Sunday, June 10, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #21-22 Fri 6/8/12 The Lovelorn Can't Make Up Their Minds


Rod and Gala are talking in Rod's room after the Torreslandas party. She starts right in about Luci's "amante" crashing the party. Rod reminds Gala that Luci was at the party because of Pato and she has the right to a private life, even though he isn't happy about this at all. Gala accuses Luci of leading Rod around by the nose. Rod thinks she is lying about Luci.

Aldo has taken Lorenzo to Inferno to meet up with Violetta. Lorenzo says he can go, but Aldo wants to stay cause after all he took Lorenzo to his party, now he wants to go with Lorenzo. They cut in front of the line, and Aldo somehow manages to get them in.

The party is still going on at Torreslanda. Hanna is trying to set up her friend Boris with Lola her friend. Lola is really into Boris. Lola is going outside to wait for her Dad and Boris goes with her. Now Hanna and Melissa are line dancing and Hanna tells her she hopes everything goes well with Boris and Lola, and wasn't Luciana like a fairy princess tonight? They really like her and they think Rod was very taken with Luci tonight.

Gala is crying, oh, boo hoo for you! Rod tells her not to cry. Gala says you like that SERVANT more than me!!!! Boo Hoo! Gala claims that Luci is obsessed with Rod and she will not ALLOW that servant to steal her fiance. Rod also promised to take Gala home.

Now we have Luci in bed, but she isn't sleeping. She is thinking of Hot Bod Rod and that kiss! She is very conflicted about him.

Pato is in bed too, not sleeping thinking of Luci. He thinks about when she walked into the Torreslanda party and he is smiling.

Hanna is dancing with Boris now. He has come back into the party after making sure Lola's Dad picked her up. They start a slow dance. She tells Boris that her friend Lola is very in love with him. He says so sorry so sad but I'm in love with you Hanna. He wants her to be his novia. He tells her she doesn't have to answer now, she can just think about it. She tells him she thinks of him as a friend or a brother. He tells her to think about it.

Lorenzo and Aldo are now inside Inferno. Lorenzo wants to look for Violetta and asks Polo the bartender if she works there. He says yeah she does, and Violetta is almost behind Lorenzo. He is telling Polo he knows her from back home in the North. Polo tells him she is right there, Lorenzo turns around and at first Violetta doesn't recognize him, he tells her his name, Lorenzo Jacinto Flores, then she finally gets it and gives him a big ole hug. He can't beleive it is Violetta either in costume. She begs him not to tell her Mama Magda what kind of job she really has, and oh, by the way did she come with. He tells her no on both counts. He brings Violetta over to the table to meet Aldo who has another girl on his lap. Aldo introduces himself and says that he is Lorenzo's boss??? (Someone clarify, I could have sworn that is what he said to Violetta). Aldo Torreslanda. Well ole Lastra is sitting nearby and perks up his ears at the Torreslanda name. Lorenzo also asks if he can stay with Violetta and she says sure we are like family.

Max and Rosa are getting ready for bed, and he is happy the party was such a success. She asks why he is so preturbed about Vicky coming to the house. He says he doesn't want his employees to think they are friends. Snob. Anyhow, Rosa says something about Jeronimo's wife abandoning the family for a married man, and leaving Vicky and Jeronimo when she was a little girl. Max gives Rosa the stinkeye which she doesn't see. Rosa says poor girl and Max rolls his eyes which she doesn't see either.

We have a Hot Bod Rod sighting. He is alone in his room, no shirt on, looking out the window and thinking of everything Gala said to him. He is especially thinking of the "amante" part.

Rosa has gone back to see Padre Honesto. The guilt about Aurora and her daughter are eating at her. She tells Padre about Luciana coming to the party last night and how she looked like a queen. Padre reminds her that Luciana was only there for Pato. Rosa tells him she provokes her something fierce. Padre asks her if she is thinking of Aurora again. She says Max really liked Aurora and she is still thinking they were involved. He tells Rosa to talk to God and why didn't she talk to Claudio that day at the cemetary? She says she is a coward. He extends his hand to Rosa but she doesn't take it. Padre leaves and she cries.

Mati and Luci are in the kitchen. Luci is dressed in her native dress. She tells Mati that Lorenzo is coming by to pick her up and then her and her brother and her friends are going to Chapultepec Park. She wants Lorenzo to see it. In comes Frigid and right behind her Rod the Bod. Well Rod would like a word with Luci in the biblioteca (library) if you please. He leaves and Frigid gets on Luci's case and tells her to hurry the Master, oh um, Rod is waiting for her, hurry up. Luci goes and Mati gives Frigid the stinkeye. Frigid says she hopes Luci gets a reaming, but Mati tells Frigid that that can't be cause they were dancing last night and she looked like a princess! Frigid is all out of sorts, and Mati asks her sweetly if she would like a cafecita. Now Frigid is giving Mati the stinkeye.

Luci comes to the library and he tells her he always wants to know the class of person working in his house. Luci wants to know what the hey he means by that. He says he needs to protect the family and he is pithed. She starts to get up from her chair and leans toward him, almost in his face, and tells him well if you don't like me, I'll just go. He wants to know who that guy was that crashed the party last night, her lover, her husband, her boyfriend??? He wants to know and no lies now. She tells Rod the Bod that she came to the big city to find a decent job and all she could find was a maid's job. She is a decent girl and a hard worker. Her brother left the North and came to Mexico City too. That is the guy that crashed the party, Lorenzo Jacinto Flores, her brother! She gets up to leave and tells him Adios! He begs her to stay. He tells her Pato really needs her and to please forgive him. Then of course here come the smoochies. He keeps kissing her and apolgizes for that too. He just can't help it. She is kissing him back, but then pushes him away. He is getting married soon. He says everytime he is near her, he can't help kissing her. Luci tells him to stop, she just can't. He tells her she is so beautiful and he drags her back and holds her. She says she can't again. He says it is inevitable everytime he is near her. He wants to be with her. He tells her it is the truth, every word. She puts his hands off of her, and says she just can't. He is crying, she is crying. Mati comes in and says her brother Lorenzo is here; Luci goes.

Julie and Gala are working out at the gym. Julie is worried about how bad she looks, but says ah, it must be the late party last night. Gala is witching as usual about Luci. She is now blaming Frigid for everything that happened last night. If the Estupida has just done what she told her, Luci would have never made it to that party, doncha know. Gala is also mad cause Rod continues to live at home using the excuse of Pato's accident and that he wants to be near Pato. Julie thinks that's a stupid reason, cause all Pato does is lie there all day in bed. When does Rod spend time with him? Gala doesn't like Pato either. Julie suggests they get their own place, sooner rather than later. Then Gala would be calmer.

Frigid is listening at doors again, and sees Mati coming back, so she runs to the stove and is stirring a pot on the stove. The phone rings and Mati answers and says its for Frigid. Well Frigid has a funny look on her face cause it is, wait for it, Gala the horrible. Frigid gets on the phone and yeses and noes Senorita Gala. Mati is in the kitchen the whole time. Once Frigid gets off the phone, she leaves and Mati says to herself. Oh, so it WAS Frigid that caused all this mess with Luci. Gala is very bad.

Hanna is in Melissa's room and she wakes Melissa up. She tells Melissa what Boris told her last night and she just knows that Lola will be pithed when she finds out.

Luci goes to Pato's room and tells him that Lorenzo is here, staying with her friend Violetta and that Lorenzo is her bro. He tells her she can go. She says she will be back by tonight. He tells her he understands love, it makes the world go round.

Lorenzo is at the gate and Luci meets him there. He puts his arm around her and they start walking, when who should drive by in his sporty car, Anyone???? That's right, Mr Hot Bod Rod, who just had to check out Luci's bro and gives him the death ray before he continues on. Lorenzo tells Luci Mama Paz wrote a letter for her and she tells him they are going to Chapultepec Park.

And here we have the comedy of the episode, its Don Aquiles at the hotel. The desk clerk is talking to him thru the glass. He tells Don A there is a cheap place to eat down the street, I think a Chinese Place. Don A so doesn't like that, he thinks it is food for poor people, the clerk also mentions bread and milk too. The clerk says if you are looking for something better, go to Chapultepec Park, uh oh. He goes and drives his big SUV around and finds the park.

Rosa is confessing to Jesus on the Cross in Padre's office. Padre comes in and she tells him she wants to confess. He tells her to go tell Claudio she lied to him about Aurora and her daugther. Meanwhile, Claudio is back at the cemetary and has brought another beautiful bouquet of white roses to Aurora's grave. He is talking to her again, but no sound. Rosa is at the gate, sees Claudio and pauses as if she is going to go in. She changes her mind and leaves.

Oscar and Conny are out to brunch it seems. He is asking if he can ask her a personal question. He wants to know, as attractive as she is, why doesn't she have a boyfriend or lover? She says she has friends for the theater, shopping. She asks him the same. Why doesn't he have a young thing? He says he had a very demanding girlfriend and they have broken up. He tells her he wants something different. He tells her she is different. She smiles at him. (Note to Conny,what are you waiting for woman, snap that gorgeous man up , jus' sayin').

Luci and Lorenzo have come to Violetta's bringing food. Violetta is going to the park too, and says she'll be ready in five minutes, while she is eating. Lorenzo gives the letters he got from Mama Paz and Mama Magda to Luci and Violetta, and Luci goes downstairs to use Dona Estella's phone so she can call them in Het Het.

Jeronimo and Vicky are having breakfast and discussing Max and Rosa. Jeronimo says they are good people. Vicky says that Rosa comes to the salon she works at. The phone rings and Vicky answers. It is Max wanting to meet her at the park cafeteria for a talk. She tells her Papa it is a client and she has to go. She goes.

Luci is downstairs and Dona Estella and Marinita (Thanks Vivi) are there. Luci calls her Mama Paz and thanks her for the letter. Mama Paz tells her to look out for her brother Lorenzo. She promises she will. Ariche talks to Luci too. He wants to know when she is coming back. She doesn't know, they tell each other, they miss each other. Magda comes on the phone and wants to talk to Violetta. Luci says she isn't there, she is getting ready so they can go to Chipultapec Park. The phone goes back to Paz and she gives Luci her blessing. There is a loud knock on the door. It is a desperate girl that wants to be let in. Dona Estella lets her in. She tells Dona Estella her name is Serena and she is running from someone she owes rent to. She can't pay it, it seems.

Rod and Gala are together in an apartment ( I have to say here, I don't know which apartment, I don't know if its their new one, or his, I don't think it is hers). He is staying at the apartment from now on. She wants to know why now. Isn't he worried about Pato? Rod gets a call from his friends, Gabe and Marco, who are coming by later. Gala is all happy and leads her Hot Bod Rod to the bedroom so they can get, you know, en flagrante!

Max and Vicky are at that cafeteria at the park. He doesn't want her at his house again, it isn't decent he says (What???? You are an old dog, jus' sayin') She says she played it cool and Rosa never suspected a thing. She says he is right and she won't do it again and asks for his forgivness (Note to Vicky: You are NOT a doormat, don't let him treat you like one, just break it off with him already, He aint worth your time, jus' sayin'). But she says it is her job afterall. She wants to spend a little time with him. They go to get en flagrante.

Rosa is in Pato's room when Aldo comes in. He is complaining it is Sunday and he needs to rest up after all the work he did last night, Oh Please Aldo, really. He says he woooorrrkss ssoooo hard. Oh, please, Aldo needs help. He says Luci's brother Lorenzo helped him out last night. Well Rosa is so not happy with that. He needs permission for Lorenzo to come to the house. She leaves all pithed off. Pato thinks.

The whole gang of Luci's friends are ready to go to Chapultepec Park. There is Violetta and Polo, Dona Estella and Marinita, Serena , who is tagging along, Lorenzo, and they run into Claudio outside. He had come by to see Luci, she invites him to come too. And there is Mati who came to visit Dona Estella. Claudio calls to her, and asks if she remembers him. She has a sour look on her face, but she comes along too. They all get to the park and Luci is riding the carousel lost in thought. Dona Estella and Mati are at a table right by the carousel and Claudio sits with them and Claudio talks to Mati, she still has that sour look on her face.

Rod, Gabe and Marco are watching a soccer game. Gabe and Marco are cheering the team, and Gala is serving snacks. Gala goes into the kitchen, and Rod is very far away with his thoughts. The guys try to get his attention, but he is very far away, lost in thought. Finally they get his attention, and ask him if he is nervous cause he is getting married soon. Rod looks at both of them, and tells them he isn't so sure he is getting married!


Rod is loco in love with Luci.

Will Rosa finally tell Claudio the truth about Luci and Aurora? Tune in Monday to find out!!!!!


This epi was mainly about pining away for one they can't have. I should have used that as the title lol.

Vivi- I so envy you. You get to recap when Rosa finally spills the beans to Claudio. I can't wait for that, and of course, Rod is loco for Luci. I hope he breaks up with Gala soon. It isn't fair that he is leading her around by the nose. He is profoundly in love with Luci but he does need to break it off with Gala.

Pato is sooo in love with Luci. I am glad he is getting in his chair more and more and he actually operates it himself.

Luci sure gets a lot of time off. I am glad she does though, especially since old Frigid is supposed to be her boss. Anytime she can escape that old witch I am happy.

Wonder if Don A will get a glimpse of Luci or Lorenzo at the park? Hopefully they are too far away from him, but I have a feeling he will see them. I hope he gets thwarted by Claudio if he does.

Thank you Madelaine for your recap, I was able to picture everything, I missed this episode.
Don A would of course see her at the park, right?
Can someone tell me where Rod and Rosa and Gala are supposed to be living? Is it in the US?

Hi Emarie- Thanks for your great comment. Rod, Rosa and Gala all live in Mexico City. Luci and her family are from Chihuahua in the mountains. We call the town they are from Het Het. It is a name Melinama said was meant to convey the boonies. Rod, Gala, and Julie go to Miami for business sometimes. I don't know if Don A will see her in the park, but I think he will.

Madelaine- Fabulous recap amiga!

You know how annoyed with Rod I am, and this episode just increased that annoyance. Stop acting like a jealous jerk and kissing on this poor girl when you have a fiance!!!

Emarie- I left a comment to one of your comments late yesterday. You speculated that Luci would be forced to marry Don Aquiles and Rod would go through with marryin Gala. I wouldn't be surprised in Rod does marry Gala (although the previews give us hoipe). But Luci has way more cajones than Rod. She's already faced down Don A, refused him, and faced the consequences (losing her family home and lands, and having to leave her family). She's already lost it all because of him. He has nothing to pressure her with.

As for where everyone lives, it's Mexico City.

Madelaine- In that bedroom converastion between Rosa and Max, Rosa was explaining that Vicky's mother is dead, and that Vicky is having an affair with a married, rich, older man. She pointed out that this man is just taking advantage of a young, mother-less woman. That's when Max's mood changed and he got all pissy with Rosa, since he's the dirty old man taking advantage of young Vicky. His protest about not wanting his employees to think they are friends is just an excuse (I don't really think he cares that much about that stuff). But there is no other reason to explain why he is so upset about Vicky being in his house. I hope Vicky breaks it off and find herself a boyfriend closer to her age, who is not married and wants to marry her. Shame on Max (like father like son, I guess). This is one of the few times I agree with Rosa.

I was very happy the Padre pointed out to Rosa that if she feels so darned guilty, why doesn't she tell Claudio the truth about how she really treated his wife, and that his child is alive. I see her guilt is not *quite* so huge.

Vivi-thank you for your great comments and thank you for what I missed. Agree with you about Max. He is a jerk, I got half the convo with Rosa. I agree with Rosa here too about what she said about Vicky. Max's eyerolls were funny though.

Rosa still has it in her head that Aurora and Max had an affair. She is still pithed off about that. I don't really know if Max did or not. The way he is so adamat that he didn't, I don't know. I really think that Luci is Claudio's. Rosa seems to think Max is Luci's papa.

Madelaine- Yeah, the eye roll was hilarious. Max has some great facial expressions.

You asked about the apartment in the recap. It's Rod's apartment, the one that was just remodeled for him and Gala. The wedding is only three days away, so nearly a month has passed since the remodeling was in full swing. I think he wants to move back in right away because he wants to be away from the temptation of Luci. Maybe he needs to work on his self control, and his courage instead of hiding from his problems.

I just read in the latest People en Espanol that Gabriel Soto did his own rock climbing scenes in the opening episodes. No surprise with those pechos. I wonder about Pato, did he use a double?

I was searching the internet yesterday to see if I could find a photo of Gabriel Soto smiling. I've yet to see him smile in this TN, nor do I remember him smiling in Fuerza. I ended up at his official sitio and did I get a surprise and it wasn't just the one photo of him smiling. As soon as the website opened this appeared "Bienvendios a Conejita". That remained in small print with each section. I've never used my apodo on the internet except for Caray, Caray. I tried other actors but it didn't happen, much to my relief. Has this happened to anyone else? It was disconcerting.

Madelaine--I'm amazed at your prowess and getting a completely comprehensible recap out with the appropriate amount of snarkiness.

Thanks to Vivi for the revised version of Max & Rose's bedtime pillow talk. The facial contorsions now make more sense. Other than that, it was perfect.

Luci and her cojones--over at El Tal we call them avocados, but ni modo. She also had enough cojones to be the one to disentangle herself from Rod's bod and tell him, teary eyed, that this is not to be. So what if he apologized. He shouldn't have lit into her the way he did. There are other ways of getting the information he wanted. Are we dealing with another hot head?

He's behaving so inappropriately. Something like the droit du Seigneur of old where any one he puts his eyes on is fair game (true love or not) and is not disposed to rejection.

I think the "he's not getting married" avances where he's calling it off with Gala is a red herring teaser. If he went through with it, that would pretty much be the end of the novela.

All they would have to wrap up is the rivalry between Rod and Pato and Pato's feelings about Luci and also Rosa's feelings about having a servant for a DIL and Frigida's comeuppance.

The tale hangs in Rosa's suspecting that Luci is Max's daughter and we're going to spend hours while she goes through the anguish (it's a secret she doesn't want to have come out) over a Rod-Luci coupling.

Padre was right to tell her to quit confessing to him and God and FHS go confess to Claudio. He's such a dear. If she does, I wonder what parts she will leave out. Will Rosa tell him *what* she did with that baby? If so, that'll be wrapped up pretty quick too.

This is a novela that doesn't seem to string things out too long. We'll see if they can keep it up.

Conejita- I just tried it. When you enter the site, it doesn't allow you to enter until you type a name. Then you select your language, and then you get the welcome message with the name you gave when you get into the site. Tou can type anything. The site doesn't autimatically know your name.

Anon- Pics of Gabriel smiling:
With his child and ex:

Number 9 on this list:


This is the website I visited

I didn't have to do anything to enter it, it just welcomed me. I'd never been there before either.

Thanks for the links to a smiling Gabe.

Anon 1047-Thank you for the info on Gabriel. I can imagine him rock climbing. He is very athletic.

Conejita- I have seen GS smiling before mostly on talk shows.

Anita-thank you for the wonderful comments. I think some of these advances are red herrings. That did that over at El Tal too, lol.
I was trying to think of another word for spunk here. We have been avacadoed to death n'est ce pas? We need to thing of another good word we can use here. I have trying to think of the stuff they do here. I have been trying to find a good aviation word we could use. Anybody got anything in that vein? I thought of wind shear or turbulance, but they don't seem to fit. And btw I like the aviation business in this TN cause I worked in aviation in the military.

I thought of another word. Most jets have ball bearings and they are very sturdy, have to be. I think that is a good word for cajones here.

Hmm...maybe we can call them rocks, because of the rock climbing? Rod doesn't have the rocks to break up with Gala.

Rod may climb rocks, he just doesn't have a set of his own.

Vivi and Anon 12:33- I like the rocks for cajones here. That is so great, especially with all the rock climbing. I think we should use that.

Rocks suit me. Excellent choice. We can have grades by size depending on the situation: pebbles if he can't stand up to Gala; rocks if he's doing ok and boulders if he really shows off his testosterone (in a good way).

Ooh Anita, I love the size categories for the rocks.

You guys "ROCK." HA!! I guess that's why I like this blog so much.

thank you for the recap. I missed it Friday night and just watched the episode on Hulu.

I don't like Rod's behavior at all. He's acting crazy and getting jealous of Luci for having an "amante" (who was actually her hermano)?

Well, I'm glad someone in this TN has cajones, because it isn't Rod. Why doesn't he just tell Gala, look, I'm just not that into you anymore.

You all do realize, don't you, that cajones are merely great big boxes, unless you were being deliberately euphemistic. The pair you are looking for is cojones.

Quote from a Mexican slang dictionary (on line)

"Si mi tía tuviera cojones, sería mi tío. Sin madre, sin padre, sin perro que me ladre. Tan lleno como perro de rancho..." I don't think that's all of it, but you get the point,no?

Yeah, sorry. Caja=box;
Rod still has no cojones.

I think I'm the one who got the mispelling started. Thanks Anita for making sure we are well armed with the correct word. ;-)

RachelRaquel-yes Lorenzo is Luci's hermano, who Rod thinks is her "amante" just cause Gala told him so. Then he just reams out Luci without even really asking at first. He is unbeleivable. I know she loves him, but doesn't want to cross the line. I am glad about that. That is her "rocks" and Rod has no cojones or pebbles in this case lol.

Let's just stick with rocks, pebbles, boulders, that way we don't mispell, jus' sayin' lol. If you notice in the recap I spelled the park name wrong towards the end. I tried spelling it phonetically and then I looked it up. That is one beautiful part I have to say. It has everything. They say it is as big or bigger than Central Park in NYC. What a beautiful place of green in a huge city.

I meant park not part.

Chapultapec is fabulous. The big anthropology museum is there, plus a couple nice art museums (I liked the contemp. art one) and the castle at the top of the hill. I only saw this section of the park but it's huge with a lot of people and no way would I want to try to park a big SUV.

How is Aldo a Torreslanda? I thought that was Max's name, and if his mother is sisters with Rosa, wouldn't his mom have to have been married to another Torreslanda? Or is he just pilfering the name so he doesn't have to work?


Kelly thanks for the info on the park. I must be really great, maybe one day, I'll get to see it.

I don't know how Aldo is a Torreslanda, cause Conny is Rosa's sister. Maybe it will be revealed later, how that came to be. Oh, Max put him to work at Torreslanda. He is a general gopher there. lol.

Aldo was just putting on airs. He is not a Torreslanda. This is his name: Aldo San Emeterio Fuentes Gil.

Conny: Constanza Fuentes Gil

Rod: Rodrigo Torrelanda Fuentes Gil

Thank you Vivi for Aldo's and Conny's names. The Fuentes Gil is that the maternal name of Rosa too? I know they include this with the father's name. It is confusing at first, until you know for sure.

i was watching imdb's list for Brandon Peniche, and it looks like his character in his prev novela last name was Torres Landa, but split into 2. here it is all together, but same surname.

That's funny Marta.

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