Thursday, July 05, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #58-59 Thu 7/5/12 The "Silent Partner" is Silent No More, Julie Gives Gala a New Idea, Lastra Puts His Plan in Motion

Part I

Mexico City:

Luci and Rod have gone to see Padre Honesto, who isn't in his office, Rod goes to find him,and Luci gets a dizzy spell. She has to sit down. Rod has tracked the Padre down. He is now in the office with them and tells them marriage is a lifetime commitment, a holy sacrament, and a promise before Dios. They assure the Padre their love is very strong, and can basically withstand anything, too bad they don't see that piecart.

Lastra is having a meeting with someone, all we see his the other person's hand with a coffee cup. Lastra is looking nervous. The camera pans and we finally get to see who is meeting with Lastra. It is, wait for it, Max of course, who is now not the "silent partner" anymore. They are in a nice restaurant having coffee. Max is lighting into Lastra who he says is incompetent. Max informs him the files at Inferno have been breached. Lastra thinks there must be some kind of mistake, can't be. He is trying to assure Max that noone breached those files, but we all know Aldo did, as does Max, I think. Max tells Lastra, vaya, vaya, you are supposed to be brilliant. Lastra wants to investigate, but Max tells him to, wait for it, LARGATE. Now Lastra is practically begging Max not to fire him. I'll be good, you'll see. Max is telling him no, so sorry, so sad, NOT. And what's this now, could it be, did you look closely??? Anyone??? Lastra is, wait for it, CRYING. I'm not kidding, what a baby, and he is still begging Max. He wants another chance, it involves Max's family, I think, and he touches Max on the arm. Of course, Max tells him no mi tocas, and never, eva to mention his family. He is begging and pleading with Max. Max asks him if he would guarantee his life over this matter. Lastra says he will guarantee it with his life. Lastra is still crying like a baby.

Conny and Rosa have arrived at Claudio's office. Norma greets them. Lic Barrera, who must be covering for Claudio while he is gone, asks the ladies if he can help them in anyway. Rosa is looking for Claudio, and Lic Barrera informs her that Claudio is presently out of the country and should be back in a couple of days. Rosa informs Lic Barrerra about who she is, gives him her card, and tells him she needs to get in touch with Claudio as soon as possible, it is urgent. They go.

Since Claudio wasn't in his office, Conny and Rosa go for coffee instead. Conny is very happy with Rosa for wanting to finally tell Claudio the truth. She thanks Conny for going with her. (Ed Note: I really think Rosa was going to tell Claudio, HER truth, as it is in her screwed up mind, jus' sayin'). Rosa seems to think the fates aren't with her to tell Claudio the truth, cause he wasn't there. Conny tells her to tell Claudio the truth, as soon as he gets, back and not by phone, por favor.

Frigid and Mati are talking about Luci. Frigid is saying you recommended this servant and now she thinks she is the duena of this casa. Mati tells her to let it go already, and Mati gives her the stinkeye.

Max has made it back home and he is in Pato's room. They are talking about their trip to Boston. Pato is worried. Rosa comes in and Max wants to know where she was at. They start arguing in front of Pato, who is not happy with this. They are fighting about Pato's health, among other stuff, and Pato has had enough. He tells them to get out of his room. Max goes, Rosa wants to stay but he makes Rosa go too. Pato is upset.

Julie and Gala are at Gala's and Julie says that the condition that Rosa is in now, her mental instablity, is good to fleece her of money, not really, but to get more money out of her. Then Julie comes up with a brilliant idea. Try and get pregnant,say what??? Just imagine how much money we could get for that baby. That would be one lucky baby, the Torreslanda fortune is immense.

After being thrown out of Pato's room, Rosa goes to the kitchen and Mati tells Rosa she ought to listen to Max. Rosa thinks her marriage, bit by bit, is falling apart.

Rod and Luci are in the hood and Rod wants to live with Luci in the apartment. They have a playful tiff, about who it belongs to, he says theirs, she says his. They finally agree its theirs. Dona Estella comes by,and Rod and Luci go with her. Marinita is there, she is missing her mama, and Dona Estella is worried about Ofelia. Rod has an idea. He will find out where she is at, and help her. Dona Estella and Marinita are over the moon with that, and Rod tells Dona Estella he is over the moon, very thankful she has taken such good care of Luci. Hot Bod Rod and Luci smoochy.

At Inferno, Lorenzo is at his post in the casino, Aldo and Vicky are gambling, and Fabian is in the casino too, where he isn't supposed to be. Ivan tells Lorenzo to get to work, stop talking to the clientle, and he tells Fabian to get back in the bodega. Aldo hears Ivan giving them a hard time, and tells Ivan to lay off, cause one day I could be your boss. Well Lastra is right behind Aldo as he says this, and Lastra thinks that Aldo could be his replacement.

Lake Party:

Lula is still bitchy about that drink spilled on her. Hanna, Melissa and Lula are by the pool and some of the guys throw Boris in the pool. Lula is bitchin' about the nacos that came to this party, meaning Lorenzo and Fabian, of course. Lula doesn't like them, especially after Fabian called her Lola, instead of Lula. She doesn't like these naco friends of Hanna. Hanna tells her to shut up already about the nacos. She says Lorenzo is Luci's bro, and that Luci is married to Rod. Lula is like, so he gave up Gala the marvelous for that chacha? Lula can't beleive it. Hanna and Melissa are not happy to hear Lula talk like that. Lula can't beleive that Rod married a servant. I guess Lula must be a Rosa-wanna-be!

Mexico City:
Max is in the library and Rod comes in. Max is waiting for Hanna to come home from Boris' party. He tells Rod he likes Luci, and has no problem with her. Max says she is a great girl. Rod changes the subject and wants to know what Max was doing with Vicky. He tells him Pato and he saw Max with her. Rod wants to know what that is about. All Max wants to know if Rod runtolddat to anyone? Rod assures him he hasn't told anyone. Rod doesn't want to hurt the family like that and he would never hurt his Mama Rosa. Max tells Rod sometimes the best marriages are difficult. Max tells Rod that Mama may be to blame for some of it. Rod doesn't agree. Max says he worked very hard to get where he is at, so his children could enjoy the life they now live, but Rod tells him in the process he ignored Mama and that marriage is a job for two people not one. Rod doesn't think Max is happy with Rosa.

Luci is at Estella's talking when the phone rings. Luci answers and it is Paz. She tells Luci she can't wait to come to the D.F. to see her marry. She tells Luci about the disaster the house is in. She says she misses her and Lorenzo and now it's just Ariche and Magda with her in Het Het. Luci tells her the Torreslandas treat her well, all except Rosa of course. Luci tells her about Rosa saying Aurora when she saw Luci all dressed up in her city clothes. Paz is shocked. Luci tells Paz that is her lawyer's dead wife's name. Ruh roh. Paz wants to know what lawyer. Claudio Linares of course. Paz drops the phone and has to sit down, and Theo, their helper is fanning her as Paz has had a little panic attack.

Rod has gone into the hallway, and Boris has brought the girls home from the party. Rod tells Hanna that Papa Max is in the library waiting for her. Hanna tells Rod that she is excited about doing more shopping with Luci, and Melissa is coming with. They are very happy.

Hanna and Melissa go in the library and talk to Max. Max wants to know how the party went they say fine. Hanna goes off and Melissa is talking to Max. He wants to know how her thesis is going. Melissa tells him great. She tells her Tio Max that Claudio is a great man, very brilliant in his field and interesting to boot. Max gawks at Melissa, Ha. Hanna comes back in and says that she and Boris are novios like he and Mama.

Pato is in bed thinking about he and Rod seeing papa with Vicky. He can't sleep, Mati comes in. He tells her he is not looking forward to this operation again. Mati tries to reassure him that maybe he can move better after this one. She tells him he is just normally worried, as anyone would be. He tells her he wants a grand love like Luci and Rod.

Rosa is in her bedroom, applying cold cream to her face, and she is basically rubbing her face raw. She is thinking about the truth. Rubs her face harder.

Luci is talking to Estella about the strange moment when Rosa seemed to think that Luci was Aurora. Luci says she can ask Mati tomorrow, cause Mati knew her after all. Estella is not looking at Luci and hiding her face. Luci tells Estella how Rosa and Claudio are friends and that Rosa was there when Claudio's baby was born and when Aurora died. Luci doesn't understand why Rosa called her Aurora. Luci leaves and Estella is fanning herself like crazy.

Vio is singing in the casino, it is actually a new song and I like her new "luke" less makeup and a nice wig. Aldo and Vicky are at the gaming table and Lastra is trying to talk to Aldo. Aldo blows him off. Ivan and Lastra go to Lastra's office and Latra is bitching about how he can't stand Aldo. Lastra thinks maybe Aldo got into those files. Ivan is like Que, no way. Impossible. Lastra says the boss is way pithed about it. Lastra says he only has one chance to make it right. Meanwhile back at the gaming table, Aldo is betting and Lorenzo thought bubbles to himself that Aldo is up to something.

Meanwhile, Julie, 'Nanda and Valentina and Gala are together, and Julie, 'Nanada and Valentina are getting sloshed and talking about ruining that chacha's life, while Gala is on sofa having a pity party for one, she is thinking about wanting Hot Bod Rod in her arms. She lurrrvvves him so.

Rod has come for Luci in the hood, and there are a bunch of woman, handwashing laundry and they see Rod and Luci together. Rod tells Luci she is like a star that dropped from heaven, they smoochy, all the ladies clap.

Rosa is once again, BSC, and also at, guess where, her favorite place, no not Padre Honesto's it is , wait for it, Aurora's grave talking to the grave once again. (Note to Rosa, I really hope one of these days they would have a ghost scene, where Aurora comes out of that grave to haunt your butt, jus' sayin'). Anyhoo, she accuses Aurora of making her life miserable through her daughter Luci, oh come on now! She wants to be left in peace, as if. She tells Aurora to go, and that Luci will ruin her family. (Second note to Rosa: Honey you did that all by your lonesome 19 years ago). The caretaker of the graves comes over to Rosa and says many tombs have been abandoned here over the years and that Aurora's was for a time, until recently. He is more concerned about the poor little abandoned children's graves all over the cemetary, and they are quite a few. Rosa gets that insane glint in her eye and she wants him to do a service for her. She wants him to move a child 's body into the grave of Aurora, as if the child died with Aurora, yuck.

Het Het:

Copio, Magda and Paz are all together, and Copio is telling them to stop saying bad things about Don A. Magda, she is a fierce woman, backs Copio into the fireplace and tells him basically to shut it. Paz is pithed that Don A basically threw them out in the street, penniless, with nowhere to go, and he filled her house up with his junk and boxes she wants the crap out, yesterday. They tell Copio to tell Don A that Senora Paz and Senora Magda are looking for his sorry a$$. They go and Copio has a little convo with that stuffed wild cat on Don A's desk. He is mimicking Paz and Magda while he is at it.

Magda and Paz are at Paz's house. Paz thinks it is as dusty and dark as Don Serapio's funeria. Magda lights a candle so they can see, as they have no power.

Magda goes to see Don A and the insults immediately start. He calls her a bruja (witch) she calls him an infeliz (wretch). Magda is giving Don A hell about the condition of Paz's house. Don A thinks that Paz should be grateful he gave the house back to her. Magda says that house was beautiful and you ruined it with all your crap. She tells him to send Copio round to get rid of it all. Don A tells her she shouldn't demand things of him, he is after all the Big Cheese, doncha know. He tells Magda he is going to the D.F. soon. Magda is surprised.

Meanwhile, Theo has taken the phone from Paz and tells Luci on the other end, that Paz has had a little fainting spell, and Luci says while he tends to her she will stay on the line. Paz revives a little and takes the phone from Theo and talks to Luci again. Luci wants to know what about Rosa and Paz. Paz tells Luci she is fine and will talk to her manana.

Theo has escorted Paz back to Magda's and Theo says he will be by to check on her tomorrow. Magda wants to know what is going on, what has upset Paz so? Paz tells her Luci told her something she doesn't like. Magda and Paz are still talking. Paz says she can't wait to see Rosa Torreslanda again, what will she think? (She's off her rocker, just wait till she sees you Paz, she will totally freak, jus' sayin'). Paz says that Claudio Linares is close to Luci, her true Papa.

Copio is with Don A and Don A informs him he will be going to the D.F. and will be gone a little while. It's better that he goes right now, what with the condition that Paz's house is in and that he helped Paz, who is now raising hell.

In the best scene of the night, Conny and Oscar have managed to have a whole date by themselves and they are dancing. Oscar has some good moves I have to say. Very smooth. Sigh! He kisses Conny and calls her sexy. He says he only wants a kiss, but wants to be her novio too. They finally kiss some more and they continue to do their dance.

Part II

Mexico City:

Rosa is still talking to the caretaker about moving a child's body into Aurora's grave, and she tells the caretaker, ask me no questions, but here take this wad of bills for your, ahem, "services", grave robbing anyone. The caretaker is agog with all this money.

Max, Pato, Hanna, and Melissa are in a cafe for breakfast when Rod and Luci join them. Max says he has some questions for Luci. Luci tells them all about her family life in Het Het, how her Mama Paz does beautiful cermanics, the signature pieces being hearts, I think. She also talks about Galindo and how protective he always was of her. Rod tells them all about Ariche and what a little man he is. Max wants to know if they are coming to the wedding. She says yes, Magda, Paz and Ariche. Max is looking forward to it. Now H&M want to know what is planned for the reception. Luci doesn't want one, just the wedding but Rod tells her that they have to have one. She caves and everyone is happy. (I'm still not liking that piecart).

Fabian and Lorenzo have brought breakfast to Vio and Vio says how nervous they were last night. Seems there is 30  thousand pesos missing from Inferno. Now I don't know who took that money, Aldo with the computer, Lastra making it look like money is missing, or Lorenzo ripping it off to give to Aldo, if anyone knows please explain. Anyhow, Vio is getting all over Lorenzo and Fabian about the missing money. She lets Lorenzo know that Lastra was just threatening Luci yesterday and what will Rod's family think. Vio wants to know where the money is and that there will be an investigation! Vio tells Lorenzo he was responsible for that money and that his liberty is at stake., he could end up in the carcel. Lorenzo wants to go to Torreslandas to find Aldo but Vio says you'll run into Rosa and you don't want that. Vio gets all over Fabian's case too cause she thinks he was somehow involved too. Vio wants them both to go, she is beside herself. Dona Estella and Marinita have come by and Vio is also having a pity party for one about Marcial. Marinita is telling Vio it is like watching her Mama cry for her Papa. They leave and there is a knock on the door. It is, wait for it, Marcial. He is trying to hug her and call her mi amor. She slaps the crap out of him, won't listen to his excuses and shoves him out the door. ( I like how she did that). He is banging on that door, while she is inside, laughing at him, but happy he came by. She doesn't let him back in.

Speaking of the money, Ivan is counting it in the Inferno office when he notices the shortage, he calls Lastra and informs him of the missing 30 thousand pesos. Lastra is very gleeful and says now both Lorenzo and Luci are ladrons (theives). Good he says.

Frigid and Mati are in the kitchen and Frigid wants to know why Mati likes Luci so much. Mati tells Frigid that Luci is a good girl, and Frigid wants to know like say, a nun? Mati has to remind Frigid one more time that Luci is now married to Rod, and Mati goes. Frigid mocks her behind her back once she leaves. About this time, Gala calls wants the latest info on what is going on in the house. Frigid tells her Rosa went to church and all the rest went to a cafe for breakfast. Also when Gala calls Frigid she is in bed, mama Julie is sitting on the side of the bed, and 'Nanada and Valentina passed out on the sofas from too much drinking the night before. Julie wants to know what about Conny? She is out with Oscar. Frigid also tells Gala that Oscar and Conny are acting like novios. Julie doesn't like that. Julie grabs that phone from Gala and hangs up on Frigid. Frigid doesn't know where Rod is. So Gala wakes up 'Nanada and Valentina and tells them to call Marcos and Gabe and ferret out where Rod is already. They are complaining cause they are hung over, and Gala doesn't want to hear it, she tells them to get on the phone already! 'Nanda has gotten hold of Marcos and makes her request. He calls 'Nanda back and tells her Rod is in hood with Luci, which she tells Gala. Gala can't beleive Rod is in the hood with that servant!

Rosa comes home and wants to know where everyone is. Mati tells her they all went out to breakfast. Rosa is pithed everyone got to go with Pato but her and they didn't even wait. She tells Mati everyone must be bothered by my presence and you too Mati, eh? Rosa says she means nothing to anyone and she stalks off.

Lorenzo and Fabian are together, and Lorenzo calls Aldo. He is worried bout that money. Aldo tells him not to worry, to chill. He says to wait for a bit and not to tell Luci. Lorenzo is upset and hangs up. Aldo is at Vicky's and he is talking to Don J too. He wants permission to court Vicky. Don J tells him about the employee reg again, and tells him no. Aldo tells him Vicky is not the employee. Vicky is grinning and Don J is frowning, and Don J says only give permission if you run this by Tio Max. Vicky is now looking perturbed and doesn't want to cause any problems. Don J says the only way he will let Aldo court Vicky if he gets permission from Max. Vicky is holding up her finger like wait a sec, but Aldo tells Don J not to worry, to relax and Vicky is grinning again.

Marcial is in the courtyard, when Luci and Rod come in followed by Hanna and Melissa. Marcial talks to Luci about Vio and what happened. I think he gives Luci a message for Vio saying he'll be back later. Lorenzo and Fabian come by too. Rod's phone rings and it is guess who, anyone??? It's Marcos of course trying to find out where Rod is. Rod tells Marcos, of course, where he is and with whom.

Frigid comes to Rosa's room to see if she wants anything. She sends Frigid to bring her some tea. Frigid goes.

Max is in Pato's bedroom and they are talking about their trip to Boston and the operation. Rosa marches right in there and wants to know why they didn't wait for her to come back, before going out. She is pithed. Max leaves and she tells Pato that Max is using him for an excuse.

Max is in his and Rosa's room when a cellphone rings. It is Rosa's phone. It keeps ringing and Max picks it up and sees it is,wait for it, Claudio Linares! Rosa is in the hallway, and Max comes storming out of the room and wants to know why the hell Claudio is calling her. What is that about? She tells him he wanted her to tell Claudio the truth, right, right? (Frigid meanwhile has brought the tea tray, and is hiding behind the wall in the hallway, using her method of listening again). Max accuses Rosa of her obsession with thinking that Rod and Luci are sibs and Frigid from her hiding place, drops that tea tray, being very shocked from what she just heard. The stuff on that tray, is scattered everywhere. Rosa goes to check it out, and Frigid has the deer in the headlights look. Frigid starts cleaning up the mess, and Max is staring up at the ceiling. They say not a word to Frigid and she takes all the mess with her and goes.

Oscar and Conny have come back from their night of romance. Oscar has to go to the office, cause Max is leaving with Pato and he wants to make sure everything is up to snuff while Max is away. Conny completely understands. They smoochy.

Rosa and Max have now moved into the bedroom and Rosa tells Max how she went to see Claudio and found out he is away right now. She went to his office to tell him the truth (I think it was to tell him HER TRUTH ya know the sibs thingy) and how she doesn't want to be tormented anymore with this truth. She goes. Max thought bubbles about Rod telling him he never paid attention to his Moms.

Rosa goes into the kitchen looking for Frigid. Mati tells her she went to her room. Rosa tells Mati to go tell Frigid she wants a meet in the library. Mati goes to do that. Meanwhile Frigid is in her room in a quandry. What to do with this bombshell. Frigid thinks this info is worth its weight in gold, the sibs thingy. She thinks Gala will fill that designer purse up with dinero over this info. Mati is knocking on the door, and Frigid is hiding that purse. Mati informs Frigid that Rosa is awaiting her presence in the library.

The Luci Gang: Hanna, Melissa, Lorenzo, Fabian,and Rod and Marcial are still in the courtyard. Luci runs upstairs real quick to give Vio that message from Marcial, who has left, and meanwhile Lorenzo and Hanna are talking. Lorenzo wants to know all about his novio of Hanna's. Does she like him, really like him. Hanna says of course she likes him, really likes him, but she is hestitating way too much. Melissa is grinning. Lorenzo asks Hanna, Musho Musho like him. Hanna says uh, yeah. Lorenzo is awed. Luci wants to know from Vio why she didn't talk to Marcial.

Frigid is in the library with Rosa finally. Rosa wants to know exactly how much she heard with her eavesdropping skills. Well you know what I mean. Frigid swears what are you talking about, I heard nothink!!! Rosa tells her when you work for this family, you are expected to be the soul of discretion (yeah right) and you will never talk about this. Frigid agrees never say a word, promise, while she has those fingers crossed behind her back. Rosa tells her if she EVER finds out she squealed, um talked, she will put her out on the street. Frigid swears never to utter a word. Yeah right.

Meanwhile, The Luci Gang: Fabian, Lorenzo, Vio, Hanna, Melissa and Rod are talking about preps for the wedding and refurbishing the apartment. Lorenzo and Fabian go off somewhere and that leaves the rest to do the shopping.

Oh, Dios Mio the Don has gone by plane to the D.F. The security guy is wanding him and Don A wants to know what all the fuss is for, anyhow. Then he is asking the guy about food I think. The Don gets to a taxi stand right there at the end of the belt and a porter wants to know if he can take his bags. The Don says sure and follows the porter outside.

Julie and Gala are gloating about taking Luci down, cause the Don arrives today. Lastra calls Gala. Lastra is having his shoes shined by Ivan as he is talking to Gala. I guess Lastra laid this trap with the money, cause he is telling Gala that Luci and Lorenzo fell into his trap. They are very happy. Lastra hangs up and wants to know what about Vio? She'll be busy in the casino and they are still laughing. (Note to Lastra: You are truly an idiot. Wait till your Jeffe finds out what you have done to his Dil, her bro, her friend and that Gala and Julie were involved. Wouldn't want to be you, jus' sayin').

The Luci Gang is in a huge store that sells all kinds of kitchen things, tv's, gym equipment, all the things needed in a home. They are all having a ball. Luci sees a crib, ruh roh, she really likes. Rod says he likes it too, and what better thing, than if she were to get pregnant like yesterday. Luci likes the idea and they smoochy, when from afar, who should see them, 'Nanda and Valentina who just happen to be in the same store. 'Nanda has to pull Valentina off before Rod and Luci see them.

Julie and Gala are at the apartment, when guess who calls already, that's right it is 'Nanda with the latest chisme about Rod and Luci in the baby department, kissing over a crib. Gala is very pithed, Julie tries to touch her and Gala is all don't touch me. Julie tries to tell Gala not to listen to them and that they still have their plan in the works, cause Don A is coming.

Lorenzo is calling Aldo again. Aldo is with Vicky. She reminds Aldo of the promise he made to her Papa. Aldo calls his Moms and says he needs a huge favor. We don't hear what that is.

All of the Luci Gang has come back and Vio and Luci are talking about Marcial. Luci goes and Polo is knocking on the door. Vio was expecting Marcial. Polo has brought a beautiful flower for Vio. He wants to take her out, but she wants to wait a bit. She is waiting for Marcial but Polo doesn't know that. Polo decides to wait with her. Vio is constantly checking the time and her cell, and decides she has waited long enough. Vio and Polo leave.

Luci, Lorenzo, Fabian, Rod, Marcos and Gabe have all converged on a bar that plays mariachi music. The band is playing , everyone sits down and Rod grabs Luci and they dance as Rod says the words of the song. They look like they need to get a room, and they finally sit down. Lots of smoochies.

Pato is in his bed asleep and Rosa is stroking his face. Rosa so wants Pato to get well and more movement. Max tells her the diagnosis from this Doc in Boston is very good. With this operation he may get more movement. Rosa evidently wasn't paying attention cause she is upset this is taking place now, when there is a matter of life and death to deal with here.

Meanwhile, in the last bit of the evening, in another part of town, the conspirators to take Luci down, that would be Gala, Julie and Lastra are awaiting the Don. It almost looks like a mafia Don meet, when in strolls the Don. He comes to the table tells him who he is, and sits down. Don is giving them the eye.

Brussels, Belgium:

Guess where Claudio is? Anyone? That's right in the hometown of M. Hercule Poirot, Brussels, Belgium. He is there on a mission. Lic Barrera is calling him from Claudio's office in the D.F. Claudio is there, much like M. Hercule Poirot, to ferret out some info on banking and fraud. He is at a convention of attorneys who specialize in these things. He tells Lic Barrerra this is part of his investigation into his alleged fraud charges. Claudio wants to know why Lic Barrerra is at the office on a Sunday? Lic Barrerra tells Claudio that Rosa came to see him and it is urgent he get in touch with her. Claudio is very surprised and says Urgent???

Het Het:

Paz is telling Magda she remembers Ms Aurora and that she was a wonderful woman. Ariche comes in with Don A right behind. Don A has come to inform the ladies that he is going to the D.F. manana to look for his little palomita! Don A is feeling up the fruit again on Magda's counter, what is it with Don A and fruit, jus' sayin'. Anyhoo, Paz informs Aquiles that Luci is not alone in the D. F. Don A says he ain't worried bout that and he is NOT spilling the beans. Ariche is worried, he doesn't trust the Don.

Magda and Paz are cleaning Paz's house. Paz is very worried that Don A is going off to the D.F. in search of Luci again. They are also worried about Vio. Ariche comes by with Dona Lucita who was at Magda's looking for them. Dona Luchita apologizes to them over the house,she didn't know Don A was scamming them, like he scammed her. Paz and Magda decide to be nice to Dona Lucita and invite her over for some nice hot chocolate in the morning. She is very happy to have found some new friends and she hugs and kisses Ariche.

Don A is all packed up and ready to go to the D. F. and tells Copio to load up the bags. He also tells Copio to get all that stuff out of Paz's house. Copio wants to know when the Don is coming back. Don tells him not to worry about that!


Ivan accuses Lorenzo of theft.

Rosa with Julie in the background look like they have Rod cornered and are telling him Luci isn't as decent as she says she is.

Rod confronts Luci with the magazine cover and asks her, if that in fact is her on the cover. Luci is shocked.


Here is the recap y'all. I know I was long winded, but these epi's really needed it. Love what Vio did to Marcial, he so deserved it. Hate the piecart that is headed Rod and Luci's way. Can't wait for Max to find out what Lastra has done to Luci and her bro. He bet his life, let's see if Max crosses the line.

Thanks Madelaine! They gave a few more episodes of happy Rod and Luci. I was sure that the crap would hit the fan tonight.

It was Marcial who suggested they all go to Garibaldi Plaza that evening, and then he doesn't show up! There is definitely something shady going on with that guy. I liked the slap too, but hated that Vio was still so excited to see him. Poor Polo. She better hope he's still around when the Marcial situation explodes in her face.

What a wild bunch Luci went to Garibaldi with. Her and five fun guys. I would feel very protected. Yes, Rod was getting very affectionate, while Luci was like, dude, my brother is right over there!

You are so right that Rosa intends to tell Claudio HER truth. She even said something to that effect to Connie. And if we doubted that, the fact that she's having baby remains planted in Aurora's grave proves she has NO intention of telling the truth. And when she was taking off her makeup and looking all crazy, she asked herself if it could be true that Max and Aurora never had an affair. But then she had a memory of Max and Aurora entering a house together (not looking anything like lovers) and then says to herself that she SAW them. I am sure we will get more flashbacks that will help us figure out why she made this assumption.

I had to laugh when Luci was like what the hell? Rod's mom and my mom both faint when anyone mentions Aurora Linares and my resemblance to her. She knows something is not right here, and intends to ask questions. I guess Paz had not heard Luci say Linares' full name before. She just needs to tell Luci already and not wait till one of the not so nice people tells her.

Did you notice how Max wanted Luci to sit next to him at the breakfast table? Hmmm...

Connie and Oscar were very cute and sexy. Woohoo for mature love.

The casino money-- Lastra and Ivan were planning to frame Lorenzo for theft, but then Lorenzo made their job easy by allowing Aldo to gamble with chips for money he didn't have. He lost thirty thousand (not million) pesos (a little over $2,000). So Aldo is going to ask his mom for the money to give to Lorenzo. But he's also being cocky because he knows who the owner is, and feels like he could get out of any jam through his Tio Max. Vio had every right to yell at Lorenzo for his stupidy. He shouldn't have done it, knowing that Lastra would just love to take Luci (and her family and friends) down, if given any opportunity. Lorenzo just gave him the perfect opportunity.

Thank you so much Vivi for the Lastra plan. I couldn't figure out how he was framing poor Lorenzo. Lorenzo was dumb, he should never have given those chips to Aldo.

Rosa is beyond BSC now. She will never give up her truth. Ya know I think since Claudio is sane and brilliant, if he ever hears Rosa's *truth* he will do the DNA himself. This way he will know for sure. We can't count on Max to do that. He is into protecting his family, plus this gives Claudio some more ammunition. He will not be pleased once he finds out what Rosa has done.

I did like that little place they went with the Mariachi band. It looks like the crap hits the fan tomorrow.

Oh, and Julie telling Gala to get pregnant. I wonder if she can? Maybe like Flo over at Abismo, we'll have to see. I really think Luci already is.

Oscar and Conny what a perfect pair. I love them together, and Oscar sure can dance, sigh. I liked his necklace it looked like a dogtag, jus' sayin'.

I think it's interesting that all the kids are really forcing Max to think about the choices he's made in life.
-Pato and Max making him take a hard look at his marriage and whether or not he's been a good husband to Rosa.
-Melissa making him think about the kind of man he is by saying that he shares all these wonderful qualities with Claudio.
-Hannah asking about how he and Rosa were as young teens in love. When he described Rosa as being full of laughter (although quick to anger), you could see him wondering if he had changed her.
-And of course Aldo confronting him face to face about his shady business and also being a pain in his side when it comes to his mistress.

Max has a lot to think about.

Not sure if it will turn out to be important later, but Paz told Luci that Don Serapio is in D.F. for medical tests because he hasn't been feeling well. I hope it's nothing serious, but I also hope that means he'll be around when the crap hits Luci square in the face.

Once again Luci got a hint that she should just tell Rod already about the Lastra thing when Padre Honesto told her and Rod to be truthful with each other, and that failing to mention something is the same as lying.

I was pleasantly surprised that all the kids didn't stay overnight at the lake house. I thought for sure they'd all be gone when the Blonde B/Witches attacked Luci.

That's "Pato and Rod making him think..."

Madelaine--I haven't finished the recap yet, but so far, it's great.

I would only like to point out right now that Max vehemently denied having anything to do with Vicky. He claims it was just a coincidence that they both came out of the building at the same time. They weren't holding hands or hugging or got in the same car. For Rod's benefit, he denies, denies, denies, even though they both know it's a pretty thin denial. Then, in case it comes out later--Max starts talking about his marriage in general--to wit, what you said.

Be back later. I'm glad this tn still has occasions when we can, wait for it, use that phrase!! This is good stuff and the best is still coming. Kudos to you, amiga.

Ok, second little clarification--Rosa doesn't want the whole abandoned baby's bones moved to Aurora's coffin. The caretaker was telling her that in the older cases only the little clothes were left behind. That's what Rosa wants him to do--move a set of clothes into the grave. Since Claudio never saw the infant's clothing, he would not be able to dispute their presence. The caretaker is creeped out a bit, but money solves the whole problem.

Finished. Terrific read. There are so few of you keeping this alive and it is such a great show.

So, the silent partner speaks. Someone wondered yesterday or the day before, why Max would be involved in running a dirty business.

Here's my take. We all know he and Rosa started from hardscrabble and "worked" their way up to their appropriate social level.

I'm thinking that the Inferno or it's type of gambling, drinking and sex was one of his early endeavours to make money. It was and continues to be so successful that he put up a security wall between the himself and the management, but continues to rake off the profits.

It may not be important and we may never find out, but it would explain why his hand is still in it.


You, Madelaine and I should get together and just watch this show together each evening and just have our conversations face to face. LOL!!

I like your explantion of why Max would be involved in the Inferno. Maybe a part of him likes living dangerously?

Great recap!

Was confused too about Lorenzo giving chips to Aldo for money he didn't have but did understand about the placement of rags in Aurora's grave.

Advances are always deceiving. If the break up comes as a result of this intervention loco, I don't really know where the story would go because Luci would surely flee to het het.

But Don Aquiles is there and will be her final ruination.

Poor Luci does not deserve that. And if Rod backs off after that article on Inferno (a stupid expenditure on Gala's part) he doesn't deserve her.


I too thought that Max started out earning money anyway he could early on at a place like Infierno not when he became more successful. It would also tie in to the convo he had with Rod about how his family was everything and he would to anything to provide for him. I have to say that Max is easily the most multifaceted character while everyone else falls into TN cliché's.

I really hate the preview showing Rod with that disgusted look on his face. So much for belief and trust. And sorry to say in this case Luci almost asked for what is coming by not being up front with him.

Obviously there are no depths to how far Rosa will go. Buying a dead baby's clothes to put in a grave. Every day it looks like it is going to take longer and longer for poor Claudio to find out the truth. I now have less faith in Paz spilling the beans since she seems afraid that Claudio will take Luci away from her. That makes her selfish in my book and her annoyance factor has gone up with me. She knows that Luci is a loving generous person so why the fear.

Aldo's getting on my last nerve. He has no idea what he has done to Lorenzo (and probably won't care). He has Max's genes after all.

Dumber and dumber at the table with the two old vengeful guys. Too funny. Julie had a look on her face as if she smelled manure on Don Asshat's boots. Is she actually going to bring Lastra and Don A to the TL house? If that happens it will be Rosa turning up her nose.

I'm mystified by Marcial. He shows up all lovey dovey, gets a well earned slap and hangs around suggesting the night out and then is a no show. Just don't get it but was glad to see Vi make the good choice of going out with the bartender.

Vi had also better watch herself with Lastra. I think bad things are headed her way since he has seen how chummy she is with Lorenzo.

Seeing how snotty Lula was with Fabian and her remarks to Jana about her brother marrying a servant, I'm glad Boris wants nothing to do with her. A Gala in training.

Madelaine, thanks once again.

Aldo is related to Rosa not Max.

Wasn't Rod & company at Inferno When Luci was working there? I thought Rod knew she worked there.

What kind of lies can Lastra and Don A tell about Luci. All hell will break loose when Claudio finds out about what everyone is doing to Luci. He is already trying to clear his name and this is not going to help the TL groupo.

The scene with the girls in Het Het was touching.

Rosemary Primera

Rosemary La Primera- Rod and his buds don't recognize Luci as the barmaid. The only reason Gala knows is because of Lastra, plus Lastra showed her pics of Luci that evening. Some she used for the magazine, but there were others that showed Luci with her wig off, so that made it click for her that Luci was the waitress who served them. On some deep level Rod seems to know it was Luci, but that look was so different, and such a departure from the kind of job he could see Luci doing, that it hasn't clicked in his brain yet.

I'm still not sure how Rod will allow Lastra, Aquiles and Gala to spin lies about Luci without first speaking with her and getting the whole story. They have now known each other long enough for this to be totally unreasonable if it happens that way. I'm eager to see how the writers pull it off in a believable way, while at the same time I am dreading it.

Rod will confront Luci with the magazine cover. But she'll explain yes it was her. In which then the ole light bulb will go off over Rod's head...remember he came to her aid that very same night. She'll then finally explain the Lastra thing to him. And they'll smoochy smoochy oogly eyes at each other and things will be fine (for now) between them.

Can someone fill in the blanks on what exactly happened to make Vio pissed at Marcial. That must of happened 4th of July night and somehow I missed it.

I think the reason why Lula is being pissy with Hanna is cuz she likes Boris and Boris likes Hanna. If memory serves, I've saw this same actress on "General Hospital" about 10 yrs ago. She played Alcazar's niece...who was a spoiled brat b***h at first but found her nice side. That character got bumped off by the slasher. Keep an eye on Lula's character. Might be interesting to see which direction she goes.

My take is Frigid is gonna play both sides (Rosa and Gala) to her full and monetary advantage. After all she wants that purse full of money...LOL

Will be interesting to see how Luci will react towards Mati & Paz when she finds out the truth about her parents (ya know it's coming soon).

And it will be very interesting when Paz shows up at Casa de Torreslanda...pretty evident Rosa & Max remember her.


Anon 2:04 You are right Aldo is Conny's son but he has been around Max long enough that some of his questionable behavior has obviously rubbed off on him. I forgot the relationship because in a prior version the Conny character was Max's sister. I think they changed it in this version so that she would be more believable as Rosa sister and co conspirator in the baby gifting.

Paula the actress playing Lula does resemble the actress (Eieen Boylan) who played Sage Alcazar but they aren't the same. Somehow i don't think Lula is going to be much more than a brat and won't be much a player as this goes on. However one never knows.

Luci is so sweet I don't think she will be too angry for too long about the terrible lie Paz kept. She has loved her her whole life but I do think she will be shocked and hurt. I should would be.

I just wish that truth would come out soon. Then again it wouldn't be a novela if the lies and agony came to an end too soon. I do want Luci to learn the truth go to live with Claudio (who has both money and power, dress like a city girl and give the TL's (minus Jana and Pato) and Gala hell. Oops that can't happen because she is preggers

Anon 2:04 You are right Aldo is Conny's son but he has been around Max long enough that some of his questionable behavior has obviously rubbed off on him. I forgot the relationship because in a prior version the Conny character was Max's sister. I think they changed it in this version so that she would be more believable as Rosa sister and co conspirator in the baby gifting.

Paula the actress playing Lula does resemble the actress (Eieen Boylan) who played Sage Alcazar but they aren't the same. Somehow i don't think Lula is going to be much more than a brat and won't be much a player as this goes on. However one never knows.

Luci is so sweet I don't think she will be too angry for too long about the terrible lie Paz kept. She has loved her her whole life but I do think she will be shocked and hurt. I should would be.

I just wish that truth would come out soon. Then again it wouldn't be a novela if the lies and agony came to an end too soon. I do want Luci to learn the truth go to live with Claudio (who has both money and power, dress like a city girl and give the TL's (minus Jana and Pato) and Gala hell. Oops that can't happen because she is preggers

Anon 2:04 You are right Aldo is Conny's son but he has been around Max long enough that some of his questionable behavior has obviously rubbed off on him. I forgot the relationship because in a prior version the Conny character was Max's sister. I think they changed it in this version so that she would be more believable as Rosa sister and co conspirator in the baby gifting.

Paula the actress playing Lula does resemble the actress (Eieen Boylan) who played Sage Alcazar but they aren't the same. Somehow i don't think Lula is going to be much more than a brat and won't be much a player as this goes on. However one never knows.

Luci is so sweet I don't think she will be too angry for too long about the terrible lie Paz kept. She has loved her her whole life but I do think she will be shocked and hurt. I should would be.

I just wish that truth would come out soon. Then again it wouldn't be a novela if the lies and agony came to an end too soon. I do want Luci to learn the truth go to live with Claudio (who has both money and power, dress like a city girl and give the TL's (minus Jana and Pato) and Gala hell. Oops that can't happen because she is preggers

Thanks y'all for the great comments. And thanks for the clarification, Anita, about the baby clothes. So much better, than digging up a poor dead baby, even though that poor caretaker has to take the clothes off the baby, double yuk.

Vivi I like your take on things. I love the kids in this TN for a change, well not exactly kids, younger adults they make this show with their reasoning, much better than the older adults I must say. All of them have some type of secret or know of some type of secret and noone talks, not even a slip of the tongue, drats. I wish one of them would accidently spill, like maybe Mati and Paz. We know Frigid never would, drats.

I really can't wait for the bruja's to get what is coming to them and I hope it's in spades, jus' sayin'

Anita- I like your reasoning about how Max got started with Inferno. I hope they do some flashbacks about how he started out in business so we can see how that happened.

Anon 12:29 I like your name for that intervention loca. That's great, I may use that in my recap.

Urban I am with you about Rod if he beleives the loca brujas. He so doesn't deserve her. I just hope he listed to Pato, when Pato told him to always talk problems over with Luci and listen. One can hope, lol.

Decie Girl- so agree with all your comments. I like how they've written Max, he has many depths.Also agree with you about Vio. I don't like the fact she is working at Inferno, especially now that Lorenzo is in trouble. And poor Fabian too. Also I really think that Marcial is shady. I have a feeling, IMHO that he is married, and that accounts for all his comings and goings.

Rosemary Primera, I also can't wait for Claudio to find out exactly what Don A, Lastra, Gala and Julie, never mind Rosa are doing to Luci, there will be hell to pay, and oh, by the way, didn't Claudio get a restraining order against Lastra? All Luci had to do when he threatened her the other day, was call the police and his butt would be back in the carcel. I don't know why she didn't do it.

Paula I too wonder how Luci will react when she finally finds out the truth, especially who her daddy is and what part Rosa played. That should be Really Good! I can't wait for that.

I too think Luci will flee to Het Het, and I agree with Vivi that Paz and Magda will protect her against anyone and anything like two Mama bears. Mama bears can be very dangerous. And now that Dona Luchita is their friend she will be instrumental in keepiing Don A away from Luci, I wouldn't want to mess with her, after Don A scammed her.

I also agree this is a great TN and since I am an optimst, glass full type of person, I think that once this TN goes to an hour, we will have way more comments, jus' sayin'.

Thanks for great recap. I missed most of this episode and did not know Max revealed himself.

The only thing I have to say about this LONG Novela, is that I wish I were a committed viewer, I would have kept a chart with how many times Gala says estupido/estupida.

Please just give me more Pato.

And I think Laura is doing a tremendous job here, was not so convinced in the beginning but now I believe she is owning the part and has pulled me in. I like nuttier than a fruitcake roles especially when they are well done.

Nellie, If you think this is long you should have seen it's prior version. That one lasted 11 months which i saw and taped twice. It was well acted and written until what appeared to be an extension when it went a bit off the rails and drifted into crazyville.. In any event we all should have counted the number of times Gala sneers Servienta or Domestica. She can't get through a sentence without one or the other. LOL

Someone should tell the full of herself Julie that it is inappropriate to drink mimosa outside of breakfast or lunch. She swigs them all day then again she seems to think drinking champagne makes her appear sophisticated and worldly.

Having seen prior versions I'm fascinated by how changing characters ages or relations eliminates or changes story lines making it fresh and interesting.

I totally thought that the crap was going to hit the fan last night, guess they'll give it ti us today & give us the weekend to agonize and moan about it!

I like the aldo/lorenzo friendship, because it does seem like they're really buds, but why o why would you take money lorenzo, it's just going to get you into trouble! glad vio let him have it for that act of stupidity.

I hope vio gets rid of that guy she's seeing. He still kinda creeps me out ever since he pretty much stalked her, and he def has the shady factor going on.

is it just me or does lula talk funny? does she have an accent or something?

I hope max finds out how lastra is invovled in the messing with luciana plan, and lays it on him for bothering his new fav DIL

thanks for the recap madelaine!


Nellie you are right about Gala saying estupida/estupido, but also she says domestica/servienta in almost every sentence. It would be like counting the number of cellphones Aaron from Destilando Amor destroyed, lol. I agree with you about Pato too. I am really liking him. Did you ever see CS 2009? Laura did a great job as Maria del Rosario, she was partly driven to madness,and when she does that stare here, it reminds me of that. She ought to get an award for this portrayal.

Decie Girl- you are so right about the mimosas. They are only for mornings or New Years. Julie is constantly swigging the champagne. And the airs she puts on. I hope she has a sordid past someone digs up and exposes. That would serve her right.

jlk- I agree with everything you said. I think Lorenzo gave those chips to Aldo cause he trusted him to make it right. Plus Aldo is related to Rod, who he likes too. I hope this doesn't get Lorenzo into all kinds of trouble. I think Lula wears braces. Thats what it sounds like when she speaks. Oh, and if Max ever finds out what Lastra has done to Luci, along with Gala and Julie he will destroy them, I think. He really likes Luci.

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