Saturday, July 07, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #60-61 Fri 7/6/12 Part I- The Piecart Hits and Don Aquiles Surprises; Part II- Operation Sink Luci; One Angry Dude; One Crying Babe

Part I Recap by Madelaine

The Night Before The Pie Cart Hit

Mexico City:

We are still in Gharabaldi Square dancing and having a great time. Rod and Luci are smoochy, and that pie cart is getting closer all the time. Vio and Polo join the happy party, and she informs everyone Marcial stood her up, she has a shot of tequila. Marcial does show up finally, and tells Vio he had lots of work, and Aldo also comes with Vicky, who he says is his future novia! Rod asks if this is Don J's daughter, and Aldo says yeah, Rod is giving her a good stare. There is line dancing, drinking and smoochies. Now there is picture taking and lots of dancing and smoochies, the poor things, that pie cart is almost upon them.

We now join the three conspirators as Don A joins them. They are all having champagne but Don A would like a double cognac, that is his drink of choice. Lastra tells Don A that Luci worked for him at Inferno. Lastra tells Julie and Gala whatever they want him to do he will. The Don pipes up that he doesn't take orders from anyone, he wants an explanation and make it quick. He wants to know what is this about my palomita? Julie tells the Don that chacha stole Rod right from the altar from Gala. Don A wants to know what chacha? Suprisingly he isn't agreeable to their plan it seems. They tell the Don Luciana Jacinto of course. The Don is getting upset and says Luciana is the most beautiful girl in the pueblo, while Lastra is removing his glasses and Julie is sneering. He tells the table that Luciana is a good girl. Gala now pipes up and says that this girl was a servant (note to commenters, we really SHOULD count how many times she says domestica, cause it IS in every sentence she utters). and they are both her victims. Don asks Lastra why he is there and Lastra just grins and Gala gives the Don the stinkeye. Each then proceeds to tell the Don the "plan" on taking down Luciana Jacinto. Gala is claiming that Luci stole Rod right at the altar, Lastra is claiming that Luci is a thief who stole from him when she worked for him. The Don doesn't think any of this is true, he thinks Rod is at fault for leaving Gala, and Lastra is insulting his palomita and he won't have it, by gum. The Don wants to leave but Gala tells him to be calm. She tells him to sit back down cause they are taking Luci down manana. He tells Gala he has had enough of Lastra insulting his palomita, he finishes his drink and starts to leave when Julie calls him back. She has taken something out of her purse she hands to him. It is those pics of Luci working at Inferno. Well the Don takes those pics, and wait for it, tears them to pieces and throws them back on the table, he did look at them. He says he doesn't care about these things, I have to say here, yay Don Aquiles! Don Aquiles leaves in a huff, and the rest of the conspirators say they really don't need his help and can proceed anyway. Gala tells them once they all confront that DOMESTICA and she learns Don A is in town too, she will flee all the way back to Het Het. They toast each other with champagne. After Don A leaves this meeting he is walking the streets of the D.F. and saying to himself that his palomita couldn't have done these things, the chilangos must have turned her.

Hanna, Rosa and Conny are in the library at Torreslanda, and Rosa is talking about Conny's love life, Hanna says she wants to be like Tia Conny, full of happiness and love and the phone rings. Aldo is calling her from the little party, he needs a loan, of precisely 30 thousand pesos that his friend Lorenzo needs. As soon as Conny mentions Lorenzo, the bro of Luci, Hanna takes off to talk to Boris, and Rosa is all ears. Conny is shocked and can't beleive Lorenzo needs that much, but Aldo says Lorenzo is in a jam. While Aldo is on the phone, Lorenzo is nearby and hiding his face. He has heard everything. Rosa is still listening to Conny and now Rosa thinks the whole family are money grubbers.

Max and Oscar are at the office and Oscar tells Max that Claudio is in Belgium. Max wants to know why Belgium. (I have to say here, how is Oscar always getting this info on Claudio?) Oscar tells Max that Claudio is attending a conference of lawyers that specialize in fraud and banking. Max isn't liking that. Max is convinced that Claudio is a formidable enemy and out to get him. Oscar tells Max to calm down, he can't touch the money, but Max says Claudio isn't after money, he is after ruining Max's prestige and "good name". Oscar says well he is just in Europe so what? Swiss Banking anyone? Max tells Oscar he is leaving with Pato for Boston in the morning. He leaves Oscar in charge of the business and tells him he will be focused on Pato's recuperation and hopefully Pato will be able to walk again. Oscar tells Max he wants to call it a day, it is Sunday after all. Max wants one more thing from Oscar. He wants Oscar to keep an eye on Aldo and give him, wait for it, an office! Oscar is like why? Max tells him Aldo is very ambitious. Oscar says this is Conny's son correct, the gopher. Max says yes. Oscar also tells Max, he wants to take his relationship with Conny to a more formal level. Max is pleased with this.

Brussels, Belgium:

Claudio is wanting to check Swiss Bank Accounts, didn't I tell you? He is trying to find one connected to Max, about the time the fraud happened. He is also wanting to check Carribean Accounts, Cayman Islands, anyone? He is checking all these out to see if any can be connected to Maximino Torreslanda and the fraud charges against Claudio. He also says why, Max, why did you do this to me? Claudio wants to get postive proof that Max framed him for this fraud.

The Next Morning or The Day The Pie Cart Hits:

Mexico City:

Everyone has come to see Pato off. Everyone from the family is there but Melissa. They all wish him luck, including the Frigid one, who Pato cuts off, and Mati is the last to wish him luck, he tells her he loves her. Melissa finally rushes in, says she was late due to traffic, and was hoping to catch him before he left. She also wishes him good luck. Everyone goes outside with Pato but Frigid who is giving the eye roll. Meantime, Max is in his little home office, calling Vicky, who is at work, and tells her she *better* answer his calls while he is away no excuses and he will be back soon. Frigid is in the kitchen now at Torreslanda and Gala has called. She wants Frigid to get rid of Mati for a couple of hours so there is noone to defend Luci when the intervention loca (thanks Anon 12:29) happens. Frigid says she will take care of it.

Het Het:

Ariche and his little friends run into Copio. Ariche tells Copio he is leaving soon for the D.F. with Magda and Paz to see Luci and his friend Rod. Copio says that's funny, that's where my Patron went. Ariche tells Copio they are going for a special reason and tells Copio bye.

Magda has gotten her new dress for the wedding and is thrilled with it. They are so looking forward to the wedding and Magda is especially happy to be seeing Vio who she hasn't seen in some years.


Now we are at the airport where Max and Rosa have brought Pato, and Luci and Rod come to bid Pato bye. Rosa comes over to Rod and gives him a kiss and Rod goes over to Pato. Rosa is with Luci and wishes her a good day, but you can tell Luci is very wary of her. Rosa invites Luci over to the Torrelanda home in the afternoon (Run Luci Run, please run) and now Luci is even warier of Rosa, and Rosa is doing a horrific, fakey smile at Luci. Luci, unfortunately agrees to come over. Luci joins Rod and Rosa says to herself, ay Luciana you only have a couple more hours of happiness with Rodrigo, mi hijo. Meanwhile Luci is wishing Pato the best of luck. She asks if she can give him the blessing, he is like sure, she does and Rosa is giving her the major death ray. Luci kisses Pato on the cheek, he thanks her for coming and goes off with Max, as he goes off he tells Rosa adios, she says adios back, no hug or kiss for Pato from Rosa, gee what a Moms, jus' sayin'. After Max and Pato go, Rosa is giving Luci and Rod that fakey smile and Rod and Luci just look at her. She goes finally and Luci gives Rod a kiss on the cheek and tells him everything will be fine.

Pie Cart Afternoon:

Rosa is home finally and calls Rod from her bedroom, he is wanted at the Torreslanda home y punto. He says he's at work, but Rosa will not take no for an answer. She hangs up and Rod is left staring at the phone.

Frigid is in the upstairs hallway, fake dusting and looking for Mati. Finally Mati comes in the hall and Frigid says she is busy and could Mati dust the elevator that Pato uses. Mati goes to do so and when she does, Frigid has the remote control and basically locks Mati in the elevator. The only way out is with the remote Frigid has. Poor Mati is yelling at Frigid to let her out, and Frigid doesn't answer her.

Now the coven of the brujas that will be performing their intervention loca tell Frigid, who is there too, that when Luci comes to bring her to the library. Rosa has that magazine in her hand. Rosa also wants to know where Mati is? Frigid says she is in her room. Rosa thinks that it is best that way, she won't interfere. Note to Frigid, I hope they lock you up somewhere, so you get claustrophobia, jus' sayin'. Rosa also wants no interruptions. Rosa says she can't wait for Rod to find out about esta typa. Rod will be the first victim of these brujas and their "intervention" and he walks right in and is surrounded by these brujas. Rod greets them all and wants to know from Moms why she invited Luci this afternoon. He is very suspicious. She won't tell him, only that she wanted to see him first. He wants to know what is so urgent. Those brujas are surrounding him. Rod is starting to get the heebie jeebies. Meanwhile, Luci has arrived and Gennaro lets her in. He tells her to wait for Frigid. Luci is left cooling her heels in the hallway.

Rosa tells Rod she is very disconcerted and Rod wants to know why she is saying this in front of Gala and Julie? Is there some type of problem? Gala will not look at Rod and Julie says they aren't the ones with the problem. Gala wants to leave, but Rosa makes her stay. Rod is getting way uncomfortable. Luci is still waiting and looking around. Frigid finally comes and escorts Luci to the piano room and tells her to wait here until Senora Torreslanda is ready for you, (Note to Luci, run girl and don't look back). Rod wants Rosa to tell him what the hell is going on here. Rosa tells him oh, I'll tell you what is going on so you fully understand. He doesn't understand what she is talking about. Rosa whips out that magazine and says she wants to talk about the woman on the cover of this magazine, the same mag Gala came by with the other day. Rod throws the mag down and says this muchacha works at the antro so what? Rosa tells him this woman is your wife, and proceeds to open the mag up to the pic of Luci and Vio together. She points to Luci with Vio and says that's your wife. Rod is just staring and Gala and Julie are smirking behind his back. Rod accuses Gala of doing this. She says she didn't do it and Rod doesn't beleive her. Julie claims they knew nothing about this till Gala did the expose and Lastra told them the name of the girls in the pics. Gala tells Rod, Lastra knows Luci very well. Rosa is giving Rod the stink eye. Frigid comes into the piano room, and says Luciana, oh, I mean Senora Luciana, she does this a number of times. Frigid brings her lemonade, which Luci doesn't drink. She thanks Frigid for bringing it to her, she wants to know how much longer she has to wait there, and is Rod with Rosa? Frigid tells her just a little while longer and yes Rod is with Rosa.

Poor Mati, is still in that elevator, banging and yelling for someone, anyone to let her out.

Serena has come by to see Vio and they are going to eat, Serena goes in the junk drawer to get the placemats and sees that envelope with Luci's name on it. Vio finally sees it, opens it, even though it has Luci's name on it and sees that mag. Vio says oh this can't be good, and shows it to Serena. She tells Serena the covergirl of this mag is Luci. Serena can't beleive it.

Now the three brujas have cornered Rod and start in with all the bad things Luci has done. Gala wants to know why Luci never told Rod about working at Inferno and she tells him Lastra told them all about Luci. Gala says Rod should have found out all about Luci. Rosa is egging Gala on, by saying that Gala "ferreted" out the truth for a good reason. Rosa thanks Julie and Gala, who are smirking behind Rod's back, about bringing it to their attention what class of woman, Luci *really* is. Rod grabs that mag and throws it, but Rosa picks it up and puts it in front of his face and Julie tells him that Lastra told them what type of woman Luci really is, like robbing clients and Lastra wanted to put her in jail. Rod grabs the mag again and remembers the talk he had with Ivan, while Polo was listening in the background, the night of the fight at Inferno. Meanwhile Luci is still waiting and looking at an artbook thinking about ceramics. Meanwile the brujas, keep up the attack on Luci's character. She ran away from Don A in Het Het, worked at the antro and then as a maid in this house. Don't beleive a word Luci says. Eva. Luci isn't the innocent she pretends to be. Rosa closes the door to the library and he is stuck in there with them. Gala leaves and Rod is now stuck with Julie and Rosa.

Gala is driving and Don A calls her. She asks Don A if he has thought about the proof he saw with his own eyes. He wants to know if what Gala and Co. have done will seperate Luci and Rod and Gala tells him Luci should be leaving soon. Don A wants a call at the hotel when she does. He wants to take her back to Het Het away from all these chilangos.

Meanwhile Julie and Rosa are tag teaming Rod, hard about Luci. Julie tells him the night he defended Luci, it bothered Gala a lot and she will never forgive him for dumping her. Rod is getting more upset and Rosa tells Julie to stop. Rod wants to find Luci so she can do some 'splaining, but Rosa stops him and tells him how can he love and trust this type of woman and why Luci never told him any of these things from her past. Rosa tells Rod she is his Moms, loves him and is trying to defend Rod, but she is really trying to stop him from talking to Luci alone. She tells Rod she wants to talk to Luci alone to see if she tells the truth. (Note to Luci: last chance girl, run for your life, jus' sayin'). Meanwhile, in the den of the brujas, Rod has had enough and is yelling at Rosa, you go Rod, he tells her she never liked Luci and he accuses Rosa of trying to find a way to get rid of Luci. Rod also tells Rosa that since Luci has been in the Torreslanda home, she has been treated badly and Rosa has tried to find every way to be rid of her. Julie was NOT expecting this. Rod tells Rosa he left the Torreslanda home and moved into the apartment cause Rosa never liked Luci from the get go and why is Rosa wanting to seperate him from Luci? Rosa tells him it is her JOB, doncha know, cause she is his Moms to UNMASK this woman. Say what????? He wants to talk to Luci and Rosa wants to know why, oh come on now! (Note to Rosa: What are you dense? Do you think he should just beleive YOUR TRUTH????). He wants to know from Luci herself that Gala, Julie and Rosa lied. Julie says she has proof what they say is true. She goes. Rod tells Rosa you are my Moms why are you hurting me this way? Rod tells Rosa that Luci is his happiness and means the world to him. He wants to know why she is so insistent on this? Rosa tells Rod cause she's his Moms and only wants the best for him, Rod is crying. Julie leaves and calls Lastra and tells him to wait just a little longer. She hangs up and has a way smarmy look on her face.

Lorenzo is at Inferno and is meeting with Ivan. Ivan chews Lorenzo a new one and tells him he trusted him and look what he gone and did. Robbed the place. Lorenzo tries to get a word in edge wise but Ivan is going on and on, until Lorenzo pulls out the 30 thousand pesos from his pocket and gives it to Ivan. (Note to Lorenzo: bad move dude, the cash that is, should have given him a check). Ivan wants to know if Lorenzo got a receipt for this cash, no but it's all there. Ivan says too bad cause Lastra is pressing charges, I think. Poor Lorenzo.

Oscar and Aldo are at Torreslanda and Oscar is showing Aldo his new office which is, wait for it, the janitor's closet, lol. Aldo thinks it is a joke, but it isn't. It is truly his new office. Aldo asks how the hell he can work here and Oscar tells him he'll find a way to adapt. Also Aldo said something about a secretary. Of course, Aldo doesn't get one of those. Oscar tells Aldo to have a great day. Aldo is so not down with this.

Mati is still banging on that elevator door and calling Frigid to let her out already. Frigid finally answers her and tells her they can't find the remote to let her out , and had to call the architect to get a replacement. Frigid is filing her nails, and that remote is on her hand, what a beyotch.

Boston, Massachusetts:

Pato and Max have arrived, and beleive it or not, speak perfect English to the bellboy as he brings up their bags. Max is happy they have gotten there and Pato is anxious, that dad is taking time away from work. As a matter of fact, he wants his dad to go back to Mexico, since they are so busy at Torreslanda, and then come back for him. Max says no way, Jose. He's staying and Pato wonders how long this will take. Max tells him little by little he will get some feeling back, look how his hand is moving already. So Pato is happy with that, and so Max is happy too.

And The Pie Cart Hits:

Frigid finally comes for Luciana, oh excuse her, Senora Luciana, she begs her pardon again, for just calling her Luciana. She tells Luci they are waiting for her in the library. Luci thanks her and goes and Frigid says, after Luci goes, the pleasure is all mine, yeah right, you beyotch, jus' sayin'

Luci goes to the library and Rosa is giving her the stink eye and Luci goes to greet Rod. Rod who is very pithed now, holds up that mag and asks her if this cover is true and is this Luci on the cover? Luci is struck dumb with shock and Rod is DEAD TO ME!

Part II Recap by Anita

Highlights for Today
The Harpies Gang up on Rodrigo
Gala Supervises from Command Central
The Greatest Love Story of the past 61 hours—Over in 20 minutes
Patricio Gets Good News
Claudio Expects Helpful News
Violeta Gets Bad News
Aldo Tells Lorenzo Not To Worry About the Charges or His Job
The Only Happy People Live in Het Het
Rodrigo Competes With Victor Newman (Y&R) at the Punching Bag

NOTE:  Due to the amount of dialog (some of it quite loud) your faithful scribe is doing a lot of paraphrasing and using personal pronouns without quotes, so forgive the presumption of quotable accuracy.  The Luci take-down will appear in as few continuous scenes as possible.

In the Library-The Beginning of the End
Lucia arrives and immediately knows something is up with Rod.  He stands with his back to her.  She realizes she is cornered like a frightened duck by Roselena.  Rodrigo shows her the Glam-rag with the article on Antros de Moda.  Rod says: Tell me there’s no truth to this.  Tell me it’s not you.  That you had nothing to do with this.  Rosie wonders if she’s brave enough to admit it.  Luci admits it is she.

In the ‘hood
Violeta and Serena are talking about the self-same issue of Glam-rag.  They don’t like it.  It was done by someone who wants to annoy or hurt Luciana.  They’ve made it look like she was a regular employee, but she only worked there one night.  She never put that costume on again.

In Gala’s Office
Gala is pacing back and forth in Communications Central.  There’s no word on how Operation Sink Lucy is proceeding.  Her long-haired, head-banded personal assistant says that with all the stuff they have against her, the outcome shouldn’t be in doubt.  Gala asserts she did not invent the Lucy story, she just put out the facts (as she deemed most advantageous).

In Boston, MA
Patricio is shirtless (and hawt), undergoing tests with a doctor who, wow, speaks excellent Spanish and is proud of it.  He’s hooked up to machines to record any nerve reaction.  Max is a bit non-plussed because they did the same tests in Mexico.  Things look good for Pato.  Even though it will be another day before doc gets the results, he gives them the good news.  They will, Wait for It, operate tomorrow morning.  Later, Max and Patricio are talking about his chances of recovering.  Pato doesn’t know if he believes in miracles, but he’s sure he needs one now.  (Sigh, Pato has such a gorgeous smile.)

In the Library-The Middle of the End
Rose is spitting venom at Luci:  Now do you know why I can’t stand you?  Why I didn’t want you anywhere near my family.  I never would have imagined you were a, a--cabaretera. 
Rod:  That’s enough mamá.
Rose:  O qué (it always sounds like OK) are you going to defend her now?  This woman abused our trust.  She made fun of the unconditional affection Patricio had for her.  The same woman you surrendered your love to.  Neither of my sons deserved this, Luciana.  We know you worked in an antro and we have witnesses who can testify that you robbed a Mr. Lastra’s wallet.
Luci:  No, I never robbed any one.
Rose:  It’s on the public record that you did.
Luci:  (Unintelligible, protesting)  I never knew anything about those photos.
Julie enters: Luci, don’t lie.  Here’s the form with your signature attesting that you received a copy of the magazine.
Luci:  I never received anything.
Julie:  Is this your signature?
Luci: (after being badgered by Rose) Yes, it’s my signature (after she remembers signing for an envelope).
Rose: You deceived everyone.       
Luci: But I’m not a thief.
Julie: Your whole family is like that.  Rod, did you know her brother works in the same antro?
Rod:  Yes, I knew that
Julie:  Ah, but did you know he stole 30,000 pesos?
Luci: That’s not true.
Julie:  Yes, it’s true.
To prove it, the doors slide open to reveal a Satanic-looking Lastra.  Rodrigo reacts with rage and tries to throw Lastra out.  Rosie wants Rodrigo to hear him out.
Lastra:  I’m here to corroborate the story of tal Joanna, I mean Luciana.  In effect, she stole my wallet and this fellow here defended her, probably because of her innocent-looking little face.  She asked me to forgive her.  She didn’t want me to bring charges because she was working here, for this important family.
Luci: I never stole anything.

He doesn’t mention that things got a little out of hand and the estupida judge charged him with contempt, put him behind bars and dismissed the case.  But ni modo.  Rodrigo is about to throw him out when Lastra aims a parting shot.  It’s a family of thieves, her brother just stole 30,000 pesos from the firm and is going to be charged and sent to jail for robbery.  He yells they deserve a warning (Merecen un escarmiento) as he retreats.  Rosa has a very pleased look on her face as Lastra leaves and Rodrigo is no sé donde in all this.

Luci is shocked.  She begs Rod to listen to her.  If looks could kill, Luci would be dead at Rose’s hands.  Then she drops the bomb--Aldo borrowed that exact amount from Conny for his friend Lorenzo who was in trouble and she herself heard the conversation.

Rose:  And that’s not all, do you know with whom she has a very amicable relationship?  Claudio Linares, our family’s worst enemy.  She abused our trust, passing on information about our every move.  If she hid her friendship with him, there has to be some ulterior motive.
Luci:  You always judged me unjustly without knowing me, Señora.  Rodrigo, listen to me.
Rose:  Son, don’t let her ridicule, deceive or lie to you.

They both look at Luci with such scorn.  Rosa’s advice is to divorce her as quickly as possible, send her back to her lands, her pueblo, far from here.  Rod is still in shock.  He wants to be left alone with Luciana.  Rose’s parting words: Don’t think with your heart; think with your head.

At the Movies
Boris, Hannah, Melissa and Conny emerge from the película, STILL eating popcorn and discussing the action >>FF.  He volunteers to take Hannah and Melissa tomorrow with Luci to help her register to finish her preparatory course for college (la prepa).

In the Elevator
Frigida continues her little juego with poor Mati to keep her trapped in Pato’s elevator while the drama takes place in the Library.  She’s thumbing through the copy of the Glam-rag and muses about Luci having wanted to make herself the Mistress of the house.  She lies to Mati that she’s called the architect and that Roselena is resting.

In Het Het
The excitement over the trip to la capital grows by leaps and bounds.  Magda is excited that Violeta has a boyfriend.  Paz does take a couple of minutes to relay her nervousness about meeting Roselena face to face.  If she says anything to Rosa, Magda wonders, how will Luciana react to the news that Paz and Galdino were not her biological parents.  Ariche arrives to show them his new outfit.  It’s white so Magda can’t touch it until after she washes her hands.  Later, Paz is showing Magda some gold earrings that Galdino gave her on their 10th wedding anniversary.  She could have sold or pawned them, but she didn’t.

On the backstreets of the ‘hood
Fabian and Lorenzo debate whether or not they should tell Luci about the money.  Lorenzo thinks it’s only going to trouble Luciana, so close to her wedding.  Fab reflects that had Lorenzo filed charges the police would have come and taken him away.  They are in a quandary.  Fab thinks the right thing to do is to call Aldo and ask for help—he was the one who started it all.

In a Berlin hotel room
Claudio Linares is sure he will learn a lot at the bank in the morning.  He’s on the trail of the unjust accusations against him.  He muses to Aurora: How could a noble, wonderful woman like Roselena stay married to someone as wretched as Max.

In the ‘hood
Estelita knocks on Violeta’s door bringing her a visitor.  It’s, Wait for It, Mrs. Marcial.  She looks around the place as if she’s going to pick up cooties and declares, so this is her husband’s den of iniquity.  Husband?  What is she talking about, Vi wants to know.  Marcial is her husband.  Vi swears she didn’t know he was married.  Mrs. Marcial swears she’s not going to let a “tipa” like her leave her two children without a father.  She wants Vi to leave *him* alone.  (Wait a minute, what’s wrong with this picture—shouldn’t she be telling hubby to leave *her* alone?)  Vi is rightfully offended and tells her to Largate.  A mini-cat fight follows and Vi finally gets her out.  Shouting continues from outside (unintelligible, but probably unkind—one was desgraciada).  Vi dissolves into tears on her couch.  Later, Marianita and Estelita knock.  They want to know what all that commotion was about and who was that lady yelling like that.  Vi tells them of Marcial’s deception. 

Don Aquiles is dressed to the nines, sitting by the pool, watching the lovelies, but chafing to get out of this city hotel hell-hole.  All he can think about is his Lucianita, being reunited with her again and flying back to Het Het with his Palomita, as Srta. Gala promised.

In GaLaLa Land
Gala, meanwhile, is savoring in her mind’s eye the delicious scenario of Luciana suffering at Rod’s hands.  Sadly for Viewerville, she’s watching the right channel.  Ms. personal assistant congratulates her on her planning.  Gala cuts her off.  They didn’t  P.L.A.N. anything, they merely showed Rodrigo what type of person Luci is.  (With just a few embellishments, naturally, weighted evidence and questionable witnesses  she, er, Rose had to pay through the nose to get.)  Gala knows he hates lies the most and she knows all about what it’s like to be on the receiving end of Rod’s fury, so she wouldn’t want to be in Luciana’s shoes.

In the Library – The End of the End
Luci wants to know if he’ll listen to her.
Rod says: Only if you are going to tell the truth.  I *only* want to know if everything they’ve said is true, Yes-Or-No.
Luci: Please, give me a chance to defend myself.
Rod: Yes-Or-No (bad Rod).  You deceived me.
Luci: Yes. Yes, it’s all true, but I didn’t deceive you.
Rod: If you weren’t deceiving me, why didn’t you tell me you were the waitress at the Inferno.
Luci: Because I had nothing to do with that place or that man.
Rod: You should have told me about it *and* Claudio Linares.  Didn’t you know he was our family’s worst enemy?
Luci: Yes, I knew that.
Rod: All the accusations are true.  I can’t believe it.
Luci: I was afraid.
Rod: Afraid of what—that you did something so wrong that you were afraid?
Luci: I didn’t do anything wrong.  Claudio Linares is my friend.
Rod: Then why did you hide it from me, Luciana?  Why did you lie about it?
Luci: I didn’t lie.
Rod: But you didn’t say anything, that’s a form of lying (remember what Padre said, Luci….).  Why did you make me believe you are someone you aren’t—who are you, then, the woman I gave my whole heart and whole life to.  (Luci doesn’t answer him.)
Rod:  So, answer me, not one more lie.
Luci: I’m not a liar.
Rod: Well then, tell me the truth; at least try it for once in your life.
Luci:  You are offending me.
Rod: I’m offending *you*?  What’s my offense?  For having loved you? For having left everything for you? For defending you against everyone?  I left a woman at the altar (well, civil registration table) who had always been honest and frank with me.
Luci: Well then, vete with her then.  She’s worthy of your love, your trust, and your piety.  Call her (handing him the phone), call them, that’s what they want; they’re waiting for this to be over so they can come save you, Rodrigo.  (What, did Rodrigo think she would cave and crumple like a discarded piece of wrapping paper—GO Luciana, through your anguish, show him who’s wearing the rocks.)  Is that what you want?  Well, keep that woman, then, if she’s so worthy of you…and me?  Erase me from your life.

Luci makes a beeline for the door but Rod grabs her for a second round of verbal sparring.

Rod:  Why did you deceive me?  I didn’t deserve it, Luciana.
Luci: I  N.E.V.E.R. deceived you.  I love you.
Rod: I don’t believe you anymore.
Luci: Look at me.  These eyes can’t lie to you.  For as much as they (the harpies, not the eyes) accuse me, I *am* innocent.

Rod is as unbending as a rod.
Luci pleads with him: All these things have a reason, but none of them have anything to do with our love.  Please, you know me, you’ve been to my pueblo, you met my people, my family, but if you doubt the kind of woman I am, it’s no use, there’s no use fighting for you.
Rod: Así es, no tiene caso. (That’s right, it’s no use.)
Luci picks up her purse to leave:  Goodbye, Rodrigo. 

Slam go the sliding doors.  Rod is startled.  (What was he expecting, more begging?)  No, he’s clearly deshecho and sinks down on the carpet, crying, real man-tears.  (It tears me up—the watery kind and the ripping up kind.)

Out in the Living Room, et seq.
Julie is on the phone with Gala telling her that they are hoping the chacha won’t convince him.  Gala is pithed because they should never have left the two of them alone together.  Gala is afraid that this is their last opportunity.  All they can do is wait.  Even though Rosie thinks the longer they are together, their chances lessen, Julie doesn’t think Rod is tonto.  Julie and Rosie are waiting for the fireworks to be over and the waterworks to turn on.  Julie doesn’t think they should cry *Mission Accomplished* just yet.  They need to wait until Rodrigo runs her out of the house.  Julie is sure that Rod will see that she’s just a fortune hunter.  Just then Luci passes the ladies on her way out the door.

Rosa runs after her:  So you thought you could win this one.  Now you see, a mother will do anything to save her son.
Luci turns and addresses Roselena: You don’t know how much I would like to have known that good and generous lady that Claudio Linares talks about.  Don’t worry, he isn’t going to learn what you are really like on my account (ooh, I bet that smarts).

What about Linares, Julie wants to know.  Rose says not to ask, it’s none of her business.  Rodrigo walks out right past them.  Rose wants to know where Rodrigo is going.  Rodrigo is out of the house asking Jenaro where the Sra. went.  He’s into his blue car like a batman without a robin and nearly blows Boris, Conny and Hannah away.  Boris manages to tell him that Luci just got into a taxi. 

Frigida brings the two harpies some té de tila. (Linden-flower tea—sounds delicious.  I say we add serving tea to upset, sick or sleepless people to bingo cards, but it takes three teas to get one bingo square.)

Rosie wants to know where Mati is.  Frigida tells her about Mati being trapped in Pato’s elevator, but not to worry, she’s on top of things.  Just then the three who were nearly blown away by Rod’s exhaust, reach the living room.  Hannah learns that Mati is “indisposed” at the moment and can’t bring Conny any coffee.  Hannah and Boris go flying to the rescue.  Conny mentions that she just saw Luci leaving in a very agitated state.  It was kind of strange to see her get in a taxi while Rod got in his auto to follow her.  Rosie and Julie try hard not to look as though they just swallowed a Luci-sized canary.

Out on the streets of DF, a typical car chase ensues.  Luci is in the forward car, crying her eyes out while Rod follows, getting hemmed in by turning cars in a round-about.  He loses her and gives up, pounding the steering wheel in frustration.

Hannah is telling Mati to stay calm.  Since the elevator doors can only be operated with Pato’s control, Hannah can’t figure out how the doors closed on her.  Frigida volunteers to go look for the control (i.e. her pocket).  Whoopee, Frigida must have “found” the control and Mati is free.

Lorenzo Talks to Aldo
Aldo’s not worried about a measly little 30,000 pesos.  It isn’t a fortune but it’s the principle (and the principal) of the matter.  Lorenzo needs to clear things up.  He’s already lost his job and he’s facing arrest for theft.  Worse is what he’s going to have to tell his sister.  Aldo tells him not to worry about the job, he’s got some major pull with Lastra, so he’ll fix things.

Rod Works Out but Doesn’t Work it Out
Rod has a boxing match with his punching bag.  (Does he wish it were Luciana or his mother?)  He works off some of his anger and frustration (we think), while in his mind he runs through some of his and Luci’s earlier conversation.

Back in the ‘hood
Luci arrives back at the apt.  Vi tells Luci the Marcial backstory.  Vi shows Luci the antro spread.  She’s afraid it might cause problems with her husband—it’s stale news now and only makes Luci sadder.  She tells Vi that it’s over; she and Rod are done.

Back at Communication Central
The two twitter-birds are back to check on Gala.  Julie has reported that Rod knows everything,  the serving wench has left disconsolate (desolada) and Rodrigo is furious.  Valentina (the blonde who talks straight) wonders if there might not be a chance for a reconciliation.  Gala thinks that if Rod has a shred of dignity left, he’ll start divorce proceedings first thing tomorrow.  Well, ya, says Val, but what if instead he begs for forgiveness.  They scoff at her (good place to use escarnecer).  Nope, Gala assures her, there will be no reconciliation.  They should have been there and seen him.  The first thing Rodrigo did was to look at her, Gala, as if she were the cause, so she made a quick exit.  She knows she has to give him time (before she goes hunting and trapping).  Rod needs to send Luci back on the first bus to where she came from—from where she should never have left.  Ever optimistic, Val says maybe it was destiny, destiny that brought Luci here.  Val stays on topic, destiny is something of a mystery.  If it’s their destiny to be together, then they’ll be together (no truer tn words were spoken, but we have a ways to go).

Gala calls Don Aquiles to tell him the deal is done, but would he please wait until tomorrow.  He gives a reluctant ok.  He wants to leave asap and needs the flight info for himself and his little Palomita, back to Het Het.

Bedtime in the ‘hood
Luci is ready for bed when there’s a knock at the door.  She thinks it’s Estelita, but it’s Rodrigo.

Gala celebrates her victory with a toast in the company of other Luci-haters
Rod shows up at Luci’s door – Luci wants to know what he wants.
Rod shows up at Gala’s door – Tu y yo vamos a hablar

Fregar = Lit. to rub, or scour; fig. to annoy, tease
Un escarmiento = a warning, caution, chastisement
(Dictionary serendipity) Un escarnecimiento = scoffing, derision
Exhibir = to expose (No estoy inventando, estoy exhibiendo—the Luci story)
Una cabaretera = a cabaret employee, used derisively by Rose in Luci’s case
30,000 pesos = $2,239.61 at today’s exchange rate
Burlar (trans.) = to laugh at, mock; Burlarse de tí (reflexive) = make fun of you, ridicule or deceive you
Engañar = to deceive, cheat on (stronger than burlar), mislead, delude
Una pista = track (for racing), trail, clue, scent
Mendigar = to beg; un mendigo = a beggar; salir por las mendigas = live on alms (something Don Aquiles said about all the chilangos around him)
Intentar = to try
El desprecio = scorn (not used in text, but it’s the look Rosa & Rod give Luci at the end of Rosa’s harangue)
Un/a descarado/a = impudent or insolent person
Un/a desgraciado/a = disgraced person; una desgracia = a disgrace
Deshecho = undone (v. deshacer)
Desolado/a = disconsolate, desolate
--There are lots of wonderful words that start with the prefix –des- as in the examples above.


Sorry it took me so long to post, had trouble editing the post at first. Enjoy the recap y'all such as was this epi jus' sayin'.

Great recap of a very intense intervention loca.

Why in the world would anybody put up with an inquisition like that? That was truly despicable.

Rod ain't looking to good now. Seems he couldn't be bothered to defend his wife that he wants to be with for the rest of his life. What a wimp.

Then he shows up late at night to what...explain what a douche he is, cry again 'cause his mommy took his cajones?

Then in the advances he seems to man handle Gala.

Done with this looser, go back to het het Luci and leave this hyena pack. Geeeeez

Madelaine and Anita, thanks for the great recap.

Rod is DEAD to me. How stupid can he get???? He doesn't deserve Luci. Pobre Luci is probably pregnant and needs to get back to Het Het where she will be with the people that love her.

Pato is going to have a fit when he finds out what happened.

Just wait until Claudio gets back to Mexico with his info and finds out about what has happened.

I can start counting the pie carts. Of course, the first pie cart needs to be for Frigid! She will never get that designer handbag filled with dinero.

Rosemary Primera

Anon so liked your comment. How true. Rod wouldn't even let Luci defend herself, he just wanted yes or no, what a jerk. That is why he is dead to me. I wouldn't have stood that inquistion, Mama or no Mama. If Rod had stopped to think for a minute, he would have found it strange that all the people that love Luci weren't there to defend her. As for Luci, she's had Rosa's number for awhile, and this just confirms it in her own mind. I don't think it is over yet, with the machinations. They will continue ad naseum for awhile.

Don A surprised me in wanting to get Luci the hell out of the D.F. and he doesn't seem to be having the ulterior motive, it was almost protective to me, I don't know. He was funny poolside and I love how he actually defended Luci to those horrible conspirators. They really didn't count on that. They really though he would confront Luci in front of Rod's family.

Poor Lorenzo. He so doesn't deserve this, and with Claudio out of the country who is gonna help him now? Luci will try to help him, once she finds out what is going on.

Oh, and the wife of Marcial, this actress played the sister of the actress that plays Vio in MEPS, how ironic lol. So Marcial is married with a couple of kids, what a jackwagon. No wonder his wife is pithed. He must make this a habit, if the wife tracked Vio down.

Oh, and Aldo in the janitor's closet, lol. That's what he gets from Tio Max for messing with his Inferno dealings. lol.

Poor Mati, being locked in that elevator. Why didn't Frigid just send her on a wild goose chase across town. The woman is horrid. I hope she gets locked somewhere nice and closed in so she can freak out. jus' sayin'.

Oh and getting back to Rod, he is truley dumb. He knows exactly what kind of guy Lastra is. All Rod had to do to check the truth out was to have Oscar check the court records to find out the dipositon of the Lastra court case, and he would have his proof Lastra lied, and also Melissa and Mati know Luci had Claudio defend her against Lastra too, and why didn't Luci mention the restraining order, already? I guess she thought she wouldn't be beleived about that either. May the anvil of destiny hit all the brujas extra hard.

Rosemary Primera, so agree with all your comments. Rod is dead to me too, until he gets his head out of his ass, just saying. I never thought he would be this stupid, but this is a TN and we know the angst factor is going to be ratcheted up from here on out for awhile I think. I agree with you about that pie cart for Frigid. The first bad one should hit her, and her empty designer purse, lol.


Luci was probably so shocked by the barrage of lies she couldn't say much and then Rod wouldn't listen to anything she had to say.

I must say that Mati, Hannah, Melissa are going to have a lot to say. I don't think Connie is going to take kindly to what has happened.

I LOL about the "office" for Aldo. I think it had more to do with Aldo messing around with Vicki than anything else. The funny thing is that it looks as if Vicki is falling for him. Max will need to find some new toy.

I also think when Claudio gets home that either Padre or Connie will tell him Luci is his daughter. Of course, Rosa will say it is Max's daughter and it will take 99 episodes to get that straightend out.

Rosemary Primera

I have been catching up with this TN after catching a few episodes and it didn't seem half bad (plus it's going back to one hour soon). All the recappers have been great and very helpful in getting everything straight for me. Gracias.

Last night was all I could do to keep my beanie from imploding. All those in favor of Pato and Luci getting together say "Aye!". What is it with the hero galans in these TN's lately...I think they need to exercise their brain muscles as much as the seem to concentrate on their abs. Hate hate hate when they immediately buy into the crap they are fed by the usual shrill villianesses ( and one looney mother in this case) without any thought of checking facts, thinking whether they are being fed a bucket of worms, etc.

And of course, we will probably find out Luci is preggers. Argh...heaven help us if Rosa finds that out. Repeat of what she did to Aurora? Someone lock this woman up.

daisynjay I so agree with all your comments. I have to say Rosa is the looniest mother I have ever seen, and with her religious bent she is even worse than the norm. I want that anvil or piecart to knock her out.

Anita- thank you so much for this great Part II of the recap. I am glad I got the Rod part of the inquistion and not the Luci part. That was hard enough. You rock amiga for taking the hit with the Luci part. I love your dicho list too. It really helps me and the other people whose Spanish isn't that great to learn.

What is the back story with Gala and Julie? We know Julie has a colored past but what about Gala? I would love to talk to their ex-husbands.

I thought it strange that Gala didn't want to stay in the room during the Great Inquisition Loca.

Rosemary Primera

Well, folks, after that long recap, I couldn't leave it alone.

Roselena is now in the driver's seat. Look what she thinks she's accomplished: Separate Rodrigo from Luciana, divorce, send her back to Het Het, leave the pathway open to Gala (whom she really doesn't care a fig about) who is socially Rod's equal** AND her horrible secret is still safe. She honored her word with the Padre and went to see Claudio. It wasn't her fault he wasn't there.

**We really don't know what Julie's background is. Sometimes she comes across as a little trashy, but obvio Gala has had a good education, is smart and has made a name and a career for herself in the mag business.

We do know that Max and Rosa had humbler beginnings, but no details. Can't wait for that reveal to come out.

There's one thing we can all agree on here, Rosa dresses well. I've never seen her in anything age-inappropriate, over-dressed or under-dressed. The folks over on LQNPA and Corazon Apasionado should hire these wardrobe folks. (I'm tired of seeing Ana Paula in jeans and a shirt--at least Sin has covered her midriff, although for how long, I wonder.)

What happened to Conny's threat that if Rosa didn't tell Claudio, she would. We need to keep an eye on that thread.

Loved Aldo's new office. Oscar really put it to him--since he was now in charge of office services, he needs to change his own nameplate.

Ay, ay, ay, Luci. I hope Rod gives her the opportunity to square things, even if it's not to rush back into each others arms.

This is not your everyday telenovela, thank goodness, but if it were....I can see a pregnant Luci going back to Het Het, settling in with Paz and Magda to make pots until the baby came. THEN, about a year after that, Pato comes looking for her to show her that he can walk and finds out about the child (remember, he probably can't have any a la Rogelio). Luci finds out Rod is married to Gala. Pato adopts the child and they get married. THIS is NOT a SPOILER. Anybody rooting for Pato could wish this as a happy ending. He would have listened to Luci's explanations before making an judgments.

RPrimera--I was typing, you were posting. Yeah, I want to know Gala and Julie's background, too.

The reason Gala didn't want to stay in the room is in Part II. She told her co-horts that when the 'take-down' started, Rodrigo looked at her as if it were all her fault, so she took off right away.

Madelaine--Forgive me for glossing over your heroics on Part I. Neither of us wanted this intense a set of episodes. You did us all proud.

Daisynj--Glad to have you coming on board. Hope we pick up more viewers, commenters. It's too bad they've missed all the set-ups. If anyone is interested, there is a website that has all the episodes available, free of charge.

Sorry, I can't make a live link, maybe someone else can.


I was just surprised that she didn't stay to gloat. She hasn't backed down before about busting Rod's rocks. As far as I am concerned, he is now just a pillar of sand.

I would love to see Pato walk again and take care of Luci and baby for the rest of their days.

Believe me, Luci has more dignity and grace than any of the brujas. I hope she doesn't disappoint me and go begging for forgiveness.

Rosemary Primera

God that was brutal. In the prior version it was bad just they guy and gal but this was sickening. It actually made me sick to watch. A gang of grown women attacking and innocent girl like lions feasting a a gazelle.

Add me to the list of Rod is dead to me and all his "tears" and eventually begging aren't ever going to take him off the list. He stood there like a dolt and let those harpies savage "the love of his life" and didn't lift a finger. Moreover he then turns on her and demands a yes or no answer to a question that doesn't have one. I had my remote in my hand and wish I could have clocked him with it.

I hope those bitches enjoy their victory because there will be justice for them when Claudio finds out.

It was unbelievable how Rosa insinuated that there was some kind of overly friendly relationship between Luci and Claudio. You have got to give Luci credit for holding it all in and walking out of the TL household with head held high, dignity intact and her parting shot at Rosa was a masterpiece. Poor Claudio is in for a shock when he finds out that the saintly woman he thinks she is, is in fact, a cold blooded, baby stealing, lying bitch. Did I miss anything?

Those previews do look like Rod manhandles Gala but she is such a manipulative liar she'll probably convince him she is just a innocent bystander.

Pato and i think Max are going to be furious when they find out about the bloodletting session. I hope that Max makes good on his threat to move out and I foresee big trouble between the brothers. Pato warned Rod to listen to Luci and trust and which he does and Rod ignored him.

Speaking of the previews I hope Luci tells him to get lost. A man who has so little faith and trust doesn't deserve a girl like her.

Oh my Anita and Madelaine! I kept thanking my lucky stars that it was not my night to recap. LOL! These episodes left me on the edge of my seat and breathless, and your recaps did the same. Well done with very tough episodes!

I wasn't expecting the pie cart to hit both Luci and Vio in the same episode. Poor girls. But Luci's was worse.

Things I enjoyed: Aldo getting the janitor's closet as an office and that whole interaction with Oscar. The boy needs to be taken down a few pegs (and I actually like the boy). The comic relief of Don Aquiles in the City. Don Aquiles telling the blondies and Lastra off and taking no part in the Luci take down.

I would have never thought when this tn began, and we watched his obsession with Luci, that I would be cheering Don Aquiles on. But I'm starting to see that the old guy is all bark and bluster and no bite. Much easier to deal with than these poisonous vipers in the city that Luci has encountered.

Rod is also dead to me, but we knew it was coming. Luci was guilty of too much pride and shame, which led her to keep quiet about some things. But those things are of no significance to her realtionship with Rod. While he has broken what they had by doubting the person she is. She correctly pointed out that he should know better. He has not only gotten to know her, but also her family, people, home, and her land. None of these things seemed to count to him in those horrible minutes in the library. I hope Luci makes him pay for this for a very long time after he learns the whole truth.

Gala is playing it cool and making seem that all she wants if for Rod to know the truth, and she's not after revenge. That's why she left. It's actually very smart of her. She comes out looking like an innocent rose. Well, at least to someone as stupid as Rod.

Thanks to you both for this great recap of one of the worst episodes I have ever seen. (well, two actually)

Anita, I totally agree about your Pato comes to Het Het scenario. You wrote it almost word for word the way I had planned to write it. Great minds...

Rosa and Juli pretty much yanked Rod's little rocks out of his pants and tossed them in their drinks. He can cry and caterwaul all he wants, he's a dunderhead. (Thanks, Sylvia.)

I don't want any pie carts for the brujas - full-on anvils, giant industrial size.

I know 'good triumphs over evil' in these TNs, but evil manages to get all of the novela except for the last day or two. Then we have to endure watching the idiot, umm, galan marry the poor tortured protagonista. Grrrrrr.....


I was thinking the same thing about Gala but in those previews it looks like He who will not be Named found something out. Perhaps when he sees Luci and the magazine in the Vi's place. Then maybe we could have a little reconciliation, because no matter what Gala and her cohorts think, Luci won't go back to Het Het with Don A. The locus of this story is in the DF. If there is a hint of a reconciliation then Luci is still there with her trump card - You are half sibs. That has successfully been used in several novelas to split the couple up for ages. Otherwise all her telling the Padre and max her version of the truth would be wasted.

Decie--I agree that Luci won't go back to Het Het with Don A. There's not much to do back home except paint pots. The *only* reason she would go back is to hide a pregnancy from Hanna, Melissa, Pato, and maybe Claudio, but especially Rodrigo.

I'm dying to know how Don A. behaves the next time he sees her. Right now he's bound and determined to bring her back--but not to abscond with her again, but rather to "save" her from all those chilango mendigos. He's had it up to there with these city folks and he didn't like what Lastra and the two dames (I can't call them ladies any more) were up to.
Anita (baking in the DC suburbs)


Why we keep seeing in the intro montage--"Melissa" hugging up to Karyme Lozano? Karyme isn't on the list of characters (not so unusual), but I'd like to know.

Anita- In the intro montage it's Melissa and Aldo hugging up Connie. I didn't see Karyme anywhere. Her only acting gig since she stopped acting in tns a few years ago has been El Talisman. What a mistake that was!

Anita- You're baking in this heat!? I told people I am going nowhere today. 111 degree heat and 80% humidity are not my cup of tea.

Unless Max is in a coma and can't speak for himself, I don't know how Rosa could make the half sibs story go anywhere. I don't see him keeping quiet about *that*, although I see him keeping quiet about lots of other things.

Vivi--You're right--but they could be twins...or media-hermanas, haha. I thought that maybe that's why Mariana was missing for such a long time in El Tal, that she was busy putting in an appearance here.

Not baking in the oven, baking in the heat. Thank goodness for fans. I do love summer!!


The half sib story could work even in Max spoke up. Pato and Nimrod saw him with Vicki. Since one of them is brainless it wouldn't be too much of a leap for him to believe that Max had cheated with Aurora. Max could protest all he wanted but the lack of faith has already been planted. It's just too good a card for Luci not to play it and we have to remember that Frigida has already heard the story and she is probably trying to figure out a way to cash in. In any event we don't know how long Pato and Max will be in Boston so evil Rosa still has time to play her trump card.

Don't envy anyone on the East Coast with all that humidity. I'm looking at 108 but here is is a dry heat. Thank God.

Decie Girl I am going to agree to disagree with you about Pato. He may not squeal, but he sure would find a way to help Luci. He has wayyyy more stones than Rod anyday. He is a very strong young man and deals with things way better than Max or Rod do. Jus' sayin'

Anita and Vivi- I live 7 miles from the Atlantic Ocean and let me just say it has never been HOTTER ever. No sea breeze at all. Being so close to the water, we usually get something, nothing for the last two days.

I've never posted before and want to thank those who recap for their hard work. I speak only elemental Spanish and the recaps add so much to the understanding and enjoyment. Thanks, Anita, for the vocabulary too.
Well, Rod is dead to me now too. I loved seeing him fall on the floor and sob. Wish it was longer. Did he really call Gala "sincero"? And did Don Aguiles refer to Rod as a 5 year old niño when told that Luciana stole him from Gala? Ha,ha. Looks like Don A was the hero last night and what does that say about the rest of this pitiful bunch? Was so glad to see that Luci kept her dignity?

Welcome Susan!! Please comment more often.

Yes, that hole scene with Don Aquiles and the city wretches was funny, and he did wonder if Rod was a little kid who could be stolen. Valentina, Gala's blonde friend, said the same thing the other day. You would think Gala would listen.

Thank-you Madelaine and Anita for great recaps.

WOW! What an intense attack on sweet Luciana last night, those brujas were vicious. I don't think I have ever seen such a mean spirited attack on a sweet defenseless young lady before. I have seen packs of wild jackals attacking their prey in Africa before and I believe that this was an equivalent. The brujas planned their attack well and poor Luciana was completely blindsided, she never saw it coming. And Lastra, that evil Lastra, I can barely stand to look at that man---he makes me sick. I hope that there's a big anvil waiting for him.

Hot Bod Rod---What happened to him??? He looked like he was in outer space or on another planet. Fight for your SWEET LUCIANA!!?? No, he melted like butter. Like so many women on this forum, I too have lost respect for him. Will he be able to win back her love? Maybe, but I think it will take a long time. Actually, I can see him back in bruja Gala's bed soon. She's going to strike while he is weak. There just might be a future for Pato.

I can't wait for Claudio to get back from Europe, all Hell will breal loose.

I don't know how much Hanna and Melissa will be able to help Luciana, but Conny should and maybe Don Aquiles could be a dark horse to the rescue of his little dove.

One last thing---Has anyone thought what would happen if Rod went back to bruja Gala and got her pregnant--OMG!!!
the gringo


OMG, don't say that! It will be a nightmare if both Gala and Luci are pregnant at the same time. Shades of CME!

After thinking about it all afternoon, I have decided that a pie cart is too good for Rosa. Because she is such sactimonious hypocrite, I now wish that a really heavy, like in solid metal, statue falls on her while she is praying to her god. I don't think she and I have the same one.

Anita, are you taking orders for the I HATE ROD t-shirts?

Rosemary Primera

Wecome Susan, good to see you here. I really like Don Aquiles. In the beginning he seemed like a really bad one, but as time went on with this TN we see he is the comic relief. I agree with Vivi there he is basically all bark and no bite when it comes to her. It kind of struck me as if he were trying to protect her. Didn't we speculate a couple weeks ago, that Magda had Vio out of wedlock? I wonder if Don A could be her Papa? And what if he finds that out? Does anyone think he would become a big ole teddy bear?

Emilia good to see you hear. We always love your comments. We are going to an hour on the 16th. It will be easier to keep up and do the recaps.

Gringo- so agree with your comments. I guess I'll change the piecart to the heavy duty industrial anvil. All three brujas so deserve it and for Lastra don't get me started with him. He looks like a rat.

Rosemary Primera I like your idea for the t-shirts but I want one that says ROD IS DEAD TO ME TILL HE GETS HIS HEAD OUT OF HIS A$$. You know at some point he will wake up and smell the coffee, but that will be a looonnnng time.

Gringo please not a two for pregnancy. That would be horrid and I as a recapper would so not enjoy recapping that. I just hope this doesn't follow Abismo over there where there is a possible baby snatching. That would be worse I think.

"The Greatest Love Story of the past 61 hours—Over in 20 minutes" wow sooo true!

I don't what it is with gabriel soto, but he does seem to fit those male tn characters that are so easily fooled, so glad luciana held her own and told him that if he wants someone like gala, then fine go ahead, there's no point if he so easily swayed about her (luci's)character (anita great translation on 'the end of the end'!) btw anita, if only we could write the tn with your ending!! my tiny little flame of hope for a pato & luci ending just became a little brighter.

now after the brujas displayed just how despicable they can be, I will totally have fun imagining their demise. I really don't know what will happen to gala or julie since we haven't seen them do anything that can send them to jail. They also don't show signs of craziness that will send them to the nut house, and I don't think losing all their money is good enough. & as evil as they are they haven't seem to have earned the death sentence (yet), IMHO. as for rosa, I feel that she has to die, if she goes to the crazy house or jail, she's always gonna be that cloud over her family's life. (just my opinions)

do feel the angst coming, think it will be awhile before anything is cleared up. think that the only ones who would do something are pato & claudio, but don't know when they'll be back. everyone else who would side with luci (connie, mati, etc.), as much as I like them, never do anything. maybe hannah or melissa would help tho.

ill take a couple of those shirts, but we should have our own sayings on them like I HATE ROD BECAUSE....



The perfect ending for Frigid would be that she fell down that elevator shaft and wasn't found for at least two weeks.

Julie needs to lose all of her money and NY apartment and the only job she can find is, wait for it - a domestica!

Rosemary Primera

jlk I think both Bruja's Julie and Gala could be sued for twisting the truth. That would be a start. But Luci isn't into the money just her dignity. Also agree with you about the shirts I HATE ROD BECAUSE.... fill inthe blank. We could velcro the fill in the blank with whatever we wanted till he comes to his senses lol.

Rosemary Primera- I like your idea for Julie but I also want Gala to lose everything she has and become a domestica too, since she says this darn word in every sentence she says. How about Julie and Gala have to work as domesticas under Frigid, lol, who has to work for,wait for it, Mati. That would be wonderful. Mati would sure stick it to them, I think.

I can't believe that neither Rod nor Luci questioned why Juli, the mother of Rod's ex, needed to be there. She's nothing to no one right now! At least Luci had the sense to be ticked off. Rosa is going to regret this. She looked for a second that she might have a change of heart when she saw Luci bless Pato. She's trading in the good Catholic girl for the grifter divorcee. What is she thinking? Oh right. She's not.

Thank God for Aquiles. Loved how he called the pool boy "Copio". Even his theme music is funny. Guess the writers figured they had enough evil wrapped up in other people to let the Don off the hook.


Kelly you are so right, Rod was giving Julie the stink eye, but he couldn't get a word in, the way they ganged up on him. He should have insisted both Julie and Gala should leave. Without backup Rosa would have been up the creek without much of a paddle. So agree with you about Don A. I did like the way he called the pool guy "Copio", lol. I love the funny things he does. And you are right about the music too. At least we have some comic relief with Copio and Don Aquiles and Ariche when he encounters one or both of them, lol.

The comments have been enlightening and fun. Thank you, Susan for joining the group out loud.

I don't want to open a tal Tal*Mart for Refugio. It either needs to be a boutique, niche-type shop that fits in with DF's Rodeo Drive (so Hannah, Melissa, Gala and her co-horts can shop there) or a Het Het place like one of the market stands. Any name suggestions?

What's the name of Don A's Cracker Barrel tienda?

About our first order of t-shirts. Do we really want an I HATE ROD t-shirt? People who aren't watching this tn might misinterpret what we mean.

But ni modo. We could go with an I HATE ROD BECAUSE... on the front and include a free Black Magic Marker with each order so they can be personalized either on the front or the back.

I HEART PATO would clearly be a best seller. I wouldn't wear it in a Spanish-speaking neighborhood, though. You might get a surprise by receiving carved or stuffed ducks as gifts (when what we really want are peacocks).

Wish I could find a supplier for Te de Tila.

I think I can find some very attractive pie carts, some assembly required, from a supplier on the west coast--wood and chrome, no brakes. Did anyone catch Pie Week on NPR this past week?

Rosemary P--I love the elevator shaft ending for Frigida. Pato would feel guilty the rest of his life, though. Gala is the one who should end up as a domesti*ca*, but she can transfer her work skills anywhere. We need to have her ex- come back and tell us why they got divorced. He would also know her weak spots.

Gringo has a point, though, Julie urged Gala to get back with Rod and get pregnant as quickly as possible. An heir to the TL fortune has her drooling. She called el bebe an "investment."

I don't know why, but Marcial seemed too sincere and a bit naive, not at all like a serial lothario. We shouldn't judge him until he's had a chance to explain himself.... Maybe we haven't heard the last of him. It would be too heartless for the writers to set Vio up just so she and Luci could go through a heartache at the same time.

Kelly--To me it looked like Rosa took affront watching Luci give Pato a blessing. She hadn't thought to do it and neither did she show any physical affection at the airport (although she had earlier).

Velcro would definitely work!

Live link for the episodes is here.

This "intervention" makes the Spanish Inquisition look like kid stuff. I can't wait for Rosa to tell the Padre about it because this will put some really bad black marks against her in his eyes.

There has been a trend lately in TNs with priests to excommunicate serious offenders. I predict that before this tale is over Rosaelena will be excommunicated for this and future actions.

Another prediction: Julie will be discovered to have been a pole dancer or a prostitute before marrying her ex.... who might not have been Gala's father.

Rod is a dolt. He doesn't deserve the baby Luci will probably have when she returns to her mother's home.

Gala would never mess up her figure or career with a baby. I wonder whether Julie's husband walked when she was pregnant.

UA--Love the way you think--Julie as pole dancer--she's almost a pole all by herself.

You're right, Gala was disgusted by Julie's suggestion to get pregnant right away. Hope there's no chance in H*ll that Luci's baby gets stolen at birth. It's such an old hack.

Ooh, what a delicious ending for Rosa--excommunication. That would be a fate worse than death or the manicomio for her. Padre Honesto is already getting tired of her evasions to face the truth. I'd love to see it happen--a solemn church ceremony, papers signed by the archbishop (or does a cardinal have to do it), the whole family in attendance, watching while she is stripped of her rosary.

UA and Anita - since I am Catholic I looked up how they excommunicate today. I have never known anyone or heard of anyone that was excommunicated. Here is the definition of how they did it in the Middle Ages:

Excommunication was sometimes accompanied by a ceremony where a bell was tolled (as for the dead), the Book of the Gospels was closed, and a candle snuffed out-hence the idiom "to condemn with bell, book and candle". These ceremonies are rarely held today. I got this from Wiki.

Today in the Catholic Church, when you are excommunicated, you are NOT allowed to read any readings at Mass, or receive communion. That's it. You are not publically shunned or humiliated. In order to be restored to the sacraments you must repent in the confessional and appear repentant in public. That's it. This is all done with a priest.

Madelaine and Anita - terrific recaps.

I'm joining in the cheers for old coot Don Aquiles and jeers for whipped Rod. Did it not occur to Rod, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, that there were extenuating circumstances for a poor girl like Luci to work at Inferno? Clearly, as he witnessed, she was fighting back against getting groped by Lastra. If Inferno is such a den of iniquity, why did Rod take Gala there on a date in the first place? So it's okay to be a customer there but not a worker?

At the least, I hope Rod refuses to return to Gala. Then he'll have some hope of getting his vital appendage back.

Patricio is a galan to sigh for. I wonder if the writers intend for viewers to like him better.

Madelaine--Thanks for checking out excommunications. I'm all for going back to the Inquisition for Roselena. She deserves it all, including getting singed by the candle.

Niecie--You hit the nail on the head, "If Inferno is such a den of iniquity, why did Rod take Gala there on a date in the first place? So it's okay to be a customer there but not a worker?" That's sort of like saying that when a couple marry, the man is expected to be experienced in sex but the woman is expected to be a virgin (in movies, bodice-rippers and telelalaland).

Madelaine I remember one TN it might have been ENDA where the priest excommunicated the evil mother and she wasn't allowed in the church. She would go anyway but no communion and we all kept hoping the roof would fall in on her.

In 15 years of watching novelas I've never seen a galan who wasn't a total idiot. It's almost a requirement that he immediately fall in love the heroine, find out accidentally or deliberately something supposedly bad about her , treat her like crap for however many moths the novela lasts, discover the truth two days before the end and her, like a fool immediately forgive, forget, march down the aisle of the church HEA. Drives me nuts.

Luci seems to have plenty of spirit and pride as well as real dignity and i hope she makes him suffer. His lack of faith and belief in her is darn near unforgivable in my book.

Gala get pregnant - not for all the tea in China. Gala fake a pregnancy oh yeah I can see that (another tried and true TN cliche.)

My choice for Gala is being sued by Luci for libel throwing her out of a ob while she begs Mommy Dearest to bail her out with her beloved NYC apartment (as if). Julie should also be publicly disgraced making her personna non grate in society. Rosa who doesn't see that by her actions she has thrown a potential wedge between her sons deserves many times over to be disgraced, to have her children turn their backs on her and earns herself a trip to the manicomio (another tried and true TN cliche)

Pato deserves someone as fine as Luci but that will never happen and frankly I don't see any of the other girls who have appeared to date filling the bill.

Lorenzo has been looking for a way to get revenge on Lastra for what he did to Luci. God help the Torreslanda when he find out how they treated Luci.I'm not normally a big fan of the revenge story line but i can make an exception in this case because boy do some people have it coming and in spades.

Madelaine and Anita wonderful recaps, I have the same thoughts as many of you. Thanks for the Vocabulario, really helpful.
Isn't the Rosa character a lot like the mother in CME? I didn't even watch that one but this one seems like a re-whipped version of CME and Eva Luna.
I find Rod irritating. He is impatient, needs to wear a slightly larger size, and he needs to stop taking steroids. He would then calm down, and be able to think clearly. I wouldn't mind seeing Pato with Luci...oh well, it probably won't happen that way.

Madelaine, check a Catholic encyclopedia. The one I checked said that a parish priest could not excommunicate. Of course, the parish priest must go to the bishop (obispo) to start the process.

So we are now for excommunicating Rosa. I would also like to add that she will probably be penniless when Claudio is finished with her. There is always the hope that she and Max will face some jail time.

Do we know why Max framed Claudio in the first place? Evidently, from a recent recap, the money is still hidden in some secret account.

Don A is still bad news in my book. He watched Luci grow up and then wants to marry her - that is just sick.

I hope that if Dumbo Rod goes back to Gala's bed he ends up with a really bad case of a SD.

According to TN Law, if he married Gala, she will have to die before he can marry Luci in the church.

Rosemary Primera

Emarie- Oh Fina in CME was NOT religious in the least. (She dressed up as a nun just so that she could shoot her husband and his new bride in front of trhe church. And again so that she could poison her rival.)Her driving force was greed/money as well as a dash of jealousy. I believe the mother in Eva Luna was also driven by greed, and she wasn't religious either. These two also hid their crazy way better than Rosa. They were more sly and cunning. Rosa is always on the edge in near hysterics and people can see it.

I remember when watching Sortilegio, many of the commenters were angry at the heroine because she so easily moved on after the hero threw her out of his house. She went back to her pueblo, started working, didn't tell him about her pregnancy, and refused to take his calls. He meanwhile was all tears and regret. Lots of ladies on the blog were mad at MJ because it seemed to them that she didn't care about Alex. I was proud of her. It took getting stabbed, nearly dying, nearly losing her baby, and him crying over her and begging forgiveness for her to take him back. And she STILL didn't want to move back into his house.

Rosemary Primera- Gala would not have to die because Rod could never marry her in the Church-- she's divorced. Civil weddings are easy to undo in tns.

Rosa is more like Bernanda in TdA who hid her bad deeds behind a curtain of religion and piety. Of course, Bernie's crimes included murder, and Rosa hasn't gone there (yet).

Vivi, I meant that if Rod and Luci ever wanted to marry in the church, I think Gala would have to die.

Wouldn't it be fun if the good Padre went to the Obispo to have Rosa excommunicated, and wait for it ... the Obispo would be Arturo Peniche! In real life AP is the father of Pato.

Rosemary Primera

hahaha i would LOVE for julie & gala to work as las domesticas! how many times she says that word can def be a drinking game.

I've thought the same thing niecie, why do the writers make pato suuuuch a sweet guy totally in love with lucia but make it soooo impossible?? do they want us to root for him instead? just for storyline & drama? i guess pato's dedication to luci does serve a purpose for the story, but why do they make me like him better?!

decie girl: that sounds like a fun challange! a galan who wasn't a total idoit.....hmmmmm. the only one I can think of is oscar from pasion de gavilanes. not sure if that fits the bill, & didn't watch the whole thing but dont think he displayed typical idoitness (for the most part). but your right it's almost a requirement now, many guys passed through my head before I thought of oscar. usually the ones who believe in the girl come in second place

the way julie brought up the point of having an "investment" baby makes me wonder in that is what gala was. such a horrible mother


Been thinking again. We all kind of gave Don A a pass since he didn't go along the vengeful group out to destroy Luci. However, in reality he is a vile person. He is obsessed with a girl young enough to be his granddaughter, tried to force her into marrying him, stole her family home and property, illegally sold them to someone else, coerced Dona Lucha into lying to the lawyer to keep her from testifying against him, intimidates local law enforcement and in general is terrorizing the whole town. I want Lucha to wake up and smell the coffee and realize what he did and call the lawyer and retract her statement. I want Don A to end up in the DF in prison where he belongs because only then would it ever be safe for Luci to return to her beloved pueblo.

Really laughed at the idea of the bishop turning out to be Arturo Peniche. in the version of this story that i saw he played the Dimrod part.

Now, I'm not ready to throw my panties at Don Aquiles and beg him for a night of loving like Luchita, but I do think he's being made out to be a comic villain who is not above redemption. He wears his villainy on his sleeve. He doesn't do things the underhanded way of the city folk who are after Luci. I think even Luci is starting to see the the devil she knew (Don A in Het Het) was much easier to deal with than these city devils.

I alos think that Vio will turn out to be his daughter and when that is revealed, Don A will have to think good and hard about his life and his priorities.

Rosemary Primera, I did look it up in the Catholic Encyclopedia and found you are correct, because if the parish priest doesn't like you he could try excommunication, but abbots (head of monasteries) who knew, bishops, and even the Pope CAN excommunicate. By the way you are still allowed to go to mass even if excommunicated, you just cannot participate in the sacraments, they include

Holy Communion
Holy Matrimony
Extreme Unction (when you are dying the priest annoints you with oil).
Did I miss any? But according to the article, if you CONFESS your sin to a priest, he can absolve you and you CAN be reinstated. There are two types of excommunication one by council and one by canon law.


There are seven (7) sacraments. The one you missed is Holy Orders, which does not apply in this case.

The other is Reconcilation (Confession) which I assume you must make in order to make the excommunication go away.

Rosemary Primera

Madelaine & Anita thanks for your recap. And Vivi and Ezra thanks for yours also. I'm so excited for you all that the following week this goes to one hour, YAY!

I too am sickened by weak Rod. It's there a way to keep the leads apart w/o flagrant stupidity having to be a central factor?

Anita - I love your scenario and just have to TN end with Pato and Luci together. I don't really see how Rod can redeem himself from this.

Rosemary P--We don't know for sure why Max set up Claudio to take the fall for fraud, but surely it will have something to do with the authorities getting too close to Max for the fraud. Max had no intention of going to jail or losing his fortune (such as it was 20 years ago--but probably sizeable). We shall see-eee.

Oh BTW, someone said Por Ella Soy Eva was being promoted for the 7pm EST slot. Univision in DC is advertising it at 8 pm EDT. So we are both correct--just make sure we know our ESTs from our EDTs. July 18 is still the start. I'll be out of channel range for those two weeks and will miss all of you terribly. I'll have a lot of catching up to do.

If Amor Bravio is being advertised as 220 episodes, we can be pretty sure it will be 110 for us.

Refugio seems to end at 109--they sure are moving along at a fast clip with double episodes.

Rosemary Primera thank you. I knew I missed a couple. Do you think what Rosa did was serious enough for her to be excommunicated? The only thing I found on why you could be excommunicated was divorce, back in the day if you married in the church and divorced you could be excommunicated, but not now, incest and I don't know what else.

Vivi-LOL bout throwing panties at Don A. I love him as the lovable criminal too. I think he only did those things to get Luci to marry him. Selling the house illegaly, scamming Paz out of her house and lands. He was more sad than angry when he found out Luci married "that chalango". ITA with you that he will change his priorities if he finds out Vio is his.


I don't think that Rosa has done anything that would get her excommunicated to date. If anything, the good Padre could refuse her communication under the sacrament of Reconcilation since she has not truly repented. As you know, you are supposed to be free of sin when you receive communion, hence the reason for Reconcilation.

Now, if she forces and arranges for Luci to have an abortion, that is a whole other problem and probably would qualify for excommuncation. This probably why the TN writers never venture into the subject matter.

I volunteer in our parish offices tomorrow, and if I have time, I will double check with one of the priest.

Rosemary Primera

Rosemary Primera- Thank you. I don't really know much about excommunication so it is good to know. And you are right about Reconciliation. Please let us know what you find out.

Oh, I also wanted to mention something I saw this past week on Refugio. I thought we were done with the feathers when El Tal ended, but Melissa it seems, wait for it, was wearing feather earrings the other day, lol.

Madelaine- Yes, I noticed Melissa's feathers. But considering she is so much younger than Blanca Soto, it doesn't look silly on her. :) Plus it is a real hot trend.

Thank you ladies for an awesome recap. This episode was tough.How could Rod forget so soon? Wasn't he her first? How could he doubt so quickly.He is dead to me.The witches don't bother me as much as Rod.They are what they are. Rod is a lover not a hater and so should have at least heard her out.He ignored all his instincts. He knows very well how Gala and co operate and yet he choose to believe them. Dead to me I tell you.With people like Frigid one can only hope her end is as painstakingly painful as her spying.


Given everything that Padre Honesto has been through with Rosa, I think he'd be willing to bring back the public shaming part of excommunication. How many times has he told her what she has to do for forgiveness? At what point does God say "Enough!"? Rosa may not have done anything to deserve this yet but pretty sure it's coming down the line.

Don Aquiles however has become more pathetic than evil. He treated Luchita horribly but he's still redeemable. You can tell because the music is more silly than evil. Hopefully the music isn't lying to me.


Rosaelena will cross that line before much more time goes by.

She has categorically refused to believe Max when he denies having had a romantic/sexual relationship with Aurora. She has attempted to create false evidence to conceal a possible truth from Claudio. She is refusing to have sexual relations with Max. She is attempting to control the lives of her adult children and does not give a flying damn for their feelings.

The day will come when she will abuse the confessional by boasting of some wrongdoing or other under the pretense that she is empowered to punish the affected parties. Whether she will cross the line that Gabriela Elizondo and Bernarda Iturbide did (meaning kidnapping and/or murder) is yet to be seen.

Vivi-I may have meant TDA; I get them mixed up (not that any TN is similar to any other!). The one with Levi as the Galan, and the woman who was like Rosa had a son who was a priest; and she was always praying and trying to make up for some terrible sin, or asking her son to pray for her. I stopped watching it for lack of interest and time.

Of all the novela villanas I have seen, I think Dona Bernarda of TdA was the most evil and perhaps had the highest level of hubris.

Rosaelena is guilty of hubris, but she's not there... yet.

Emarie- Yes, that was TdA. That tn was very worthy of ridicule, and boy did we. :)

Anita, maybe you could open your tienda in the area where Luci, Vio and the little girl (senior moment!) shopped. Call it Anita's Fabulous Fakes, Feathers, and Fol de Rol.

I've got a horrible case of shingles and can't sleep so I have plenty of time to analyze the characters on this show.

Everything that Rosa does is based on her insane jealousy and possessiveness. Mati said she was jealous even as a little girl and now it obviously controls her life.

She was baselessly jealous of Max in the beginning of their marriage. She hated Aurora for "stealing" Max's affections but i think that is based also on her being jealous of the kind of marriage Aurora and Claudio had. One she could have had herself if she wasn't a jealous fool.

She is extremely possessive of her children. She wasn't crazy about Gala before they became BFF's because of course she was divorced but I think it was more because the woman was taking Rod's attention away from her.

She hated Luci because of her resemblance to Aurora but she is also jealous of the fact that all of her children love the girl thus taking more attention away from her. This is particularly true when you look at how she didn't want Luci around Pato even though she was the only one who could help him. I'm not surprised that she became a raging lunatic after Dimrod told her that Luci was his whole world. There is no place in Loca Rosa's life for her children loving anyone but her.

Witnesses too how snotty she was when Conny told her about Oscar, lecturing her on her failed marriage. Obviously if Rosa ain't happy ain't nobody around her going to be either. OK enough pop psychology for this morning

Quick question How did Lorenzo get the money he gave the guy at the club. We have no evidence that Aldo gave it to him.

Great analysis Decie Girl! Spot on. Your shingles, is our gain. :)

I'm pretty sure Aldo got the money from Connie for Lorenzo.

Emilia--Thanks for the suggestion. It's very cute, but too long for the marquee (and I wouldn't want my name to be associated with it). It got me thinking.

How about--
YE FOL DE ROL SHOPPE--Bangles, Bracelets, Trifles and Trinkets

(since we wouldn't want to admit to having fakes).

Decie--Hang in there and recover soon. Shingles is not a good thing to have in summer, or any time.

Great analysis of Rose. And of course she is so self-righteous and pious about the way she manipulates everybody and everything, claiming it's all about maintaining family prestige, position and saintliness. She would be offended (even coming from the Padre) if anyone accused her of being deceptively manipulative.

Vivi is correct about the money. We see Aldo asking for 30,000 pesos from Connie over the phone. No one else would have given it to him. We see her pretty exasperated with him.

Later I remember the scene with Lorenzo carrying the money around in his shirt pocket and Fabian being extremely worried about him and it. Lorenzo assures him he's going stratight to Lastra's to give back the money and won't let Fabian go with him. Lorenzo would not have been able to raise that kind of money anywhere else on such short notice.

Then we see Lorenzo handing the money back to Ivan (and not getting a receipt) and Ivan laughing at him that giving the money back won't keep him out of jail for theft.

Circumstancial? Maybe, but follow the evidence and there probably isn't any doubt the money came from Conny....and Aldo has promised to pay it back.

Decie Girl, I'm so sorry about your shingles, but as Vivi said they are our gain. I loved your analysis of Rosa. It is so spot on. She leans on her religion as a crutch to absolve her of all these sins. I know she prays the rosary but she ought to read the Bible. Everything she does basically is a sin. Coveting things especially she certainly is not loving her neighbor as herself, that's for darn sure. Purposely maltreating people, lying, scheming, things she has not confessed to Padre Honesto.

Anita, we were posting at the same time, lol.

Decie, get well soon. You are dead right about Rosaelena.

One more thing: She has no concept of love because she behaves as though it were a zero-sum game when it isn't quantifiable. She thinks that because any child of hers loves someone else they love her less.

Which will be a self-fulfilling prophesy because of her insane possessiveness.

Emilia--Couldn't resist....Here are some great synonyms for folderol. Maybe we could have a monthly rotation for the name of the shop.

bilge, blarney, bunkum, claptrap, codswallop, crapola, fiddle-faddle, flapdoodle, folly, hokum, hooey, horsefeathers, humbuggery, piffle, poppycock, taradiddle, twaddle

My absolute favorite is taradiddle. THE TARADIDDLE SHOPPE. Can't you just see it up in lights?

Indeedy. Taradiddle Shoppe it is!! Yer a genius, m'dear!!

Although I do like Frippery quite a bit...

Still thinking. Can't help but wonder if Lastra has cooked his goose by giving those pictures to Gala and participating in the vulture feast. I'm not sure he knows that his boss Don Maximilliano is Max Torreslanda or I don't think he would have dared go into the house. Technically he'd have to be an idiot not to know since the TL's must have their pictures in the papers.

Max is not going to be a happy camper when he finds out all those pictures and the internal workings of Infierno are in Gala mag. Am waiting for major explosions when he gets back from Boston.

I'm also nominating Rosa for worst mother of the year. Son number Two is going out of the country with the possibility of having major surgery. When Max asks her if she wants to go she refuses saying she has a matter of life and death to deal with. That involves Son number 1 whose life she is about to wreck. How many mothers outside of Telenovelaland would put destroying one child's life over supporting another.

You might want to read this to see how much of it applies to Rosaelena:

The Narcissistic Mother

UA--The link is devastating and destructive--I've only gotten through point 2 and I'm shuddering.

Roselena seems to be practicing all of them at once. I'll keep reading. Just a cautionary tale from me--a husband-father can be this way, too and I speak from experience (not my father, but my ex-. Especially the part about others not believing you.

THE TARADIDDLE SHOPPE it is. I'll get busy stocking it with extra special fripperies.

Oh wow Urban! I also haven't read through it all but this really describes Rosa, as well as Fina in CME (the way she treat Nata in particular) perfectly. And of course some of our other bad tn mothers fit the bill.

Narcissism is evil. My mother was a narcissist, as were the mothers of most of my female friends. And the great love of my life.

So I have lots of experience!

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