Sunday, May 27, 2012

El Talismán #83 Fri 5/25/12 The Prince of Darkness and The Sacrificial Lamb, and Who You Callin' Crazy?


I imagine that to you every incident is as clear as if it was yesterday, like a ghost that never goes away. M. Hercule Poirot

Today on El Talisman:

The Prince of Darkness is asking Cameela, the scarifical lamb, if she is feeling better. She says she is.

Doris has gone to see Brigitte and tells her, well if Pigorio can make a fake will, I will do a fake marriage.

Pedro and Mariana have gone to the hospital to see Manuel. Manuel and Maria are still together in his office, and Manuel wants to know what happened to her face. He is all kinds of verklempt. She says, beleive it or not, I think Lucrazy smacked the crap out of me. (Note to Manuel: She is speaking the truth, listen with an open mind, stop looking at her as if she has lost her mind). Manuel asks her if she remembers anything about the attacker, like maybe hair, a face, anything? (Note to Manuel: Dude you weren't listening to her. The undead Lucrazy bashed your daughter jus' sayin'). Maria is not liking him badgering Mariana, so she takes Mariana away to treat her for the blood on her face, and the swelling. Pedro and Manuel are alone, and Pedro says he is glad, he wants to talk to him, without Mariana being in the room. Manuel wants to know what Mariana told Pedro about what happened. Pedro tells Manuel that from the description Mariana gave to Pedro, it fits Lucrazy, but, wait for it, she's dead. See quote above.

Speaking of crazy people, Lucrazy is tearing up the cabana, throwing furniture, trying to tear the blinds off the windows she keeps yelling ayuda mi, listen to me, to the air around her. Valentin, having been banished to find herbs, is walking around in a foul mood, just happens to hear this voice. He is very curious and takes a small tree log and starts to the cabana. (Note to Valentin: Dude run, do not go there, stay away, you'll be sorry). See quote above. So Valentin is still hearing the voice, goes to the door, and breaks it open with the small tree log. He is not believing what he is seeing and stares with big bug eyes at Lucrazy standing there looking just as dumb struck. (Note to Valentin: Told ya dude, now just back away slowly and keep that tree log with you or you'll be sorry).

Back at the wedding from hell, the sacrificial lamb, Cameela, has signed the papers and now she is, wait for it, Senora Prince of Darkness, or in other words The Princess of All That is Lost. The Negrete cousin comes and congratulates her, and of course the Virus is at Cameela's elbow making sure that Cameela observes the proper etiquette. (Note to the Sacrificial Lamb, listen chica, faint again, it's your only way out). Also the Pig has gotten Cameela alone and tells her she should have been the lover of the Prince of Darkness, not his wife.

Meanwhile, back at the cabana, poor Valentin looks like he will have an infarto. He is freaking out, thinking he is seeing a ghost. He keeps saying you aren't real, I am not seeing dead people, keep repeating that dude, maybe she will disappear, jus' sayin'. Lucrazy tells him she isn't dead. He drops the small log in his anxiety, and is kinda, sorta in shock. She tells him NOT to tell anyone she is alive. Well, Valentin wants to go tell the Pig right away she is alive, he turns his back to her (Note to Valentin: Didn't I warn you dude? You should have backed out slowly with that small log, jus' sayin') ,and she hits him over the head and knocks him out cold.

Flor is still not happy about the marriage,and Angel talks to her. He knows about her parents being divorced of course, and tells Flor his parents are divorced too and they have that in common. They are so liking each other. Army comes and talks with them, and laments he hasn't been able to talk to Fabi yet. Flor lets him know she doesn't have her cell phone. They will have to try the internet. He tells Flor he got a job and intends on seeing Fabi soon. Flor finally forgives Army for the stunt her pulled on her and is happy that Fabi and he are novios. The Prince of Darkness comes up and wants a hug and congrats from her, but she doesn't do it. He asks her if she wants to be with her sister in banishment? She is sooo down with that.

Manuel and Pedro still talking about what happened to Mariana. Mariana is confused. She must be, why would she being seeing a dead person? Pedro tells him it sure sounded like Lucrazy, but she's dead. Pedro says this would be what Lucrazy would do if she were alive, but she's dead. (Listen dudes: Mariana is sane, and y'all are crazy, jus' sayin'. And Manuel shame on you! She's your daughter, check it out, Valentin can vouch for Mariana jus' sayin'). He tells Manuel it wasn't Cameela that attacked Mariana, and he can't think of another woman that would do this to Mariana, so why would another woman attack Mariana? In the stupiest diagnosis ever, Manuel wonders if Mariana has, wait for it, Mutiple Personality Disorder!!! (Note to Manuel: That's it!!! You are dead to me. Are you listening to yourself? Check out her story first, before you think she is crazy, jus' sayin'. Talk to Valentin.) Manuel tells Pedro that due to her amnesia and her lapses in memory this could have happened. Pedro, at least, doesn't seem to buy this. Pedro says she had a happy childhood, her father took very good care of her, and so did Pedro. Manuel says he will contact a collegue of his that specializes in this disorder. Manuel also tells Pedro he feels that Mariana is still in love with him. Pedro says, well I've told you and told you, you listening Manuel, I only feel brotherly toward Mariana. Then Manuel says I wonder which woman loves you, Magaly, who may have fallen in love with you in the here and now, or Mariana from mistaken memories of the past? Pedro tells him, no matter what, he isn't in love with either of them, just in a brotherly way. Manuel tells Pedro, maybe Mariana can stay with you at El Tal for awhile, maybe something will jog her memory. Pedro says he will think about it.

Meanwhile, the undead Lucrazy, has trussed Valentin up like the Thanksgiving turkey. She keeps saying, wake up now, wake up. Valentin finally comes to. She gets in his face, still holding the log mind you, and says I can't beleive, you beleive in ghosts. She says yeah I'm dead, but not crazy. (Note to Lucrazy: Haven't you pummeled enough people today? Isn't your blood lust satisified for the day? You SHOULD be dead, jus' sayin'). She is still holding that log. She asks him why did you come here? Say What??? You were yelling like the hounds of hell were at your feet, just saying. You want to gossip about me, Right, RIGHT??? He is moaning and crying on the floor and she hits him in the legs with that log.

Maria treats Mariana for her injuries. Mariana asks her if she knows Pedro? Maria says only through Cameela, and not well. Maria tells Mariana that Pedro and Cameela were so happy until now. She doesn't go into details. Mariana says she just wants her memory back. And Maria tells her to trust Manuel. (Note to Mariana: Listen girl, find a better doctor, or better yet, go see El Capitan, I think he will actually look into your beating, jus' sayin').

Tracy, Geno, and Cameela are in a room at Alcatrash talking about this farce of a marriage. Oh, I have to say (Note to Tracy: Have you been to see Miss Clairol, or maybe Messrs Revlon, Garnier, Freida or perhaps Madame L'Oreal? Your hair is much lighter and actually adds a glow to your face, along with that lipstick.) They want to know exactly why the Sacrificial Lamb has married the Prince of Darkness? She spills all the frijoles. They ask her if she has some kind of plan. Of course the sacrificial lamb don't got no plan. They tell Cameela, you know he is brutal and muy peligroso, ya think. Tracy says you can yell for help. (Note to Julia: chica you got a lock that can be busted open by Tracy? Jus' sayin'). (Note to Cameela: Did you remember the superglue? I hope you did. You are gonna need it.). Cameela with the deer in the headlights look, thanks them for being such good friends. Tracy leaves, but Geno stays and here comes the Prince of Darkness. He wants Cameela out there with the guests, so Geno, giving the Prince of Darkness the death ray, leaves with Cameela, the sacrificial lamb, and the Prince of Darkness. Of course, Cameela runs into the Virus of a mama, and she wants to know why Cameela isn't resting. (Note to Virus: You keep pushing it, LET IT GO!). Cameela has that deer in the headlights look again. Army comes to Cameela and asks if she is ok? Cameela says she is naseous and Army says it is probably stress from all she has been through. He tells her she is not alone and he will do anything to help her. She thinks about Pedro and wishes she could have told him everything. Geno and Tomas are now sitting with Cameela and tell her if she needs anything, like say, HELP, they are right there, next door, at El Tal. Cameela says she is afraid to be alone with the Prince of Darkness and what comes after that. Geno has a great idea! You're sick right, RIGHT! Use that. (Oh, sure, sure, you know how the Prince of Darkness is).

Doris is still at M. Brigette's in her old room, and in comes, wait for it, the arranger of fake wills and marriages, Lucas. She tells him she wants him to arrange a fake marriage for her to Pigorio, and he says yeah sure, but what do I get out of it? She proceeds to apply her en flagrante skills on him.

Now we have the Prince of Darkness talking to fake Doc, whose name is, wait for it, Jaime. He asks Doc Jaime if Cameela could be, you know, PREGGERS? Of course, Doc Jaime doesn't know for sure but it could be a possiblity. He now has the deer in the headlights look. Doc Jaime says she will have to take a test, to know for sure. Of course this wasn't in the Prince of Darkness' planes, he curses Pedro again and calls him an indio, and again CAMEELA ES MIO. He tells fake doc Jaime not to breathe a word to anyone.

The Diablo Pig is seeing the Virus alone, so he goes over to talk to her. He says she has so much ambition, to be selling her daughter out, and she will NOT see a penny of his fortune. The Virus, we all know how she is full of sweetness and light, NOT, tells the Pig all she cares about it the happiness of her daughter. (Note to Virus: I get the distinct impression that the Pig cares more about your daughter than YOU do.).

In their en flagrante afterglow, Lucas and Doris are eating a snack and talking about the fake wedding. He tells her whenever she wants to hold this "fake wedding" he's her man and just to let him know. She tells him she will be the Duena of Alcatrash.

Pig and his fake doc, Jaime, are talking and the Pig wants to know what the heck is wrong with Cameela? You are MIO DOCTORCITO, is that clear? Jaime says it is. Pig walks off and here comes the Virus. She wants to know why Jaime is passing himself off as a doc now. Isn't he really a major domo? He gives her some poppycock story. She isn't buying it. She wants the truth, he says you can't handle the truth, not really, but you get the gist. She isn't believing a word of it. He says he is here to take care of the Pig and his heart (ya know the one where it is TEN sizes too small). He excuses himself and leaves.

Fake doc Jaime is outside and freaking out. He calls Rennie, and lets him know, wait for it, the Virus KNOWS who he is, cause he ran into her at Cameela's wedding to the Prince of Darkness, and what shall he do, what shall he say? Jaime says he is afraid the Virus will out him to the Pig. Rennie tells him to be calm and just go with the flow. It is business after all. He asks Rennie for help. Rennie gets off the phone with Jaime and Rita has heard everything is is pithed off. He says now that Virus knows they will have to do business with her. Well Rita is so not down with that. She blames him for marrying the Virus, and all for, wait for it, EL CHEQUE ES MIO. Rennie says you know why I married her, for moola of course. She leaves the room and Rennie curses the Virus.

Tonio has cornered the fake Doc Jaime again. He looks like he wants to hurl. He wants him to contact another doctor, about the Cameela problem. He calls a friend of his named Raymundo, Raymundo will take care of it. (Oh, please, let Raymundo have an ounce of scruples). Jaime tells the Prince of Darkness that Raymundo was a doctor, but due to his drug problem, lost his license. Well there goes my hope of scruples. The Prince of Darkness leaves, and fake Doc Jaime examines the Pig and tells him, hey you are doing great, BP is fine, you are swell. Doris has been in the alcove in his room, back from her en flagrante with Lucas, and is watching them. Pig thanks the fake doc, and turns his attention to Doris. He tells her he wants her, yewwww, if you only knew where she has been, jus' sayin' They smoochy, (Note to Doris: Did you at least take a bath, and you got your Listerine? Jus' sayin').

Mariana has packed her bags, cause evidently Pedro has agreed for her to come stay at El Tal for awhile. Manuel tells her Pedro is expecting her and everything is fine. She has a question for him. You believe me don't you? Some did try to whack me. I'm not crazy, am I? I know a woman tried to whack me. Manuel doesn't say anything. (Note to Manuel: You are dead to me until you get your head out of , well you know). Pedro greets Mariana when she gets to El Tal, he tells her Mi Casa es su Casa. He has installed her in her old room. He tells her little by little she will start to remember. He bids her goodnight and he'll see her in the morning.

The Prince of Darkness finally gets to the cabana and sees the fiasco that Lucrazy has created, with Valentin still trussed up like the Thanksgiving Turkey and he is moaning. She has stopped harassing Valentin, on the Prince of Darkness' arrival, and begs him to forgive her. She was so afraid Valentin would tell on her, nanny nanny, boo boo. She was by herself, doncha know, time on her hands etc. He releases Valentin from the tressing, and swears him to silence. Valentin swears. The Prince of Darkness tells Lucrazy, I can see if you did this to Panchito (Oh, please not Panchito, who deserves a wayyyy better familia than you) but not Valentin. She tells the Prince of Darkness that she saw Mariania with Pedro es mio, and just went crazy, please forgive her. (Note to Lucrazy: Enough is enough already, the Prince of Darkness needs to drag your crazy ass to the nearest manicomio, jus' sayin'). She says you are married to Cameela now, what about poor little me? He tells her not to worry she will get what she wants. He is SO with her. Oh, yeah , right, sure, sure.

Now everyone has left the infernal reception and the Prince of Darkness, escorts the sacrificial lamb to their new abode. (Note to Julia: Hey chica did you notice the keypad on the wall of that room? Wonder if it has a panic button and if the Sacrificial Lamb will use it? Jus' sayin'). He has a big whiskey in his hand. She mistakenly thinks this is her room. He corrects her and says this is OUR ROOM. We will be sleeping in the same bed and getting en flagrante as soon as possible! You are my espousa and this is the wedding night after all. Cameela, the sacrificial lamb, looks like she wants to hurl. She tells him, sueltme. She says I am your wife, clearly, but I am so not down with sleeping with your butt, not really, but you know she is thinking it, much less wanting to get en flagrante with you. By this time he has got her by the neck, and she is yelling she doesn't love him, never will. He tells her that he loves her, adores her, all his love is hers, yuck. He starts grabbing her face and kissing her neck, and face. She is screaming. (Note to Cameela, you ever take self defense classes? A good kick in the avacadoes will work. Also see that keypad over there? Maneouver his butt over there and push that button, jus' sayin').

We had various thought bubbles, Cameela thinking of Pedro, Pedro thinking of Cameela, Mariana thinking of the beat down she got from Lucrazy.

Domatilla, Margarito, and Santiago are having dinner together and Santiago is loving the food here. Domatilla tells him she got the recipe from Tracy, and Santiago likes it cause it reminds him of his Mama's cooking. They are trying to legally get her to the States, so she can see Santiago. He is very happy. Pedro comes in and tells them Mariana is the house guest for awhile.

Lunes on El Talisman:

I didn't see the advances. My tape cut off.


Sorry this took so long. I tried to condense but there was too much snark worthy material here. Jus' sayin' lol. If anyone saw the advances, please comment about them. The last scene with the Prince of Darkness and The Sacrificial Lamb were bad.

Ha ha. Lots of gems in here.

"The Princess of All That is Lost"

"Pedro tells him he isn't in love with either of them"

"She proceeds to apply her en flagrante skills to him"

"Did you at least take a bath?"

This was truly a yucky episode.

Oye, the word verification is now giving me words with both punctuation AND international characters. What's up with that???

Thank you for recap. I was not sure if I was actually seeing him grab Cam like that. Very true yucky episode.

The only thing I noticed in advances Cam is on the floor I think crying talking to Doris.

Nellie- thank you for the advances. I don't know why my tape cut off, but we were having some bad weather and we tend to get power surges here. That may have happened. I am not liking the advances, either.

Blue Lass- glad you liked the snark. It was a truly yucky episode especially the last part of it. That man is truly the Prince of Darkness.

Madelaine--I know you pulled double duty. You are our Sacrifical Queen Lamb of the Everlasting Double Avocados.

(BTW, when was the last time we saw anyone going to church--is Fresno such a *small* town that it doesn't even have it's own Only Holy Capilla in Fresno, where everyone speaks Spanish?)

This was a nasty episode because stuff *started* to happen just in time to give us all a deep depression, along with Ulises and Rodrigo, and a multiple personality disorder along with Mariana and nothing, but nothing bright and cheerful to leave us hopeful.

In the avances I caught, it did seem like El Principe de Oscuridad had had his way with Camila. Here's hoping (am I really hoping this??) that she was able to fight him off so he gave her a beating and left the room--he's so good at that.

I really wanted to see Valentin make it back to El Piggo with his "tale" between his legs and rat out the Lu.

I really wanted to see Cameela's pair not shrivel and say no to the judge--yep, fainting a 2d time would have been glorious, but think of all the food they would have wasted on suspending the nuptials.

The Ant, Prince of BigBlackDarkBuckles sure is full of himself. What makes him think he is god's gift to Camila? Has he ever taken a good look at himself in the mirror? What self-respecting gal would even give him a second look--or sniff. He probably smells of Brylcreme and stale beer.

He *had* to marry Doris (not exactly the poster girl for a self-respecting gal) and had plenty of boinking privileges, but since viewerville started watching him, the only one he's been able to get it on with is a *paid* escort dressed up like Camila. Sheesh.

Blue Lass picked out the same quotes I enjoyed the most.

I also liked--"In the stupiest diagnosis ever, Manuel wonders if Mariana has, wait for it, Mutiple Personality Disorder!!!" and "Did you remember the superglue?"

Scene I wanted more of--Lucrazi trashing the cabana and actually trussing up Valentin.

Scene I didn't need at all--Santiago talking about food.

I was sorry that the antenna wasn't working and didn't pick up univision. I'm not sorry anymore. At least we know what Tony does with his time-watches novelas. How else would he guess pregnancy?

Good news- no stairs at Alcatrash.

Bad news- El Tal has em and no one locks doors. Tony just has to get her there to be pushed.

As someone on the univision said, "mismo @$#&". Indeed.


OK; here's the skinny on this episode's fake medicine:

Jaime told Elvira that he is a real doctor, but he lost his license for giving a patient a fatal overdose of painkillers. Of course he claims to be innocent.

Antonio told Jaime to find another fake doctor to treat Camila and get rid of the baby (if there is one.) Jaime said he knew another doctor who had also lost his license because of "drug problems." I got the feeling it was the doctors and not the patients who had the problems, but I may be reading too much into it.

Jaime called Raimundo and said he had a well-paying gig for him, but he wanted 20% off the top.

I'm still freaking out at all these fresh plot twists and new characters, considering that we're supposed to be in últimos. They haven't -- POR DIOS -- changed their minds, have they?

Thanks, Madelaine. I really don't know how you are doing so many recaps.

Lu being the ghost that never goes away indeed! Nice relevant quote.

I like when Lu was hollering at Valentin "I am not crazy! Do you hear me? I am not crazy!"

I about flipped when Manuel says to Pedro that there is only one explanation. We think he's going to say since they never found any remains Lu must have survived, has been in hiding and is now coming after them. But, noooooo, he says she has multiple personalities. *That's* QTF worthy!

R la O

Thanks Madelaine, this recap had me cracking up all the way through.

In addition to musing about Multiple Personality Disorder,I think that Dr. (Dr.? Really?) Bermúdez suggested to Pedro that Mariana inflicted the injuries on herself. Maybe we should get a second opinion from Dr. Jaime or Dr. Raymundo.

My favorite of this episode was Lucrezia who was glad that Valentín showed up so she would have someone to talk to and then carried on a one-sided conversation with him... bound and gagged.

I had thought that all that lovely food was the perfect setup for a brawl but alas, folks just ate it.


Hey, everybody -- don't forget Premios TV y Novelas tonight at 8! We should see some of our favorites.

Alcatrash has stairs. I have seen them.

The idiocy of CERTAIN PEOPLE is astounding. No remains of Lucrecia have been found. The fire didn't even burn all that long. Yet, it is ABSOLUTELY DEFINITE that she is dead and therefore Mariana must be crazy. I hope Mariana gives Manuel and Pedro good hard wallops upside the head when the truth comes out. I wish Mariana would spend more time talking to El Capitán. He seems a little more competent. Unfortunately, he is too overworked dealing with every incident in Fresnot himself.

Yes, my lock business supplies a model which is activated by fingerprint scan. Camila could program it to only operate with her own fingerprints and those of her trusted friends and to merely shock El Principe del Oscuridad. We also sell elegant jewelry with embedded 911 buttons, containing GPS locators to alert the police to the place of your emergency.

I like the superglue idea. However, Camila might prefer to avoid touching him at all. Suggestion: request that he take a shower first. Arrange with Alberta and Tracy to fill his towel with itch powder. Bwahaha. Run away while he is scratching.

Madelaine, I love your style. "...apply her en flagrante skills..." I am going to remember that euphemism. Your humor makes the grossitude of Antonono's behavior tolerable.

Right, Julia. It is frustrating that they can diagnose Mariana so quickly with mental illness, but not even consider that Lu is the real Sybil. Even a crematorium has cremains!

I like the 911 elegant jewelry. It's just too bad Mariana didn't shop at your lock store before her kidnapping. By chance, do you sell any headbands with GPS locators?

Guys, this has to be the worse TN ever. If the greaseball forces Cami to gave sex, that is rape, meaning that he would be raping a pregnant woman? I had to stop watching and just read your comments. It makes ne sick.

Thank you so much Blue Lass for the info I missed about Doc Jaime. I wonder now if Rita, Rennie and Doc Jaime, along with Doc Raymundo are a gang of grifters that bilk people. And now I know how ole doc Jaime can pick an untraceable poison.

Thank you Carlos for the rest of what Dr. Bermudez said. Poor Mariana she can't get a break. The only crazy person that keeps getting a break is Lucrazy. It is time for that to stop. And how in the hell does she think Pedro will ever want her. That is a QTH moment.

Anita- so agree with you about The Prince of Darkness. I bet he does smell like brylcreem and stale beer, or better yet stale whiskey.

Rosemary-thank you for the Lulu convo with Valentin. She is totally over the edge. And the Prince of Darkness encourages her all the way. I wonder if he will be the end of her.

Julia- as soon as I saw that keypad in the room , I thought about your "lock" business lol. I agree itch powder would be so much better than the super glue. That way she would never have to touch him. The less contact the better. I like your idea about the jewelery too, and also Rosemary's for the headband GPS lol.

Odie- I know this is bad, that's why we here as recappers try to snark it up. It is the only way to deal with the Prince of Darkness' shenanigans.

Madelaine thanks for your recap. We know you are juggle quite a few TNs so we're just happy you put this one.

I'm w/Odie about that jackwagon of a prince. Unfortunately the TN has been so violent I wouldn't put rape pass them but I'm hoping that it doesn't go that far. Blech.

It doesn't seem we are moving toward the end. The baddies aren't getting caught or at least on the run and the good guys are still surrounded by idiots (Dr. Manuel did hit an all-time low).

Just watched the Premios. From what I heard, El Tal wasn't even mentioned. I really was surprised it didn't get some sort of nod for the music.

RLO--Weren't these just for Mexican produced tns? El Tal is Venevision done in US.

Regardless, how on earth did Fuerza win best novela--and Meh-hia's Triumfo was most watched? Maybe it was to watch William, Diego, Mark and Daniela that ramped it up in the numbers game. That and time of day shown, no?

Glad to see our Mr. Hot Wheels, dimpled and smiling broadly and getting and giving bro-hugs all around for LQNPA (which we already knew from the noticias back when, but still nice to see him).

Oh Anita - I didn't realize it was just Mexican. Then that explains why El Tal did not win best novela. I was wondering.

Looks like the word verification has gone back to real words. Hopefully we can have some fun with those. My two are: Thousands and Meow, lol

I thought maybe the reason we weren't seeing some of our current TNs is that they have already run in Latin America...? Otherwise this year would have included Teresa, which was certainly good enough, but it would have been last year's fare outside the U.S. Not sure.

Also, I don't understand why the published slate of nominees was mysteriously pared down to 3-4 per category before airing. What happened to everybody else?

Madelaine, thank you for the recap. It was difficult to watch, I cannot image what it would take to recap the darn thing.

Yesterday, I watched the "Criminal Minds" marathon and came to realize that this TN is one long episode of "Criminal Minds". Where is the FBI when you need them.

I do not understand one thing about the awards. I don't think the people voting even watched the TN they were voting for or against. It must be some sort of popularity contest. I agree that Jorge Salinas and Daniela Romo should have won but the rest I do not agree with.

Maybe EL Tal will be nominated next year since Mexico is seeing it at the same time we are. I think this awards show was originally aired in March of this year.

AB won best actress last year for Teresa so I doubt if it will be nominated again.

Rosemary Primera

Karen- I know its weird huh, about the way this TN is moving toward the end. I know Blue Lass mentioned yesterday it seemed like it wasn't in ultimos capitulos at all. It seems as if they are adding more and more to this TN.

I never watch those Premios, cause someone always watches in real time when it is broadcast in Mexico, and we know the results way before it airs here. It spoils it for me.

Rosemary Primera, I agree with you about the violence on this TN. It is way over the top, especially manhandling of women and beatings of women, the bombing of Tia Patty and Claudio, poison pills, I tell you it could have been a great mystery if the villian had stayed hidden for awhile, but we always know who is doing what.

I wonder what makes a show eligible in a given year. Start date? End date? Anyway, UFCS sure cleaned up. I love that Pablo Lyle, Ale Garcia, and Osvaldo de Leon all won. They all looked so excited. Poor Freddy (can't remember actor's name), nominated in the same category as Pepe. Their rivalry flares up again!

Hmm, I think, not really sure, just maybe the producers of the awards show kind of like David Zepeda. Did they show him enough?

One thing those premios could do is teach other awards shows how to move things along. They had time to thank either god or their family but not both. I'm glad lfdd won. I think it conquered some of the novela cliches (not all of course) and should be rewarded.


They really did keep it moving, didn't they? 20 seconds and they were CUT OFF.

Zepeda smiled more during that show than he has in Abismo all year.

Premios Nominees & Winners (*):

Mejor Telenovela
Dos hogares
*La fuerza del destino
Una familia con suerte
Triunfo del amor
Esperanza del corazón
La que no podía amar

Mejor Actriz
Ana Brenda Contreras (La que no podía amar)
Anahí (Dos hogares)
Daniela Castro (Una familia con suerte)
Luz Elena González (Una familia con suerte)
Mayrín Villanueva (Una familia con suerte)
Maite Perroni (Triunfo del amor)
*Sandra Echeverría (La fuerza del destino)
Victoria Ruffo (Triunfo del amor)

Mejor Actor Antagónico
Ferdinando Valencia (La fuerza del destino)
Guillermo García Cantú (Triunfo del amor)
Jorge Ortiz de Pinedo (Dos hogares)
*Juan Ferrara (La fuerza del destino)
Lisardo (Esperanza del corazón)

Mejor Actor
Arath de la Torre (Una familia con suerte)
David Zepeda (La fuerza del destino)
Diego Olivera (Amorcito corazón)
Sergio Sendel (Una familia con suerte)
*Jorge Salinas (La que no podía amar)
Sergio Goyri (Dos hogares)
William Levy (Triunfo del amor)

Mejor Tema Musical
'A partir de hoy'; Maite Perroni y Marco di Mauro (Triunfo del amor)
'Esperanza del corazón'; Mane de la Parra (Esperanza del corazón)
'Corazón'; Chino y Nacho (Rafaela)
'La fuerza del destino'; Sandra Echeverría y Marc Anthony (La fuerza del destino)
'Ni contigo ni sin ti'; Pepe Aguilar (Ni contigo ni sin ti)
*'Un día de suerte', Alejandra Guzmán (Una familia con suerte)
'Amorcito corazón'; Chayanne (Amorcito corazón)
'Rendirme en tu amor'; Carlos Ponce y Anahí (Dos hogares)
'Te dejo en libertad'; Ha-Ash (La que no podía amar)

Mejor Actriz Antagónica
Andrea Torre (Ni contigo ni sin ti)
Chantal Andere (Rafaela)
*Daniela Romo (Triunfo del amor)
Diana Bracho (Rafaela)
Laisha Wilkins (La fuerza del destino)
Lucía Méndez (Esperanza del corazón)
Olivia Collins (Dos hogares)

Mejor Primer Actor
*César Évora (Triunfo del amor)
Enrique Rocha (Una familia con suerte)
Fernando Allende (Esperanza del corazón)
Manuel "Flaco" Ibáñez (Triunfo del amor)
Pedro Armendaáriz (La fuerza del destino)
Rogelio Guerra (Rafaela)

Mejor Primera Actriz
Alicia Rodríguez (Una familia con suerte)
Carmen Salinas (Triunfo del amor)
*Delia Casanova (La fuerza del destino)
Lucía Méndez (Esperanza del corazo?n)
Patricia Reyes Spíndola (Rafaela)
Rosa María Bianchi (La fuerza del destino)

Mejor Actor Coestelar
Abraham Ramos (Dos hogares)
Alejandro Ibarra (Amorcito corazón)
Gabriel Soto (La fuerza del destino)
*José Ron (La que no podía amar)
Marcelo Córdoba (La fuerza del destino)
Mark Tacher (Triunfo del amor)
Pablo Montero (Triunfo del amor)
Pedro Moreno (Una familia con suerte)

Mejor Actriz Coestelar
Alicia Machado (Una familia con suerte)
Érika Buenfil (Triunfo del amor)
Kika Edgar (La fuerza del destino)
*Marisol del Olmo (Esperanza del corazón)
Sabine Moussier (Ni contigo ni sin ti)
Tiaré Scanda (Rafaela)
Ximena Herrera (Ni contigo ni sin ti)

Revelación Masculina
Juan Diego Covarrubias (Una familia con suerte)
Mane de la Parra (Esperanza del corazón)
*Pablo Lyle (Una familia con suerte)

Revelación Femenina
*Alejandra García (Una familia con suerte)
Bianca Marroquín (Esperanza del corazón)
Carmen Aub (Esperanza del corazón)
*Laura Carmine (Ni contigo ni sin ti)
Lili Goret (Ni contigo ni sin ti)

Mejor Actor Juvenil
Brandon Peniche (Ni contigo ni sin ti)
Diego Amozorrutia (Amorcito corazón)
Emmanuel Orenday (Esperanza del corazón)
Alejandro Speitzer (Esperanza del corazón)
*Osvaldo de León (Una familia con suerte)

Mejor Actriz Juvenil
Claudia Álvarez (Dos hogares)
Gaby Mellado (Amorcito corazón)
*Livia Brito (Triunfo del amor)
Thelma Madrigal (Esperanza del corazón)

Mejor guión o Adaptación
Dos hogares
Esperanza del corazón
*La fuerza del destino
La que no podía amar
Ni contigo ni sin ti
Triunfo del amor
Una familia con suerte

I'm fine for the most part with the winners. The ones I would change are Marcelo C or Gabriel S instead of Jose Ron; 'Esperanza del Corazon' over 'Dia de Suerte' for song (I just like it more); and Pedro A. (may he rest in peace) over Cesar E for Primer Actor.

Anyone know why there were two winners for revelacion feminina? I'm not complaining. I watched a bit of NCNST and liked Laura C, and I love all the young actors in Familia, so I'm glad Alejandra Garcia won.

When they say juvenil, do they not actually mean children? Because that kid from La Fuerza was better than a lot of grown ups.

Vivi- I think this was a tie. And I totally agree about Pedro for best actor. He was great. Tony! Que en paz descansa.


Oh, and Daniela C instead of Sandra E for best actress! Daniela/Pina was the funniest character in this comedy, as well as the most hated (at times), and the most loved. She owned that role and made and memorable character, with unforgetable mannerisms. Not many actresses could have pulled it off.

Kelly- I think they just mean young, not chidren. I think that would be infantil. They should have a category for child actors too. The kid from LFDD would for sure win that.

Song and lyrics to 'Esperanza del Corazon":

And little Elisa would have a shot at a child's award.

Word ver: competent ventshot. Not sure what a ventshot us, but evidently I am pretty good at it.

Thanks, Vivi. I was wondering what "juvenil" meant -- those actors are in their mid-20s! And I agree that Daniela/Pina was the tops. I can't wait to see her in something else.

Blue Lass,

Did you every see Mi Pecado? DC was wonderful in that role and she wore the greatest clothes.

Vivi, I agree with you that DC should have won an award for her performance. SE should stick to singing, she cannot act. I don't know why Uni likes her so much.

Rosemary Primera

Thanks, RP! Putting Mi Pecado on my Amazon wish list now...

Hey Madelaine, I just got back after a long weekend and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed your recap. I was a little bummed after watching Friday's episode (on Friday) because of the horrible wedding, but you managed to make everything sound like a hoot.

For some reason Lucrazia's scenes were just plain funny to me. Big bad Valentin downed by a little chick with a stick. He deserved it but he looked so pathetic trussed up like the turkey he is.

Aha, so Doc Major Domo really was a doc at one time. The episode makes a bit more sense to me now. Maybe Mariana should talk to him about her current problem. He would probably have a better diagnosis for her than Doc Stupid Manuel's multiple personality disorder theory.

OK, I am off to watch today's episode and enjoy Anita's recap.

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