Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Abismo de pasión #52 5/22/12: Add Hypocrisy to Carmina and Augusto’s Sins

We saw yesterday that:

·      Damian is a hag.
·      Augusto will forever be tinned cat food to your recapper.
·      Carmina is a very bad candidate for the clandestine services of Mexico.
·      Paolo has a praise-worthy body and a teeny-tiny mind.
·      Even Gabino is a better mother than Ingrid.
·      Elisa needs to stay hydrated (so many tears!) and should be signing up for ass-kicking empowerment classes.  We know she has got the boots. And the Boobs. Did I say that?

Not a Whole Lot of Trusting Going On In La Ermita

Gael and Father Guadelupe are having a meal.  “Did you ever find out the relationship between Kenia and Ingrid?” asks the Father. “Kenia is her daughter, “ says Gael. “Her daughter?” responds an incredulous Padre. “Her daughter,” repeats Gael.  Notice that he didn’t say, “My mother, my sister,” right here.

This launches Lupe into a conversational riff on how this explains Kenia’s interest in Gael in general and her interest in investing in the Habanero Project in particular. Padre also takes this opportunity to try to manipulate Gael back from his decision to leave La Ermita permanently. “See, you have to get to know her,” cries a resourceful Lupe. “The problem is I don’t trust her,” says Gael. “She is a liar like Ingrid. This is really hard for me, Padre! I don’t have a family! No mother, no sister.”  “Well”, says the Good Father, “For me, I am really interested in getting to know her”.

Señor Tinned Cat food Has Coffee at Kenia’s

‘Gusto Cat food is sitting on the loveseat at Kenia’s Casa Rosa drinking his coffee.  Kenia inquires about his comfort (who cares, he is tinned d-e-a-d-m-e-a-t) and jumps up to rub the kinks out of his neck caused from sleeping on her too-small loveseat while the breathy “ah-ah-ah-ah-ahhhh, ah-ah-ah-ahhhh, ah,ah,ah,ah” music plays. (I thought that was Esefania’s music, writers! Whaaaaat?) “Gusto Cat food stops her before he gets a stiffy and says he has a complicated day at work and has to go. He needs to go to the bank in Merida…well Holy Guacamole, what a coincidence! Kenia also needs to go to the only bank in Merida, capital of the Yucatan State, population 970,377. Fancy that! OK, Kids, let’s go together. Fine, but first “Gusto Cat food has to go home and shower. Ok, then, it’s all settled. At least she will have protection for today, it seems. Maybe Augusto will get his gun while he is at home.

Ed. —Kenia is playing Augusto, but why? It cannot be his peerless good looks. He has a great house but no money. I continue to be puzzled by her motives. Furthermore, Kenia is a bright enough girl to realize that Carmina is a Toxic Tia (not the first one we have seen in a telenovela). She didn’t kill her sister but she rejoiced at her sister’s death and last night she told he lover that Yo-gusto Cat food was the love of her life. If she believes that is true, she might actually become deadly if moved by jealousy. WATCH OUT KENIA! But, I digress…

The Cheque, Yes, the Cheque

Over at the Blue Love Shack, Ingrid is in a big hurry to get to, you guessed it, the only Bank in Merida. She is now in possession of Kenia’s bank statements (In Ingrid’s name, as I recall) and she wants to get everything sorted so that the money is ALL HERS AGAIN—almost but not quite rubbing her hands together with glee. Gabino thinks she is a bit, well, intense, but Ingrid knows her offspring, after all, she trained the little grifter ™ (Thanks, Sylvia) well. Kenia escaped last night and, even with a head injury, she is probably already trying to get the account changed so Ingrid cannot touch it. Ah Ingrid, you have a mother’s intuition after all.

Gabino doubts Ingrid’s motherly instincts and suggests that she cares more for D-I-N-E-R-O than for her only offspring but Ingrid turns the comment neatly by questioning Gabino’s morality.  Verily, your recapper thinks, these are two peas in a pod.

Ingrid promises to be discreet while going to the bank by herself. Then she puts on Estefania’s pearl and diamond necklace (gift of Gabino courtesy of Carmina who stole it from Stef’s jewel box after she died) to go to the bank in the middle of the morning and heads out to recover her ill-gotten gains.

Meanwhile, just as her mother suspected, wily Kenia is on the phone with the bank. She wants to cancel all the documents. No, she doesn’t have the account numbers. The clerk should look them up!  When the clerk won’t do that, Kenia announces she will come to the bank this very day and withdraw all her money.

Trouble brewing.

Where O Where Is Don Yo-gusto Cat food

Over at Casa Castañon this beautiful Yucatan morning, Carmina is hobbling around looking pitiful and she has RELATIVELY little makeup on. I think she wants folks to feel sorry for her. This is not even a remote possibility since, once again, last night Viewerville observed Carmina mussing up the sheets with Pitiful Paolo. Note to Carmina: Pitiful looks better on Paolo the incipient rapist than on you, m’dear. You just keep working the crazy. You have me convinced, for sure.

Anyway, sob, Carmina, tells anyone who will listen—read Elisa, Lolita and us—that ‘Gusto Cat food DID NOT COME HOME LAST NIGHT! O the drama, Carmina.

Well, as someone pointed out in yesterday’s comments, why not look at the Cantina. It seems he has spent many a night at his Local, drunk off his butt and unable to point his horsie home.  But Carmina is going for the sympathy vote, when in walks “Gusto Cat food himself, looking like the cat who just ate the canary.

“Where were you, or at least tell me who you were with?” cries a should-be squirming-with-guilt Carmina? Elisa can’t help but be co-dependent and remark that she and her Aunt were really worried. Yo-gusto Cat food ‘fesses up, or at least seems to. “I was with someone who needed me. Edmundo Tovar. He is breaking up with Begone-ya and needed a friend.” Well, now this is quite a situation. ‘Gusto Cat food confesses to Carmina, his wife, that he stayed out all night getting drunk with her ex-lover. Meanwhile, Carmina was having sex with Paolo, the man whom her husband is trying to force to marry his daughter and Carmina’s niece Elisa. Now, THAT’S melodramatic.

As ‘Gusto Cat food walks off with his nose in the air to take a bath and get ready to meet Kenia, to go to the bank, with whom he really spent the night (innocently) Carmina muses that he might be lying. Elisa rushes to defend her father by saying, “My father is not a liar, not like you, Aunt”.  Hmm, seems everybody in this scene was half right.

Mama Lolita Protects Her Niña Elisa

Over at Casa Arango, Lolita has come to visit Damian. When ‘Tonia answers the front door she gives Lolita some sass, telling her to come around to the kitchen, but Damian interrupts them and politely tells ‘Tonia to take Delores to the sala. Lolita, however, has come to have words with Damian, and she isn’t interested in sitting in the living room drinking coffee.

She stands right there in the hall and tells Damian she is not supportive of  him being in a relationship with Elisa. He was gone for a long time and Elisa suffered much because of the townspeople. Now she has to suffer because of him! He tries to get a word or two in edgewise, but she isn’t having it.

“You don’t have to explain anything, Damian. I love Elisa like she is my only child. No one will do her harm.”

On the way out she runs into Horacio, who offers to carry her milk in the market today. He thinks she might still be mad at him. She says she is not mad at him or anybody (liar) but has to get on with her day. Fine, then, he will accompany her. No, she doesn’t need his help.  This goes on for a while back and forth. He mentions that he has been thinking that she might someday be his girlfriend.

She does not agree with this, but allows her to accompany her to the market. I am sorry viewers. I hate this pairing. Lolita is a fab character and Elisa’s stalwart defender and the writers are going to pair her with an arsonist and murderer, however handsome and repentant? Blech, as Sylvia would say.

Now we are treated to a comedy of manners courtesy of Gael and Padre Lupe. They are in front of Kenia’s house and she is not home. Undaunted, Lupe decides to wait and sits himself down on the sidewalk and wait for her. Meanwhile he blesses the passersby with a “Good afternoon, children. Go with God.” Gael complains bitterly that they are making themselves conspicuous by sitting on the curb in front of La Casa Rosa de Kenia.  Gael tells him that Kenia said that Ingrid does not have good intentions toward him. “All the more reason to talk with Kenia, my son,” says Padre.

This is a delightful scene in which Loopy Lupe is using the situation to distract Gael from the seriousness and painfulness of the situation with his erstwhile mother and sister. Finally, as they give up and leave, Padre pushes his luck trying to get Gael to go over to the procesadora to clear things up with Damian.  This is an utterly delightful scene.

Elisa Is Depressed and Now So Is Paloma

Paloma comes into Elisa’s room where Elisa is still depressed and in bed. She tells Elisa that she is going to continue working for Dr. Tovar and then asks Elisa what is wrong. “Again you cry.” “Damian y yo ya no somos novios.” Whaaaat? Asks Paloma. “Because I am not going to be with a man who lacks confidence in me.” Right on sister. “Damian is an asshat lout.”

“Last night I was looking for Gael…” “Why were you looking for Gael?” asks Paloma? “Don’t you know? Gael says he is leaving La Ermita for EVER!”  Seriously, Elisa, you could have broken that to your best friend a little more gently.

Over at La Procesadora

Gael is looking for Ingrid and runs into Gabino. Gabino says she has not reported to work for a couple of days. Gael says he WISHED that Gabino would have known more about Ingrid’s whereabouts, given that Gabino and Ingrid are such good friends and all. The air is thick with Gael’s sarcasm but Gabino plays dumb, which can’t be easy for him, because dumb he ain’t.

Gabino comes in and yells at and tries to menace Braulio. It is not working. Braulio reports that he now takes his orders directly form Señor Damian Arango. Have a nice day, Gabino.

Later Gabino hunts down young Vicente in the procesadora yard and offers the 16-year-old barely literate (if his teachers are to be believed) juvenile delinquent a job as his personal assistant in the absence of Ingrid. WTH???

Braulio confronts Vicente about this—what is Gabino thinking offering his son such a job? Vicente says that Gabino sees his potential, unlike Braulio. If Braulio keeps him from taking this job, Vicente will never forgive his father!

Father Lupe Visits His Lemon Sucking Sister

Alfonsina has been sucking on lemons again.  She shouldn’t do that, you know. In addition to making her have a nasty frowning expression, it is said to be bad for the enamel of the teeth. Just ask my mother.

Lupe tells his sister Alfonsina that they need to talk about Elisa Castañon. Alfie plays innocent, and not very well, I might add. Lupe accuses Alfie of poisoning Elisa’s well with Damian. Well, Alfie says she will do anything to keep that woman away from her son. “Because like it or not, brother, I am not going to let the daughter of the woman who took my husband to have my son.”

“Sister, you do not know how sad this makes me. All this hatred is not good for you. God knows it is not what I want but I predict that if you don’t change you are going to end up alone, very alone.” That sounds like an anvil set up if I have ever heard one.

Haps At The Only Bank In Merida, City With a Population Of 970,377 Souls

Augusto drops off Kenia in front of the Bank while he parks, but inside, Ingrid has the numbers all wrapped up. “Muchas gracias, Sra. Navarro,” drones a clerk, as Ingrid gets up to leave, with all her business concluded.

As she is leaving the bank she runs into Kenia entering the same modest institution, and Ingrid taunts her  daughter that the money is now, once again , ALL HERS, hahahaha. Kenia reminds her that her silence has a price. “Not one more cent!” snaps an angry Ingrid. But Ingrid’s luck is about to run out, because just now, Yo-gusto Cat food is coming into the bank and clumsily runs into Ingrid.

He immediately spots Estefania’s necklace! “Where did you get that?”, he asks. “It was a gift.” she answers.  “I want to know how it came to be in your hands!” ‘Gusto growls.

Ingrid says the necklace came from her Mother, it was a gift but Augusto insists it was a gift he had made for his wife. A security guard breaks up an incipient and undignified tussle over the jewel and Ingrid gets away as Gusto Cat food continues to insist that the necklace seems very much like on he had made for his wife.

At Casa Castañon

Horacio walks Lolita home. He is not carrying any bags. Hmmm. After discussing the many years she has worked at CC, he asks her out on another date tomorrow. Carmina is spying on them.

Carmina tortures Lolita. “Who was the guy who walked you home?”  “A friend.”  I didn’t know you had friends.” Carmina you are a bitch.

“What is his name? What is his last name?” Lolita doesn’t know or won’t tell. She excuses herself.

Gael Continues His Goodbyes

Gael now says goodbye to Don Lucio. He asks Lucio to take care of his Chamaco. Lucio says sure. Gael says he repents of nothing and does not intend to come back. Then generous Lucio gives Gael the keys to his car. What a sweet man.

Gabino Is a Cranky Pants

Gabino is back at the Blue House of Shame when Ingrid comes flouncing in with her dramatic account of what happened at the bank. Gabino looks hot and mad. He tells her he has found her son. His name is Gael. “What makes you think Gael is my son?” Ingrid replies.

The air is thick with sarcasm as Gabino starts in, “Because CURIOUSLY, I remember he was with Father Lupe at the Hotel. CURIOUSLY, when he came looking for me at the Procesadora today he said that Kenia is like his sister. Very CURIOUS, no?” Ingrid doesn’t want to say anything.

“Why can’t you tell me the truth?”, Gabino implores Ingrid. (You see, bad guys have relationship problems, too. Think Tony Soprano…) I think you knew Gael was your son all along.” Our Ingrid folds and says yes, Gael is her son and Rosendo is his father. Gabino is muy impactada.

Ingrid points out that she had plans for her son—as an Arango. Does Gabino understand? But he hates her. (Now there is a surprise!)

She did not want to confess all to Gabino. Anyway, why should she trust him? When he is a thief! Now, she really has Gabino’s goat. I mean, arson, murder, misery yes, but thievery??? Never, says Gabino. Have we finally hit Gabino’s code of honor?

Don ‘Gusto Cat food Remembers

Back at home, ‘Gusto remembers giving Estefania the necklace. She loved it—it was the most beautiful jewel she had ever seen. He had it made especially for her. I love yous all around. Now he tosses Stef’s room looking for the jewels. Carmina’s comes in. Why are you looking for her jewels after all this time, asks the tiny brown spider? Augusto relates the haps at the bank. “Who was this woman?” asks Carmina.  Cat food-to-me says “I don’t know, I have never seen her before.  She was very beautiful and I am sure the jewel is the same.”

Ingrid Wins Every War Of Words

Ingrid starts in, “So this guy at the bank had the jewel especially made for his wife and he was sure that this was it!” (Hello, if it was custom, wouldn’t it be engraved or personalized). Ok, Ok, Gabino admits he got the pearls for doing a favor for Don Augusto Castañon’s wife. Ah ha! Gabino neglects to say WHICH wife, I might add. “And she died with Rosendo in the car accident”. Ingrid jumps to the wrong conclusion. For some reason that I do not understand, Gabino is protecting Carmina. Maybe he just doesn’t trust Ingrid. Duh. The plot thickens!

Some Other Plot Points

·      Kenia finds a letter waiting for her at her house.
·      Elisa is still depressed over her breakup with Damian.
·      Lolita lights Ramona’s pink love candle.
·      Gael and the Padre talk more about Ingrid and Kenia. Padre asks Gael to forgive his mother and sister.
·      Damian, Vicente and Braulio hide and watch as Carmina gets in a cab and leaves Elisa alone at home. Damian needs to talk with Elisa.

But Just As Gael Is Leaving La Ermita

Paloma flies up to say to Gael” Were you going to leave without saying goodbye to me?”

So wrapping things up in La Ermita for the night, which one of this miserably married couple do you see as the greatest hypocrite:

1.     Carmina
2.     “Gusto Cat food-To-Me
Cast your vote now, over on Caray, Caray!

·      Kenia introduces herself to Padre Lupe
·      Damian tries to ask forgiveness of Elisa but she says no
·      Ingrid and Carmen have an interesting little confab over Stef’s pearls
·      Ramona and Paloma talk about Gael leaving


It is so hard to pick for the Hypocrite of La Ermita Award. Still, I have made my choice and it is...Carmina. Her ability to tell Paolo with a straight face that Yo-gusto Catfood is the love of her life immediately after having sex wih him and before initiating more knee sucking (thank you Sara) is astonishing. THEN, she can go home, look all harried and sit up all night waiting for Augusto. THEN she can confront "Gusto Catfood with the line, "Who were you with last night?" with fake tears in her eyes???

We have a winnah! Although a strong case could be made for Assgusto, as well.

Enjoy, amigos.

Elna June

Perfection!!! I was jumping up and down in my seat through most of the episode and I just knew your recap wouldn't disappoint.

You just took the Yo-Gusto Cat Food and ran with it, didn't you? But as the owner of many fine felines, I don't know if I would feed them such garbage. LOL.

More fave lines:
The breathy ah-ah-ah-ahhh music
The only bank in Merida, capital of the Yucatan state population 970,377
Pitiful looks better on Paolo the incipient rapist (that line is a 10)

I heart Lola. Put it on a T-shirt. She's more than a maid, she's maid as hell and she's not going to take it any longer. She's the best character for me.

Kenia is about to go the way of the dodo bird, may she rest in peace...or haunt the hell out of Ingrid.

Paloma broke my heart.

And finally, my vote is for CArmina as biggest hypocrite.

I feed my furbabies Fancy Feast, personally. They don't want anything else.

Good stuff.

Betting that Ingrid offs Kenia within the next three episodes. Her Karmageddon will be intense.

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Alfie sounds to me so much like Sofia from CS'93... she tries to hold her son so tightly gripped that she might end up without him at all ... because she 'suffocates' him with her constant controlling and monitoring.

EJ, this was really good!!
I loved... first, the title... definitely the contest for hypocrisy and half truths was on for the night...

while the breathy “ah-ah-ah-ah-ahhhh, ah-ah-ah-ahhhh, ah,ah,ah,ah” music plays. ... i was looking for a way to describe that song other than a female version of Darth Vader breathing... yeah, that was it!

Hmm, seems everybody in this scene was half right. yeah, and fully sarastic...

Gabino offering Silv a job as his assistant that will be more pay than Braulio gets... only to get at Braulio for having brushed him off saying Dam was the boss here... how low can gabino get?

Padre pushes his luck trying to get Gael to go over to the procesadora to clear things up with Damian. This is an utterly delightful scene. ABSOLUTELY!! Padre and Gael and then Lucio and Gael were the tender moments of the day for sure!

And Padre Loopy giving it to Alfie like it is ...
All this hatred is not good for you. God knows it is not what I want but I predict that if you don’t change you are going to end up alone, very alone.” That sounds like an anvil set up if I have ever heard one. yup, it sure does.

generous Lucio gives Gael the keys to his car. What a sweet man.
First Gael asks him to take care of his 'chamaca' then tells him he is leaving his "cuaco" (horse) which he named ‘Amadeus’… Lucio says 'I will take care of it until you return'… then gives him the keys to his truck, saying 'if you come back give it back full of gas, and if it goes well for you then you bring me back a late model truck…' lol!! that was too funny and sweet all at the same time!

btw what Gael told Padre at the beginning was:
this week has been real painful on me! I had no family! and now i have a mother! i have a sister!
padre says 'and what is still left!'
Gael questions 'what is left??' but Padre shut up...

now what will happen with Cat Food's belt... it is funny to think of possibilities...
Carmina will see Kenya wearing it.
Kenya will give it to Gael and Carmina will wonder 'what's up with these two?'
Kenya will give it back and for that she has to come to the house with the belt in hand... ooh no, Run, Kenya! run!!

When Lolita came to the hacienda, Damian was already wearing the amulet necklace again... hmmm!... seems he believed Paolo when he said he had not touched Elisa... I still think he needs to be whacked on the head before Elisa take him back.

Thanks so much Marta for the clarifications. I left out the part about the horse in my fever of editing.

I mis-translated what Gael said to Padre regarding his mother and sister. That's what I get for going too fast and translating by ear! Again, thanks for the corrections.


I want 4 tees!! can I do that?
I heart Lolita
I heart Lucio
I heart Loopy
I heart Gael (yeah, still, can't help it)

it was kind of funny to watch Lolita and horacio argue about what Tonita had told Horacio that Lolita wanted Tonita's husband (when it was the other way around)
and Horacio says it doesnt matter to him.. 'lo que no fue en mi ano no hace dano'


Hahaha...I said it in the recap; Damian is a hag. He needs to really clean up his act and develop some relationship skills. He is acting a lot like Alfonsina's son.


Fab, fab, fab EJ. Carmina also wins my vote for biggest hypocrite.

That belt will for sure cross Carmina's path, and the aftershocks will not be pretty for Kenia. That girl is moving to the top of a lot of people's hit lists. But now she knows about this necklace that has mysteriously gone from Augie's dead wife, to her greedy mother's hands. Unlike other people in this town, I think she'll actually start asking some questions and poking around to find out the truth. Unfortunately, that is bad for one's health in this town (think Blanca).

Useless Vicente is just going to get more insufferable with this "promotion" where he's making more money than his dad. He is really his bio-dad's son. I wonder if Gab will start asking him to do some dirty work for him?

Gael really was thoughtless to leave town without saying goodbye to Paloma, especially after the way they last parted (the kiss-ident). Bad form Gael!

loved Lolita telling Dam that if he is not going to treat Elisa right, he can go away again and dissappear for another titipuchal of years again...


I had to run with a new name for he-who-must-not-be-named. I can't think of when I have so reviled a character in a novela.

I share your feelings about Paloma. I love her and so want Gael to get his head out and fall in love with this delightful young woman.

Sadly, I agree with you about Kenia. Sigh.


Gael really was thoughtless to leave town without saying goodbye to Paloma, especially after the way they last parted
agreed... especially when you think they have been best friends since they were very little...

Loopy is right in telling Gael that he should get Kenya to explain why she says her own mother is not trustworthy, and that she means harm for Gael...
it was funny how Gael called Loopy a gossip... after Loopy said they would wait there and even grow roots waiting...

I like your description of Vicente...
the 16-year-old barely literate (if his teachers are to be believed) juvenile delinquent
dead on!!

Hi, Vivi:

Thank you for your kind words. Yes, the belt. We will be seeing it again, I am sure.

I think you are so right that Kenia has too much information—as did Blanca. Adding the information about the necklace to her databank may be her undoing. How did a necklace that Assgusto had made for his wife end up on her mother's neck? Great question, but the answer will lead nowhere good.


I think the note for Kenya was a goodbye note from Gael... or maybe Loopy asking her to come talk to him.

oopsie, Cat Food has just added Ramona to Carmina's hit list... by telling her Ramona was the first person to get to the accident scene.

Elna June, You are on fire! What fun. Great job and my vote also goes to Car-meany. She has NO nice moments. At least AssGusto has some kindly seconds every or some days. His attitude toward Kenia is kind of school-boy crush if you don't dwell more than a second on him seeing the universe behind cracked glass which must make it hard for him to add up his age. Those glasses must be what he was wearing when Estefania was alive. And he actually was sweet to her in the necklace scene-Part I.

Thanks for mentioning Ramona, Marta. He did mention that she was at the accident site and you could see Nem-ho's wheels of destruction spinning.

EJ-I know what you mean about vile characters that raise your blood pressure. There are so many of them on LQNPA that I had to stop watching. Even the characters I was supposed to like made me stabby.

Thank heaven for Lola, Padre and Don Lucio 'cause we've got a fair share of meanies in this one, too.

Good morning Ms. Sassy...

"She's got the boots and the boobs. Did I just say that?"

"(Bad guys have relationship problems too...think Tony Soprano."

It would be fun to watch this with you kvetching over the costumes and ranting about the behavior.

Have to admit, I'm enjoying how they're fleshing out (no pun intended) Gabino's character. Enjoyable watching him suffer even a wee bit over Ingrid's deviousness.

Haven't seen this yet, but looking forward to the Gael/Padre scene on your recommendation EJ.

And very glum at the thought that Kenia is going to meet her Maker at an early age. I want Gael to have a chance to get to know his sister and have an extended sense of family (we can forget Mom of course) How sad if this is not going to happen.

I want Gael to have a chance to get to know his sister and have an extended sense of family (we can forget Mom of course) How sad if this is not going to happen.
ITA JudyB. Like Vivi said in earlier recap, Kenya is not perfect or an angel by any means, but she is expressive and fun and might inject some spark in Gael's life, now that he needs it with Elisa's chosing Damian. And like you said, Gael should experience the love of family at least for a while, but with II he won't get any. Kenya would be the ticket... if she can survive ...

Speaking of Gab's flesh- has he been shirtless yet? If not that needs to happen ASAP. Add Mark T to that list as well.

It's going to be awful if Kenia dies and Gael realizes to late that he gave up an opportunity to know his only sibling (that he knows of right now.)

Too late. I know my to's too's and two's. Lol

we've had Mark T shirtless twice, both times in his room after he had just taken a shower... lol. once when padre came to give him a message from Elisa (that she figured out who owned the green house lands)... and more recently when Paloma surprised him.

Oh that's right! Note to self: stop knitting while AdP is on. You are not paying close enough attention.

Gees, does anyone trust anyone else in this town anymore?Thanks EJ for having a hoot and giving us a delightful retelling of the details last night.

My vote for Hyprocrite: Carmina of course. Seems to be her role in life. I'm beginning to wonder if she knows which end is up anymore.

WHY WHY WHY can't Irritating go away. And really, Padre? Now you want Gael to get all close and personal with the woman you tried to get out of town yourself not long ago? I can see getting to know Kenia, but leave II out of the equation.

But any scene with these two are priceless. The expressions from Mark/Gael when Padre goes off on one of his hysterical tirades are wonderful. The scene in front of Kenia's-gold! ( And I want a I heart Gael shirt too Marta. Can't help it)

Oh, and I'm with UA, my cat only eats Fancy Feast. So someone can take my portion of the Gusto Catfood. ( Probably has bits of broken glass inside anyway.) But love the twist with the necklace.

I actually think Gab is now going to play II.Now that he knows the truth, and he knows she had been lying to him, he doesn't trust her and may have his own little plan in mind. Poetic justice if he's the one to cause her demise. I for one may want to hug those biceps if that happens ( I really do dislike this woman.So.Much.)And Ass decribing her as beautiful? Gag. But Guppy knows Gab gave it to II and will be panicking as to what he told her of how he got it. I think I actyall saw Carmina go slightly pale there for a sec. Well, a slight shade of creamsicle maybe.

And Gael not telling Pal--that was heartbreaking and I thought, Oh, how could you? But then, I sort of got why he didn't, especially after what happened knowing how she feels. In fact, it was Elisa that had to go looking for him, so he hadn't planned to tell her either I don't think. He just wanted to slip out of both their lives.

Previews--if Elisa does the kissy face this soon after Dam blew at her I'll actually be disappointed. Don't care if he smiles and gets all gushy. He needs to re-earn her.Do not like when the have a woman immediately cave after the guy goes off on her. Hope I saw that wrong.

oh yeah! i forgot our first sighting of Mark T as grown up Gael was shirtless coming out of cenote right at the time jump...

EJ: Great funny recap. Thanks.

Ramona is a formidable character. Carmina will not jerk her chain and get away with it.

ITA with you daisynjay, that Gael just wanted to leave without telling either Elisa or Paloma ... and it was heartbreaking but it would be a very emotional goodbye.

And about Elisa just taking Dam back.. I could not agree with you more... he needs to get on his knees and get smacked on head with a blunt object before she takes him back just like that.

It would be consistent with her character unfortunately. How many times has her sperm donor dumped on her, abused her and she still tries to stay, win him over and help him out. I just want her to break that chain of " berate me, I forgive you" she's been living. Like I said yesterday, Dam reminded me way too much of Catfood and how he was over-the-top jealous of Steff. Do not find that the least bit attractive and hope the writers don't either.

Stuff we learned in last night's episode:

We learned Carmina is all shook up at the thought of Augusto tipping around on her.

Augusto learned Steffy's pearl collar is still floating out there...and why does the woman at the bank have it on?

Gabino learned Gael is Ingrid's son, while Ingrid learned how Gabino got the pearl necklace.

Gabino learned (again) that yes dinero is more important to Ingrid than DNA.

Paloma learned Gael was going to leave town and not even say bye to her.

We learned Augusto has at least 1 brain cell and he's using it to go talk to Ramona.

EJ, I just love your recaps. They are a scream! And of course you know that every time I read "'Gusto Cat Food" it makes me howl. He is, ahem, not my favorite character.

I vote for Carmina for biggest hypocrite because she knows she is a hypocrite and revels in it. 'Gusto CF doesn't realize he is one. I know, I know, the IRS says ignorance is not an excuse, but I give 'Gusto a hall pass for it

“Gusto Cat food stops her before he gets a stiffy", Bwahahahaa! OMG, did you really say that? You naughty girl, I love it! So true.

Horacio might be an arsonist and murderer but at least his hair is clean.

Paloma said "Again you cry." I think that sums up Elisa pretty well.

EJ, you are so right. Gabino ain't dumb. In fact, while watching last night's episode I thought maybe he is one of the smartest souls in La Ermita. At least this guy knows how to connect the dots.

When Damian, Braulio and Vicente were hiding and then popped their heads up, did anyone else think Wizard of Oz? Sneaking into the witch's castle? Or maybe that's just me, always looking for a Wizard of Oz connection.

I heart Gael but I am very mad at him today for giving Paloma the big sad eyes. Man oh man, that actress knows how to bring a tear to my eyes with just a look. I hope Gael feels really bad for leaving town without telling her. Coward!

Thanks again EJ, your recap made me get a lot more out of this episode than when I watched it myself. Excellent job conveying the info to us.

Kenia's more in danger from Carmina (celos) and Ingrid (inconvenience) than Gabino (has the info Kenia had) and Alfonsina (protecting Paolo). Since Gabino already has what he wanted from Kenia he's not likely to do anything to her unless Ingrid or Alfonsina ordered him to.

Isn't it funny Gabino shows more care and concern towards Ingrid's daughter (Kenia) than his own (Paloma)? Therefore Gabino really isn't one to talk about Ingrid's maternal instincts.

Anon207, maybe Gabino's concern about Kenia has something to do with financial possibilities. Like does she have information that he might be able to use to his advantage? Paloma has zero possibilities in that area. Also, whenever he has shown a slight interest in Paloma in the past Ramona swoops in and threatens him. Maybe Paloma just isn't worth the bother.

Then there is Vicente his son. Why is he showing an interest in him? Is it true paternal care or is it a way to stick it to Braulio? Maybe a little of both? Dunno, but Gabino is an interesting character. And I agree that he is definitely not one to talk about parental instincts. Not by a long shot.

Cara Cheryl:
Yes, 'Gusto seems to have been kind to Stefania. It is so hard to reconcile a kind Augusto with the one we see now. You may want to join Carlos, Sandy, Cynderella and others at the 'Gusto Redemption Table. I hear they pour a mean Mint Julep. Smile and hug.

Hello, dear JudyB.
I was just plain ornery yesterday when I wrote the recap—I admit it. The TN has reached the inevitable stage of high tension and no resolution and I hate some of the devices used to maintain the drama, while eagerly awaiting each episode.
Ah, such is the life of a telenovela addict. "Hi. My name is Elna June, and I am a telnovelaholic." Group at Caray, "Hi, Elna June."


I almost wrote a whole recap on the them of trust but I didn't have time to do it justice. I think that the writers are making this the main thought of the novela, you are so right.

If faith is the opposite of distrust then I guess that Is why Father Lupe's character is such a ray of sunshine. That and Rene Casados.

No insult was intended to you, Daisynjay, Urban Anthropologist, and others who feed their fur babies "Fancy Feast". My cat kids get Science Diet. I refer to Augusto as the tinned GENERIC food that no cat or other sentient being should eat, filled with unmentionable ingredients.



Ramona is my favorite character in the telenovela. She is strong and pure and good, if gruff. I just love her. If I remember correctly, she is the only one with key pieces of the puzzle to put together—the direction the car was headed,Stef's last words, etc.

I did think the writers pulled a fast one on us by not revealing until very recently that Stef had dated both 'Gusto and Rosendo, finally choosing 'Gusto. Before it did not make sense to me that people would believe in Stef's guilt based on the scant evidence, but, knowing that she dated Rosendo and knew him well prior to her marriage made the idea of her leaving with him more understandable.


I am so glad you enjoyed the recap. Really, the refrito was written with you in mind. I especially thought of how we would howl if we were together about Carmina's proficiency at disguise as she made her way to Paolo. Wait, she had on sunglasses, and wore a large shawl wrapped completely around her head, except she let a piece of her hair fashionably down next to her face. She also came on crutches!!! thus allowing a casual observer to say,
"Yeah, I saw Carmina Bouvier Castañon last night. She arrived in a taxi, got out with her crutches in front of the No Tell Hotel.
No, Officer, I don't know why she had a scarf on her head and sunglasses.Maybe she had too much sun exposure and was covering up. You know she looks orange from overtanning. But you could see her blonde hair sticking out and her typical tight shirt and jeans. Yep, it was Carmina all right.

No future for Carmina in the clandestine services. So sad. Maybe she will have to work as a landscaper to keep up with her tan if "Gusto ever dumps her.

Big grin,


Thanks Elna June for this flinty, astringent masterpiece.

Our project (Really? Catfood?) seems prone to jump to the wrong conclusions so I'm afraid that his interrogation of Ramona may very well take on an accusatory rather than fact gathering tone.

I so hope that Kenia manages to dodge all the dangers that are assembling around her, but how tempting would it be for the writers to pursue a who-killed-Kenia? thread?

Didn't Ingrid tell Gabino that she got to the bank too late?

My head was spinning after the little chat between Lolita and Horacio. Talk about fast talk.


Have a questions for the support group (love that EJ):

Does Gabino actally know for sure that Paloma and Vicente are HIS kids? Tonia seems to have married pretty soon after their tryst, though we didn't see that span of time. Maybe he knows about Pal being the whole "Romana hates you for getting involved with her daughter", but I can't remember that ever being right out there with him. His sonfrontations with Pal always made me think he didn't know. Maybe I missed it.

Elna June: this was delightful - a warm ray of sunshine accompanied by a cooling, soothing breeze. Some of my favorite lines came right out of the gate: "Even Gabino is a better mother than Ingrid" - fabulous and of course, "Elisa needs to stay hydrated (so many tears!) and should be signing up for ass-kicking empowerment classes". Perfect!!!

ITA that the scenes with Padre and Gael were fantastic.

I know it's wrong. So wrong. Yet, there the chemistry was palpable between Lolita and Horacio. I so love the actor, when he smiled so handsomely at her, I was almost ready to forgive him. Almost. I I won't be able to forgive him when he inevitably hurts Lolita.

I loathe Gab. I don't see any redeeming qualities in him at all. Nor do I find him attractive. I hope Ingrid takes him down. Hard.

Elna June, my day has vastly improved after reading your excellent summary. Thanks again.


How is THIS for my telenovela-holic-ness evidence?
this was 10 yrs ago... when i first started posting dialogues from Cafe... and that was AFTER i had finished with the dialogues for CS'93

Elna June: I also love Ramona but my vote for fan favorite would be Lolita. She gave up her life for Elisa. Ramona has the all the clues and the intelligence to figure things out. She's a fiercely protective lioness and she's a close second.

daisy, excellent question. I also wonder if Gab knows the kids are his. Poor Paloma. Yuck.


OK Marta, you are definitely the Queen of Telenovela-holic-ness. No doubt about it.

daisynjay, I say Gabino knows on both counts. He has threatened Tonia with the Vicente's paternity. (But if anyone out there thinks differently speak up.)

I don't really think Gabino actually pursues Paloma... other than to stick it to Ramona when she comes with her threats...
As far as Vicente, I think it is purely 'stick it to Braulio' besides a little bit of 'call of the blood' itch... and knowing he could REALLY hurt Braulio when he slips the little detail of Tonita's betrayal and Vicente's origin.

I think Gab knows both are his kids. Gab has always shown an interest in Paloma, just like he does Vicente. When Paloma was a child he stopped her on the street, picked her up, looked her over, and told her to mind herself (or something to that effect). He seems to like to mark his territory with his children by being slightly menacing with them, sniffing around them, and then gruffly walking off. His extra interest in Vicente is just to get on Brau's nerves.

Neither Ramona's daughter nor Tonia were sluts. It seems like both were naive virgins whom he took advantage of and dumped as soon as the sheets had cooled. Tonia was lucky enough to snag and marry Brau before he or anyone else in town would get too suspicious about an "early" baby. It doesn't seem that Ramona's daughter was that lucky, and so it must have been pretty evident to Gab that the baby was his.

Thank you for a great recap, EJ!

I have a couple questions I'm hoping someone can clear up! I have seen every episode of this show (embarrassing to admit!) and I don't remember Carmina giving Gabino Estefania's pearls. I see it in the intro/credits and I remember her trying to bribe the nurse at the paternity test lab with the pearls. But when did she give them to Gabino? Presumably to shut him up?

And I don't know why I worry about this like it's real, but did Ingrid take her money back AND Kenia's money or just her own? Do we know?

How many more people can Gael say goodbye to?! I love his character but, honestly, I feel like he's been saying goodbye for the past week of episodes. Not to mention the people he's said goodbye to SEVERAL times, namely Padre Lupe. Basta! Plus, I can't imagine he won't be back in half an episode or maybe never leave.

That love seat that Assgusto supposedly slept on was the tiniest most uncomfortable little thing I've ever seen. The floor would have been more comfortable!

The belt in the purse is gonna come back to haunt someone. I'm hoping it's Carmina!


I think Gabino knows/suspects both Paloma and Vicente are his kids. We have seen Gabs taunt Toña about Vicente and we've seen Gabs tell Paloma she looks just like her mother...yet he wasn't trying to hit on her. He did try to hit on Elisa, though. I think he knows Paloma is his and I don't think you'll be seeing Gabino hitting on her.

Ingrid mentioned something about hearing that Gabino had various kids running around and he was like "Um that's just gossip." So other people in town (Begona) are talking about it too, for Ingrid to have heard about this info.

Thanks all. I was always a bit vague as to what Gab knew for sure and didn't know, but as said, seemed to be drawn to these both. As for Vicente, yeah chip off the old block. Pal seemed to get the best of her maternal side.

Darn, just remembered I saw on the TV listing that there's no episode tonight. Una Familia has their Grand Finale. So sad :(

Hi Katy
So glad you enjoyed the recap. In regard to your questions I don't remember the exact epi in which Carmina gave The Gabster the pearls but it seems like it was early on, after Rosendo died.

Anybody else recall? Vivi?

On the money thing, I have the same question; did Ingrid get Kenia's blackmail money from Alfie as well? I do not think we know yet?

again, anyone have ideas, pls jump in.

By the bye, I don't think we have an episode tonight due to the final of UFCS. Anybody know this?


Sorry Daisynjay, I wrote over your post. Do you know the answer to Katy's questions? If so, do share. Gracias.


EJ- I think you are right that Carmeany gave that particular pearl necklace to Gab to keep his trap shut shortly after Rosie's death. The pearl necklace she tried to bribe the DNA clinic nurse with recently was chunkier/had fatter pearls and more strands.

elna june - a quick thank you for the recap! It rocks. The snark excels. I'm still jet-lagged. BuaHahahahaaaaa!

I loved the scenes with PadLup and Gael. Those two really have chemistry and know how to play off each other.

I also loved Lolita (verbally) kicking Dam's butt.

I also loved when Lolita let Dam have it. He didn't waste any time sneaking over Elisa's house with his team of reinforcements, LOL. Actually, I thought it was sweet that Vicente was included. I hope he appreciates it.

No Abismo tonight so Marta is off the hook. Familia has a THREE HOUR finale.

Three hours??? Poor UFCS recapper.

I notice the new Refugio one is in a two hour time slot too.

Looneyvision what are you thinking?

I hope that 1. Univision airs Amor Bravio and that 2. It is just an hour time slot.

I like TNs, but two hours of the same TN is hard to take.

On the pearls, I don't recall the exact episode, but Gab knew that Rosendo was really supposed to run off with Carmina and of course, like any true villian, threaten to expose the real truth instead of everyone thinking it was Steff. So since she wanted to grab Assgusto (blech)and all, she gave him the pearls since she didn't have cash to give him.

Yeah, saw the new TN was two hours and that stopped me even tuning in, even though I like the 7:00 hour for a show. I too am anxiously awaiting Amor Bravio, so I'll hang on until that airs.

EJ - loved this brilliant recap. When does your book come out? I will be first in line.

Sara - I loved your recap from yesterday too. It may have been bulleted, but filled with good stuff.

R la O

What a lovely compliment! Flinty and astringent are my favorite adjectives to use when describing my preferences in Savignon Blanc.

I am glad you are on the job with reforming 'Gusto. He's lucky to have you on his team--along with the likes of Cynderella and Sandy. I cannot imagine how you are going to go about your work? Oh, I see, tricks of the trade and all that.

Gracias, amigo.


EJ thanks for your great recap. I have to admit anyone who complains about the Toad is OK with me.

You all are great warning signs as I often miss the anvils of doom unless they are brutally obvious (like Padre and his unfortunate evil sister) so I'm quite sad about Kenia's seemingly eminent demise.

I believe Carmina gave that pearl necklace to Gabino at their first meeting post-accident at hte blue house... i remember Gab saying 'what do i do with this! i can't use this!' since he expected her to bring him money, not jewels.
This was right after she took Estefania's jewels out of Estefania's room.

Marta, the necklace-swap took place in episode #7 -- I remember because I recapped it. That was also the episode in which Gabino said he'd rather have the Blue House, since Rosendo had put it in Carmina's name, but she wouldn't give it to him.

IIRC, Gabino found the airline tickets (with names on them) that Rosendo and Carmina were going to use to leave town. Carmina gave Gab the necklace has "hush money." Gab still has the tickets, though, and I think this will come back to haunt Carmina.

Doris, very true. In fact, I think those tickets are the only hard proof that exists, everything else is circumstantial or memories in people's heads.

I just enjoyed your ep 7 recal all over again...
Lucio confronts Carmina about the amazing coincidence of her and Rosendo planning to leave town at the same time. “I had nothing to do with that man,” she says. Oh yeah? Then why were you arguing that day at the procesadora? Well, of course I went to tell him to stay away from my sister. “I don’t believe a word of it. And I hope one day God will make it all clear.” Honey, you better hope she doesn’t take to killin’, coz you’ll be number one on the list.

Gabino catches Carmina skulking around the hallway and takes the opportunity to blackmail her – you’d better pay me off, or everyone will know it was really you who caused all this mess. She poofs back to her sister’s bedroom, where she raids the jewelry box. This better shut him up, she says to herself in the mirror, or I’ll kill him. Gabino moves to number one! Guau, that didn’t take long.

Ramona tells the padre that she was present at the accident and that the car was returning to La Eremita, not leaving -- and also she heard Steffi’s last words, something like, “I had to stop him, or them.” What’s more, she overheard Rosendo earlier in the day arguing with a woman who was definitely not Steffi. “Who was it? Who? Who?” squeaks the padre, apparently suffering a bout of amnesia (or misplaced professional discretion.) Sorry, I didn’t see her face. [You're going on the list sooner or later, hon, but for now we'll write your name in pencil.]
At the Blue House:
Carmina shows up to pay Gabino off with a pearl necklace. What am I supposed to do with this? It’s not like I can sell it. That’s what you get, she says; it’s all I have. What about this house? Don Rosendo put it in your name. She says If I tell Alfonsina how deep you were into all this subterfuge, there’s no way you’ll ever be the Big Chili Pepper at the factory.
Carmina topples backward on the church steps and her eyes roll back in her head, which is to say, she looks the same as usual – horizontal and crazy – but for once she’s not running her mouth, so they get worried and take her to the doctor. ¡Sorpresa! You’re pregnant...Señorita. Wonder how long it will take Mrs. Dr. Begoña to shop that all over town? Orangina better get fizzy in a hurry – and we know with whom…

That's terrific Martaivett, we needed those reminders again. And thanks to all the recappers we have the proof in writing.

So Ramona was there and has all the proof yet she stays silent and Steffi gets maligned and Elisa gets a bad name. Speak up Ramona, please.

I think if Ramona had recognized the woman with Rosendo as Carmina, she would have spoken long ago, but she is not the type to spill an assumption as solid fact...

Yes, but Ramona could have let everyone know that the car was returning to La Ermita, not leaving it.

That makes Ramona, Lucio and Elisa who know that information.

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