Friday, August 10, 2012

Abismo de pasión #106 8/9/12: With friends like Elisa...

...who needs enemies? But more on this later.

Alternate title: No man is worth this. (Ramona to Paloma, but use it wherever you see fit, and feel free to change genders around.) T-shirts with this printed on them will be distributed to the rowdy feministas vowing venganza out on the patio.

Judging by the Avances and checking the schedule it looks like there is no Abismo tomorrow (Friday) night. Check your own stations to be sure.

Let’s see, where were we? Oh right, “Paloma is DYING!!!!!”, shrieks Ramona. Enrique grabs Pal, Sabrina calls dad and Begoña has turned into a white-faced screaming zombie.

Dam delivers the crumpled documents to Lucio so Elisa can have her tierras back. Dam also wants Elisa to keep his money and he knows Lucio the Lion will come up with a suitable fib to keep her in the dark about Dam’s involvement. Elisa is all alone and needs it now more than ever. Correction, growls Lucio, Elisa’s got me, Dolores and GAEL. Ouch.

Alfie visits Flor so she can gloat and smirk. “Newsflash to the wasp-waist, the only woman who can control Damian is ME, his MOTHER, ! You are staying in La Ermita and by the way, get ready for your church wedding!” Curses, Flor is foiled again.

Lucio visits Padre. He was going to call on this urgent business but then he remembered they never use phones in La Ermita. He hands over the documents and wants Padre to deliver them to Elisa. Padre takes a peek and understands how Alfie has been able to manipulate Dam yet again.

Back at Casa Tovar evil clownface Begoña has a hissy fit and squawks that nothing is wrong with Paloma, she is just using this as an excuse to insinuate herself  their family’s awesomely high class life. Enrique is disgusted with mom. Remember that scene in Public Enemy when Cagney smashes a grapefruit in Mae Clark’s face? Wonder why I thought of that all of a sudden?

Upstairs Paloma seems to be doing better thanks to Super Doc Tovar, who insists Paloma must spend the night at the odious Casa Tovar. Ramona announces Doc Tovar is the only doc she trusts and she’s staying too. All this stomach pumping biz has made Sabrina nauseous. Ramona sharply observes the mother-to-be with her x-ray hawk-eye.

Lucio expects Padre to tell a little white lie to Elisa that Padre managed to convince Alfie to cough up the documents. “Nice try old lion,”  says Padre, “but I’m not lyin’ for you.”  Padre lets slip that Gael and Elisa are getting married and he refused to be an accomplice in their ridiculous plan. Lucio asks Padre to reconsider. Elisa needs a good man in her life and Gael can give her what she needs and much more. (Not sure if I should say Gag me with a spoon or Boy Howdy.)

What’s Braulio doing in the cantina? I thought he was working some birthday gig out on the patio. Dam joins him to try to convince him to come back to the ProCe. Brau’s got other things on his mind, he’s got a guilty conscience (un cargo de conciencia). What if he knew something about someone that could put them in jail? But what if that something could hurt someone else? Someone you love.  It has to do with Vicente and someone the sniveling brat loves like his own father. He could talk to Useless Chente but he doesn’t have proof of anything. Furthermore, this info could endanger the woman he (Braulio) loves and he could end up losing his child. All this supposing perplexes our Dam, and he furrows his little brow.

Ramona finds Sabrina in the kitchen and asks her how far along she is.  

Next morning the two harpies Fina and Flor plan Flor’s reception. Fina has many social debts to pay, Flor concurs, they’re gonna have a big bash and damn Dam if he doesn’t like it. Flor is afraid Dam’s going to wear his Please Shoot Me Now Funeral Face at the wedding, just like he did at their civil service. She’s also afraid that forcing Dam to live in La Ermita will curse their marriage. It won’t work because Elisa will always be a danger. “I don’t want to turn into you, Alfonsina!” Thwaaaaap! goes Fina’s fan.

We learn a little more about Ramona’s daughter. Ramona tells Doc Tovar it’s the second time he’s saved Paloma’s life. Years ago Doc told Ramona that Remedios was pregnant, but Ramona was rude to him. Turns out Ramona, with all her experience curing people, couldn’t see that her own daughter was with child. Turns out Ramona’s daughter Remedios lost her life in childbirth, or rather she chose to give her own life so Paloma could be born. Ramona tells him now, after all these years, she’s going to repay the favor and tell Doc what he can’t see. His own daughter, Sabrina, is pregnant.

Ramona tells Doc not to make the same mistake she  made with Remedios. Alone, the doc fumes then heads off to see his daughter. Doc thinks he’s going to find Sabrina in Enrique’s room.  Alas, she’s nowhere to be found.

Useless Chente loiters around the hacienda and catches Sabrina lugging her suitcase by the stables. She kinda sorta cognizes him, and convinces him to sneak into the hacienda and get Paolo for her.

Lucio visits Elisa to tell her he thinks it’s a good idea she’s hooking up with Gael. He’s not the love of her life but he thinks she could be happy at his side. I think he’s just buttering her up for his own announcement. Elisa guesses it, Lucio wants to hook up with Maru;  he has her blessing. Bonus points to Elisa for thinking about someone besides herself for a change, if only for a moment.

It’s another toxic breakfast at Hacienda Harangue-O. Paolo is peeved at Tonia for not telling him that Sabrina called while he was asleep. Dam needles Paolo about Sabrina in particular and underage girls in general. He says if Paolo isn’t serious about Sabrina he should back to the DF and stop being a parasite at his house. In fact, leave anyway. Useless Chente eavesdrops but says nothing to Paolo. That Chente is such a scamp.

Enrique visits Paloma in his sister’s room to tell her she gave them all quite a scare. She mewls she stupidly tried to off herself when she found out the love of her life is going to marry her BFF. She makes Enrique swear not to tell anyone, especially Gael and Elisa.

Guido calls someone to beg for cash. He hopes “that woman’s” proof against GABINO MENDOZA is worth it. A heavy knock on the door; it’s Doc demanding that Guido help him find Paolo because he’s afraid Paolo knocked up Sabrina. “Oh crap, not that again,” howls Guido. “What do you mean Again?” demands Doc. Guido says he’s on Doc’s side, they’ll look for the infeliz together.

Useless sneaks back to the stables and tells Sabrina she’s to go with him to a secret place where Paolo will meet up with her. Liar liar pants on fire! Sabrina the Stupid agrees to go. Not sure why, but mini bandana-hand really cracks me up when he wheels Sabrina’s suitcase away.  He’s a rather ambitious lad considering he just had a kidney transplant.

Lucio instructs Elisa to shut the door so Terrible Tia can’t hear them. What? No puede ser! Dammit man, this is a telenovela and all doors must remain open! But I digress. Lucio has concocted a great lie whereby a lawyer advised him Alfonsina has no option but to return Elisa’s land to her as per Alfie’s agreement with Assgusto. Time to write her another cheque and get Elisa’s tierras back! Elisa stops for a moment and asks if Dam is involved. Lucio says Dam’s got his own problems, now step on it chiquita.

For his part, Dam is arguing pointlessly with Alfie about his reception. She demands that he pretend to be happy about his marriage and not follow in his father’s cheatin’ footsteps.

Ramona leads Paloma back to the cenote. Elisa waits for them. Pointless small talk, “Why have you come to talk to me Elisa? How dare you show your face after stealing Gael from me?”  Elisa stands on a technicality, “He wasn’t your boyfriend at that moment. You said you I should be happy. You knew the only option for me was Gael.”  
P: “I was wrong so give him back.”
E: “He doesn’t love you.”
P: “And you don’t love him.”
E: “You know he’s the only man I can count on. And what about you and Enrique?”
P: “That’s different, I’m not planning to marry him.”
E: “It’s not my fault you couldn’t  find happiness, so why can’t you be happy for me?”
Mutual whining and mewling.
E: “Ok, if you demand that I not marry Gael then I won’t, I swear on my mama’s memory. Well, tell me if you want me to dump Gael!”

Wow, that was quite a challenge. I’m not sure about you guys but I think Elisa is just about the worst BFF in the world.

And where in the world is Horacio????

Avances: Starting Monday...a new trap. Doc punches Paolo. Flor cries over someone’s casket (oh no, not Guido!!). Alfie slaps Flor. Dam and Gael glare at each other. A fire. Naked skin. Dam and Elisa almost kiss, or maybe they do. Elisa cries and cries.


You guys are hilarious!!!! Abismo for all of Elisa's waterworks looks like a slapstick comedy in your hands. Thank you . Now what gives with Elisa's wardrobe manager? Crocheted blouses!!! Is this really what hacienderas wear? Why can't she wear what Alfie and Flor wear?Did her mom wear this kind of outfit too?

Vida2, no kidding about Elisa's crochet-work. I almost yelled "My grandma made that!!" (Sorry Grandma, oops, now you know.) And no, Estefania was a very classy dresser. Not sure what happened to Elisa. She is just tacky on all levels. If Elisa were nicer or more interesting I would probably cut her some slack on her taste in clothing.

Too funny Sylvia! I so love your recaps. "Thwaaaaap! goes Fina’s fan. " Yeah, morning coffee splayed on the laptop.

Of course, the big moment was the E/P argument at the end, but honestly, neither one is really in the winning corner on this one. Pal just needs to get a grip in reality. Elisa has a point, though little harsh to point out, that the guy doesn't love Pal. Frankly, my question to Pal is, you accuse Elisa of marrying a guy she doesn't love, but isn't that exactly what you want Gael to do with you? And Elisa, its not always about you, you could be understanding of your friend.

I guess I never bought into that old " you never date a BF's former boyfriend, etc. because I lived thru some heartbreaking situations with friends where people who truly were perfect for each other were pulled apart by this archaic way of thinking. One couple basically told former friends tough, and got together and have been married happily for over 30 years. meant to be, meant to be.

But I also hate the way TN writers paint perfectly nice young women to think they MUST have a man or their life is over. C'mon. Pet peeve.

Lucio is such a dear. His nerves can't take much more of these intrigues. I say he and Maru need a nice weekend away from the children.

Well, we finally got the background of Pal's mother. Felt they had implied she commit suicide, but I guess not. Poor Sabrina though. I just wonder if dweeb may surprise us and get her out of the clutches of Paolo and save her life, etc.

But don't like that coffin scene. it had BETTER NOT be Qweedooo! I think we could lose Paolo, abs and all, and FLo would be distraught over her fav uncle and her bebe plan. Please.

"With friends like Elisa...". Perfect Sylvia. And the sad thing is, I'm not quite confident at this point that Gael is worth losing their friendship over! But, Elisa is the worst BFF as you noted.

So many wonderful lines: "(Not sure if I should say Gag me with a spoon or Boy Howdy", "She kinda sorta cognizes him", "another toxic breakfast at Hacienda Harangue-O" and my favorite: "Dammit man, this is a telenovela and all doors must remain open!"

"Ramona finds Sabrina in the kitchen and asks her how far along she is". Certainly direct and in character. Amazing how the loathsome Vincente insinuated himself in Sabrina's plans. More perplexing still, he loses a kidney and almost his life to attract her attentiona and she barely knows his name. Go figure...

My mind was on fashion last night (I see it was on yours too Vida2). Fina's full legged cream pants and silk shirt were absolutely stunning. I continue to be mesmerized by Paolo's paisley designs on his the reverse side of his cuffs and on his shirt plackets (is that the correct word?) Plaid or plain, they are always there.

I'll echo yours and daisy's thoughts in hoping Guido is not the one who passes.

I think Horacio is hanging out and will reappear in the 11th hour to save someone - Elisa? Lolita?

Happy Friday all!


Nice work, Cap'n! I actually got to watch last night, so I enjoyed your recap even more than usual.

Favorites del día:

- “Nice try old lion...but I’m not lyin’ for you.”

- Dam...furrows his little brow.

- Flor is afraid Dam’s going to wear his Please Shoot Me Now Funeral Face at the wedding.

I couldn't believe Flor didn't earn a cachetada for that remark about not wanting to turn into Fina. OUCH.

Oh, and this one, too:

- Lucio...was going to call on this urgent business but then he remembered they never use phones in La Ermita.

Ti-ji. ;}

Fabulous recap Sylvia. I'm amazed at your restraint in not mocking Elisa's outfit. Now that we are in a new "etapa" as the announcer told us, shouldn't Elisa be bumped up to a big girl wardrobe? Maybe like AP in LQNPA, when she dropped the girly dresses for some sensible jeans and long sleeved shirts. Those long crochet vests over tiny shorts, and cleavage popping shirts and coyboy boots are driving me bonkers!

That conversation between Elisa (the worst BFF ever) and Paloma (the Pathetic) was so painful because they are BOTH so misguided. Nothing good can come from a conversation between two fools. Please, can we have just one strong, sensible young woman in this tn.

Useless Chente is now sporting a bandana on his hand. What in the world does he have planned for Sabrina. I think back to when we first saw him and he was accosting Elisa, and I shudder to think what he may have planned, now that he knows he's the spawn of, Gabino.

Vivi, do you think this is Chente's rapey snake internship? Frankly, I think Sabrina could take him -- she outweighs him by at least 20 pounds.

Elisa looks like she put on her skivvies and then stuck her head through a fishnet. What's next, draping herself in tinsel?

Sylvia: Great as usual.

Desperate characters: I was going to name a few, but, all of them seem to face some kind of desperation. Elisa can't have Damian; Paloma can't have Gael; Sabrina thinks Paolo loves her; Doc Tovar is desperate to find Sabrina; Damian can't have Elisa; Flor can't have Damian for real; Guido is desperate for information about the real embezzlers; Tonia is desperate for Braulio's love, etc.

You all were right - the high point of this chapter was Elisa's crocheted dress - or better said as her lack of a dress. That was definitely an oops type of thing. She just can't sit down and maintain a modest pose.

I'm still having a problem feeling sorry for Paloma. Ramona should mix up an herbal reality drink for her.

You know, 40+ years ago my grandmother made me a crochet vest in ivory that looked just like Elisa's. Some friends had store bought ones. We wore ours as true vests though with full tees or turtlenecks underneath. It was all the rage for about a year or so, but than I just put it away. Didn't wear it but didn't want to give it to charity either since she had made it ( and it was really beautiful work). The box it was in was lost in a move, but gee, now I wish I had it back. I'd be so fashionable.
(But trust me, there would be no shorts involved in the outfit! Don't want to scare the general population. )

Just wish Elisa would stop dressing like an oversexed teen. Heck, Sabrina dresses more mature.

Great way to make fun of the 'how not to be a BFF' type episode we got last night...
Ramona sharply observes the mother-to-be with her x-ray hawk-eye.
and the popularly noted:
"Thwaaaaap! goes Fina’s fan. "

and BL, about Dam and his brow, i wonder if DZ is giving Mark Tacher a challenge... MT is the king of single brow lifts as a form of expression...

ITA with everyone that Elisa looks like the worst BFF anyone can imagine...

LOVED also:
"Dammit man, this is a telenovela and all doors must remain open!"

Flor is like a wounded animal now... even though she got Dam Stoopid to marry her, now she is forced to live at the hacienda under the watchful eye of Fina, so the 'faking pregnancy' will be much harder now than she anticipated, and on top of that she is forced to a church marriage.. (did Alfie really mean 500 guests? are there that many citizens in La Ermita?? LOL! I thought pretty much everyone at LE worked at either the habanero fields or at La Anita, so i was not sure there are a total of 500 people, let alone people Alfie woudl WANT at her reception...)

Hi, all. I haven't been able to commit to a novela lately, but I do lurk here occaisionally . Yes, the crocheted vest did look vaguely familiar to me like something one of the crafty women in my family made me ...grandma, mommy, aunt, the 60s and 70s. I guess crochet is like karma...what goes around , comes around. Any good prospects on the horizon if I jump back into the telenovela whirlpool ? I've been out of the loop except for my deep devotion to watching Wm. Levy on Dancing with the Stars. And how have your own personal novelas been unfolding ?

Where is everyone going to be on Labor Day Weekend?

Since I'm out of work I'll be around and if most of you are around we can continue our discussion of novela cliches and what we would do if we were writing novelas.

I will cross-post this in the other discussions and if most of you are around we can have that discussion then.

Good morning everyone and thank you for your wonderful comments. Yes I did show amazing restraint by not ripping on Elisa's trampy outfit, didn't I? I'm afraid I must be getting used to her look.

Susanlynn, how the heck are you? I had many of those crocheted vests, etc. but, like you, mostly wore them with turtlenecks. I think EJ is the one who named them old cat blankets and she is spot on with that.

You know, that conversation between Elisa and Paloma was just so stupid and wrong on so many levels. Of the 500 guests that will be invited to Dam's reception there aren't two single guys amongst the lot worth dating?

Pasofino, "desperate" is the perfect description for our characters.

Blue Lass, it seems like Chente is about to become a kidnapping rapey snake, but ITA with you that Sabrina should be able to take him. One punch in the kidney should do it.

UA, I for one have no plans for Labor Day and should be up for a natter.

Susanlynn, folks are very excited about Amor Bravío, but I think it's coming on at 10 p.m. Too late for me!

No Abismo tomorrow due to the 2-hour finale of LQNPA.

UA, I doubt I'll be around Labor Day.

Oh no, Amor Bravio at 10:00? Shoot, that's pretty late for me too.

Surely an ex-hooker is in charge of Elisa's wardrobe.

Ah mi Sylvia...always love your recaps.

"Damn Dam if he doesn't like it"....

"Bonus points to Elisa for thinking about someone besides herself for a change, if only for a moment."

"Mutual whining and mewling"

Just a few of my favorites because I loved every single witty word.

I have come to hate everything about Elisa...her hair, her fake eyelashes, her fake boobs, her crocheted "onesie" rompers, her boots, her whining, her mewling, her little cat's ass mouth...EVERYTHING. I'm ready for her to drink some wretched herbal concoction and not be found in time.

But kudos to this recapping team who consistently weave gold out of straw. You guys are the best.

And SUSANLYNN, thank goodness you finally checked in. We've been wondering where in the hayride you were!

For anyone who can't wait until 10PM EST/PST to watch AB, you can find the episodes online. I've seen the first week and it's going to be a great ride.

"The only woman who can control him is me" is one of the worst cases of poor boundaries I have ever seen between a mother and a son. Flor should be flying -- not running -- away as fast as possible.

Judyb~~~HA ! ....''crocheted onsie romper''...''cat's asss mouth''....caraycaray...Now, I know why I've missed this place so much. My own personal telenovela has kept me busy , and I haven't really been able to get into any of the current novelas. I will check out ''Bravio'' since some of my fav novela stars are in it. Does anyone know if TBLMOE or Eduardo Yanez are going to be in any upcoming shows ? When school starts, I'll have to record it since 10.00 is my bedtime once work begins again. Well, off to see ''Hope Springs.'' p.s. Has Carlos gone missing, too ?

Whoopsie...that was me....some things never change.

Carlos is still around, Susanlynn. But doesn't make it every day. Very busy with work. But when he does check in, he's as funny and charming as ever in his comments.

Sylvia thanks for another wonderful recap. Yes, Elisa is the worst BFF ever. As others have noted, I too hate co-dependent female characters and now you are going to betray your BF to get a man that Diana rightly pointed out is NOT WORTH IT. Boo, writers, boo!

Should we start placing bets on whether or not Sabrina can take down rapey snake jr? BL - so glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read your comment about Sabrina being able to take him. Brilliant.

UA - (from Marta recap a few weeks ago) yes, yes, yes Flo needs to run out of that house as fast as she can. Fina has no boundaries that's one of the reasons why I think she either will be incapacitated or dead by the end of this TN. Though not living in an alternative reality like Rosa la loca on Refugio, she's a menace. Elisa and Dam don't have one brain cell b/t them but I wouldn't feel comfortable w/their child (here's to recessive genes taking over and allowing their child to be intelligent) around Fina unless the police and a psychiatric team of EJ's choosing were present.

Nice to see you Susanlynn. Have classes started yet?

For people trying to catch up with episodes after the broadcast, Hulu+ has episodes available the next day, and Univision posts complete episodes on their website ( early on the 2nd day after broadcast.

I may be watching some of these shows the next day using Hulu+ which is a monthly subscription service ($7.99). I can watch Univision shows in full HD on my big screen TV through my AppleTV box which is very nice. Many people use Hulu+ on their personal computer or iPad/iPod etc. I think the PC/iPad/iPod versions might even have captions.

No charge for viewing episode on the website.

Finally found out when the show ends in Mexico. It just took some serious digging.

It was actually announced on July 17, that the two-hour Finale will be shown on Sunday, Sept 2nd in Mexico. That would make the show 161 episodes long (max) including the 2 hour finale, assuming no skipped nights.

Funny - exactly the same length as LQNPA in terms of the number of full hour episodes and 2 hour grand finale.

So glad you are back, Mi Capitan. Great recap for your rentry. I loved:

"...evil clownface Begoña"

"Ramona sharply observes the mother-to-be with her x-ray hawk-eye"

"It’s another toxic breakfast at Hacienda Harangue-O."

'Elisa stands on a technicality, “He wasn’t your boyfriend at that moment. You said you I should be happy. You knew the only option for me was Gael.”

First class Sylvia work all the way. As to the avances, don't let it be Guido!!!

Welcome home!



"I have come to hate everything about Elisa...her hair, her fake eyelashes, her fake boobs, her crocheted "onesie" rompers, her boots, her whining, her mewling, her little cat's ass mouth...EVERYTHING. I'm ready for her to drink some wretched herbal concoction and not be found in time".

Belongs on the sidebar...

Audrey, I have a question about Univision after-the=fact watching and Hulu+.

Are you able to view Mexican TV Televisa directly where you live? Where I am, in Northern Cal, I cannot, and I always get the message on Univision, "...In tu pais...". Only El Tal was available here, presumably because the internet rights were negotiated for US filmed shows and NOT for Mexican filmed shows.

To clarify, if I subscribed to Hulu+ would I be able to get the shows for Amor Bravio at the same time as in Mexico or at the same time they were shown in the US? I need to have a reliable source of shows available in order to recap, as I am a slow recapper (no subtitles).

Thanks so much for clarifying.


Speaking of wretched herbal concoctions, that bunch of herbs that Ramona pulled out of BeGoneYa's kitchen cupboard is probably the awful tea she's been feeding Sabrina. There are half a dozen herbal teas that cause abortion if taken routinely or in large amounts. So, does BeGoneYa suspect her daughter is preggers, or is she just forcing her terrible tea on Sabrina as part of her 'mother knows best' cure for bulimia?

Also, someone on Caray!Caray! coined the term 'Ramerawear'. Perfectly describes Elisa's street-walker outfits. She should be featured on Fashion Police!

Loved Lucio last night. I'm hoping that he and Maru will have a happy ending.

The shows available on Univision are what have already been broadcast in the US. Same with Hulu+. So - these aren't useful for recapping ahead of time. They are only useful for catching up with an episode you may have missed.

UA has found episodes of Amor Bravío for recapping on-line somewhere.

I don't get a Mexican TV Televisa station here. I only seem to pick up the TV Azteca station out of Reynosa.

Thank you Sylvia. Your recaps are always very entertaining.

Judy B- I couldn't agree with you more about Elisa. She makes me sick too. I'm so done with her.

I looked up Remedios before I realized that was Ramona's daughter's name. Is that an odd name?

If Sabrina gets found out and brought back home, where will Flo get another fake baby? Paolo will have to get busy seducing and impregnating another minor. And quickly.

Thanks, Sylvia, for another witty romp through the emotional swamp that time forgot ... where all the fish must have bicycles.

JudyB -- Fabulous Elisa rant!

Anya -- good call on the herbal tea possibly causing a miscarriage. Begoña is forcing the tea down Sabrina's throat as a weight loss remedy (Dr. Ching's green tea, anyone?).

When Sabrina bent over and clutched her belly, I immediately thought she was going to miscarry -- but I never connected it to the tea!

Blue Lass, I cracked up at your suggestion that Sabrina could take Chente. But it's still anyone's guess because they are both playing hurt. :-)

I love Hulu+ and can watch that on my Kindle Fire as well. Frankly, the main way I've decided I may be watching Amor. Can't miss my girl Silvia. After putting up with these immature young uns, can't wait to watch her spin her usual magic with a character.

I wondered about that tea yesterday...didn't know The Mask ( I'm sorry, but Begona in that face get up always reminds me of the Jim Carray movie) was giving her that tea as a diet drink. The courtesans in Venice in the 15-17th centuries use to use some sort of herbal concoction tea to prevent pregnancies. Don't think that poor little one as a chance. just so something doesn't happen to Sabrina in the process. She's not the brightest bulb in the room, but given half a chance away from that mother of hers, she might be okay.

Cap'n Sylvia - Thank you for the recap! Excellent snark and oh-so-entertaining.

Ditto for all the comments already posted here.

I was shocked…..shocked! to see someone actually pick up a phone ~immediately~ to call for help, when Paloma was trotted into Doc Tovar's house.

Dear Braulio --- Have a DNA test done on Chente and just get. it. over. with. You are in dire risk of landing on my "Stoopid List."

Elisa's crocheted "vest" with the bulls-eye a/k/a headlights crocheted flowers you-know-where is hideous. The "headlights" were very distracting and, NO, I don't want my eye drawn to her fake boobs. At all.
I doubt any of you ladies had THAT design element on your vests, especially if granny made them.

Sylvia, welcome back...You missed ‘fillergarbage” episodes but stellar recaps. Your offering is outstanding today, thanks. Did you by any chance sail to Hawaii from California, is this possible?

I’m totally dense, yes, the tea that Begoñia has been serving has to be causing Sabrina problems. Why else would Romana have made that face when she was rambling through the Tovar cabinets looking for some fruit (?)and found the bag of wilted herbs? Why is Sabrina cluching her estomago? This has to be the answer.

If you plan to stand on the street corner (ok, really a cenote house/yard walkway kind of a thing) and argue loudly over a MAN why wouldn’t you try to look your cheapest? It goes with the territory. JudyB, loved your rant!

Karen, “yes, yes, yes Flo needs to run out of that house as fast as she can. Fina has no boundaries that's one of the reasons why I think she either will be incapacitated or dead by the end of this TN.” This is now my daily novela prayer!

Where oh where is this friendship between Sabrina and Chente going? Will we be asked to watch more hideously destructive behavior now from the “Rebeldes” of La Ermita? Can we take anymore “walking on the dark side” in this novela?

If Guido is dead, I’m beginning to wonder about the safety of viewerville, surely, being present in any form at Abismo de Pasío might be dangerous.

UA, I have company for Labor Day, but might try to drop by to see what you are doing on your weekend site anyway. I’d like to repost my recasting of Chinatown, I was a little late the last time.

How many days, in "telenovela time" has Horacio been gone? The meat in his butcher shop should be getting pretty rank by now.

crochet? i think elisa thinks it's "crotch-show"

ps eduardo yanez has a new entry on imdb. didn't see if it's filming yet. forgot to look up tmbmoe.

-mai tai

Welcome back Cap'n!

Elisa and Gael are dispicable! I hate that my episode was cancelled because I have a lot to say about the two of them.

Oh yeah, I really enjoyed your recap. It's cute. I want to know why Paloma just didn't smack Elisa. I would have felt much better about this.

Hi Sylvia

Loved the recap, especially
- "wasp-waist",
- "Gag me with a spoon" (it's been YEARS since I've heard that one,
- "Please Shoot Me Now Funeral Face",
- "mini bandana hand".
The whole recap was poppin' and fun.

Daisy - I also had one of those vests crocheted by my grandma. Mine was blue and white. I wore it with a white TURTLENECK,and to complete the outfit (are you listening, Elisa?) I wore PANTS.

Cathyx - If Sabrina loses the baby or Paolo dies, maybe Flor will hit up Paloma, assuming she'll be crying over a urine stick soon.

Rosemary la Otra

Hello everyone! I was up in the mountains all weekend and couldn't access wi-fi very easily.

Novela Maven, "where all the fish must have bicycles", it is statements like this that make us adore you.

Sandy in TN, yes it is possible to sail from Hawaii to California and the other way too. I have done so in the past but not this year (sniff sniff).

Wow, I hadn't even made the connection about Begonia's herbal tea and Sabrina's stomach ache. Now I'm scared for that poor kid.

Cynderella, dunno why Paloma didn't smack Elisa. She has done so in the past; not that it did any good to either of them.

To all of you, thanks a million for ranting on Elisa so I didn't have to.

"To all of you, thanks a million for ranting on Elisa so I didn't have to."
Cap'n Sylvia - it was our pleasure.

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