Monday, August 06, 2012

Abismo de pasión #103 8/6/12

Where we left off...
Dam was firing Gab. He really doesn't want to lose Brau as an employee. Braulio would like to keep his dignity and doesn't take the job. Gab is still fired.

At the Quinta
Elisa is pithed! That b/witch didn't take the money and her aunt wants to throw her out! Lucio finally gets around to telling Elisa about the will that showed up. Everything was to go to Steffie and Augie never made another will. And if when they married Carmina and Augie combined their assests, then she gets half. Elisa assumes she'll get the other half. Well, no. That half gets split with all surviving relatives: Carmina and Elisa. Here's the breakdown- Elisa 25% Carmina 75%.

Carmina comes to rub her 75%  in Elisa's face. Elisa escapes to the office to cry, freak out about losing everything and to say "no puedo" over and over as she has auditory flashbacks. She stops and flahes back to her history with Gael. Maybe there is a way out!

Hacienda Harangue-O
Gab pays a visit to get his job back, but first he makes sure Fina is sticking to the "It was Elisa story." He's no dummy and knows Fina cooked it up to make Elisa look bad. He reminds her that she said it was two people and then plant the Gael idea, but he's all slick and makes it seem like her idea. Fina asks about ING and Gab plays dumb. Later when he tries to get her to pull strings to get his job back, she tells him no way. She can't contradict Dam, buuuut if ING were to magically appear in front of her maybe Gab would get his job back. It's pure beauty the way these two schemers dance around each other.

Dr. Tovar's office
Pal and Quique show us some chemistry and talk about the hilarious dinner party. He offers to get her some ice cream and she says sure! Elisa calls and says she needs her. Pal takes a rain check and yammers about trying to forget Gael and advises Elisa to forget about Dam. She encourages taking the opportunity when love knocks on your door. Pal does not hear Elisa say "what if it's with Gael?" (Quique was nagging.) PS: They've got a theme dammit.

Hacienda Harangue-O
Dam tells Flor he want to get the hell out of La Ermita. Fina did not take the news well and accused Dam of abandoning her just like Dad did. And she even supported him when Gab came whining to her. Dam thinks she trusts Gab more than him. Mama can cry and wail, but Dam is starting his life over with his wife and child. Be sure to savor the look on Flor's face. Priceless.

Bat Cave II
Gael takes Elisa to his "special place" (seriously, not code. It's a cave somewhere.) She cries some more and tells Gael all her woes. She's so alone. She can't take it any more. She needs someone to help her. She asks if Gael is really in love with her and if he would be willing to do anything for her. She says she wants to be with him. Once Gael is convinced this means 1. Let's get hitched and 2. She's not kidding, he starts to make plans. He wants Padre Lupe to marry them, so we have a three month deadline and 43 more episodes of angst.

The Only Inn in Fresno La Ermita
ING nags Gweedo. If he wants his proof, she needs money. Gab is threatening her life. She flounces out and is seen by Doc Tovar. She promptly faints. Doc takes her to his office and when she comes to she tells Doc Gab is making her life hell: he's robbed her, threatened her AND keeping her against her will.

La Cárcel
Lolita goes to visit Horacio before he is transferred to Campeche. She asks him if he has a death on his conscious. Gab made it seem like he did. Horacio tells her not to believe Gab. Lolita tells him that Padre Lupe thinks Augusto did not kill himself; that Carmina had something to do with it and that Horacio might know something. Horacio swears he knows nothing and tells Lolita and Elisa to get as far away from Carmina as they can. Footnote: Horacio's "my dad was a butcher" story was bunk. In truth his mother was a prostitute who died when he was nine, leaving him to fend for himself. Neither he nor his mother knew who his father was. He is transferred to Campeche, Lolita says goodbye forever and the bets for "heroic death" are settled throughout the patio. (Drat. I lost 20 pesos.)

Elisa comes home from the Gael's "special place" and Carmina asks when she will be leaving. Elisa tells her in three months...with her husband. Elisa won't say to whom but makes it clear she doesn't want Carmina there.


Trooper Sara, thanks for taking another one for the team and for giving us snark where there was A LOT of filler. And yes watching Fina and Gab circle one another like vicious animals was quite fun.

Cynderella, I also am not a fan of Gael/Elisa and watching her lie to him about her love was another reason to not thinking highly about our main couple.

I'm frighted for Dr. Tovar. I think II is acting just to draw him into her web. Run, Doc, Run!

Just b/c he's leaving town, does that mean Horacio might actually live? I think he'll be brought back at a later time to testify against the town villains (a guess) and might buy it when back in town.

My dear Sara,

You have such a deft touch. You manage to take all the gloom and bad choices and weave it all together in a fast-moving story.

There was not one single thing to feel good about this evening -- even the sweet ice cream will turn to dust in Paloma's mouth when she hears what her "best friend" is planning.

Well, I lied. The one thing to feel good about is a clever Sara recap, complete with the trademark cross-outs.

I do love the "Bat Cave"!

Thank you!

Karen-I like your idea for Horacio! And Gael and Elisa together make me queasy. ick.

NovelaMaven-I wish I had your skills for pulling out grammar when we are bombarded with so much fillergarbage (pronounced "fee-yay gar-bazh"'s French.)

I know, I should spend more time with my Butt (be glad I opted not to make the "crack my Butt" joke.)

Aoha, I'm back!! Believe it or not I managed to keep up with the episodes and the recaps which I thoroughly enjoyed. (But I didn't have time to read all the comments, sorry.) Anyway, it's good to be home and it's bad to see that Elisa has ratcheted up the sniveling.

Hi Sara, thank you for your completely enjoyable and very satisfying recap.

I guess this is the the portion of the novela where all the characters beat themselves senseless with the stupid stick, because they sure are acting, well, STUPID! Gael really believes that Elisa finally loves him? Stupid. Elisa believes that Paloma would be cool with her snogging Gael? Stupid. Doc Tovar...oh honey, just when you are getting your life together please don't get all stupid for Ingrid. All the other stupids go without saying.

Ah well, the stupider they act the better the recaps which you proved tonight.

Karen, I think you might have something with Horacio returning to rat out the rat-finks and buying the farm in the process.

Bat Cave...brilliant. Thanks Sara!

Oh Bat Cave was my homage to FELS recaps. I have no idea who started it.

PS: Welcome Back!! :-)

Woo Hoo!!! Sylvia's back! Let the wild rumpus begin!

Well if "fillergarbage" is Français -- that classes up the act a bit. Jejeje

Nothin' but class up in here.

My mind is still a little pickled from copious amounts of Mai Tais, but I'm definitely back for the patio party!

Wonderful Sara! perfect recap with the perfect amount of little "asides".

Welcome back our Cap-i-tain! And to keep up with this TN, you need those copius amounts of Mai Tai's, so don't fret.

So Assgusto is dead, and dang, if he's not an Ass even in death. Looking out for your child huh? Now we have to deal with a gloating Carmina...lovely. Thaks jerk.

My heart--seeing Gael and Elisa. She is so going to stomp all over HIS heart and I am not happy about that. She has done to him before, knowing full well how he feels and taking advantage. Unless she actually sees the light of day and falls for him, which we can rest assured the writers aren't creative enough to do that, she's almost as bad as Flo or Carmina in jacking around some poor guy to make things better for themselves. Little hard to take from the supposed heroine.

Pal pulling a bit of an Elisa was funny--sorry, all about me and the ice cream the hunk behind me is about to get. Unforttunately, we know she will go back to full Pal mode and throw one major fit when she hears about Gael and Boobs.

How can Gab be holding ING against her will when she's always all over town. He may have her money, but she's not exactly housebound Doc. Think, think. (Then recommend she would feel better by cutting those tendrils).

Sara: Fabulous recap. Exceptional snark: "Carmina comes to rub her 75% in Elisa's face." I laughed out loud at: "special place" (seriously, not code. It's a cave somewhere." Excellent.

Elisa was simply pathetic. Instead of composing herself and coming up with a rational plan, she succumbs to grief and seizes on the person who is always seemingly right in her path - Gael. They are just completely wrong for each other on so many levels...

Sara, you are so right that "Pal and Quique show us some chemistry". And happiness. So rare in this TN!

Karen, I'm also afraid for the good doctor. Also intrigued with your theory about Horacio coming back at the 11th hour to set the record straight.

NovelaMaven: "even the sweet ice cream will turn to dust in Paloma's mouth when she hears what her "best friend" is planning". Perfect.

Sylvia, you returned with your excellent humor well intact: "the stupider they act the better the recaps" - exactly. Welcome back.


Sara, short, sweet and to the point....just what a fillergarbage (Said with a beret on my head!) episode deserves!

Well Blue Lass, you were right, Alfie blames Gael for the break-in! How did you ever predict that!?!?

Who is stoopider, Alfie for letting her attempted murderers off the hook or Dr. T for having a thing for women murderers? It was cool the way our Super- Doc managed to get in a (comforting) snuggle and let it escape that he is s.e.p.a.r.a.t.e.d and living in the only inn in Fres....La Ermita. Oh yes, "I came to Merida and you had already left," made it into his examination too! Our Doc is always thinking! Seriously, I have to give him kudos for carrying Ingrid around. I didn't think he was going to get her on the examination table for a minute! (dangling participle!) II doesn't look real heavy, but she doesn't look real light either!

There was a warm and fuzzy moment in the episode for me....Dam told his Madre off Hallelujah! Flor's expression WAS priceless!

Welcome back Carlos and Sylvia! (Weren't they gone the very same days? Nah, not going there, been watching too many novelas!)

Sara, what a gem of a recap. Nicely done and I can't think of a thing that you omitted. Good job.

Does Doc Tovar have his own table on the patio? It looks as though he is really going to need a support group. He is so brilliant and yet so hopelessly susceptible when it comes to pretty things that smell good.

I really don't understand how the inheritance came out to 75/25, but I'll take them at their word.


@Sara...haven't read the recap or watched the show yet but wanted to thank you for the link to the Angel song. Just beautiful! MIL GRACIAS!
More later when I've had time to watch show and read your recap.

Wow Sara, another gem, as others have said.
LOVED the 'bat cave' it did look like the underground passages of a quarry to me... beautiful, but those places usually are not as lighted... similar to the one they had at FELS.
I too loved Florencia's face when Dam told off his mommy finally.
The Gael/Elisa chemistry was a bit off last night, i was just feeling like hugging Gael because i know he will only be hurt one more time. Elisa needs to stop this nonesense and take his help to the extent she can honestly accept, and not give him false hopes only to drop him the moment she reconciles again with Damian.
Paloma and QUique... those two have TONS of chemistry and he is SO RIGHT for her, he would be the voice of reason to ground her when she goes off on her impulses and acts/boinks/yells/fights before she thinks. Gael and her would be such an explosive unstable couple i would be worried for them, unless both of them make HUGE leaps in the 'chill down' direction.
Lolita says goodbye forever and the bets for "heroic death" are settled throughout the patio. (Drat. I lost 20 pesos.)
well, i would not give up on the bet if i were you, as a matter of fact, i think it will be more that Horacio gets out of jail for some admin goof-off or he escapes, comes back to La Ermita to somehnow save Lolita and /or Elisa's life. Maybe even Braulio's.
The 75/25 ratio sound really harsh, and i can understand Elisa's feeling of helplessness and despair, but using Gael like that is NOT the answer. Definitely Loopy would marry them but not before he throws several tantrums at them for going about it the wrong way and for the wrong reasons.

Thanks everyone!

My deal with the 75/25 problem and its "resolution": How the heck is Gael the solution???? What does he have? Just a shoulder to cry on? Is that the only reason Elisa went running after him?

JudyB- I am a sucker for the themes. I love the idea of a couple having a theme song. I swear during the Palquique scenes we hear a hint of one. I will have to watch again and see if I can catch anything.

Right now it appears the Alex Sirvent song is the "Elisa is in the vicinity of an eligible male" theme. It's been played both when she and Dam are together and when she and Gael are together.

On second thought, maybe it's more a "Elisa is eliciting a male response" theme.

Sara, ROFLOL on the song use 'reasoning'.

Thanks Sara for laughing us thru all the feeyaygarbazh. As a Loyal Talismaniac I especially enjoyed The Only Inn (in Fresno crossed out). Right when that show is almost a distant past, we are reminded of its brilliance (it's all relative, and frankly compared to AdeP...).
Did I miss an Angel link? What is Judy referring to?

Welcome back, Sylvia!

I hope you all don't miss Braulio too much this week. He will be "tied up" as Blue's and R la O's Birthday Present.

I think that this TN should be over. Everything is resolved as well as it can be.

Elisa and Gael (not in Ermitaville). Gael gets who he wants (for better or worse). Elisa won’t do better. Let’s face it, it truly doesn’t work for her and Damian

Damian and Flo (in the DF). Flo is loyal and loving (as long as she gets what she wants). Dam is too stupid to know better. Who cares about fake baby?

Pal and Enrique. Good chemistry. Enrique’s “idea” works and he destroys Alfie businesswise, with the help of braulio, lucio,…who all live comfortably ever after.

Braulio and Delores. Meant to be.

Loopy. Happy in his new home, without all of the personal tsuris.

Carmina. Rotting in the quinta (who is going to pay the taxes?) until she dies.

Alfie and Gabino. Goes back to pre-TN. Remember that (although hard to believe), Gabino ran things very successfully for at least 15 or so years before the present time phase of the TN.

Everything else. Don’t know. I don’t think anybody cares!

Mod Ant

R la O-The link was on the Amorcito thread. There was a very pretty song on that show yesterday. Made even prettier by the dream it accompanied.

You and Blue- Don't wear out Braulio. Let him get plenty of rest and fluids. Otherwise he won't be good for anything. ;-)

Sara, I think Elisa just doesn't want to be "alone". She isn't really, but alone to her means no father-figure, and Gael, always willing to be there, work for her, help her, take care of, fits the bill. Our little Freckled-face urchin has turned into a woman who just isn't good at standing on her own when things go wrong. I do actually think those two could be good for each other if she was more the young woman she was before Dam ( face it--meeting him again just sapped the spunkette out of her). But we know that won't happen--so I"m back to hoping for my preferred ending, Padre and Gael go sailing off into the sunset in three months and let everyone else sweat in La Ermita.

Forgot to say--I don't think we've seen the last of Horacio. I still think somehow he brings about, or aids and abets somehow, the demise of Gab and Carmina. He knows too much to just disappear. Look for those Ultimate Episodes...

Sara- I just played it. It is lovely. Thanks for sharing.

Oh, don't worry, Sara. We're going to give Braulio some cake. After he pops out of it.

Horacio's Mom was a hooker? A real one? What would they dress *her* in, I wonder...?

Well Blue Lass, you were right, Alfie blames Gael for the break-in! How did you ever predict that!?!?

Well, Sandy, even a stopped clock is right twice a day. ;}

What we learned last night:

We learned Gael was downright giddy at the thought of him finally getting to touch Elisa's boobies in 3 months.

We learned that Gael tossed Paloma out of his mind like someone would toss a snack wrapper in the trash can.

We learned that Carmina's reward for murdering Augusto is 75% of his stuff*

We learned Gael/Elisa, Paloma/Enrique and Paloma/Damian have better chemistry than Damian/Elisa.

We learned Edmundo will probably dust off his cape and play Capn Save a Ho for Ingrid.

Delores learned from Horacio she needs to pack her ISH and get the heck away from Carmina and take Elisa with her.


Estefania's lands were willed to Elisa, right? Are they included with common benefits of Augusto and now going to Carmina?

If Estefania's lands were common with Augusto (and therefore CARMINA's property, not Elisa's) wouldn't Elisa's deal with Alfonsina be null & void?

Oh goodie! Are we going to have a double birthday party on the patio? I already know what I'm going to get Blue and R la involves feathers and zebra print. Unless I can find a couple of pear bathrobes.

Anon207, I am so confused about Elisa's inheritance or lack thereof I can only scratch my head at your queries. I do imagine that Dam Stoopid will be Dam Pithed if he finds out mommie dearest tore up Elisa's cheque.

Estefania's lands are the greenhouse. Augusto owned Cielo Abierto (lands) and the quinta which he built for Estefania, and inherited her in his will, but he never updated the will when Estefania died, so if he married Carmina with shared assetts, Carmina would get the 75% of the quinta and Cielo Abierto. But now Elisa has mortgaged the greenhouse to Alfonsina via the contract with the procesadora that she was forced to sign in order to get her dad Augusto out of jail (for the shooting of Damian). And Alfonsina is also trying to get her hands on the cielo abierto via the sales contract Augusto supposedly signed off to Gabino with the 50% advance payment Alfonsina gave Gabino but he never forwarded to Augusto.

Ah always make painful episodes bearable with your outrageous sense of humor. Did you used to get in a lot of trouble at school? Or at home (for coming back with a smarta$$ answer?). I can just imagine.

I handled the Gael/Elisa cenote scene by closing my eyes and just listening to the lovely Alex Sirvent song. Works for me.

Am I the only one that wishes Lolita could have been a little more tender with Horacio? Okay. He lied. He's bad. But he loves her. Would it kill her to hold his hand or blow him a kiss as he goes off to God-knows-what-hell in the penitentiary. Give him some little memory other than that "tell me the truth inquisition".

Okay. Rant over. Admit I'm a hopeless softie, or a "trop bonne poire" as a French beau used to say, disapproving of my tender heart (except as far as HE was concerned!)

Did you used to get in a lot of trouble at school? Or at home (for coming back with a smarta$$ answer?). I can just imagine.
LMAO! I've been outed!

Thanks for your recap, Sara! This was REALLY good. You have a knack for this summary thing, amiga.

I am taking notes. What you gave us here is quick, snarky, narrative and not choppy. You detailed the best scene of the hour, Gabs and Alfonsina butt-sniffing and measuring one another for an upcoming power play. You did not spend an untoward amount of time on the scene in the lovely cenote bat cave where Gael declared his undying love for Elisa and she took him at his word.

May I come to Alabama for some abbreviation lessons?

Awaiting your reply...

Elna June

Judy, that carcel scene was interesting. In my opinion, the most important piece of information that Horacio has is that Carmina shot Augusto. Surely, in novela law, Carmina couldn’t inherit anything if she killed Augusto. (Most of us think that it was self-defense, but I think that the writers have deemed it murder like in CdP.) Horacio knows how dangerous Carmina is and although he warned Lolita, he didn’t give her the nugget of information that she really needs, Carmina killed Augusto. Therefore, he wasn’t really deserving of an act of kindness on her part.....yet. Now that’s not to say that YOU or I might have tried to say something like..Vaya Con Dios at that moment, but he isn’t really deserving yet. In any ordinary work of fiction, I think that his slowly pulling out of town in the back of a police cruiser would have been the last of him, but, like others here, I think we’ll see more of him for a better, more glorious, deathly exit!!!!

R la O, so you like Overboard. So do we, and you can see it every day, all day long! It is the campiest movie ever......

*Secret Memo to everybody NOT born on August 8th

1.All you party planners...Tomorrow is the big Do.
2. Sylvia is back, WELCOME back Captain! and we have been busy decorating the Patio all day.
3. Braulio has agreed to meander out of the cake, he has too much dignity to jump, he says.Have plenty of towels at the ready, please.
4. As to what happens afterwards,"¿Quien sabe"? What happens on the Patio...
5.Rooms are available for those not wanting to Birthday Party and Drive, even in cyberspace.
6. Happy Birthday tomorrow to R la O and Blue Lass!


I have a real issue with what Horacio told Lolita. He swore he knew nothing, but he does indeed know something. I guess he assumes that be keeping Lolita ignorant of the truth of Carmina's dirty deed, he is keeping her safe.

EJ- you are always welcome, but you may want to wait until temps cool down. You don't need any lessons from me however. You are always brilliant.


i agree that Horacio kept quiet about Carmina killing Augie to keep Lolita safe, telling Lolita would only send her on a straight line fast lane to attack Carmian and nothing good for Lolita could come from that.

EJ, i will join you in registering for the abbreviation/condensing lessons from Sara. or soon i will have melinama breathing on my shoulder for my dialogue-accurate recaps.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Sara - Great recap! Great snark! Thank you!

I am setting up camp at the PalQuique table. Those two belong together. Really. The best relationships start out as friends without preconceived notions, right? ;-)

I am bored with this telenovela right now. Really, really bored, so while I was watching it, my brain came up with it's own dialogue. With a nod to Alexis over at Telenovela-World and inspired by his amazing imagination and ability to write his own dialogs for circo TNs, , , here is how I would re-write some of last night's escenas:

On the telephone:
Elisa: Paloma, my life is the pits and I need to to drop what you're doing and come over here to comfort me.
Paloma: Gosh, Elisa, get a life. I'm busy.
E: But I'm the protagonista and my problems are more important than anyone else's
P: Sorry, get over yourself, I've got to run. With Quique.
Later on:
Elisa: Gael, my life is in the sewer and I'm all alone.
Gael: I'm here to comfort you, even though I slept with your best friend Paloma. Gah. I hope I didn't get her pregnant.
E: Do you still love me? I am all alone in life and co-dependent, and need someone by my side. Paloma blew me off a few minutes ago.
G: Yes. I still love you. Even though you still love that Dam Dam. I'll take his cast-offs. I don't mind that you're on the rebound.
E: Really? You are a swell guy.
G: Golly gee whiz. Thanks. Let's get married really soon, like in three months.
E: But other telenovela couples get married in a matter of weeks.
G: Yes, but we are in the middle of a telenovela extension and we must draaaggggg out the aaaannnggggsssttttt.
E: Okay. Gah.
Más tarde:
Carmina: Neener!Neener!Neener! The money is 75% mine.
Elisa: wah. I don't care. I'm getting married.
C: To who?
E: None of your beeswax. Figure it out on your own. You got all ... okay 75% .... of my dad's money, so hire a P.I.

Argh. Ingrid faints. By telenovela rules, that means the hussy is preñada. Probably Gabino's kid.
BTW, OFF WITH HER CURLS!!! Those things me vuelven loca.

Doris - are you sure you aren't really a writer who has infiltrated our pack? You are spot on. Loved the Neener Neener Neener!

Marta - Clap Clap Clap for that much needed inheritance explanation. Thank you for clarifying.

Sandy - One can not flip the channel further after landing on Overboard. It is such a feel good movie. I love the snowflake in her Elisa-like eyelashes.

EJ - I so want to reply, but then you'd know I read the Secret Memo. Blue and I have started the party early. We decided we needed a birthday week. We are currently in the process of deciding which flavor frosting tastes best on Braulio. I didn't even know they made habanero frosting.

Perfect Doris!

Brevity is easy when it's an episode of fillergarbage.

Lovely Marta:

If it is too hot in Alabama, maybe we can just meet on the Patio and have Sara teach us over Skype.

I, too, live in dread fear of a scolding from Melinama, although all I seem to be able to manage when I go short are bullets. Sara's bullets are golden but mine seem to fall like lead.

Alas, I come to recapping from a background in storytelling and knowing a bit about human nature. Those are long winded disciplines at best, so my skills are not honed in making a long story short.

As to your dialogue-perfect recaps, well, I for one depend on them! If it weren't for you sorting out the details of checques and inheritances I would have no idea why Little Elisa was only getting 25% of her Father's estate.

Thank you for your detail!

May I ask one of you patient Caraymates to show, one again, this slow recapper how to enact the "Read More' feature on Blogger? Marta, if you and I do that AND try to write more succinct recaps, perhaps we will avoid being in the dog house for now.

Abrazos amiga,

EJ, making room for Marvelous Marta Ivette in the Long Winded Girls Corner of the Patio, where we hold our heads high and make a Toast with our friend Cynderella la Novia de Victor Hugo Cabrera.

Your dialogue was great! Do you really think ING is preggers? OMG! Fer realz?

I thought she ws just faking a panic attack so that E. Tovar would come out and rescue her.

Great call, Doris, and great imagination! I think Paloma has to be with child as well.


I vote brain tumor for ING! Although it's hard to see how that would advance the plot. But whatever.

Why wouldn't Ing be preggers? She and Gab have been doing the horizontal tango in the Love Shack d'Azul. Hopefully it is a brain tumor, instead, and she'll die. Soon. But after she takes down Gabino.

BTW, Anon207, your "list" du jour had me laughing out loud. What a hoot. You rock!

Maybe she's pregnant AND has a brain tumor. Then they'll have to decide between her and the baby, and ... never mind. That's not exactly a tough decision. For anyone.

BlueLass - oh noes! I vote no for another Gabino Mini-Me. Chente is enough.

I know I immediately thought "pregnant". Oh how well you have trained me, writers.

Great work Doris!

Count me in on the patio birthday parties....I'm thinking both Birthday Girls need a pair of red doily short shorts, why not?

If if Horacio was ( were, was, were?) protecting Lolita, why doesn't he fess up to Padre Lupe either......SO THERE!

And if she is pregnant AND has a brain tumor she is bound to fall down the stairs.

It must be a brain tumor, remember, we still have an open, unfilled grave!

EJ- I am really blushing at your praise of my bullets.

I thought that open grave was filled with Sra Beltran's corpse.

There's an open grave at the Blue House, isn't there?

Sorry to be late to the party Sara, but I will add to the praise. You did so much with so little. It was disappointing to see Elisa think her ONLY option is to marry a man, any man, instead of standing on her own two feet. OK, so Alfie won't accept the money. Then take the money and DO SOMETHING with it. Get a place of your own. Buy some other lands. Something! I cannot tell you how frustrated that made me.

I am not looking forward to the hissy fit Paloma will have when she finds out about Elisa and Gael. The girl needs to focus on the available, sweet, and interested boy in front of her-- Quique. Let Elisa, Dam and Gael work out their sick little love triangle and move on.

Birthday Ladies-- Have a wonderful time celebrating! But keep it clean, ok? By that I mean, make sure Braulio takes a dip in the cenote to wash all the cake and frosting off.

Your suggestion of birthday gifts really cannot be topped. If you can find them on such 'short' notice...




Hi Sara, this is really cute and funny.

Karen: thank you for agreeing with me about Gael and Elisa. He's a scum bucket. I've always known that you were a perceptive and brilliant person.

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