Friday, June 01, 2012
Abismo de pasión #58 5/31/12: Big flies break the spider’s web*
We know who the spider is, let’s watch and see who the big fly turns out to be.
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The Partridge Family Bus |
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The Micro Mini Bus |
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Undoubtedly the original, Mondrian's Composizione1921 |
Old Beans courtesy of Marta: Finally Gael gets to tell Paloma it is not what she thinks, Kenya is my sister!! … aaaawww that’s sweet! … I can’t even imagine how big of a ‘wanna get away?’ feeling Paloma is going through, but Gael is so sweet he gently wipes the tear off her face while Kenya is giving her a killer stare…
New Beans:
First words out of Damian’s mouth, “Where is Elisa?” he asks Padre L. Padre gives him the 411, she’s at home because mommy dearest kicked her skinny butt out of his room. They volley back and for with versions of “But mom had no right”, “Elisa is sick with worry.” Padre tells Dam he had to have a transfusion and thank God it was Gael who has the same rare blood type. Yep, he came back to Ermita to donate blood. They both comment about Flor being there and neither is happy to see her.
Gael and Kenia explain to Paloma that they are hermanos of different sperm donors. Paloma begs mil disculpas for her jealousy and Kenia hopes they will be great friends. After Kenia leaves, Paloma and her big hair visor gush all over Gael, telling him how sad she was when he left. She tells him she hopes he he understand that she could make him happy. (Gah, enough with the pathetic!) When she gives him a quick kiss on the lips he looks surprised, and slightly intrigued.
Doc Tovar inspects Creamsicle’s shapely ankle and pronounces it “mucho mejor” and she can ditch the crutches. Shoot, I was hoping to make some crutches and crotches jokes but I guess I missed my chance. He finally gets around to asking her what she did with the the DNA results. She says she ripped them up to avert tragedy. He warns her that one day he’s going to find out what her interest is with the results. (Doc, try a few guesses, come on!) Can we still call her Creamsicle now that she’s ditched the sticks?
Paolo sees Kenia at the hospital and asks what in the devil is she doing there? Didn’t Fina pay her to leave him in peace? She tells him to get over himself, there are thousands of men better than he. She is shocked to hear Florencia is back in town. Paolo asks her again what she’s doing there. She asks the same of him, what’s he doing in this backwater? Oh right, Elisa. He snaps that Elisa “y tú” are past history like so many others. He claims he’s there for his great job but Kenia just laughs. She knows it has to do with una mujer.
Lucio and Elisa are at the clinic; they are overjoyed that Dam is in his room (where else would he be?) and Fina has run home. Oh crap, Pop! goes the Mexico City Sleazel, it’s Flor the slimmed down version of the Partridge Family bus, (thank you Sara!) standing guard like a one-headed hydra. Kenia turns up and lets Flor have it, reminding her that she faked her pregnancy among other horrors in order to snag Dam. Flor has no right to be there so why doesn’t she just take off...again. Flor says its all Elisa’s fault that Dam nearly got killed. Elisa and Flor start yelling at each other and finally the nurse tells them to shut it. Lucio convinces Elisa to leave. “You’re toxic, Florencia!” hisses Kenia on her way out.
Dam is in bed (of course) still asking Padre where Elisa is. He needs to see her, please call her and tell her to come. Padre suggests maybe she’s in Merida visiting Augusto who is in jail. Dam says in spite of everything he doesn’t like the idea of Augusto being in jail. What can he do about getting him out? Padre says Don Lucio is taking care of things. If Damian fully recovers then things should be fine. Just then the Micro Mini Bus drives in and busts up the conversation.
Outside the Centro Lucio tells Elisa that the work on the new greenhouse is going to begin in a couple of days. Kenia mentions to Elisa that with Dam’s help she supposes they no longer need her money. She also tells Elisa she took her advice and that she told Gael they are half-sibs. He didn’t take it too well and left town, but now that he’s back she was able to explain herself and things are cool between them.
Over at the Pro-Ce Useless Vicente is not handling his new-found power too well. He berates some poor worker, announcing in his cracking adolescent voice that he’s Gabino’s Personal Assistant! Gab comes in, excuses the worker, and proceeds to toss Vicente across the room, reminding him he is nada! He’ll fire his scrawny ass if he hears of any more attitude problems. Vince slyly announces that he can be a big help to Gabino. He happens to know his dad took some of their workers over rebuild the greenhouse on Elisa’s tierras. And guess who is financing this project? None other than young Damian. And thus Useless Vicente’s one use is revealed; he is a snitch.
Fina and Guido show up in Dam’s room, followed by Paolo. Dam asks about Elisa (Dude, really? Why would you ask them?) and they all shake their heads. Flor says she hasn’t shown her face. (Mentirosa!) Flor wants to talk to Fina outside. A funny little exchange: Paolo asks them to get him a coffee and Flor, without missing a beat, says “get it yourself”.
Dam asks Guido if he doesn’t press charges and claims the shotgun went off accidentally could Augusto have his get out of jail free card? Guido says the problem is that if he has been officially charged it might be out of their hands. The worst that could happen is Assgusto could be in jail for years but it depends on many things.
The Micro Mini Bus tells Fina about Elisa showing up and she’s sure she’ll be back. Fina says they’ll figure out some way to keep Elisa away. For now Fina is glad that Flor is around to run interference and she hopes Flor uses this situation to her advantage.
Over at Casa Castigo Elisa thanks Kenia for sticking up for her against Flor. She can’t understand why Flor came back to La Ermita. Kenia points out that Dam didn’t invite Flor, he’s in love with Elisa. Elisa is sure Flor returned so she can win Dam back, with Fina’s help of course. Kenia advises her to have faith in Damian.
Fina is howling for Doc Tovar, demanding to know when Damian can be sprung. He says tomorrow he hopes. She wants to take him home NOW. He repeats, he hopes it will be tomorrow. She howls again and he tells her he can’t believe she’s being so overbearing (prepotente) at risk to her son. She doesn’t care, she is taking him now, punto! Fine, but Doc is going to make her sign a document absolving the hospital of responsibility and placing all of it firmly on Fina’s head should anything go wrong with Dam’s health.
Lucio is up at las tierras friskily kicking rocks when Gael drives up. It’s a happy reunion and Gael gives Lucio his keys back. The mystery of Lucio’s transpo is solved, he has been riding and taking care of Gael’s horse Amadeus (as some of our viewers so astutely observed). Gael has come to see Lucio but also to see the progress with the greenhouse. He comments that it’s odd the workers and architect haven’t shown up yet. (Ruh roh!) Gael says he’s going to help out at Don Augusto’s business while Don Ass is in jail. Lucio jokes that maybe this is just a pretext for Gael to stick around La Ermita. Gael denies it but we don’t believe him, do we? Stay Gael, stay!
Back at Casa Castigo Carmeany gets a visitor, it’s Paolo looking for a little afternoon delight while Disgusto is conveniently behind bars. She sneers that even if Disgusto is behind bars para siempre they will never have any kind of relation. “Dude, you have absolutely nothing to offer me. I’m not about to give all this up for a penniless lothario. You’re a Señor Nadie, a poor devil who left me completely unsatisfied.” (Ouch!! Way to bust those balls, Orange Crush.) He begs her not to say those things to him and he’s sorry if he phrased things badly. He tries the more sensitive approach, “Here, let me force myself on you and act like a rapey snake.” Paolo holds Carmina in a mad clinch, smearing his lechery all over her face when, Oh thank you telenovela gods, in walk Elisa and Kenia! “Suelteme!” demands the Tangel-Ho, trying to make it look like she’s so darn innocent.
Orangina is panic-stricken and throws Paolo out the door. Kenia gets all up in Carmeany’s face, “Don Augusto doesn’t deserve a woman like you.” (Well, actually he kind of does, but let’s not split hairs here.) Carmeany shoves Kenia out the door and faces Elisa’s triumphant smirk.
Outside, Kenia runs after Paolo, “I knew it! You’re sticking around because of a woman.” He calls her jealous but she just laughs. It’s not like him to carry on with someone so...mature, like that bitter orange Carmina. He says Carmina is unlike any other woman he’s known. She accuses him of being in love. “Go to hell,” he snaps, roaring off on his motorcycle.
Orangina tells Elisa that Paolo came to see Elisa when he found out Augusto wasn’t around... Elisa just rolls her eyes and tells Tia to give it up. It’s very clear that Paolo came to see Tia. Frankly she’s surprised because in spite of all Tia’s lies she always thought she loved Disgusto. Carmeany wails but Elisa tells her to shut it. Tia should be worried because of Elisa doesn’t tell Disgusto she’s sure Kenia will. (Way to put another big anvil over Kenia’s head, girlfriend.)
Sabrina goes home and tries to apologize to mom for what happened the other day. Can they talk? Nope, mom has to head off to the Centro to be by Fina’s side. Sabrina observes that dad is right, mom cares more about Alfonsina than for her own family. It’s mom’s fault that dad strayed and she’s a rotten mother. Slap! Sabrina gets it right across the face. (Rather daintily I might add, based on Begone-Ya’s last wallop.)
Wow, Fina didn’t waste any time because Dam is already back home. Tonia comes into the room to announce that Gabino is there to talk to Fina. Cling Wrap drapes herself across Dam’s bed and generally makes herself annoying until Dam tells her he’s like some privacy.
Fina bitches to Gabino that she’s busy, why is he wasting her time? He’s got some interesting info. Apparently Damian signed the contract with Elisa, was supporting her habanero project, and even provided workers from the Pro Ce to help her out. However he’s just ordered them to stop. Fina is irritated that he didn’t know this before and tells him it’s because his head is somewhere else (I can only guess where). She says there is no way this can continue and at least for the time being Damian can’t do anything about it. “If Elisa or anyone else complains about it then send them to me.”
Fina asks about Don Assgusto. Gab says Lucio is in charge and has hired a lawyer. Fina tells Gab to do whatever it takes to keep Don Ass behind bars.
Padre visits Assgusto to say he testified he is partly responsible for the shotgun accidentally firing. Padre tells Assgusto to have faith in God. Augusto admits he’s been lost to God for many years, but Padre assures him it’s never too late.
Elisa tells Lolita that she caught Tia kissing Paolo Landucci. Gasp! Lolita says Yes! It all makes sense, and she and Elisa start putting all the puzzle pieces together. It was Tia who set Elisa up by inviting Paolo to her room, who sent Paolo to intercept her at the cenote, everything! Lolita says they should tell Don Augusto, but he’ll never believe them. Elisa smiles and says they have a witness, Kenia was with her. Perfecto! Elisa advises that maybe now is not the best time to tell Augusto, but Lolita suggests that Kenia could be telling him right now.
Aaaand, there she is at the jail. Augusto thanks her again for retrieving Stef’s necklace. Kenia tells him that in the small time she’s known Elisa she’s become very fond of her. She understands what it’s like not to have a mother’s love. She admits her mother is still alive but she sucks as a mom. It was like being abandoned. Augusto strokes her cheek and she likes it.
Kenia says she didn’t come to talk about her mother, but rather Augusto’s wife. He thinks its about the belt business and apologizes. Carmina is suspicious and she has reason to be, he hasn’t been the best husband in the world. She really loves him but he’s never been able to make her happy. Kenia observes that he has always been in love with his first wife. He admits that the love he felt for Stef was the greatest in his life. He says she died leaving him for another man. They had an accident and she died in his arms. It drove him crazy and he made the mistake of marrying her sister just days afterward. Carmina put her happiness in his hands but he is incapable of happiness.
Kenia tells Augusto he is married to a woman he doesn’t actually know. Pop! goes the original Sleazel! Carmina stands in the doorway panting and staring at them, bug-eyed. (Curses, foiled again! )
Lucio and Braulio are wringing their hats. Lucio wants to know why the workers have stopped toiling and the architect has been pulled from the project. Braulio says the problem is that Gabino gave the orders. Speak of the devil, Gab strides in and happily announces their assistance has stopped. Lucio reminds him they have a signed contract. Tranquilo, says Gab, he understands it’s a problem but Fina gave the orders. Nope, Dam doesn’t know but he’s slightly preoccupied with trying to stay alive. “Listen old man, why don’t you just go home and get some rest, although I understand you probably just sit around crying all day for your woman.” Oh hell, that lights a fire under Lucio and he lunges but Braulio holds him back. Brau says when Dam comes back he’ll take care of everything. Lucio points out Dam is currently trapped at home under Fina’s watchful eye.
Let’s go back to the jailhouse which is where we really want to be, yes? Kenia stands between Carmina and Augusto, very symbolic I think. Augusto warns Carmina now is not the time to make a jealous scene. Car lies that she doesn’t have a problem with Kenia, on the contrary, she wants to thank Kenia for visiting her husband. Kenia smiley-smirks and sweetly says there is nothing to thank, they were just talking, about Carmina in fact, but only good things. (So far.) Assgusto tells Carmina he’s glad she realizes his friendship with Kenia is because of Elisa and not because he’d be interested in a woman young enough to be his daughter. (Well you just keep selling yourself that because nobody else is buying it.) Kenia says it would be even more pathetic for an older woman to chase after younger men. (Honey, you’ll change your tune if you live long enough.)
The guard interrupts to take Augusto away for a statement, leaving the rivals to work out their disagreements. Carmina’s not surprised that Kenia came running right down to the jail to spill the beans. Mutual insults ensue with Kenia making car cracks about “older models”. Carmina lies that Paolo forced himself on her, but then again Kenia already knows all too well what sort of a cad he is. Kenia doesn’t believe her lies but she tells Carmina not to worry, it’s not her place to tell Augusto. That responsibility belongs to Elisa or Carmina. (Drat, drat and double drat!!)
Over at the Pro-Ce Tio Tightshirt pretends to work. Gabino busts in and demands to know if Paolo knew about Damian helping Elisa. Paolo says he’s not interested in what Fina’s son does. Gab advises he had better care, and he notes that Paolo is out of sorts. Paolo admits its Carmina Bouvier, she’s the first woman who’s gotten under his skin. Gab warns him about the Toxic Tia, she won’t have the same feelings toward Paolo. Paolo admits she told him that, but what he’s really worried about is that Elisa saw them together. Gab find this highly amusing and advises Paolo to kiss Carmina goodbye. “Aye, Paolo Paolo Paolo,” he mutters as his righteous behind exits the room.
Birdies fly, the sun sets, the full moon rises.
Gabino visits Don Augusto. He says he really hates to mortify Don Ass while he’s stuck behind bars, but he’s got some info about his mujer. The word on the street is that while Don A’s in jail she’s having fun with some other guy. Specifically, Carmina Bouvier is seeking comfort in the arms of Paolo Landucci. Yeah baby, now that’s how to throw the soup!
Avances: Augusto is really pithed off. Gael brings Elisa a letter from Damian. Damian tries to get out of bed. A lot of people are incredibly wound up.
Labels: abismo
Dam learned he's damned b/c Florencia is back and he's trapped under Fina's eye
Dam learned Fina & Flor are blocking Elisa
Lucio learned no more greenhouse for now
We learned Useless Vicente truly deserves his name
Kenia, Elisa & Gabino learned about Tio Tightshirt and Nemo
Paloma learned what a jealous, pathetic fool she is
Sabrina learned the back of Begona's hand
Assgusto learned Nemo's been pallin' around with Tio Tightshirt
I learned that Amadeus seems like a really nice horse to ride
Well, actually he kind of does, but let’s not split hairs here. (Augusto deserving Carmina.
I have to give Gabino some credit for telling Augusto about Carmina. I mean even though he did it in his own way the truth is finally out. Hoping Augusto believes him 100% and even if Carmina is able to convince him he should doubt her at every corner.
I have a funny feeling that Kenia is nearing her end faster and faster. She is a witness too so many things right now that practically anyone would be willing to knock her off.
As you know, I have not watched the episode and then I didn't get past this.
Why the hell is everyone telling Elisa to leave and why the hell is Elisa putting up with it?
I'm glad you like the Partridge Family quip. When I made it, I had no idea how much the dress really did look like it.
Crutch and crotch jokes!! LOL
1. Day-um this is hilarious.
Some zingers I loved:
"Ouch!! Way to bust those balls, Orange Crush."
Micro Mini Bus
"(Way to put another big anvil over Kenia’s head, girlfriend."
Sheesh, if the recap got me gnashing my teeth and ranting, what will watching the episode to do me?
Lots of great lines...of course "crutches and crotches" as Sara noted is sooo Sylvia. But other ones I loved were:
"Standing guard like a one-headed hydra" [Florencia] and
"as his righteous behind exits the room" (I have noticed that Gabino makes an even better exit than most...kind of rocks his pelvis as if to say he's got the world on a string and it's gonna stay that way.
And finally:
"(Well you just keep selling yourself that because nobody else is buying it.) Kenia says it would be even more pathetic for an older woman to chase after younger men. (Honey, you’ll change your tune if you live long enough.)"
Ah, words of wisdom from one who has lived richly and well. Thanks Sylvia.
So, do we think there's any chance Assgusto will believe Gab about the Orange? If he's really the damaged soul everyone at his table says he is, his insecurity should kick in satisfyingly right about now.
Gael reminds me of a big puppy, Gabino a big cat. The blond tabby DOES know how to enter and exit a room, I'll give him that!
It takes a certain skill to wear a cowboy hat, both Gael and Lucio get A's, they looked so good in their white (symbolic!) hats standing in the fields. Of course, those guys could pull off Padre Lupe's beat up straw wonder, no problemo!
Call me loco, but I believed Augusto when he told Orange Agent that Kenia is so young that he only viewed her as a friend of his daughter's, nothing more. (Whew, I was a little nervous about where the writers were taking their friendship.)
Dave, I'm worried about Kenia too, La Ermita would be unbearable without her! She is strongest link in the chain of good guys. She "gets" everyone.
Judy, I never watched The Partridge Family either, but love Shirley Jones in, "Oklahoma!" The grandsons know all the words to "Wells Fargo Wagon!" ..........So glad you're here!
Well - I thought that Carmina would get to Kenia before she had the opportunity to spill the beans to Augusto. Then it turns out to be Gabino. That was a surprise. So, even if Kenia is out of the picture (I hope not.), there are still two people left to verify the Paolo/Carmina relationship - Elisa and Gabino. Please, God, don't let Augusto be that stupid. He's got to believe it now.
Paolo sure did a 180 turn by actually falling for Carmina. And, she treats him like dirt - throws the guy out after she's used him up. Up until now, I didn't think that his character traits would allow him to fall in love. He is supposed to be just another useless user. Writers, you know.
I was hoping Lucio would land one on Gabino. Gabino of the blue eyes, muscles and low-slung jeans. (And bowlegs.) Just a near miss - but, someone will get him.
Alfonsina should now be in line for an anvil. She showed her true self - hitting Gabino, screaming at Dr.Tovar, throwing her self-generated superiority around, and conniving with Florencia. There can be no hope for her - or her friend Begoñia.
I really apreciate the visuals on the Partridge Family bus - all I could remember was that it was colorful. I'm amazed that some of you recognized the pattern in Flo's dress. Wow!
Hmmm - is Gabino's tale going to stick? And why would he tell Assgusto that after he told Assgusto that Estefania had given him her jewelry as a payoff.
And Doc just asks Carmina why she did it? And doesn't bother to go get another copy of the tests? - Please! Are they all going to wait until the kids try to get married again and then do a repeat of this farce?
I sure hope Kenia sticks around healthy. She continues to be a breath of fresh air.
However, it continually amazes me when people pull stunts like getting premature hospital releases on adult patients. Damian should have been able to veto that. He's an adult and clearly in his right mind. How did Alfonsina get away with that?
Too bad Kenia didn't really spill the frijoles about Orange Crush and the sleazy Paolo. Without her how is Elisa going to prove what's going on with her stepmother from hell? You know the TangeloHo has her on her hit list.
I was happy to see Flo give us a glimpse of Altair's abilities last night. She is such a pretty little wasp.
And how about Kenia taking it right back to her inflicting her own potent stings? Elisa was more like a spectator butterfly during that Hymenopteric exchange.
For a moment I thought that Damien had received a major revelation. Padre told him that Gael was his blood donor because he has the same rare blood type.
Damien furrowed his brow and replied, "Then that means that Gael..."... pregnant pause (Go little hamster... connect the dots!)... "... is back." Drat! And you were thisss close.
Sandy, you descriptions of Gael and Gabino are spot on... especially Gabino as a cat... Our feline, Jack, exits a room in exactly the same faction.
Kenia dominated the screen last night, first with Flo and later with Augusto, and finally with Carmina. Good for us but not exactly healthy for her. If she survives to the end it will be a miracle.
Loved "Well you just keep selling yourself that because nobody else is buying it.) Kenia says it would be even more pathetic for an older woman to chase after younger men. (Honey, you’ll change your tune if you live long enough.)" The Toad (sorry supporters) clearly does not understand if he's befriending Kenia because of Elisa wouldn't he treat her daughter as gently as he does this stranger? Let's start with him believing her daughter and does we really see that happening soon?
UA - ITA its painful to watch Dam and Padre acquiesce to Fina's madness. Unfortunately they have been doing this their whole lives. Our only solace is that in the long run, this just heaps more coals (anvils) on her head.
Though Gab's reveal is pay back, the Orange Menace will harm Kenia (or Elisa if not both) because she'll think its one of them not Cyn's bf.
Anon207, once again you provide us with a great list of what we've learned. Don't forget that Lolita also knows about Orangina and Paolo.
Judy, I do miss your recaps my dear. This comment of yours is pure gold: "(I have noticed that Gabino makes an even better exit than most...kind of rocks his pelvis as if to say he's got the world on a string and it's gonna stay that way." Oh my!!
Sandy, ITA about Gael and Lucio in their hats. In fact I thought the same thing last night. Gael looks better with his hat on than without; I'm not in love with his current hair style.
Thanks Carlos, I always was good at term papers. I almost added an image of jello made of multicolored squares, but I think I made my point without the added bit of culinary pop culture.
Did I mention that I saw a short interview with Altair Jarabo yesterday on El Gordo y La Flaca? She is a delight and all the guys in the studio were going nuts over her teeny tiny waist.
Pasofino, interesting observations about Paolo. I would much prefer that he make an early exit than Kenia. Fingers crossed.
Hopefully my mom will be in X Ray long enough for me to read the recap.
Paolo is mesmerized by Carmina because
1) he doesn't have to commit to her...he can't because she's married. If Carmina was a single lady he wouldn't have any interest in her.
2) As Kenia pointed out, Carmina is not his usual "type". Paolo usually goes for young things and once he's had them, he dumps them.
3) Carmina doesn't want him.* Young girls like Kenia & Sabrina glom onto Paolo and he doesn't want that (see #1)
Right now, Elisa, Kenia and Gabino know the truth about Carmina & Paolo. The jury is out on whether Augusto believes it or not...and it will be hard for Carmina to blame this on Elisa (though she will try) because the reason Augusto is in jail in the first place is shooting the man Elisa was trying to marry..........who is NOT Paolo.
Paolo will also continue to be a thorn in Damian's was PAOLO who called Florencia & told her about Damian's shooting. Otherwise Florencia would still be in Mexico shopping and having dinner with Enrique on the sly.
*Elisa didn't want Paolo either, that's why Paolo went after her so hard. Paloma could learn from this by not making herself so available to Gael.
i won't requote my fav lines, basically same ones as Sara listed.
But i am so ecstatic that our Gael is back and already making a difference... can't wait for the Gael/Dam conversation... hopefully will catch that tonight hotel. is the novela tonight on regular time?
thank you again, you are a life saver!! and i agree with the cat/kitten analogies of Gael/Gab.
Kenya and Gabino certainly ahd people's numbers in last night's ep... poor Paolo is a nobody and good for nothing so he should just go away... same for Guido... but if they have any hope at getting Flo and Dam married. that is the only thing i could think of why they would stick around.'
got more purging and giving away to do.. believe it or not the moving guys forgot the boxes in my closet so i have to purge my stuff and take very little wiith me to FL... lol they forgot MY stuff...
Kenia (Quenia)as a daughter and a sex partner. Alas, she may not be around much longer.
I think the TN is on at the regular time tonight.
Anon12:15, I think you are right about Augusto. He probably doesn't really know what he feels for Kenia, he just has this huge, tender attraction. Like you say, it's complicated.
I just love this crazy group. First we have Marta saying she was able to watch snippets of HER Gael while the the nurse was working on her daughter in the ER, then we have R la O hoping her mom is in X-Ray long enough for her to read the recap, LOL! You guys crack me up.
And way to nail an episode, Cap'n!
So witty and so much fun to read! You know I thought "Mondrian" as soon as I say The Dress so I was thrilled to see the painting when I clicked on this page.
Not to get too hung up on reality (which is really the bane of telenovelas and why tinfoil beanies were invented, after all), but it makes NO SENSE that Alfonsina has any authority over Damián's care or any say over who gets to visit him in the health center. She can't possibly decide to discharge him against medical advice. Only Damián himself could make that choice -- and he'd be a fool to do so.
As for creamsicle's being reduced to a nasty pile of orange slush without her sticks, I'm rather relieved. I always saw the sticks as potential weapons!
Emilia, I hope you are reading this because I wanted to be sure you knew how much I appreciate your kind welcome back the other day (I only just came upon it). Thank you so much.
I was really glad to hear Augusto's interest in Kenia as a father/daughter thing, I was very concerned that the writers were going to a bad place. I'm glad so far it isn't.
I'm not happy Flo is back, but I knew we weren't done with her when she left.
So far this TN isn't following the usual TN rules of bad people not being found out until the last 2 hour finale episode. I hope this keeps up. It's refreshing.
As sorry as Paloma can get around Gael, I think the title of Pathetic has to now be firmly ensconced unto poor Paolo. He even looks like a pathetic puppy. How funny was Gabino's "Paolo, Paolo, Paolo..." . Dude, what do you see in that Creamsicle?
I'm with you Sara about the way Elisa leaves as soon as anyone tells her to. For cripes sake she was about to marry the guy. I would have just barged right by the little Modern Art poster girl and headed to Dam's room. Of course, his brain cells aren't exactly firing on all cylinders either asking his the cohorts in crime who he KNOWS don't approve of Elisa if they've seen her. Beanie was shaking at that one.
I think I may be purchasing a I Heart Doc Tover tee soon as well. Love the way he gave it to Alfi, and then flipped off Creamsicle.
And I do love that now Be-gon-ya has all-but lost her daughter too. Now we just need her to cross Alfi and lose her real "family" and watch her burst a blood vessel.
If someone doesn't find a starring vehicle for Esme (Kenia) I will write the various production cos. myself.Since the anvils are headed her way with ever-increasing speed I'm sure, she'll be looking for her next role. I find myself just staring at her even while other people are talking. She's just stunning, and her eyes are so expressive. I say put her and Tacher together as romantic interests and Rene as another main character and I will be THERE to tune in.
Think they will lock up Assgusto for awhile? I can see my Gael (sorry Marta-we may have our own arm wrestling soon to settle this) stepping in as the savior to get both properties going if they do. In the meantime, even though he gave the keys to Lucio to the truck, on my recon last night,I took out all the spark plugs and ripped out a few wires so there's no danger of a quick escape.
back to the salt mines. check in later.
The wikipedia article says it's replacing Amorcito Corazón in Mexico next week, so I'm sure it will make its way to us sooner or later.
You had me from the beginning with your clever comparisons between the sublime (Mondrian painting) to the ridiculous (Partridge Family Bus, Flo's Tunic/Micro Mini Dress). Very nicely done, mi Capitan.
I am with Dave. Cynderella's boyfriend Gabino did us all a favor by telling 'Gusto that Carmina is taking comfort with Paolo Landucci.
If my guess-agnosis is correct, any paranoid personality would go crazy with that tidbit of information that Gabino gave Augusto. Thoses suspicions, once planted, will not be easily rooted out.
I think you guys over at the Redeem 'Gusto Catfood Table should set a watch on our boy if he EVER finds out the truth about Stef. His shame at his desecration of her memory and his treatment of Elisa, their daughter, would be more than I think this weak man could bear.Honestly, his self punishment in this situation would be much worse than any scorn we might heap upon him for his horrible behavior toward his daughter. He might become VERY self- destructive.
Sandy, I adore you, I do not think you are loco, but I do doubt Augusto's fatherly intentions toward Kenia. I think he used Estefania 25 years earlier as a 'savior' and he views Kenia in the same light.
Kenia's no angel though, and he knows she was pregnant with Paolo's child. I am not sure how he reconciles this in his little pea brain.
I so enjoy your comments."Please! Are they all going to wait until the kids try to get married again and then do a repeat of this farce?"
You have complained about the plot here being deja-vu all over again. So true, so true. Very little gets resolved in La Ermita unless someone dies and even then stuff lingers on about their death for at least a generation! Hahahahaha.
I can tolerate the glacial pace of the bigger story because the acting is so darn good. Plus the writing for the small story, the everyday and repetitive haps in this small town is very well done.
I always enjoy your recaps over on LQNPA. It is great to have you comment over here on our annoying protagonists! I have certainly spent enough time on the LQNPA thread being an unpopular Rogelio-basher. (Big grin. LOVE Salinas the actor, can't abide the character.)
hello world there is a song that we're singing... come on get happy!
a whole lotta love is what we'll be bringing... we'll make you happy! we'll make you happy!! we'll make you happyyyyyy!!
does that give a bit of hint of my age? i have to admit my brother and I would watch TPF, not sure if it was reruns... but David Cassidy and Shirley Jones were great together.
ITA with those who are beginning to really praise Esmeralda Pimentel's looks and acting, and I too am signing up to have her and Mark (and Rene) in a novela together... even if they are not directly a couple...
ITA that Augusto is confused and doesn't even recognize what he feels for Kenya...
and i too want a I heart Doc Tovar shirt.. he was kicking last night (I did get to see some of his putting Carmina down...)
Yes, Gael will probably be the hero of all three businesses (the green house, Augie's lands and even possibly the procesadora if Dam can't make it there soon, even though Lucio could do it but doubt Alfie will let Lucio take over.
and yes, Cap'n.. Rosemary and I might be going bonkers these days... can you blame us?
I think you guys over at the Redeem 'Gusto Catfood Table should set a watch on our boy if he EVER finds out the truth about Stef. His shame at his desecration of her memory and his treatment of Elisa, their daughter, would be more than I think this weak man could bear.Honestly, his self punishment in this situation would be much worse than any scorn we might heap upon him for his horrible behavior toward his daughter. He might become VERY self- destructive.
BLue, i am moving to Winter Garden, FL, which is just northwest of Orlando/Ocoee area.
I loved the pictures of Florencia and the bus. She probably feels like a young fashionista.
This is another part of the story where I wondered how the change things to make it work.
The Paolo character in Cañaveral was Florencia's YOUNGER brother and he liked to chase around girls but, besides the Sabrina character that was awed by his big city tales, I didn't think he looked like a smooth seducer at all. It seemed logical to me that he was awed by the Carmina character, since she was a sexy and complex older woman that was way out of his league.
Paolo here is well experienced after years of probably chasing the same type of girls. Maybe he wants someone different?
They forgot the stuff in your closet. That is just wrong! I am so sorry. I hope your daughter is better and out of pain.
Well, at my last move, you may find this hard to believe, but the same thing happened to me. It forced me to do a deep purge of the closet, to give things away that didn't fit, to consign things I no longer wore, and generally trim down. Still, it was a project I found overwhelming in the midst of my move and I am sorry you have this additional stress in your life.
sort of the hunted infatuated with the new one-of-a-kind target that keeps slipping off his fingers.
EJ, well, they took half of my boxes (sadly it was the dresses, coats and stuff i wear the least), they left behind the blouses box, the skirts and pants box and two bins of stuff that is like you said, things that didn't fit but i hope will soon again, things i was sort of attached to.. i think it won't be hard to trim the two bins down, but i also have to purge the two boxes of stuff i do wear... and yes, it is one more task on the list that is already stressful enough.
Sorry, Marta, that your move is not going so well. I say you deserve the hug from Gael right now.
I had that happen to me many moons ago as well. Problem was I was already at the new house five hours away and family at the other end didn't check that my boxes of some personal keepsakes, etc. were not taken. (Only stuff left behind). The new owners apparently just tossed them by the time we realized it and contacted them thru the real estate agent. Lost all my childhood toys, keepsakes, books and a box of summer clothes.
There have been plenty of folks over on LQNPA bashing Rogelio, even the Rogelianas. He's being a good boy at the moment because suddenly AP decided to forget the past and fall in love with him. A set up of course for the next stage of tragedy.....
Marta, I will try to give you a shout if I'm ever in the Orlando area. I have a longstanding dream of going scuba diving in the large tank at Epcot:
The only Crutches and Crotches joke I can come up with is: what smells after 3 days? Company, fish, crutches and crotches.
Or what works more effectively with a 3rd leg? Crutches and crotches.
Nothin' like enjoying a good recap at a marathon Dr appt.
Marta - you think we're going bonkers? Honey, I'm already there. Gracias por Dios for all y'all.
"I think you guys over at the Redeem 'Gusto Catfood Table should set a watch on our boy if he EVER finds out the truth about Stef."
Don't think that we haven't thought of that.
As for less than fatherly feelings toward Kenia, certainly... but not something he would like to confront or even admit to himself. As Marta says,"Augusto is confused and doesn't even recognize what he feels for Kenya...
As for him "lurking on the hill gazing at her with lustful eyes..." Well I suppose that's one way of looking at it. He was on his way home after a night of heavy drinking and self-pity and spotted that amazing apparition, paused and watched awhile and went on. No hiding or creeping closer, just marveling at the view.
I think that Augusto is one of the most fascinating TN characters (male) to come along in awhile. He is not traditionally attractive and is certainly not very likable right now and yet still has a lot of support from some pretty good people (whom I would not classify as enablers) including Audrey's faves:
"I also adore Padre Lupe, Gael, Kenia, Don Lucio, Lolita and Ramona."
Also, Augusto managed to prevail over Rosendo for the affection of Estefania; actually Carmina preferred Augie to Rosy; and at his very worst, Kenia took an interest in him. Wow! Just think what it could be like if he bathed regularly and combed his hair.
Hey Marta, here's a song that might help get the PF theme song out of your head: "I think I love you. So what am I so afraid of?
I'm afraid that I'm not sure of
A love there is no cure for."
R la O, your crutches and crotches jokes, bwahahaha! Everybody here at Starbucks is staring at me because I guffawed so loudly.
"Kenia's no angel", indeed and that's why I like her so much. She is interesting.
Wow! Just think what it could be like if he bathed regularly and combed his hair. LOL!!! good one!
Daisynjay, i remember that one but since the theme song is the one we heard as the bus was riding through it is the song that came up in my head...
Watch this space: I CAN say something nice about Augusto.
Don "Gusto Catfood has sartorial skills. He wears beautifully tailored linen shirts in different colors everyday he is not in jail. (Hey, we all would look if little rumpled if we were in a Mexican carcel!)
Elna June, willing to give the Devil his due
RlaO: You and Sylvia are killing me with your crutch and crotch jokes. Do you really think you can go three days? Hahahahaha!
OMG can you believe they let Alfie call the shots in a hospital? Isn't Damian free, Latino and + 21?
Crazy, these TN writers. But they had to get him back to Casa Arango and short of kidnapping...
EJ, on Augusto's shirts, the only thing is that when he wears the green one, I think he is playing into his "Toad" moniker! Woops!
Its funny about Gabino's sensitivities, he thinks Ingrid is a bad mother, Carmina a bad sister, that Vincente treats the workers badly, but skips the inconvenient fact that he himself is a dangerous arsonist who fails to acknowledge his own two children!
Sylvia- Fabulous recap. I especially like the pictures. Wish I had seen Altair on El Gordo y La Flaca.
Kenia was definitely the star last night. I could not take my eyes off her as she gave Carmeany those mischievous, smug looks at the jails, without Augie catching on. And Carmeany had to suck up to her. Just wonderful. She’s like a little nymph/fairy. Flitting here and there, trying to fix people’s lives, or cause them trouble, depending on what kind of mood she’s in or if she likes you.
Good luck to your son with his residency!!
Good luck to your son with his residency!!
Cap'n Sylvia - Great recap and millones des gracias! So many wonderfully snarky lines, too many to list.
My DVR actually did start and stop recording this episode at the correct time. Hooray! (and thank you AT&T U-Verse)
-Brilliant connection between Flo's dress and the Partridge Family bus!, (courtesy of Sara) I can't get the theme song out of my head now, either.
I thought Gabino and Carmina had … 'done it.' Well, she's done it with almost everyone else ….
Kenía is definitely toast. Shall we start a pool on how many episodes she has left?
I should not be enjoying the fact that Gab told Augusto that Carmina is cheating on him, but I loved it anyway. WooHooo…. how long until the orange juice hits the fan?
How did Padre Loopey's hat get torn up? Did Amadeus get hungry and use it as a snack?
…..(Go little hamster... connect the dots!)... and …."
Just think what it could be like if he bathed regularly and combed his hair."
Carlos - these iare hysterically funny and you were on a roll!
marta - if the movers forgot some of your stuff, will they let you forget to pay a portion of the bill?
Sandy in TN - excellent point about Gabino!
Thanks Doris.......
I just watched my recording of yesterday's AC. Anyone else watching? This show is funny! Catch the first and second meeting of the protagonists:
Up till Min 1:40:
All of this short clip:
I loved the scene between Don Lucio and Gael. Both men looked quite handsome (Gael needs a new 'do, though). Amadeus was in the background all by his little lonesome. There was not a soul in sight, but the next scene showing Gael getting on his horse and Voila! An assistant magically appeared to help steady his steed. Probably wearing one of those magic amulets.
The next laughable moment was Assgusto claiming he was interested in Kenia as a daughter. Really, Assgusto?! It wasn't even believable when you said it. You can show this kind of interest and sympathy for someone you've just met, but continue to dish it out to your own daughter.
I can't wait for his stupidity to hit him full force. Agree with those who have said he won't be able to handle it.
Thank you for your recap.
P.S. This word verification business on your site is something else.
I've looked over the past two days worth of posts, but still can't find it.
Urban Anthropologist, if you are out there, would you mind posting it again?
Thank you so much.
I know, I sound like a broken record.
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