Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Abismo de pasión #80 7/3/12 : On the road to the Yúcatan

By Jack Kerouac as told to NovelaMaven in the vision hut behind EJ’s cement cenote.
I drove 25 hours without stopping and now I boomed noisily into the sleepy heat of La Ermita; even though I was all sweaty and raggedy and still a little drunk from that last bottle of tequila and the intoxicating heat of the wild Mexican night itself, I went directly to look for Rosendo and the old Pro Ce gang -- old don Lucio and his lovely, sweet wife Blanca, big handsome Braulio and his girl Lola, and kind old Maru, Rosie’s faithful secretary. I was also hoping to see Estefanía, and I do mean see, as in catch a glimpse of, espy, not do anything else because I knew she was married to some old guy and she loved that lucky bastard with all the shining, luminous, starry intensity of her beautiful heart and soul entire.
Rosie was an oldtime hipster with a weakness for the worst women – and I do sincerely mean the absolute, bottomofthebarrel worst, soul-dead and heartless. I knew he was secretly and from afar, mad, crazy in love with Estefanía and had ended up married to a shrew named Alfonsina and he used to try to soothe his sorrowful lot by tomcatting around some. But Braulio said Rosie was dead, had been for many years, and so was Blanca, the sweetest woman I had ever known; and the saddest news of all -- the morning star over the Yúcatan was also extinguished, that is, dear, darling, beautiful Estefanía was also dead. She and Rosie had died in a car crash and the wicked tongues said they had been lovers and were running away together.
Two days later, the old guy had married Steffie’s sister though by the time I got there, their marriage was bitter ashes.
The last time I saw them they were just kids but now Rosie’s boy Damián and Steffie’s girl Elisa were all grown-up and breaking hearts and having their hearts broken in a reciprocal fashion and not; and Gael and Paloma, were still running and dancing and nipping at their heels, their grand hearts bursting with desire and friendship and love and jealousy.

The Rectory
Damián repeated the Big Lie to Lupe, that he and Elisa couldn’t marry because they were children of the same father. Damn! No one had ever seen Lupe this angry before. His face darkened like a stormy September sky and he roared and he got right up in Damián’s face: “It’s a lie! Estefanía and Rosendo were never lovers!” Dam was doubting and was looking for Padre’s proof because Augusto, he had proof, an actual, scientifically valid test that showed unequivocally – that is to say it could not be wrong, it admitted of no doubt – that Elisa was not the old guy’s daughter. Well no, he did not produce the actual results, the words on the page, the certified copy; in fact it was Carmina who forced him to tell us ...
Cielo Abierto
Gabino was there waiting for Augusto and the whole time they talked, he never stopped cutting and chewing his habaneros; and through a mouthful of orange spittle and spite, really and truly disgusting, as he leaned way too close into the old guy’s face, he offered to buy Augusto’s lands . He had saved up a little money working in the Pro Ce all these years ... Too bad for Gabino because that mean blue-eyed bastard was going to have to shuffle back to his hidey-hold empty-handed -- there wasn’t enough desperate in the world for Augusto to sell to this scheming con man, Alfonsina’s personal pitbull.
[I noticed a few nods of satisfaction at the not quite deserted Augusto table on the Patio and I thought I saw Carlos raise a glass.]
Hacienda Harango
Damián’s mother sat on an elaborately carved chair that screamed money, entitlement, power. Her disconcertingly large eyes were locked in a wide-open stare no matter what the rest of her face was doing and the over-all effect was terrible and frightening. Flor, a beautiful little girl, sweet but spoiled, who had come to La Ermita expecting to seal the deal with Damián, was groveling in a most pathetic fashion, begging Alfonsina to withdraw the charges against her daddy, Guido, who now languished, lonely and penniless in the jail in Mérida. Alfie’s response: “Give me a grandchild and your daddy goes free”.
Alfonsina then dismissed the drooping, wilted Flor and immediately thereafter picked up the phone to set up a meeting with someone ...
Who’s the AlfaBitch now?
Alfonsina sat back, and wow, yes, she had to admire the black heart and perversity and that’s right, let’s recognize it, utter mad genius of her opposite number, Carmina Castañon – for now we knew it was she, Elisa’s aunt, that Alfie summoned on the phone. Whooee! Carmina convinced Augusto that his daughter wasn’t his daughter! Damn! But Carmina wasn’t going to get any money out of this, if that’s what she was planning.
La Cantina
Don Lucio headed straight as an arrow to his friend Augusto’s table in the cantina where Augie was trying to quiet his conscience with a bottle of tequila, which in my experience is an effective but temporary solution; the men didn’t seem to hear the whacked-out woo woo sopranos in the background and good thing too because they were sad and scary. Augie was sorry and all – and the guy looked sorry, I will say – he didn’t want to hurt Elisa but he couldn’t let her leave with Dam, he couldn’t keep silent.
“Just do me one favor”, began Lucio ...
Outside Casa Castigo
There was Flor dogging Elisa’s steps, blaming her for every single Dam thing that had gone wrong in her life. And Elisa told her bitterly that she could have Damián [although it was strange how her little girl short pants were warring with her new world-weary attitude.] “There’s nothing between us anymore.”
But Flor went too far and she showed her thorns and said Elisa was just like her mother (de tal palo, tal astilla) and she called Elisa a cualquiera . For this nasty slander of my old friend, the princess of the Yúcatan, Estefanía, whap, Elisa slammed Flor in the chops and told her to rinse her mouth out before talking about her ma. [And while I’m not a violent person, I have to say Flor had it coming.]
[I glanced over at the Patio where a few folks were distancing themselves from the Italian table.]
Inside Casa Castigo
The aunt was pretending to be human and she was saying she was sorry Elisa was hurt but it would have been monstrous if she had married her own brother, but Elisa knew that the aunt was satisfied with herself and not a bit sorry. And if she had spoken up with the intention of holding on to her husband, well ha, Miss Orange Slush, you lost him long ago.
In el centro of La Ermita
Gael and the curandera’s pretty granddaughter, Paloma, were trying to find a comfortable position in the weird bolted-down outdoor chairs when that truly awful peyos-wearing sharp-chinned harpy by the name of Ingrid came bopping down the street and splashed a little venom their way: “I thought you were in love with Elisa” she said nastily and with the clear intention of stirring up trouble between Gael and Paloma.
Meanwhile Florencia had lost her bravado and was back at Hacienda Harango, crying all alone and sad and small and she heard in her head the doctor telling her she probably couldn’t have children and Alfonsina telling her that having a child was her ticket out of hell. Man.
Inside Casa Castigo, Dolores handed Carmina a white envelope with a note inside. A boy had brought it to the door ...
In the church, Lupe was on his knees praying for forgiveness for something he was about to do ...
I had fond memories of The Blue House from when Rosie let me crash there years ago and the old gang came down from Frisco and we were crazy and young and hopeful and hungry. But monsters lived in the house now. Sharp-chinned Ingrid swooped in and that pitiless gangster Gabino jumped on her: What did she think she was doing, going to see the aunt? Didn’t she realize how dangerous Carmina was? Even more dangerous than Alfonsina? Ingrid narrowed her eyes and jutted her witchy chin out a little further: “What did you do that gives her power over you? You might as well tell me because you know I’ll find out sooner or later.”
Don Lucio’s house
When a knock sounded at the door, Lucio reminded Augusto that he was a guest and he needed to behave himself. Then Lucio let in Doc Tovar, Edmundo to his pals and a waving red flag before that old bull, Augusto, ever since he found out the doc had done Carmina though the sad truth was more like Carmina had done the doc and done him dirty. But Edmundo had something to say and Lucio was making sure Augie listened, like it or not.
Back at the church ...
... Now, when I saw the aunt arrive, I understood what padre Lupe was steeling himself for. He was the one who sent her the note asking her to see him and now he was ready to confront her lies; she was a monster and he wasn’t going to be her accomplice anymore. “You’re a priest. You can’t break the silence of the confessional” gloated the Demoniacal Rotten Orange and she moved in close and toyed with his rosary. “I’m also a man”, I heard Lupe tell her. He was prepared to break his vows, and even if it cost him the priesthood, he was going to speak the truth about her and Rosendo. Unless -- and here he grabbed her by the back of her neck and I could see she finally got it, Lupe was serious – unless she spoke up and made it clear that Augusto was the one and true father of Elisa. “Now get out!”
[I could hear chairs scraping and voices murmuring approvingly and in the distance I saw a small crowd surreptitiously carrying CarayCaray banners and pitchers of sangría over to the Lupe table on the Patio. Others, though, were edgily clearing out of the Lupe area, fearing a great rain of anvils.]
At Lucio’s, Edmundo spilled all the funny stuff about the DNA test, how the aunt asked him to fake the results – he refused – and how she hijacked the results of the second test before anyone could see them. And Lucio reasoned and wheedled and pleaded and even invoked the memory of our beloved Estefanía, and at last he got Augusto to sign a paper authorizing the lab in Mérida to release the results of both tests to Edmundo.
[The crowd was far away but the murmur had become a roar and some were standing on the Lucio table and calling for the wave.]
In a mute, sad, private ceremony in the stables of the Hacienda, Dam Stoopid removed his amulet from around his neck. And in her room at Casa Castigo, Stoopid Elisa was tucking her amulet in a drawer.
Casa Tovar
Quique was lounging despondently in his bed and not a bit receptive to his ma’s advice to forget Flor and find a nice girl who would appreciate him – not such bad advice really but pretty much a waste of spit. Anyway, Quique explained Flor’s hour of need with her dad in jail and all and the Bumble jumped all over that -- another proof that the Eye-talians were trash and another reason to forget Flor. And by the way, where’s your sister? “Um. At a girlfriend’s house.”
Tawdry hotel scene
Quique may have meant to do a favor for his sister but that was a big fat ugly lie because Sabrina was with the opposite of a friend since Paolo lookatmeImsopretty Landucci was definitely no one’s friend. Even as the near-naked narcissist was telling Sabrina he was falling in love with her, he was checking himself out in the mirror; and it made me want to weep thinking of all the sad little girls in all the hotel rooms with all the Paolo’s in the world.
Lucio’s house
After Augusto signed the release form, Edmundo and Lucio made their arrangements to go to Mérida the next day to pick up the real, true, untampered with lab results, and furthermore they agreed that no one would talk to Elisa or Dam until they had said results in hand. Then Lucio and Augie started walking back to Casa Castañon because Lucio wanted to see Elisa.
Dam Stoopid brushed right past Lupe because he wasn’t in the mood to talk although Lupe was and urgently and importantly so.
On the way back to Casa Castigo ...
Augie told Lucio how he turned down slimy snake Gabino’s offer to buy his lands but he was still intending to sell to pay off his debt to the AlfaBitch.
Once at the house, Lucio went off looking for Elisa and Augusto found himself alone with the aunt who had used the last few hours to come up with a way to dodge Padre Lupe’s bullets: “We have to consider the possibility of a lab error, that is to say, maybe Elisa is not Rosendo’s daughter after all.” And Augusto looked right back and couldn’t believe he heard right: “All these years you’ve been telling me Elisa wasn’t my daughter – and now you’re not sure?”
Lupe greeted Gael with the news that he was going to take the bus to Mérida the next day -- there was someone he had to see -- and reassured Gael that yes, he was fine but the person with the problem – and maybe he could help him – was Damián. Then he sat Gael down for a serious talk.
At Casa Castigo
Elisa shot out of her room in a cloud of little girl fury and she absolutely with all her soul refused to hear any talk of possible errors in the who’s your daddy contest: “You’ve sown a seed of doubt – now that you’re not my pa, I don’t want to live here anymore.”
[And as I told my good and faithful friend Braulio later, while it’s a dam shame it had to happen just precisely like this and we all would have been better off without the SCREAMING, it was about time for her to get out of that house and away from the aunt; and away from that pasty-faced sad old shambling pile of dun-colored rags who squinted at the world through shattered lenses, this wreck of a man who used to be Augusto Castañon.]
Take a deep breath, lie back and relax in the cooling waters of the cenote.
Avances: Elisa moves out and leaves the field wide open for Flor. Dam tells his mother that if Elisa is his sister, she should give her half of what he is entitled to of the family fortune.


Great work! I love the style!

Here's hoping the writers didn't drop the ball yet again over the paternity issue because this has gone quite far enough.

Paolo in a hotel room with the jailbait daughter of the town gossip... that man had better have his life insurance paid up.

Flor richly deserved that slap; too bad it wasn't harder.

We're in for some good times tomorrow when Damian confronts the Alfabitch. A round of sangria for everyone!

NM, that was a complete and total masterpiece, funny as all get out. I howled at your final description of Augusto (shambling pile of rags. I didn't even watch this epi, but it was easy to picture it all.

La Paloma

Novela Maven:

This was simply brilliant. Punto.

What fun to read Jack's take on the whole scene in La Ermita—antes de 15 años y ahoy.

I will not diminish the perfection of this essay by picking out a single favorite section or sentence. It is a marvelous whole. I loved every word and you found a way to cleverly 'speak Jack' throughout the actual recap as well as in the introduction.

We should have known that Jack had been to La Ermita, of course. And of course he would have admired Estefania—she was a true beauty by any standard.

Joyce, you have channeled Jack Kerouac's and given us a delightful view of of episode 80 of Abismo de Pasion from the perspective of a poet, a sometime prophet and a master of darkest irony. The same, I might add, could be said, for our Novela Maven.

Take a bow, m'dear. Try not to spill that sangria (grin).

A devoted member of your admiring public,

Elna June


Grin.You weren't supposed to tell about the vision hut. That's why it's HIDDEN!



Yowza! OMfreaking'G this recap was brilliant. Thank goodness I ate magic mushrooms tonight*. I just had a feeling. Ramona would have been proud of my foresight.

OK, I loved "although it was strange how her little girl short pants were warring with her new world-weary attitude". That is pure poetry.

Also unbelievably sublime: "that pasty-faced sad old shambling pile of dun-colored rags who squinted at the world through shattered lenses, this wreck of a man who used to be Augusto Castañon". Best description of Augusto yet.

No, no, I'm still at the Italian table. Little Flor had it coming to her and if Elisa hadn't done it, well we would have.

Observation - for being an atheist, Carmina sure seemed freaked out by Padre's religious icons. Maybe she was having a bad trip or something.

Gotta say, I lit my old Bic for Don Lucio. We need more of him in La Ermita.

Novela Maven, kudos and gracias for this amazing recap. Well done!! More later, but now I've got to go water the pot plants* and make some peyote tea*.


It's quite late here in the heartland and I'm drowsing off about now, but I had to thank you -- Urban, La Paloma, EJ and Cap'n Sylvia -- for your very kind comments. Maybe I will be more coherent tomorrow, although I make no promises.

I now know who to go to when I feel compelled to ask:

Does this recap make me look fat(headed)?

Sylvia, let me emphasize that no controlled substances were used in the writing of this blog.

La Paloma, I'm really flattered that you enjoyed this. I always appreciate your comments.

Oh and EJ, so sorry about letting the vision hut thing slip. Oops.

Urban, you know there were actually TWO tawdry hotel bedroom scenes in this episode when I watched it online. But I guess Uni thought our delicate sensibilities would have been offended by the sight of Paolo and Sabrina under the sheets together because the scene was cut in the version I saw on tv.


Hope you are coming up for the ceremony* in the hidden vision hut tomorrow. If you can't make it to the ceremony just meet us at Lupe's table with a pot of that "special" tea you make.

I have decided that we've gotta have a table on the Patio for Lupe. He really did good deeds tonight. He put the fear of truth and ravening wolves (if not God) into Carnita.

We'll serve your tea, and sweets, we know he loves his sweets. I'll make some lovely brownies, he would enjoy those and so would special guest Jack. Truth is, everybody will stop by Lup's table for a while. I'll bring some good red, too. We have to have sparkling and flat water for the non-drinkers.

Hey. Maybe somebody will offer Padre Lupe a new Panama hat! By the end of this show, the old one is going to be in tatters.


I'll sit at the Padre's table; he needs all the support he can get in this madness. Maybe I can talk him into revealing Carmina's non-confessions. Is she even Catholic?

NovelaMaven - your recap is a literary work of art. Thank you!

While I am unfamiliar with Jack Kerouac, I am amazed at the literary knowledge, abilities, and writing talent of you and our other recappers.

My favorite scene was that little tete-a-tete between Pad Lupe and Carmina! The only fear Carmina has is not the fear of God, but fear of her lies being outed and, therefore, being cast out into the streets alone and without a meal ticket. Heaven forbid she ever become self-sufficient and work to support herself!

I thought I heard a distant anvil over lupe's head. Has the faithful parish priest ever been murdered, in a telenovela?

MAD FOR PLAID ALERT!!! Plaid shirts counted in this episode:
Edmundo Tovar
Sabrina -- wearing Paolo's post-boinkfest
*was Enrique wearing one?

And Begoña was wearing a coffin dress. ack

How much do we want to bet that Sabrina will end up preggers? That should be good for a few filler episodes in the future.

When Gabino bid adieu to Augusto, was there a bit of habañero on his chin, directly under his lower lip? or did I imagine that?

I wonder if Flor will beget herself with child via Enrique . . . ?

Ingrid is a real piece of work, isn't she? There was no reason for her to say what she did to Gael, in front of Paloma. Ing, that is NOT how to win friends and influence people.

ruh-roh …. DamLisa are now de-amuleted.

elna june - Pad Lupe has a new hat - he wore it last night or on Monday night. I preferred the old one, but I guess the horse finished eating it and has started on Ramona's hat.

completely OT --- BLF alert!!! - MundoFox will be starting a broadcast of Betty La Fea in August
As far as I can tell, my cable provider doesn't carry this channel here. Wah!

The creativity has no limits here! NM, your recap reads like a novel, and a really good one at that. The Jack  Kerouac  theme fits perfectly with our gritty little novela of struggling friendships......fabulous  idea and perfect execution, thanks. 

Don't have to listen for bad accents anymore, with Paulo's bedroom attire, we know he's Italian! Uggggg! SOMEBODY needs to stop their relationship and quick!  

A logical discussion almost never happens in a novela, so seeing Edmund, Augusto and Lucio work around to a logical plan of action was a milestone to say the least!  Now if we can just get the DNA copy back without a detour into Carmina's cleavage! 

Wow, Padre Lupe was channeling Darth Vader a bit, he all but had the respirator voice. Don't think that even his tough guy act will phase Carnita, nothing does! 

Happy Fourth everyone! Hope all have power by now! 

Doris, it hasn't launched yet. It will launch on August 12th or 13th. Call your cable or satellite company to find out if they will have it.


Novela Maven: Pure genius.

Flor did deserve a slap. There was no reason at all for her to seek out Elisa and blame Elisa for all her problems. Just doesn't make sense. She is pitiful but sympathetic.

Why send Gabino to buy Augusto's lands? (Yes, he had some sort of slop on his chin.) At that level you'd think Alfonsina would send an agent.

We now have three people who are in a position to tell the truth about Elisa's paternity: Father Lupe, Lucio and Doc Tovar. Surely one of them will make it to the finish line.

I agree with EJ that to single out any one line or section would only diminish the perfection of the others, BUT having said that I have to tell you that it's the little things like "spittle and spite" that make me swoon. Pure poetry. Oh how I love you NovelaMaven.

Padre was awesome last night. So dark and threatening.

Ay Novela Maven, this was simply brilliant. Thanks so much amiga.

My favorite scene last night was Darth Padre and Carmeany. And I was also amazed that Lucio made Augie and the Doc talk and come up with a plan.

Flor was just stupid for confronting Elisa, when the fraud/jail stuff happening to her dad has nothing to do with Elisa. I know she was just looking for a way to vent and an easy target, but she already learned the hard way (when she got that double slap) that you DON'T badmouth Elisa's mama in front of her.

I really hope Elisa sticks to her guns this time and moves out. Even if now Augie says he's not sure whether or not she's his, the fact that he has treated her like crap all these years because he doubted she is his blood child should anger and disgust her enough to propel her out the door.

The Sabrina-Paolo scene was too hot for American t.v.? Really?

Hey guys, I know that some, maybe most of you will be bored silly with a literary parody. Sorry. But if you skip the italicized intro and the final paragraph, you'll find a bare bones straight recap sandwiched in the middle.

BTW Jack Kerouac's 1957 novel, On the Road, was considered the voice of the Beat Generation. Here's a site with a nice discussion of him, his era and his work:



"I thought I heard a distant anvil over lupe's head. Has the faithful parish priest ever been murdered, in a telenovela?"

Yes, I remember seeing this happen -- was it in Barrera de amor? (Where the truly terrible villain was none other than Raquel Olmedo, our curandera here.) Urban, do you remember?

About plaid shirts -- even Carmina was wearing one last night. I'm guessing they're very practical since they don't show pit stains as obviously as solid colors do. (If poor Kenia is still around, I bet she'll learn to wear plaid too.)

Sandy in TN,
Gracias, amiga!

"Wow, Padre Lupe was channeling Darth Vader a bit, he all but had the respirator voice. Don't think that even his tough guy act will phase Carnita, nothing does!"

I don't know ... I think she was really shaken up. In the last scene with Augusto, she was spinning like mad, trying to
distance herself from the falsified test results with all of that "labs make mistakes talk."

I really liked the edgy Lupe/Carm scene with its seductiveness and
brink of violence vibes. It reminded me (not for the first time and it's been mentioned here before) of these two actors as a wildly bizarre couple in La Madrastra.

Pasofino, Sara and Vivi,

Thank you for indulging me but you know, you're only egging me on. :D

I have to add that I actually really liked this episode for all the scenes you guys have already mentioned. Imagine -- a reasoned plan (Lucio, Edmundo and Augusto); a good guy (Lupe) putting the brakes on a baddie (Carmina); and very little opportunity for Elisa to cry. Or scream.

Posting in late today but, oh my, this was such a wonderful, brilliant surprise of a recap this morning. Jack is back! Your homage was perfect for the events of the day...I don't know how you do it. This whole recap should be side-barred. I bow to you!!!

Like everyone, loved the Lupe/Guppy confrontation. Talk about putting the fear of God into someone. I proudly will sit at his table!

And hurrah that our ranting of the fact that the results would still be available despite Guppy's machinations has actually come about. Boy, I love Doc Tovar!! And Lucio for being the constant voice of reason in this nutty town.

My guess--Sabrina gets knocked up, Paolo wants no part of baby, Flo convinces Sabrina to let her have the baby to free Gueeeddooo. QuiQui will be in on it to protect sis--she'll just have to disappear for awhile and Flo will fake a pregnancy.

Now how they pull off Dam being the Papa is the question with the fact there are all these people out there trying to prove the sibling reveal is a big fat lie. This almost feels like the end of the TN versus having months to go...something has to keep the "lovebirds" apart even if the truth comes out.

Hopefully we won't have to have so much Asshat in the next few episodes. Small doses work best.

What a convoluted mess--but that's why we watch.

In honor of the 4rth, I say we serve some red, white and blue margarita's or daquiri's (strawberry, blueberry and banana) and cheer all our favs among the tables. Happy 4rth to all!


"My guess--Sabrina gets knocked up, Paolo wants no part of baby, Flo convinces Sabrina to let her have the baby to free Gueeeddooo"

You're a genius! A fake pregnancy! Yes. BTW, I don't think it will be a problem for Flor to get Dam back in her bed while Elisa is off pouting. And crying. Sigh.

So glad you enjoyed the Kerouac thing.

Happy Fourth!

What a wonderful masterpiece, NovelaMaven... my esteem for your writing just keeps on growing. You've even managed to nudge me into finally actually reading me some Jack Kerouac.

Well, there were a lot of things to admire in this episode:

Padre Lupe's resolve and courage

don Lucio's incredible good sense and patience

Dr. Tovar's professionalism

Augusto's reluctant willingness to listen to reason

Paolo's bulging deltoids, biceps, and... uh... other stuff

But for me, the most impressive thing was the way that Gabino handled those habaneros. Wow! And he didn't even break a sweat.

A fake pregnancy? A throwdown baby? We can only hope.


NM, I just can't believe the stuff you come up with! I felt I was reading "On the Road" again only cast with La Ermita-ites! Genius! I always wonder about the recappers and, especially you, NM, if you are English Professors? Authors? I mean, honestly, this kind of talent is. not. NORMAL!!! :)

A priest, an ex-con and an old man walk into (a bar) La Mereida! Is EVERYONE on the show going to Mereida tomorrow to get the lab results?!!! I love it! And bring the armored car to bring back the results.

ITA DaisynJay--Flo needs a baby and Sabrina HAS to get knocked up as a result of her fling with Paolo. That baby is as good as hers (and Dams).

I hope Carmina's blubbering about the possible lab mix-up will get the Padre off the hook because I truly don't want him to die.

Bernarda on Triunfo de Amor killed a priest!!

Thanks again, NM! Happy 4th everyone!


"But for me, the most impressive thing was the way that Gabino handled those habaneros. Wow! And he didn't even break a sweat."

So true, Carlos. What a guy.

"Is EVERYONE on the show going to Mereida tomorrow to get the lab results?!!!"

Hey Katy, I wondered about that. Was Lupe part of the plan or was he off on his own mission? I guess we'll find out tonight.

Thank you both for your generous words. (I have to admit that I'm also in awe of my fellow recappers here on Team Abismo Formerly Known as Talismaniacs. And no, I'm no English prof. Far from it. Maybe one day, after knocking back a few glasses of sangría on the Patio, I'll tell you about my hideous adventures in Freshman English.)

Thank you NM for the plaid update. I just knew I was forgetting someone!

MAD FOR PLAID ~ Six (6) plaid shirts counted in this episode:

Edmundo Tovar
Sabrina -- wearing Paolo's post-boinkfest

daisynjay - Yes! I love your fake pregnancy idea. Flor could say it was an immaculate conception.

At first, I thought Gabino was eating strawberries, until (duh) I realized he was at the habañero farm.

Katy - ITA, they'll need an armored car - and guards - for the paternity test results.

Bernarda didn't kill a priest, but she tried.

She did kill a mother superior.

Good morning all and happy Independence Day!!

I'm pretty sure Gabino was munching on some bread along with the habaneros. Not that a little hunk of bread will help much with habanero heat.

When Padre was praying, before Carmina showed up, he reminded me of the crucifix. Gah! No!!!!!

NM said "I really liked the edgy Lupe/Carm scene with its seductiveness and brink of violence vibes." Great description, amiga. Padre even said something like "Mujer, don't forget I am a man." Dang, padre really rocked last night.

Loved the Kerouac pastiche as a theme for your recap. I initially watched this novela to improve my Spanish auditory comprehension which led to me being hooked on its insane characters and outlandish plot. Loved your descriptions of Disgusto and the "orange slush" sobriquet for Carmina. Thanks for filling me in on the scene where Padre Lupe confronts Tangel-ho. I was paralyzed with shock, and I sat transfixed by Lupe’s awe inspiring encounter with Carmina. Unfortunately, I was unable to catch much of what he said since his ophidian hisses were at times barely above a whisper. Then I never can understand the mush-mouthed Tangel-ho. This is an apt time for me to give feedback on
how to rate the clarity of the Spanish spoken by the performers:

For clear easy to understand Spanish I give high marks to :

Padre Lupe (when he speaks in a normal tone)
Ramona (with her clear sexy voz baja)
Lucio (he is muy claro)

Low marks to:

Carmina (number one mush mouth…this is possibly due to excessive collagen in lips or perhaps she a few too many tequilas prior to taping)

Gabino – He definitely must have been weaned too early or deprived of a bottle because he has a really bad oral fixation. Always something in his mouth. He gnaws and chews repulsively on God knows what and then spits pieces of partially masticated projectiles and spittle on his fellow castmembers as he mumbles his lines. (Can you tell I don’t care for the thug?)

Gael – who I like, but… he has this rapid fire style of ejaculatory speech which drives me crazy. When he calms down (which is rare) I can understand him.

The rest of the cast is somewhere in between in terms of intelligibility.

Thanks again for a great recap.

"I don't think it will be a problem for Flor to get Dam back in her bed while Elisa is off pouting."

When you think about it, isn't that rather sad? TN's always cut the "hero" guys the slack and let them jump right into the sack with someone to "ease their sorrow". Bull hockey. And you can bank on the fact that somehow a poor bambino is in the plotline. Even our beloved Cuando went there...guess we were not going to escape it here.

Anon, I like your spoken clarity list. I love Lucio's diction most of all. Now there is an old pro who knows how to deliver AND be understood at the same time.

I also totally agree about Gabino always having something in his mouth. And if he doesn't have a foreign object in there then he is doing something weird with his tongue. The actor is doing a good job of making the character memorable...chewing, spitting, nervous tics, bandanna hand.

Anon12:39 I love your intelligibility scale!! For fear of having drink glasses slung at me, I have to agree about Mark Tacher. I don't think it's just this character, either. I had trouble with him in TdA, too.

When you think about it, isn't that rather sad? TN's always cut the "hero" guys the slack and let them jump right into the sack with someone to "ease their sorrow". Bull hockey.
Amen and applause!!! Heaven forbid a protagonista do the same thing!

Sorry I listed Guido twice!

My pleasure, anon 12:39. And like Sylvia, I enjoyed your clarity scale. BTW, I've been watching the 1998 novela, Privilegio de amar, (the earlier version of Triunfo del amor) which features a pre-collagen, pre-guppy Sabine Moussier. I find her delivery just as problematic then as now.

yeah, Sylvia, Gabino was munching bread with his peppers and making a big slobbery mess of it all. The actor is really gifted at repulsive -- you should have seen him in La reina del sur.

Daisynjay wrote: TN's always cut the "hero" guys the slack and let them jump right into the sack with someone to "ease their sorrow".

So true. Not too many virginal heroes running around TN's are there? But the hero always ends up paying dearly for his "indiscretion".

What to you think of EPDA, NovelaMaven? I watched the DVD and found it rather dull.

Sara, I think EPDA is very well-crafted. The writing is careful and the actors are uniformly skillful and professional. [Just between you and me -- and don't tell anyone else, please -- I kind of liked the nutty, splashy Mejía version better. And I'd rather look at sweet William in a kayak than René Strickler in an orange blazer any old day. Oh dear, now you think less of me, don't you?]

I could never think less of you!! I am partial to the Meh-jía version, but I think it's because it was the first one I recapped. It holds a special place in my heart. Deep-down I think the overall story is just "feh" for me. I mean, I've seen two versions of it and neither really provokes any real emotion (positive or negative) in me.

Plus there is no Padre Hottie in EPDA.

UA--You're so right! I forgot about Bernarda killing the Mother Superior and that she botched her attempt at killing the priest. I just remember thinking "no way is she gonna' go there" but she did.

And I wouldn't put it past Carmina to kill a priest, for that matter. I sort of like the horror movie music they play whenever Carmina and the priest are together. It is really creepy and very effective at making the TangelHo look downright evil!!


Sara, you're so right. No Padre Hottie. No sweet William in a kayak. And I'm betting no dancing cowboy elves either. What the hell were they thinking when they made EPDA anyway?

OMG!! I forgot about the cowboy elves (which, BTW, also showed up on Despierta America yesterday.)

NM, I loved your story and enjoyed it much more than the episode.

We may not get dancing cowboy elves in this TN but we do get a glow in the dark BSC woman and the Botox queen herself.

Rosemary Primera

Snort. Thanks, Rosemary Primera, for reminding us to look on the BRIGHT side of this novela. :D

Hi everyone,
I haven't had much time for Caray Caray lately but I still enjoy reading it once in a while. Just wanted to let you know that I saw Juan Soler today with his wife and 2 young children. They were at the 4th of July parade where I live in Key Biscayne, FL. I took a picture of him. I will post it if I figure out how to do it.

Hi thank you for all the recaps. I too understand little because of the way the actors speak spanish each different from each other. Esp Carmina I couldnt understand when she races 200 miles/hr when she speaks. I am hooked with some of these tns because of hints of Greek tragedies and Shakespearean themes. Though I agree that Elisa cries too much, I cried with her yesterday because of the tragedy that befell her. She deserves to cry a river over this. I am so depressed right now and I can't sleep waiting for the next of the series. I was also impressed by Lupe and Carmina's(battle between good and evil)scene.It was so realistic I got goosebumps watching them.

3 Pieces of Unsolicited Advice

Doctor Tovar: for the love of all that is holy, just plug in the FAX machine and transmit those documents with Augusto's signature to the lab -- and let this nightmare end.

Padre Lupe: do NOT take the bus to La Mereida. When you turned down Gael's offer for a ride, the blood drained from my head. No good can come from taking public transportation. Also, please don't die now that you've redeemed yourself. Yeah, yeah, you're a priest and can't reveal what's said in the confessional . . . blah, blah, blah, but your inaction has led to so much needless suffering. I have wanted to smack you in the head with a frying pan, despite adoring you (and Rene Casados, who won my heart during "Corazon Salvaje.")

And, finally, to Begonia . . . you are not a teenager. Your friends won't tell you (well, you really have no friends, do you?) but I will. YOU NEED A BETTER BRA.

Marie from Natick

Oh Marie! No truer words were ever spoken about Bumble's bra. LOL. She also doesn't need to be so "snuggly" with Quique.

hi everyone, sorry havent posted but as you might guess been sort of busy. but ready for my weekly type-fest...
will catch up with monday and tuesday's recaps and comments as soon as i can.

Hey Sara,

You are right.

More advice to Bumble: stop nestling your son. It's just plain creepy.

Marie from Natick

Brilliant recap, NM! absolutely hysterical notes about peeking at the tables..
[The crowd was far away but the murmur had become a roar and some were standing on the Lucio table and calling for the wave.]

that goes TRIPLE for wed night's ep!! i want to kiss three folks: Lucio, Loopy and Dr T..! awesome teamwork on Lucio and Dr T's part... and Lucio's jumping for joy made me think that the I heart Lucio and I heart Dr T table must be totally out of control tonight, forget standing on the table doing a wave, more like boston streets after they won the world series! POSESSED HAPPINESS if you can imagine one...
even Loopy was at his gustsiest in his determination to unmask Carmina.. and seems like in the previews he goes over to Castigo Manor to do just that... hopefully AssGus will survive the shock of having been so wrong for so long.

Hi Marta,

So glad you got a giggle out of this recap and doubly glad you and yours arrived safely. Hope you are staying cool.

Now off to year today's masterpiece!

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