Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Abismo de pasión #94 7/24/12: Little Elisa Says "¡Adios, Damian!"

*And it will probably stick for quite a few capitulos

“Hola amigas, Hola amigos.  Estoy aqui en Camp Abismo…” The old, but familiar tune fades off. 

 “It’s Elna June here, checking in from rustic Camp Abismo in California’s Sonoma County…”

Well, here at Camp Abismo things are in full summer swing and we are overflowing with houseguest campers. We love our campers but they do cut into telenovela time, don’t they?

In reviewing our Tuesday plans for Cement Cenote summer fun I discovered that I was the only person signed up for tonight’s 9 PM ‘Abismo de Pasion’ Intermediate Spanish Class. I was shocked. Shocked , I tell you. I went ‘round to the campers. I recruited. I cajoled. I arm-twisted. I discovered that most campers had signed up for the “Sampling Russian River Pinot Noir (Since We are Not Driving)” course, a very popular offering here at Camp Abismo. 

Sadly, not one of the miserable little darlings, er campers, was willing to give up their Pinot tasting to enjoy a little Latin Culture with Auntie EJ.  Can you imagine that? Sometimes family members can be such a disappointment. Sadly, life is full of such missed opportunities.

Tonight’s recap is a bulleted offering.

·      The Camp Abismo herbal crafts classes have sent a healthy supply of herbal throat drops to poor Elisa, who, by now, what with the screaming, crying and huge emotional upheaval of the last week must be just about on her last vocal bleatings.
·      Oh, yes and Uncle EJ sent a few of his SPECIAL formula herbal throat drops along for anyone in the cast or crew of AbD who is feeling especially stressed. (They are also available for free to ANY reader or recapper who so requests). As a recovering lawyer, Uncle EJ is really enjoying his new hobby. He thinks Lolita will need his concoction when she finds out that Horacio is a murderer.
·      Little Elisa, Not-So-Happy-At-Last
o   As you will recall from yesterday, Little Elisa rallied briefly, when DamiaM came around la Quinta. The two lovebirds reconciled when he found out that he wasn’t really her brother after all, they hugged and made up, Elisa reprimanded him for some of his mistakes including sleeping with his fiancee Florencia and Elisa reminded him in the VOICE OF DOOM (thanks Cynderella and Sylvia and your respective and respected aunts) that mistakes have CONSEQUENCES.
o   But she forgave Damian. Then Little Elisa not-yet-happy-at-last packed her maletas with Lolita's assistance and she and Damiam made ready to run away together, but dastardly Carmina, who had listened at the door and heard their plans to run away, brought Alfonsina (Damiam’s Momsie) over to the house JUST as they were leaving. Alfie had a serious deal-breaker—TA DAH!
o   She has a letter from a clinica that says Damiam is about have a baby with his fiancée, and, oh, yes, her name is not Little Elisa, it is Florencia. (Large shoe drops offstage).
o   Little Elisa and Damiam go into another room to have a talk, but honestly, Little E. has pretty much had it, what with the MISTAKES of the parents being visited on the children, all of the obstacles, Damian’s behavior, his Spider Woman of a mother, and the whole Florencia thing. (These writers are one brick short of a load in the creativity department, aren’t they?)
o   After all, said same fiancee has already pulled a fake pregnancy on Little E. once before, can you blame the Little E. for being annoyed? SOOOO, she says, “Goodbye Damian!” and even though Elisa has said this before we think that she probably means it right now, if only for the moment.
o   Talk about the Perils of Pauline! Little E. is still in her funeral clothes from burying her dad and her scheming eeevil murderous Agent Orange the Toxic Tia grins like a poisoned Jack-O-Lantern as Alfonsina and Damian take their leave. Is there no end to the woes of Little Elisa?
o   And that was only six minutes into the show. Oopsie, I promised to write shorter recaps
o   Later on Little E. went to Father Lupe to ask him to say a Mass for Daddy Augusto Catfood.
·      Braulio/Antonia/Vincente in the local Clinic
o   Antonia and Vicente both survived Dr. Tovar’s surgical ministrations in the renal transplant surgery—Dr. Tovar can do it ALL—and are resting up in the same room, so that they can film nauseating scenes together. Chente is still a snot, and he refers to Braulio, the man who lovingly raised him, as Antonia’s “husband”. The dreadful adolescent keeps asking for his daddy Gabino. I devoutly hope Chente gets to have Gabino as his papa.
o   Antonia’s marriage is pretty much toast. Braulio says he won’t be home when she gets there. She wants to explain about those 17 years of passing off Gabino’s devil child as Braulio’s, but Big Braulio isn’t listening.
·      Gabino  Mendoza
o   Gabino has BIG plans to be the BIG man, bigger that Rosendo Arango. He shows up with his tattered face at Casa Arango and Alfie treats him with her usual disdain, barking orders and changing his plans. Gabino does not look best pleased but he is still planning on concluding the deal with his “Reina”, tomorrow, with cheque in hand.
o   Gabino comes home to Ingrid and gives Ingrid the news the Augusto killed himself. Ingrid is very pleased.
o   Gabino and Ingrid head into town to celebrate, and run into, first, Don Lucio and Maru, then later, Begonia and Dr. Tovar. Begonia offers her sympathies again to Ingrid while Gabino scowls. He is most unhappy that Begonia of the Big Mouth, Alfonsina’s former BFF has just spotted him with Ingrid. Bad timing, Gabino. Your little deal is not QUITE done yet, is it?
o   But the next morning, Gabino signs the deal with his “Reina” at a Notary. It looks to me like the deal is signed, sealed and delivered.
o   Gabino now appears at Casa Castañon where he slimes all over Little Elisa ...
·      Familia Tovar
o   Sabrina the dumb Teenage Witch is all set up to be a tool of the evil forces of Paolo and Flo.
o   She and Mommy Begonia natter on about how Enrique doesn’t trust Paolo and how Paolo really respects Sabrina (in a pigs eye!) and how Enrique just is worried about Sabrina getting PREGNANT…
·      Landucci
o   Florencia hugs Damian when he gets back to Casa Arango. She is ripe with the news that she is secretly going to kidnap Sabrina’s baby and call it their own. Damian cries as she drapes her blond scheminess all over him and allows Flo to think that these are tears of sentiment at the joy of their having a baby. Of course we know he has just been ripped from Little Elisa’s arms by the news that he is about to be a papa. Can you imagine the fate of this as-yet-unborn innocent were Damian to raise the child to find out that it was Paolo and Sabrina’s??? Sins of the Fathers, all over again. And the wheels turn round and round…
o   Too bad about Damian and Little Elisa’s elopus interruptus. Damian’s face was so sweet when he looked at Little Elisa. I really like when they let Zepeda loose with a little sweet emotion. Oh well, we have a long wait for another one of THOSE scenes, methinks.
o   So a little later, Flo walks in on Uncle Paolo, and he is all dressed up and looking good. Whew, pretty little Flo doesn’t think Unkie Hunkie Paolo got out the custom duds for Sabrina, just who is he going to see?
o   Guido, the lonely Landucci, moldering away in a Mexican prison for a crime he did not commit, has just gotten his release. Alfonsina Arango has just paid for him to get out of jail, his Licenciado says. Now, there is some good news.
·      Carmina, Carmina, Carmina
o   Well, you guessed it. Paolo, the would-be rapist, the wanna-be child stealer and former lover of Carmina Carmina Carmina figures that with Don Augusto done and buried these 8 hours or so, Carmina Carmina Carmina, hereafter known as CCC, should be hot for his program.
o   He appears unasked in Carmina’s bed (he says it is because she left the back door open—duh) and startles our Agent Orange. (I am serious, he DID startle her). She makes a noise and in a most satisfying manner, Little Elisa-most-unhappy-and-and-now–indignant-as-hell hears this and walks in on the former lovers. When the lights go on she assumes the worst and reads CCC the riot act. Little E. lays a mighty slap on the orange one, knocking her to the bed. She curses her Tia for disgracing her father’s memory and says many other things that I am sure didn’t make it onto the screen.
o   What an utterly satisfying scene. I replayed it again and again. So, even though Carmina got away with murdering Augusto Catfood yesterday, she got caught today with her pants up in a compromising position with her former lover. She was wrongly accused, for once. How delicious. How delectable. How delightful.
o   Carmina heads out the next morning to complain to Alfonsina that Paolo is an infeliz. Alfonsina looks at her  like she has an heirloom pumpklin for a head. Really, Carmina? You just now noticed? The guy is a complete a$$burger. What am I supposed to do about it? This is a loose translation of Alfie’s response.
·      Gael, Paloma and Ramona
o   Gael and Paloma bore us with some more talk about their RELATIONSHIP. Yawn. Either I am about to get a migraine or these two make me want to take a nap.
o   Paloma comes home to the Yerberia and Ramona is still angry with her. She compares Gael to her father.
o   Ramona flashes back on a young Gabino Mendoza visiting baby Paloma at the Herb Shack "out of curiosity" and Ramona threatening him and cursing him. Gabino calls her a witch and leaves. Ramona still shakes when she has this memory.
·      Don Lucio and Maru
o   Don Lucio and Maru discuss his feelings of paternal responsibility toward Little Elisa. Walking through the Plaza, they run into Ingrid and Gabino. Don Lucio is still troubled by the idea that he has met Ingrid before, and not at the Procesadora recently.
o   Padre Lupe Ends the Evening With The Voice of DOOM
So when Carmina gets back to la quinta after harassing Alfonsina for having an annoying houseguest, Padre Lupe is waiting for her. He has got the VOICE turned on. He has been thinking and he thinks she killed Augusto. 


In line with the recommendation that we do shorter recaps this is a very short offering.

Really, I am not very good at summarizing so pls feel free to add anything I left out. I am sure I will get more skilled at this as I go along.

Best to all,


Thanks, EJ. I'm going to try to not be as long-winded when the new series begins at 10.

Does anyone else think that if Paolo were to die next week the TangelHo will flirt with the next victim at his funeral? Loved the slap Elisa dealt her; it was long overdue and nowhere near being enough.

Damian is too stupid to breed.

I guess the flashback is meant to tell us that Paloma will learn this secret sometime soon and I dearly hope she doesn't take it as badly as I think she will.

EJ this was MAR-ve-Lous!. You got all the high points right along with your fabulous wit and commentary. And trust me, there were some detail we can do without.Enjoyed this recap style.

"How delicious. How delectable. How delightful."

Talk about karma coming back to bit you in the ....well you know. The one time CCC ( perfect) actually gets caught, she didn't do anything!!! For a minute there, thought it was some sort of dream. My that Paolo is one cool dude, just sssssssssauntered out when caught like no big deal. Now what happens if Sabrina finds out?

Loved just seeing Lucio and Maru, was on the phone for a brief time, so didn't catch a lot of their conversation, but they are sweet to watch. We need sweet.

Gab, Gab, Gab. So it looks like he has the house? Will Alfi catch this and being it's her funds, stop the check? Would be sort of cool to see him go all Mr. Independent on her before his anvil falls. Too bad we had to deal with a II sighting.

Ramona's flashback--I get she was all crazed when she saw him since we can assume at this point her daughter is dead. Just found it interesting that he was at the brink of something with the baby when she walked in. How would history be different if he had actually "bonded" with his daughter? We'll never know. I agree--I think Pal is about to find out the truth.

Padre with the voice of doom again and Lolita overhearing. Thinking it's too soon for that truth to actually come out in full, but getting a lot of "seeds of doubt" planted in people.

Oh EJ..I just snarf up your recaps like a delicious cookie. Started to jot down my favorite characterizations and lines....but developed writer's cramp!

Still, here are some of them:

Writing about "little Elisa" like she's "little Nell", the impossibly sweet long-suffering (Dickens?) character. Oh yessss

Dr. Tovar can do it ALL

Paolo respects her (in a pig's eye)

{Florencia/Damian]"as she drapes her blond scheminess all over him" (that one's really a keeper)

"Guido, the lonely Landucci" (made me think of that maudlin Lonely Cowherd song from The Sound of Music)

As you can see, these delicious quotes were mostly from the first part of the recap. Seriously, I got tired! You were sooo funny in every paragraph. So I'll leave some gems for others to mention.

Favorite Scene: Ramona putting a helluva curse on Gambino. Man, I love contrasting scenes, and dear as Padre Lupe is, sometimes I tire of that eternal "forgive and move on" stuff that I try so diligently to practice in my own life. And just get up and cheer a good ol' damn-you-to-hell Bruja Blistering like my primitive old brain wants to administer.

Ramona and Padre Lupe are the wonderful Yin and Yang of this tale and I hope they work together to bring the bad 'uns to their just reward soon soon soon.

Awesome summary, EJ! i hope someday i will be as good with the bulleting...
my favs not yet mentioned:

Talk about the Perils of Pauline! Little E. (LOVED that oldie movie!)

Too bad about Damian and Little Elisa’s elopus interruptus. (latin terms ROCK!!)

Little Elisa-most-unhappy-and-and-now–indignant-as-hell hears this and walks in on the former lovers…She curses her Tia for disgracing her father’s memory and says many other things that I am sure didn’t make it onto the screen…[Carmina] was wrongly accused, for once. How delicious. How delectable. How delightful.
(your depiction of that whole series of scenes was right on the mark!)

Alfonsina looks at her like she has an heirloom pumpklin for a head. Really, Carmina? You just now noticed? The guy is a complete a$$burger.
(yup, for Alfie, everyone else, mostly the people she can marionette around or at least she thinks she can, like Gab and Tangel-Ho, are just tools for her craft...)

speaking of the Lucio remembering II from somewhere... certainly that reminded me the first time he saw her at the procesadora, he kept staring at her like he remembered her from somewhere... just wait, he will be key in releasing the secret of Gael's origin..

have to agree with daisynjay that the Gael and Paloma scenes were a bit boring, but i like that Gael did take care of not hurting her feelings much... i just hope he will be honest with her and not raise her hopes too much either... sad puppy scene again when Elisa told him she loved to have someone around to count on as a great friend, and as she left, he just whispered... 'friend'... with his signature sad puppy face.
In any case, Elisa is right, he has to take the role of friend for her sake now... and be there for her along with Lolita and Lucio.

Yes, I agree that this separation of Elisa and Dam won't end until the Flo/Dam/Sabrina/Paolo pregnancy mess is settled, which i dont see happening anytime soon, Sabrina is so thick-headed that any hints of Paolo and Flo's plans will go right over her head, along with any advice from Quique and Dad Dr T of not trusting Paolo.

sorry that was you and not daisynjay with the comment on Gael/Paloma scenes.

Elna June - Thank you for the creative bulleted recap! I was exhausted again last night from playing golf in our hot, humid weather (heat advisories had been issued) and I kept falling asleep while trying to watch. I finally gave up and went to bed.

Could your Uncle EJ really be Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, D.F.A., of Prescott Pharmaceuticals?

"elopus interruptus." Love it!!! Must add this to our 'vocabulario telenovela.'

More pressing question --- WHY does Ramona insist that Paloma stay away from Gael? It is as if Ramona thinks Gael is the devil reincarnated. Yes, he is the spawn of two creeps with no conscience, but he seems to be a good person, Having two creeps as parents doesn't doom the child to creepdom.
WHAT IS UP WITH THIS??? It is making me loca.

When Ingrid+Gabino ran into Don Lucio+Maru, it looked to me like Gabino pushed Ingrid behind him, as if they were not together. Did I see that correctly? or had I fallen asleep and dreamed it?

That really was creepy, when Paolo snuck into Carmina's bed and THEN tried to force himself on her. The rapey-snake has no conscience or morals at all. If his beloved Sabrina only knew . . . she would probably more than just Nerfazo him!

I did enjoy Elisa smacking the you-know-what out of Carmina when she found them.

I keep seeing anvils over Antonia's head. (how else will Braulio get out of that marriage?) Why do she and Chente have those stupid tubes up their noses? Oh, right (mental head smack), it's in the telenovela rules…

Doris, I agree, Ramona seems to have it out for our poor Gael. I remember as a child, he was always a little afraid of her too so they didn't really have a much intereaction compared to Dam Stoopid and Elisa.

I think her fear is not so much Gael himself, though now that she caught he and Pal crossing that line she had hoped wouldn't be crossed, she's more pretrified over the obsession that Pal has with him. He reminds her of what happened with her daughter and Gab. Gael is not Gab, but in her mind, she fears the same result. I'm guessing Pal is a lot like her mother-stubborn, refused to see the forest for the trees on what her relationship with Gab really was, and unable to be deal with the rejection sensibly. History repeating itself.

And of course, we can almost guess that Gael and Elisa will get closer working the greenhouse, and maybe even hooking up for awhile. I don't see Pal reacting well if her current behavior is anything to go on.

Daisynjay, i agree with you that Ramona is not directly against Gael but against history repeating itself, since she sees the same obsession in Paloma as she saw in her mother, and just like Gab did not really love Remedios (her daughter), she KNOWS Gael does not really love Paloma, or at least she does not believe he does plan on coming through for Paloma for good. So she tries to scare him off as a way to keep Gael and Paloma apart and prevent FURTHER interaction between them that will only lead to Paloma's doom.

I've been ruminating on this Ramona/Paloma/Gael thing. I wonder if it could be remotely possible that Gabino is really Gael's father? Did Gab seem to know Ingrid, when she returned to LaErmita? Maybe In slept around on Rosendo, too, and Ramona has ESP and senses Pal & Gael are sibs, but she won't abrir su boca? Gah! This is the strangest part of the plot. . .

Interesting discussion you all...but Doris, I don't really think Gabino could be Gael's dad. Clearly it's Rosendo. As a seer, Ramona "knows" the Gael-Paloma relationship will not end well. And like Daisynjay and Marta noted, she fears a rejected Paloma might kill herself like her mother did. (or did the daughter die in childbirth? this hasn't been made clear.)

But her treatment of Gael seems so heavy-handed. She was also quite curt with Enrique. And Lord! she comes down awfully hard on poor Paloma at times.

If you ask me, our portentous Ramona needs a little coaching in Relationship Skills. The woman seems to approach every difference of opinion discussion with a cudgel and a machete.

from Gabino's reaction the first time he saw II, i bet it was the first time he saw her. I think II and Rosendo were way before Gabino was ever at La Ermita or at least at La Anita (procesa). however, Lucio did take a second look at her, so my guess is neither Gabino nor Braulio were there when II was there the first time (twenty-something years ago).
But the odd part of that line of thought is if Gabino is Paloma's dad and Paloma is only a few years younger than Gael/Dam/Elisa, then your theory still might be plausible. I still have my money on II and Gabino not having crossed paths until recently, though.

I remember hearing from the interviews i caught in youtube of the child actors, that Dam/Elisa/Gael were supposed to be 11-12 when Ros/Stefie accident, but Paloma was only 8.

Judy and Marta - Thanks. I know you are both correct, and I knew all that, too. The other side of my brain is not, though. LOL
My problem is a) telenovela beanie hat is not on my head, and b) it is so strange that Ramona is so vehemently against the pairing.

The "vehement" part puzzles me too, Doris. Especially since we all love Gael so much. Why doesn't old Ramona see his charm and cut him some slack?

Certainly hope there's a happy ending for Paloma somewhere as I'm also very fond of her. Her impulsiveness and all-in or all-out attitudes grate on some people, but I've always liked her.

not to get bogged down in the details, but can somebody explain what gorgeous gabby is up to again?

he has the money he stole from ingrid (which she extorted from alfie).
he has the money he stole from alfie and blamed on guido.
he must have some sort of wage and savings-- he lives for free in carmina's love nest and only has a horse. he never takes ingrid out to dinner.

what were the details of his cielo abierto contract, both pre and post augusto's death? was that with money borrowed from alfie? half enough to buy it? downpayment?

and now, he's found dear old mrs belante or whatever. she might be a little blind not to see his bruises, dirty shirt and bandanamano, but i buy her being enamored of him. my grandmother would light up for anything in pants. we still wonder if her gardener (whom she took to italy) got some of the inheritence.

and she told him she needs to pack some thigns, but it should be ready for him in a couple of days? was that it, does he own it now? has this hacienda got a name? Bandanaland?

-mai tai

beltran, is that the old bag's name?

-mai tai

EJ, outstanding as usual. As others have noted there were so many great quips, but the one that jumped out for me was, "These writers are one brick short of a load in the creativity department, aren't they?" I'd say they left all the bricks at the plant and showed up with just the truck!  Great fun EJ, hope your headaches are better! 

Judy, loved, "If you ask me, our portentous Ramona needs a little coaching in Relationship Skills." I've been trying to say that myself, but you've said it better! Funny thing, the actress played the same type of character in Teresa, she is almost branded in my mind now! 

Question on putting Maru on the smart list, along with the horses and Lucio.... Gambino embezzled tons of money right under her nose and she jumped in against innocent  Guido while the police were doing there investigation. The assistants I know know EVERYTHING  at the office and what's going on in the private homes of everyone at the office! Are we giving our Maru a break on this little detail? We might just need to add her anyway, the list looks funny with just horses and Lucio! 

Dear Elna June:

Thank you not only for the brilliant, honed down La Ermita Diaries but also for the glimpse into Camp Cement Cenote.

So sad that you missed the 9pm wine tasting and then were saddled with the AS LONG AS THE DAMN THING TAKES creative writing activity.

But your efforts bore fruit -- snarkicious succulents like the perfect:

"She is ripe with the news that she is secretly going to kidnap Sabrina’s baby and call it their own. Damian cries as she drapes her blond scheminess all over him and allows Flo to think that these are tears of sentiment at the joy of their having a baby."

I am moving Damián several places up on the SCALE OF RELATIVE STOOPIDITY for his return to the hacienda instead of taking some time for reflection at, say, the rectory or even the hotel immediately after his ELOPUS INTERRUPTUS (which, btw, is a welcome addition to the 'interruptus' family!)

I was thrilled that Doc T got to see Ingrid canoodling with Gab -- I hope that will be enough to disillusion him about the grieving mother.

Like JudyB, I was VERY struck by Ramona's curse. Has she ever been wrong? She is predicting that she will live long enough to see Gabino die a terrible death, bathed in his own blood!!!

And I agree about Ramona and Gael -- she knows Gael doesn't love her nieta and such an situation can only bring Paloma heartache.

Presumably Gab took Alfie's cash meant as 50% payment for cielo abierto, maybe added some of Ingrid's money to it, changed it into a cashier's check (no backsies on those things, right?), and bought the old lady's hacienda outright.

Now, after breaking into Casa Castigo (that's why the door is open to the likes of Paolo -- the lock is broken), stealing the contract which Augie hadn't signed, and forging Augie's signature, he is demanding that Elisa return the 50% payment (which of course Augie never got since he hadn't yet agreed to the sale); and if Elisa can't come up with the cash, he demands half of cielo abierto.

P.S. It was fun to see how the writers chose to depict a young Gab, when his bandana was a headband and not a handwrap.

See you later, guys. Another pilgimmage to Madison today.


I'd say they left all the bricks at the plant and showed up with just the truck! Sandy ... you are too funny!

My theory: I think Gabino has been skimming off the top of El Pro Ce Sa Dora for years, and building a nest-egg. He has a very high opinion of himself and wants to own as much land as possible, possibly to even put Alfie in her place and squash her like an insect. I think he'd like to even own Alfie's land & business one day, just to show her up. He is tired of groveling & toadying up to her.

Gabino was always jealous of everything Rosendo, and by association Alfonsina and Damian, had/have. So he is now gathering money he has stolen/got from II, Alfie and the procesadora to buy the hacienda owned by the old hag to basically wave it in Alfie's face that he was one step ahead of her. He forged Augusto's signature to claim Cielo Abierto since ALfie wanted to own it to wave it in Elisa's face. HE has stepped right in front of Alfie to buy the hacienda she was looking at to buy for Dam/Flo as wedding present, and with II he framed Guido and sent the procesadora on a downspin since he could not get to own it himself.
SO Alfie thinks she is playing him to her hearts content, but he is pulling her strings behind her back and she will realize soon that all her recent downfalls are his doing.
HE is working all the secrets he owns on Alfie and Carmina to end up having everything Rosie/Augusto had, and whatever he can't have, he manages to get something even BETTER to wave in their face.
It is called greed/envy in my book.

oh yes, Thanks NM! he is also blackmailing Elisa in to giving him bach the 50% of Cielo Abierto. this is the advance money Alfie gave him to buy Cielo Abierto from Augusto, but Augusto never got hte money or signed the sale contract. Gabino is making it up by showing Elisa Augusto's forged signature to claim that she needs to give him the money back.

Caraymates.....careful with the "old hag" comments, we have been know to bite!

Ay yi yi beat me to it. As a card-carrying member of the Old Hag division, I demand more respect! At least refer to the gal as an Old Dear, will 'ya?

I noticed as soon as I quit coloring my hair blonde and let it go to it's natural silver, I was getting a lot more protective "honeys" and "sweeties" from the supermarket cashiers, and "would you like help out with that?"

Grey Panthers Unite!

Judy, or worse, "Would you like a senior discount? .... Which ruins a perfectly good day!!!!

Amen to that...although I LOVE those discounts. Still, would it hurt for them to add...But you couldn't possibly be old enough to qualify!"

Sandy in TN - I'll take any discount. I was once offered one at Whole Foods,when I was below age, and I took it. I had just come from playing golf and must have looked awful. LOL And then there is the first Wednesday of the month at Kroger . . . ;o)

So sorry ladies, didn't mean to be offensive. how about i refer to that lady as 'la Senora Beltran'?

EJ- If you're my camp director, sign me up! Thanks for the deliciously snarky recap.

I was so pleased by that scene where for once Carmeany was caught in the act, when she wasn't even doing anything for once. At first, I was a bit put off by Elisa's attitude, when she herself had been accused falsely many times. But then I remembered that the Orange One had orchestrated most of those incidents, including a near rape, and I started wishing for Elisa to slap her around some more. :)

Doris, Judy...Oh, I'll take the discount too, it's just in my mind I'm 28 still and don't like to be jerked back to reality!!

Marta, we're just kidding around, not to worry!

Sandy - I know, I know. Denial is a wonderful thing at our age, but my body brutally reminds me that I am not 28 anymore, not even 50 anymore. Wahhhhh......
I want one of those T-shirts that says-----
Inside every older person is a younger person 'wondering what the hell happened?'

thanks, doris!
i like the 'lighter side' catalog. here is their age related tees.
i want to get one fo those 'i'm not 50, i am $49.95 plus tax'.
i turn 49 friday.

Since, as you may have noticed, I have very little self-control, before we go, I COULD NOT let this line pass unremarked. Alfie said it on Monday and again last night -- just a snarky throwaway to Carminative:

Te sienta muy bien el negro, Carmina
(Mourning becomes you, Carmina -- well okay, if you want to get technical "Black suits you, Carmina.")

Elna June: Perfect as usual. You hit all the important parts and sprinkled the whole thing with wit. I loved the Summer Camp themed prologue.

...or did the daughter die in childbirth? this hasn't been made clear

No, it really hasn't been made clear how Pal's mother died. When Kenia's body surfaced, Ramona wailed that she was reliving the nightmare of her daughters death and that her grand-daughter had died because of "bad love." IMHO even death in childbirth fits. Didn't Ramona say last night the she was the one who chose the name Paloma?

Sandy in TN: I will have to rethink the Maru as smart. You've brought up an excellent point. Even Useless Chente figured out Gab was up to something with the paperwork.

Thinking out loud here, please correct me if needed because I am also confused by the Gabino Buys His Dream House plot line.

-Gab has stolen ING's money.
-He has accepted money from Alf to buy Cielo Abierto, but told Alf that he paid the 50% deposit then Toad died.
-He told Elisa he paid the 50% deposit and got a signed contract and she owes him his 50%
-Buying the hacienda is a done deal, but Sra. Beltran just needs a few days to finish packing. The house is his though, right? The check was handed over and the notario pronounced the certified check "good"

-Outside of the hacienda business, there is the matter of the Pro Ce funds that Gab and Paolo stole.

I have been under the impression that Ramona suspects her daughter was murdered or committed suicide.

Gabino is incapable of bonding with anyone. He has no feeling for Vicente and would have less for Paloma.

Thanks Elna June, I'm almost breathless after this whirlwind trip to Camp Abismo.

I must still be in shock from Augusto's tragic death... I caught myself sympathizing with Carmina last night over her very bad day. Yikes!

My favorite scene was Doc Tovar seeing Ingrid cozying up to Gabino. He looked disappointed but he should be grateful. Hope that itch has gone away for good.


"Camp Abismo" reminds me of Camp Granada-->

(copy & paste)

EJ, thank you for your scintillating recap. It makes the actual episode sound so much more brilliant than it actually was. I do admit that I enjoyed the episode, although I have taken to fast forwarding through most of Little Elisa's scenes.

I love your Camp Abismo theme and I think you are the best counselor ever to take us on a hike through the cenotes while your houseguests were sipping Pinot Noir. Now THAT is dedication!

Favorite scene #1:I loved how Gabino tried to shove Ingrid behind him when he saw Lucio and Maru. That sort of thing is so OBVIOUS and only attracts more attention.

Novela Maven, glad you noticed in Ramona's flashback that Gabino was wearing his bandanna on his head, not his hand. I wonder when it migrated? Will we ever find out?

I suspect Gabino's big downfall will be Carmina Carmina Carmina. He is somehow entranced with her and I believe he wants her as his own. He hasn't figured out she is a Destroyer class warship.

Favorite Scene #2: When Elisa caught Paolo snuggling up to auntie. Like Vivi my first reaction was "Hey that's not fair, she didn't know!!" But then I remembered oh yeah, it's Carmina and turnabout's fair play. The rotten pumpkinhead deserves whatever she gets.

Thanks again EJ! What a great recap. I thoroughly enjoyed it and all the superb comments that it has elicited.

Elna June---I don't post comments on this on but today, I must. Put me down in the YES CAMP. I love Pinot but if it came down to Pinot or Abismo, I would have to choose Abismo.
the gringo

Doris, I want one of those shirts, especially today when by head says "hey you're still young at heart" and my back is screaming "you are no spring chicken anymore darling".

we started seeing the bandana wrapped around Gab's hand AFTER Alfonsina had him burn the greenhouse (invernadero) after Stefie died. Alfie was trying to get Gabino to make the Castanon lives miserable so they would LEAVE TOWN but they never did.

Oh that's right. Thanks Marta. We think he burned his hand that night and he has been hiding the evidence all these years. You have a good memory!

All I learned was that Ramona seriously thinks Gael = Gabino.

In Carmina's defense, Augusto WAS whooping her ass so her killing him was self defense but because she's been so nasty and lying, nobody will believe her.

Also, Paolo WAS sexually assaulting her, but again because she's been so shifty and lying Elisa didn't believe her.

sorry, old dears! i'm often offensive, but i don't mean to sting!
the widow beltran is someone i figured wouln't be developed as a character at all. she isn't haggish or baggish in the least, maybe just a bit doddering to pat gabino's arm so trustingly. but anyway, shes a tn character in my mind, not a real person. no one sticks up for orange or stupid people! okay. i'm losing this argument. sorry.

so when gus was going to sell, why did alfie give gab the %50? was it a loan to help him own CA himself, or an order to purchase it for her holdings? or even a gift of the 50% so that she could squash gus and finally reward gab for loyal service?

and from gus's standpoint what happened? the contract was drawn up and waiting for the 50% to be signed?

i suppose none of this really matters if elise gives gab the money that she now thinks she owes him.

party at gabino's house!

and if anyone wonders how he can afford his new digs, he can say the widow gave him a nice flirtation discount, and the rest was his savings???

-mai tai

Mai tai- I'm pretty sure Alf wants Cielo Abierto for herself. I rewatched and she told Gab "either get my money back or get me the land"

IMHO she just gave him the $$$ to get the land without Toad knowing she was the buyer. Toad NEVER signed the deal. Gab forged the signature.

Chant night be Gab's downfall. As someone noted above, he figured out what Gab was doing..if he is rejected be Gab, he just might flip.

Good Afternoon, Passion Pitters,
I am but lately returned from an an excursion on Lake Passion Pitt.

Unfortunately, Aunt EJ took out the rowboat that had been fitted with the silly puttied hole in the bottom. This plug held just until I got to the center of Lake Pitt when it failed spectacularly and I had to swim to shore, toying the capsized rowboat behind me.

Whichever of my camper houseguests who learned this trick in Uncle EJ's "Practical Jokes For Fun and Profit" Morning Class will be dealt with appropriately. You know who you are. I am coming for you. Sleep well tonight, little darlings. Auntie EJ loves you so.

So—on to reading comments and I will join you in a moment after I eat a delicious burned Trader Joes Vegan Corn Dog with home made mustard from the cooking class.


mai tai, de nada! The truth is that we "old dears" have commented on the young'uns many times, so "turn about  is fair play."

Didn't  Gabino, as Alfie's agent, agree to certain terms for the sale of CA, then Alfie turned the screws changing the terms causing Augusto to re-read the new"screw you" deal before signing? Augusto never realized that Alfie was the real buyer, and hadn't agreed to the new terms.  Did I dream that? 

Paso, yes!, Chente is rejected by Gab, returns to Toña, she is happy, having  her son back is enough for her!  Braulio and Lolita are together and they, along with viewerville,  are happy.  The only problem left is....what are we wearing to the boda? 

Hi, Urban Anthropologist. DamiaM is way too stupid to begit viable offspring right now. So true. Also, I think Paloma th dove will FREAK OUT when she finds out that Daddy dearest is GABINO MENDOZA.

Good day, Daisynjay. We recappers have been asked to tone down the recap length.It is not that hard now since we are in the extension blues with AdP but it will be tough when the new '10PMer' starts.

I glad you liked the summary style. I am just feeling my way along here. I am such a storyteller, I really do not know how to summarize. If anything, as you all know all too well, I tend to elaborate.

Paolo Schmaolo. NM, m'dear, surely you or Sara know a Yiddish word other than the obvious 'schmuck' that would properly describe Paolo. Do tell, O word mistress.

Miraculous Marta Miercoles , your analysis of Sabrina is Spot On. You nailed her, amiga. Sabrina is so thick that a suggestion about Carmina and Paolo would go straight over her head. Lil' E. would have to say, "Sabrina, sister, I saw your new boyfriend, Paolo the rapey snake, in my slutty aunt Carmina's bed on the day my dad was buried".

Even then, Sabrina, who gets my vote for Queen #1 on the Stoopid List, won't believe Little E. because Elisa has a bad reputation and her sartorial choices are less than stellar. But, wait! Can we really blame Sabrina here? Seriously. Would you trust a woman who lets her shorts creep that high and does NOTHING about it? Could you trust Little E. if she compounded the felony by allowing her double 'D's to bounce about seeking daylight in skin tight swiss camisoles covered by my Great Aunt Ruby's hand crocheted custon cotton cat blankets and THEN wore those 'fits out in public with cowboy boots? REALLY, I am all for upcycling, I love Etsy, but, how did she find Aunt Ruby's Blankets? I thought we gave them all to St Vincent de Paul in 1976 when Aunt Ruby had her last 'little nip' of Paddy's Irish Whiskey? I hope they were FUMIGATED. Auntie Ruby's cats were mean little ba$#ards and they were none too clean either. Oh, was I ranting...?



It seems you have met our Uncle EJ! AH HA, Doris. Now I know! Were you last night, with that lampshade on your head, pretending to be Cousin Julie? I THOUGHT your sense of humor had improved dramatically since the last time I saw you!

"Could your Uncle EJ really be Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, D.F.A., of Prescott Pharmaceuticals?
(BuaHahahaaaa"). Oh, yeah, that's Uncle EJ. Better living through chemistry is his theme song.

Glad you enjoyed it.
"elopus interruptus." Love it!!! Must add this to our 'vocabulario telenovela.'



elna june - how about "putz" for Paolo?

elna june - be careful with those leaky rowboats or your new screen name will be Cap'n Elna June Bassbait

Judy, Sandy, Doris maitai, marta, Sylvia,daisynjay, Vivi, Sara,
So many great discussions:
I too have wondered about Ramona's vehemence about Gael.

I just don't know. I know I am way out of sync with the plot here but
but I LIKE Gael and Paloma as an ULTIMATE couple. They have a long way before they get to this there—They each have to find themselves but they are both small town kids with a lot of reasons to be able to make a good life together. I figure Gael has to get Lil E. out of his system first, but, well, I am going to hold up a flag for Gael and Paloma, Yucatan's most entitled employee.

Doris: Camp Abismo was modeled exactly on Camp Granada. Try singing the first lines of the recap, "Hola amigas. Hola Amigos. Estoy aqui en Camp Abismo..." to the Camp Granada song. You will see what I mean. Big grin...

Off to make s'mores


yum! sm'ores sounds great.
extra hersheys chocolate and extra burned marshm for me please... hope Gael, Ramona and Paloma can join us.

Darling Doris:

Oh, no ship Cap'n am I, amiga mia. I am afraid my moniker would be more like, 'Cap'n Sylvia's Land Lubber Deckhand Elna June Bassbait'.


i will do my best to get an accurate wording of the Loopy/Carmina confrontation that i am sure will be repeated tonight. then will put my own twist on it.
and i will try... oh God and i will try... to be brief in the recap...

EJ, so sorry I am late! I despise it when work interferes with my commenting!

"tattered face", "blond scheminess" were among many of my favorites. I think your recaps are wonderful and I enjoyed it immensely. Gracias!

Highlights were Carmina being scared out of her mind (we should be so lucky) by the loathsome Paolo. Lowlight was Vincente's scene. A model for birth control.

Thanks so much EJ.


I meant to mention this, but yesterday NPR did a story on a band named Passion Pit!

I don't think these guys would fit in our passion pit though.

EJ this is very funny! I guess I will be fired after Friday bc I don't know how to shut up. I can already guarantee that I will be long winded as usual. Oh well, let's just say it will be my goodbye tour. Lol

Dahling Cynderella:
You are not allowed to have a goodby tour. Your fans simply will not have it. So glad you like the short recap. But you see the perils writing a short recap—the temptation to rant aimlessly in the Caray Comments!

Abrazos amiga,


Gringo! Hola, great to see you.

EJ, this was enchanting as always. I too heard the dulcet strains of "Camp Granada" in your intro...

Favorite lines:

- "Antonia and Vicente...are resting up in the same room, so that they can film nauseating scenes together."

- "With Don Augusto done and buried these 8 hours or so, Carmina...should be hot for his program."

- "Gael and Paloma bore us with some more talk about their RELATIONSHIP...these two make me want to take a nap."

UA, I don't think you can say Gabino is incapable of bonding. He is clearly very fond of his horse.

HI, Blue!
have missed you, dear partner in writing crime! How is your arm? Healing I hope?

This summarizing recapping is quite hard, and at it I have no skill. Whew. No dangling participles for me. No sirree. I might write horribly awkward sentences, but Mrs Minor, will not roll in her grave thinking that I have just dangled a participle over a precipice.

Great to see you. Glad you found the recap charming.



"Paolo Schmaolo. NM, m'dear, surely you or Sara know a Yiddish word other than the obvious 'schmuck' that would properly describe Paolo. Do tell, O word mistress"

Well, EJ, I'm not sure what Sara will say, but I've just been thinking of the him as Flor's "funny" uncle Paulie.

Non of the below speculations is a spoiler, just pure speculation on my part.

I know I glossed over Gab's business dealings in my recap...You all had great idea about what is going on in the comments and I do not think it has become perfectly clear which EXACT combination of ill gotten funds Gabino used to conduct his recent business. I agree with whomever (NM?) suggested that it was likely Ingrid's money and some of Alfie's down payment on Cielo Abierto that he used to buy the Hacienda from his 'Reina'.

Just getting this straight in my mind, that means that Gabino still has in his possesion:

1. Anything he skimmed over the years from La Anita Procesadora;
2. The rest of Alfonsina's Cielo Abierto cash payment that he put in his name;
3.The rest of the money he stole from Ingrid/Kenia;
4. 60% of the money he and Paulo embezzled from La Anita. This is a very large sum we believe.

In short, right now Gabino is bucks up and Alfonsina may be temporarily embarrassed of funds. She just legally bought Papa Geeedo out of jail and that did not come cheap.

If Gabino betrays Alfonsina now, things just might get interesting, especially if he ends up being Little Elisa's unwilling business partner in her noew and competing procesadora enterprise. I can't think of how else they are going to extend this thing for 40 more episodes without bringing two new families at least.


Arm is good, thanks. I sure miss recapping with you.

In & amongst last week's Amorcitos, I just saw the first "proximamente" for Amor Bravio -- wheeeeee!

Funny Uncle works.

How 'bout nudnik or plosher?

Novela Maven, I've got your Yiddish word you're looking for. Mashugana.

All those terms for Paolo are great. I think I like Putz and Plosher because the alliterate so well with Uncle Creepy, er Paolo.

It's not alliterative but Uncle Nudnik Landucci does roll off the tongue lol.

Oh and quick question: did anyone else think we were going to see Augustos ghost during the scene where Paolo had snuck into Tia Naranjas bed? I'm kind of hoping for an Ivana style haunting a la STuD.

Yep. All great words!

I just thought of one that always carried a really nasty edge:


Literally, 'bastard', but I always heard it used to mean 'POS'.

Nice to see all are working on vocabulary!

Oh that's the one! I vote for momzer!

Oh heck yeah! I had to look up "plosher". Momzer is a new one for me too. I am really expanding my vocabulary today thanks to y'all. ITA that Uncle Nudnik Landucci has a nice cadence to it.

I love the sound of Momzer Landucci

Blue: I miss recapping with you, too. Hope you are able to pick up on Amorcito. Good luck on that crazy commute. I want to hear all about that class, now, y'hear?

Sara: Nudnik and plosher and wonderful. Each has a wonderful mouth feel. Definitions, please?

CathyX: Malshugana. Ahh, the sound of it. Realy rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? Again, for those of us unfortunate enough to only pick up street Yddish, I earnestly request your best definition with your word offerings. In return, I will always try to translate any Irish Celtic words you all request.

Sylvia: Putz and Plosher for Paolo have real possibilities. Love the alliteration, m'dear.

Sara: Uncle Nudnik Landucci has a ring to it...hmmm. ITA! I expected to see a huge pair of creepy cracked glasses hovering above CCC's bed, watching, watching last night. Why wouldn't he haunt Carmina? By now, where ever he is he knows all the truths, including that she killed Kenia! Maybe they are saving teh haunting device for the everliving plot extension.

NM: Ooooeee! Momzer is so great I am in danger of new word overuse.

Thanks to all for your wonderful contrubutions.

I am announcing at Camp Abismo tonight that in the interest of clear communication, expressing one's feelings succinctly and developing a rich, full, and multi-cultural vocabulary, everyone attending last night's Intermediate Spanish Class, may use ALL of the new words learned in today's follow-on discussion for the rest of Camp Abismo Session 3.

As the only attendee of the class, I am sure that I can find a use for each of the words suggested by our wonderful amigos at Caray Caray.


Aunt EJ

PS: I still want to know where Elisa got Auntie Ruby's Crocheted Cat blankets. It's really bugging em.


Plosher-"An even greater version of a blowhard egotist who inflates and exaggerates his resources" (From the Complete Idiot's Guide to Learning Yiddish) Hmm...Momzer is looking better and better. (Though I did find that the Urban Dictionary defined "plosher" as douchebag.

I vote for "momzer," which I would define (somewhat liberally) as "ratbastard."

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