Monday, July 16, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #1 7/16/12

We open with our heroine Helena at the cemetery. A strange guy in a hoody (Juan Carlos, now JC) is lurking behind trees. She has flowers for him because it's his birthday. Along comes another woman, and another, one leaves a red bra on his tombstone, the aunt of one of them comes along (she also was one of JC's conquests).

Here comes a batch of mariachis accompanying a couple drunk women, one in a fur coat, they call themselves JC's courtesans and say "He shared with all but gave his heart to none."

Heroine, who's been watching this in amazement, says "That guy deceived all of us, he just deserves to be forgotten." Dozens more women arrive as the mariachis wail. Behind the tree JC whispers: "Helena, you are the only one I've ever loved. When will you forgive me?"


In Acapulco: JC pulls up in a nice car and a nice white suit. The Grand Resort hotel is opening, joint project with a US firm. Reporters swarm him - he blabs smoothly, then grabs one of them and makes an appointment for later.

With his buds Santiago y Fernando by the pool, all three are ogling. One sidekick is married so he's sad looking at the unavailable fruit. JC says to the other: "don't ruin your life, there's time to get away from her, jeez, you already smell married." Then: "Remember our code: no very young women; old women and single mothers don't exist." JC wants his own children, not somebody else's.

"A goddess" arrives in a red dress. JC moves in and though his line is very crappy, she takes a look at him and immediately accompanies him into the empty hotel where they proceed to make out against a wall...

... while her FIANCE, an old gringo dude, turns out to be boss of the US company and is signing papers to join his gringo $$$ to Grupo Imperio... He says his future wife is "The ideal woman: young, beautiful and only opens her mouth when necessary."

While bragging about the up-to-the-moment security of the hotel, they turn on the closed-circuit tv feed and JC's groping with the affianced goddess is shown to all, with the result that the old gringo dude tears up the contract and leaves snarling, "You'll be hearing from my lawyers."

In Mexico City: In her son Lalito's bedroom, Helena practices a presentation on her six-year project, the eco-touristic Majagua Beach.

She lives with her parents. Her dad has been grouchy with her for years - I think he'd like to charge her rent. He scolds her for a marriage that left her with debts. He hands her a hefty private school bill she has to pay. He says nobody will pay attention to a project created by a woman. Helena's mother is nicer.

Turns out Helena had an appointment today - made three months earlier - with JC himself - to discuss her project! But he's in Acapulco... She sits down to wait, and she waits and waits, but then she gets a call from her friend at the hotel where she works - she's needed. She leaves her notebooks with the G.I. secretary saying, "This is my entire life, put these right in JC's hand." She leaves.

Moments later, of course, Adriano Reyes the boss re-arrives from Acapulco after the shattered deal, followed by everybody (the evil Plutarco, JC's buddies, JC, etc). The secretary gives Helena's notebooks to JC and he immediately tosses them in the trash on his way in to his boss's office. Because no project cooked up by a woman could be any good.

The boss yells at him and says, "Unless you come up with a project as good as the one you just ruined with your skirt-chasing, you're fired and so are your buddies."

Behind the hotel desk, Helena fixes something very efficiently for a guy connected with the Canadian "Alberta Trouble Company" [sic]. Impressed, he says she's over-qualified for her job and hints he might have something for her (his business is in competition with Grupo Imperial)

Later she goes home and her son (who is not horrid so far) reminds her that if her project is a success they will be able to buy a house and a dog.

In the hot tub: Plutarco and his girlfriend play wet footsie. He is married to Antonia (the plus-sized sister of big boss Adriano Reyes, himself a sexist skirt-chaser), whom his girlfriend calls "the manatee." Antonia calls him and he goes home briefly (after all, she IS the boss's sister). She is dressed in lingerie. There are sadly going to be a lot of fat jokes. Plutarco spurns her and goes, I guess, back to the hot tub, where he plots with his girlfriend to kick JC while he's down.

In a big house somewhere: JC goes to see his mother Eugenia who was in the theater and now has memory problems. She says she can fix his woes.

Finally: Helena gets a phone call from Grupo Imperial and goes in. She think's it's JC calling her in to discuss her project, but instead it is Rebeca Oropeza, who mocks her for thinking she could see such an august personage as JC: "He doesn't have time for you. But he left this for you. You're fired."


Anybody watching?

I am. But it's only 8:30 here. C'ya in a half hour.

I watched. My favorite bad boy Marcelo Cordoba (yum) is in it, so is another of my faves Carlos de la Mota, so I think I'll keep watching. I don't like the fat jokes. I like the actress, but in Tontas her weight was made into an issue. Fortunately, in Sortilegio, where she played the galan's assistant, her weight was never mentioned. I liked that. I hope her character gets more to do that just fawn over her cheating husband, although he's played by lucious Marcelo. :)

Since they didn't have a scene together, will have to see what I think about the chemistry of the leads.

Thank you for the recap, CHF. You know that if Camil is in it, I'll be here. This one looks like it has some potential. We'll see if it lives up to the potential. At least it doesn't seem cheesy - that's a plus. Though I suspect that the Antonia situation is going to get real old real fast.

JC's married buddy is played by Pablo Valentin. Keep an eye on him. When he was Camil's sidekick in Los Exitosos Perez, he'd often throw curveballs and throw Camil off balance, then Camil had to scramble to recover. It was a crackup. I suspect that Ocampo put him in this role for just that reason.

I didn't realize that Helena worked for GI, so I was confused when Rebeca fired her.

It seems like Lalito idolizes grandpa. Did I catch that correctly?

Yes, watching this one and thanking you for the recap. We'll see if it develops without too many cliches. Love Camil in romantic comedy and look forward to something without so many murders.
La Paloma

Thanks Melinama for this great recap, I liked the first scene of all the women showing up at the "dead" JC's grave too funny. The mariachi band was a hoot.

And who didn't think that maybe Plutarco didn't set that up with the old dude's finacee so he would be caught. He is gunning for his job after all.

I too like Marcelo Cordoba even though he is a bad guy here, he is yummy. I don't like fat jokes either. The actress I've never seen before but she is funny.

I know who the side kick is, Pablo Valentin, I saw him in PVAA where he played a real jerk and he was a lawyer in LFDD I think. I have never seen him do a comedy. He is quite good at that too, along with Carlos de la Mota, who I saw in MEPS and DA. He does have a funny streak too.

This is a good comedy so far. I will be watching too to see how it develops.

Thanks for the recap CHP. The episode was a good start. Seeing Cynthia Kithbo as one of JC's former loves (she was one of the drunk ones) was funny.

ITA that the fat jokes will get old quickly. I hope she isn't duped the whole TN and finds a nice man who loves her.

Excited to see Marcelo Cordoba. Uni is missing out by not having him play an intelligent galan.

Camile was my first novela crush! He looks great but matched up with Lucero Im not sold on the novios. Tootsie theme kind of lame. Of course this isthe novela way: Repeat

Maybe I'm just down with Nana in jail and Sin is just relaxing
With her besties Bruno and Venessa!
Oops sorry it's tough to stick to one blog remark
I will give it 2 weeks to watch and I'm hoping for hot bod Rod to appear shirtless and visit this novela.
He doesn't need many lines just sceanery shot will do!
Bye for now

This has some potential but I also am not sure of the chemistry between Camil & Lucero. That was my problem with Tontas. I never quite believed in the novios because for me there was not much chemistry between Camil & Bracamontes.

I'm also not happy with the fat jokes.

I've been bummed that my new favorite TN Amorcito Corazon was relegated to the afternoon instead of being put into the 7 pm slot. I guess this is the reason. They were saving the evening slot for this show.

I will only be able to check in now & then so I'm grateful there are recaps to help me keep tabs on this show. They ONCE AGAIN took my favorite show & made it two hours after I got hooked. And since AC is an afternoon show there are no recaps. So that is a big commitment -- ten hours every week with no recap to fall back on. Therefore I'll be dropping by here only now & then. Thanks for being here!!!!

Güera from Syra-cuse

So far so good! I could do without the fat jokes too, but I assume that Pluto will pay for them eventually.

(Carlos de la Mota? Again? Okay with me!)


It was funny that they put in the "Don Fernando" shout-out. It was just before JC's mother faded into Alzheimer's mode and thought JC was still in high school (colegio - right?). He was upset because he got his friends Fernando and Santiago into trouble. She asked, "Don Fernando Osoler?" and JC grinned before continuing.

For you Marcelo Cordoba fans, I'm sure you enjoyed the Fan Service scene in the bathtub. Maybe this will be like Amor Real with lots of bathtub scenes.

Guera there are mini recaps of AC. Sara is doing them weekly. Just look on the sidebar. That way if you miss something you will see what you missed.:)

Thanks, Jane! This is just the right length recap for me.

I kind of enjoyed the lightness of this one, beginning with the cemetery scene. After El Tal and Abismo, this should be quite a tonic for TN fatigue syndrome.

Looked like several of the Tontas cast are in this one.

Re the overweight actress here and Lucita in Refugio, is there a chance that they're serving as a PSA regarding obesity? I read a couple of years ago that Mexico is poised to overtake the US as the world's most obese nation.

Emilia and I had a good laugh at the CC's showing "Alberta Trouble Agency" when surely it was "Travel".

And, hey, Paula H! It's been too long. Hopevall's well in Cali.

Melinama - fine recap. Thanks for all the detail.

The cemetery scene was my favorite - Cynthia Klitbo was especially hilarious.

Thanks por el recap!

I think this will be a fun show. It has lots of my favorite actors in it, although most of them seem to be sleazeballs (for now? Maybe they'll change?).

I got a kick out of everyone trying to pronounce "Fairbanks", which the captioner couldn't get right either, and then the Alberta Trouble Company. Hah.

We've been getting anti-gluttony PSAs on Amorcito Corazón...obesity and related health issue messages seem to be getting a big push these days.

Thanks for recap.

I missed the first 3 minutes so I missed Cynthia.

Thanks for clarifying I thought Helena was an unwed mother, that's why her father was verbally beating her down.

I will be watching this one.

Howdy, Mike! Que gusto verte! Did you and your sweetie ever make that CA trip?

Nellie, I think Helena is an unwed mother. I checked back on the disk. Her dad says something like, "If you would've done things the right way, [?] wouldn't have left you pregnant and in debt."
Helena: "But Dad, I was in luuuuuv!"

Thanks for the great recap. Glad to be back among the TN crowd.

Loved the beginning scene. This is my first comedy TN. Not sure how I'm going to like it. Watching because of Lucero. She's really the only actor I recognize--execpt Carlos, of course, from MEPS and Cuando.

Silvia Navarro's new one is coming soon. Really looking forward to that.


I admire the work of the two leading characters. They don't have cliche over the top weeping scenes!
I don't have the names down yet but when Lucero's father was demeaning and insulting she didn't dissolve into tears but made it clear how deeply she was hurt. Camil also in other telenovelas has shown subtlety in his acting.
It's not starting off with the premise that funny is how difference looks. I find that kind of humor boring. Hope they resist fat jokes that do not reveal the ugly personality of the person making the joke. This will be my first comedy if I make it to the end.

Where's my manners!!
Thank you Chapel Hill. :-)

Thanks, Melinama. We were hoping this tn would be in the 7:00 slot, being a comedy and all... I will probably drop Abismo for this one. Three hours is just too much, and Refugio is too good to drop.
I like Jaime Camil and Lucero so am anxious to see how their chemistry works out. And, yes, fewer murders will be a good thing.

I also thought the demona in the red dress was a set-up, especially since Rebeca was the one at the control board. I mean, why else would you show off bare hallways to your honored guests? (Pretty ugly hallways for a luxury hotel!)

But we didn't get any "Bwahaha, we snared our victim!" gloating afterwards. If Rebeca did plot it, Televisa would've made it obvious afterwards, right?

Hey, Paula, not yet. We took the train to Albuquerque last fall and that was just really wonderful. Got up to Santa Fe and had one night in Taos. Got to meet nuestra amiga CherylNewMex and she is a lovely person and a fantastic tour guide! We still want to get out your way - maybe next year.

Oh, and check my avatar for the reason we're hanging around here for a while. Yep, Emilia y yo estamos abuelos!

Congratulations on the little grandchild, Mike and Emilia! I noticed that cute bebé in your photos and meant to mention it before, then I forgot.

Why kind of state-of-the-art fancy luxury resort brags about having those big clunky "we don't trust our guests!" security cameras everywhere? Wouldn't they want a less intrusive system? Not to mention something that's harder to disable if you want to make some mischief?

I had the impression Helena had never married also, and that is why her father disapproved.

Abuelos Mike y Emilia-- Felicitaciones!!!!

Congrats Mike and Emilia!!!!


Gracias a todos! We couldn't be happier. Aly was born last Thursday evening, 7 lbs, 1 oz. We get to see her again this weekend. Son & DIL live 170 miles from us, so we can't be pests or hoverers, but we can still see her often enough to more or less scratch the itch.

Oh wow, congrats, you two!

I agree the camera thing was a setup - the way she insisted that they get it on in the hallway (in that particular spot) instead of in a room was a dead giveaway.

Many favorites in the cast, especially J.C....and his mom too!
I'll watch.

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