Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #9-10 Wed 5/30/12 Gawd, will someone just commit murder already?

Hey everybody! Looks like I wound up recapping this show... My preliminary impressions aren't that favorable. Maybe it'll take it a while to kick into gear.

Anyway, the curtain rises on our noble maid-girl, valiantly struggling to clean a ritzy bathroom. The witchy mayordomo/butlerette Brigida (more like FRIGIDa, amirite?) thinks she's not doing it fast enough and chews her out a bit. Anyway, there is much fuss among the "servidumbre," serving-folk over the Rod's red jacket. . . He needs it! Where is it! You fool, you can't even find it, never mind, don't get it! I found it! Hold on, here I come with the red jacket! While delivering the divisive garment, Luciana recognizes Rod from back home (I didn't quite catch where her village is, but they mentioned something about having to take a long bus to get to Chiapas on the way to D.F., making the trip ridiculously long, like, as farther than much of Mexico is from Texas) and has an ohhhh shit moment.

Gala seems to have some kind of fashion-related job (?), but spends most of the day chatting with her mom about the wedding.

Frigida continues to be mean (she is an excellent source of spiteful insult vocab), but the nice maid (I forget her name) confides in Luci that the woman is just a bitchy culebrita.

The mom (name?) yells at her daughter about table manners (after the girl sat down at the table and started hollering for food), but it seems to be little more than a recreational bout of insults. After all, there is a bug up her butt. She doesn't like how her kids have been fraternizing with the help. You know the rules in this house, she says, the servants have their place and we have ours. I have only watched 20 minutes of this show and I already have a headache from being repeatedly beat over the head with the "social divide" message. I'll bring my aspirin next week.

Maximino, the Dad, comes in to gaze mournfully at his wounded son, to surprisingly active and pulsing music.

Back in indian-land, Luci's mom isn't too happy. The big fat villain dude has been leaning on her and her friend (Violeta's mom) to find out where Luci went.

Speak of the devil, here's the fat man himself (is his name Aquile?), conspiring with his henchman. I find it hard to take him seriously as a villain. He just looks so jolly and avuncular, even when he's scheming dastardly schemes!

A note from your grumpy astronomer: shockingly, it's still a full moon in Mexico City! Seriously, in every show, it's the same. Every single time the sun went down in Familia, there it was! It must be an ominous portent of some sort. Beware, bad writing ahead!

Rodrigo/Patricio's mom (Roselena?) has sent Luciana new duds. Frigida thinks her current ones are too peasant-y (the word she used cracked me up: "silvestre," or wild and woodsy). Gee, I kinda liked them. But the new maid suit is pretty cute too.

Oh yay! If you hadn't realized that Rodrigo's family was wealthy yet, here's a scene where he discusses business over golf with some English-speaking guys in suits.

Luciana brings Patricio his apple juice, and opens the curtains to provide a more appropriately angelic lighting for the scene where he recognizes her. He finally lets out his emotions when he remembers their first meeting, and she cradles his bandaged head. Later, in the kitchen, everyone is delighted that Luci got Patty to eat most of his breakfast.

Rodrigo calls home, Luci picks it up, and she freaks when he realizes who she is. She hangs up, tells Frigida that the call was dropped, and looks a bit ill.

Rod, for his part is drinking with some dopey americans who are ogling the girls in the par. Yet another scene where nothing much happens

The family gets ready for the party. A swarm of workers assembles a fancy backyard tent with indoor-looking furniture, and Luci is on the hors d'oeuvre detail. You can tell Rod is rich and self-entitled because he strides into the kitchen, takes a chomp out of something small and delicate, and puts it back on the silver platter. Then he sees Luciana, for a dramatic cut, and the music plays. She looks like she's got ants in the pants, but he totally doesn't get that she might be uncomfortable, barreling ahead with the I-remember-yous.

Rod's sister begins to plug down martiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinis, which will be a recurring theme tonight.

In the living room, a gaggle of ladies discusses servants. "Matilda is the best!" "You should watch out with that Luci chick... I would never let a girl in a skirt that near my two boys!"

Aha! Finally, some intrigue and crime! Some old dude just got out of prison ("the house") for something he "didn't do," and encounters another old dude. This other old dude asks him to discretely do "a little job."

The useless sis (Ana) is on the job at the party, bearing a huge handful of garishly colored martinis. At last, Rodrigo shows up at his own party.

Now some other guy wanders into the kitchen, next in line to sneak a snack and fall in love with Luciana. Oh, and now Gala is also mean to Luci. Then she questions Rod's kidness to servants. On her way out of the kitchen, Luci bumps into the most recent guy from the kitchen, who still hasn't managed to eat the mouthful of cheese and ham on his toothpick.

Then I missed a few minutes of the show when my precariously-poised leaf antenna (an amazing thing: this flat-as-paper 8.5x11 antenna plugs into the back of the tv and pulls crystal-clear univision out of the air) fell off the back of the lamp where I'd propped it.

The next thing I know, Rod is beckoning Luci into his cave. Yikes! But it's not just a come on, it's where they keep the wine and champagne (god, these people can't stop saying the word "champan..." I've never heard the word dropped so many times in a 2-hour period). Luci wisely hypothesizes that Rod will make an advance on her and then she'll lose her job. He starts by trying to impress her with wine snobbery (seriously?). Nonetheless (despite the dumb attempt) they wind up locking eyes over the fumbled wine bottles and he kisses her! She resists, he goes in for another, and she SLAPS HIM. YES! He says the kiss was an "accident," but he won't let her leave the cave. He tries to say it didn't mean anything, but she stays tough and asks him to consider this from her point of view. "After all, your mom would poison me if she found out."

Back at the party, they have started a lazy conga line to vapid club music. Well, I shouldn't call them lazy, they're just trying not to spill their cocktails (the shallow angles of a martini glass are more prone to sloshing, I'd bet). Nonetheless, this party seems a little lame.Gala notices her fiancee's absence, and goes  looking for him. No, wait - she's not worried about him, she just wants her champagne!

At Violetta's bar, some guys (are they the same ones from the jail scene?) yank her into a back room to threaten and bribe her, alternately wagging a wad of cash in her face and making menacing faces. They seem to have something against her, as they make threats of getting her jailed. She protests, and says "but she's my friend." The thug replies "a man's only friend is money." She gives up the address.

The hens are nattering about the Gala's previous divorce in the party. I must admit, I'm not paying much attention, as I'm waiting for Gala to walk in on Rod in the wine cave with Luciana and liven things up a bit.

Speaking of the cave, Rod is still showing off for Luci, but this time it's champagne. He tries to be slick about it, and happens to make it a metaphor for himself as something Luci should give a chance (you should try it! It's rich and new and exciting, and may have a bitter taste at first [ie the unwanted kiss], but you'll learn to love it). She thinks "I see what you did there," and replies "but... isn't it for Gala (she who demanded the champagne)? He shamelessly replies "yes, but won't you try a sip?"

The sis Jana is smashed, and spills her drink on someone's cousin. Fortunately, he's smashed too, yells WOOO, hops on a couch and chugs champagne. Meanwhile, Gala is storming around, looking for her champagne.

We cut to commercials, and see the clip of Luci back in the village painting rustic pots. Boy, she'd probably get groped a lot less if she quit her job and sold pots on Etsy.

Jana and the girls are getting progressively drunker. Now they're in the kitchen, dipping cheese and ham cubes into their yellow martinis. Gala walks in, all uptight and looking for Rod, uh, her champagne. They make fun of her, and pretend to look in cabinets. The word "champan" is thrown around a lot more. Luciana overhears Rod's mushiness for Gala in a new light and flashes-back to the kiss.

Now for the toast! Rod gives a speech we know is false, talking about his parents' marriage (which we know to be treacherous) and his devotion to Gala (which we know to be suspect). Then he toasts his brother (who is still alone in his room) and casually shows Gala the ring.

Jana and her smashed friend come to Pat tooffer him his choice of grotesquely colored Martini. He is still grumpy, and the friend goes to get a straw. The drunken girls briefly consider the risk of alcohol interacting with whatever medications Pat might be on, but carry on. They head back to the party, where there is really some absurd mass drunkenness. I wonder if someone will get sick? The mom comes to shut 'em down. Aguafiestas! But they find a huge row of garish martini's next to the dance floor, and all is well!

Rod and Gala try to pour some champan down Pat's throat, but he says he can't drink well without Luciana.

In the kitchen, Matilda demands that Luciana give Rod a hug and a congratulations. THAT's when Gala strolls in to be a grump about fraternizing with la servidumbre.

After this storm of grumpiness, it's Luci's turn to sulk a bit, but Matilde tells her that Gala is just jealous of how pretty she is.

There's some more scenes of drunks hanging on at the party, and Luci gazing at her virgencita and reminiscing. Geez, this is boring. I hope someone will hurry up and kill someone, that might liven things up a bit.


Ezra what a great recap. I laughed all the way thru. Loved your name for Brigida, she is a Frigida. She doesn't like to work.She likes to boss people around. Yes the Mom's name (you know the one, the witch is Rosalena. Her daughter, the drunk one, is Hanna, they call her Jana sometimes. Matilde is the other nice servant, or Nana as the kids call her. Paz is Luci's Mama, the one that lives in Het Het also known as Chihuahua. Paz lives with Violetta's Mama named Magda. Yes, Don Aquiles is the evil dude. He is two bricks shy of a load. His henchman Procopio is a hoot. So dumb.

I can't beleive Violetta took the bribe. I was really hoping she wouldn't.

The guy with the cheese and ham that talke to Luci, and asked her name, looks like he recognized her or reminded her of someone. I wonder what was up with that.

Can't stand Gala. She is like Rosalena, with the class distinction and treat the servants like crap. Can't stand her. That champagne at the engagment party, that's all Gala cared about. What a snob.

Glad Luci connected with Pat. He is such a sweet guy. I think if he could walk, he's be some competition for Rod.

Ezra, the word "Frigida" was worth reading this for. As much as I like the cast I don't know whether I will really stick with this one. Luciana's accent gets on my last nerve.

Love her peasant skirts and blouses, though.

Violetta has disappointed me. Money sounds like a bigger temptation than sex or chocolate in this story.

I thought this family was broke. What gives?

Ezra- I love the snark you bring to these tns. Don Acquiles is quiet comical, and you haven't even seen him in his purple and black satin robe yet. With all his fierce looking stuffed animals. LOL!

Urban- Who said the family is broke? Julie is chomping at the bit to get Gala married into that family precisely because they are loaded. In one conversation last night, Max and Rosalena spoke about how they started off poor, but he worked hard to make them rich and is going to keep it that way. "As God as my witness, we'll never go hungry again!" Rosalena didn't seem to agree with him (or hinted that they price they paid to get where they are was high), but she's the main one lording over everyone the social differences between her family and the servants. I think she protests too much, and was probably a servant herself long ago before her husband made them rich.

If Rod can't see that Gala is a mini-me version of his mother, then he's blind. Does he really want that for himself? I loved that ironic toast he made to his parents' LONG marriage. And why the heck does it not seem to be a problem in his mind that he is kissing another woman on the night of his engagement? I know, typical galan behavior. But I expected him to be more tortured about and to not take it so lightly.

I'm still hoping that Violeta did not give up Luci's address and is just playing Lastra.

Ezra- No murder, yet, but there are two villains who will soon have the address of our herione who will be causing all kinds of headaches for her.

I don't care that Patricio is in a bed and can't move. I think he's a better galan match for Luci than Rod is. Plus, she's really good for his recovery. He's been holding back all his emotions with his family, and for the first time since the accident, he felt totally free to just let it all out when he saw her-- the last girl he was crushing on before his life changed forever.

Wow, thanks guys! I didn't even finish (the last half are just my notes... I fell asleep on the laptop last night)... Coming into this cold was a good brain exercise.

Wasn't there something in another episode about a financial crisis for the Torres-Landas? It could have just been a rumor, but it would definitely be some kind of poetic justice for Gala and her mother if she did get to marry Rod and the family fortune goes south.

Gala is a junior version of Rosaelena and Rod's life would go downhill from the moment of "Accepto," con o sin dinero. She's dying to be lazy and she wouldn't be able to achieve this.

Another cliche of gringos not speaking Spanish well. Ay, dios mio.

Vivi so agree with all your comments. Especially about Rod. I too really don't think he loves Gala. And the reason he gave Luci about why he kissed her was lame.And all that talk of wine and champagne. I think he was nervous being alone with her, and just kept prattling on. lol. I too like Patricio. He is a way better fit for her. Does he have sensation in his legs? He was wincing when they did the therapy with him. I hope eventually he is able to walk again.

UA-The CEO, before Max, was convicted of fraud and I think went to la carcel. Gala's mama, Julie was telling her friend when they were having drinks about that. The Torreslanda's are loaded as Vivi said. Gala's mama is greedy and can't wait for Gala to marry him. Although I get the impression that Gala is not broke, but the Torreslandas have way more money than Gala has.

Money always wants more of itself in the TN world. No surprise.

Other things of note last night:

- Max's business partner, who was instantly smitten with Luci, warned her to stay clear of Gala. Luci asked him if Gala and Rod plan to live there after they get married, and he said not if Gala has her way. She will want them to live in their own place. This of course means they will live in the family home. :)

-Another cousin popped up-- Aldo's sister, who lives in her own apartment (smart girl).

-Julie mentioned Gala's first husband couldn't handle an in control, independent career woman like Gala and they divorced after 2 years of marriage. What do we want to bet that he shows up soon?

-Since Rod and Gala are only planning a civil wedding, much to Rosalena's annoyance, this wedding just might happen because the galan still has the ability to marry the heroine in the Church.

-Anyone else notice a "moment" when Max first sees Luci? Not in a creepy/attraction way.

I like that Max takes the time to spend time with Patricio and help him with his therapy. It's not what I would expect from this kind of hard-driving businessman character. Usually those types are totally checked out emotionally with their families. He does have some of the typical bad traits, like thinking money will solve everything (like getting Pat walking again).

I have not read this recap yet. But I will. I just want to let you know that I busted out laughing when I read the title. I have to do my homework now.

Vivi-do we know the business partner's name (the actor is Harry Giethner, right)? I like him here. I think he will be a good guy. You are right. Max did look at Luci like he liked her, but not in a bad way. You are right about Max spending time with Patricio, which Rosalena seldom does. I hated the way she was shaving Patricio. She didn't even look down to see what she was doing.

I like how Max's business partner made a point of asking Luci her name. He looks like he knows her from somewhere, and I don't think it was Inferno. He hasn't been there that we know of.

Like Hanna and her cousin Aldo. They are way funny and liven up the household.

Oh, did Frigida really cook that breakfast, or was it really Nana Matilde that cooked it before she went to visit her cousin? I wouldn't put it past her to take credit for doing something she didn't. She is one nosey parker. Listening at doorways.

the business partner is named oscar & I also like patricio better, keeping my fingers crossed that they surprise us and they stay together in the end

vivi: yeah I noticed when max met luciana. I was wondering if he was gonna fall for her instantly like everyone else. glad it wasn't the interested creepy look. having the two sons AND the dad like her would have been too much and weird

I'm liking the cousins and sibling bonding. Like others have said, you can see that they care for each other

the mom totally has issues, somebody needs to get some and chill


jlk Thank you so much for Max's business partner's name. I must have missed it.

UA you are right about money in TN's. The more the better for the greedy.

Vivi- I hope you are right about Violetta, she really doesn't seem the type to be ratting out Luciana. She considers her a sister. So Violetta has something, something going on with the bartender over at Inferno. They are cute together.

Congratulations, Ezra--This was the first time I've read a recap of yours. Excellente. You kept me very entertained.

Except for some of the names (and who cares, since we'll probably be renaming them anyway), you set the mood and got all the right moves.

Question: Why did Rodrigo and Maximinio wear their overcoats all evening. Some of the women had fur capes, including Gala, while others were not covered. Does it get that cold where they were or did the wardrobe dept. just have too many winter coats lying around.

Over at El Tal, we're used to inane, insane goings on, but I thought this one was going to be a little more straightforward. Guess not.

Hello Anita! They all had coats on because the party was outside (just with lots of white draping to form a tent). I guess it was bit chilly. They also had heat lamps out there.

Frigia is a good name for the creepy housekeeper who egads seem to have a thing for Rod but the name is probably more appropriate for Rosealene. Didn't Max comment to his associates that she was cold.

I've been amusing myself looking at the tweaking that has been done to this story based on the version I saw. I'm enjoying that some of the characters are not a lot like the ones I saw, Max is much nicer to his children, Rod is not as appealing, the Pat character has more depth and the kids did not have what looks like drinking problems although with the colossal wet blanket that is Rosie who can blame them.

The whole party scene was odd. With all those heat lamps there shouldn't have been a need for furs and heavy oats unless it is to let us simpletons know that the families have a boatload of money or are trying to pass themselves off like they do.

I also really like the actor playing the lawyer who seems concerned about our virginal miss.

Ezra, you are sooooooo funny!

*I find it hard to take him seriously as a villain. He just looks so jolly and avuncular, even when he's scheming dastardly schemes!

*Now some other guy wanders into the kitchen, next in line to sneak a snack and fall in love with Luciana

*Now for the toast! Rod gives a speech we know is false, talking about his parents' marriage (which we know to be treacherous) and his devotion to Gala (which we know to be suspect). Then he toasts his brother (who is still alone in his room) and casually shows Gala the ring.

Actually, I laughed a the entire thing. Do you recap anything else? If so, let me know.

I too had to laugh at the toast. If Rod is stupid enough to believe Paps and Moms marriage is perfect he is in for a shock. Most novela heroes are stupid at some part in the story but they usually don't start off looking like they are a few bricks short of a load.

Ezra - loved your riffs on the colorful martinis. I couldn't believe all those rows and trays of drinks. What a crazy drunken party! Even feeding the patient booze!

Oh my word! I can't believe this tn and Abismo are way over 200 episodes... Too long for me to follow.

Anon- I don't know about this one, but Abismo is not 200+ episodes long. They sometimes count the episodes in half hours in Mexico and we'll find info that says something like 240 episodes when it's really 120. How many did you see for this one? I'm curious.

Ii think it's up to 93 now, based on a site that has the episodes.

IMDb tells you the episode length as well as the number of episodes for most novelas.

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