Monday, July 02, 2012

Abismo de pasión #79 7/2/12: A Virtual FLOOD of Tears

Alternate Title: Pithed recapper curses the heavens while Elisa cries (and cries and cries)

Bullets tonight. Every week I  have the intention of watching ahead online and crafting a masterpiece, but I never do. So you all get stuck with the craptastic "watch in real time, take notes and curse the crappy CCs" recaps.

Lo Refrito
  • Gab and the arrest of Gweedo. Flor, Gweedo and Paolo are color coordinated.
  • Elisa chooses to go away with Dam when Pop goes the lying ho' bag Sleazel with her BS about them being half siblings. Cue the waterworks in 3...2....1
Lo Nuevo which is a lot of Elisa crying so how "nuevo" is that?
  • Elisa says Tía is just making it up to hurt them (true) and Dam Shocked wants proof. Horacio never appears to tell about the truck robbery and Doc Tovar does not pop in for a visit so we get to hear Toad tell the BS story again about the paternity test results. Sadly, says Toad, I've destroyed the results. How convenient, says the Church Lady Elisa. 
  • Dam and Elisa head for Elisa's room. Tears, no puede sers and lárgates.
  • Carnita (thanks Audrey's husband!) joins Toad in his office and the delusional beech thinks things are going to go back to the way they were. She slimes on him and he accuses her of revealing the truth so he wouldn't leave with Elisa. She admits it. If they hadn't stopped Dam and Elisa, who knows how far it would have gotten? Padre, Gael and Pal arrive to interrupt. Carnita gives the BS excuse that  no one is in the mood for visitors and they are sort of shuffled out the door.
  • Gab, Brau and Alf confab. They need the the Pro Ce working again. Brau suggests the Castañon harvest. Alf balks. She'll pay the habanero farmers herself. She's got her personal accounts. Brau leaves. Gab kisses butt. Alf tells him to find a way to sink the Castañons.
  • Elisa cries to Lola. Through the wailing, tears and no es ciertos we discover that Lola came to the hacienda after Elisa was born. Elisa loves Dam like a man. He can't be her bro 'cause that's just gross.
  • Sabrina is mad at her mom for being a metiche IRT the Paolo situation. Enrique takes mom's side. Sabrina flounces out. Flor arrives and begs Quique to take her to Mérida to visit Papá Gweedo.
  • Toad talks to Elisa. He's sorry. She accuses him of lying just to get her to leave with him. His new leaf was a ruse. He never cared for her. Now she finally understands why he despised her and was cruel all these years. She wishes he had been honest from the beginning and maybe she would have  been spared the suffering she is now enduring (Viewerville would have appreciated that too.) He not only destroyed her image of him as her father. He destroyed her dreams, too. He hates her that much? He wants to know why she fell for Dam. Why couldn't she have fallen for someone else? Elisa replies (all together now) PORQUE EL CORAZÓN NO SE MANDA!!! Toad thinks she can find someone else. Toad even suggests Gael (dammit. I guess we *are* going to go there. How many episodes left?GAH!) Elisa screams and cries and dájames and vetes.
  • Carnita thinks Elisa should be grateful to Toad for having taken responsibility for her all these years. Toad lets Carnita know that he may have stayed in La Ermita, but things between them are the same. Did I already mention that Carnita is delusional? She actually offers to go talk to Elisa. Thank goodness Toad turns down *that* offer. I could not have recapped that.
  • Dam PithedandConfused arrives at Casa Harangue-o. Tonia explains she's not supposed to let him in. He confronts his mother. He needs to know how long Rosie and Steffie were involved.  He asks if it could be true that he and Elisa are half siblings. Alf can neither confirm nor deny it. But it's possible. She knows Dam is Rosendo's, but she doesn't know about Elisa.
  • Toad gets into the crying game (ha!) at Steffie's grave (which is covered with fresh dirt QTH?) He blames her for everything. Ass. Ramona creeps up. She told him that the next time she saw him at Steffie's grave he'd be on his knees begging for forgiveness. He says that will never happen. What Steffie did to him and his daughter cannot be forgiven. Ramona tells him that she cannot let him leave La Ermita without him knowing the truth...which he won't know for now because she gets caught up telling him about the accident and Steffie's last words. She never gets to the truth because STOOPID CRYING  ELISA interrupts and tells Toad to get the heck away from mommy's grave. He leaves. Ramona tells her she shouldn't have interrupted. and Elisa cries into the fresh dirt (again I say QTH?)
  • Horacio is working in his butcher shop. Gab comes to call and can't believe Horacio would open his little business in Blanca's shop. Gab needs Horacio's help with the Assgusto Conundrum. Horacio informs Gab that el patrón is selling all his lands and leaving. Srsly, Horacio? You just blab everything, don't you?? I am so done with your table. DONE!! (Sorry, Blue Lass)
  • ING rifling through things at the Casa Azul. She gets an idea.
  • Elisa cries at Steffie's grave. She has so many doubts and needs her help. She never believed anything anyone said, but now she finds out that she and Dam are half-siblings?? She refuses to believe it! Dad swears he saw the paternity tests. No puede sers and more tears. Dear God make it stop. She's the most unhappy woman in the world. Viewerville is the most miserable group in the world tonight.
  • Gab reports to Alf about the sale of Toad's land. She asks how he would like to own those lands. He says he can't afford it, but Alf tells him she's got the money. Does he want to own the land or not?
  • ING comes to call on Carnita and tells her she knows all about Carnita's carnal knowledge of Rosie. Maybe they can do a little business. 
  • Elisa and Dam see each other at the cemetery to the musical accompaniment of Junto a Ti (Alex Sirvent and Ximena Herrera. Note to self: look that up on iTunes.) Dam says their being there is a waste of time. Neither of their parents can answer their questions. Elisa is running out of strength. Dam Determined will get to the bottom of this. Their parents may not be able to help, but he knows someone who can. (It better be a damn doctor and tight security paternity tests.)
  • ING wants to know how much Carnita paid Kenia. ING promises she will be more expensive. Carnita tells her to leave. She's wasting her time since she (Carnita) has no money. ING wants the house. Carnita says no way she is handing over the house. She wonders why Gab sent her. Carnita says she can take Gab and ING down. ING does not now the kind of scum she is spending her nights with. (Carnita is super scary tonight.) ING asks Carnita to tell her. Carnita tells ING to talk to him herself. Ask him about what he did a few months ago. Carnita lets ING know that she has no idea who she's dealing with. 
  • Carnita calls Gab and tells him if ING blabs, she will blab. (Anvils for ING?)
  • Lola and Lucio rehash the half sibling business. Lucio offers to talk to Toad and Elisa.
  • Carnita wants Horacio to get the plane tickets from Gab. Horacio thinks that's a mighty dangerous job and tells Carnita she better cough up sufficient payment. Her silence is not enough
  • Alf wants to talk to Flor, but Tonia lets her know Flor left a while ago. She's visiting Papá Gweedo in jail. She and dad need to get Alf her money back AND get to the bottom of this BS. (There's a Flor table, right? I like her. She's got spunk.) Quique offers to help. He's not just doing it for Gweedo, but he knows Alf is behind all the problems his family is having too. Revenge is a dish best served with a free Gweedo and an ever so grateful Flor.
  • Pal and Gael rehash the episode. Pal mentions her grandmother has been acting weird and it makes her nervous.
  • Ramona wonders why destiny has conspired against her telling the truth. At least Ass won't be leaving. She is going to tell the truth even if it means all of La Ermita trembles.
  • Gab is waiting for Toad at Cielo Abierto. He heard it was for sale. Awww hell.
  • Dam Sad tells Padre he and Elisa will never be together. When Padre asks about love and why Dam has become so Dam Pessimistic, Dam spills the BS half-hermanos beans. Padre splutters MENTIRA!! MIL MENTIRA!! and I start screaming TELL THE TRUTH!!!! TELL THE TRUTH!!!!!!! I am only half satisfied with Padre's "Rosendo and Estefania nunca fueron amantes" response.
  • Girl Fight!
  • Dark, brooding threatening Padre.


Bullets, yes, but Golden Bullets, much too good for this episode!

You expressed my frustration with this episode very well, Sara. By the time Stoopid Elisa interrupted Ramona at the cemetery ... arghhh ..

Was this the first time we heard Elisa SCREAM? Sure hope she got it all out of her system tonight!

Thanks, Sara!

Stuff we learned in this episode:

We learned Lolita came to work for the Castañons after Elisa was born.

Dam & Elisa learned they were "brother & sister."

Carnita learned though she may have stopped Disgusto from leaving town, he's still going to treat her like cenote scum.

IrritatING learned Carnita is kind of scary.

Alfonsina learned the Castañon land is for sale.

We (and Gabino) learned Alfonsina has another account that makes the PRO CE SA DO RA account's value look like a $1 winning scratch-off ticket.

Ramona learned she's never going to be able to tell Disgusto the truth.

Disgusto learned that duh, he treated Elisa very badly & she doesn't appreciate it.

We learned the first person Flor called in her time of need was Enrique, not Dam Unconcerned.

Your bullets are just dandy, amiga Mia.

And in your 'masterpiece' theory, you would actually have to be able to find the actual epi you were supposed to be recapping online, without the disdainful 'ha ha ha ha ha, we got here first" from the Televisa lawyers. That never seems to happen to me.

I go looking for the epi, using someone else's fail proof link through a Russian server in which the images appear on the screen in low res and backward. When I arrive at said web site, passing through heaven knows how many dangerous bug laden ads, parte dos y tres of my capitulo might be available.

While meditating on patience and composing my 19th letter to Univision begging them to buy the online broadcast rights to the Televisa products they purchase, I usually find my mind wandering into some flight of imagination about the incomplete episode. Stories start forming in my mind...

Big grin. The thing about recapping...we all just bring what we have to the party. You are one of so many skilled and talented folks on our recapping teams and amongst our commenters.Truly it is a telenovela lover's gourmet's potluck on the Patio of Lowered Expectations

Anon 207

Enrique the Sincere is really showing up for Flor and Guido, isn't he? I think these two, F + E, belong together.

And how can Guido resist a guy (Enrique) who believes in him, and fights to clear his name after Guido fired him?

Marta would say, Super Quique, no, Marta?

NM Ramona was just about to spill a whole bag of frioles when stoopid Elisa interrupted our Oracle.

Also, NM, what do you think is the deeper meaning of those shorts?

EJ, I believe the shorts to be a metaphor for Elisa's candor. The Orange Tart's legs, in contrast, are always under wraps, a reflection of the dark hidden malice of her soul. Also I believe that in focus groups, those hot pants were rated "hot" among males ages 11 to 93.

So deep and so learned, Mother Kumquat. The dark hidden malice of the Orange Tart combined with your wise riff on the skillful means of short shorts selling tomato sauce to all males able to see a television or computer screen? Profound.
Where else but Caray could we go to find such wisdom? Again, snort, and some say we are JUST here for the occasional gratuitous shirtlessness.

Sister Key Lime (EJ)

Sara, you really took one for the team tonight. Dear God make it stop indeed! I usually don't do this, but I actually fast forwarded through ALL of Elisa's scenes tonight. Her wailing gave me a headache. Seriously, I thought my head was going to explode. Sometimes I wish she was more like Fina, at least Fina doesn't cry, she figures stuff out.

I loved the scene of Ingrid irritating Carnita. She'll probably get dumped in a cenote for it but I still enjoyed it.

I think Carlos started an I Love Flor table and I'm heading on over. I loved this line: Revenge is a dish best served with a free Gweedo and an ever so grateful Flor. Then I'm heading for the I Love Enrique table. I'm really liking that kid. He doesn't hold a grudge; how untelenovela-like.

EJ and NM, interesting study on the metaphorical meaning of hotpants. Males ages 11 to 93? That narrows it down some.

Thanks again Sara. Come on over to any of the tables (I'm making the rounds tonight) and I'll buy you a shot. Make that a double.

Good work, Sara. And for everyone who works on this one, check this out.

Damian should persuade Elisa to go to Merida with him and get tested there. He should then demand that the results be released only to him and in person. That would solve their problem, but would that kill the rest of the story?

Horacio will never be rid of Gabino no matter what happens to his conscience about Blanca. He will have to kill him if he wants to keep Lolita in the dark about that. It's no accident that he's a butcher.

So the truth-telling is delayed yet again. No es nada nuevo.

As to my drink order, make that a frozen margarita, traditional flavor.

Sara, this was great. I always enjoy your recaps. Gracias.

"Elisa chooses to go away with Dam when Pop goes the lying ho' bag Sleazel with her BS about them being half siblings" pretty much said it all. As painful as it was to watch with everything unfolding, it was somewhat gratifying to hear Eliza give Augusto some (never enough) of what he deserves.

Was anyone else a little confused as to why Lolita didn't speak up when Carmina uttered her nonsense? My first thought was she was blindsided, but she knew Estef would never betray Augusto. Hopefully, she might speak up when she thinks about things (?)

While it was upsetting to have Elisa interrupt Ramona and Augusto, does this mean she won't tell him? Track him down Ramona. And please, someone get this wonderful woman a new hat. I keep starting at the hole and it distracts from the dialog..

And Sara, "(There's a Flor table, right? I like her. She's got spunk.)". Me too. I'm pulling a chair up. I'm joining Sylvia at Enrique's table. Help from a most unexpected source for poor Guido. Elna June, you stated it perfectly: "And how can Guido resist a guy (Enrique) who believes in him, and fights to clear his name after Guido fired him?" You can't...

Thanks again Sara!


Sara, I love your bullet style, complete with luscious comments.

"Dear God make it stop". You were not alone in that sentiment, and yes, Sylvia, I too was switching channels anytime Weepsa appeared last night. Just can't take it anymore. Heck I could hear poor Steffie crying from the grave " Oh, quit sniveling, get a spine and leave me in peace."

"She is going to tell the truth even if it means all of La Ermita trembles. " For the love of all that is holy, so DO IT ALREADY!! How many times do we have to see Ramona claiming she's going to tell all and then doesn't. When Short-shorts barrelled in at the grave-site, I would have just said "Shut up. You need to hear this too" and just spilled the beans. But no....drag out to another day.

And I would like a chair at the Flo table. Heck at least she gets off her duff and tries to get some things done. Who's the heroine of this thing?

II and Guppy--oh to have a two-by-four and take them both out in one fell swoop.

Gab back to his Alfi-bowing self--but knowing he's stabbing her in the back the whole time. Kind of interesting now.

I figured they would go there with Weepsa and Gael--though I still love the guy and know he's walking into a mess with her since I can guess this TN will have her drop him like a hot potato and go back to Dam at some point. Still voting for him leaving town at the end of this thing.

Keep cool everyone!!

Sara - Thank you for the recap!! I love your succinct bulleted 'caps.
:-D I love your martyred sacrifice of listening to the crying scenes, because I FFWDed-> thru them all.

Ramona. Gah. I was yelling at my TV when Elisa interrupted her at the cemetery. The writers get no bananas today. None Ramona should have said, "Shut up, all y'all, and LISTEN to what I have to say." No... instead, she leaves and allows Elisa to suffer even more. At this point, I blame Ramona (and the WRITERS) for Elisa's continued suffering. They have to drag this out for how many more episodes? The FFWD-> button on my remote is wearing out. Gah.
End of rant.

Viewerville, please remind me .... do Dam & Gael know they are half-sibs? (I think they do) If they now believe Elisa is a half-sib, they might start wondering if half the town population are their half-sibs.

It was fun to watch Ingrid & Carmina square off. Which one will do the other in?

I'm heading over to the Flor *hearts* Enrique table with a big frozen margarita.

As to Agent Orange, I think we've all become Australian when we describe her. ;)

As to Doris' question, Carmina will swallow Ingrid. Ingrid is more intelligent, but Carmina is crazier.

I think Jarocha mentioned in yesterday's comments that they've extended the original Cañaveral by 65 episodes and they've done that by basically keeping Dam and Elisa apart.

I have gotten to where I hate extensions. They never improve the product.

The minute Ramona started monologue-ing I knew Disgusto was not going to hear the truth.

F+E=Fe=Iron=pretty strong pairing.

F+E=Iron= pretty strong pairing

I agree, extensions only belong in an actress hair, never in a telenovela plot.

The whole problem right now is that it is less expensive for Televisa to do fewer and longer series than to do more and shorter ones.

One of these days I'm going to do a spreadsheet on novelas and their remakes to track how much filler got added to each over the years. I agree that this doesn't improve the end product, especially if the action is illogical.

Oh that would be an interesting spreadsheet.

I understand it is cheaper to do a few long ones rather than a bunch of short, but surely they could do a better job with HOW they extend?

I've said it before, but I am so grateful for secondary characters who really, really interest me.

Sara, love your snappy bullet recaps!  My favorite, "She (Elisa)wishes he had been honest from the beginning and maybe she would have  been spared the suffering she is now enduring (Viewerville would have appreciated that too.)  me too,  then I wouldn't have all but damaged my liver drinking at the Augusto table!  Thanks so much for you fun, well organized recap!  I have an idea that you are super-organized in real life! 

Elisa was wonderful as she gave Augusto the dressing down that he deserved. I wish she had been able to just talk with Damian a little more about the terrible news, yes, UA, they should get in the truck and high tail it to Merida for their own DNA tests.  If they do go, watch, "Carnita" will dress up like "I love Lucy" and start working in the lab, can't wait for that! 

Yes, Enrique has that calm, coolness that is so very attractive in a guy and so seldom seen in such a young one.  I even thought that his quiet, shadowy presence behind Flor at the carcel was beautiful, like he was mentally telecommunicating strength her way. 

Alfie must have been thinking, "Dang, why didn't I think about the half sibling thing,  outstanding way to keep the lovebirds apart!" I couldn't believe it, in the novela before Abismo, some poor soul was getting the media hermanas news as well. This must be a huge problem in Mexico! Ha! 

Jarocha, on yesterday, interesting thoughts on the lack of chemistry between the leads.  Glad you notice it too, of course, it is hard not to notice. I'm going to really pay close attention when they are together in the end. 

Yes, this novela is all about the secondary characters! C

For being initially presented to us as a childhood rival/nemesis to Damian, Enrique sure has turned out to be an upstanding guy.

At this point, I don't think Florencia even wants Damian, although she doesn't know it herself yet. She still thinks she wants Damian. I don't think it's any accident the first person she ran to in her times of trouble was Enrique, and that's because he thinks the world of her. Damian doesn't.

Unfortunately, I think Fina will present Flor with the same deal she gave Elisa: Either seduce my son and marry him or your dad will stay in jail forever.

The villainesses in this story think they are smart but they are not:


Carmina screwed herself with the "Elisa is Rosendo's daughter lie" because her goal is to be rid of Elisa, and this lie prevents Elisa from being gotten rid of. The reason Carmina concocted the lie was to a) slander Estefania and b) get rid of Elisa, but Augusto kept Elisa around. If Carmina had never told the lie, she would be rid of Elisa right now b/c Elisa would be off with Damian...and Augusto would likely never want to see/deal with Elisa ever again.

Elisa falling in love with Damian wrecked Carmina's lie b/c there's no way Elisa/Damian could be together without Carmina's lie being exposed, and if that lie is exposed, what else are you lying about?

Damian & Gael do NOT know they are brothers, so if the story is now going to push Elisa & Gael together, they will be broken up when it's revealed that Rosendo is also Gael's daddy.


Alfonsina's hatred of Castañon Bouvier stops her end result of having Damian stick around La Ermita. If Damian married Flor, they'd be back in Mexico City the moment Damian got mad at Alfonsina...and not likely to come back.

Elisa is already in La Ermita & isn't planning to leave La Ermita so if Alfie really wants Damian/nietos to stay in La Ermita, she SHOULD be pushing for a Damian/Elisa union. Plus Elisa is an easily manipulated pushover so Alfie could have her way whereas Florencia would push back. But Alfie hates Elisa & her family so...

Sabrina is about to become the new Elisa, and that will be Begoña's karma.

Thanks Sara. I enjoy these crisp snappy recaps of yours. You provide us with the pertinent details and still manage to slip in an abundance of entertaining and amusing nettles.

Cynderella, I really enjoyed your Fri recap but was unable to participate in the accolades and vigorous discussion over the weekend. Please accept my belated thanks and praise.

I rather enjoyed last night's episode. So much furniture was knocked over Fri that we needed an episode to reset and regroup.

That song was great and it made me a little wistful... when are we going to see Alex Sirvent (Rolu in un Gancho al Corzón)in another TN?

Ramona may be a little exasperating but she realizes that destiny can't be rushed... or put another way... timing is everything.

So for now I'm content to sit here at Augusto's table near the back where I can keep a wary eye on Carmina.


I have an idea that you are super-organized in real life!
No. I am not organized in the least. I am scatterbrained and all over the place.

Anon207 is the organized one as is evidenced by the lists and antagonista discussion above. *cough* *cough* youshouldbearecapper *cough* *chough*

We interuput this comment to bring you the following: On Despierta Amercia they are discussing how to imitate the "Look" of Abismo de Pasion. Really??

Holy Spit, they just brought out a model wearing hot pants, boots, a camisole and an ugly crocheted vest.

Spare me.

You can get this look for under $80!!


Many thanks Sara for the wonderful recap. Although not long, it provided enough info for me to picture nearly everything, since I have no cable or internet at home due to the weekend's storm. I would have liked to see Elisa tell Augie off, but I'm glad I missed all the weeping.

Sara, that is too funny. More like you can get this look for @ $5.00. Go to a resale shop, get an old pair of jeans, cut them to the butt and throw in a cheapie tee. Stylish---NOT!!
I'd rather have one of Lolita's lovely tops, or even Alfi's. May not like her as a person, but nice wardrobe!

Totally agree Daisynjay!

Vivi-Sorry about all the storms/power issues! Gawd what a nightmare.

Elisa telling off Disgusto was great...but not great enough to offset all her weeping, screaming and gnashing of teeth (IMHO.)

Oh Gawd, the Look for under $80.00? Unbelievable. I just turned DA on; this I've got to see for myself.

Urban A, great video about Guppy! Very funny and incredibly appropriate.

Great job, Sara. Thanks. My observations:

1. I'll never watch another telenovela with the actress who plays Ingrid in it unless she takes diction lessons and loses the breathy garbled speeech that I can't understand.

2. Horacio's facial expressions indicate that he he would like to off Carnita. OK with me, the sooner the better.

3. I'm getting over Altair Jaraibo's other spoiled rotten rich brat roles and thinking of her as Flor whom I like more and more each episode. Make room for me at her table.

4. Yes, please, Ramona, spill the beans - and Augusto, please remember that she tried to tell you a secret. The Secret, dude.

ITA agree Pasofino-The scene with both mumbling, guppy-lipped Carnita AND ING was very frustrating to recap. I was very happy for the captions.

Hey, what are we drinking at Flor's table?

Recapper's choice Sara. What's your pleasure?

Hmmm...mimosas? Seems appropriate for our golden tressed ball o' spunk dontcha think?

Oooooh, classy! With fresh squeezed orange (not tangerine) juice. Mimosas it is.

I'm watching Despierta America and they just did mini recaps of both TNs that are suffering the fate of lovers having the same parents. What a scream.

Ramona, our oracle, must have been in contact with the spirit world when she uttered her line that the 'truth must be told even it means all of La Ermita trembles'. This is a variant of the Latin maxim "Fiat justitia et pereat mundus" which is usually translated as "Let Justice prevail, even if the world perish." The maxim has been used by many thinkers, including the famous German philosopher, Immanuel Kant, in his work 'On Perpetual Peace'. Romona has earned the the honorific title "Fount of Wisdom"!

I love that Anon1:21.

Who says TNs are trashy? lol

I just watched the fashion "Luke" on DA. Glad to note that ridiculously fake and huge bosoms are part of the package, though noticeably missing from the $80.00 price tag. They did Dam's "luke" too. Gingham is in!!

Was it just me, or did the Dam "luke" model look miserable? At least at the beginning...after he walked out I stopped watching.

I didn't think miserable, but I definitely thought "wrong choice". Maybe he looked miserable because of the ribbing he's going to get from his friends for wearing the "luke". Actually I think he was trying to "luke" macho, but he wasn't pulling it off.

They had a hilarious bit about the funny faces that telenovela characters make. I forget what it was called but it was a scream.


Love you F+E= FE=Iron, pretty strong pairing! Go Sara, the science blogger!

Go FE!

Get me the t-shirt. Sara, I am joining you at the table. Shall we all wear long blond or dark short curly wigs, for fun? I AM sorry, I can only wear a bandage dress on my calf or forearm.



I love that you're bringing a little sorely-needed chemistry to the mix. But I won't be ordering the shirt any time soon -- When I see "Fe" I can't help hearing its homophone, "Feh". Although now that I think about it... Hmmm.

Elisa's fashion wardrobe can be found at any GoodWill store. Our local stores have 50% off on the 1st Saturday of every month.

Nuestra "Fount of Wisdom" de Ramona better open her big mouth and set everyone straight about Esteffie and Rosie, please! Suficiente with the suffering & llorona de Elisa! Ya basta! Oy veh!

This comment has been removed by the author.

Abismo de Fashion
For the DA fashion of AdP ics,
copy & paste (because my Firefox browser won't make the links with the < a > HTML tag...

OMG Doris that's it!!!

Abismo de Fashion

Ok, two hosts looking like Ramona Jr. and Alfonsina, telling us how to look like Elisa & Damian.


Omigosh y'all are a hoot! A hoot I say!

EJ: ditto on the bandage dress. I guess we could fashion some sort of bandage dress cozies for our mimosas....

NM-Heh. I think of Feh, too. Like "feh on Dam and Elisa"

Doris and UA-Thanks for the linkage!

I was watching the recording of this episode yesterday while I was trying to get my four year old to nap (he usually passes out as soon as he hears them speaking Spanish). After about five minutes, he turned to me and asked why are all the girls in this show crying. It was the scene with Elisa and Lolita. All I could do was laugh.
I also wanted to thank all of you who take the time to recap. It has helped my Spanish so much.

Does anybody know what pegue la gana means? Me vuelve loca trying to figure it out. Thank you

"to feel like it"

No voy a vivir con mi papá porque no me pegue la gana.

I'm not gonna live with dad 'cause I don't feel like it!

Thank you for the translation, Sara.

I will try to use the phrase tomorrow at work.

Yes, this novela is all about the secondary characters!
ITA 1000%

and sara and daisynjay, ROFLOL on the DA skid on the Abismo de Pasion 'look'. totally agree it is more like Abismo de Fashion and you could get the same 'look' for less at Goodwill or Salvation Army stores...

Thanks for the recap.
I wonder when they will find the girl( I already forgot her name)
who was murdered by goat eyes.
I am thinking she may of faked her death and she might pop up alive in the story,Does anyone know when this one will end?

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