Tuesday, May 22, 2012

El Talismán #80 Tue 5/22/12 HOLA CHULA

“Hola Chula” says Antonio upon answering Camila's call. Already I can't stand where this is going so I end up counting the comb marks in his brylcreamed hair. Camila promises to marry him.  He tells her “Congratulations”, then to himself “I told you that you would be mine”.

Mariana and Margarito are eating soup prepared by Donatila.  They are “mmmm”ing it to the heavens.  Did anyone catch what kind of soup it was?  Donatila's Tomatillo?  Margarito spoils the meal by asking if Mariana is there to see Pig.  Poor Mariana dang near chokes on an avocado pit before answering that no, she's not ready for that yet.

Mariana and Margarito are joined by Sarita and walk through the grounds at El Tal.  They talk about how beautiful it is and hope it helps restore M's memory.  Pancho comes up and they introduce him to Mariana.  Suddenly Mariana gets an “I See Dead People” look and wants to explore further down the property. 

Rita, Rennie and Dr. Doh-mo are talking about Elvira being an asesina saying that if she did try to roast  Pig it would have been for his bacon. 

As proof that not all props are created equal, Gabe comes up carrying a huge door.  He's helping Pedro with some project, but gets a little testy after hearing that same old marriage lecture getting crammed down his throat.  Gabe is tired of everyone pressuring him.  After that huff, the guys do end up having a nice chat about love, Lucrecia, Santiago and the meaning of life. This is followed by a rest break in which they are sipping something in teeny tiny cups.  What is that?  Soy sauce?  Dairy creamer?  Sacrament water?  Fluoride rinse?

Angel is talking to Elvira.  She is hyper-ventilating. Armando comes in and rightfully rags at his mom that Camila has decided to sacrifice herself and marry Antonio.  Elvira's response:  Then I won't have to go to la carcel? 

Antonio's fake policia are still at the door.  Camila tries to calm her mom down. Elvira emerges to face the music as Antonio calls Dr. Doh-mo, who in turn calls the policia to end the threats.  All hear the radio call that this has all been a mistake.   The policia leave.  The kids are mad at her, but jocularity still ensues as Elvira is elated and giggling.

When Dr. Doh-mo hung up from Antonio, he told Renato that Antonio is crazy.  Lol.  He need look no further than the man in the yachting clothes and his pantsless “sobrina” / amante to stare crazy in the face.

Pig is pulling branches and plastic wrap off a tombstone.  (Okay, I am now 2 for 2 in recaps with tombstone scenes.) He drops a rose on the stone.  It reads “Para Mi Amor de Mi Vida”  “Matilde” .  Pig starts in on what trouble Matilde's daughter has caused him.  He should have killed Mariana so she could be with her mom.  She's not a good person.  Just like her dad.   Pancho interrupts telling Pig to hurry and hide, here comes Mariana!

Padre is at the court house talking to the social worker about the orphanage and Santiago.  Santiago will be the first kid at the orphanage, and the social worker is encouraging Padre to adopt him.  QTF?  
As he is leaving, our sway-backed Padre collides belly-button to private part with Lucrecia who is disguised as Cher.  Good thing Padre doesn't have an “outie”.  He does not recognize her...yet.   As if we wouldn't all recognize that cute butt of hers in those same painted on black pants.

Lu asks the desk clerk about Pedro.  She is shocked to hear he has been released. 

El Capitan is telling a guy (the investigator?), I don't know his name, we'll just call him “my next boyfriend”, that he wants surveillance set up at El Tal.  He is worried for Pedro's safety and knows the Negrete's are threats.

The kids are now letting Elvira have it for being so selfish and not caring about them.  Armando is so frustrated saying “and with Fabi going to Canada today what more could happen?”. I'll tell you what more could happen... Antonio could be at the door.  Camila answers and we get another “Hola Chula”.  He starts in with his threats, she says she hates him, he slips a ring on her finger, tries to kiss her hand, which she pulls away and the doorbell rings again.  This time it is Pedro.  Elvira blurts out “Camila is engaged”, Antonio says “we're getting married tomorrow” and Pedro has an incredulous look on his face. He says this is an absurd situation.

Pedro tries to get Camila to talk to him. 
    Pedro:  Were we a mistake?
    Antonio:  Hey, if my woman called you, it was cuz she's honest and wanted to tell you in person
    Camila:  Yes, that's why I called you. 
Pedro has a look like he's waiting for everyone to shout “April Fools” or “Punked”.  He says I'm not leaving til Camila tells me to.  Tell me what's going on?  Don't I deserve that?   Face it, Pedro, you are in a game of rhetorical fisticuffs with yourself.  Antonio is sneering and Bump on the Log Camila is standing there emotionally flaccid.  Finally Camila asks permission from Antonio to speak with Pedro.

Mariana presses on going deeper into El Tal property.  She is drawn to this area although it gives her the shivers.  She finds the grave.  “Quien fue Matilde”?  That was your mother, but she's buried at Fresno Cemetary.  I'm not sure who put this gravestone here.  Mariana smells the rose while Pig and Piglet spy.  

The primos are in a cafe.  Did you see the sandwiches in that place?  These boys sure do know how to nosh.  I want an Armando / Angel sandwich.  Not the sexual kind, mind you.  Especially with Armando in the mix.  Angel has an idea.  They know Antonio has evidence against Elvira.  If they can find out what it is, they can steal it.  Good idea! seconds Armando.

Back at El Tal, sipping tea, Mariana, Doma and Sarita are talking about the grave and move on to specualtions about what's up with Camila.  Sarita follows Mariana out to her car when she leaves and asks “A ti te gusta Pedro?”  Mariana says he's guapo, but not the man for me.  

Lurker Lu peeks out from behind the bushes, overhears this and rages back to her hideout.

Maria and Manuel are in the office talking about Elvira.  They share a sweet kiss.  They look like a snowman and snow woman kissing in their white medical coats.  (You do know how to tell the snow man from the snow lady, right?  By the snowballs.)

-The social worker tells Santiago they'll look for his mom in Mexico.
-F2 whines that she is miserable and it's all Camila's fault
-Padre gets on Gabe's case about living in sin

Avances:  Wedding preparations and Camila tells Mariana that she has to marry Antonio. 

Recap by Rosemary la Otra; posted by Blue Lass


Rosemary this was soo great. I am still laughing. Loved these lines:

Dr. Doh-mo and
Bump on the Log Cameela

If Pedro couldn't tell what was up with Cameela, HE IS AN ASSHAT. Really anyone could tell something wasn't right there. The tears, the not answering questions, for a galan he is awful dumb, especailly since he knows what the Beltbuckle is all about. And the Gasbag shaking her head at Cameela, if Cameela had any avacadoes she would have blurted out everything, problem solved.

I love El Capitan, and the investigator doesn't have a name. He is a new one, we haven't seen before. Very handsome, I must say. El Capitan is one of the sanest characters on El Tal.

The Pig is beyond crazy. I guess that is why the Beltbuckle and Lucrazy are crazy. He is trying to justify trying to kill Mariana. Too horrible. And that fake gravestone. Beyond crazy. Poor Panchito to have a crazy PaPa like that. Loved how he pulled him into the bushes and the way he tried to tell the Pig that Mariana really doesn't remember anything, and the way Pig was pulling his hair and calling him a liar. I tell you Pig doesn't deserve Panchito. Panchito is the only sane one of his children, although I agree he has bad personal habits lol.

Rita and Rennie what a pair lol. Rita had it right it was for the money El Viral did this.

I swear the Gasbag's face looks like a rat, that is looking for the cheese, especially when she was nodding her head behind Pedro.

Yeah, Army. He is keeping his avacadoes. Loved how he just stood up to the Gasbag and didn't back down. And now both those boys are going back for another jaunt at Alcatrash. I just hope they don't get caught.

Loved your title too Rosemary. It was perfect.

Oh, I want to know what kind of tea that was. Was it the lime tea that Gaviota drank in DA to calm her nerves? There were two teabags in that cup. Must be a strong cup of tea.

Thanks, Madelaine! I noticed there were 2 teabags. Hopefully it was our ever present Sleepytime. After the grave scene, she could use that.

I am forgetting who, could it have been Pedro?, but someone said they think C is marrying Antonio so he won't pin Lu's death on her.

Me likey the new investigator!

In an effort to get this to Blue for posting before it got too late, I did not proof read.

I know it is EL carcel, not la.

Antonio's *fake* police, not face police, although he probably has some of those too.

Rosemary you are right, someone said it about Lu but I can't remember who now. Don't worry about the typo's I do it all the time. lol. I used to be such a good speller, but sometimes I type too fast and end up with gobbeldegook and have to spell check or go over the recap at least twice.

Ha ha. "I don't know his name, we'll just call him 'my next boyfriend'..." Really; why are they introducing a hunky new character NOW? They must have noticed they have an extra female for the final pair-em-up. And here I was thinking we could fix Mariana up with Geno.

I changed "el cárcel" to "la cárcel" for you with the best possible intentions; if I'm wrong, you can darme una bofetada. :)

Oh, is it la? Then I have been saying it wrong this whole time. Oops! Lol

Lining Mariana up with Geno. Lol. At one point weren't we all speculating that Geno was a transvestite? She is a handsome woman. Mariana would be lucky.

Rosemary/Blue Lass

You've done it again, I can't stop laughing. I like Face Police, that's probably what they were.

So LooLoo Lucrazia showed up at the prison? Is that right? and what was she going to do, tell Pedro she's alive and that they will marry after Cam marries beltbuckle? How funny would that have been. I can see Pedro's face now, and yet he will defend her to someone else, while condemming Cam.

Cam's crying/nonanswering etc, I wonder if Blanca said I will stop talking to the end of this TN, everything I say is stupid, so let me just do facial expressions.

Mariana with a transvestite, how appropriate. We were waiting for something to happen on this TN, so why not.

I hope if Armando/Angel find the poison bottle, they make a sandwich of it and feed it to Elvira, that would clear up a lot.

May I ask in this crucial time, where is the smart one, Tia? What happened is she in that office 24/7 now? Did the writers realize she was a real person and decided she did not fit in this TN?

Blue Lass and Rosemary- I actually looked up carcel and it is la carcel. Geno already has a boyfriend Tomas. That new hunky *hawt* investigator would be nice for Mariana. She needs someone to love and protect her, especially if the Pig somehow survives.

Nellie-I too wonder what LuLu would have said to Pedro had she gotten in to see him. And why was she so pithed off after hearing Mariana say she liked him, but he wasn't for her? I think maybe she realized other women like him as much as she does, and she's "dead" now and can't do anything without showing she is alive.

Okay, I fixed the Face Police -- although the way Antonio goes around grabbing people, Face Police is probably exactly who they should call.

Yes, what WAS Lucrazy going to tell Pedro if she found him in the police station? It's not like you can just dash off once you're in that tete-a-tete cage. And if she doesn't want to be recognized, she might think about not wearing pants that are two sizes too small.

On my last comment I really should have said, about Pedro, and LuLu being mad, was other women besides Cameela.

Yeah, Pedro could have grabbed her in that cage, and said here is the crazy loca, told ya I didn't do it, lol.

Blue - I so appreciate you posting this late at night, and for fixing my errors. It seems so strange that carcel is feminine since it's usually guys who are locked up. In my mind it is a dirty, sweaty masculine word. If only Elvira could experience it! She'd have her orange government-issued headband.

Nellie - Loved "Blanca told them 'just let me do facial expressions'". Haha!

Tia made a brief appearance, long enough to kiss her Snowman. I wanted so bad for Camila to call her before making a decision. *That's* what she should have done.

Oh, also Nellie - still on your dream shower comment from a day or two ago. Did you see that the new Dallas will be starting pretty quick here on TNT? Are you watching?

That would have been classic, Madelaine, had Lu shown up while Pedro was being held for her murder. Also, I am hoping our hawt investigator protects and falls for Mariana. After what she's been through, she deserves that.

Thanks again, Blue, I hope you got where you were going without getting any mousse in your hair.

R la O

Blue Lass:

What a wonderful recap! My favs of today are:

"Rita, Rennie and Dr. Doh-mo are talking about Elvira being an asesina saying that if she did try to roast Pig it would have been for his bacon."

Priceless, La Azul. I am still giggling.

"After that huff, the guys do end up having a nice chat about love, Lucrecia, Santiago and the meaning of life. This is followed by a rest break in which they are sipping something in teeny tiny cups. What is that? Soy sauce? Dairy creamer? Sacrament water? Fluoride rinse?"

OMG, as Tracee would say. I cannot stop laughing.

Seriously, Blue, remind me of why we are no longer sharing recap duties over on the Pitt? You are brilliant and inspirational. Oh, You have other commitments? WELL!!! Hrumphhh. I guess I can wait for you to come back but it will not be easy.

Great job on the recap. I can't believe I am still watching this show, even if only occasionally. Arghh.



Rosemary La Otra:

I am so sorry, amiga, I mis-attributed the brilliance of this recap to our friend, Blue Lass.

It was you! I should have recognzed the humor—you nearly choked me with giggles. What a great job. You are making the end of this TN fun.

Miss you over at the Pitt.


Yes, well, I know I'm brilliant -- but I haven't been brilliant TODAY. ;}

Thanks EJ! What a compliment to be mistaken for that funny blue lady.

I am anxious to get home to see if the wedding happened. I wonder if he'll greet her at the end of the aisle with an Hola Chula?

Wouldn't we all be pleasantly surprised if Elviral said "Yes, I object to this wedding" when the official asks? I really hope after all this she still ends up in LA carcel.

Rosemary la O, thanks for another of your delightful recap. I especially was amused by:

"He need look no further than the man in the yachting clothes and his pantsless “sobrina” / amante to stare crazy in the face.?"

Very funny.

My favorite scene was the food laid out for the wedding... especially the beautiful fresh fruit. I wonder how much gets eaten? I trust that Pancho will at least get a few bites.

Madelaine, thanks for Monday's recap. Nicely done.


I wonder if the Pig moved Matilde's remains to a new resting place. Strange that this is the first time the ET people have noticed.


Ewww Carlos, I wouldn't be surprised if Pig did move poor Matilde out if Fresno. We've seen him digging a grave. Maybe it wasn't his first.

What if Antonio had chosen to dig it up for the bones? Then when Pig went to visit, she'd be exhumed. This could have been a horrid plot line.

Antonio never ended up planting any bones on the shed, did he?

Hooray for Rosemary--this is just getting more and more bizarre and absurdo.

Yeah, they just left us hanging when the Ant went out for his midnight walk in the garden with a shovel.

Also, I don't think the Pig would have dirtied his hands digging up Matilde's coffin. This was a secret shrine he built to his beloved (no dates on the slab) that he could visit and mourn privately. Do the writers really think we will soften our impression of this ogre just because he says Matilde was the only woman I ever loved in my life?


Soften to a guy who stands at the grave of his Amor de Su Vida and states he should have killed her awful daughter? I think not.

R la O - this was fabulous. You have such a wonderful sense of humor. Though these stupid writers continue to make bad decisions, you and our other recappers continue to make me smile.

And yes, its way too late to make the Pig seem sympathetic.

Thanks, Karen. Sometimes I feel bad for Antonio, especially with that shattered look we occasionally glimpse, and sometimes I feel bad for Valentine cuz he does have a soft side, but never the Pig. I want him to swallow those poison pills. Then choke on them.

Did the wedding happen today?

R la O, what a hilarious recap. I laughed hard at the snowball joke. So random and hilarious. Snowballs in Fresno? I like your boyfriend the new inspector.

I say No sympathy to the Pig!!

Mariana's two-bag tea must be either Sleepytime or the ubiquitous telenovela Te de Tila.

R la O, I think it's a crying shame that your recapping career will be cut short when this green mess ends. I hope you decide to continue on another telenovela.

R la Ooooo:

When the Cap'n speaks, people listen. You gotta keep recapping dear, you have talent. Are you going to take a peek at Gabriel Soto? He looks like a blonde Mexican surfer dude, but with more muscles.

You might be tempted. (Siren song plays in the background.)


Anita with a capital A

Whomever had the poor taste to tell you (over on our sister station) that you were too detailed never read FUG or your compilations on CME.

Hrmphh. Some of us remember your contributions! Thank you for your remarkable memory.



What? Did someone tell Anita she was too detailed? How rude and wrong.

I like Anita's description of El Tal, bizarre and absurdo. It certainly is. I'm still thinking of that scene with Tonio wandering through the graveyard and then nothing coming of it. Maybe he *and* the writers were drunk and they ALL forgot the scene.

R la O, nope no wedding. It supposedly is happening tomorrow but I keep holding onto the (false) hope the wedding will be stopped.

If Cami gets married, I hope the gasbag goes to jail anyway.

Anita just ignore those who don't appreciate you. We know you are a wonderful reporter with a wicked sense of humor.

R la O, just got back from my meeting and wanted to pile onto the general kudos. Loved your recap from tip to toe, starting with HOLA CHULA and ending with snowballs.

Other faves:

“Suddenly Mariana gets an ‘I See Dead People’ look…”

“What is that? Soy sauce? Dairy creamer? Sacrament water? Fluoride rinse?”

“Okay, I am now 2 for 2 in recaps with tombstone scenes.”

“Our sway-backed Padre collides belly-button to private part with Lucrecia who is disguised as Cher. Good thing Padre doesn't have an ‘outie’.”

“I want an Armando / Angel sandwich. Not the sexual kind, mind you. Especially with Armando in the mix.”

“Face it, Pedro, you are in a game of rhetorical fisticuffs with yourself.”

You simply must not deny your gifts to the Caray readership. I understand EJ has half a shift available over at La Ermita…

QTF? Someone was negative to Anita? Our Editor of FUG, greeter at El*Tal, empresaria of The Emporium, Sultan of Swing, Great Bambino? You pay them no-never-mind, Girl. You are our Anita and you musn't change one feather in your hair.

Thanks for the accolades, Amigas! Can't think about another recap right now, especially a 2 hour one, but would love to be considered in the future.

R la O

For the person who said something negative to Anita, I'd like to invite them for a walk in the avocado orchards, right next to that big hole that Pigorio dug. Or maybe send them out for a ride on Renato's yate. Or how about an underwater tour of a little cenote I know? Harrumph!! We'll send Antonio over with his whiskey and he can squeeze their face until they squeal.

Thank you for all the kind words. It just took a little time to get over the smarting--it didn't come from one of the regulars, suffice it to say.

On to more fun things. I had a Little Pig sighting!!!!

Someone gave us a link over on LQNPA to Jorge Salinas in Maria Isabel. He was young and sassy and was wearing black. It's a 1997 Carla Estrada production, so I started watching it (yeah, I know for Jorge, who plays someone named Ruben).

Well, lo and behold, I was confronted earlier tonight in an episod long after Jorge left the scene, with a skinnier, but still long-haired, black leather-wearing dude that had some very familiar mannerisms and voice. It just has to be our Little Pig.

If anyone wants *another* tn to watch on YouTube, this one is very appealing--Adela Noriega, Fernando Carrillo, and for a very short time, a young, tame-haired, belly button-covered, Susana Gonzales. The poster I like is named Paatiitha.

Anita- I also can't believe someone had the nerve to be mean to you!

I watched Maria Isabel. It just finished a run on Telemundo int he mornings and I recorded it. I noticed young Jorge, young Valentino Lanus, and young Piglet (who was also a main character in Dinero), among others. Maria Isabel made me grateful for the sometimes dense telenovela galans of today, versus the absolute pigs called galans of yesteryear.

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