Monday, July 09, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #62-63 Mon 7/9/12 Rod and Luci Cry, Lie, and Say Goodbye

Rod knocks on Luci’s door late at night, wearing a tight thermal underwear top and a scowl. She wants to know what he’s doing there. Luci thought they had nothing to talk about. Your recapper hopes he’s come to beg for forgiveness on his knees. But, oh no! Hot Head Rod is just there to continue to be stupid and accusatory.  He *says* he wants to end things like “civilized” people by talking (you know that thing he wouldn’t let Luci do earlier).
L: If our relationship (lo nuestro) is over, then it’s over, period (y punto). There’s nothing to talk about. Especially if it’s not important to you.
R: Yes it’s important to me.  Very much so. And that’s why I asked you if all the accusations against you are true, and you confirmed it.

Luci says that much of what was said was true, but she’s no thief (ratera). She’s never stolen anything from anyone. “And what about your brother, Lorenzo!?”  Luci says they are not talking about her brother, they are talking about them. Rod then contradicts himself by saying they have nothing to talk about. Luci wants to know, then why the hell did he come?
R: I came to say goodbye to you. (a despedir me de ti) To tell you that you are the woman I had (notice the tense) loved most in my entire life.
L: I didn’t once love you. (She uses the past tense, then grabs his face.) I LOVE you! (present tense) You are what I most love in this world. Please.
Rod removes her hands from his face then turns his back to her. She says she’s going for the box of things he gave her, since there is no reason to keep anything of his. While she’s in the back, he sits on the couch and sees the infamous magazine. He picks it up and works himself up into a fury again.

In Boston, Max has tucked Pato into bed and tells Hannah she can’t come for the operation but Rosa needs to be there tomorrow. Now that her dirty business of disgracing the love of her son’s life is over, Rosa has no problem going out of town to support her other son during a major, life-changing operation. Rosa knows how to set her priorities. Max wants to speak with Rod too, but he’s been MIA and Max hasn’t been able to locate him. Rosa plays dumb. She’ll relay the news to him. Once she’s off the phone, Boris tries to wish her farewell with a kiss on the cheek, but she dodges him like he has the plague. (I guess it’s not just poor people cooties she hates.) Just to stick it to her mama, Hannah gives Boris a quick farewell kiss, on the lips. Connie smiles at the young lovers. Rosa gets mighty annoyed and tells Hannah to sit her teenaged butt down.

Connie and Hannah start to question Rosa about what went down between her, Julie, Rod and Luci that afternoon.  Rosa plays dumb. Connie pushes. “What did you do Rosalena?” Rosa tells Connie not to play the saint and make her out to be a witch. (If the curled toe shoe fits Rosa…) She gets worked up and says they just unmasked Luci, that’s all. She says she didn’t do anything. Rod just learned Luci’s dirty past. Then she throws a tantrum and leaves the table before Connie can ask any more questions.  Connie turns to Mati for answers, but she knows nothing since she was locked up in the elevator. Connie can’t believe this. Mati tells her to ask Frigida and Connie makes a bee line for the kitchen. She tells Frigida not to act stupid (mensa). She knows something went down and Frgida was neck deep in it. Connie doesn’t buy this mysterious accident of Mati getting locked in the elevator. She warns Frigida that if she finds out she was involved, she will herself throw Frigida’s belongings out on the streets after she talks to Max and Rod. She better ask Gala or Julie for a job and see if they are as loyal to her as she has been to them! With that, Ms. Connie sashays out of the kitchen and Frigida looks mighty worried. “They’re going to fire me.” (Me van a correr.)

Julie and Gala arrive home as Julie gives Gala the news that the domestica (drink!) has been run off and Rod ran after her. Julie tells her how angry Rod was, and what he needs most now is Gala’s solace (consuelo). Gala plays it cool though. She knows it’s not the right timing for her cling-wrap act.

When Luci comes out with the box of gifts, Hot Head Rod is ready for Round 2 of his screaming match with her. He holds the magazine up in an accusatory way and goes on and on about how she told him she had never received it. She says she isn’t going to try to defend herself. What for, if he’s not going to believe her?  She shoves the box at him and tells him to look through it to make sure everything is there. He slams the box on the coffee table and says he’s not interested in it or anything in it. Well, neither is she. She then tells him to give it to Gala, since she knows he wants to run to her. He says he does not. Then he demands that she throw the magazine in the trash and shoves it at her. They continue their stare down and she tells HIM to throw it away, or he can just give it to his mama to add to her collection. (Oh, snap!) She walks away from him and turns her back. He tosses the magazine angrily and says he’s leaving. He then hesitates and comes back to look at her back longingly. Then he changes his mind again and goes to leave. Luci calls his name just before he exits. She offers him back her ring. He stares at it with tears in his eyes, but does not take it back. He’s stepping through the door just as Lorenzo steps in. Rod immediately asks him about the $30,000 pesos. Lorenzo asks if they know already, and stares at Luci in shock. At the same time, Rod stare daggers at Luci, as one more of her “lies” has been confirmed. Luci can’t believe that yet another big anvil has fallen on her unsuspecting head. She falls into Lorenzo’s arms weeping.

Vio is working at Inferno, but her head is elsewhere. Polo notices that she’s down (achicopalada). She doesn’t want to tell him what’s wrong, but he knows it has to do with Marcial. Vio makes a disparaging remark about all men, even though she has a fantastic one who really loves her standing right in front of her.  

At the apartment, Lorenzo is on his knees in front of Luci (where we would have liked to see Rod earlier), talking fast to explain about the whole gambling chips/Aldo/lost $30,000 pesos situation. Luci tells him he shouldn’t have done it or given in to Aldo.  At the end of the day, it was still Lorenzo who committed the crime. Lorenzo explains that he returned the money. Luci loses it. What was the use when the damage was already done?! What is she going to tell their mother?!! How is she going to tell her that her wedding has been cancelled? She plops onto the couch in a puddle of tears. Lorenzo goes over to her to comfort her. If Rod is throwing all that they had away without even giving her a chance to explain things, then he doesn’t love her as much as he says. (Amen!) It’s better that it happened now, than after they got married (by the Church).

Hannah tells Connie that Rod is not answering her calls. She’s worried. Connie is more hopeful that it means he is thinking things over, which will result in him working things out with Luci. Connie is sure that Julie and Gala are behind it all. Hannah is really worried about what to tell Pato, but Connie says that’s Rosa’s job. Hannah begs Connie to speak to Rosa to figure out what happened. Connie refuses because she knows she’ll just end up trying to rip the blonde hairs out of her crazy sister’s head if they argue. Plus, Rosa is sick. Hannah thinks it’s totally unfair what her mother has done to Luci, and Luci doesn’t deserve it. Connie totally agrees. Hannah asks Connie if she knows why Rosa hates Luci so much. Connie admits that she knows, but she can’t say since it’s a secret between her and her sister Rosa.

Hot Head Rod is in his apartment having a pity party for one. He pulls out the booze and glasses, turns on the weepy muzak, takes out an innocent lamp with his liquor glass, and…hey now! Listen Rod, I don’t care if you take your shirt off, for no discernable reason, and flex your well developed pecs at me as you weep and gnash your teeth in anguish. I will not be swayed by your manly, chiseled, sculpted physique! You are still dead to me.

Luci is having a more dignified cry on her couch right at that moment as well.

Vio is telling Polo that when it rains it pours. Her and her man troubles. Luci with hers. And Lorenzo and the missing money and losing his job. Serena is shocked to hear Lorenzo lost his job and gets caught up on the gossip. Vio is sure Aldo will be showing up there soon since he loves to gamble.

However, Aldo is totally engulfed in the Inferno and Torreslanda accounts he’s hacked. He is impressed by how much money Uncle Max is raking in through both his above board and shady businesses. Oscar interrupts, surprised that Aldo is still at work so late. Aldo quickly closes his laptop and tells him he’s working on confidential business. Oscar is incredulous, but leaves him to it. “Until tomorrow, Mr. Impresario.”  Aldo realizes how late it is and calls Vicky to ask her out. She is fast asleep on the couch beside her cell phone. Aldo apologizes for being so late. She’s tired and begs off till tomorrow. They agree to dinner and then the Inferno tomorrow night.

Don Aquiles arrives at Inferno making his presence known to everyone. Vio is not happy to see him and tries to get Serena to serve him instead. Ivan, however, orders Vio to serve him. She accidently addresses him by name, and he wants to know how she knew his name. She covers by saying they all know the VIP customer names. He demands to know where Luci is and says he needs to talk to her. Vio claims not to know anything, but Lastra butts in and gives Aquiles Luci’s address, to show him that they’re friends.

In the Inferno office, happy Lastra is counting the money (and putting a little in his pocket too, I notice).  He nearly tells Ivan about his other relationship with Aquiles. As soon as Lastra leaves the office, Ivan slips some of the cash into his own pocket.  (I actually think Aldo is right that Max could benefit from him overseeing things at Inferno.)  

Rod is good and drunk and decides to go somewhere. We know no good ever comes from a galan being drunk, angry, and lonely.

In Boston, Pato can’t sleep. He’s worried about the operation. Max gives him a pep talk. Pato has a strong will, and that is what will keep him going.

Luci is curled up asleep on her couch when there is yet another knock on her door. No, it’s not Drunk Hot Head Rod, ready for Round 3. Instead it’s Don Juan Aquiles, holding a single pink rose. Looking absolutely defeated by the cruel joke life has decided to play on her that never-ending day, Luci can only weakly ask what he’s doing there and lets him in. He’s come for her, says our geriatric Romeo. Luci says he’s just there to bug her and begs him to leave her in peace. “I’ve never done anything to you”, says Luci as she sits on a chair looking defeated. Don A just silently offers her the rose.

Over in a posher part of town, Gala is also getting an unexpected gentleman caller. It’s Drunk Hot Head Rod, flashing his angry man cleavage at her. “You and I are going to talk.”

Luci begs Aquiles to please understand that there is nothing he can get from her. Just leave her in peace. He gets on his knees in front of her. (The second man to do that tonight who is not Rod.) Aquiles says he’s forgiven her the family debt. She counters that she’s forgiven HIM for all he did to them. Don A wants to know what those chilangos have done to her to change her. This is what happened to her for getting involved with people who aren’t like them—small town folk. Luci yells at him that it isn’t his concern. He says of course it’s his concern. Even if she doesn’t care for him, for her, he’d do anything. Just tell him who put her in this weepy state, and he’ll go break their face right now!  Luci tells him it’s not necessary because she knows how to protect herself. He knows it. That’s why he loves her so much, because she’s such a spitfire. She will always be his Palomita. He agrees to go, but tells her if she needs anything to just tell him. He leaves the rose on the table, and walks out looking sad that his Palomita is so sad.

Rod is drunk, but he’s saying all the right things to Gala. (Maybe he should have spoken to Luci when he was drunk.) He accuses her of planning the whole thing and purposely filling his head with nonsense about Luci to break them up. She yells right back that it’s not her fault he married that class of woman. This gets Rod even more worked up and he grabs and shakes her, accusing her of planning the whole thing—getting him and Luci there at the right time in order to corner (acorralar) and trap Luci. Gala plays the victim to the hilt and says she won’t stand to be accused in this manner in her own home. She once again denies the blame and throws it all on his mama Rosa. Rod brings up the magazine article. Gala did it all to make Luci look like a slut (cualquiera). “I just did my job. And if that’s a sin, then condemn me. I knew nothing. Nothing! The only sin I committed was loving you as much as I do. And you humiliated me by ditching me at the altar! ” Rod tries to get them back to the issue at hand by saying that had nothing to do with what they’re talking about. (Hold on. If he thinks that what Gala has done to Luci has NOTHING to do with him dumping Gala on their wedding day, then running off to marry someone else, then he’s dumber than I thought.) Gala says that she nobly stepped aside and set him free to be with Luci- the SLUT!  Rod demands that she not call Luci that, but Gala is on a roll playing the victim. Luci doesn’t deserve his love, but she (Gala) has done everything for him. She loves him more than her own life and all he has done is humiliate and insult her. He is disrespecting her as a woman, and as a human being. Now that Gala has ground up the last of his pebbles into sand, Rod decides to leave, after giving Gala the happy news that he and Luci are in splitsville for good. Viewerville sees a trail of sand coming out of his pant leg. “I beat you domestica. (Drink!) I took Rod from you forever, forever.”

The next morning, Rosa is at the private airport early, looking like Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct, after she’s had the pleasure of a kill. Pato and Max wait for her eagerly in Boston. Pato is happy she will be there, and speaks about how one naturally feels at ease and protected when ill, when you have your mom and dad, like when you were a kid. Pato feels fortunate to have them both with him. This makes Max smile and he gives Pato a kiss. They leave for the hospital.

Hannah shows up at Rod’s apartment full of questions about what happened, if he’s spoken with Luci, and what’s happening with them. Rod refuses to answer any of her questions, but instead offers to take her to school. She informs him about Pato’s operation and their mother leaving for Boston. 

Connie has Julie meet her for breakfast to get the lowdown on what happened with Luci and Rod. Julie plays innocent, but says it had to do with some man named Lastra who Luci was “involved” with (se entendian) before she began working for the family. “It was a surprise to everyone, but I always knew the kind of woman she was.” She then says that this is Rod’s concern and they shouldn’t interfere. Connie is not buying this b.s. She gives Julie a good hard stare.

Over at Vio’s, everyone is depressed. Lorenzo suggests to Luci that they tell their mother that the wedding is just postponed due to Pato’s health issues. Luci says she won’t lie to her mama. But she wants to go to the pueblo and tell her in person. Vio thinks she should hold off a bit, since she and Rod might make up soon. Luci says it’s over between them, especially after what happened last night (when he came to the apt.).  Lorenzo and Fabian make themselves scarce to go find work. Fabian already has a weekend gig with the mechanic on the corner. Lorenzo says he’s going to speak with Aldo to see if he can help him get a job. He goes to kiss her goodbye, but Luci stops him when she asks what’s going on with the formal charges against him (denuncia).  We, and Lorenzo, can tell she’s ticked off at her little bro. He hasn’t heard anything yet, but all he can do is take the bull by the horns and face the consequences.

Luci and Vio talk about how they came to the big city for work, thinking that things would be easier than in the pueblo, but they’re worse off- both she and Lorenzo have no work or money. Vio tells her about Don Aquiles having her address now. Luci says he already found her, but he left when she asked him to. Luci breaks down and says she now knows how her mom felt when her dad died. She feels so alone. Vio thinks that after a while Rod will regret it and come back to her. “And what about what I feel?  Do you think that I’m going to wait for him to forgive me all my life?”

Rod comes to work full of attitude. He asks the secretary to bring him lots of water, in an attempt to get rid of his hangover. Marcos and Gabriel tease him because they think he’s been celebrating, but soon they and Oscar realize that Rod is in a foul mood. They want to finalize a few things for a meeting that will take place when he’s supposed to be on honeymoon. He informs them there will be no honeymoon, or wedding. The guys are in shock.

Vio and Luci lament the heartache and disappointment they will bring their mamas when they find out about their disgrace—lying, working at Inferno, not being a nurse, and cancelled wedding. Vio asks about Luci returning the box of gifts. Luci explains about Rod refusing to accept it, then looks daggers at Vio when she suggests that Luci keep it. Luci’s going to send it to his apt. She doesn’t want anything that reminds her of him. (I notice that she is back to her cute pueblo clothes and ballet flats.) She doesn’t yet know what she’s going to do. Estella knocks and tells Luci her mama’s on the phone. Luci looks like she’s walking the plank as she follows Estella to her apartment.

The guys at the office think Rod must mean they have just postponed the wedding. He tells them it is cancelled, and gives no further explanation.

On the phone, Luci tries to distract her mom by asking about Ariche. She’s struggling to hold back tears and to keep her voice even. Paz tells Luci that she needs to have a serious talk with Rod. Luci starts getting nervous. “Why? What did he do?” Paz explains that Rod sent her a huge money transfer/wire (giro). Paz can’t accept money from Luci’s husband. Luci gets worked up and tells her mom not to accept a cent of that money. Paz had no intention of doing so. Luci apologizes because she knows her mama wouldn’t do that. Paz asks when she and Rod are coming to get her, Magda and Ariche. Luci almost totally loses it. She starts crying silently, but then changes her mind about truth telling. She gives her mama Lorenzo’s story about postponing the wedding until after Pato’s surgery and recovery. Paz then asks if Lorenzo is ok and if he’s gotten himself in any trouble. Luci lies to her mama again and says everything is hunky dory. Then she rushes off the phone. Paz gives her the blessing, but when she hangs up she tells Theo that Luci sounded really sad (tristona) and out of it (apagada) to her. A mother knows when something bad has happened to their child. She asks Theo if she can come back later to make another call. It’s no problem for big cuddly Theo-bear.

Luci fondles her wedding ring and cries.

Frigida is showing Mati the magazine and saying that Luci deserved what she got. Mati says her poor Luci didn’t deserve this or the way she’s been treated since she got to this house. Frigida tells her to watch her tone, since the person behind it is HER patrona, who happens to be Mati’s patrona too. Frigida tries to threaten that Mati will get her butt fired if she keeps speaking this way about Rosa. Mati sets her straight. Frigida shouldn’t even dare think that she can come between Mati and her niña Rosa.  She’s known her since she was born. The first one out the door would be Frigida, not Mati.  Well, if you know her so well and love her so much, you wouldn’t be making those comments against her behind her back.”  (Yeah Mati, time to start saying this stuff to Rosa’s face.)

Rod calls Max, who’s in the hospital waiting room with Rosa, and gets the Pato update. They are still doing tests today, so the operation will be tomorrow, first thing in the morning. Rod says he’s going to Boston to be with his brother. Max then asks if he wants to speak with his mama. Rod gives a firm no.  He’ll call later to talk to Pato. After he hangs up, Rosa rushes up to Max and nervously asks what Rod told him. She realizes that he didn’t want to speak to her.

Rod relays the news to the office guys, that he’s going to Boston (instead of trying to rescue his marriage to Luci). Marcos and Gabriel are open-mouthed impactados. Oscar springs up in disgust and leaves Rod’s office.

Gala and her assistant are looking over layouts for the next edition of the magazine. Gala doesn’t like the photos. They aren’t as impactful as the last issue. The assistant agrees that the last edition was quite popular. It sold record numbers. Valentina and Fernanda come in to take Gala out to lunch and to get the most updated Rod-Luci gossip. Gala happily tells them that Rod and Luci are broken up for good, and she heard it straight from the horse’s ass’s mouth (Rod). He came to her apartment like a wounded animal. He was destroyed. He and Luci are NEVER getting back together. Valentina wisely tells Gala to never say never, about Rod and Luci making up. “Ya Valentonta! Ya!” (LOL! If I actually hated Vale, I would use Gala’s clever nickname for her.) Gala tells her to leave and make her comments elsewhere, if she’s going to continue to make sense. But Gala will not let her ruin her day. She gloats that Luci made this all so easy by keeping silent about all this stuff. She dug her own grave.

Speaking of graves, the cemetery caretaker is digging up a few in order to get and plant those baby clothes in Aurora’s tomb, on Rosa’s orders.

Luci looks over her secondary school enrollment/exams papers, when with perfect timing, Hannah and Melissa show up at her door. They want to know what happened and why she and Rod fought.

In the Boston hospital waiting room, Max is wondering if Luci will come to Boston, since it would do Pato good to have her there. Rosa snippily asks why it would be important to her. (Uhm, maybe because it has to do with your son’s well-being!) She coldly says he should ask Rod, while she flips through a magazine. Max looks at her like she has two heads. Then he suggests that since they are in this good hospital, they should get her a check up to try to figure out what is impeding her from being happy. She’s saved from having to think up a good come back when her phone rings. It’s the cemetery caretaker telling her the job is done. Since her policy is to block all the bad things SHE has done from her mind so that she can play the saint, this call upsets her apple cart. She starts yelling at the man that she doesn’t want to hear it or know about it! She’ll call him later. Max is mighty perplexed about all of this. He demands to know who she was speaking with who upset her so much (alterar).  “What are you plotting (tramando) now Rosalena?!” She refuses to respond, and Max grabs her arm and demands an answer. She reminds him where they are, and says it’s not the place nor the time for an argument. 
M: You are my wife and you owe me respect. I am getting tired of you plotting things all on your own.  You’ve shown me that you’re not worthy of my trust.
R: And are you (worthy of my trust)? After what you did to Claudio Linares? Have you forgotten?
M: That’s in the past!  You keep digging it up to make my life impossible/give me a hard time.
R: Well we’ll see if life is the same when the truth about the fraud is discovered!
The doctor interrupts to give them the update on Pato, who has also come out with him. Everything  is ready for the surgery tomorrow, and Pato needs lots of rest beforehand. Max leaves with the doctor to get more details. Rosa reiterates to Pato that he needs to rest. Pato agrees, but he would have liked for Rod and Luci to be there. “You don’t need them! Neither of them!” (Bitch.) She then tells him he made this decision to have the surgery on his own, and it will go well. Pato knows, but is sad that he will miss Rod and Luci’s wedding. He would have so liked to share in Rod’s happiness and see Luci looking beautiful in her wedding dress. Rosa says nothing and looks constipated.

H&M haven’t gotten far in getting info out of Luci. Like Rod, all she says is that they broke up. Melissa doesn’t believe there’s nothing more to it. They wouldn’t have just gotten angry at each other, just like that. They’re already married, and a simple quarrel (pleito) wouldn’t put an end to that. Luci admits it wasn’t a simple quarrel. She shows them the magazine and admits the cover girl is her. Hannah is livid that they would do this to Luci. Luci explains that they threw the accusations at her in such a way that she couldn’t defend herself. She can’t understand how they even got photos since she doesn’t remember taking any and was only there one night. Melissa explains that those places have security cameras which made it easy for them to capture images of her. Melissa has it all figured out. All of this was planned by Gala and Julie, with support from Auntie Rosa. Hannah asks what the heck is wrong with her mother. She never thought she would go this far. She apologizes to Luci. “She’s always hated me, and if I gave her reasons to hate me more, well it’s even worse.”  Melissa takes Luci’s hands and asks how they can help. Luci is completely defeated. They can’t help. Her marriage is over. Melissa thinks Rod is just confused and will soon reconsider (recapacitar). Hannah thinks their love is too great to be defeated.  Melissa hugs Luci.

At the office, Gabriel and Marcos browbeat Rod into having dinner at his place that night. His cell phone rings and it cute as a button Ariche wanting to talk to his buddy Rod. He remembers the vow he made to Ariche to take care of Luci, and takes hold of the ball Ariche gifted him. (I hope the guilt is starting to sink in.) Ariche asks when Rod is coming for them for the wedding, and we have a repeat of the Luci-Paz conversation. He tells Ariche they have delayed the wedding for Pato’s operation and recuperation. Ariche agrees to wait, but tells him not to be too long. He’s already got his new sandals and white clothes for the wedding. Ariche asks Rod to pass the phone to Luci. Rod explains that Luci isn’t there with him. Ariche asks Rod to tell Luci that he loves her and misses her, and he loves and misses Rod too. (I really hope that guilt is sinking in deep.) “Adios amigo!” Rod tells Ariche that he loves him too. After he hangs up, Ariche happily continues his flute lessons with Theo-bear. (Is there a good young woman in Het Het for Theo? I am really starting to like the big guy.) Rod meanwhile cries into the ball, then angrily takes his copy of the magazine and rips it to shreds.

Julie, Gala, Valentina and Fernanda have gone out for a celebratory lunch. Julie has ordered champagne for them all, and Valentina, ever the ditsy voice of wisdom, asks why Julie always drinks champagne. Julie answers that there is an infinite limit to the amount of champagne she can drink. She’s always celebrating being alive. Gala is happy picturing how destroyed that domestica (drink!) must be.  Valentina (bless her heart), asks why they keep calling Luci la domestica, when she no longer is. Gala says because that’s what she is, that’s what she’ll go back to being. The only thing she knows how to do is to scrub (fregar) floors, and pester (fregar) people.  (Oh, Gala. You are so clever.) Julie just wants her to go already, to her pueblo or to another continent. Valentina, who is living up to the meaning of her name, bravely points out that they shouldn’t say domestica with such scorn, because domestic workers are the most important people in a house. Julie has them toast to that.

Mati calls Estella. Estella reports that Luci told her mom that she and Rod are postponing the wedding for now.  Mati doesn’t like this one bit. She’s coming to Estella’s that afternoon because she has to speak with Luci.

Upstairs, Hannah is telling Luci that she is her sister-in-law, and no matter what, they are family. She begs her not to forget that. Melissa tells her to think about what they said, and not to lose the opportunity to clear things up with Rod. Luci says he won’t listen and starts to freak out. Hannah recommends that she go speak to Padre Honesto who can help calm her down. Luci thanks them both. Just then, Vio comes in. She starts spoiling for a fight when she sees H&M, wrongly assuming that they have come to give Luci a hard time and are taking the b/witches’ side. They ignore her and Melissa tells Luci that she hopes soon Rod realizes what an amazing woman she is. Melissa hugs her and Luci bursts into tears. Hannah strokes her hair.

Aldo is in his office/closet on the phone berating the security desk for not letting his friends Lorenzo and Fabian up to see him. Apparently he doesn’t have authorization to allow visitors. Aldo angrily calls Oscar who confirms that he doesn’t have authorization. But isn’t he the manager of corporate services (glorified office supplies manager)? Oscar says he’ll tell security to let his friends up.

H&M are outside of Luci’s apartment lamenting the whole situation. Melissa says men are so reactive/hot-headed (viscerales) and Rod is no different. Hannah thinks it’s so not cool (mala onda) for Rod to believe those b/witches over Luci. Neither one of them believes Gala’s story that she didn’t plan it all and just wants Rod to know the truth. Melissa knows Gala was behind it all, and says they will prove it to Rod. Hannah doesn’t think it’s fair that Luci is suffering like this, but Melissa points out that Rod is likely suffering too (through his own stupidity). “And you know what? We’re going to see to it that he suffers more.”

Lorenzo tells Aldo about Ivan and Lastra being serious about having him thrown in jail. Aldo tells him not to worry. He’ll take care of it. Fabian wants to know how he thinks he’s going to control Lastra. He’s not going to speak to Lastra. He’s going to speak to the owner of Inferno. Oscar interrupts and Aldo introduces them. Oscar only stays long enough to tell Aldo to please wear a tie (corbata). He takes a call from Connie. They make plans to have lunch.

Luchita is telling the gossip ladies that she is missing Don Aquiles.  He’s a manly man, who a woman can’t forget, like Pedro Armendáriz. (She’s likely talking about P.A. Sr., but it made me think of P.A. Jr. whom we just lost.  RIP Don Pedro!) The gossip ladies aren’t sold on the comparison, but Luchita says they don’t know him *intimately* like she does. It hurts her that he’s gone chasing after his Palomita.

Paz breaks the news of the postponed wedding to Magda, who is bummed. Paz isn’t worried about that so much, but she has a bad feeling, like a sadness or anguish deep in her soul. A mother is never wrong. They decide to put away their wedding dresses so that they don’t get dusty.

Genaro runs into the house after Frigida offering to help her with the groceries. Instead of thanking him, she berates him for not calling her Señorita (an understandable error) and for offering too late. Nice guy Genaro helps her anyway. Connie tells Mati that she won’t be having lunch at home, so it looks like no one will be there for the meal. Once Frigida is out of earshot, Connie reminds Mati that they are the only ones who know Rosa’s secret, and they can’t allow her to hurt Luci. If Rod and Luci break up because of Rosa, then she’s going to tell Rod and Luci the truth. Mati doesn’t like hearing this. (Oh, how I wish to slap her.) “We promised.” Connie acknowledges that they promised to keep quiet about Rosa’s past crime, but that doesn’t mean they should keep quiet about these new injustices. They can no longer allow it. Mati doesn’t look convinced.

Luci meets with Padre Honesto in his office and tells him the wedding is off. She tells him everything—her father’s death, the debt, Don Aquiles, her flight to D.F. Padre thinks it was destiny that brought her to D.F., but what does this have to do with breaking up with Rod? Luci continues to explain about being desperate for work and taking a job she shouldn’t have at Inferno, Rod defending her without recognizing her, meeting Rod and Pato in Het Het before, and Lastra’s accusations of theft. “Damn girl. You’ve had sh*tty luck!” (OK. The good Padre didn’t say it *exactly* like that, but that’s what he meant.) Luci explains that it was after all of this that she began working at Casa Torreslanda. Padre asks if she explained all of this to Rod. Nope. Rosa and Gala took it upon themselves to do so, adding pictures and false accusations of theft. She swears to the Padre that she never stole anything. The Padre is not stupid like Rod, so of course he doesn’t believe it, but he points out to Luci that none of this would have happened had she just been up front with Rod from the get go. Luci agrees that she didn’t do things as she should have. Of course Rod walks in right at that moment, just in time to hear Luci say: “I wasn’t sincere with Rodrigo. I deceived him. (engañar) Now I don’t know what to do.” Padre hugs her. Rod gets angry all over again. He makes his presence known by saying good afternoon only to the Padre. He gives Luci an angry glare.

In Boston (we know it’s the U.S. because some Black actors have been dropped into the background), Pato, Max and Rosa have lunch. Pato wants to talk to his siblings. Rosa tells them not to call Hannah, who should be busy in classes. (More like she will blab about what her mama did.) Max decides to call Rod instead, and both he and Pato hope that Luci is with him. Rosa stares coldly into the distance.

Padre Honesto explains to Rod that Luci is telling him how they met. Rod rudely cuts him off and says he knows the story already. He doesn’t have time to listen to him right now because he’s in a hurry. Luci wants to know why he came then. He says to tell the Padre that they are changing the date of their wedding. Luci pushes him to just tell the Padre the truth-- that there will be no wedding. They stare daggers at each other. Rod’s phone rings. Max tells him that Pato is eager to speak to him and Luci. Is she with him? Uhm…Rod looks over to Luci and says they are with Padre Honesto. Max relays this news to Pato and Rosa. Rosa’s eyes go wide. (What could be going on in that crazy brain of hers right now? “Oh crap! Did they make up? Are they telling Padre what I did? Is Padre telling them what I did long ago?”)

Genaro helps Mati put the groceries away while Frigida bitches at them, while doing nothing. Mati asks Genaro to take her to her sister’s place. Frigida thinks that Mati is skiving off while the patrona is away, and surely she is just going to see Luci to get the gossip. Mati ignores her, takes Genaro’s arm, and leaves. Frigida is freaked about being left all alone in the house. She immediately calls Gala to report that Mati went to see Luci. Gala doesn’t give a flying fig. What she does want Frigida to pay attention to are calls from Boston, because Pato could sway Rod back to Luci.

H&M go back to the bridal shop and say they have come to buy the dress Luci tried on, and they want to have it delivered.

At lunch, Julie is ready to plan Gala’s second attempt at a wedding with Rod. They could have it on a yacht! Gala says she doesn’t want to pressure Rod; she wants to give him time. Valentina says that’s wise, otherwise Rod might ditch her at the altar yet again. Gala’s and Julie’s smiles turn upside down. Valentina wants to know why they’re looking at her like that, since she’s right. Julies says of course she is NOT right. This time Rod WILL marry Gala. Gala says she needs to think of a plan to give Rod a little push (in her direction). Julie is all for planning/plotting. She points out that she and Gala make a great team.  For now, she offers a champagne toast to Luci and Rod’s failed wedding. Just then, Connie and Oscar walk in. “Are we interrupting or can we join your celebration?”Julie tells them to sit. Oscar looks at Connie like he can’t believe she’s gotten them into this situation.

Paz heads to Don Serapio’s to call Luci and Lorenzo. She hopes to speak to Lorenzo this time since he is no good at lying to her. Magda goes too, in hopes of speaking to Vio.

Rod tells Pato that Luci is with him and asks about plans for the operation. Pato is optimistic. Rod says he will be there first thing in the morning. “And Luci? Is she coming with you?” Rosa’s eyes go as wide as saucers. Rod says he hasn’t spoken to Luci about it. Pato wants to speak with her. Before he hands over the phone, Rod begs Luci not to tell Pato about what’s going on. Pato tells Luci he would like it so much if she came with Rod. Luci makes the excuse that she doesn’t have travel papers (passport, visa, etc.). Pato thinks they can have that taken care of with Max’s contacts in the embassy. Max is taking mental note and seems to be ready to do what it takes. Rosa looks like she’s seen a ghost. Luci is flustered and leaves the room to continue the conversation. She tells Pato that she doesn’t want to cause trouble with such a complicated process. In all likelihood, she won’t be there with him, but she promises that she will light a candle for him and pray to the Virgin for him. Pato says hearing her say this makes him feel more at peace.

Meanwhile, Padre is begging Rod to come back and speak with him about Luci. That’s why he came, but he doesn’t think it’s the right moment with Luci here. Padre wants to know if he’s already forgotten the talk they had about TRUST. Rod says he hasn’t forgotten, but it’s obvious that Luci has. Luci walks back into the room and gives the phone back to Rod. He continues to speak to Pato. Luci tells Padre she’ll come back another day. In any case, Rod has already told him that there will be no wedding. Padre asks her to wait. Luci rushes out in tears, and for a second it looks like Rod will rush after her. Pato tells Rod that he’s the luckiest man in the world to have a woman like Luci at his side. She’ll make him happy the rest of the days of his life. Rosa gets her crazy eyes. Rod looks guilty.

Avances: Gala and Julie make another plan. Rod tells Pato that Luci lied to them. Paz tells someone on the phone that she's the one Rosa gave the baby to. Rod cries into Luci's wedding dress. Luci faints into H&M's arms.


Vivi, great recap.

Well, it is official, Rod is DEAD to me. He is becoming more like his mother with every episode. He that hateful Gala deserve to be chained to each other for eternity.

I love H&M, what sweet, loving girls.

Aldo, is also becoming one of my favorites. He takes his new office with the supplies, all in stride. He is going to end up owning dear Max. Why is Oscar so hateful to Aldo? Oscar is out wooing Connie and has treated her son like something that needs to be scrapped off his shoe.

Rosemary Primera

Hey Rosemary Primera! Thanks for being the first to comment. I don't think Oscar hates Aldo. But Aldo is lazy and really immature. I think Oscar values hard work and maturity, and Aldo lacks these qualities, right now. I think once/if Aldo starts showing some initiative to do things the right way, with hard work, then Oscar will start to treat him with more respect. Even Connie acknowledges that Aldo is an immature troublemaker, and she worries about him. He might benefit from someone like Oscar mentoring him.


I don't think Oscar's method is working. The carrot approach might get better results than an office in the broom closet.

I also think Aldo is very bright and his lazy, immature persona is all an act so that no will suspect what he is really up to. I bet before it is all over, he is on team Claudio with is sister. Connie really did a great job of raising those two even if she doesn't know right now.

I also like the voice reason, Valentina, I think that is her name. She and Aldo could get into some real trouble if they met.

I wonder if Gala's magazine is going to turn into the Mexican version of the National Enquirer! The Inferno Special Edition was a best seller after all.

Primera Rosemary

Rosemary- I agree that Oscar needs to try a different approach with Aldo. All the right qualities are there (you're right that Connie did a great job as a sinlge mom), but Aldo needs more guidance. I think a good man taking Aldo under his wing would do a whole lot of good. Right now, all the older men in his life just dismiss and underestimate him.

I haven't finished this yet but when you commented about Rosaelena's shoes, I had to post these.

And these for Julie.

Now back to reading.

Wow, it's up already. Vivi, you must have been working on this all weekend. What heavy episodes you got. Haven't read the recap yet, but I need to get this out.

I hope someone can help:

WHAT was the music they were playing when Rod turned it on when he started to mope in the first hour; we heard it while we see Luci sitting on her couch and then Rod turns off the music when he rushes out to see Gala. It sounded very Celtic to me--and gorgeous--and kinda sad and appropriate.

Roselena was at the top of her game tonight, wasn't she...until she heard Rod telling Pato that he and Luci were with the Padre. Her look was priceless.

Be back tomorrow, after I've read the recap.

thanks for the recap vivi, really enjoyed it

I always enjoy valentina's comments when they're having their witch fest. I think we should start calling her valentina the wise. I just dont know how she can be friends with people who always shush her tho.

on a side note, i'm also liking these people who have these small roles. like copio, genaro, theo, etc. you kind of mentioned them in your recap and agree. I think that these small detailed characters were done well, and show how well this tn was made. (dont know if that makes sense to anybody else)

yep its official, looks like rod is the only one dumb enough to fall for the trap. everybody else seems smart enough to know what really went down.

it was quite sad the way luci looked truly defeated by the end of the night, but I really liked her character more by the end of the epi.

fav line of the night
“Damn girl. You’ve had sh*tty luck!” (OK. The good Padre didn’t say it *exactly* like that, but that’s what he meant.) LOL


Anita- I made note of the sad music, but have no idea what it was. Maybe Urban can help. She's good at that kind of stuff. You and Madeliane has the explosive episodes. I got the sad aftermath.

jlk- I know what you mean about all the small characters. They seem to have lives of their own and really fill out the story, making it feel more real and substantial. And they don't feel extraneous. I like Valentina the Wise (and the Brave). She really needs new friends. I wish I liked Fernanda too, because they are both dating Marcos and Gabriel, and I like both of those guys.

I love that NO ONE else is buying what Gala, Julie and Rosa are selling about Luci. Just stupid Rod. *sigh*

Oh, Vivi this was great amiga. You always do wonderful recaps. ITA with all of you about Valentina. I wish she would dump Gala and co and be friends with Melissa and Hanna. They could be great friends.

ITA about the minor characters. They add some good things to this TN.

I am hearting Don A here, I have to say. What a nice thing he did for Luci, even though he showed up uninvited at her door. It almost looked like the wanted to hug her and let her cry on his shoulder. He is turning out to be a better person than I thought. He would have taken care of Rod and Lastra if he knew the whole truth about Lastra lying.

Rod is still DEAD TO ME too. What an imbecile, I have to say. All talk and no listening. He doesn't listen to Padre, or his friends or Hanna or anyone but those b/witches. You really thing when you love someone you would let them defend themselves.

Those b/witches deserve everything coming their way eventually. They think they have everything figured out and everything is working out for them. Did you hear Gala say No Manches? That made me laugh. Hopefully Conny steps up to do something to railroad Gala, Julie and Rosa especially. Mati is making me mad too. She needs to speak like yesterday already.

Rosa did look like Sharon Stone, and the poor pilot waiting for an answer and she just sits and stares. I thought she would have a coniption fit when she found out Rod and Luci were with Padre Honesto. I wish in a way Luci would go to Boston, it would serve Rosa right and she would go over the edge.

I told y'all Gala says servienta or domestica like a dozen times each epi if not more. The funny thing is, Luci is far from a domestica really. Daughter of Claudio and Aurora. Wait till they find that out. It will take a long time for that to be revealed. Won't they be eating their words then. I can't wait for that. And Rosa has known this all along and still treats Luci like she is some uneducated chacha. That is what annoys me the most. And to top it off, Rosa wasn't always rich either. What a hypocrite.

That was gross about the caretaker digging up those clothes and putting them in Aurora's grave. Yuk.

Poor Dona Luchita she does have it bad for Don A doesn't she. She even talked to the Chisme Ladies about that, lol.

No clue about the music; what was getting me is that Rod fell for this whole thing much too easily.

Rosaelena is like so many nouveau riche: So insecure of her own position she has to overcompensate and become a bigger snob than anyone who truly is to the manor born. Julie and Gala are not much better on this issue.

Predicting that Valentina won't stay friends with Gala till the end.

The truly horrid thing about Rosaelena is her sadism, where she is no better than Frigida. She enjoyed the whole inquisition, which will upset the Padre. I expect him to start telling her that she is violating the spirit of her faith, but she will not listen to him.

Thanks Madelaine. I agree about Rod. Everyone can see that he is overreacting and letting himself be manipulated by the b/witches, execpt him. But then he even says it to Gala, so he DOES realize it at some level.

Is it his pride that's hurt? What's he really upset about? Does he really believe Luci is a loose woman? Does he think she's a scam artist? Does he think her family members and friends are grifters? Does he really think she's a thief? Everyone who has spent any time with Luci and her family/friends knows this is totally ridiculous, so they know there is a logical explanation for why Luci kept quiet about her one night at Inferno, and know that all the rest is just lies. Rod, who has spent more time with her and her family than anyone else, should be even more convinced of this. Sure, he can be annoyed that she didn't tell him about the Inferno thing. But being enraged about it and driven to end their marriage? Chill dude!

Urban- Those shoes would fit Rosa perfectly. LOL! She is positively glowing after ripping Luci to shreds. She is indeed an emotional vampire.

I hope Padre Honesto rips her a new one over that.

Thanks Vivi for your wonderfully detailed recaps. What dedication for 2 hour episodes!

It's hard to explain Rod other than he is an emotional, self-centered hothead. Why Luci was ever attracted to him is beyond me. He pursued Luci, made a thousand elaborate promises (which fell far too easily from his lips), and put her on some kind of pedestal. He knows that Lastra is trash, yet he listens to anything the man says? A picture of his wife working in a nightclub he himself has visited is enough to knock her off his imaginary pedestal? I assume he didn't realize that his wife was "pure" when they finally "did it", but still it's hard to mistake sexual inexperience at least. Kind of hard to think your wife is a "slut" when she's never been with another man, unless you're CLUELESS.

His tasteless sending money to everyone is annoying too, as is his assuming that traditional Luci should just adapt to his uber-modern apartment that Gala redecorated, and to his ultra-luxury lifestyle. It's really hard to understand what it was he expected from this simple small-town girl. He spent plenty of time in that town too - he knows where she came from and how little time she had spent in the big city.

But of course it all had to be set up this way (stupid, blind galan) for there to be any story. I was dreading it from the beginning. And I suppose Soto was a good cast because he is particularly unappealing in this role. I really wish we knew that Luci would end up with sweet Pato, but that apparently goes against TN plot rules.

The only thing I'm going to enjoy is seeing Rod suffer when he realizes what he so easily and casually threw away.

Scintillating recap.

She done mi wrong, yada yada yada. Rod, your brain has taken a text book Novela turn to mush believing Gala, Julie and Mothra over your wife. "I want to spend the rest of my life with." Such a short life span you have, dude. Man up for heaven sake. Poor thing, he's been betrayed. Well, me thinks you betrayed Luci by not telling her your past...that you are a braying donkey of stupidity and pride.

Padre Honesto must be asking God what he did to deserve this.

Mothra's facial expressions were top notch especially "contispated."

Well team Luic is being formed and it is going to fun to watch Melissa's brain at work and Hanna's hubris...the wedding dress sent to Rod won't be enough to take the brain out of the jar and put it back in but I'll bet Hanna is planning some neat stuff for Gala.

Audrey You are right Rod is totally clueless. I think when they did it for the first time, it was in a stream, so maybe he didn't notice. Luci didn't do it with Rod right away either. She held back quite a while and wouldn't do it, cause she wanted to be married in the church first. That should have been his first big clue, plus she wanted to honor her promise to her Mama.

The other reason Rod is such an imbecile, is when he got her that new wallet with all the money and credit card/bank card and she wouldn't take it and tried to give it back to him. She didn't want to accept these from him. He had to tell her it belonged to her, and still she never used it or spent that money. She really beleives in working for her own money and he knows this deep down. If there had been someone to defend Luci the day the b/witches all pounced on Luci he might have thought twice. Speaking of that, defending Luci, didn't he think it was odd there was noone to defend her? I hate that he sees things in just black and white, there is no gray for him. It really bothers me he never let her explain her side of the story, and besides he probably wouldn't have beleived her. Look at Conny and Hanna and Melissa, they are all on her side without really knowing the whole story. Even Oscar I think is on her side without knowing any of the story. I also agree with Audrey he will really regret what he tossed away so easily.

Audrey- ITA. The boy is clueless!

Like you and Madelaine, I also don't like the way he keeps forcing his money on Luci and her family. And it's just tacky that he wants them to set up home in that cold apartment that Gala decorated-- an apartment that doesn't fit Luci's personality in the least. A small/decent sized nice house with a garden is probably the same amount of money or less in D.F.

I guess if the writers are going to have Rod not realize he was Luci's first, then they are going to pull out the "maybe it isn't mine card" if he learns she's pregnant? Ugh - I hate those horrid cliches. [Which kind of begs the question of why do I watch? LOL!] And it would be so stupid too since in this story it's easy to account for the timing. Better he never learns of the pregnancy and she can be left in peace for a while at least.

Well, I guess I had better not torture myself anticipating cliches that might never happen, LOL! But something about this TN has stupid cliches stamped all over it.

I'm not going to jump to the conclusion that Rod thinks Luci is a slut who has slept around with others. He has only accused her to her face of being a liar, and questioned whether she may be a thief. But one devil costume does not make one a slut. That would be one crazy assumption to make.

Even the thief thing should be debunked in Rod's mind since Luci won't even accept a wallet filled with cash, cards, and checks which have her name on them!

Vivi how right you are. She even tried to give him back all that stuff last night and he wouldn't take it for heaven's sake. He is so stupid!!!! It's frustrating. Pato would have figured it all out by now if he knew. Really Pato has a lot of the clues and he is so great about putting two and two together, not about the antro, but about Aurora looking or reminding Rosa of Aurora, if Pato had just a few more clues he would have figured out why Rosa is so hell bent on getting rid of Luci. I swear Pato, Hanna, and Melissa should open a P.I. agency, they are soooo good about ferreting things out. Plus Hanna and Melissa hate any type of injustice. Wait till they find out exactly what happened.

About Rod's apartment. I thought that is why Rod and Luci went to that huge store recently to maybe change the furnishings. You are right though Vivi, Luci would be happier with a little house and garden and maybe a small studio where she could do her ceramics.

Vivi---Thank-you so much for the recap. Trying to figure out what was happening last night was hard, I got very little. With your recap, I now understand--thank-you again. Much appreciated.

I know that everyone is different but I couldn't believe Lucy last night when Rod came to see her--I guess that she was still in shock after what she went through at the inquisition but if it was me, I would have yelled my head off and thrown everything in the apartment at him. To bad she didn't have an anvil to throw at his dense head.

I still believe that Hot Bod Rod will be back in bruja Gala's bed soon. He's that dumb and will fall for whatever plan she throws at him.

I really like Millisa, Hannah and Connie. I hope they will be a big help soon.

Audrey---Maybe it isn't mine. NO NO PLEASE NO!!
the gringo

Great recap Vivi.Thanks. You must have read my mind." Listen Rod, I don’t care if you take your shirt off, for no discernable reason, and flex your well developed pecs at me as you weep and gnash your teeth in anguish. I will not be swayed by your manly, chiseled, sculpted physique! You are still dead to me." I could not have said it better.I am hating him as I admire his body.Poor Luci probably feeling the same way. Oh and Mati seriously needs to be slapped.In a way she is no better than Frigid. Her loyalty to Rosa blinds her completely.The woman could commit murder and she'll still defend her. Connie has redeemed herself in my book.H&M are awesome.


Thanks for the recap Vivi. It must be the same set of writers over at Abismo. The lovers who are/are not half-siblings; hateful mothers; simple-minded galans; ex-fiancees waiting in the wings; male friends who are better suited (Pato y Gael); best-friends spurned by their lovers; etc.


Gringo- I think Luci was close to throwing that box at Rod's head. I certainly wanted to. But she showed real restraint and dignity. I think she was also just emotionally drained and exhausted.

Olive- Yeah, I couldn't believe how Mati kept going on about the damn promise they made to Rosa. What about the promises Rosa has made them and the Padre about telling the truth? What about the promise Mati made to Padre Honesto? What about doing what is just and fair?

Someone should introduce Valentina to Pato. She'd be good for him since he can't have Luci. The boys at work can find other women (and get rid of Fernanda).

Connie was threatening Rosa at one time that she'd tell Claudio about Luci. I hope she follows through on this. Someone has to get this stuff out in the open and she's the only one to do it. Her and the kids (except the idiot one Rod).

If Rosa keeps her nose in the air like she's been doing, she may need surgery too. That's got to hurt her neck.


Yeah Yola. But Luci has a way larger circle of support than Elisa over on Abismo does. And her circle is more proactive, thank goodness! Luci also at least got to sample the goods with Rod (which likely has its own consequences) before things went south. Elisa has only got a few fervent kisses. That just sucks. :)

Kelly- LOL about Rosa's neck. The woman has many issues that need a doctor's attention.

I'm pretty sure Pato and Vale have met since they are in the same close circle of friends/family/colleagues. Since he doesn't like Gala, he has probably dimissed Vale since she is one of Gala's bffs, and has not had deep conversations with her. Although she has a good heart, is honest, and has good instincts, I think she may still be too much of a fresa and materialistic for Pato.

Can't wait to see what H&M cook up for JulGala (my new name for Jules & Gala...feel free to use it folks) and company. Those two girls are so sweet.

Luci will head back to BFE and it'll be Vio who will give the box & ring back to Rod..and givin him a blistering earful at the same time.

I think when Conny hears Luci is headed back to BFE (what is left in the Big City for her now??), Conny & Mati will spill the whole Claudio/Aurora/Rosa story because they'll feel Luci deserves to know the truth at least.

If Rod tells Pato the truth about him & Luci, I don't think Pato will believe the lies his mama & JulGala told Rod. Pato is more wise than that..and observant too.

Lord help Rosa when Max finds out her double dirty dealings. But that could be the pot calling the kettle black ...LOL (feel free to use that one too in any future recaps)

Here's what I think: Luci will head back to the stix, meet TheoBear and hang out as friends with him. Bout that same time ole Hot Bod Rod will chillout, cool off and come to his senses (like most men do when their ladies tick them off) and come to BFE wanting his lady back...only to find there is competition for her.


Thanks, Vivi. You and all the recappers so so much for those of us who understand so little.

I'm thinking that Valentina may be the hinge to this thing. She is in the enemy camp, but is dating a colleague of Rod's. She's bound to mention the smackdown and how it came about. I really like her and her fresa wisdom. She's too good for that bunch of harpies.

How about a garden apartment? Or do those exist in Mexico City? I can't see Luci even being willing to live in anything Gala chose.

That assumes she won't drop Rod on his butt, which she should do.

The thing is, Gala referred to her as a slut in front of Rod last night, right?, and Rod didn't correct her. And I think the cualquiera (loose woman) accusation has come up more than once, I think. Hasn't Rosa used that term in Rod's presence? That's why I assume Rod believes them on some level even though it's a ridiculous leap.

Rod is so dense not to investigate any further. In many ways he is more like his mother--he's not going to accept any fault or guilt in the break-up (narcissistic genes passed down to the next generation?). It's all going to be Luci's fault for not being up front with him and telling him all her little secrets.

His defenses are certainly down and Gala is playing him just right. reel him in a little at a time until he doesn't realize he's caught.

Agree with others, it won't be long before he seeks solace in a known quality (does he even remember how nasty she can be?) rather than question his own motives. Luci will continue to be the one who rejected HIM.

Can't Rod count up the number of people in her corner as opposed to the ones lined up against her? And Pato, too! Think dunderhead, think.

Oh, I see Rod did defend Luci when she called her a slut. I missed that he did and that's why I thought otherwise.

So, basically, he only broke up with her because she didn't tell him about the nightclub (when they weren't even a couple)?

Yep Audrey. He got upset when the word slut was dropped. That's why it's so ridiculous that he's mainly mad that she didn't tell him that she worked at Inferno, ONE bloody night, and that she's the girl he defended. Oh, and I guess he's upset that she never told him she's friends with Claudio, which is ridiculous since most of the people in his house/family know she's friends with Claudio.

Hey Emilia! I hope that Valentina does help bring the downfall of the harpies. That would be great.

Paula- I love your Luci/TheoBear hookup in Het Het. He certainly would never behave like hot head Rod.

Bastard! I couldn't believe how DimRod snapped at the priest. The good Parer has Luci's whole story as do J&M. Someone has to sit the blockhead down and tell him the story. Luci can't because he won't listen. Frankly had it been me that box would have been pitched at his head and failing that it would be in the mail ASAP. I'm not sure that Rod realizes how insulting it is to these proud people to throw money at them. I think he thinks he is just helping them. Having been given everything he wanted his whole life he has no concept of people who work for that they want and need.

Can't help thinking that if he had given Gala that box with a nice shinny credit card and a wad of bills that she would have maxed out the card the next day and Julie would have helped her spend the money.

I almost wished that Luci had agreed to go to Boston and made Rod's life hell on the plane and think of the fun she could have had walking in with him in front of Rosa. Then again she is a much nicer girl than I would be in the circumstances.

What was with the gravedigger calling. I though i heard him say that the Senora's bones were gone. Rosa was upset by what ever he said so her dirty little plan isn't working.

I like how Conny told Mati that if hRosa had anything to do with the problem between Luci and Rod she was not going to keep the secret any longer. Now that Jana and Melissa know what happened let's see what she does.

I do wish Paz would stop babbling on about feeling something is wrong and just get on a damn bus and head to the DF.

Julie and Gala are certainly smug in celebrating and have the gall t start planning a wedding when there has been no divorce. Talk about counting your chickens before they hatch.

As for Rod, he will remain dead to me no matter what he does. He is a sniveling weakling with his head up his a**. People that jump to conclusions on flimsy evidence, who don't give someone a chance to tell what happened drive me insane. He doesn't deserve Luci and why she was attracted to him when Pato was nearby is a total mystery to me. If nothing else he is too old for her.

UA- There are some cute homes in the Condesa neighborhood not too far from the center. It's trendy enough and I'm sure some have gardens in the back. Rod can certainly afford them. And they surround a park so lots of green. It really wouldn't take much effort for Rod to find something more suitable to his wife, once he's done being a butthead of course. Maybe in 3 months they can start looking for a realtor.


Hey Decie Girl! The caretaker was calling to say the job was a success. Rosa was just upset that he would dare call her while she was trying to convince herself and everyone else that she is Ms. Perfect Saint. Can't have reality creeping in.

Kelly- La Condesa is a fabulous neighborhood for the young and upcoming. I stayed in a lovely 3 bedroom apt with a beautiful courtyard for a few weeks a few years ago in that neighborhood. A friend of mine was living and working in D.F. for a year. That would be a cool neighborhood for Rod and Luci.

Stunning recap, Vivi, so many good lines, so much funny, I laughed through most of it. Yeah, Rod is such a bozo right now.
I wonder if anyone will be fooled by the baby's clothes in the casket. Probably, in TNs people are easily fooled by things.

Holy Posole!

Is there any way we, the faithful viewers, can petition the TN writers and plead our case to have Rod the Bod pushed over a cliff and then replace him with Pato as the love interest for the remainder of this show?

I've about had it with him.

They need to at least throw us a bone, maybe by having Rigida get caught in the act by someone who will do something about it. By the way, am I the only one who thinks she looks like a hateful, Spanish version of Anjelica Huston?

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