Thursday, May 03, 2012

Abismo de pasión #38 5/2/12: TRUTH OR DAREs and a VERY BUSY DAY of 'cargadas' in Dr Whipped's HEALTH CENTER...

 Tonight's recap courtesy of Marta Ivett

Replay of argument between siblings Alfie and Loopy… what kind of brother are you if you won’t support me?? … you should know by now I don’t support your schemes… you can’t try to rule over your son’s life! If DamNut did fall for Elisa, that is something you yourself brought about… you always tried so hard to separate them since they were kids… you know that what is forbidden is what is most tempting…    I don’t know why I came…  … (she leaves)… well, now that you mention it, frankly neither do I..
Kenya has her accident with the tree root strategically popped out up into the middle of the road…
Gabino laughs at the beat-up face of UnkaHunk… they talk about Elisa and whether she is worth the hassle. Gabino comments that Stefie was beautiful and the auntie does not sing rancheras badly either.
At Merida, Elisa is depressed, no bank is willing to lend us the money… Lucio tries to encourage her, to no avail. He tells Elisa that Blanca kept asking he not give up when he was looking for a job. Elisa says her intentions are to help out her father. Lucio says do it for yourself, not for your dad. To show herself she can move forward on her own… Elisa is still very reluctant. Lucio asks Elisa if she would be willing to lien her mother’s lands as guarantee on the loan. She refuses, she could lose them.
DamNut arrives at Castanon manor… Lola is hosting him but Nemo-Ho arrives and sends her away. Nemo-Ho asks Dam to leave before DeadBrain gets home. Dam says I will stay and DARE DeadBrain to tell me to leave himself… Nemo-Ho slips a comment about DamNut having more courage than his father. DamNut questions whether she got to know his father enough to be able to say something like that.  Nemo-Ho claims Rosie let himself be convinced by her sister to escape together, which caused his death. Killer stare by DamNut
Oh shoot!! Where was it that we had that old-organ type of music in a novela before? … those long bass dreadful sounds…  while Kenya picks herself up from the road…
Ingrid makes it all the way to Cielo Abierto...  Gael is surprised to see her, must be really important what she has to tell him to have come all the way here… she would give anything to erase the bad image he must have of her at this moment. Lets take a walk… ok
At Huarango, Alfie confronts Paolo… (since now he is useless for her in entertaining Elisa), she wants Kenya AND him to leave… she has no need to referee between DamNut and UnkaHunk, he is not interested in the job at the pro-ce-sa-do-ra, so his presence there is harming Princess Poop, the only reason you came here was to hide from Kenya.. that issue is already settled so you have no reason to hide out here anymore… so backtrack your steps back to Mexico, on the double!
Lucio shows Elisa where her mother and Rosendo had the accident… she gets upset/moved, she had never seen the scene of the accident before… Lucio says she was very little when it happened. She does remember it was Nemo-Ho who told her. She remembers her dad locked himself in his study for many days… she can’t stop thinking about it. She can still hear Nemo-Ho’s screams when Stefie locked her in the room… and when her father arrived and said Stefie had escaped with Rosendo Arango… Lucio is very understanding and supportive, putting an arm around her but not stopping her from releasing all her feelings… Suddenly  .. she realizes that it doesn't add up to, that if her mother was escaping from La Ermita, why did the accident occur as if they were headed in the opposite direction? … it is very strange.
At Harango’s… phone rings and Tonita tells Paolo ‘it’s the same woman that called you the other day!’
Carmina DARES Paolo to figure out a way to recover the ground he lost the last couple days with Elisa.
UnkaHunk is fed up with several people reading him the same company policy… Once she hangs up, Nemo-Ho keeps poking DamNut to try to get him to leave..  he tells her if it is regarding Elisa, he has all the patience in the world.. (I heard a very similar line in CS ’93) then Nemo-Ho changes target of her ironic attacks and DARES Lola to switch places, Nemo will put on an apron and serve the guests herself. Lolita accepts the switch. As Lolita leaves the room, Nemo-Ho spots the pregnancy test in the trash can.
Gael is walking with Ingrid, recommends that she not trust Gabino so much with her job at the pro-ce-sa-do-ra ... when he suddenly spots Kenya and runs to help her. Gael asks Ingrid if she had seen this young girl... Ingrid denies ever seeing Kenya before.  OUCH!!
Elisa gets home… she is not happy to see DamNut is there…She is not thrilled of what her dad will say to see him there… All DamNut cares about is that he loves her. Elisa tells DamNut she is not so sure she wants to face what they would have to face… she LIES telling him she does not love her enough…
Just as the air gets a bit heavy between them… out comes Nemo-Ho waving the pregnancy test at her and insulting her about the positive pregnancy test… ‘your dad will die when he finds out you are ‘cargada’ from … from who knows what guy’… (killer stare from DamNut for Elisa)
Elisa tells Nemo-Ho it is not what she is thinking, there is an explanation, but she wants DamNut to leave before she explains… DamNut won’t leave, wants to hear the explanation first… Nemo-Ho goes away to get DeadBrain… DamNut questions Elisa, are you cargarda? How can it be? With whom? .. Elisa says she does not need to give him any explanation… HE asks her not to let him believe what everyone says about her… She insists she wants nothing to do with him anymore… he says fine, this is Burger King, have it your way … of course Elisa stays alone crying and Lola comforts her (haven’t we seen this sequence before? )…Elisa whines…  there can be nothing between DamNut and I… Elisa does tell Lola that the pregnancy test belonged to Princess Poop… now Lola understands why Elisa kept quiet…
Back at road, Gael leaves an increasingly hysterical Ingrid (what is it she is so afraid of on the open road in the middle of the day?)… Gael runs to get help… Kenya reaches for Ingrid and asks her for help… Ingrid just stands there, seems to be getting sick at the sight or smell of her own daughter’s blood…
At Harango’s, Alfie wants PP to tell her what happened last night… Princess Poop tells Alfie she got ‘cuddly’ with DamNut last night but he rejected her… Alfie reprimends PP on her approach at trying to retain DamNut … PP gets desperate and asks Alfie for help… she is at a loss… Alfie says you are falling down to level with Elisa Castanon. You can’t behave like her and then expect to keep DamNut with you! … PP resents the comparison: yes, I made a mistake. Kenya advised me… KENYA?? I can’t believe you listened to her!... I already solved the Kenya annoyance… but if you really want to keep DamNut, behave like a decent woman, not like Elisa. You have to be the flip side of the coin! Is that clear? (eh.. no)
DeadBrain arrives home.. is ready to slap Elisa, Lola defends her… DeadBrain accuses Elisa of being worse or same as her mother… Nemo-Ho sinks the knife deeper, DAREs Elisa to deny she is ‘cargada’ (she should get an Assistant District Attorney job, she seems to have a ‘gift’ to make at least SOME people believe anything that comes out of her fish lips)… throwing some more insullts for good measure.
Elisa cannot tell the whole truth… but since DeadBrain questions her ‘word’, she DARES him to believe her… he says its not good enough.. She then DARES him to take her to the clinic so she can prove it.
Ramona rolls her donkey wagon to the scene of the accident… Irritable Insensitive Ingrid is literally just standing there. Ramona is in disbelief that Ingrid can just stand there… Ramona tells Ingrid the TRUTH, This young lad ‘esta muy mal!’  III takes her exit all hysterical, yelling she does not want to be there when Gael returns.. Ramona even more confused…  In her agony, Kenya asks about Paolo and  ‘mi bebe’..
Back at Castanon manor, Paolo came to see Nemo-Ho… to show her that she does not need help from noone. Nemo-Ho DARES him to show him he does… he SHOWS her she is wrong… (ok, that is sick).
(after commercial, we get the signature slap of the episode)… Nemo-Ho DARES ask him who do you think you are?? … he tells the TRUTH, that she is really so attractive she is irresistible and he can tell another TRUTH, he prefers more experienced attractive women… Nemo-Ho pokes him about having an easier time seducing young’uns, saying he can’t kiss a woman except by force… he says he does that when there is no other option… Nemo-Ho DARES him to take a woman without using force… claims he can only take young ‘uns… she DARES him to leave before DeadBrain returns, or DB can beat him up like Damian did, or even kill him. UnkaHunk throws one last dart DARE, it is curious you drool when you speak of your husband… oh by the way,  isn’t it strange that you married precisely with your late sister’s husband?  UnkaHunk DARES her to spill the details ..
Lucio arrives at Cielo Abierto and finds a very anxious Gael that is urging him to help take Kenya to the clinic.  Up the road, Ramona is still with Kenya trying to get her to drink some water… Gael and Lucio arrive, and as they carry Kenya to the pickup (nice pickup owned by an elder man who has not worked in many years and whose wife was a seamstress at a small town)… Ramona lets Gael and Lucio know Kenya is pregnant (‘cargada’, haven’t heard that term for preggers in ages!)
And now the scene that made me think of the ‘TRUTH OR DARE’ theme…
Alfie goes to visit GossipGirl… Alfie is faking being very anxious and disturbed by the situation…
Alfie: I only need a GOOD FRIEND to LISTEN … you know, I have to tell the TRUTH to someone!
GG: You can TRUST me.
Alfie: You have no idea what happened to UnkaHunk…  imagine that Elisa Castanon called him to come to the cenote and when they were getting hanky panky DamNut showed up and then Elisa began screaming FAKING that UnkaHunk was trying to rape her!
GG: You don’t say!
(of course the TRUTH as told by Alfie with her own very personal twist, bells and whistles is much catchier for a gossip goddess)
Alfie: I DARE you not to tell anyone… I just needed to speak to someone about it, Elisa Castanon is destroying my family and I am at a loss about what to do…
(Oh yeah, BotoxQueen, you REALLY want to DARE US to think you were honest in your worry and in begging GG NOT to tell a soul?... if the town had a paper, I can see the HUGE BOLD RED headline… ELISA FAKED A RAPE SCENE WHEN CAUGHT IN HANKY PANKY AT CENOTE … you had to go tell the ONE who would ensure the whole town hears about it before next Sunday’s mass)
I had to laugh, the facial expressions of both actresses made me laugh even more than the script itself.
DamNut arrives at the clinic, he wants to hear it from Paloma, Elisa is ‘cargada!’, who’s package is it?
Paloma is in disbelief, he tells her he came from Castanon’s where Nemo-Ho found a positive pregnancy test at Elisa’s room… Paloma curses ‘condenada vieja’ Nemo-Ho for trying to undermine Elisa in his eyes and SWEARS to him that Elisa has not been with anyone, she only loves him. Damian says Elisa did not deny it. She volunteers to find out what is going on, the only man she loves is you… Elisa just sent me packin!! Paloma is the confused one now, keeps swearing that Elisa loves him. Damian is not willing to wait… Elisa wants me out so I am going!, He was willing to FACE everyone but he has it clear that she is not willing to do the same. And that can have only one explanation, she does not love me as I love her! (I would give you an alternate explanation, Damian! I think Gael deserves Elisa more than you do!)
Damian runs into DeadBrain… they get talking/arguing about Elisa and the pregancy test… DeadBrain dares DamNut ‘If you have even touched Elisa’!  DamNut swears he never did or would disrespect her. DeadBrain wants DamNut to leave, DamNut says will stay until I find out what is going on with Elisa.
Inside, WhippedDoc is apologizing to Elisa for having had to do the exam… Elisa asks him to send DeadBrain home, don’t want to see him. When Doc leaves Paloma asks Elisa what is going on, why are DeadBrain and DamNut both convinced you are cargada? (sorry, can’t help but use that word.. lol)
Outside ONLY exam room in ONLY clinic in town… Doc, who is miffed at DeadBrain, tells him in front of DamNut that Elisa is NOT cargada (We see DamNut recover his breath looking up thanking God? Might as well use the moment of prayer to ask God for some brain cells, stupid! AARGGHH!!)… DeadBrain realizes DamNut is hearing them so he sends DamNut away’ none of your business’… DeadBrain asks Doc if he is sure… DUH!!... Doc says How about this for sure? It would take an ACT OF GOD for her to get pregnant! …when I examined her it was obvious she has not been with a man or lost her ‘Virtud!... how can you question everything about Elisa and always think the worst of her? Whether or not she is your child? Whether or not she is cargada? If she eats her toast with butter folded over? If she puts two sugars on her coffee? If she likes eggs better than pancakes? As a doctor, I ask that you please respect her. Go on home, she asked me to tell you she will go home with Dolores, she does not want to see you...
DeadBrain and DamNut share one final DONKEY TO DONKEY stare exchange before DeadBrain moves on.  As DamNut is about to head away too, here comes Lucio’s pickup with Gael and Lucio bringing bangled Kenya…  As they take her out of the car, Kenya asks for Paolo and her baby… Gael tells DamNut that Ramona said Kenya is cargada and that by what Kenya is saying, Paolo is the daddy.
Gabino and III meet at pro-ce-sa-do-ra, he is not willing to take her tardiness very often. she is not in the mood… He says she is special for him.. she DARES.. as special as Alfie Arango?  everyone in town says he has always been after Alfie for a long time…she DARES him would you ever fall for Alfie?  jaja never.
Paolo digs Tonita for info about Nemo-Ho, Stefie and DeadBrain story… she tells him DeadBrain could never forget his first woman… Princess Poop runs into the kitchen telling them about Kenya’s accident… Paolo only asks about his motorcycle, did something happen to it?? that is all UnkaHunk asks PP about
At Castanon manor, DeadBrain arrives home a bit deflated saying Elisa is not cargada… Nemo-Ho puts her brain in gear… thinks out loud to determine whose pregnancy test it is… of course the only visitor Elisa had, PP!  Surely PP gave Elisa her preg test so Elisa would leave her and DamNut alone.  DeadBrain is not happy to see DamNut and Elisa together, not even just as friends. Nemo-Ho says we have to stop them, you and I know they share the same father. DeadBrain gets mad and leaves…
At clinic, DamNut asks Gael about Kenya…
Dam: I swear I don’t get why she never told anyone she was cargada…
(in walks Elisa and thinks he was gossipping to Gael about the preg test)
El: So you are spreading the gossip…
Dam: I was not talking about you.
El: Then you already know.
Dam: Yes, I know what happened at your house was a misunderstanding.
Gae: would someone bring me up to date on the gossip here?
Pal: It is just Dam thought El was cargada.
Gae: Ah this is absurd! You are going to join the ranks of those who offend Elisa!?
Dam: Calm down, I did not offend her…. (eh… no?) Her aunt found a pregnancy test in her room and Elisa would not explain whose it was.
Lolita: Calm down, Gael… at least everything was cleared up.
El: Well, so now that you know what is happening with PP, I guess you will continue your engagement with her, right?
Dam: PP? what does she have to do here?
Pal: What do you mean what? PP is cargada with your package!
(in comes PP in person)
Dam: Are you cargada, PP?
PP: well, I did not want you to find out like this but… yup, there’s one in the oven!
Dam: That’s not possible
PP: Why not? Do you want me to explain about the birds and the bees here? Before we got to this town, you and I were doing the hanky panky often!... (Gael gets a couple coughs in) I was protecting myself but oopsies happen…
Dam: We should talk this in private.
PP: Sorry I had forgot people here are very ‘persignada’.
Pal: not that, we have morals and principles!
PP: Of course, with Elisa as the model! (this gets Gael jumping from leaning on counter)
El: Don’t engage with me!
Elisa gets Lola and Paloma and Gael to follow her out, but Elisa refuses that Gael take them home.
Paloma gets a bit miffed at Gael’s insistence to walk them home.
Back inside…
PP: I don’t get why all you care about is Elisa’s reaction to my being ‘cargada’ with your baby.
Dam: It is not Elisa’s reaction, it is a delicate matter…
PP: Yes, but I don’t see why it should create such havoc. We are engaged, next is wedding, the obvious next step would be children!
UnkaHunk: I will go see Kenya to ask her what happened to my bike…
Dam: Since we are here, lets get you checked by the doctor.
PP: No need for a doctor from this funky-smelly town! I don’t trust them! I did the pregnancy test at Elisa’s and it was positive.
Dam: And why precisely in front of Elisa?
PP: I did it when she convinced me to do it. And if this serves to get Elisa away from you and stop bugging between us, I don’t regret it!
Dam: Regardless, I want Dr Tovar to examine you to be sure you are cargada.
PP:  No! We are sure! We are having a baby! Those tests are reliable! And I don’t get why you doubt me.
Dam: All this is so strange… even more now that it turns out your friend Kenya is also cargada with a child of Paolo’s.
The farse spreads like wildfire!!
PP tells Alfie she is really not cargada.
Gabino tells Horacio it has to be an accident…
Paloma falls down like someone pushed her… Elisa keeps on crying…
Seems some horse seat ropes get cut…  and Dam falls off the horse, along with PP.


Marta, this was a terrific recap. I really liked your DARE theme, it's perfect. You got an episode full of conversation. Yes, there was some action but mostly blah blah blah.

Elisa, I apologize for calling you a dumbass because so far you are the only person in town who thinks it's weird that Stef and Ros were heading the wrong way!

Oh man, Ingrid finds Kenia lying injured on the ground and denies knowing her, then she runs away? Lady, you are cold. Thanks goodness Ramona is everywhere.

"fine, this is Burger King, have it your way", LOL!!

"the facial expressions of both actresses made me laugh even more than the script itself," me too!

My favorite scene, when Doc Tovar told Assgusto off for the way he treats Elisa. Tovar really looked disgusted with Disgusto.

And lastly, Damian does not automatically believe PP is pregnant with no further proof? It's a miracle!

Marta thank you for translating the conversations. I truly appreciate your taking the time to clarify things for us.

Wow, what an episode.

I laughed out loud at "and the auntie does not sing rancheras badly either."

I also liked the line about Dam asking for brains. Indeed.

The truth could beat Assusto over the head and leave him on the side of the road for dead and he still would not get it. Asp.

Ingrid is a cold, cold woman.

Great work, Marta.

Just when you thought you'd seen the coldest bitches in the world, some novela writer gives you a new one. Ingrid is now #1 on that list. Kenya is no blanca paloma but Ingrid really takes the prize for Toxic Mother of the Year. Right along with Wicked Stepmother Carmeeeeeeena. Snooping in a wastebasket and getting nasty about a pregnancy test. Egad.

One can only wonder how the doctor will deal with her in future. He must feel like he's in a cuckoo's nest at this point.

Ramona is the only sane woman in town and one of the few with a heart. When the hell is she going to tell the truth about Estefania and Rosendo's accident?

Marta: Thanks for the recap. We had no TV here for about 3 hours last night, so I missed my favorites.

This sounded like an action-packed episode, and maybe a little light is dawning in Damian's brain. Augusto still maintaines the title of the World's Worst Father.

Marta- Many thanks for this recap.

Both Ingrid and Augie disgusted me last night with their parenting styles. Augie outraged me with his medieval chastity test of his daughter. But Ingrid left me with my mouth hanging open with her cold treatment of her gravely injured daughter crawling on the ground and calling out to her. Wow!

Shouldn't some bells be going off in Augie's brain upon hearing that Elisa is not only not pregnant, but has also NEVER had sex. She not a very good slut then.

Oh Damian. I haven't lost hope for him yet, and I think he'll be thoroughly punished for his mild stupidity, by having to deal with Flor and his mama. I wouldn't wish that kind of punishment on most.

I'll repeat what I said the other day, Elisa needs to build her self confidence through her business, and then she'll be ready to deal with the crap storm that a relationship with Damian would bring. I was also happy to see her question the facts of the accident when she realized where the car must have been headed.

Thanks, Marta! I couldn't bring myself to watch last night, I was so sure Eliza was going to drive me around the twist with her misplaced discretion...but now that I've read your recap, it feels safe to watch.

Favorite lines:

“The auntie does not sing rancheras badly either.”

“Killer stare by DamNut.”

“We get the signature slap of the episode.”

“Might as well use the moment of prayer to ask God for some brain cells, stupid!”

“No need for a doctor from this funky-smelly town!”

It seems that a few people have a few clues -- more than I would have expected at this point -- if only they could put them all together...

It seems that a few people have a few clues -- more than I would have expected at this point -- if only they could put them all together...
exactly, BlueLass... i think the first one of those people is Ramona... she saw Rosie and Carmina together out there in the fields arguing, she knows in what direction the car was coming and she is getting to know Carmina pretty well... but she doesn't know as much as Gabino or as much as Blanquita got to hear before she got blown off... she is trying to put the puzzle together but does not quite have all the pieces in place.

I love your Truth or Dare theme Marta. Great way to explain all the accusations and responses last night. All the fur was flying.

I actually enjoyed watching Assgusto get his brains whooped last night. So now he knows the Truth about Elisa and has to think hard about how he's been treating her. Of course, that will probably last all of one night. What does the father say in Pride and Prejudice say? " Let me once in my life feel how much I have been to blame. It will pass soon enough".

Of course I would have preferred he came in guns blazing and let Guppy have it for making him think Elisa was a Ho.

How much did I love Gael's reactions and facial expressions during all the revelations and arguments? Oh, let me count the ways. And a special nod to Alfi--that last expression with GG, she just KNEW GG was going to spread that whole story. Great subtle acting.

Dam--MushForBrains didn't seem to learn anything from his he-man, spoiled brat reaction to a possible Elisa pregancy. Red flares and whistles should have been going off the minute Clingwrap refused to see the good Doc. (Yeah, I can't dislike this guy--he treats Elisa better than most). At this point he deserves a little rotting in hell in the bosom of his womenfolk for his sorry behavior.

Paolo--I know it's wrong, but he cracked me up only wanting to know what happened to his bike.

As for Irritating Ingrid--there are no words.

I am hoping that Elisa takes Lucio's words to heart and strikes out on her own. But until then, apparently the hospital will be hopping tonight.

ITA that some lights should have gone off in AssGusto's head about Elisa's reputation if Doc assures him Elisa has not been with any man yet... HELLO!!!! anyone there!???
IT was a good thing that Gael told DamNut about Kenya being preggers and about it seeming Paolo is the daddy so we had the great moment at the end where he confronted PP on the 'coincidence' of 'cargadas'.

Gael certainly knows Elisa and would not believe ANYTHING anyone says about her... he would stand in front of her to shield her if a storm of bullets came her way... DamNut... not so sure... he would probably take the time to go ask Ramona, Lucio or Loopy if he should

Marta, wonderful recap. Like you I kept noticing all the killer stares in this episode, DONKEY TO DONKEY, was such a delightful description, so funny. Thanks! 

UA, I agree with you, what a "toxic" set of "mothers" both Ingrid and Carminative are. They must have been to the Darth Vader school of parenting! 

What an odd alliance Alfosina and Flo have, essentially: Don't worry, I'm just trying to trap your son with a fake pregnancy any more ideas I can try?  

EJ, I too noticed that Damian is bringing a little Bruno from Sortilegio to his good guy galan part, interesting interpretation of the role.  Also thanks for the welcome, I sent you an email note. 

Vivi, I could be wrong, but I thought Elisa volunteered for that humiliating exam.  I'm glad she did. I'm sick of seeing a good girl treated  like the town tramp when there are plenty of others are vying for the title.  Augusto, hurry,  turn your life around, you are letting the dark side of your personality bury the good that was in you, too bad. 

Sandy- I know she volunteered for it, and like you was happy that Augie had the truth rubbed in his face. But it was still offensive that he thought it neccessary.

Vivi, I completely agree, that was extremely offensive. I was reminded of Princess Diana who went through the same humiliating exam, but in real life!

Assgusto crossed over to the dark side a long time ago. The man is filth. We also don't know how he really treated Estefania. I hope that story is told, too.

I refuse to believe that his 'grief' and anger over the loss of Estefania turned him into the wretched man he is now. Things like this don't happen over night. He is a weak, useless excuse for a father...a gutless wonder. I hope he goes to the Pit for all eternity.

I think he has always been this wretched man. He deserves nothing...nothing for what he has done to his daughter. There is no goodness in him; none.

He is a cruel and abusive man. Redemption? Give me a break!

Anon: At the beginning of this novela we learned that Augusto was very suspicious of Estefanía. She was a beautiful and caring person, but he always mistrusted her - for no real reason.

I agree, PasoFino, AssGusto always was mistrusting Estefania for no good reason... i remember when she went to the pro-ce-sa-do-ra to get habaneros for her sauce, AssGusto suspected she was going there to see someone... and he found it so easy to believe that she had deceived/betrayed him after the accident... but i never really could figure out what was the reason... i guess some men are very distrusting, especially when they have a beautiful wife, admired all over town for not only her beauty but for her cheerful personality and her mother skills.
He is a complete LOSER, has been even when Estefania lived, and always will be... besides an abuser and stupid moron.

It's an Othello thing. He is old and ugly; she was young and beautiful; he can't believe she could really care for him. All it took was one Iago...

Although as far as I know Iago was not sleeping with Cassio HIMSELF.

I watched the beginning of the novel alone so I formed my own, maybe misguided, opinion. I seem to remember that  Augusto loved his wife and daughter and was supportive to "adopted" Gael early on. He has had people in his ear from day one lying  to him about  his wife, remember Alfie thought Estafania was having the affair with her husband and hinted around to Augusto to that effect.  Later he has heard a constant drip drip from Carmina against Elisa. 

Elisa seems emotionally damaged to me and that is totally Augusto's fault and maybe that has taken him to a novela fire and brimstone death, but I'd prefer that he change and do the Doña Barbara equivalent of orphanage work, but that's just me! 

We are an opinionated bunch aren't we! Makes for exciting times here at Rancho Caray. 

Augusto loved his wife and daughter and was supportive to "adopted" Gael early on.
that is right, Sandy... when that 'dinner party' between the Castanons and the Arangos, AssGusto treated Gael as a human being, as an 'equal' to Elisa and Damian, even if Alfie spit out nags about Gael being 'less'... and yes, AssGusto has had lots of people ringing his ear bad things about Stefie and Elisa... all we would have asked was that he was man enough to demand proof of what they were saying instead of just taking their word for granted.
Granted the 'looks' of the accident suggest the story Carmina has been shouting out but still if he loved his wife he should have at least taken the time and not turned around and married Wicked Witch so quickly...

Marta - Thanks for the recap. Glad you laughed at the gossip scene as I had to FF through it.

Sylvia - yes wasn't it a miracle that Dam linked the two pregnancies together!

I loved that Elisa refused to see her father and how Dr. Whipped dressed the Toad down for his poor treatment of his daughter.

Anon @ 9:53 - you really summed up the Toad well.

Daisynjay - Loved your P&P reference but even with Mr. Bennett's faults he didn't treat Lydia as badly as the Toad treats Elisa. And the Toad should not have an easy road to redemption, if he gets it.

Sandy - glad to see you back. Your read of the Toad is very gracious. I remember him being very jealous and distrusting of Stephi and after the fight her mentioning he has to stop this behavior. And he continued abuse of his daughter (first he's emotionally distant to her all through her mother's death and now he always believes the worse about her. His feelings toward Elisa are similar to Alfie) makes him a true villain to me.

daisynjay, you said "Of course I would have preferred he came in guns blazing and let Guppy have it for making him think Elisa was a Ho." In fact, this was one of the few times he stood up for the Guppy and even told Elisa that the Guppy did right by letting him know what was going on in his own house. Control freak.

Sandy in TN and Vivi, yep Elisa did volunteer for the exam, but the way that Assgusto grabbed her and marched her out was way too forceful and medieval. That's why Lolita insisted on coming along, bless her. I loved it when Doc Tovar reminded him that Elisa is a grownup woman now and the Toad's behavior was way out of line. As a group we don't agree on everything, but it sounds like we all agree on this point at least. I get steamed all over again just thinking about it.

... and the auntie does not sing rancheras badly either.”
line was actually in the script... i didn't think of that myself.

Marta, that's funny. I've noticed that Gabino often comes up with amusing phrases and sayings. Hopefully Paolo will give it a rest with Elisa and let his eye wander over to the orange ranchera singer. They deserve each other.

Oh that I've read this, I know I can't possibly watch it. Ugh. So much ugliness and misunderstanding.

Loved that you included "no canta mal las rancheras". I love that expression.

I'm ready for the CliffNotes version of this one and a Happy Ending for Elise, Damian, Paloma, Gael and Lolita. And peace of mind for the Padre and Lucio. Everyone else can burn!

Wow, Marta:

That was a really good recap. Truth or dare was a perfect theme.

We sure had a lot of action tonight. I was gobsmacked that moved at the speed of light through the whole plot "Elisa is pregnant. No she is not. Prove it. Not only is she not preggers, she is still a virgin. So there."

So Damian is on to Flo's machinations and suspects that the pregnancy test was done with Kenia's bodily fluids. I am telling you guys, he is acting a bit of the dumb-ass himself with Elisa.

Forgive me, Cynderella, I love your boyfriend Damian, too. Zepeda is fabulous and doing a great job with this role, but I think we have to expect that Damian would be damaged and might make a lot of mistakes in the realm of human relations. Abandonment issues, immaturity, lack of trust, making assumptions, pre-emptive strikes before he thinks he might be hurt—all those behaviors and more could be a part of his personality. What a crappy childhood and adolescence!

But I am happy with Elisa. Cry as she may, she still brought us the spunky last night. Talk about clearing up the rumors of Elisa's bad reputation.

Now Augusto is going to be seen as even more of an asshat than he was before, for those in the know.

Paolo is dust. I shake him off my walking feet. He only uses force when necessary, ARGHHH!


Marta: I agree with all the comments today that your recap was wonderful!

What wasn't were most of last night's events. Augusto is damned. And Ingrid, ignoring Kenya's cries, outstretched hand and cries of "mama" can take the express train to hell along with Orangina.

Am I wrong but usually isn't there just one major evil player? This is swarming with them - male and female. No gender discrimation here.



You know, one dust-up I would like to see is between GG and Doc. She's going to be spreading the story about Elisa that Alfi told her and the Doc is going to now know the truth about Elisa. I soooooo want him to catch that old biddy in our best GG mode and let her have it. And then she can squeal on Alfi for giving her the news in the first place and Doc can have a go at the Queen Bee too. way to make up a couple steps out of the dung heap for Assgusto is for him to get wind of the falsehoods being spread and HE confront Alfi. I know, I know...he won't, but I can dream.

But I do like that we seem to have little shades of Cuando where the a-typical plots we think will go on for awhile (Elisa keeping a secret for Flo) seem to get outed a lot faster and then a new spin comes along instead. I can live with that...

Oh, and anyone else suspecting that maybe since Flo's "secret" is out, and I doubt using Kenia's baby is an option anymore, that Flo is going to do the horizontal quick with QuiQui to try and really get preggers...just saying.

I did love that about Cuando -- you always thought you knew where it was going. But you didn't.

Most novelas have at least two evil-doers, but there can be more. This one has at least eight:



Is anyone else anticipating at least 180 episodes?

Great recap, Marta!

I loved "This is Burger King...have it your way!"

From the avances it looks like Flo falls off the horse with Dam. I'm sure that Dam will think she lost the "baby" and spend the next 50 episodes stuck with her because he feels guilty.

Sandy in TN: ITA about the Flo/Fina alliance. Flo has lied to Fina (Kenia) and she's lying to Dam...trying to trap him, is that really who she wants her son with? Although I guess she's lied and manipulated her son all these years so maybe that's how she think he should be treated.

Thank heavens there wasn't time for Orangina and Gabino to switch pregnancy tests! I couldn't have taken it!

Oh, my brother told me Ingrid and Paolo are married in real life. Is that true?!


judyB, please include Ramona in the good ones... she is wonderful to the young 'uns on your list.
for a moment i thought of including Braulio there but he was so dumb to not insist with Lolita.

ingrid and Paolo are either married or together (unmarried, not sure if they did hook officially), and they have a child together (maybe more) when LFMB ended and they ahd the Cristina special, they showed Sergio on stage with Jaime, Angelica, et al, and Isabella (Jaime Camil's sister) in the first row of audience

Please include Maru on the "good guys list" as well. She's one of my favorites!

Did not know Sergio dated Isabella.Interesting.
I was reading up about him when this started since I didn't know him that well,and I thought he had a son with a different actress. I'll have to look that up again.

Ramona also thought it was strange Estefania/Rosendo were headed TOWARDS town, not away from it.

But she knows nobody in town will believe her. She needs to share her suspicion with Elisa.

Augusto was disgusting last night but he did learn that Elisa is a virgin. Which means all the stories of her sleeping with this and that are UNTRUE. If he chooses to believe Elisa is a sleep around slut after Edmundo told him she is a virgin, there is no hope or redemption for him ever.

Who Knows What About Rosendo & Estefania:

Gabino knows Rosendo was cheating with CARMINA, not Estefania & has the plane tickets to prove it.

Ramona saw Rosendo/Carmina in the fields & knows Rosendo/Estefania were headed towards town.

Padre Lupe knows Carmina was cheating with Rosendo & planning to leave town & that she hated Steffie and loved Rosendo.

Damian saw Carmina coming out of the blue house & his dad riding away on the horse.

Elisa now knows the car was headed TO La Ermita, not FROM La Ermita.

In the advances, apparently the whole town has learned that Flor is "pregnant." Obviously the nurses station spread the gossip. I guess it's too much to hope they would spread the news that Elisa is a VIRGIN, since that was discussed at the nurses' station too.

Anon207, Carmina was the one cheating with Rosie but she has always loved DeadBrain, not Rosie. That is where her envy of Stefie came from

Hi again...quite right. Ramona and Maru are both "good". Didn't bother to mention them as they both seem rather minor characters compared to the others, but I do like both very much.

Ramona also heard Rosendo arguing with a woman who was not Steffi the morning of the day he left town. And Don Lucio knows that Carmina went to see Rosendo at the procesadora and that they were arguing in his office.

i agree that need to add Maru to keep Lucio company... eventually i want him to let her be around.

that's true, Blue.. Ramona saw Rosendo arguing with someone in the fields, but she said she could not recognize who it was he was arguing with... i am sure she is making some educated guesses by now.

And Damian knows Rosendo's goodbye with him sounded like a long term one, Rosie said he did not know when he would be back...
I think Rosendo appointed Gabino orally to 'head' the pro-ce-sa-do-ra while he was away.

the other one that was planning on leaving and was VERY vocal and direct to DeadBrain about it was Carmina, NOT Stefie.

Daisynjay...Sergio has a son from a previous relationship (or wife, can't remember which). Now he has a child with Isabella and also went through some big deal on Cristina a few years ago where he proposed to her, sitting in the audience with said child, and she accepted, but don't know if they actually ever got married.

Whoops...and this whole discussion probably ranks as "gossip" and Sylvia will have to delete it, per Melinama's rules.

Sandy In TN:

I always love your positive take on things. Augusto is a first class case for 'Bad Parent of the Month' to me, my friend, but you have made me think he might be redeemed by the doing all of the following:

1.Completely repent of his bad behavior for 15 years to his child and first wife. He should go to the Padre and confess all.
2. Buy/build Estephania a bigger funeral monument that Rosendo's.
3. Dump Carmina.
4. Beg Elisa for forgiveness.
5. Move into a small shack by the cenote and leave Elisa and Lolita in the bog house by themselves.
6. Fill up the swimming pool.
7. Throw himself in front of a speeding truck fill with habaneros on his daughter's behalf, thus saving Elisa's life.

Well, it's a start.

I am working today but I will e-mail you offline when I get a moment.



Oh. Lordy, UA. Say it isn't so. 180 epi's? Is that how many you have over at LQNPA?


I hate to say this but I recall reading somewhere that they plan to make something like 250 episodes! Surely that can't be true? That would be almost as long as Fea Mas Bella at around 300 episodes.

I agree. There are plenty of folks on the good side too. The problem is that many of them are, or think themselves to be, powerless. But so many of them have pieces of useful info. If they all sat in a room and recalled what they remembered/saw, they would figure it all out.

Who knows/saw what?
-Elisa saw her mom lock her aunt up before leaving that fateful evening. She told Elisa she would be back and looked like she was on an urgent mission (not a woman running away with a lover.)
-Elisa saw her aunt kissing her dad before her mother’s death.
-Elisa now guesses (correctly) that the car was likely going back into town, not away from it.
-Ramona saw Rosie and Carmina arguing in a very heated way in private.
-Ramona saw Estef and Rosie driving back to town before the accident. She heard Estef say she had to stop “them” before she died.
-Lolita saw Carmina with Estef’s jewelry (jewelry it was assumed Estef took with her) after the accident.
-Damian saw Rosie at the Blue House.
-Lucio saw Carmina visit Rosie in his office.
-Maru has seen Carmina visit Rosie and Gabino at the office.
-Maru knows Blanca was upset after being in the office at the same time that Carmina was visiting Gabino.
-Doc Tovar knows Carmina wanted him to falsify Elisa’s paternity test. (He won’t tell the truth because it would mean his affair with Carmina would be revealed)
-Doc Tovar knows Carmina was pregnant before she married Augie and wanted it kept a secret, even from Augie. (See reason above for him keeping quiet. Also, there may be some patient confidentiality thing.)
-Padre Lupe knows Carmina and Rosie were having an affair (but the rules of the confessional keep him quiet).

Of course, Carmina and Gabino are the only ones who know the whole truth. But they are both also totally evil and won’t tell the good people anything. Our only wildcard is Horacio, who doesn’t know much about the past, but knows Carmina and Gabino are accomplices and that they stole and falsified a paternity test. He’ll keep the secret to keep himself out of jail, but if pushed too far he might spill the beans.

LQNPA has 167 episodes. Tonight will be #92.

I can easily imagine this one going longer with all the secrets and lies going on.

I should elaborate--Damian saw Carmina, and *thought* he saw Rosie (and his horse) at the Blue House. Carmina denied it was his dad and then his dad denied it was him.

Thanks everyone for your kind rebuttals of my crazy Augusto ideas. Where our characters seem to lack the ability to use reason and intelligence to solve their problems, my Caraymates have an abundance of both qualities and would solve all novela situations in a "New York Minute" if they were on set as undercover characters!

EJ: " Throw himself (Augusto) in front of a speeding truck fill with habaneros on his daughter's behalf, thus saving Elisa's life." You're on to something!

250 episodes, no puede ser!

250?! I thought only comedies were that long. No way! CME was REALLY long for a drama at 180+, but the writers did do an excellent job. At 170+, Triunfo del Amor felt like a chore to watch. I really hope this one doesn't go past 160.

FELS was 206, but that was because it had three pairs of lovers and two pairs of villains to contend with. I don't know of any other drama that ran that long.

I don't know where I read that or why I think that. Maybe it was a bad dream. I hope.

I should have checked before I spoke. I just read this on some Yahoo page:

PASSION PIT, which is said would have 125 one-hour episodes, eventually ending in the second or third week of July 2012 or so.

I assume this is for the Mexico airing and would go a little longer here in the states. Oh I HOPE it's only 125 episodes.

I think Rosendo put Don Lucio in charge, not Gabino, but it's a little hazy.

marta - Thank you for the recap! Great snark, too. ;-)

I'm loading up my own mule-cart and escaping town on Saturday for vacation. We'll be without TV and have little-to-no internet access, so the recaps will help me get caught up when I return, if I even have time to read them. (ack)

Rosendo did put Lucio in charge, but his plans to leave got accelerated and he died before he could make it formal. It was just a verbal agreement. Then Alfie decided to get rid of Lucio (who was Estef's people) and promote Gabino who was feeding her the false info she wanted, kissing her butt, and setting fires for her.

Jarocha and I discussed the 250 episodes thing when the show was first starting (check out the comments thread on the very first Abismo post on March 7)

I also spazzed at the 250 figure, but Jarocha mentioned it was 250 30 minute eps. We're getting 125 1 hour.

Anyhoo-I thought I had reached a milestone last night when I was able to both knit and still understand most of what was being said. Alas, I missed the ranchera line. Guess I'm not quite ready to multitask after all. LOL.

Sara, thank you! I swear I thought I was losing my mind. Isn't it weird what the brains stores in its cobwebby parts?

Funny story about your knitting. I know you're not evil but it makes me think of Madame de Farge knitting away while the heads roll by. Maybe those heads will start making sense to you soon.

Check this out, Cap'n

What Would Madame DeFarge Knit?

What? Unbelievable. That's so funny! And just in time more Mother's Day I see. It actually sounds like a good book for knitters. Thanks for the laugh.

Oh and I can't imagine why you think I'm not ebul. I am ebul to the core. Mwahaha!

Well, you know, I was just saying that in front of everyone else. ;)

Vivi, thanks for reminding us what happened with Rosendo/Lucio/Alfie/Gabino... yeah i remember Rosendo TOLD Lucio he was in charge but then Alfie changed it to Gabino and 'retired' Lucio... on request from Gabino.

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