Saturday, June 02, 2012


Recap by Anita

The Highlights
Mariana’s Dead Again
Pedro is Under Suspicion Again

The Lowlights
Everything Else That Follows

We begin this somber and sorrowful episode with verification of Carlos’ prediction that there would be no Funeral, at least not yet.  But folks—they’re running out of time in Avocadoland and there are vastly more important things to be resolved, so Mariana may have to settle for an off-site funeral.  Stay tuned, Please!

The Fateful Night Before—1) Camila and Antonio are in her bedroom (formerly known as Doris’ bedroom).  He’s threatening, she’s retorting.  She accuses him of being a killer.  He swears he had nothing to do with Mariana’s death—that was all his father’s doing.  Backing down, she promises to do whatever the Ant tells her to do, but she’s doing it for her baby; 2) TB+30 (aka El Piggorio) wakes up from a restless sleep to find Doris peering over him  …..  This dialog is interrupted for a message from the severe weather center in KY and I can’t hear a thing Doris and El Pig are saying (and I don’t live remotely near KY, go figure).  But that was yesterday, today is another day.

Some scenes have been combined for continuity’s sake.

The Fateful Morning After—Tracy, Alberta and Panchito are in the kitchen on a bright sunny morning, dwelling on Camila’s state of health and the upcoming operation.  Tracy is dying (oops, wrong choice of words), anxious to find out what’s going on with her friend Camila.  Antonio enters to fill the room with Darkness.  He informs the trio that the tumor rumor was untrue and instead the diagnosis is gastritis (and he came up with this on his own, I suspect).  He exits, taking his Darkness with him.  Tracy is very suspicious.  Alberta and Panchito think this is all very raro indeed.

Antonio visits Lucrecia in the cabaña to give her the news that Mariana is dead and gone.  She’s jumping for joy.  She’s so ready to go over to console Pedro since rival #1-Camila, is now Antonio’s and rival #2-Mariana, is dead.  The Ant tells her to relajate.  Before she can do that, he has to think of a way to bring her back to life.  She can’t just appear as a miraculous resurrection.

Pedro is down at the precinct with El Capitan, discussing the events surrounding Mariana’s death.  He tells Pedro that everyone close to Mariana is under suspicion until the investigation is complete.  Pedro supposes he’s under suspicion, too, and he wants to know why—is it because now he’s free to marry Camila?  El Capitan says, of course not, it’s because he now >inherits her great fortune.  Pedro is incredulous.

El Capitan also reminds him that next week begins the trial in Lucrecia’s en flammante immolation.  Pedro tells El Cap he thinks Lulu is alive.  Now it is the good Capn’s turn to be incredulous.  Well, of course Pedro has no proof, it’s just a gut feeling he has.  
But he's not there to talk about Lucrecia, but of Mariana.

He tells El Cappo that it’s not the money.  The fortune should really go to Manuel, who took care of her.  Does the Cap really think he spent all those years looking for Mariana, just to kill her?  The only one interested in Mariana’s death is Don Gregorio, since at any point that Mariana recovered her memory, she would be able to implicate him in her disappearance.  Well, of course Pedro has no proof, it’s just a gut feeling (pardon the ditto).  Whatever, the Capitan knows his job and right now he’s still investigating.  He needs Pedro to give his statement.  Pedro didn’t realize she wasn’t there until morning and by there, he means El Talismán since she was staying with them for a few days.  They ought to talk to Manuel, maybe she just went home first.  El Cappo asks directly if Mariana had any problems with any of the ranch hands.  Pedro gives him a resounding no.

Back at Maria’s apartment, Elvira is jumping for joy to know there isn’t going to be any operation.  She’s sure Camila will now be able to be happy living with her husband.  She’ll even be able to have babies.  Army and Angel are incredulous.  Army states rhetorically, who is she fooling, Camila will never be happy with that imbecile (and it’s all momsie dearest’s fault).  Elvira is only momentarily callada.

In the Alcatrash despacho, Don G is trying to find out from Valentin if the news has gotten out about Mariana.  It’s obvious now that Valentin is worried about his fate at the hands of El Piggo.  He reminds El Piggo that Camila saw it all, but it seems as though she’ll keep quiet.  Don G is certain she’ll keep quiet—if she knows what’s good for that baby of hers.  Just a bit later, Don G is congratulating himself and Valentin on their job well done.  Valentin wants to know what he means by “our” job.  Clearly Valentin does not consider himself part of the team.  Don G says that of course he is, didn’t he get the blanket to wrap up the body, help him carry her out, put her in the pick-up, dump the body—that’s called accessory after the fact—GUILTY.  He orders Val to call Pancho to come--and get a move on.

Tracy comes into Camila’s bedroom to see how she is.  She’s relieved to know she’s alright.  Camila admits that she’s more scared of Don G than she is of the Ant or Doris.  She claims he’s a full blown killer.  Tracy is muy impactada.

(MIA—Where oh where are Rita and Rennie for some needed comic relief.)

Over at El Tal, everyone is gathered around in the kitchen, still discussing the absence of Mariana.  It’s so raro for her to have gone out so early without telling anyone.  Meanwhile, Santiago is being pricked by his conscience.  He knows she went to El Alkietrash last night to help Camila, but why are they all so sure she’s missing and that something has happened to her.  He tip-toes upstairs to check her room.  It’s empty.

Manuel is getting ready to see patients at the hospital.  He asks the receptionist about Maria and whether she’s with Camila.  The receptionist tells him that the operation was called off.  Something happened, though, because the police were calling for Camila because they want to talk about Mariana.   He’s still worried about Mariana since she still isn’t answering her cell phone.  He calls El Tal.  She’s not there and neither is Pedro.  No es nada bueno, he says to himself—not good.   Maria, Angel and Armando are together in another part of the hospital.  They want to denounce the doc….!!  (Is this because of the mis-diagnosis or that an de-licensed doc had actually been allowed to reserve an operating theatre to do major surgery on a uterine tumor—where’s the paperwork, hem, hem.  My guess is that in this tn, it was the former and not the latter).  Manuel joins them long enough to tell Maria that he’s on his way to the precinct.  He’s sure something has happened to Mariana.

Tracy and Camila apparently have not been interrupted.  Tracy wants to know everything (yawn), Camila won’t talk (yawn).

Manuel arrives at the police station to learn that Mariana is dead—shot to death and dumped by the dumpster.  Manuel goes ballistic.  No, no, it can’t be.  He turns on Pedro—you were taking care of her, why did you let this happen.  He should never have let her go to El Talisman to stay.  If he hadn’t she’d be alive.  Manuel is so worked up he’s not listening to anyone. 

Pedro again tries to tell El Capitan that it’s Don Gregorio’s fault.  El Capitan tells Pedro he can’t keep on blaming Don Gregorio with no proof.  Remember that Don Gregorio wants to see his butt in jail for the death of his daughter Lucrecia.  Pedro repeats, I keep telling you, she’s alive (but have no proof).

They want Manuel to identify the body and make a statement.  He can’t bring himself to do it.  He calls Maria, absolutely desecho (undone) with the news that Mariana is dead.  She arrives at the precinct and there is a sad but emotional embrace.  Maria doesn’t know what to say, but he should know she’s there for him.  She tells him he needs to make the effort to get it together, for Mariana’s sake.

Together, Manuel and Maria absorb the news.  The detective reminds him that he needs to continue making his statement.  Manuel fills him in on Mariana and avers that Gregorio Negrete and Antonio were after her to harm her, but he can't confirm if it's true.  As for Pedro, he’s a good guy.  The detective adds, but even if he will now >inherit her great fortune?  Manuel has la cara de impactado.

Elvira has left the apartment and comes storming into El Alca, apparently to see Camila, but really to create a commotion.  Alberta is close on her heels.  Don G hears the commotion and appears.  He tries to throw her out, but apparently not far enough.  She comes flying back like the paddle ball she is.  Doris hears her and appears.  She keeps shrieking that she just wants to see her daughter.  Antonio appears.  Elvira is shocked to find Doris at El Alca—Que hace aquí?  Camila hears the commotion and appears.  She’s fine.  The Buckledup blocks them from hugging, but then relents and lets Elvira talk to Camila—in private (could be dangerous, man).  That leaves The Buckledoff and Doris alone in the hallway.  He wants to know WTH she’s still doing there.  Doris snaps back that Don G wants her there.  Ha-ha he tells her, it won’t be long before Don G won’t be needing her anymore.  She wants to know what he means by that.  He says, she’ll know soon enough.  Then Doris wants to know WTH happened last night.  The TB+30 wasn’t very forthcoming and she’s sure her ex knows.  He sneers, ask the old man yourself.

Valentin is babysitting Lucrecia.  She knows Mariana is dead, but not the details.  She wants to know if there’s any news of Pedro.  She can’t wait to go comfort Pedro.  Valentin says the only thing she’d achieve by doing that would be to give Pedro the fright of his life.

Elvira, alone with Camila, is overjoyed to know she isn’t sick and no longer needs the operation.  Camila tells her it was all part of a plan of Antonio’s, but can’t tell her what or why.  Elvira insists on answers, but Camila pleads with her not to ask anything more.  Elvira only wants to help.  Camila doesn’t want her help (and neither would I).  Just look at how helpful she’s been up to now.  She asks Elvira to leave and walks her to the door.  Then Camila rushes back in saying out loud that she needs to protect her baby, just in time for Tracy to hear her.  (She apparently was cleaning Camila’s attached bathroom because she’s carrying an environmentally-friendly pump bottle.)

Elvira runs into Alberta on her way out and begs her to help her find out what’s wrong with Camila.  Antonio shows up, bringing his cloud of Darkness with him.  Jut-jawed and teeth-clenched, he hisses the only thing wrong with Camila is that she doesn’t love him, but she will.  So, leave and don’t come back.  Elvira is determined to get to the bottom of this.  Yeah, yeah answers the Ant, but by that time it’ll be too late.  (Intrepid Reporter will have to look into that, is there something more afoot we haven’t perceived.)

Pedro has returned to El Tal and Padre learns about Mariana’s death.  He can’t believe it.  Pedro is sure Don G is behind it , but there’s nothing to implicate him.  He’s aware that suspicion will fall on himself because he >inherits her great fortune (third time this has been mentioned).  Unfortunately it’s a logical conclusion.  Still, he doesn’t understand why the police always suspect him, but never the Negretes.  Sadly, Pedro will have to tell everyone, so he asks that the troops gather in the living room.

Santiago is rewinding and hits the replay button on his last conversation with Mariana—how she is on her way over to El Alca to talk to Camila.  He feels compelled to tell Pedro everything.  Dramatically descending the stairs (but not pushed), Santiago tells everyone he’s very upset because of what he knows and that he should have gone with her to El Alca.  Pedro comforts him.  Como she wanted to talk to Camila?  So, Padre says that what Pedro’s been saying must be true—it was the Negretes that did this.  They must go to the police for Santiago to tell all he knows.  Pedro tells the group that he doesn’t know any of the details regarding Mariana’s death.  It looks like it was a robbery, then her body was dumped.

Antonio is seen drinking in a public bar (whaa, he can’t do that at home more cheaply??). Oh, it’s because he’s meeting Doc Jaime right there out in the open where everyone later will recall in the witness box that there was a conspiracy of some sort going on—or not.  Jaime assures him that because Don G is as strong as a pig, the dosage has to be increased, but it’s having the prescribed effect.  Don G will soon be paralyzed.  If he could, Antonio would jump for joy.

Tracy and Camila continue their conversation.  Tracy is so happy about the pregnancy and promises to keep quiet.  Camila says she doesn’t want her baby to be born at El TrAsh, but there nothing she can do about it for now.  They scheme about how to find the vial of poison which is hanging over her mother’s head.  Tracy is sorry that they hardly ever let her out of the kitchen, but she’ll find an excuse to get into Antonio’s bedroom.  Somebody thinks of looking in the cabañas, even though they are abandoned, but it might be worth the effort.  Camila can’t do it because she’s being so closely watched.

Panchito has arrived in the despacho to take orders from Don G.  He arrives breathless—it shows how dedicated he is.  Don G wants to know *everything* that is going on at El Tal.  Panchito wants him to narrow his search, be a little more specific.  Ok, Don G wants to know anything to do with Mariana.  He reports back later that Mariana has disappeared (who is feeding him information over there, anyway).  Panchito wants to know whassup; Don G is not sharing.  It’s better he not know.  He stands up to go file something, but is immobilized by the pain in his chest.  Panchito runs out screaming for help.

He finds Doris and they go back to the despacho.  Don G assures them it was just a scare, he’s alright, but please call his Doctorcito.  It couldn’t be that killing Mariana has affected him, he muses.  The two of them get him back to his bedroom and he admonishes that Antonio must *not* know about this.  It is a *secret.*  Said doctorcito is still hanging out with Antonio at the bar.  He tells the Ant the pills are working—Don G just had a crisis.  He’s going to up the dosage – and – he wants to start getting paid for his services.  The Giant Beltbuckle of Darkness says he’s as good as his word (ya think?).

Quick as a flash, the Unshaven One is back at El Alcatrash and inside Camila’s bedroom.  >>FF.  He grabs Camila’s face and snarls that ese escuincle, wait for it, va a ser MIO and you’re going to end up queriendome (ugghh).

AVANCES –Wait a minute, does Camila actually get a sneak preview of Antonio and Lucrazzierthanever talking together in the cabaña?  Let’s hope so and get this silly thing over with so we can all take spend some quality time together at the Post-Traumatic Recappers and Commenters Clinic.  Your Intrepid Reporter hopes they have limpid pools, horseback riding, wienie roasts, bonfires, sharpshooting, plenty of boda bags full of Sparkling water and avocado salads and raisin bread for lunch.  Recap by Anita.


Ahh Anita, intrepid Editor in Chief of our now difunto FUG, your recaps are always such a joy. Case in point: "She comes flying back like the paddle ball she is." That description of Elvira is pure brilliance madam. I also love your motif of Pedro having "no proof" and >inheriting Mariana's great fortune.

I haven't had a chance to watch this episode yet, but honestly, your descriptions of the characters are so spot-on I feel I saw it all. "Unshaven One", "Giant Beltbuckle of Darkness", yep these are pretty darn descriptive.

However, this was perhaps your most hilarious quote of all: "It couldn’t be that killing Mariana has affected him, he muses." Aye Dios mio, for some reason I found that absolutely hilarious.

Thanks Anita. It's hard to tell if we are winding down or not because this TN still feels like it's spiraling out of control. No wonder everyone is going loco and poor Pedro looks baffled all the time. You, however, made perfect sense of it all.

I forgot to say I love your title. It is, indeed, a game of double jeopardy in more ways than one. Unhappily for our strip of Turkey Bacon, he has never been tried for Mariana's death so we may see him fry yet. I hope!

What a wonderful recap, Anita. Your recap is so much easier to grock than the show itself. Wait, did Sylvia just say the same thing. Sorry Cap'n. What she said.

I'll be at the Post-traumatic recappers Clinic. Anita, I'll pour you a tall one, pull up a chair for each of us beside the limpid pool and we can compare notes and debate about Lucrazy's worst outfit. I still give very high marks to the flesh colored tights with the black leather patches on the fronts of the thighs. You know, for all the wear and tear you put on the front of your thighs.

I'll be waiting for you guys. Can't be long now. They've killed off the only good character and made Pedro rich so he can marry Camila and send Elvira to a posh manicomio. The Pig will get his. The Prince and Princess of Darkness will disappear into the sunset and do bad things.

Hanging out by the limpid pool reading a past issue of FUG,


Anita, thank you for this funny recap.

Been busy lately so haven't expressed my appreciation either here or over at the Pit lately, but I catch up in spurts, and enjoy your talented musings, as well as talented commenters/recappers like EJ, Sylvia and Carlos.

Can I buy you a round of drinks when you go to the post-traumatic stress disorder clinic?


From the title to the our Post Traumatic Recappers Commenters Clinic (PTRCC) menu, this was lively and fun.
can we be called the PET ROCKS

-Tracy is dying (oops, wrong choice of words)
-But look at how helpful she (Elvira) has been up to now
-Buckledup and Buckledoff

Still not getting why TB+30minusSpanx doesn't get his blood tested again. He knows someone is trying to poison him.

I like how you saved us from whiplash and combined scenes, Anita, for continuity. These writers are very incontinent.

Don't miss UA's posting of the hot bods! Our Beltbuckle is there, sans beltbuckle.

Rosemary la Otra

Anita-you rock girl! Thank you for this very wonderful recap. Marvelous from start to finish.

Poor Pedro ever the whipping dog it seems. If a Negrete is killed, or injured, the police are like, hey let's blame Pedro. Ridiculous! Absurd! I had such faith in El Capitan, and I see the *hawt dective* was back. Now he is yummy, oh sorry. Yeah I guess they would blame Pedro because of her great fortune. I wonder how much she was worth. They never said. I hope Manuel does not turn his back on Pedro. He should know better.

Pedro is smart, it was the Negretes that always tried to harm her and Manuel knew that. But Santiago knows she went to Altrash so that at least helps Pedro out.

I wonder, if in the end, they will pin the murder on Lucrazy, even though she at least is innocent of that. She did do the beat down of Mariana, The Dark Beltbuckle would like to be rid of her, he gets her half of El Trash if that happens, and if the Pig dies, so much the better, he gets it all. I wonder if he will find a way to show she is alive and blame her. Just a thought. Of course when and if the Pig dies he blames Elvira for that, I guess I have too much time on my hands lol.

I wonder who Tracey tells first about Cameela's Pedro in the oven?

Panchito has friends all over El Tal. They all like him over there, and plus Tracey goes over to El Tal all the time and she does the chisme with Panchito all the time. That is how he gets his info. Oh, didn't Pedro say something about having Panchito sniff around Eltrash to see if there are any Lucrazy droppings?

Gracias, amigos y amigas. Please pardon the grammatical glitches, but when one is cutting and pasting and editing one's own work, some no-no's get through (as in an de-licensed, which started out as an un-licensed).

Cap'n--Believe it or not, the phrase El Piggo muses actually came out of his mouth, not mine!

RLO--PET ROCKS for sure. Let's advertise: Destination vacation--The Only Post-Traumatic Recappers & Commenters Clinic in Fresno, All Pet Rocks Welcome (but no Paddle Ball available).

David--Thank you for stepping forward to buy us all a round. Are you aware this will cost you a fortune?

Oh, and RLO--you are so quick on a Saturday morning--Incontinence rains supreme on El Tal.

Madelaine--All your set-ups are doable. But, Poor Pedro will be blamed when it turns out the gun that was used to kill Mariana was his. Even though he'll say it was stolen by a Negrete, he has no proof!!!!

Where has Flo been all this time--like two episodes without her. Maybe it's exam time at Fresno State.

RLO--I don't think it's Don G who's forgotten to have his blood retested, it's the script writers.

Dear Anita, if the words came out of his mouth that brings me to one of my own favorite telenovela musings, that of "he folks, we don't make this stuff up, we just report it", which you, our intrepid reporter most certainly did.

Please save a spot for me at PTRCC. I do believe I have seen every tawdry episode. (Except last night's which I will watch when I get home Sunday, Lord help me.) I am counting on EJ to be leading the relaxation therapy sessions. Are there any yogis amongst us?

Ahem, that would be "HEY folks".

Can we bring bota bags to the clinic or should we just drink straight from the bottles? It's going to be a long two last weeks.


I am all for a trip to the Pet Rocks Clinic, but if it's in Fresno David can't buy me enough drinks to get me there. I for one am on the first train/plane/SUV/avocado truck out as soon as this series wraps.

Anita, I love the cloud of darkness that Antonio dragged with him through the whole recap. Ain't that the truth? And my favorite line: "Elvira is only momentarily callada."

Anita thanks for your recap. I R la O I'll be at the PTRCC too and willing to buy all the beverages and food necessary to try to erase this mess from our memory. Though I'll be selective in my forgetting because our snark here has been some of the best stuff ever.

Yes, Karen, I do highly recommend this cleansing retreat. Especially given we think we only have 2 more weeks, and there are so many main characters who have to still be bumped off.
I think TB+30 is a goner. Yay!
I think Antonio is a goner. Camila can then inherit it all, and turn it over to F1 and F2 showing them she's not such a biotch.
I think Lu will live but be committed.
I think Valentin will die the day after he tries to right his wrongs.
Are we still thinking F1 and F2 will plunge off a cliff in their new cars? Or will they just die from boredom talking to each other?
What will happen to Elvira?
Will we ever see Rennie and Rita again?
I kind of think El Cappy may get caught in some gunfire.
I also think Doris could be a victim of collateral damage.
Missing anyone?

What about Pancho, R la O? Will he turn out to be the long-lost son of...Brigitte and the Capitán?

RLO--I don't think we want to off anyone else, but here are some additional post-traumatic endings.

It will turn out that Gabriel was married secretly at age 15 so he could get permanent residency papers. His much older wife, who married for business purposes serially, moved to North Dakota (the new destination for undocumented immigrants) leaving him with a paper wife. That's why he's so adamant about not marrying Sarita. Knowing Sarita, she'll take things in hand, finds the woman in ND, gets the divorce for Gabe and then he has no more excuses. In the Finale, she dresses up like Laura on Little House except her skirt and apron are waaaay too short.

Armando is spotted by a Florida talent agent and is selected to do a daytime soup [sic] on a Spanish-language tv station where he can't use his hands.

We can only hope this mess ends for us sufferers soon. It's like the Piggo being poisoned slowly by Doc-Not, only worse.

Sorry, I meant Angel, of course.

R la O I love your death list! In addition to TB+30 being slowly poisoned he needs to be tormented by Mariana visitations until he confesses all his evil deeds, which probably include harming his first wife.

Tony needs to have his beltbuckle fall off but short of that all of his deeds need to be exposed to the police as well as his family. He needs to go to jail for a beatdown and then taken out by a cellmate with a shiv.

Elvira should have a stint in jail and then forced to work a low-wage job.

Renato and Rita will probably also go to jail with Dr. Not and his long-faced friend.

And let's plan a blow out party for our PTRCC. Perhaps we could go some where in LatAm and have at least half of UA's list of men visit us.

I think we're going to find the end of this TN *very* satisfying.

Thanks Anita. Very entertaining. I especially like your explanation of Gabriel's reluctance to marry Sarita.

Unless I missed something (which is likely) I thought that DonG shot Mariana with his very own pistol that he got out of his bedside table. I think the pistol that Antonio was brandishing may have been Pedro's.

My big disappointment from this eoisode was Manuel... what a wimp. Can't even bring himself to identify Mariana's body? ¡Por favor! And then to blame Pedro for not protecting her? And then look all suspicious when he learns that Pedro stands to inherit El Tal? And the rest of you want him all snuggly with Maria?

I thought it was strange that El Capitán bluntly told Pedro over the phone that Mariana was dead, but insisted that Manuel come down to the station.

And no funeral? Really? Maybe there'll be a big memorial for everyone at the end.

As for the femsibs driving off a cliff? They may perish but I'll guarantee those new Chevys are safe from harm. Remember that Tia Paty and Claudio blew up in an exploding Ford Focus?


Blue - I think we need to keep Pancho with the original plan of giving him a nice back parcel of land for him to build a house for himself and Tracy.

Anita - I love your supposition about Gabe's marriage back in the day. I am curious as to where one finds a nasty Laura Ingalls Wilder outfit? Is that it next to the nasty Helen Keller?

Of course Angel will get spotted by a talent agent. He'd be delightful on a daytime tele. I'm a little unsure as to what your "he can't use his hands" reference was about, but I laughed anyway.

Karen - YOU are officially in charge of contacting UA's guest list guys and signing them up as our therapy. Mmmmmm. That should do the trick.

Carlos, I have no doubt those Chevy's will remain intact at the bottom of Lake Fresno, but Estupidas F1 y F2 forgot to buckle up. We need a good PSA for the finale.

Carlos--We've been bumped from the first page, so who knows if anyone will see this. You're right, I mixed up my villains. It was Antonio that ordered Val to go get a pistol that belonged to Pedro. So, Pedro is safe from "proof" that he killed Mariana with his gun.

RLO-I sent you an explanation as to why Angel (aka David) can't use his hands by separate e-mail.

See you all tomorrow for more fun and games.

Great comments everyone! I was having a hard time responding but I thoroughly enjoyed reading all the comments.

I'm definitely going to need some sort of therapy or spa day when this crazy show is over.

I still think Sarita and Doris should open an exotic costume shop together.

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