Tuesday, May 29, 2012

El Talismán #84 Mon 5/28/12 The Wedding Night From Hell or Look Who's Hungry

Recap by: Anita

None of the names have been changed to protect the guilty.

El Rewound - Antonio is menacing Camila with a forcible consummation of their marriage...why won't she submit to him. He's her husband now. He's Hungry for Camila. They continue the argument they started on Friday. She reminds him that he obligated her. Doesn't she understand he luuuurves her and adores her? He'll never hurt her. Camila retorts, he forced her into this marriage and now wants to bed her-he's ruined her life-never, she swears. Ant hisses through his teeth-all because of ese Indio-she can't stop thinking of him, right? He follows up with , Wait For It,-You are going to be MIA.

Santiago is Hungry. The sad folks at El Tal are in the kitchen trying to make the best of a bad situation. Food will comfort them, Pedro is sad and not Hungry. The only ray of hope is that they are sure they'll find Santiago's mom (and she can cook up a storm, according to the half-pint). >>FF

El New -Over at El Alkietrash, Alberta and Florencia are walking down the hallway. Flo hears screaming coming from the honeymoon suite. It's Camila trying to fend off Antonio. She's sure something is wrong. Alberta reassures her that it's probably only a lover's spat, reminding her that Camila didn't marry the Man in the Beltbuckle for love. Flo thinks this is different, but Alberta persuades her to leave the two lovebirds alone. (The only reason I think Alberta didn't interfere is that her job is on the line. If Flo gets dispatched to an internado, her dusting, gossiping and sweeping days at El-Al will be over, to say nothing of her paycheck.)

The Wedding Night From Hell continues for Camila. She is resisting with all her might-she's never going to let him have his way. He's on top of her now and Antonio is sure that eventually she'll fall in love with him. He tries to eat her neck. Then her lips.

Miracle of Miracles, Antonio's struggles with Camila come to a merciful end. After trying to get her to kiss him (spread her legs, etc.), he gives up, as Camila turns into a dry, limp rag. What a gentleman he turns out to be. He departs in digust-thwarted, yet maybe (IMHO) a bit proud that he is not the abuser everyone thinks he is (well at least he himself thinks that-don't ask the ladies he's been with lately). Frustration is written all over his face.

Next there is a glimpse of Doris tossing and turning in El Piggo's bed while he sleeps. Dam*, she's  Hungry  for El Alcatraz, but the thought of El Piggo being her meal ticket makes her gag. How she wishes she could have a man for love. She gets up to get a breath of stale El Trashy air, that is still smelling of booze, cigars and leftovers.  

Antonio is Hungry for sex, any kind, with any body and voila, who is prowling the hallway, but his reviled ex-wife. They sort of bump into each other, not in a nice way. They exchange words first. Doris serves-is your new wife tired of you already? Antonio volleys with a big Callate for her cheeky insolence. She lobs another one-so it's true, then, she threw you out-and here the two of us are so good in bed. These words are followed by grabs, gropes, and a rush to the living room to disrobe and fall on the floor behind a counterfeit Tiffany lamp, in a passionate (?) embrace. (Viewerville is left to imagine that some humping ensues that will satisfy both of their hungers.)

Camila has escaped the worst night of her life relatively unscathed, but scared for any future encounters. She just has to find a way to avoid her mother being sent to prison, but she doesn't want another night like this one. How much more can she stand. She pleads with the Virgencita to help her. Then she recalls her night (or nights) with Pedro and how it feels to make love with the man you love.

Lucrecia is still holed up in the cabana. She is just plain Hungry. Valentin shows up with a take-out from the Only Take-Out in Fresno (What?? There were no leftovers from the reception he could have brought her?). She greets him as if nothing had happened earlier that day, but does take a moment to aplogize. She's also Hungry for company. Valentin complies and listens, probably not too attentively while Lulu brags about her encounter with Mariana and the 1-2 punches she gave her. Valentin cautions her to be careful. Lulu hopes this nightmare will all be over soon so she can go back to the land of the living. She hates being dead.

Flo and Alberta are still together back in Flo's room. Flo is mulling over the fact that her dad is not the person she thought he was. Alberta cheers her up-think of something nice-and that would be Angel. She melts.

Army and Angel are back home, out of theri wedding garb and sitting around casually in jeans and sports shirts. These boys are always Hungry , but they settle for something non-alcoholic to drink. Angel is on the phone with Maria. Apparently she's not coming home for dinner. She has a date with Manuel. Angel tells her to have fun. Then the boys start to talk about Tia's new happiness. However, the conversation comes back to what a witch Elvira is. Army can't stand her - look what she did to Camila.

Scene with Santiago in the kitchen again. He's still Hungry , working on pie. Pedro is still sad, day-dreaming the same recuerdos of love that Camila was having. >>FF.

Don Greggorio, meanwhile, is having a terrible bad night. He's Hungry for freedom from this bad dream of being locked up in jail with the Not-So-Giant Beltbuckle mocking him through the bars that it's life in prison for him. He's upset that Doris is gone from his bed. He gets worked up about Mariana. He's Hungry to get rid of her. All this anxiety is just killing him.

Doris and said Buckle finish up their floor exercises. Doris is in a gleeful mood-just look at what your wife missed out on. Fijate, you always end up with me. She gets another Callate for her musings. Doris comes right back with, it's odd that you weren't able to make Camila, Wait For It, MIA on your wedding night. Ant's excuse was that Camila really wasn't feeling well; she fainted at the ceremony. Yes, Doris heard about that, but strange, don't you think; it shouldn't have kept her from making love with her husband on her wedding night. So, ha-ha, your wife doesn't love you. He starts to give her a catchetada to the right cheek but Doris stops him-you do and everyone will know that you weren't with your wife last night. In a post-coital fury, Antonio stalks out. Guess WHO is watching from around the corner? It's Panchito.

Doris exits to return to El Piggo's bedroom and runs into Panchito, still watching. He's Hungry to be the Next 007 or Agent 86. He actually puts 1+1 together to note they both emerged from the same room, rather disheveled. Caught in this semi-compromising position, Doris tries to weasel out, but Panchito is too astute and calls her on it. Don G is not going to like this when he finds out about it, he crows. He knows she was with Antonio. Doris mulls it over-quickly, mind you, Ok, how much money does he want to keep quiet?

Mariana, now staying at El-Tal in her old bedroom, is also having a terrible bad night. First she relives (and we have to, too), the boffetadas from the Ghost of Fresno Past telling her to stay away from Pedro. Then she begins to dream of her desire to be married to Pedro. That's enough to wake her up with a start. The last thing she wants is to betray Pedro and Camila. She's Hungry for the truth about her real past. Pedro hears her and walks into the bedroom, but she tries to send him away. He's freaked by her emotional state and is sure she's having another crisis. Pedro tells Padre he thinks Mariana is worse and Padre thinks that maybe having her commiteed is the answer.

Now it's Tracy who gets a close-up of Panchito and Doris negotiating in the hallway, but doesn't hear the details. She's bringing a tray of some kind of merienda for Camila and enters, while Camila is thinking it might be The Ant coming back for another crumb from her picnic table. She's not Hungry. She shares with Tracy that she avoided "stuff happening" but how long can she possibly hold out. There, there, comforts Tracy, she'll help her find that vial of poison in the morning, ok?

Another scene back at Tia's apartment. This time it's Elvira and the boys sitting at the dinner table. The boys are Hungry all the time (as if the reception food wasn't enough). Elvira wants to know why they are so quiet. Army says, what does she think they should talk about:

1) Camila spending her wedding night with someone she detests, or

2) How happy Elvira is that Camila scarificed herself so she wouldn't go to jail.

Maria and Manuel are having a romantic dinner together at a very nice restaurant (probably not in Fresno). They are only Hungry for each other. Their soiree is interrupted by a cell phone call from an anxious Pedro. Manuel needs to come right quick, Mariana is worse (IMHO, she seemed perfectly fine, she wanted to be left alone and wouldn't tell Pedro what was troubling her.) Mariana is appealing to the Virgencita (The Sainted Lady is certainly busy tonight) to help her. The more Mariana tries to convince herself she doesn't want to have impure thoughts about Pedro, the less she seems able to resist them--she wants to be with him.

Time has passed, but Panchito and Doris are still arguing over money or tattletales. It's not a matter of money, he claims, it's a matter of wanting Don G to be happy, understand? Doris reasons with him. If he tells, it could cause Don G to have a heart attack and die. Doris puts this thought in his head, if he loves him so much, he wouldn't want him to die, right? Hmm, Panchito's thought process is stuck on Pause. He'll have to think about it. He leaves the scene.

Doris starts to re-enter the Master's Bedroom when Tracy comes upon her. Doris explains that the Don was having a bad night and she was going to fetch him some medicine. (Uh-huh, thinks Tracy to herself.) Once she's gone, Doris hastily does a 180 and heads for her old bedroom, now the New Missus' Bedroom. She gets all up in Camila's face about her robbing her of not only her husband, but her bedroom, too.

Doris wants Camila OUT of El-Alca, tout de suite. When Camila tells her she can't, she wants to know Why The Hell did you marry him, anyway. She answers her own question. If he obligated her, there must be blackmail involved. Well, she says, in any case the two of them cannot live under the same roof. In the one piece of good advice heard today, Doris tells her to leave; leave before she turns into one of them--a Negrete. She speaks from experience; que disfrutas de mi cama (enjoy my bed-but don't think that included her ex-husband).

We cut away to el Major (Doctor) Dummo, talking to Doc-Not II, that he's been contracted to do another well-paying dirty job--perform an abortion ASAP, before the mother-to-be realizes she's pregnant. It's very early in the pregnanacy--about three weeks. Well, ok, Doc-Not II decides, rubbing his hands together, in that case, he can do it., but why does the husband want to get rid of it. The obvious answer, it's not his.

Padre and Pedro talk. Pedro is convinced Camila *must* have had a reason for doing what she's done. >>FF (only because it repeats what we already know). Pedro can't stand the idea of Antonio and Camila together. Padre suggests changing the subject. He suggests talking about Camila as a victim. Victim? Pedro wonders why.

Manuel and Maria show up at El Tal. Manuel is now positive Mariana is exhibiting symptions of Multiple Personality Disorder. He goes up to see her. Mariana, in full control of her capacities is going over events. She doesn't *want* to remember her past. Her fear is coming from inside, fears everywhere, including the fear that Manuel will leave her. He assures her that will never happen. Manuel tries again, she must learn what provoked the loss of her child. Mariana points out that she's lived three different lives (watch out, Mariana, this is only fuel for Manuel's fire)-- 1) as Mariana,; 2) as a homeless beggar on the streets of LA; 3) as Magaly after being rescued by Manuel and his wife. How on earth can she confront her past? Manuel says more therapy. Mariana says he makes it sound so easy.

Meanwhile downstairs, Pedro and Maria talk. She thinks Pedro must be incomodo with her presence in the house (she, a close Elvira-Camila relative). It won't do any good--or bad; as far as he's concerned, *everything* reminds him of Camila. She tells him that she hopes someday, he'll find out all the reasons why this happened to him. Pedro wonders out loud what she meant by this. Pedro suspects that Padre knows, but won't tell. Maria heads upstairs and the two men go to the kitchen to have some tea.

Mariana, in full control of her faculties, has a sensible conversation with Maria about her finding Manuel again and how happy she is for them they reconnected. Maria wonders if Mariana shouldn't go back to Manuel's apartment, in case she goes through another crisis. Mariana thinks it's better to stay put and try to control her dreams.

Tracy is back to talk to Camila. She wants to help. Camila doesn't think anyone can help her. This night has been worse than hell. Antonio left the room in a snit and she's afraid he'll come back and really mean the business end below the Beltbuckle. Tracy then mentions that she looks a little pale. Well, of course she would, after all the upset she's been through, even her stomach has been turning somersaults. This is someone who is NOT Hungry, for sure.

Bro finally remembers Sis and goes for a visit. He realizes that if he's going to win Camila over, he's going to have to give her time. Sissy wants to know why doesn't he take her away from here, go on a real honeymoon, take a cruise. Uh-uh, no can do, because Don G will take advantage of the situation in his absence to try something against them. Lulu thinks that while Bro is trying to woo her, Camila will escape to rendezvous with Pedro. Antonio swears it's never going to happen. First he'd kill her before letting her be with ese Indio. Lucrazzy is ok with him killing her right pronto. No, Antonio is going to make sure she is vigilada (watched) so she can't set foot outside the house. Like a prisoner? How is he going to accomplish that, asks Lucrecia. Easy-peasy; he's going to make her think she's really sick so she'll have to stay in bed. And that is why, she insists on knowing? Camila is preggers. Lulu freaks *out*. That Bruja (witch) managed to conseguir (get) what Lulu couldn't lograr (achieve). Pedro can't find out. From the look on her face, no one should be surprised if she takes matters into her own hands.

Avances: Don G and Pedro, out riding on horseback, in the middle of the night. A shot rings out--we see Don G with a shotgun (or rifle, whatever) and Pedro is hit (probably a flesh wound to the shoulder). Will this be enough to embolden Camila to disobey Antonio and rush to Pedro's side? Tracy, girl, get hoppin' this is your opportunity to help--everything depends on you finding out about the shooting and letting Camila know (well, this last scene didn't happen in the avances, but it Should). Tune in tomorrow for another exciting hour presented by Cool-Ade Beanie-Time.


Ok the recap is up now. It was really funny, Anita. Loved the Advances line of Cool Aid Beanie Time lol.

So sorry, folks, one paragraph is out of place. Obviously Doris didn't have her grapple on the floor with the Ant before she stirred out of bed. Porfavor, disculpeme.

Thank you Madelaine for posting.

I fixed the paragraph Anita and now it is in order. Sorry it took me so long.

Also, I meant to say in the last line, Tracy, girl, get hoppin' etc.

Muchas gracias, that reads much better. Hope you all enjoy the recap along with your coffee tomorrow.

Thanks, Anita:
Looks like nothing has changed in Freesnow. I had to put extra batteries in Emilia's beanie just to get through your very well done recap! Thank you for doing this.

Call me confused...but Camila is preggers and just WHO is scheming to perform an abortion? I do not get it.


EJ Cameela is preggers by Pedro. The Beltbuckle is assuming she is preggers cause she fainted at the wedding ceremony. There is another doc that lost his liscence named Raimundo, who is going to perform an abortion on her, even though they don't know for sure if she is preggers. The doc, that lost his liscense, Jaime, was the major domo for Oscar.

Anita, I fixed the get hoppin' line.

Anita thanks for your recap. Your hungry theme was great. So glad there were no rapes to read or see.

At least the Prince of Darkness is trying something "new." Has anyone seen a TN with a sneak abortion? I thought that's what stairs are for as well as being convenient assistants to murderers.

Poor Mariana. If they put her in the manicomio, she needs to take out the Negretes and Manuel when she's released.

EJ--Antonio is basing his actions on the information Doc-Domo (aka Jaime) gave him after he examined Camila when she fainted. That doc thought she might be pregnant, but they would have to do tests to be sure. Antonio refused to let her go to the hospital because they hadn't finished the marriage ceremony.

Later he said in no way is this chamaco/esquincle going to be born (surmising correctly that if she is pregnant, it's ese Indio's chamaco). He asked Doc Jaime to do the abortion, but he wouldn't--but said he could find someone who could So, the Beltbuckle is the one paying for the services of Doc-Not II (aka as Raimondo--thxs Madelaine, I'd forgotten his name).

Bueno--Todo Claro?

Anita, I do so enjoy your recaps. I'm glad you got less busy so that you could come back for the Ultimos Capitulos of this hot mess.

Possibly best quote of the episode: "She hates being dead." Just. Hilarious.

Anita, I loved "Panchito's thought process is stuck on Pause." (As it so often is.) That pretty much sums up our booger boy.

Good Lord, could they have found a creepier looking actor to play Doc-Not II? Answer: No. That guy was giving me goose bumps. And by the way, this story line about the sneak abortion is absolutely demented. I'm trying to imagine the writers sitting around, brainstorming to come up with a plot line that "saves the day" for El Tal. An abortion of any type would probably not be high on my list, least of all a sneak attack variety.

I wonder how long it's going to take Lucrazia and Antonio to figure out that they are not exactly on the same side? He wants the love of her life dead and she wishes the same for his. They are deliciously demented.

Thanks again Anita. You are one funny lady.

Oh, and thank you Madelaine for posting and working through the technical difficulties. You have been super about staying on top of all the guacamole and raisins.

Yes, Karen, THAT'S WHAT STAIRS ARE FOR. Get with the program, writers!

Anita, love your turn of phrase. I really liked the way you described the wedding night from hell. You know I never thought he would give up. I am glad he did. Poor Cameela. And you are right about Lucrazy. She'd get to Cameela before Raimundo could.

I like what you said about Panchito. He is on pause, but at least he can put 1+1 together, unlike Pedro who couldn't add, if his life depended on it. First Padre gives him a big clue and then Maria too, but he still doesn't get it.

Poor Mariana, I hope they don't committ her. She so doesn't deserve that after all she has been through already. Being at El Tal right now really isn't good for her, just look at the dreams the Pig is having.

I can't beleive Valentin delivered food to the crazy one, and then actually sat down and talked to her. If I were him, I wouldn't have left the doorway. I would have given her her food and fled lol.

Blue Lass- with you about the stairs. Maybe the stairs are going out of fashion? lol.

Thanks Anita for such a thorough and thoroughly entertaining recap. Well done.

I especially appreciate this today since the CCs were virtually useless yesterday... absent a great deal of the time and when present they rarely made sense. I even tried the English CCs for a bit and they were just as bad.

You have many good lines but I think my fave is:

"Hmm, Panchito's thought process is stuck on Pause."

That seems to happen a lot.

I was intrigued by the the medical talk between our "almost Dr.s". I was doubting that I was hearing correctly (did I mention the terrible CCs?) but you confirmed it:

"...another well-paying dirty job--perform an abortion ASAP, before the mother-to-be realizes she's pregnant."

I can't wait to see how he pulls this off.


Possibly best quote of the episode: "She hates being dead."

And of course, who wouldn't?

Thanks again Anita, you left me hungry for more.


Thanks, Anita! And you're right -- what a bunch of piggy brats. Oddly, now *I'm* hungry.

Like Carlos, I had a wild ride with my Spanish subtitles last night. I think they plugged something into the wrong outlet -- at one point the captions said "Quebec" and at another "Boris Becker." They can't possibly be bringing Boris in from Canada, can they? PLEASE MAKE IT STOP.

Thanks, Anita! Love your Hunger Games. Glad someone got the meaning of this through the jumbled CC's.

Maybe Boris Becker in Canada is Fabi's new love interest. lol

I agree with Carlos. Your "She hates being dead" was a kick. Also "floor exercises", "no leftovers?" and "Next 007 or Agent 86". Delightful from beginning to end.

R la O

Anita, I can't believe I didn't comment on the ongoing Hunger theme. What a great idea and it fits these characters perfectly. R la O, it certainly is the Hunger Games, but scarier, lol!

Fave turns of phrase from today: "bofetadas from the Ghost of Fresno Past," "the business end below the Beltbuckle," and, of course, "Cool-Ade Beanie-Time." I think maybe we need some Crema de Cool-Ade Beanie to rub all over ourselves.

Anita- I too liked your Hunger theme lol. But I haven't read the Hunger Games, so I just assumed it had to do with Hunger for different things lol.

Gracias, todos for letting me entertain you for a spell.

Blue Lass--I would only use the Crema if it is guaranteed to repel Ants and Beltbuckles.

EJ--I meant to comment on your lovely leg picture, poised over that turquoise limpid pool. Is that from your Fresno collection?

No, there was no connection to Hunger Games, something I would not be interested in seeing. It *was* just hunger for different things. But you all are free to your own interpretations, tee hee.

Anita, I was just making a play on words. As violent as El Tal is, it does not come close to Hunger Games! However, I did love the book and show.

I want to give kudos to Mariana for knowing to wash her face before going to bed. Contrast that with Doris who walks out in the hall with full makeup and traces of glitter on her cheeks.

Thanks for the hilarious Intrepid Reporting, Anita! And I do mean intrepid...I was watching the wedding night scene through my fingers, fearing the worst. Who knew playing dead would work? But I'm glad it did.

It was horrifying enough, but as always with this show, there was an element of humor there. Can Antonio not hear himself? "You are MINE! I own you! If you don't surrender I will send your mama to prison! Also I will grab you and shove you around! Now why don't you love me?!?!" Gee, Skippy, with seduction moves like that, it's a mystery.

I wonder if Fabi is ever coming back or if the actress bailed on the show.

Dear Anita:
Thank you dear, for commenting on my new avatar. This all came from a challenge and urging from RlO and Blue Lass over on the Abismo thread this last weekend.

The photo is taken in California, about 250 miles from Freesnow, at my own cement cenote, a somewhat sterile type of limpid pool that is quite popular here.

Madelaine, I do not knw how you have done it. Thank you for keeping the good ship ElTal afloat. What a voyage she has had.

Thanks for the clarification, Madelaine and Anita. I knew Pedro was the proud Papa, but I just could not figure out the sneak attack abortion plot. Really, writers? That is despicable.


Julia - I predict Fabi will show up from Canada visibly pregnant by Armando. It is odd that she is just.... gone. Like she's taken up residence with Rennie and Rita.

Fabi pregnant would surely make for some finale-week-level drama when Antonio got wind of it. I am really curious about what will become of him. He is so warped. It is becoming more and more apparent that he has absolutely no idea what love means or how to even fake it. He's been raised by the horrid Pig and spent most of his time with Doris and Lucrazy, who both get off on being abused.

Angel needs to kick it into gear. As much as I enjoy the little barbs he throws at Evilra, he needs to put a little more effort into saving his damsel in distress cousin, since she apparently won't save herself and Tracy will probably just get herself fired trying, bless her heart.

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