Friday, April 20, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #215-216 Thu 4/19/12 Freddie does some deep thinking, and Pina nearly joins him.

*Fancy hotel, Mérida.*
Pina: Amors hermosho, I got us adjoining rooms so we can have slumber parties and braid each other’s hair and play Truth or Dare!
Freddie: Actually, I’d rather go diving.
Pina: Whatever you want! And after this, SURPRISE! We’re going skiing in Tahoe!
*Casa ChelaEnzo*
Enzo: Monterrey! Yay, right?
Right? Well, it’s just a test drive of the new job.
Moni: Daddy, I’ll miss you!
Pepe: Moni will be totally fine without you, though, because we’re super duper lovedoves.
Baby: WAH!
Chela: I am not happy about this.
*Ana’s bedchamber*
Ana: Aren’t you supposed to be in bed?
Lupita: I’m bored. Tomás is busy because he’s graduating soon. Why are you so happy?
Ana: Can’t you see the beard burn I got after my SPF 50 stalkerblocker wore off? Woooo-eeeee, hahaha!
Lupita and Ana: OWWW.
Ana: I miss Freddie.
*Restaurant, Mérida*
Pina: I know I’ve been a clingy overprotective mom and I need to detach! SOB! But that’s because you’re the only thing I have! You and I both need to be independent, and I totally support that! You have to help me! I need you! I can’t let go and learn to be alone without you!
Freddie: Thanks, Moms.
Kari: ¡Hola!
Freddie: QTH?! Seriously, Moms. Q.T.H?! You say you aren’t going to interfere in my life, and now THIS?!
Pina: I just want to force you to be happy. Besides, aren’t you novios?
Kari: Pouty pout tantrum.
Freddie: Fine. Do you know how to dive?
Kari: Uh, um, sure! Yes! (no.)
*El Paraíso, Take 2 aka Lust Nest de Candy y Vice*
Candy: You’re under arrest, for fickleness in the first degree! (click) We’ll just see if you can find the key for those cuffs! Time for your strip search! Bad boy!
*Sidewalk outside*
Solomé: I am the long-lost twin of Lucrazy from El Tal, but I’m just enabling someone else’s craziness instead of pursuing my own. Vice and Candy are up there, Nappy.
Napo: They’re going to have a very short marriage.
*Reposery de Ana*
Ana: Guess what, Pops? Adrián brought his daughters and kissed me!!!
Pancho: Grrr.
*Hotel, Mérida*
Daisy Duke Kari: Knock knock! Booty call!
Freddie, who wears his pink pajamas in Mérida when it’s hot: Huh? Why did you wake me up?
Kari: I couldn’t sleep! So how about it? Let’s just get nekkid with no preamble whatsoever.
Freddie: I may barf, but okay.
Recapper: Wear sunscreen, Freddie. You have a lot of sun damage.
*Hot Cop Barbie’s dreamhouse*
Napo: Smooch. Candy, snookums.
Candy: GASP!
Vice: Zzzzzzzzz.
Candy: Are you a ghost?
Napo: Sure, a ghost, a specter, a spirit from hell. Whatevs.
Candy: Vicente! VICENTE! WAKE UP!
Vice: Huh?
Candy: Napoleón!!!
Vice: There’s no one there! Are you nuts?
*Pancho’s dreamscape*
Auditrix: Pancho, I love you!
Pancho: I love you, too! Smooch smooch smooch smooch smooch!
Giant haggard fishwife Rebe: How dare you? Nwuahaha, snort!
Auditrix: Have you seen yourself in a mirror, you hag! You’re so fat!
Nasty Rebe: Shut up! I’ll kill you! Nahuahua, smack, snort!
Pancho: Rebe, why? No!
Seawitch Rebe: Shut up, worm!
*Back to awakeland*
Rebe: Pancho, what the heck? Are you okay?
Pancho: Just a nightmare. You were murdering Tax Barbie, no biggie. Say, speaking of biggies, could you give me a little more room?
*Sidewalk outside Vice and Candy’s, under the gaslights*
Napo: Bwahahaha! She thinks I’m a ghost! Everyone will think she’s crazy!
Salomé: Hahaha! Hilarious! I did not get enough of these pranks in middle school!
Napo and Sal: Crazy!
*Mérida, the back roads…way back*
Pina: See how much I’ve changed? I’m wearing hippy duds and riding around in a horse-drawn tram, waving and smiling at charming non-rich locals!
Freddie: Trippy, man! What a ride! Pum!
Local man, speaking local language: The Mayans used to carefully guard the cenotes, because they considered the water in them holy and used it for their rites. But now you can go diving in it; why not? I just have this incense and holy stuff for kicks.
Kari: This is amazing!
Freddie: Let’s dive!
Pina: Um, after you. Be careful! Wear your water wings and your ducky floatie! And a sweater!
Random guapo merman (who was Jorge in LldA), just up from the deep: (stunned silence, agape in the glow of Pina’s stunnery).
Pina, silently: These waters really DO have magical powers! What a vision!
Guapo diver: Hola. I’m Sergio. Want this quartz I found?
Pina: Excuse me?! I am a married woman!
Sergio: Well, let me just give you a sampling of my fairytale prince charms.
Pina: Le sigh, le heave.
*Big house*
Pancho and Rebe: We are still totally absolutely in love. Forget that stupid Auditrix fakeout.Nothing to see here!
Auditrix: I feel terrible! I told Rebe her husband wasn’t having a fling with me, but I neglected to mention that I’m falling for him!
Jimena: Why on EARTH would you ever tell her that?
Auditricks: I’m so in love! But of course I can never pursue this!
Jimena: Well, there you go then. Moving on.
*La Válvula*
Frida: Decorating this tree just reminds me how sad and alone I will be on Christmas, as usual.
Matías: Come over to my house! We’d be happy to have you.
Frida: I can’t believe things didn’t work out with Dartañan. I did everything: batted my eyelashes, brawled with Moni, begged and whined.
Matías: Amazing that didn’t work. Bummer, dude.
*Big house, or possibly North Pole*
Rebe: Pepe! You look so handsome without the face fuzz! Help me decorate this massive tree with all this stuff I have already acquired. Then, since I have nothing else to do, I am going to decorate every tree in the yard!
Pepe: You and Dad are so lucky to have found each other!
*Ana’s room*
Doc Oc: Well, ladies. You’re healing well. You can get up, but no rough-housing.
Alex, the expert caveman who is nothing like OUR Alex: These caves are amazing, and also underground, and have water in them.
Pina: …
Kari: Hee hee hee, Pina! Thumbs up!
Ketita: Wow, what gossip yesterday! I myself am above gossip, of course.
Pancho: Does Isabela seem a little strange and nervous to you?
Ketita: Yep. I think it’s about you.
Sandra: I’m too nerve-wracked for all this ball handling.
Is a bella (according to, like, EVERYONE): What’s wrong with you?
Pancho: Maybe I’m just putting cream in my tacos, but I think Isa’s really into me.
Enzo: Gasp!
Isabela: I need your paperwork, but keep your distance, Vice.
Vice: Okay, I’ll bring it to you personally.
Isa: No. Send it by messenger.
Vice: QTH?
Isa: I’ve heard a lot about you. Don’t touch me. No, I don’t want whiskey or coffee.
Pina: Let’s have a dramatic goodbye like you’re going to drown.
Diver Alex: Don’t worry. It’s perfectly safe.
Freddie, Kari, and Alex: Down we go!
Sergio: Hmmm. Here’s my chance.
*Casa Lopez*
Lupita and Ana: Wow, Santa’s workshop exploded all over this place.
Adrián’s girls: We’re baaa-aaack! With Daddy and big presents to buy Ana with! Where’s Temo?
Lupita: In school. Shouldn’t you two be in school?
Girls: Nah, stalking is a full-time job for the whole family.
Pepe: Rebe, can you even imagine Ana as a stepmother?
Rebe: Nah, but stepmommyhood worked out pretty well for me in the end.
Lots of diving footage, accompanied by creepy music. Freddie gets separated from the group.
Alex, up top: My regulator is broken.
Pina: Oh noes! My baby is down there with no one to hold his hand:
Freddie: Where is everyone? I’m lost! This is a maze! Stay calm. I can’t get out! I’m going to die!
*La Válvula*
Moni: Frida, let me help you. I can go to therapy with you and help you, ya know, money-wise.
Frida: I don’t want your money!
Moni: What can I do, then?
Frida: What’s your game? There must be a catch.
Moni: Stay away from Pepe. I trust him, but why tempt fate?
*Gangster lair*
Salomé: What is your plan for after you make Candy crazy?
Napo: Move to Italy and eat spaghetti. Hey, blood pact. If you swear you’d die for me, you can join me and run my affairs and my money.
Salomé: Fabulous. I’ll take care of everything.
*Casa Chela*
Candy: Chela, I’ve been seeing a ghost! Hey, I’ve seen Concepción doing brujería stuff. Maybe she can help me. Concepción! Help with the ghosties!
Concepción: Heeby jeeby hokey pokey dance.
Freddy: Focus, Fredster! Don’t die!
Kari: Hey, Pina and Alex. Where’s Freddie?
Pina: WHAT DO YOU MEAN, where’s Freddie?! Go find him! Boo-hoo!
Auditrix: Thanks for the info. Now back off.
Vice: Your loss, babe.
Auditrix and Jimena: snicker.
Enzo: Why don’t you pass a note to Isabela and have her check “yes” if she likes you?
Recapper: Why are people even discussing this? He’s married. Stifle that spark.
*Casa Chela/portal to the dead*
Mamación, eyes rolling back in head: Napoleón, if you’re out there, creeping back from the other side, make your presence known!
Recapper: Really, ladies? A fire pit in the living room? Is that safe?
Ado: Mommy! I don’t like this!
Fire: Boom!
Candy: AAAAHHHH!!! Not afraid of you, Nappy!
Chela: Enough! Stop! This is ridiculous! Candy needs a doctor, not ghosts!
Baby, over monitor: WAH! Do you people not have a smoke detector? Why are you ruining my delicate little lungs?
*Gangster lair*
Napo: Salomé, have you ever been in love?
Sal: Sure, but V.I.L.E. Henchwomaning and love don’t mix. I am absolutely dedicated to you and your nuthouse needs.
Auditrix: No way. Vice’s taxes can’t be correct. This is absurd. And that’s just from a preliminary glance. Who knows what we’ll find when we dig?
Jimena: What will we do?
Chela: Pancho! Emergency! Candy is seeing ghosts! And also smelling him!
Pancho: Well, that’s even worse than I thought. Napo smells gross.
Chela: She needs to go back to the shrink.
Arnold: Barb! You’re hot.
Barb: Uh, okay. Why the low voice and the pawing.
Arnold: I’m not gay. And I’m totally into you.
Vice, around corner: Gasp!
Pina: Help! Call search and rescue!
Kari: My phone doesn’t work here!
Pina: Wah!
Alex: I couldn’t find him, and I’m out of air!
Pina goes for a frantic swim, looking for Freddie. Then she goes suicidal and just drops under the water.
Sergio: Here I come to save the day!
*Casa Lopez*
Adrián’s little stalkers-in-training: Sigh, we will be ALL ALONE in Guadalajara at Christmas because the abuelos are going to Europe.
Temo: Stay here for Christmas!
Adrián, Rebe and Ana: Okay.
Isa: Vice’s financial statements are crap. He owes a boatload of taxes. I’ll have to alert the authorities.
Pancho: Hmm. Will he have to go to jail? Yikes, Candy won’t like this. Should I warn them?
Isa: If you do, I’ll get fired. I shouldn’t have told you, but we’re such buddies.
Vice: Stop pretending, Arnoldo. I heard what you said to Barb!
Arnoldo: No, no, no, it’s just a turn of phrase! Um, you heard it out of context!
Kari, via phone: Sob! Vice, we’re in the hospital, because, sob!, Pina…Freddie got lost in the cenote!
Vice: On my way!
Isa: Where is he going?
Arnoldo: His son disappeared.
Pancho: Hey, Rebe, hot off the press! Candy’s nuts, and Vice is going to jail!
*Gangster lair*
Napo and Salomé: Let’s be creepy and spy on everyone. No one will notice our creepy dude on the street wearing a creepy camera hat and staring menacingly at everyone. Look, Pancho, Chela, and Rebe have all shown up to visit Candy.
*Mérida hospital*
Doc: Try to relax.
Pina: I can’t live without my son! You have to find him!
*Casa Lopez*
A drain: I am so in lurve with you!
Kari, via phone: Ana, sob! Freddie got lost diving! He’s probably dead!
Ana: Boo hoo! Nooooo!
Chela and Pancho: Candy, you’re nuts. Let’s go see the nice doctor.
Candy: I really did see Napo! I’m going to end up like Violenta!
*Casa Lopez*
Moni: Pepe! You look so young and handsome without the geezer ‘stache! BTW, I went to La Válvula and offered Frida help.
Pepe: Well, this is an interesting twist. I don’t suppose she wanted to accept anything from you.
Moni: No, but I offered a car and driver at least, if she doesn’t want to see me. I realize I handled everything badly. Perdóname.
Pepe: No, perdóname. Muchas smooches.
Word spreads that Freddie is missing. Vice demands the first flight to Mérida.
Chucho: Sandra, want to have a baby with me?
Sandra: Yes! Yay, our very own sweet little baby…Qué?!
*Shrink’s waiting room*
Candy: The doc says I’m nuts. I got a prescription. If it doesn’t work and I keep seeing ghosts, I’ll have to go to the manicomio!
Pina, nightmarish and delusional: Freddie, no, come back.
Freddie: Moms?
Pina: Amors hermosho? Is that really you?
Sergio: Hail the conquering hero.
Pina: Oh, thank God!
Sergio: You’re welcome.
Mañana: Jorge Aravena shows up to charm Pina. She’s got suitors every which way all of a sudden. Hooray. Candy’s torment continues.


Julia thanks for this wonderful snarky recap. I laughed so hard.

Poor Freddy. I really thought he was a goner for sure. I am glad he is alive even though he slept with Kari! And who would have thought Kari would call Ana and tell her Freddy was missing. That was different.

Loved the seance thing with Concepcion. Her rolled back eyes and that flashing fire too funny. When the baby cried they thought it was Napo too funny. I laughed like crazy.

And what is with Chacho? To ask Sandrita to have a baby, without marriage first?

Loved Pina in this episode. I liked that she went after Freddy even though it was at the risk of her own life.

Poor Candy. Napo is just horrible, although off topic, he speaks Italian very well. I don't like what he is doing to Candy at all. That surveillance is weird too.

Vice is just incorrigable. He was probably the one that got poor Lambi thrown in jail. With all his money schemes, they have finally caught up with him.


When it comes to recapping there's good and there's HOT! This recap is smokin'--all of it. I can't pick a favorite line, there are too many.

I am heaping on the hyperbole, sister. Congrats on one of your best recaps ever.


A quick drive by post from me:

I've just had an Arnold Flowerz sighting on Al-Jazeera of all places! They were reporting on anti-violence activism in Mexico, and the actor who plays Arnold is appearing in a PSA which they showed. I thought it was cool! :)

Another jewel, Julia. I'll ditto everything EJ said but add that my favorite line (out of many many) was "agape in the glow of Pina's stunnery". Sheer perfection.

Julia, I agree that you had many snarkilicious lines in this recap. There were actually quite a few funny scenes this episode, and others that you made funy with your prose.

Madelaine- I have been wondering for many episodes now why Chacho and Sandra are shacking up and talking about having a baby before they've walked down the isle. We know why Chela and Enzzo didn't do it in that order, but even they are engaged. (It's about time they set a date though.)

So glad to see in the preview that Candy has figured out Nappy is not a ghost. It was just horrible what he was doing to her. The seance was very funny though. Loved baby Paco crying right on cue a few times.

I was shocked that Freddy gave in to Kari's seduction attempt so easily this time. It's not like she hasn't come into his room and undressed before. I guess he figured it's been half a year since Ana dumped him and she's not coming back, so why not? *Sigh*

I am very pleased to see that Pina is getting two love interests. Maybe she'll finally cut the umbilical cord when she's got other people to share her love with.

Julia, thanks for this hilarious recap! I also love the format in which you wrote it.

I'm still confused about that scene with Freddy and Kari last night. Watching it, I thought maybe it would turn out to be a dream, since it really came out of nowhere. And then when Freddy went missing, the first person Kari calls is Ana? I guess they needed to wrap that storyline up quickly.

At least, everyone's okay and now we see Pina may have a new man (or two) in her life!

I love our sophisticated creepy stalkers on this show! (Though, at least, Adrian finally got Ana without having to kidnap her.) It just amuses me to wonder where Napoleon finds these fembots that are so willing to very sexily stalk another woman for him?

I can't wait to see what happens next.

This comment has been removed by the author.

SugarLily said...
Oh, and ITA agree about Chacho & Sandra. He's talking about buying a house and having a baby? Maybe Let's see a ring first! Heh, maybe the show couldn't afford to do yet another wedding.

And, Julia, you're absolutely right: they need to put this Pancho/Isabella thing to bed (no pun intended) already. Maybe they're showing us that even the most righteous men get tempted but that they do overcome it. I hope. (They better be.)

Sugar Lily so agree with you the creepy stalkers on this show. I used to like Napo but ever since he kidnapped Rebe and Deborah was killed don't like him so much anymore.

Vivi-yeah the thing with Chacho and Sandrita. Since Chacho always struck me as a proper guy, remember all the stuff with Chato?, I thought he would at least ask Sandrita to marry him before he talked about having a baby with her. Maybe there is baby fever going around and it struck him lol.

Julia, I agree with EJ et al - this was a fantastic recap from top to bottom. Funny and complete - you even commented on Fred's sun damage (I noticed it too!) as well as the travesty of having another character named Alex.

When Fred went to bed with Karina I yelled, "you're dead to me!" So then when he got lost in the cave, I started feeling a little guilty. After all, he and Ana are on a break. A really long break.

Arnold and Barbara: so funny. At the very beginning of this TN he seemed to have a crush on her, or at any rate she seemed to be his favorite woman in the world. But ever since then, he's been such an unfocused horndog that it's hard to take his renewed interest seriously.

I'm as tired of the Isabella/Pancho attraction as everyone else. It seems unnecessary. I would have preferred Arnold to have a crush on her first!

But workplace crushes can be fun if they don't go anywhere. I think that's how Pancho is looking at it. Obviously Bella is taking it more seriously, which is certainly ironic given the countless moral, ethical, professional, and personal reasons why it's a very stupid idea.


Great recap Julia! Truly one of your best. I know I say that practically every time but I really do mean it every time.

Pancho's dream was hilarious. It looked like Mayrin was having the time of her life.

Hee, "long-lost twin of Lucrazy" is spot-on. Or is she Tracy's prima, the way she keeps throwing around the English?

The Freddy/Kari pairing...just gross. However I love the Merida and cenote scenes. Too bad I never ran into any Jorges or Sergios when I dove the cenotes. I thought it was rather amusing that Freddy moved away from the area that had a lot of ambient light (i.e. open to the air above) and into the dark cave sections. Dude probably could have just ascended and walked out.

Oh goodie, Chef Hawt is in tomorrow's episode? I'm watching for sure.

Good news, everyone. I didn't freeze to death standing around on a pier in the chilly rain all morning.

Was Chacho serious about having a baby right away without even proposing marriage, or was that just his way of announcing his "little problem" was solved? No reason they shouldn't get married. Might even be nice to show that you can be just as married without demanding the cathedral and with just a simple, low-budget wedding/reception.

I, too, was coaching Freddie to go toward the light...but maybe the light showing was just a necessity of filming conditions and we were supposed to believe he was really lost in a maze of caverns with no clear way out. Not impressed with the way Caveman Alex was running things, though.

I{m disappointed in Freddie for giving in to Kari...his immediate, unthinking reaction when she showed up at the restaurant should have told him exactly how he felt about her as his novia.

I loved all the scenery shots around Mérida and the cenote. This episode was easy on the eyes, with the landscapes AND Sergio.

Julie, I agree workplace crushes can be fun. I'm a huge fan of them, myself. But I keep those thoughts inside my head, just for my own amusement. I don't tell people about them or talk about them as if they matter. If I were married, I DEFINITELY wouldn't mention them!

Well, yeah. I would also try harder to avoid falling on top of, or underneath, the unwitting object of my affection. Especially in front of witnesses.

But that's what separates us from the telenovela characters, I guess. That, and a slew of other things, most of which I'm grateful for. (I wouldn't mind a surplus of guapos, though.)

Well, yes, we are not like telenovela characters. If someone seemed on the verge of telling me something juicy or important, and then the phone rang, I wouldn't completely forget about it for a year. As soon as they were free I'd say, " were saying?"

And if someone wanted to tell me something really really important, but started with a ten-minute preamble, I'll slap 'em and tell them to spit it out. I admit that slapping is very telenovela-ish, but Olympic-level hemming and hawing is even more so.

(If you slap the person and that causes them to get amnesia, you might be a telenovela character!)

On a different note, I'd like to give a heads-up to those who haven't seen tonight's episode yet: If you have access to any antipsychotic medications, now would be a good time to take them.

No meds. What about a martini?

Hey all, I haven't forgotten about the recap. I'm working on it!

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