Saturday, June 16, 2012

El Talismán Pre-Finale Special Fri 6/15/12 It Came In With A Whimper and Went Out With Bodas and a BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG!

This final recap is being brought to you in Several Parts by
"All for one and one for Alternate Fresno!"

To begin the Gran Final, we invite you to play a Match the Quotes to the name game.  Draw a line from the quote to the person who said it.  You may rely on your memory or not.  They all come from Friday’s two-hour episode.

Answers will be at the end of Part II.

1. Todo esto es MIO                                      Lucrecia
2. Te tenemos rodeado                                   Camila
3. No se nada                                                 Antonio
4. Hasta Nunca, Elvira                                    Dr. Raúl
5. Dejame en PAZ                                          Jaime
6. Mi AMOR-L                                              Valentin
7. Dame las llaves del camion                          Rita
8. No seas tonto con nuestro dinero                Renato
9. Business is Business                                    Elvira
10. Va a ser una Niña                                     El Capitán

To Continue with the Gran Final, we invite you to enjoy the following original poem.

a skewed version
Por Luis Carroll y R la O

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All nerviosos were the El Tal empleados
And the raisins withered on the vine.

“Beware the Negretes, Pedro!
The jaws that bite, the claws that slap!
Beware the One Called Pig, and shun
The frumious Beltbuckle!”

He took his long lost gun in hand:
Long time the shirtless foe he sought
So rested he by the avocado tree,
And stood awhile in thought.

And, as in dazed thought he stood,
The Prince of Darkness, with bloodshot eyes,
Came panting through the cemetery
And hiccuped as he came!

Uno, dos! Uno, dos! And through Alcatraz
The long needled syringe went in Pig's neck
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galloping back.

“And, has thou slain the Sneering Ones?
Come to my arms, my clueless hombre!
O delicioso day!  Caray!  Caray!
He snorted in his coffee.

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All painted were the glitter girls
And the raisin vines plumped up.

Since Viewerville was shortchanged by at least 20 episodes, we have taken the liberty of restoring them for you.

The Missing Episodes—In Which:
#105 – Through DNA tests it is shown that an unknown person of indigenous blood lines fathered Antonio.
#107 – No gold, oil or historical ruins were found on the back 40 of El Talisman.  Don Gregorio's coveting the rancho was revealed to be pure greed.
#109 – Through DNA tests it is shown that Camila really is Esteban’s daughter after all.
#111 – Elvira is found homeless and wandering around the streets of Los Angeles pulling her little red suitcase.
#112 – Army gets enough money together to go to Canada.  Angel follows.  The cousins and Flor and Fab become Canadian citizens.
#113 – Francisco Negrete (aka Panchito) and Tracy get married.  Tracy makes all the hors d’oeuvres for the reception.  Panchito picks his nose during the ceremony.
#115 – The Orphans arrive from Mexico and among them is Santiago’s mother (don’t ask).
#117 – Valentin goes to Los Angeles trying to look for Mariana and runs into Elvira.  They set up housekeeping together in a big cardboard box.
#119 – El Capitán finally has the pruebas he needs to charge Don Gregorio Negrete with various and sundry crimes.  It has to be done in absentia or post mortem or whatever.
#120 – Meses después – BABY ARRIVES – She looks just like Camila and cries like her, too.


OMG HILARIOUS. This is shaping up to be the best recap EVER.

Yes, this gran finale recap will be the best one evaa, jus' sayin', lol.

Panchito picking his nose at his own wedding... HYSTERICAL!!!
btw Panchito was carrying a ripped up straw hat before dad died... suddenly he was dressed to the nines at Pedro/Camila's wedding! nice upgrade if you can get it!!
very nice job folks! keep it going!

“Beware the Negretes, Pedro!
The jaws that bite, the claws that slap!
Beware the One Called Pig, and shun
The frumious Beltbuckle!”

Well played, R la O. :)

I have to agree with Madelaine though: while there were elements of the show that probably worked far better than they ever should have (Aaron Diaz, God bless him, just went bonkers with his role), the show did come out of the gate rather quietly (the infamous second episode aside) much like its predecessor Eva Luna. And in the same way it got more interesting (well, in its way) and substantially more cracked out as it went on, which all came to a borderline insane head in the finale; I'm still undecided if this show overall was more over the top than Eva was in the end, though it's a much closer race than I ever would have predicted ninety-eight episodes ago. Then again, no houses were blown up in this novela...

On Thursday, Panchito actually came into the room CHEWING ON HIS HAT, but I couldn't work that into the recap. What a nut.

Yes Yes YES!! This is already the best recap ever.

A Great Title

A Group Cheer

A Game

A Brilliant Poem (one of my all-time favorites which has now been transformed into my new favoritest favorite)

Bonus Episodes that take care of the loose ends.

I knew you ladies had some tricks up your sleeves but I must say I am VERY impressed. Well done! I am really looking forward to the rest of the recap. Thanks to you this day started out with a BANG! (But not the bad kind.)

Just one question, any advice on how to get the marker lines off my screen? (just kidding)

I was shocked, truly shocked, at how well Panchito cleaned up for the wedding. Blue Lass, I forgot about him chewing on his hat. You're right, he's a nut all right, kinda gross, but basically a good guy.

RlaO: Thank you, funny Rosemary—You done Lewis Carroll proud. What a wonderful offering to our avocado-and-raisin addicted community.

Now to the show. OK I am starting at the end. It was tragic. I am serious. Rafael Novoa showed the first spark of life in the TN at the wedding. Then he jumped for joy, I am sure that was unscripted. Poor Blanca couldn't stop crying for realz. I am saying Blanca here, not Camila. Her tongue was still green from a breath mint. In the second kiss, Rafael finally relented and kissed her like he kinda meant it.

Call me crazy, but all my intuition screams that he has been one withholding mf/er during the filming of this show and Blanca has been the good soldier and resolver of conflict, trying to hold things together. She couldn't fix the problem and I bet she has paid the price.The poor girl probably needs two weeks at a spa to recover.

I know, I have no evidence to prove this, just years and years of doing group conflict resolution, including on movie sets. But I would bet I pretty good bottle of wine that those were real tears Blanca was crying at the end and real smiles of relief that Rafael was smiling. The directors, writers and execs have a lot to answer for. I could write a story about THAT that would be more fun (for me, at least) than the ending to El Tal. Sloppy, Choppy and uninteresting.

I am so angry that they let the Pig knock himself off. They even robbed the audience of the pleasure of seeing him somehow punished in a more hellish way. Bah!

I know, I know, he won't cause anyone else to sin. I get it. I don't have to like it.

What is it about El Tal that makes me such a cranky pants?

I am going back to RlaO's version. It is much better.


Part I is in the hopper folks, just needs polishing. Have to take a break for lunch and I'll be back to editing for you. This may get strung out over two days, though, so beware.

I just finished watching my recording of the finale. I'm going to wait until Anita has more of her brilliant recap up before commenting too much. I love your poem and game so far.

EJ- I was thinking the EXACT same thing about the real emotions that were going on in that final scene, and even Blanca's green tongue. I bet Rafa has never been so glad to be done with a tn before.

I liked seeing Aaron's real curly hair at the end, instead of his always slicked back look. Made him look boyish, even with the thick beard.

More later...

Oh. Em. Gee. I was wondering what was up with Blanca's tongue! I even did a pause and thought que the hell?

I've never seen Rafael Novoa look so happy. EJ, I love your expert review of RN and Blanca. It makes El Gran Final even funnier and more enjoyable for me. I'm going to have to watch that last scene again.

Anita, no worries, take alllllll the time you need.

I loved the cry of joy at the end (we never have to see 'frwsno' again!) but missed the green tongue. I'll have to look for it before the vcr decides it's had enough of this show.

They killed Renato! You bastards!

Doris deserved better. But at least the grease came out of Tonios hair. Nice to see Aaron act finally. He should maybe stick with good guy rolls that let him have clean hair.

But Pancho can pick his nose anytime. He cleans up well and es el Dueno y todo es suyo. Good for him and Tracy.

Real life Tracy has a website showing some of her hosting gigs. She's just like her character. Her wedding to Pancho would be the most fun of them all.

Love the way you all are putting this thing to bed. Adios Fresno.


Rafa can't possibly be as happy as WE are -- I'm jumping for joy, too.

Put me down as another person who thought Rafael's "Por fin!" (sp?) at the end was more genuine than it needed to be. And considering the show basically ended on the wedding, without even a HEA shot of Pedro and Camila (seriously, how uncommon is that?)...poor guy. Maybe he really was just that happy it was all over.

elna june: given a choice I would have preferred Greg's demise to be a bit more karmically fitting as well after everything he did to Mariana. (Thematically, at least, it did fit.) Basically, since he was going to die anyway, his death--as awesomely messed up as it was--became more a sort of parting screw-you to everybody who had ganged up against him and less about justice/karma balance...well, apart from one other person. I love the scene itself because it's sheer UCG (my previous comparison to Pecados Ajenos still stands after sleeping on it), but I'm starting to hate it as the end of Greg and Mariana's combined stories.

Yeah, there was NO justice for Mariana and her baby. No justice for her mama either, who was also the victim of the Pig and Valentin. Part of my recording was taken up with the President's announcement. Please tell me something happened to Valentin. Did I blink and miss something?

Someone should probably watch on the internet and report back. I assumed the Prez talked over Gregorio's actual meeting with the notary, since we didn't see that. But Val did seem to be left high & dry...

It sure seemed like it went out on a whimper to me! The only good thing was Pigorio suddenly coming to life when he heard Antonio had been taken down and shooting the doctor - send his greetings to Antonio in hell indeed. But of course, since he decided to off himself in the next moment, he didn't need an intermediary to send greetings to Antonio in hell. Dumb!

They left so many things unresolved, and instead dragged the hostage taking scenes on FOREVER. I really hoped they would do a bit more - by why would I expect anything better?

Yes, the entire cast looked overjoyed at the finale. Particularly Rafael! LOL!

Thanks Anita. I look forward to part 2 and while I wait am loving the first part. The title, poem, etc were are superb. Too bad our TN wasn't a tenth as good.

EJ - your analysis corresponds to what I thought I saw. RN was ecstatic this hot mess was over and Blanca was too.

Vivi - yes there was no just ending for all the horror the Pig dished out. Though the President's speech may have taken some time away, I doubt if there was more we missed.

Bill - While I wasn't a huge fan of EL, their resolution regarding the villains was infinitely better than this. In addition to poor writing, this TN didn't even really give us a good ending; how do you allow some many innocent women to be harmed and not have a good demise for their killer. Thank goodness we have Caray, Caray and snark or I would have jumped ship long ago.

Well I enjoyed the Gran Final. (Even though dumb. I can't argue that, lol!) Believe me, I expected a lot less.

I also wished Pigorio could have suffered more specifically for what he did to Mariana. Even though they didn't show it, I'm pretty sure Valentin is going to get stuck having to pay for ALL their crimes, see Capitulo #119.

I'm trying to imagine Pigorio's hell a la Dante Alighieri. Doomed to get his bacon scorched and then kicked hard for all eternity by pregnant, pithed off amazons wearing pointy-toed shoes? Rotisseried while having to watch a big screen of all is ex-servants enjoying the good life thanks to El Tal's generous new owner?

Already this recap is one of the best things I've ever read. Too bad the show writers weren't as talented as our recappers!

Well, this finale was delightful in many ways. I got a lot of good laughs. I'm disappointed in the lack of creative punishments for the villains, though. I mean, they just die? Just like that? And Elvira just loses her apartment? I'll picture her scrubbing toilets at Brigitte's on my own, I guess.

I really did enjoy the hostage scenes, in a twisted kind of way. Antonio looked HOT with his hair all messed up, and he played the meltdown to the hilt. Had I been writing the episode, instead of just sobbing Camila would have asked him why he is the way he is and gotten him talking about his childhood etc. Maybe give a glimmer of redeemability, right up to the end. Then he could still die, but with a little more pathos and nuance.

I LOVED Capitan's reaction to Pedro showing up at the motel. "Great, just what we need." The very best part of the whole episode, to me, was that Capitan child-locked Pedro in the car.

My feed wasn't interrupted but I don't remember anything really happening to Valentin. Urg. There were so many potential plotlines set up in this show that were just wasted.

I agree w/Sylvia -- I expected much less and so was more-than-pleasantly surprised. The melodrama tap was on full, and I was ridin' the wave!

We are putting the finishing touches on the first half of the narrative now; it will be up soon.

I do not think Pig suffered at all for what he did to Mariana. To me a few scenes of him being the "woman" at a prison cell would have pleased me.

Please do not forget that Blanca was going through a separation at the start of this TN . I have the impression that Rafael is a true gentleman and did not want to do anything to make it more difficult for her. Aaron too was going through his separation but luckily he found a gal pal.

I wanted Elvira to get a final rebuke from Cam after her last scene in the apt.

I ff through the first hour and frankly played attention when I saw the hair. I have to agree wow Aaron is beautiful.

I can't wait for recap don't recall even seeing Rennie.

Look forward to reading more.

Ok, everyone I watched on Hulu just now and this is what we missed: The Notary, his name is Enrique, an old friend of the Pig's. Panchito gets him in the room and the Pig tells Panchito to guard the door while the Pig has a conference with Enrique. After Panchito leaves, Pig tells him this is the last job he'll ever have to do for the Pig and to listen well and to do exactly as he says. That was it for the Pig.

There was another scene with Cameela asleep on the bed with Tonio w/the gun still in his hand. She moves slowly, takes the cell and calls 911. At that point he wakes up, she provokes a fight, he doesn't know the cell call went thru and the police track down where he is. They call El Capitan who is with Pedro and Padre at the hospital, and that is how El Capitan found out they were at El Ambassador the Only Hotel in Fresno. That is all that was missing.

Madelaine, I recall thinking that Camila was *incredibly* lucky that the police who got the 911 call spoke perfect Spanish. Although I imagine they traced the phone. Still, it just sounded like a crank call to me.

I think only Aaron and Lola came out of this TN with more than they went in. They already have a censored video!

Thanks for filling that in Madelaine. I wondered how they knew where ot find them. Glad Camila did something other than weep in th final episode.

Julia- I also enjoyed the child locking of Pedro in the car. Don't know why it took him so long to figure out he could just reach his hand through the door. :)

Pretty soon I will be offline for the weekend and able to answer only through my Android (just like Tonio's I might add). Please forgive the terse comments, I will be saying much more in my heart, trust me.

..hand through the window to the door.

Well, Talismaniacs, I'm certainly enjoying the festivities so far and I haven't even poured the first shot of Tequila.

I wish, since Mariana had to die, that her ghost could have stuck around to haunt and taunt the immobile Pig. Or if she was unavailable, repeat visits from Elvira.

Even though I was certain that Margarito was going to die (after all he was hit in the worst possible spot for him... his liver), I was cracking up.

Pedro told him to hold on for the ambulance... but I didn't see anyone call an ambulance. Margo kept telling him to go for Camila. Well finally Pedro digs out his cell phone. Margo continue telling him to save Camila. Pedro says no I'm staying with you and then in the next breath tells him to hang on, he's going to have to go for Camila.

It was a lot like Pedro trying to decide whether or not to shoot that lock.

I also thought that the last two dresses that Elvira had on were very attractive.


Next installment is up!

Madelaine--Thank for catching the missing scenes. I wondered how El Capitan knew where to find them. I'll incorporate it into Part III (which should have been Part II, because Part I became Part II).

It's done and just needs polish and shine.

The comments have been great.

RlaO you rock girl. This poem is wonderful, snarky, I have no words, it is just perfect as a opening for our gran finale. Loved it. So talented. Don't ever give up reccaping, jus' sayin'

Sylvia - you are too much

"I think only Aaron and Lola came out of this TN with more than they went in. They already have a censored video!"

O M Goodness and LOL!

Oh, loved the quiz too, how perfect. I guessed all of them correctly. Too Funny. Rehab finally, we can sit back and relax by the limpid cenote and just drink tequila while we relax and try to figure out what happened to some of the endings we were expecting that didn't pan out, lol.

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