexperienced teenage hairdresser who is both loudmouthed and stupid."

The Spaghetti Western theme was inspired. Gracias!

Elna June and daisy, I do not believe Augusto deserves or will obtain redemption.

Audrey, I like your idea of Elisa and Lolita going to live with Don Lucio. Now, there is a real family!

So much bleakness. I can only say I'm grateful that there must be some happiness ahead for someone. Sometime.


Elna June: Great recap. Thank you.

Yes, I thought Lucio recognized Ingrid, too. But, I don't know why she wants to work in the procesadora. I bet she slips up and lets someone know that she is Gael's mother - and, maybe Rosendo was his father. That would really put Alfonsina's knickers in a knot.

Just when you think that the world has brought enough grief for Elisa's shoulders to bear, up pops a fraudulent paternity test. Now we know that there are no fax machines or computers in Tuxtla - or at least not in Dr. Tovar's oficina. Come to think of it, I haven't seen a cell phone either. And, we have to assume that the driver bit the dust and couldn't report that the mail had been stolen. Whew! What disbelief.

Thanks so much, Elna June, as usual, this is great.

"The happy habanero music starts up as they see Flo on the other side of the street tottering along on her sky-high tacones..."


I do not see how Carmina's DNA fraud can hold up for very long. Surely, when the lab people learn of the ambush and robbery of the delivery man, they will notify Dr. Tovar that the results were stolen and send him a duplicate report... doncha think?

In my opinion, when she encountered Paolo in her bedroom, Elisa should have immediately begun squealing at the top of her lungs. Of course, being a guy, maybe my assessment of the situation may differ widely from the rest. What is you ladies' take on this?


Thanks for your recap EJ. Things are very grim for our heroine but with your witty remarks at least we can laugh. Your description of the Toad as a misogynist and stupid was priceless and true.

Diana - yes, the Toad is beyond redemption. I liked EJ's fate for he and Gossip Girl gossiping through the streets of Hades 4ever. That's about right.

Vivi - ITA about Horacio possibly being a key in the unmasking of the wretched Orange One. He is becoming an important accomplice (with facts and details) and currently the only one who can reveal the depravity of both witch C and Gabino. Before he goes out in a (from yesterday) shirtless blaze of glory, Sara can hopefully take comfort in this.

Audrey - Jihad is such a great term for Nem-ho's attack on Elisa; the Toad does deserve his wicked wife and former SIL. And yes Elisa and Delores should move in with Lucio.

Judy - ITA that while most female villains are punished very harshly, these writers better not let the Orange-Ho get off easy.

Pasofina - Perhaps the mail delivery man lived but even so he won't show up again until Horacio confesses or dies.

Good morning EJ. What a marvelous recap amiga. You have a great story-telling style and your recaps are always a joy to read.

I love how you start out with the main themes, and your spaghetti western motif if perfect. You start out with a bang (OK pun kind of intended) with your terrifically alliterative title, fun stuff.

"Sabrina Tovar the teenage beech", had me laughing hard. Nicely done.

The mail whole mail theft scene was kind of clunky, but it moved the plot along quickly.

"I hope Augusto ends up with Begonia, for his sins." Amen sister!

Yep, Lucio definitely recognized Ingrid, and she cringed when she saw him.

Vivi, ITA that Elisa should get out of her hell house and move in with her padrino. They both need each other. I see Audrey remembered poor Lolita; Elisa should definitely take the faithful with her and leave Carmina and Assgusto to their miserable existence.

"I'm ready to see Carmina slowly poached and then brought to a rolling boil in tanning oil!", JudyB what a perfect ending for her. Writers, take note.

Carlos, I thought Elisa should have started screaming immediately too. I'm not sure why she lets Paolo get as close as he does. I would have blown him off completely long, long ago. Clearly she has no experience with his style of attention.

I absolutely loathe Assgusto, and I agree he is a stupid misogynist. Blech.

Stuff we learned in this episode:

Yup, Horacio is a stone criminal and a liar. This will hurt when Braulio tells Lolita that Horacio said he and Gabino were friends.


Lucio gave Irritating Ingrid the stink eye and she appeared to be trying to hide her face. Interesting....

Florencia looked like a hooker on the stroll walking through town.

Lucio declines Damian's job offer. Since Damian doesn't have any experience running the PRO CE SA DO RA I fear he'll have to rely on Gabino (ugh).

Alfonsina may have started the rumors about Elisa's sluttiness but they are being helped by Disgusto & Carmina. Why would Disgusto run to Gael and tell him about Elisa being a slut?

If Disgusto were smart he'd be encouraging Elisa to get with Gael or Paolo, to get rid of her.

All in all, this is about control. Disgusto couldn't control Estefania, so he's doubling down on Elisa.

So now that Disgusto will find out Elisa's not his daughter, will he throw her out?

Elisa should move in with her Padrino.

Yes, this is a good idea. Lucio wouldn't be alone and Elisa would be out of an abusive household.

Since we know that Braulio has just murdered innocent and beloved Blanca, I guess he’s just about sleazy enough for Gabino to like.

reading th recap.. this jumped at me. you meant 'Horacio' just murdered Blanca, didn't you?

great title ... still reading.




Defamation of character:



Alfonsina (against Elisa)
Augusto (against Elisa)
Gabino (against Lucio)
Gabino (against Horacio)




Alfonsina & Gabino (Castanon greenhouse)

Gabino & Horacio (Casa de Modas)

Medical Tampering:

Carmina, Gabino & Horacio (Castanon DNA results)


Gabino & Horacio (Blanca)

How will anyone know what was stolen from the mail truck? For that matter, how would anyone know what was on it in the first place?

It's too bad for Elisa that she just doesn't feel she can't fake her own death and disappear. I hope that a future protagonist does this and comes back for revenge later on.

Carmina attempting to arrange for Elisa to be raped is about as low as any female villain I've ever seen. The only one who tops her on that is Gabriela Elizondo, who attempted to kill Sophia.

Forgot to add to the CRIMES list:

Underage sex:

Paolo (w/Kenia)

This comment has been removed by the author.

Carlos said...
I do not see how Carmina's DNA fraud can hold up for very long. Surely, when the lab people learn of the ambush and robbery of the delivery man, they will notify Dr. Tovar that the results were stolen and send him a duplicate report... doncha think?
well, not only that but the lab woman might remember one Medusa coming in to ask for the results herself... but then againt his is a Televisa novela...


Lucio declines Damian's job offer. Since Damian doesn't have any experience running the PRO CE SA DO RA I fear he'll have to rely on Gabino (ugh).
if I were Damian i would go get Braulio to help me instead.

Why would Disgusto run to Gael and tell him about Elisa being a slut?
that is a good question.

sorry there was a slight spoiler in my comment. edited out. even though pretty much everyone knows that by now.

EJ, wonderful delivery of the recap for such a grim episode! i have mixed feelings about my turn tonight with the faux paternity test restult and the kick ass by Gael/Damian on UnkaHunk... (that part i can't wait for)

All I can say is who would take Enririque when Damian was on offer? There is no accounting for taste.
DITTO sister!! UN-believable!!

Augusto may be a Grinch, but he has a heart, even if it is three sizes too small…
Lol nice way to put it… my feelings exactly…

Another of Elisa’s suitors comes to the door.
Funny how it is more often Carmina than Lola who answers the door when it is one of Elisa’s suitors…

Father Lupe tries to find out how he feels about Ingrid. She is muy amable, according to Gael.
I got a kick out of Padre Loopy’s facial expressions when questioning Gael about his interaction with Irritating Ingrid, and with Gael’s facial expressions of amusement at all the interest from Padre about it.

“Paolo was in her room last night,” Augusto tells Gael. (awesome facial expression of Gael there… determined/angry/surprised all wrapped in one shot.)

Lucio says goodbye to Maru just as Ingrid comes in with Gabino to report for her first day’s work at La Anita.
I agree with daisynjay, I also noticed a very long stare of Lucio to Ingrid, as if he was recognizing her from somewhere but he could not tell where…

Now two guys (who look a lot like Gabino and Horacio with ski-masks on their heads) ambush a postal truck…
Really? A postal truck? And I was ready to ask for my favorite ice-cream-truck flavor!! … sigh… LOL

The Spaghetti Western theme is perfect!!!!! ITA 1000%!!!

I think the previews went something like (from memory, but I did rewatch it 3x):
We see Gael grabbing Paolo in the reception at La Anita, we see Damian’s hands (plaid shirt sleeves) grabbing Gael from behind,
Gael and Damian outside, Gael yelling at Damian that Paolo was in Elisa’s room and Gael is sure he did not have good intentions! Damian believes him
Next we see Damian going back inside and threatening Paolo that if he gets near Elisa it won’t be Gael who beats the soul out of him, it will be Damian himself.

If only Elisa can leave that house and find somewhere safe to live. I hope she and Lolita go live with Don Lucio.
Great idea Audrey! I T A!!

Carlos, I too was thinking Elisa should have called for Lolita with her entire lungs… someone would have to come over, either Lola or Augusto (it was nighttime, where was he? Or was he with Lucio that late?)
also, loved EJ's notice of the heels and your comment about it... had to be you to notice it.

My suggestion of Lolita going with Elisa was simply a practical one. First, Lolita would never leave Elisa, but also, Don Lucio needs help in his household with Blanca gone.

Thanks for the recap Elna June!

I love the word Pulchritudinous, I had never heard it in English before.

Carmina is so despicable, poor Elisa. Changing the DNA results is just too much.

I do wonder why Florencia called Enrique to his house. Cell phones are such a threat to telenovelas.


Darn blogger ate my comment.

Carlos, in answer to your astute observation, yes the rafters would have been ringing ( with a few expletives I might add) if some guy I didn't want around was hanging in my bedroom waiting for me. My first question would have been "who the H*** let you in?" and then proceeded from there. But it shows, as Sylvia mentioned, Elisa's innocence on how to handle him. He's not pond scum to her like a Gabino, so she's been trying to be nice. And it isn't working.
As for Assgusto's reaction, my dad's first reaction, and he was NOT a violent man by any means, would have been to take said intruder by the scruff of the neck and lead him oh so firmly to the nearest door. And then being a PARENT, his first word to me would be "Explain." He would at least give me the chance. (Not that I would ever have done something like that mind you.)
Assgusto is as clueless in how to be a parent as Elisa is with handling men. But I think the way he did react should tell her that she needs to just find her own way and leave.She's never going to win with him. My guess is sperm donor is going to throw her out anyway.

I watched this episode online and one of the previews was Elisa telling Disgusto she wanted to move out, and him forbidding it. (I think, the previews often confuse me because they are so fast.) So her leaving the house of doom is addressed (finally!), however there was no clue as to how it would turn out. We will have to wait until tonight to see.

I was looking at Anon207's list and I have a question from a perspective of the Catholic church. I am not Catholic so I don't know. Rosendo, Carmina and Edmundo committed adultery, they are married. Are unmarried people who sleep with a married person also considered to be adulterers? It seems to me that if both do the deed, knowing it is wrong in the eyes of the church, then both parties are culpable. Thoughts?

I would think the person who is not married is not guilty of adultery, because they did not take any oath or pledge to stay faithful to their partner. Their married lover made a pledge to their husband/wife to stay faithful to their partner. But I'm not Catholic so I don't know.

This comment has been removed by the author.

I also think only the married person is considered an adulterer. The other is guilty of fornication! - which is having sex with someone to whom you are not married.

Sylvia: I don't think the unmarried person who sleeps with a married person is considered to be adulterous. However, they are breaking the vow of chastity by having sex before they are married and they are also violating the 9th comandment: "You shall not covet your neighbor's wife" (or man in the case of a woman). So their behavior is still sinful.


Thanks for excellent recap. I found this TN very interesting,but now am waiting for something different. Tired of Elisa being mistrusted by blacklenses. Let's hope they pick up this story, I am anticipating Gael finding out who his father and stepbrother/stepsister are.

Thank you for this: I hope Augusto ends up with Begonia, for his sins. Excellent

EJ - Your brilliance shines again! I especially loved the description of Gabino as a swaggering bully and one-stop-village sperm donor. Also "she fed that poisoned vine and it took root and grew in Augusto's tiny little pea brain and withered heart".

Anon 207 - I love your lists! This crime one is awesome.

I wish Augusto would grow a pair of habaneros and rip up the results without looking at them. Didn't I see that once in a Lifetime movie? HE is her dad. The sperm donor matters not *especially* with Estafania gone all these years.

Anaranjad-ho frustrates me to no end. "Que? A man in her bedroom?" Aaarrgh!

R la O

Augusto is also a HUGE hypocrite. When he was griping to Carmina about Paolo he kept saying how old Paolo is compared to Elisa. Well, didn't Augusto do the same thing with Estefania? Supposedly Stef was quite a bit younger than Augusto. Jerk.

Thanks for the feedback on who is adulterous. I'm not sure why, but I feel better knowing that everyone involved is sinful. I hated the idea of someone getting off on a technicality.

I am catholic and I am with jarocha, the single one sleeping with a married one is breaking the 9th commandment.

And this conversation reminds me that Armando Araiza and Francisco Gattorno starred in a novela with Daniela Castro called El Noveno Mandamiento.

The first part of the novela is about the love between the characters of Araiza and Castro and then midway through the story they get separated and Daniela's character dies and we flash forward to the future where Daniela Castro plays their daughter and now the love story is with Francisco Gattorno. A simmilar chain of events from the past start happening and Araiza's character, now played by Otto Sirgo (Salvador in Gancho), tries to change the outcome this time.


Thanks, EJ -- excellent job with some very frustrating material, and a fun read.

My favorite lines:

“Yeah, Flo, it’s rough when your henchwoman in arranging illicit meetings is a foolish and inexperienced teenage hairdresser who is both loudmouthed and stupid. Cry me a river.”

“The writers are trying to convince us that Augusto may be a Grinch, but he has a heart, even if it is three sizes too small.”

“La Anita work probably interferes with his time at the gym.”

“She goes into her room to take a load off and finally get out of the pirate boots.”

Gag, though, I am getting so tired of the crying. If anyone ever had reason to stiffen up and get in touch with her inner b****, it is Eliza. Can we move on?

BTW, what was with that weird interlude when Gabino was hiring Ingrid and she said, "Not so fast, Bub! Don't you want to engage me on a trial basis, just to make sure my work is satisfactory?" (And not in a flirtatious way at all.) I can't quite figure that out.

Blue Lass, I thought I heard that too, but it didn't make much sense so I just ignored it. If it was a double-entendre then she's not very good at conveying her message.

Gosh, I really enjoy how you write in a "novel-like" manner. Does that make sense? It's awesome!

Sharkbait: I'm not a Catholic Christian, but I'm a Christian who reads the Bible. Single people who have sex outside of marriage are committing fornication (a sin). Married people who have sex outside of there marriage are commiting adultery. Basically, the Bible says that everybody should keep their pants (men) and legs crossed (ladies) unless you are having sex with your spouse. I'm not preaching at you. I'm just answering your question. Did that help?

This comment has been removed by the author.

sorry, another spoiler editing...
I thought i heard something similar too... my take on it is she is after something (spoiler removed) and she knows that she can get some if she gets a job in town and hangs around long enough... and to figure out how, she could work there... but she finds suspicious that Gabino is willing to make space for her there without asking any questions ... I guess she is getting some lights going on in her head that flash 'takes one (trickster/scheemer card player) to know one' where Gabino is concerned.
On Gabino's side, I wonder if Gabino is recognizing her... how long has he worked at La Anita?
Is this pure flirt/attraction that is making him help her?
At first it could have been 'just get someone to bump Maru off with' but it seems by now he is indeed attracted to her.
OR... he might just have had the 'curiosity' bug hit him since she has been mysteriously hanging around the pro-ce-sa-do-ra.
or a combination of all the above.

I don't think Gabino is especially attracted to Ingrid, which is to say he's attracted to *all* women, pretty much interhchangeably. I think he's getting off on the power of being able to hire her with a snap of his fingers (or appearing to do so.)

I wondered if she was wising up to the fact that he might want a little something in return and trying to backpedal. Guess we'll see.

Anonymous, yes that interpretation is helpful. I was very curious as to whether, in the eyes of the church, the married people came off worse than the unmarried.

Marta, that's a good explanation for Ingrid's comment. She is probably just curious why she got hired with no resume, no references, no interview process, and no trial period. As for Maru, the only comment she made was "Does the boss know?" It was a little weird that Ingrid just got hired without having to be interviewed by Damian and/or Maru.

I originally thought that maybe Gabino recognized her, but now I don't think so. I just think he wants a hottie indebted to him. He's creepy that way.

Oops, Blue Lass I missed your comment about Ingrid wising up and back pedaling a bit. If she is an experienced con artist she would be sensitive to not giving up too much too soon.

More on the stolen/altered DNA results.

I think that Dr. Tovar is fairly certain (especially with Carmina's efforts to get him to alter the results... meaning that she is also even more certain of the same thing) that Elisa is Augusto's daughter, so if he sees the altered results (I don't think that he has opened the envelope yet), that, coupled with the waylaying of the mail (delivery?), will make him smell a rat... especially if (when) he finds out the envelope was delivered by the budding delinquent, Chente.

Rosemary la O,

"I wish Augusto would grow a pair of habaneros and rip up the results without looking at them."

I do too. I think it is very possible after his pep talk from Lucio that he may do just that although Paolo's stunt may have jinxed that possibility.


On Gabino's side, I wonder if Gabino is recognizing her... how long has he worked at La Anita?

Well, we know he's worked at La Anita for at least 15 years (the amount of time Damian's been away/Useless Vicente's been alive)

In order for him to have been Rosendo's right hand man and keeping all the secrets, he had to have been a trusted worker...he wasn't a new hire. So I'm going to say Gabino (and Braulio) have been workers at La Anita for at least 15-20 years.

Does anyone in La Ermita even know about the truck robbery? Maybe Agent G and Agent H just riffled through the truck, took the driver's wallet for verisimilitude, and ran off. In that case, it might not even have been reported.

Good Day to Everyone:

Just back from work and I see so many wonderful comments. Where to start?

Sara: It is hard to recap the endless scheming, isn't it? Don't you just love the Spaghetti Western theme music they play for Paolo?

Daisynjay - "You know when you look back fondly on the Flo/Enrique interlude, it ws a sorry night."
Boy, that is the truth!

Hi, Vivi:
Nice catch on the scene with Lucio and Ingrid. I edited it out in the interest of time, but realized when I saw your comment that it could be important. Great eye for detail as always, amiga.

JudyB: So good to see you. A compliment from you is a welcome gift and your solution for Carmina's demise is PERFECT.

Audrey: Jihad is right. From what I understand of the meaning of that word, it is perfect to describe Carmina's actions vis a vis Elisa.

Diana: Thank you for your kind comments. It is interesting that you think Augusto is beyond redemption. You are probably right. He went on my mierda list when he didn't mark his lovely wife's grave with a proper headstone. Bah!


I hate being back at work. The iPhone is not conducive to refresh and comment all day.

Anyhoo- I do believe we decided Horacio should go out in a loinclothed blaze of glory.

I have not even watched the episode so I can't wait to see the robbing of the results. How can it go unreported.

And yes Carlos I would be screaming like a banshee if an unwanted male were I my boudoir.

Elna June - Thank you for the recap! The folks of La Ermita were quite busy last night, eh? I love your Spaghetti Western reference. LOL My favorite lines from your recap:
I don’t understand why we care.
I hope Augusto ends up with Begonia, for his sins. They can gossip there way together through the streets of hell for an eternity.

Personally, I would like to see Augusto and Carmina both meet their end by falling off a roof.

Could Carmina look any more orange than she did in that orange shirt? She looked like orange sherbert(sherbet?) on my TV screen.

Carlos - I agree with you about a better reaction from Elisa, upon finding Paolo in her room. My guess is she was hoping to get rid of him without her father even knowing about it.
How would the lab know that the mail truck was ambushed?

Cap'n Sylvia - I was raised Catholic but left 35 years ago when I married. I agree 100% with Jarocha's answer. As for 'in the eyes of the church', well, that's up for grabs. In the Catholic church you can be married for decades, have twelve or forty kids, and if you donate enough money to the church, you can have that marriage annulled, therefore leaving your twelve or forty kids as 'bastards' in the eyes of the church. Sometimes, it's all about the money. I remember hearing about such things while growing up.

I would be screaming like a banshee... which brings up a question... i know Augusto is in dire straits financially... but isn't it odd that it seems the Castanon quinta has only one service employee (Lola)
and the Arango hacienda also has one serving employee (Braulio lives there but he works at the pro-ce-sa-do-ra).

the Arango hacienda also has one serving employee = Toñita ... well, and Horacio too but he seems to only be responsible for the one horse.

Doris, that religion stuff sounds awfully complicated. Thank goodness I am blissfully amoral. It makes things so much easier!

Pasofino: You are so right about the lack of technology in this TN. Ingrid slipping up seems like a real possibility. I just don't want her to hurt Gael.

Hola, Carlos! ITA that Elisa should have screamed when she found Paolo in her room. And you are right, just how long can the DNA fraud hold up? Until an as yet unknown medical emergency prompts another test? Can you imagine what that might be? An organ transplant?

Hi, Karen:
So nice to see you. I like your idea that Horacio will be part of Carmina's downfall. He owes a big debt to society for murdering Blanca.

Cap'n: The themes idea is just to org my thoughts. Thanks for your ever kind words, my friend.

Anon207: You cracked me up with the "Flo looked like a hooker..." comment. Was it the tacones or the skintight black lace dress that made you say that? Jajajaja. Also thanks for the crimes list. That clears everything up.

Thanks, Marta, for catching my use of "Braulio" when I meant to say "Horacio". Oops. So sorry you get this Paternity Switch episode, m'dear.

UA: How will anyone know what is tolen from the mail truck? Good question. Do they have machines than scan letters and stuff? ITA with you about Carmina. Her behavior (and the glee with which she executes her schemes) makes me feel nauseated.


Sylvia, this really made me smile this afternoon:

"I'm not sure why, but I feel better knowing that everyone involved is sinful."



marta - about the number of servants,,,, we're not supposed ask those questions. There we go, thinking again! LOL

Cap'n Sylvia - I take it all with a grain of salt. Do you remember the tee shirt, ages ago, with the saying, "Good girls go to heaven, but bad girls go everywhere." ;o)

Oh yes. Was that one of Mae West's numerous quotes about bad girls? Yes or no, it's a great quote.

That quote would be a good asterisked addition to our Talismaniacs Raisin' Hell tees. It is so us! Or so we like to pretend.

We do get around.

It's very hard to get a marriage annulled in the Church though. Unless you are quite rich and powerful. Us mere mortals ought to choose well if were to get a Church wedding. That's why so many people prefer to do the civil marriage first and wait years for the Church wedding.

I was six when my parents got married in the Church and I actually have memories of it, heh.


Hi, Blue:
Great comments. Glad you enjoyed the recap.Tough material to have fun with, tho.

Thanks for popping by. 'pulchritudinous' is not a frequently used word in English, but I love it. Interesting to note that annulments are not easy to get and are expensive. I guess it can't be that easy to undo a sacrament.

Carmina had that tangel-Ho glow, for sure. Why do you want the loving couple to fall off a roof?

Hi, amiga! Thanks for popping by. Hope all is well with you.

I am so with you about work interfering with my telenovela addiction. Even commenting from an IPad is hard to sneak in between meetings. Darn! Smile!


I just watched the episode. I FF>>'d through most of Anaranjad-ho's machinations. Please tell me I'm not the only one having trouble understanding her Spanish!


I am without cc's lately and am dependent on my listening Spanish skills and context for recapping. Arghh!

I, too, have a real problem understanding Sabine's Spanish. She has many odd affectations in playing this role. I have also read that she has been very ill so perhaps that is affecting her enunciation.

Or maybe it is just me and my listening-only Spanish is mediocre at best.

Thanks again for your recap last Friday. I didn't catch it until last night, but it was very good.


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