Friday, June 01, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #11-12 Thu 5/31/12 What Hell It Is to Be A Servant


Rod, Hanna and Aldo are hanging out with Patricio in his room. Of course Hanna and Aldo are still hung over. The phone rings and Rod tells Hanna if it's Gala he's not there, but it's Matilde and Hanna wants to talk to Luci. Luci gets on the phone, Rod gets on the extention, tells Hanna to hang up, and he talks to Luci about the kiss they had last night. He apologizes, and guess who is listening at the door, hidden from view? Anyone?? It is nosy pants Frigida listening with all ears. She says I wonder how Gala will take this?

Luci is over at her landlady's house with Nana Matilde and is staring off into space. Luci and Nana leave and are walking back to the Torreslandas and a car is following them. They don't notice. Luci and Nana pass a little market and Nana wants to pick up something that Rod really loves. I don't know what it is. Luci asks Nana how long she has worked for the Torreslandas. Nana tells her since Rod was a baby. They get back to the Torreslandas and the car has followed them all the way there, but they don't notice. It is the owner of Inferno, and now he knows where she works. He gets the info into to his phone to let Lastra know.

Hanna and Aldo are watching a soccer game with Patricio. Patricio is cheering his team and is happy they are with him. Hanna and Aldo are still way hung over.

Het Het, aka Chihuahua, Paz is thanking Don Serapio for letting her use the phone to call Luci. He tells her anytime she wants to use it she can. She thanks him for giving Lorenzo a job and he says he would like to visit with her sometime. She is surprised. Magada, Lorenzo and Ariche are with her. They all leave.

Violetta is out with the Bartender from Inferno and she tells him she was offered alot of money for info. They are eating grilled corn on the cob from a street vendor (Ed Note: You gotta try this corn, it is sooo good.) Violetta tells the bartender the offer came from Lastra, and the bartender tells her, he is a maldito. Violetta is afraid they will send Luci to jail.

Gala is on the phone with her mama Julie and Julie says she will be going to New York and Miami for things for the wedding. Gala gets a call waiting signal, and guess who it is? Anyone??? Rod? Nope it is Chatty Cathy the Frigid wanting to give Gala the chisme about Luci and Rod the Bod. Gala is very impatient with her and all Chatty Cathy gets out is that it is important and has to do with Rod the Bod. Gala basically hangs up on her, answers the phone by the door and buzzes Rod The Bod upstairs. Chatty Cathy on her end, is happy she is upsetting Gala. I think Chatty Cathy also told her when she comes to the house to talk to her.

Luci goes into the house and of course Chatty Cathy is right there to greet her. She calls Luci a muchacha, and Luci totally ignores her. She tells Chatty Cathy to call her by her name, which is Luciana. Nana overhears this and tells Chatty Cathy to call Luci by her name. Well Chatty Cathy is so not happy with that and stalks off. (Note to Chatty Cathy: You are NOT the duena of this house, even though you act like you are. Get to work, jus' sayin').

Max goes up to see Patricio,and of course the witchy witch Rosalena is with him. She gets pithed off when she sees that Aldo and Hanna are there, all hung over and sleeping. She is especially mad that Hanna is sleeping on Patricio's bed with him. She hauls her up, by the hair and is screeching at her. (Note to Rosalena: listen you screechy witch, ever heard of the saying you get more cooperation if you use honey instead of vinegar? Jus' sayin'). She tells her to get up, you can't sleep on your bubbi's bed. She is soo not happy. The Witchy Witch chases her out of Patricio's room. Aldo is passed out on the couch. Max goes up and wakes him up and he leaves the room too. Now the Witchy Witch and Max are alone with Patricio. He was so enjoying his company, Max understands but not the Witchy Witch.

Luciana has made it back to her room and is praying to the Virgincita. She tells her please ayuda mi. I need money for my mama's doctor, I want my stay here to be good. I like Rod The Bod, but drat, he has a fiancee and please I can't get involved with him. I'm so alone, please help me. Luci says she is very homesick and misses her family as she cries. Nana knocks on the door to see if she is ok, she tells Nana she is homesick and Nana hugs her. Nana takes Luci to meet Padre Honesto who is in the chapel in the house. He is happy to meet her.

Meanwhile back in Het Het, Paz is determined to help Magda with the housework. Magda tells her there isn't any need, but Paz says I still have one good hand, so I'm helping. Ariche is running around the house and playing and there is a knock on the door, and he answers it. It is Don Serapio with a bunch of flowers. Ariche closes the door in his face. Magda gets up and answers the door and lets him in. Don Serapio has brought the flowers for Paz. She is very surprised.

Rod the Bod has fallen asleep on the couch at Galas. She wakes him up and tells him it is time to go, but she ain't gettin' on that motorcycle and she wants to take her car. They go.

Partying Aldo goes back to Patricio's room with a Bloody Mary, He asks Pat if he wants a sip, Pat declines. He tells him, dude, you need to get a job and stop loafing around here. Pat tells him it's only right and you should apply yourself. Aldo goes.

Rosalena brings coffee to Maximo in the study and they argue about Hanna. Max thinks she treats her like a baby, and she isn't one anymore. The Witchy Witch doesn't agree. The Witchy Witch goes in the hallway and sees Luci with a tray for Pat. She asks where she is going,and Luci tells her the tray is for Pat. The Witchy Witch takes it out of her hands, says she'll bring it up herself and dismisses Luci, and tells her good night and go to your room. (Ever heard of manners lady, jus' sayin'). Luci is about to go, when Rod the Bod comes in and stops her from going. He wants to talk to her. He apologizes for that kiss again, and asks her if it was that bad? She says no, but you are engaged, can't be doing that again, and I won't say anything to anyone. They are so close it looks like he wants to kiss her again, when, wait for it, Gala sees the whole thing. Gala comes in and Luci excuses herself, and Gala is pithed and raises her voice and tells Luci not to go anywhere. She screams at Luci, I better never catch you near my fiancee again, capice, cause you are, wait for it, a lowly servant. Well Rod the Bod grabs Gala and tells her to shut the hell up. I wish, but he did tell her to shut up. He wants Gala to leave. She thinks he has something going on with Luci. Gala leaves and goes to her house, cussing at cars and being a b*tch. Luci goes to her room and cries. Nana knocks on the door and wants Luci to help her with some clothes. Luci tells Nana all about Rod the Bod kissing her, how Rod apologized, and she swears it won't happen again. She tells Nana about Gala insulting her and she is afraid Gala will runtelldat to Rosalena. Nana tells Luci to calm down.

Rod the Bod has gone upstairs to Patricio and does his therapy. He tells Patricio that he really needs a professional therapist, and he will get better faster that way. He tells Patricio about kissing Luci. Patricio is a little bit jealous. Rod The Bod tells Pat he apologized to Luci and Gala is jealous. Pat gives him hell and tells him to leave.

Max and Rosalena are getting ready for bed and Max wants to know more about Luci. Rosalena tells him she was recommended by Nana's cousin.

Chatty Cathy thinks that Luci is very bad. She is talking to Nana. Nana gives Chatty Cathy hell about how she always thinks everyone is bad. Ole Chatty Cathy says she is just looking out for herself, oh, I mean Rosalena.

Next day, in Het Het, Magda and Paz on the the bus, going somewhere. Magda is trying to convince Paz to go to the doctor already. Paz still isn't ready to go.

Luci and Nana are in the kitchen, getting breakfast ready for the family and Luci tells her about her mama Paz's hand and that she needs to see the doctor. Of course the Chatty Cathy comes in and gets snippy with Luci. Luci gives her a big smile and brings the tray into the dining room while Chatty Cathy follows. She goes to Max first to serve him and Rosalena is giving her the stinkeye as well as Chatty Cathy. Rod comes in the dining room, he had been up giving Pat therapy, says he doesn't want anything, has to get to work, blah, blah, sees Luci and decides he'll have some fruit. Luci serves him fruit and accidently spills some on him. Well, Luci leaves and of course Rosalena, witchy witch is having a cow, and wants to know from Chatty Cathy, what kind of servant is this? Did you train her? Chatty Cathy says she will take charge of her and teach her the right way (Note to Chatty Cathy; oh, you mean torture the poor girl).

Luci has made it back to the kitchen and tells Nana she spilled fruit on Rod The Bod. Luci wants to call Violetta so Nana tells her to go. Of course the Frigid one comes in looking for the muchacha, Luci. Nana says oh, you know her name, wow. Frigid wants to know where she is. Nana says she sent her out to get some meds? Whose meds? Nana says for me, satisfied? Nana says if she isn't happy she can runtelldat to Rosalena.

Lastra has called the owner of Inferno and he tells him where Luci works.

Luci has called Violetta to see if Lastra has contacted her about what happened at Inferno.Violetta tells her she is very worried that Luci could go to the carcel.

That nice lawyer Claudio is meeting with Lastra's lawyer Arnoldo. Claudio says he wants to give Luci a proper defense. Arnoldo tells Claudio that Lastra wants an apology from Luci. Claudio tells Arnoldo that Lastra lied about everything.

Luci walks back to the Torreslanda house and Gala is right behind her and tells her to wait, she has a lot to talk to her about.


Gala wants revenge on Luci.

Rosalena tells Padre Honesto about a woman from her past.


Good work. I really wish they'd reduce this one to an hour and put in another series or something. A family-oriented one at 7 and move this to 8? The two-hour eps are a killer on recappers.

So we have another put-upon heroine with a Mrs Danvers-type to deal with. Frigida really burns my tail.

Not to mention the next novela cliche, being accused of a non-existent crime while being sought out be a monster from back home. Don't know if I will stick with this one.

Can we have a weekend poll on actors with hot bods? Those title shots of Gabriel Soto would justify this one.

Thanks for the great comment UA.
Yeah, poor Luci. She can't win for losing. So many guys chasing after her, and for the exception of Rod the Bod, with evil intent.But she is pretty savvy, with lots of spunk. I really like that about her. She doesn't take crap from any guy. At least she has Nanna in that household to protect her.

Hot Bods I can name a few besides Gabriel Soto. The first two of course are Fernando Calunga, Eduardo Yanez (for their ages they look pretty hot). Of course David Zepeda, Mark Tracher, Jose Ron, Aaron Diaz and the guy that plays Gabino over at Abismo.

We need photos for that. If someone can tell me how to insert them in this blog I'll hunt them down and start the poll.

I wish I knew how to do that Urban. I would so put that up. I also forgot Marcello Cordoba from LFDD, oh and Christian De La Fuente. They are both really hot with great bods.

Why is Lucy afraid of going to jail? I must have missed that episode. Oh yeah, and Ezra was right. Can somebody kill somebody or something? I am getting a little bored.

I'm working on it; I found the photo insert icon. I just need to compile a full list. I hope I can post it when I get home from the concert tonight.

Cynderella, Luci used to work at a club named Inferno, sort of like a dumbed down Playboy Bunny Club. There is this sleaze ball guy that hangs around there named Lastra. Well, Lastra was trying to paw Luci who by the way, was in full costume, wig, flash eyelashes the works. Well Rod the Bod happened to see what was happening and clocked the guy. Well, Lastra wanted to press charges against her for theft and beating him up lol. Actually she got a few good licks in herself and scratched the crap out of his face. Now this guy Lastra is pressing charges against her and wants her in jail. I think he wanted a little something something from her too, but she was outraged. That's why is fought back so hard.

I meant she fought back so hard. There was a lawyer in the club at the time named Claudio that saw the whole thing, and came to her defense. Now he is her lawyer. Sweet guy, that likes Violetta, Luci's former roommate, that still works at club Inferno.

Cyderella, I think it will pick up soon. Once Gala goes on her revenge spree it should get interesting. She is NOT a nice person. I think she is worse than Flor over there at Abismo.

Cynderella, I can't understand why you think this one is boring, I love it. There's a great love story developing with a lot of bad stuff in between [Lastra, Gala and the rich dirty old man from Luciana's home town--there probably will be more] Maybe it's me, but at the close of each night's episode, I can't wait for the next one to start---I will be very unhappy if this novela is moved to mid afternoon.

One last thing---I love the contrast between the rich life of the big city and the much poorer life of Chiluahua, the small town where Luciana is from.
the gringo

Welcome Gringo- I too like the village in Het Het lol in Chihuahua. The scenery is very stark there, and the people are very poor, but they are so happy for the most part. Contrast that to the Uber rich Torreslandas that are so unhappy and are lorded over by Rosalena. With her its her way or the highway.

Don Aquiles is a hoot. He's really bad, but funny in his way. I hope he never finds out where Luciana is , but I bet he will.

I thought it was very odd that the guy was following Luci and then discovered where she worked. Obviously Violetta did not spill the beans because of the way she was talking during the corn cob scene but how in a city the size of the DF he just happened to be in the right place at the right time is beyond me. Now if it had been up in Poorville it would make sense but even there Don A couldn't seem to keep track of Lucky Luci.

Decie Girl - so true. I can't figure out how he was following Lucie, but I think he knew where Violetta lived, he probably thougt Luci would live nearby and just lucked into seeing her, cause Luci and Nana happened to be there, because the landlady is Nana's cousin. So he thought, what a stroke of luck and followed her.

Side note- I caught a few minutes of Amor Bravio on Televisa, and I can vouch for Christian de la Fuente. He's hot even in light blue mariachi suit. Gabriel Soto could prob. pull this off too, and Marcello, but not sure about the rest of those guys. Something else to look forward too.


yeah lastra needed to find out where luciana lived, so he and his henchmen (ivan I think) figured that she still prob keeps in contact with violetta so they decided to stake out her place and if luciana showed up follow her from there.

I'm really liking this novela too, just wished it was on later because there's more of a chance that i'll miss it at 6; so thank you very much to all the recappers!

& yeah agree that grilled corn is very good. I like mine with mayo and parmesan. that might sound gross but trust me it's pretty good


Kelly thanks for your comment. I can't wait for Amor Bravio to make it here. It sounds interesting.

jlk-Yeah that corn is delish. I had it with mayo, parmesan and some spices. It was the best corn I ever ate. Love the food in these TN's I have to say.

I forgot to add the mean housekeeper. There is plenty of people on the dark side or team evil to make this a very interesting novela. I hope it has a beautiful ending--but that's a long way off.

Madelaine---Yes the people of Het Het Chihuahua are poor but happy, I like that---It makes me want to visit there and meet some of the good people there.
the gringo

Preguntas: Is this going to be on every night at 6:00 or was this just last night. And does Luci now live at the Torreslandas? Gracias.

It was just last night because there was a soccer game after Abismo De Pasion.

Yes, Luci does now live at the Torreslandias.

Work has kept me busy today Madelaine. I hopr it's not too late to say, great recap!

jlk is right. There was a conversation between Ivan and Lastra where they wondered if Luci still lived with Violeta. They thought it was a good place to start looking. And since it was Sunday, everyone's day of rest, it was a good guess that Luci would come visit Violeta that day.

Rod doesn't seem to realize how much trouble he's getting Luci into. Dude, why are you getting all up in her space, like you want to kiss her again?! I'm glad that Luci doesn't take any gruff from anyone and stands her ground.

Max saw the exchange between Rod, Gala and Luci. He didn't say anything to Rod, but his comment when he went up to bed with Roselena was that Luci appears to come from a good family background and seems too well raised to be a servant. I don't think he would be bothered by one of his sons dating her.

Refugio will be back to its normal time tonight.

Vivi it is never too late to leave a comment and thank you so much for the info I missed. I thought there was someone watching Luci and Rod the Bod but I couldn't see who it was, and thank you for what Max said, I agree with you, he wouldn't have a problem,but can you see Rosalena if she found out?

And thank you jlk about how Luci ended up being followed.

All your comments have been great, thank you so much.

Madelaine & UA--Lest we forget Hot Bod Numero Uno - William Levy. That's one guy who loves to go shirtless.

Ladies, I will need some time. I have a draft saved but lost some internet time this afternoon. Lunch time, then?

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