Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #261-262 Tue 5/22/12 revenge of the Amazon Barbie

Yes folks, we've reached the penultimo of the ultimos capitulos, and things are getting real.

The curtains rise on Tomas fruitlessly searching Violeta's place for the poison, but finding only a safe full of wadded-up and crumpled bills. Bitter words fly between the two.

Meanwhile, Pancho is busily turning the other cheek and attempting to offer his assistance to a be-frazzled Vins. His outfit is rumpled, he needs a shave, and he's pounding down his "mi whiskis" like there's no tomorrow. Pancho chides the man for hiding in alcohol, and Vins, who looks like a total train-wreck, protests that this way he still retains a shred of dignity. Sorry bro, that ship has sailed. As if *trying* to separate himself from that last shard of dignity, Vins goes on to blame everything that has gone wrong since the novela started on Fernanda and Pancho. If *he'd* been president, he would still be happily married to Pina (as if), and everything would've been just peachy. Pancho says there's still time to change. Vins smashes his whiski glass in anger (the first of several, this episode), Pancho exits, and Vins wonders aloud whether Pancho had a point.

Pina is gushing to Arnie about all the luscious foreign fabrics that she will include in her wedding (it's like nobody, not even the writers, believes he's straight) when Raymondo appears, begging a word with his beloved Mr. Flowers. He admits to giving Arnold all those gifts and kisses him on the cheek. Arnie looks shocked, and that's all we get on this subplot for today. My mom made a good point, that usually the last day of a novela has lots of weddings, but most of the characters are married already. Maybe Arnie and Raymondo will tie the knot tomorrow and beef up the wedding count...

Monica and Pepe go to Chela and Rebe, respectively. Both are spilling the beans about Moni's pregnancy, but Monica is teary-eyed and Pepe is ecstatic! Apparently, Monica is thinking about an abortion, and both conversations revolve around this reality. Both women are holding babies, which I thought was a funny counterpoint to the abortion discussion. Rebe says that Pepe shouldn't tell his girl what to do, but rather support her in everything.

Pancho takes his Vins worries to Pancho, and she is rather horrified to hear that her ex would rather die than see her marry Sebastian.

Fred and Ana are enjoying their honeymoon (I guess they got over that whole I-only-got-close-to-you-to-find-evidence-your-dad-is-a-criminal thing pretty quickly), but Pancho calls to tell Fred what bad shape Vice is in and ask him to come back and talk to him. Then Pancho goes to the convent to see if he can talk Candi out of the whole nun thing (Candi: "I had to come here to get peace and think and relax and sort out my life." Pancho: "couldn't you do that in Hawaii?"). Failing that, he tells her what bad shape her ex is in and begs her to come try to redeem him somehow. She gets permission to leave the convent to go help the family (Sister superior is kind of funny - "so.... you will leave the nunnery to go to the guy who made you so miserable you came here? really?"). Fred tries to get his Dad (who is muttering about the Lopez and their "labyrinth of mediocrity") to at least stop drinking and let him help. Vins is spiteful and tells him he *was* his father but no longer. Fred doesn't give up, works up some tears, and tells vins that he used to be his idol. We'll fight together, pops. They are going to go to rehab in the morning, I think. Most of the Lopez kids come up to gawp at Monica and cheer about the baby on the way (she decided against the abortion). I see that Temo has FINALLY combed his hair. Enzo gets a little wacko/manic when he hears about the baby. Maybe he's getting crazier because Chela won't sleep with him. Meanwhile (sorry for the repetition, but what better word is there for a novela transition?), Violeta's evil-voice-in-her-head is getting a little more insistent, and it congratulates her for her plan to hurt Tomas' wife. For his part, Tomas is with the cops and the body of Violeta's latest victim, who I think is the hapless dude who told crazy Amazon barbie where to find Lupita. Then there is a really weird scene with Chacho, who appears to have won a blue car. Pancho is happy for him, there's some awkwardness about witnesses and signing for the car, and then Chacho honks and drives off into the sunset. Talk about random, yeah?

Pancho drops Lupita off at la guarderia, but sees Violeta going after her. Pancho leaps into action, running out and sending everyone away so he can have a little confrontation with crazy-babe. For her part, she struggles with her inner eviler-self (who wants to kill Pancho) and satisfies herself with merely threatening him and storming off. Tomas shows up with some cops to console Lupita. They kiss, and Pancho covers his eyes.

The next morning, Vins sees Pina's engagement announcement in the paper, smashes another whiski glass, and sets off to do something bad.

Pina borrows Sebastian's Avon car for her ride home (I wonder if a manly-man like Sebastian was embarrassed about driving a car with a huge cosmetics logo on the hood?). Thinking it's Sebastian in the car, an already-drunk Vins gives chase! Neither of them is driving particularly safely; she's texting and he's smashed. He rams her off the road and her car tumbles down the hill, lands upside-down, and bursts into flames (well, a little bit of flames)!!!!!

Pina survives (and even crawls out of the car), but she's a mess. The makeup team did a doozy of a job here, with blood all over her face and goozing out of her mouth. There's a quick cut to Vins' car at the top of the hill, and then Pina's car *really* explodes. There's some needless suspense here drawn out over a commercial break, but what happened is that Vins realized what he'd done, dragged her clear of the wreck (I laughed when he saw her, oozing blood and battered, and asked "are you ok?"), bawled over her for a bit, and then called the ambulance.

Fred and Candi both arrive at Vins' house to save him from himself (on Pancho's urging), to find it empty. They see the shattered glass and the newspaper open to the engagement page and rush off to get Pancho. They all pile into La Burra and head off in search of Pina. They find a morose Vins and yell at him. Fred is the maddest, but Vins just tells him he's not worth the waste of his son's time. Fred tells his Dad that he will never ever ever forgive him for this. The gang (except Vins) head off for some more hospital scenes.

Pina is clearly getting tired of people asking her if she's ok. When Ana asks, Pina says sarcastically "supers bien." Glad she kept her sense of humor.

At his place, Pepe finds a mysterious note from Moni, explaining that she's left to do something important for her family. In fact, she has gone to barbie's den, to tell her to leave everyone alone. It's funny, because Monica doesn't even come up to her Amazon mom's shoulder. She doesn't have much luck with the "please leave me alone" gambit, and her mom just says that she's sick of all those nacos, so Monica pulls the pregnancy card. She doesn't get good results. Violeta tells her she should abort it, just like Violeta had tried to do to Monica. "I didn't want you, and I don't want a grandson." But Monica doesn't lose it until her mom insults Enzo. Then she slaps her mom, who seems to smack her with a wine glass. Great chat, mom! Pancho and Enzo arrive and are, in turn, insulted: "vulgarcitos." Monica lets them know that Violeta has already admitted to two murders. Pancho: "who else?" After they leave, her evil voice says "they'll all die." Does she even have enough poison?

One of the gags of this episode is that, whenever someone sees Candi in a habit, they freak out and ask REALLY? Ana now tries to talk her aunt out of it, to no avail.

Pina, on her hospital bed, admits to Fred that she has some regrets. She tells her son how proud she is of him for staying strong even when he disagreed with her (like with Ana, and when he sticks up for his dad).

Speaking of the man who put the VICE in Vicente, he's in baaaad shape. He's swilling cheap tequila and swerving back and forth in his Mercedes. He stops the car in the middle of the door, exits, and stumbles to a halt in some random neighborhood. He slumps against a concrete wall and starts shivering. A dog trots up and--get this--he hugs it! Some dude walking by sees the drunk hugging a dog and drops a coin by Vins' feet. Pathetic.

At the hospital, Pina is back on her feet. She sure has bounced back fast, given how recently she was oozing pints of blood out of her mouth alone. Pancho: You look great... ready for the triathlon? Pina: more like a bubble bath.

Tomas, on the line with interpol, has discovered that the poison is - duh duh DUH!- French. His counterparts across the pond will begin searching for the person who made it.

Meanwhile (there it is again), Violeta is scheming. She delivers the final words of the episode: Tonight will be *unforgettable*!


Great final recap Ezra (or are you also doing tomorrow's?).

Wow! Vice has really sunk to new lows. I still wish he were the one having to deal with Violenta, since he set that monster loose on the world. Instead, everybody else has to deal with her. She has hired some goons and it looks like they are surrounding the Lopez compound.

A few clarifications: Moni was NEVER considering abortion. She was just freaking about about whether she could actually be a good mom. Chela gave her a pretty good pep talk that made her feel better and that she would be supported. And it was Pepe who went to the hotel with Enzzo, not Pancho.

I do agree with you that no sex and no food are making Enzzo a bit punchy. Chela, Moni and Pepe were looking at him like he was crazy when he was so excited about his grandchild.

It's funny how everyone can't believe their eyes when they see Nun Candy. But it was nice to see Freddy and Candy working together, and him even letting her comfort him after Pina's accident. Looks like they are past their issues with each other.

As for final weddings-- wel of course we have to see Pina and Sebas tie the knot, especially after all this. Lupe and Tomas aren't married, but they may be waiting till she finishes school. Pepe and Moni aren't married, but they have a baby on the way. Sandra and Chacho aren't married either, and their trying to have a baby. We may not get any more weddings other than Pina's.

Thank you so much Ezra for this great recap. Oh, Vice has hit rock bottom. I couldn't beleive he was trying to kill Sebas. Instead he almost killed Pina! Why didn't the police arrest his asshat I'd like to know. He must have been reeking of alcohol.

Viletta is just horrible. Instead of going to the manicomio, she went to a place to get all this poison, and poor Moni was stuck with her. The person Viletta killed was Jimenez the P.I. Vins hired way back when to doctor the DNA test and Viletta hired to find Lupe. I am glad Pancho protected Lupe but Lupe was already warned about her. I wonder what final act Viletta is planning?

Loved the Enzzo hug of Pepe when he found out he would be a granpa. It was too cute, but it looked like Pepe's ribs were aching after that hug. lol.

Poor Pina. I am so glad she is ok. I really thought Vice had killed her. She looked so bad after that wreck and the blood coming from her mouth.

Poor Freddy. This is breaking his heart, but the Lopez' all support him.

I can't believe Candy left the convent to help Vice. He has caused her so much pain and grief. But she is a Lopez and kind of heart too.

And thank you so much Ezra for all the great recaps of this two hour marathon. They have always been snarky and funny.

Vivi I agree with you about Moni, I don't think she ever thought about abortion either. I think she is just worried she will turn into her Mama, before she became Viletta. I think she may be worried, as someone said yesterday, I think maybe Julia that she is worried about her genes and that the craziness may be inherited. Maybe Pepe and Enzzo thought something was up when she said she would do something for the family, when she went to Viletta's but I don't think she told them where she was going, did she?

Ezra, thanks for your last blast of snark and irony. I enjoy your recaps especially since following my two hours in the barrel on Mondays, it is sheer pleasure to lie on the couch and let the next episode slide by. It was fun to be on Team Familia with you. You have definitely developed an observant and snarky style with straight forward pared down recapping. Good work.

I agree that it was amazing that Vincente wasn't arrested at the scene of the accident he so clearly caused. I guess that is the advantage of being the person to call emergency help, you can tell whatever story you want. Vice has always had a clear picture of his persecution by others. I am so relieved that Pina could bleed that profusely then announce that her wounds were not severe then walk out of the hospital looking like she could go back to work or back to planning her wedding without losing much time at all.

I am happy that Moni came around so quickly, including that she went to Chela for advice. It was an eye opener for her that her mother Vile was so mean about motherhood. Interesting how many live-in relationships are so normal in this TN. We could end with one more good wedding that includes a decent banquet. Okay, first we have to get through Violeta's nasty plot line with her hired gunmen to carry out her fantasy. Where does she get her endless stream of money to fund these delusions anyway?

Thanks Ezra. Love the title. Between the height of the actress, her towering heels, her intimidating silicones, she does make a larger-than-life lethal Amazon Barbie.

You should receive special commendation for enduring these two-hour marathons since I imagine Mom twisted your arm a bit to jump in and help. At least the other recappers volunteered, albeit not realizing the scheduling cruelty Univision was about to inflict.

You have a great sense of humor and I've enjoyed your young-man's-take on characters and scenes. Your vocabulary is a hoot.
Again, muchas gracias m'hijo.


Wanted to say thank you to all the recappers. I will miss this familia con suerte. Even with the hot mess of the amazon woman, I did laugh at some of the banter between her and Pancho last night.

I am going to deeply miss this TN, and for the episodes I did miss, I want to thank again the recappers for being bold and having the strength to do a 2-hour show.

Thank you, Ezra! Another doozy.

When Enzo reacted to the news of Moni's pregnancy, I thought he was having a heart attack!

Are we all set for tonight? TVguide.com is now agreeing that it's three hours, but I don't know if all three hours will be new.

Thanks, Ezra! You are a real trooper to do all these recaps of long, long episodes. It was thoroughly enjoyable to read, as always. My favorite commentary: "...this way he still retains a shred of dignity. Sorry bro, that ship has sailed. As if *trying* to separate himself from that last shard of dignity,..."

I'm glad Pina is supers bien. I was amazed he wasn't arrested. Everyone knew he'd done it! They didn't even TRY to get him thrown in jail, and people get thrown in jail for so much less in this show! Amazing how TN good people get arrested just because some villain says they did something, but with the real, dangerous villains, the police suddenly want evidence and proof and all that. Not only did the police not arrest Vice, they let him drive away drunk! And they haven't arrested Violenta!

Speaking of Violenta, Tom and his buddy need to go back to detective school. That was a crappy search job they did on Vile's place. They should have brought more backup and turned over every page and thread in the place. She must have that poison stashed somewhere. Did they even check under the bed and in the toilet tank? Open any drawers? How about in the vases? Tom, you give up too easily.

My program guide shows that the first hours is repeaty stuff and then the finale runs from 8 to 10. I wonder how many weddings we'll see. I think at least two. Although Lupita seems to be in no rush. She and Tom have the most chaste romance ever. They never even look like they WANT to get en flagrante. And he was such a tomcat in the beginning!

LOL Nellie! "Por eso!" is one of the many Familia standard sayings that I will miss. I know many found Pancho annoying, but I enjoyed how genuinely kind and forgiving he is. I have enjoyed this little romp. It was never really stressful. We knew most issues would be resolved quickly. The only storylines I didn't like were: 1) the too long rivalry between Chela and Rebe (which resulted in too much brattiness from Ana and Temo); 2) the death of Alex; 3) the death of Fernanda; and 4) Doc Oc's Alzheimer’s-- the deaths of two characters I enjoyed, and the irreversible decline of another character I like.

Other Familia sayings I may sprinkle into conversation:
Sisterna= sister
Simón= sí
Nel= no
If my dad were named Pancho, I’d start calling him Papancho. Maybe I’ll call him Maximo like Pepe does.

I did feel for you recappers having to do these 2 hour (and sometimes 3 hour) marathons for so long. We can’t thank you all enough Julie, Julia, Ezra, Cheryl, JP, Melinama, and others who have guest recapped like Madeleine. You all certainly sharpened your witty, and concise, writing skills. Now get some rest!

Tonight is really 3 hours? Will Melinama and Ezra tag team it, or do you guys need help?

Wow, thanks guys! Yes, the 2-hour shows have been brutal, but I'm still glad I did it. I'm on deck today as well, but I'll see if my mom will pitch in!

I've been saying "nel" for a while now. I don't know if anyone knows what I'm talking about, though. ;-)

Julia, thanks for confirming that the first hour is repeaty stuff.

Ez, I can take a segment or two during the first hour if you need help. Doesn't seem right you having to do two full nights in a row!

Ezra, loved the snark. My favorite: "...Vins, who looks like a total train-wreck, protests that this way he still retains a shred of dignity. Sorry bro, that ship has sailed." Thanks for all the laughs.

So glad that they didn't drag out whether or not Pina would make it.

Is it just me or is Violeta getting taller? Or maybe I’m just scared. She could’ve squashed poor Moni like a fly. I guess it's a fitting ending that apparently the whole Lopez family will be in danger, and we can find out just how much luck they really have.

I have to give props to Sergio Sendel for playing a fink right to (at least the penultimate) end. I always thought there was a line Vince wouldn’t cross, but now he’s tried to commit murder. I thought the dog might lift up a leg on him, but no. Glad Candy came out to help him - shows she can forgive. I like the little twirl she did to show Ana her habit - that showed me the old fun Candy is still there, she just has a higher calling.

Hi Ez, this recap was pure joy to read. I am thankful that you decided to join this recapping team. Your young, intelligent, and joyously snarky style has been fun for all your readers and fans.

Thanks for all your hard work and sticking with Familia through the schedule changes and dreaded 2-hour format.

Wow, three hours tonight? Sounds like the first hour will be some repeat thank goodness.

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