Monday, July 23, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #5 7/23/12: JC talks himself out of trouble again and again, but anvils are at the ready.

  • JC's two stooges want to talk salary with their boss Adriano but he says no more salary till Playa Majagua is all set. They admit a few details of the plan are not yet nailed down.
  • JC's married stooge's wife shows up. She gives him money, he's embarrassed, she says she married him for better or worse.
  • On the beach: Juan makes up seasickness in order to get back to shore (to deal with the disappeared Lalo). Helena hears about a drowned boy on the elevator; she runs to confront Juan, faints clutching her son's shirt.

    Lalo reappears just as she's being taken off to the hospital. Lalo says: "Mom, I have to tell you something bad about Juan!" but doesn't get to say anything.  JC takes care of Lalo that night while Helena is under observation.

    JC makes a man's pact with Lalo: Lalo is not to tell his mom about "Operation Honeymoon." Cannily Lalo says: "If it's bad for my mom I'm telling her. And you have to promise never to be her boyfriend." JC promises (on various virgins). Then Lalo extracts a bedtime story. In the midst of an extravagantly Argentinian retelling of Robin Hood, Lalo falls asleep. JC is warming to the squirt.

    Next morning, as JC enters saying "Hygeine is primordial! Time for ablutions!" Lalo has disappeared again. Distracted along the way by bimbos, JC nevertheless finds Lalo, who blackmails him into joining the sons-and-fathers ball game on the beach. Helena arrives in time to see this cute scene. Bonding takes place.

    Back home, her mean Dad is yelling that Helena isn't home yet. She calls to say they're on their way. JC gives her a dvd to watch when she's alone. She and Lalo sing a Latino version of 99 bottles of beer on the wall as JC drives them back. He's nauseated at first, then joins in lustily.

    With her girlfriend Helena watches the dvd from JC, which typically lays it on thick. She's buying it - she likes him plenty. BUT in the next room Lalo overhears the word "novios" and comes in to tell her everything: "I heard that he wants to seduce you and leave you with a broken heart. That he makes women cry. He promised me he'd never be your boyfriend if I didn't tell, but if he doesn't comply I don't either." Lalo orders his mom not to see JC again. She cries.

    Juan (after a macho chat with his stooge about his "bonbonsote" and how they'll find her project and copy it) calls her - he wants to meet that night but she says, tomorrow morning. He arrives with flowers -- she slaps him and is in a towering rage. He has to blab falsehoods a mile a minute to sleaze himself out of the trouble he's in. Ludicrously he shouts: "Trust me! Trust me!" She softens, saying "I like you a lot but there are things you should know about me..." to whit:

    When she was 21 and she and her boyfriend were just getting out of college, she got pregnant. He reluctantly offered to marry her. Her father paid for a wedding and gave them money for an apartment. Shortly before the wedding her fiance went off to the U.S. never to return, taking all the money with him. Her dad was so furious he had a heart attack. To keep dad from keeling over, she now does everything he tells her to, and swallows the humiliations he dishes out. He's told her if she gets betrayed by a man again she is out. "It's hard to be a single mom." JC listens with sympathy, he's softening too. He says he wants a serious relationship with her. She says he'd have to accept Lalo being number one.

  • Plutarcho has two stooges. He offers one of them money to kill JC. The stooge convinces him out of it. He says he'll find another way to destroy his rival. Felix snoops and says JC's team hasn't made much progress with the Playa project. He hears about the connection with Helena.

    Pluto is furious that Rebeca was in a hotel with some guy (when she came out she crashed Pluto's car a little bit). He doesn't know that guy was JC. He hires one of his stooges (Onesimo) to be her chauffeur (to spy on her).

    Rebeca gives Pluto another endless massage. His wife pops in, asking him to play hookey with her. He refuses. There are fat jokes. She says she's at the limit of her patience and leaves. Pluto is tired of everything and everybody. Rebeca tells him there's a competition for the development at Playa Majagua and he could enter, and she has lots of info but he won't get it unless he's nice to her.

    Ez and I can't figure if the stooge who is showing Pluto how to break into JC's computers is the same as the first one. The computer stooge is Felix and he's cracked the code: Pluto is in like Flynn.


Thank you so much! My rusty Spanish was not keeping up tonight so I really appreciate your re-cap (especially on Helena's flashback).

Is it just me, or is Lalo getting a little scary with his sinister little stink-eye and vetoing Mom's potential novio?

Thank you for the recap, CHF.

Cammy, it also bothered me when Lalo started bossing mom around.

Quite a bit of aggression between Pluto and Rebecca, huh?

I liked when JC was trying to run down the up elevator, and he was just arms and legs flying all over the place.

Thanks so much Melinama! Add me to those who found Lalo a bit creepy and scary when he made his demands of JC and his mama. That kid has picked up some bad bahaviors from him grandpa. He'll be trouble.

I can't root for JC to win Elena over, knowing her past history with her baby-daddy and how getting duped once again will further lower her in her father's eyes. She so doesn't need this.

I did enjoy the 99 Bottle of Beer on the Wall scene. It made me remember long bus rides to camp sites, and going through the same emotions as JC-- first annoyance, then joining in with gusto. :)

THanks Melinama. I am really only catching the last 10 minutes of this one before Abismo airs. I always find it harder to understand a TN I don't keep up with, so it was nice to come to your recap and see that I understood more than I thought.

I thought the flashback was well done. The lighting (or lack thereof) was a good way to still use Lucero and not have to worry about looking ridiculous like Victoria Ruffo did in TdA.

I too had trouble keeping track of Pluto's stooges, but I do believe that Felix is strictly the IT guy and nothing else. (But I wouldn't put money on it!)


Thanks so much for this recap CHF.

Lalo becoming like Helena's father was another bad sign in this TN. Coupled w/Pluto's horrible treatment and attempts on his wife's life, and the boys being sexist jerks, I'm not finding a lot to laugh about.

I agree, Karen. This is a very misogynistic novela. All the women are treated badly by men, and now even the male kid treats his mother without respect. I don't much like the women characters either. Also, plus the insulting fat comments, I don't like the fact that Pluto's wife's character is played in such a stereotypic and annoying way. I also don't like Rebecca, and think Lucero's mother is a doormat, who doesn't confront her husband and manipulates behind his back. She is supportive of her daughter, but I would like her better if she dealt with her husband in a more assertive way.
Plus all this, although I am a Jaime Camil fan, I m not liking his performance which is too over the top, full of shtick and making faces. I do like Lucero in this. And I think there is a chemistry between them, which as time goes along probably will develop nicely. I look forward to the time when he drops the Argentine accent, which is too much and not funny. I'm hanging in though as I think things will improve.

Plutarco has two henchmen. The first guy has a funny name like Oneisimo --or something like that. It starts with you thinking it means "honest." He's the one who refused to kill Juan Carlos, and is following Rebecca. Felix is the computer guy at work.

Thanks Melinama for providing a succint recap. i like those the best.

Thanks, Melinama. I need lots of help to keep up with JC's rapid fire delivery. True, there is misogyny at work here. I'm hoping the men will all learn lessons as we move through the action.
La Paloma

Thanks, Jane, for the great recap. I'm kind of enjoying, aw, hey, I AM enjoying this TN for its lightness and comedy. Context: post El Tal and w/ Abismo still dragging on, yeah, PESE is light.

Oneismo's actor was one of Tio Meno's meseros in Tontas. He's good and I should learn the actor's name.

Guess I've seen enough TNs now to detect the Argentine accent that Jaime Camil is using. It almost sounds kinda Godfather/Sopranos.

Abuelo Mike, the Oneismo actor is Luis Manuel Avila. I've seen him in non-TN comedy such as Eugenio Derbez's series, but you're right, he also pops up in comic TNs. His trademark is the fast-paced zany chatter that he improvises; maybe we'll see some in PESE.

Thanks, Paula! Wasn't he one of the duo that you called "Sven and Ole?"

That's right, Mike. I dubbed him "Sven." He was also in Fea, as Lety's only friend ever since childhood, more like a brother.

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