Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #87 Tue 8/7/12 Everybody's Tucked Up In Bed Tonight--But Mostly With The Wrong People

With the exception, we hope, of Connie and Oscar. When last we saw them, her peignoir had slithered to the ground, and sweet kisses and tender laughter were being exchanged. Looks good for romance between the middle-aged.

Not so with the rest of our folks. Gala's in bed with Julie and the former is throwing up milk. Luciana's in bed with Paz and tossing and turning ,wondering if she should tell Rodrigo she's pregnant. Rodrigo's in bed with his memories of Luciana, racked by loneliness and weeping tears of regret.

Jana's in bed with Melissa and discussing the difference between “querer” (care for) and being “enaomorada” (being in love). Like us, she's aghast to learn Melissa's in love with Licenciado Linares.

Roselena's in bed with Max but when he wants to go to sleep with his arms wrapped around her (abrazados), she coolly pushes him away.

Vicky and Aldo aren't in bed yet (far from it!) but he's managed to lay some fervent, furtive kisses on her and she's responded.

Where will all these tangled threads of romance and rejection lead? Stay tuned but it's going to be a long and arduous ride, that I can guarantee.

Telenovela writers seem to love contrasting scenes so tonight we flip back and forth between Paz counseling Luciana, to wit: 1) I know you're pregnant by looking in your eyes (this is a new one for me) 2) A baby is a gift from God. (well, I've heard that one before) and 3) If you are pregnant, Rodrigo has a right to know and to help raise his child. ( I agree with Paz, emphatically)

And Roselena counseling Rodrigo: 1) What!? You actually tried to reconcile and ask forgiveness!? 2) You put more faith in her word and point of view than in MINE? If Luciana lied to you once, she'll lie again. 3) Good Lord no! You actually slept with her after getting married. Eeeeuwww, don't tell me any more!

But he does. He lets her know that he was the first man in Luciana's life and therefore she is not the skank Mom and Julie made her out to be. An “inconvenient truth” that Roselena ignores in her classic controlled fashion.

In Gala's Schematorium, the witches are doing the usual plotting. Gala's in a huff, knowing that Rodrigo sought out Luciana after his night of drunken passion with her. Her friends are in a huff when they find out she didn't use protection (cuidarse). And Gala's even more annoyed that Roselena didn't stop Rodrigo from going north to see his lost love, even though helpful friend Valentina points out that Rod's an adult who can do as he pleases. They learn about Jana's planned “comida” (luncheon. in this case) and Gala vows to invite herself (Julie too) if her girlfriends are going with Frick and Frack. Later that night, we have the dreaded nausea pregnancy scene, even though Gala's cheerfully drinking coffee the next morning. (Coffee never bothered me but supposedly nausea with el café is another sure-fire pregnancy tip-off). And Mama Julie brings a home pregnancy test to the breakfast. Whadda gal!

Conclusion: Rodrigo's got two buns warming in two separate ovens. Gala's sure to tell him about hers; but will Luciana spill the frijoles as well? Wait and see.

Something's cooking at Vicky's apartment also. Aldo breezes by with the fable that he was “just in the neighborhood” and thought he would stop by and see his old friend, Geronimo. An invitation for coffee ensues, Aldo regales them both with his crazy stories and finally Dad toddles off to bed. Vicky tries to hustle Aldo out as well, but he gets in some bodacious besos and a promise to never mistreat her like Osito does. Will she listen? Perhaps.

Oscar is making considerably more progress, we assume. A romantic dinner by the pool where he entreats Connie to stop worrying about Roselena, and them promptly brings up the possibility of her sister going to jail if the father of Luciana decides to press charges. (Oscar, way to ruin the moment!) He quickly recovers from that faux pas. They decide to let go what they can't control and wend their affectionate way up to their separate hotel rooms. He offers to keep her company so she won't miss him. She gently fends him off. He returns in a few moments because goshdarnit, he's a little nervous all by himself in his great big scary room. By now she's in a lovely blue nightgown, and happy with the way she looks. And so is he. A kiss, a compliment (you're beautiful!), a giggle. And we draw a veil. Enjoy! you darlings of a certain age!

Our other couple of a certain age, Max and Roselena—well, it's slim pickins' indeed. She's got her knickers in a twist because Max hasn't found a way to keep Rodrigo from trotting off to see Luciana again. And horrified that they had intimate relations. Max guffaws and says what do you expect from newly marrieds. And now they're divorced. Aren't you ever happy? BUT WHAT IF SHE'S PREGNANT!? And Max attempts at reconciliation and affection in bed are brushed firmly aside by our one-track minded frigidaire.

Well, if Roselena's worried, so is Paz. She's concerned that the Ice Queen might try to harm Luciana's baby if she knows of it's existence. But ultimately she decides that it's all in God's hands.

Upstairs, in the cold gray stone Torreslanda mansion, the discussion is a little quieter. Pato, Jana, Melissa and Rodrigo are all together. Rod's blue because the planned reconciliation didn't take. But he takes full responsibility for his fault in not listening to her and rushing to judgment. ( I'm ready to forgive and forget even if Luciana isn't!) Jana's excited about the comida she's planning and the involvement of Lorenzo, Luciana's brother. When Max and Roselena arrive, Max is happy to see the kids all together like a happy family. Rosa not so much when she learns Jana has planned a lunch party without her permission, and invited Boris to boot! But when she grudgingly allows that Boris can come, Jana gives her a spontaneous hug and kiss. Which Roselena  fastidiously wipes off as soon Jana leaves. (and this is a mother “who loves her children above all else”?)

If Paz is content to let the outcome rest in God's hands, Roselena is not. She wants to control absolutely everything and everyone, and will continue trying. And the less physical contact with anyone, the better! 

Minor events:
Lorenzo thanks Estelita again for all her help and Estela reminds him that with hard work and integrity, success is always possible. Marianita teases Lorenzo about liking Jana. But Estella warns him about getting involved with a Torreslanda; look what happened to Luciana. Estelita's daughter explains that she decided to come back home because 1) when she worked as a servant, the pay was good, but the man of the house tried to seduce her, and when she wouldn't give in, he threatened to report her to Immigration. So she worked in the fields and hard work it was. But once again, there was an Immigration round-up. She hid. Those who were caught were badly treated. She decided it was time to return home.

Linares plots his case against Max but also tells his colleagues that he's learned Luciana is his daughter.
And he gives Luciana a telephone call. Will she give him the possible pregnancy news?

Last scene of the episode: Next morning, Pato asks Matilde to get news about Luciana when she goes to visit her sister. Roselena walks in, overhears the request, and says she doesn't want to hear that girl's name mentioned in her house ever again! (Lots of luck with that Roselena!)

Dicho of the Day: Del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho. = Easier said than done!
( Indeed, I'm sure Luciana's name will continue to be mentioned in the house, no matter how much Roselena storms.)

  1. te van a salir raices = you're going to put down roots (Brigida yelling at one of the men setting up the table for Jana's luncheon party for seemingly just standing around.
  2. ya estuvo bueno = enough already! (Paz to Luciania when she quibbles about whether or not she's pregnant)
  3. Sentimientos encontrados = mixed feelings (what Paz is experiencing knowing her daughter may be a “madre soltera”.)
  4. con el alma en un hilo = worried to death (just about everybody at some point in a telenovela)
  5. usted me dice rana y yo brinco = Lit. say “frog” and I'll jump. Fig. Whatever you ask, I'll be happy to do. (Aldo, soft-soaping Vicky's dad.)
  6. yo que tú = if I were you.....
  7. por poco no vengo = Connie explaining why she almost didn't come on the trip with Oscar
  8. las castas = the upper-classes ( Paz discussing Roselena and her possible reaction to Luciana's pregnancy)
  9. se va a topar conmigo = she'll run into me! (Paz saying what she would do if Roselena tried anything)
  10. pura baba de périco = pure parakeet slobber (Lorenzo's buddy dismissing Aldo's promises of financial help in their business


Love it, love it Judy! Wonderful and snappy recap. I loved all the vocab/sayings too. I noticed the bed theme too, so I'm glad you opened up with that.

Wow! Rod has some really powerful, fast working sperm.

Luci is in denial about being pregnant. I guess that's why the previous dizzy spells didn't ring any bells. She was blocking out the possibility of what they meant.

OK, there was a lot of forshadowing about what Rosa would try to do to Luci's baby. I'm not liking this at all. They better have a 24 hour guard on that kid.

"If Paz is content to let the outcome rest in God's hands, Roselena is not. She wants to control absolutely everything and everyone, and will continue trying. And the less physical contact with anyone, the better!"

Judy- Perfect description of the two moms and their methods!

Judy, thanks for the really fast recap.

What is the deal with everyone sleeping together. I understand the normal Max/Rosa, Oscar/Conny sleeping together but Paz/Luci and Julie/Gagme, Jana/Melissa? As large as the TL homestead is I would think they had more bedrooms or at least twin beds. The same with Paz/Luci, when Jacinto was alive I assume Luci had her own bedroom. It is just kind of creepy especially Julie/Gagme.

I dread to think about what Rosa is capable of regarding her new grandchild.

The vocabulary was terrific.

Rosemary Primera

Rosemary- Paz and Luci share a bedroom because they're in Magda's home and she only has 2 bedrooms. In their old house Luci had her own room. Melissa and Jana share because they're young and they want to gossip and chat before bed when Melissa chooses to spend the night. In one of the early episodes, Rosa bitched at them about this, saying Melissa can stay in a guest room. I think Julie was just watching tv with Gala. I think she actually sleeps elsewhere, like some small back room in Gala's apartment.

Thanks for the recap and dichos Judy. You have such a kind heart. Though I'm all for Luci forgiving Nimrod, she's being prudent not to reconcile with him.

The key reason I want Luci to stay away from Torrescrazy is what Vivi noted. The writers are giving us way too many hints that Rosa is going to try to babynap again. Aside from her hatred of Luci, she can justify her actions b/c the child, in her warped mind, is the product of incest.

My second reason, aside from my great love of Pato, is Rod lacks maturity and often common sense/reasoning skills. We saw how his mental acuity worked when the witches attacked (as well as his thinking she's having an affair w/Claudio)and he's given little evidence he wouldn't buckle again w/another attack.

I missed seeing the episode. Was Gala's pregnancy scare real and the reason for Vivi commenting on Rod's potency? Now, that will be a hot mess! Ok now I'm in nightmare scenarios. If Rod has to marry Gala, I'm hoping noble Luci doesn't marry Pato (at that time) b/c according to TN laws, then he'd have to die so Rod and Luci could be together. If the writers harm Pato, I'm gone!

Hurray for Connie and Oscar.


How do you remember all of the minutia? I thought Paz moved back into her own house? Of course, I could be wrong, it wouldn't be the first time.


RP- She has the house back, but hasn't moved back in yet. They have been cleaning it because Aquiles left it a mess. Paz's house is really big and earth colored. Magda's is small and is really colorful on the inside.

Judy B- thank you for this lovely, recap. I like your style too, easy to follow and loved your title, it so fit what happened tonight, lol.

Rosemary Primera- Paz and Luci are still living with Magda. This is why they are probably sharing a bed, lack of another bed. Julie/Gala, maybe Julie was worried about Gala being sick (as if) but I think Gala has only one bed too, she has a loft apartment I do beleive. Jana/Melissa cause Melissa has her own place and maybe she sleeps with Jana when she stays overnight.

So Melissa admitted she is in love with Claudio, oh ay yi yi. What will Rosa think about that once she finds out? Or Conny? I don't think Conny will have too much trouble with it.

I'm with Vivi about Luci. I too hope she protects that baby. Especially once Rosa finds out. And I too agree that Luci is avoiding the obvious. She just ought to go to the clinic like Paz suggested and get a test already.

Oh, and Gala and the pregnancy test. Oh noes, say it ain't so. Not her too. Oh, boy I hope Rod doesn't fall into her trap, and will Luci tell Rod that she is expecting?

Rosa, I could just rant about her till the cows come home. How creepy was that, her waiting up for him, like he is sixteen, instead of a man? I have to give her credit for not going off the deep end with Rod. She seemed pretty calm, but loved how Rod told her, he was the first man in Luci's life, her TMI moment lol. She never thought of that, I'm sure and neither did the other two brujas. Good of Rod to bring that up. Love what Max said to Rosa too, what did you expect newlyweds to do anyway?

Loved Conny and Oscar, good for them. They are so romantic and so cute. I hope they last throughout this whole TN and maybe marry at the end.

Oh, and Rosa again with the wiping off of the kiss from Jana. I'm with Judy B there about what kind of mom is she anyway? Especially when she is constantly spouting off about how "important" her children are to her. I think yesterday, someone commented that it was all about controlling her children not loving them and I am in total agreement.

So Rod now sees the error of his ways. I just don't want him going after Gala again. But she will pursue him all over the place, no matter what she says. She's one that can't stand competition and wants what she can't have. How can she want to conquer Rod when she knows darn well he still loves Luci and always will? I guess she thinks she can change him, but that will never happen.

Oh Vivi, sorry our comments crossed, lol.

Thank you for the excellent recap and vocabulary lesson. It helps me greatly.
I am confused by the term "licenciado." Google translates it as "graduate." Does it specifically refer to a graduate of law school, an attorney?
I enjoy everyone's entertaining comments, too! Gracias por todo!

I so love your recaps Judy--so insightful and a learning experience as well for my poor vocabulary. Gracias!!

Again with the duel babies...what a tired plot line. And as everyone points out, Rosa will go right for Luci if she finds out, Gala will stop at nothing to use the poor baby to snare Dumbass, it is all so predictable. Argh. I feel good about the L/R baby since mom at least has good brain cells and smarts, but that poor G/R baby. And those Torreslanda genes of temper/irrational thinking and immaturity. Oh, those poor kiddies. Maybe they will take after their aunt and uncle.

Love love love the Oscar/Connie scene. Smooth moves Oscar, and wouldn't you just love Julie to have been a fly on the wall to see that. She would have been chugging the champagne.

Daisynjay- But it's actually not so usual for the villainess to actually be pregnant with the galan's baby. Usually it's fake or someone else's. In those cases we know all will eventually work out because the truth will be revealed. This really complicates things if Gala is pregnant. I remember how complicated it got in CME, and the baby mama wasn't a villain.

Nice to read this interesting discussion this morning. Thanks Vivi for fielding all these questions. We had computer problems late last night and early this morning, but for now it's working again.

@Vivi..I always look for a unifying theme for an episode (although often don't find one!) but the bed theme just seemed to leap out at me. Glad you thought so too.

@Rosemary Primera...modern day Americans insist on separate beds for siblings etc. and often separate rooms. But it isn't necessarily like that in other cultures. And in many homes in this country, in earlier times, siblings all slept in the same bed and huddled together for warmth in inadequately heated homes. I've seen sisters in the same bed rather often in these telenovelas. It's not unusual.

@Madeleine...Glad to see you're as creeped out by Roselena as I am. Yes, waiting up for her grown son like he's a teenager and her horror at hearing about his "intimidades" was chill-inducing. As was the way she slammed down the family picture, after talking to him. And any threat to a baby drives me wild with anxiety...even though I keep saying to myself "It's just a story, it's just a story."

Judy: smart, savvy and sensational. "fervent, furtive kisses", "tangled threads of romance and rejection", "class controlled fashion", "schematorium" and "bodacious besos" were a few of my favorites. The ultimate dicho and vocabulary. Not only was the recap delightful, but I learned so much! Gracias, amiga.

One of the most disturbing moments was Rosa brushing off Jana's kiss. My heart went out to Jana. How cold. How cruel.

In contrast to Rosa's coldness, Oscar was hot last night. Really hot. Thought he did sexy well and the scene with Connie was lovely: "A kiss, a compliment (you're beautiful!), a giggle".

While Melissa may be in love with Claudio, will it be reciprocated? He was so in love with his wife and the fact Melissa is Max's daughter is one more obstacle.

Vivi, I am now also afraid for Luci's child.

And Gala pregnant? The plot thickens. And worsens.

Thanks again Judy!


@Sally...Jarocha, a native of Mexico, once explained the use of the term "licenciado" to us. It's used rather widely to indicate a person with a professional university degree, but it also refers specifically to someone with a law degree. Using it is a term of respect. In comedies, they often shorten it to "mi lic" (pronounced "leek").

And I know in France, students at the university often study "law" but have no intention of becoming lawyers. It's simply a good liberal arts degree for whatever career they're going into.

@Daisynjay...like you, my favorite story thread last night concerned Oscar and Connie. I love her laughter (and her laugh lines!!!)and his courtly, humorous pursuit of her.

As for Gala's baby, yep, what a horrible gene pool that little criatura is steeped in. However, statistically, about a third of people from even the worst genetic and social environments turn out well. So we'll hope this little child-to-be will come from that happy third.

Judy- Glad you're back online amiga. As for the poor gene pool Gala and Rod's baby is coming from, just look at Pato and Hannah. Two out of three of Max and Rosa's kids turned out just fine, so that proves your theory Judy.

Great stuff, Judy.

OK, so now we're at TN Cliche #19: When the heroine and villana are both embarazada, the heroine doesn't tell the hero, thinking that the other baby should have him as a father.

Well, there's something to be said for that here since Gala would probably be a worse mother than her own.

Rosaelena being squicked out at the idea of Rod and Luci doing the horizontal tango is both ridiculous and amusing amusing at the same time. Max is totally right about the ridiculous and we are amused at her discomfort at the idea of her adult son having sex. Oh wait; in her deluded brain he's still 16 years old.

I hope Luci tells Claudio she's pregnant because he will immediately go into Papa Lion mode. The first thing he will think of is keeping Rosaelena from finding out because she will do the same thing with Luci's baby. Whom she may try to kill.

If I didn't say it before somebody else did: Rosaelena is so off that no DNA test results would convince her that Max isn't Luci's father.

How the hell did she get this way and will we ever know? Mati and Connie are the two who could provide that information.

Urban and Daisynjay- Can you ladies remember a tn when the villainess was really pregnant by the galan? Not faking it or baking someone else's baby. I'm trying to remember but can't.

I guess LFDD sort of applies, but the villainess had the galan's baby 10 years prior to his relationship with the heroine.

Good morning Diana...as NovelaMaven says, ah the blessings of the careful reader.

And watcher.

Wasn't that brush-off of Jana's kiss just the saddest thing ever! She has three warm-hearted expressive children, and a husband who, however flawed, would also like to be affectionate and expressive, and she is completely incapable of responding.

Her envy, paranoia, hatred, and her evil treatment of Aurora and Luciana, even as a baby, has sealed her heart for good. She is a tomb, a "whited sepulcher" as the Bible says, incapable of love of any kind, no matter how much she trumpets her devotion to God and family.

@Urban Anthropologist...you raise an interesting question. And I think we've all been wrestling with it. How did Roselena become so sick? What happened to that bright-eyed, charming university student...the one with a great sense of humor? They occasionally give hints of her being envious and jealous even as a child, but we've all suffered that at times, without morphing into the monster that she now is.

And in the last couple of episodes, the medical studies issue has been dropped. Hope we get back to it and find some answers.

@Vivi..My goodness, if you can't remember when a villainess was really for realz pregnant by a galan, then there haven't been any such stories...at least not when you've been watching. Your memory is legendary.

I just dread this storyline. Actually, I'm hopeless. I would have had Rod and Luci back together again way back when he first showed up in the barrio after the library kerfuffle. Or at the judge's office when they were waiting to sign the divorce papers. And ABSOLUTELY, when he showed up at Het Het and pulled her passionately into his arms. (okay Rod haters, don't pillory me. I can't help it. Muscle definition you know. Trumps all my better judgment.)

Judy- If any one would know if this has happened before, it would be Urban. She's a tn veteran. But as I sit here running the ones I've seen through my mind, for the life of me, I can't think of one case, and most of them seem to involve Altair J. LOL!
-En Nombre del Amor: Villainess (Altair) gets pregnant by bad boy, passes it off as galan's. In the end she and the bad boy reform and raise their sick baby.
-In Llena de Amor: Villainess (Altair) gets pregnant by her real love (naco cop), tries to pass it off as the galan's. In the end she and he cop marry and live happily ever after.
-Abismo de Pasion: Villainess (Altair) fakes being pregnant (twice!). First ploy revealed. Second ploy yet to be revealed.
-Mi Pecado: Villainess (Altair) gets pregnant by her lover, passes it off as galan's. She flings herself down the stair, loses baby and accuses heroine.
-CME: Villainess (Jessica C who is Gala here), gets pregnant by her tru love, the galan's brother. First tries to pass it off as her step-brother's, then accuses galan. Flings self down stairs, loses baby, accuses heroine.

Have no fear; I can name three:

The first one that comes to mind is Preciosa, which was done in 1998. The villana, Valeria, is the ex of the story's hero, Luis Fernando. She's a spoiled rich girl whom Luis Fernando loses interest in when he meets Preciosa, who works in a circus. I don't remember the order of events, but when Valeria finds out she's pregnant Luis Fernando is forced to marry her. She's a horrible mother. At some point it is discovered that Valeria and Preciosa are half-sisters. Of course, in the end, Preciosa and Luis Fernando marry and Preciosa becomes the new mother for baby Princessa. Cast included Iran Castillo, Nailea Norvind (BeGoneYa of AdP), and Mauricio Islas.

Second one is Abrazame Muy Fuerte from 1999. Similar scenario to above -- but without the two females being related -- starring Aracely Arambula, Fernando Colunga, and Nailea Norvind.

The other one was Rebeca from 2003. Three guys competed for the heroine's heart while the former novia of one ended up knocked up by him. To be followed by a forced marriage during which she makes his life miserable and ignores the child. He retains custody of the child after the divorce and she ultimately gets her act together. Cast included Mariana Seoane, Ricardo Alamo, and Gaby Espino.

Yes, we certainly have seen Altair and Coch (horrid name that) play bad girls with suspect, murky pregnancies.

Altair always seems to get redeemed, Jessica no.

I sometimes wonder if playing a baddie has ugly influences on one's character? Wasn't it Machiavelli who said pretending to be evil, eventually leads to actually being evil?

Hope these lovely actresses aren't being too influenced by their long hard-working days of dastardly doings and pronouncements.

Ah UA, Vivi was right. You do know all....and remember it.

I have to admit, even with my short stint at watching telenovelas, it all blurs into one technicolor mess. Thank goodness for you and Vivi.

We just have to hope that IF Gala is pregnant, and IF she traps Rod into marrying her...that EVENTUALLY, Rod and Luci will get together and raise Gala's hapless offspring with restorative love and faith. Along with their own precious bundle IF Luci is actually pregnant.

-Triunfo del Amor: Villainess gets pregnant by villain. Passes it off as galan's. Galan learns truth but still fights for custody and gets it. Villainess dies with villain. Heroine raises baby side by side with her own.
-Dinero: Vicky (more pest than villainess), fakes being pregnant by galan's bff to force him to help her get galan. Since she and galan never did it, this plot fails eventually.
-STuD: Villainess, who is barren, fakes being pregnant by galan. The truth is revealed pretty quickly.

Aha! I found one case!
Tontas: Villainess (Sabine M.), who was engaged to galan when she gets pregnant for realz, gets dumped by galan because he falls in love with heroine. He refuses to marry pregnant ex-fiance and wants to just co-parent with her. Out of spite, she takes off before having the baby so that he'll never know his child. Not being maternal, she gives the baby to Villainess #2, who is the sister of the heroine. They both get off on the fact that the galan will be so close to his own child, worried about his own baby, and never knowing how close he is. In the end, Villainess #1 dies, the truth is revealed, and the galan and heroine raise the baby, along with their kids from their prior marriages.

So, should we hope for death for Gala?

That would be an excellent argument against typecasting, which a few actors of both sexes seem to be fighting against.

Rosaelena's brush-off of her daughter's kiss is disturbing. What was she like when her kids were babies? I'll bet someone else changed their nappies.

Hmmm...she's icky but don't know as how I could wish for death. Still, accidents DO happen.

Thanks Urban! I knew you'd deliver. All of those were before my time.

Ah UA...OF COURSE! That would have been Matilde's job as nanny. The babies would have been brought in briefly at the end of the day, all scrubbed and sweet-smelling to be chastely kissed and then sent off with Matilde once again to be tucked into their cribs. Then Roselena could go back to praying for the salvation of their little souls.

That's why the three adult kids are relatively healthy psychologically; they were raised by Matilde. They only saw their egg donor at the end of the day.

Judy, I started watching in 1993 with Madres Egoistas and Corazon Salvaje. I took a hiatus from 1996-1999 for whatever reason so I have a gap. The oldest novela I actually watched all the way through was 1991's Yo Compro Esa Mujer (rerun in 1996) and I am now watching Kassandra on Latele.

Wow. That's quite a history UA. You will have to be our information archivist. I started watching in '04 after our first grandchild was born and I decided to learn Spanish (no obvious connection between those two things but still...)Of course I could NOT understand a thing. On the news, I could understand Casa Blanca and Presidente Bush. That was about it. Until I found CarayCaray in '05 and someone told me about closed captions in Spanish (and I got me a big ol' Oxford dictionary) I was pretty well lost.

Judy B,
Masterfully done! You really, really have a knack for smoothly working in your point of view [and Viewerville's] and devoping the characters while precisely summarizing events. And vocab appreciated.
Rosa, when Max said he wanted to sleep "abrazados," I think she said having his "mujer" at his side was enuf.
DimRod, yay, finally seems to get that his not hearing Luci out was his great fault.
Guessing [no spoiler, speculation] Rod's road to redemption will lie through discovering Lic. Lin is innocent of the fraud and advocating for him. Will Rod [Pato/Oscar] turn against Max?
Dualing pregnancies, ho hum. Vivi is right re Rod's "power." When Julie popped up with the pregnancy test, didn't Gala say it had only been two days?
Loving that Valentina, Gala's blonde truth-telling friend.
Thanks JudyB, Madeleine, Vivi, Anita, Marta .... and anyone I forgot.

On the subject of Rosa again, sorry can't help myself, wouldn't you rather have been raised by Mati than that cold fish of a mother? I know I would. Rosa has absolutely no empathy. I too hope they go back to the medical reasons behind what the hay is goin' on with her.

JudyB- thank you so much for the vocabulary and the dichos. So enjoy those, they really help me learn.

@Clara...thanks for those kind words and appreciation. Yes, Roselena DID say "having his wife by his side was enough". Evidently hugs, kisses, or worse yet-- "intimidades" are not in her view of married life...not at this point anyway. We must assume those three kids were conceived the old-fashioned way, however.

And Valentina is a hoot, isn't she? The little truth teller in the background. In real life, Gala would have dumped her as a friend long ago, but I'm glad the writers are sticking her in...and that she's sticking in Julie and Gala's respective craws!

@Madelaine...agreed. Mati is warm and tender. Roselena is not. And yet her children love her. And Pato sees her as the hub and center of the family. They are generous in their affection and acceptance, I must say!

I've seen this in real life...where cold, self-involved women give birth to loving affectionate children who keep trying to elicit a similar response from their ice cube of a mother. She is often better treated by her offspring than warm loving moms whose affection and care is taken for granted.

Well you certainly nailed mommie loca in this wonderful recap.

So, if Gala has a bebe will said bebe call its mother Gala and Grandmother, Julie?

And, what fine bebe names are on the horizon for Gala and Luci?

Somehow think Max could find a warmer wife in a grave yard but he did give it the old college try.

"A warmer wife in a graveyard!" Yikes. What a zinger. You can see why Max wears pajamas buttoned way up,can't you? It's chilly in that bed.

Haven't begun to speculate on what that hapless bébé will call monster mom and monster granny. But I do have some friends (guys actually) who won't let their grandchildren call them Grandpa or anything of that ilk. Insist on names like Bobby or Bobo. Ah well, I'm so happy to have grandchildren I don't care what they call me!

Great convo about babies, real and fake, being used for entrapment. Though most of the villains in TNs are written far more interesting than the protagonists, I also wonder about type casting. I think of poor Marcelo Córdoba (now on Eva) usually cast as a villain. He could be a great, smart, and sexy galan someone just needs to give him a good script.

Gala may live but if she and Nimrod have a church wedding that provides the excuse for her to be knocked off. Though as others have mentioned, thus far she crimes don't warrant death.

Unfortunately I see Rosa getting crazier by the minute. I wouldn't be surprised if she actually does kill someone by the end of the TN. The person who comes to mind is poor Mati. She'll be trying to reason w/Rosa about something awful the latter is doing and Rosa snaps; this is pure speculation.

Gala is safe as far as a Church wedding goes. She and Rod can't get married by the Church because she is divorced. So she doesn't *have* to die if she uses the baby to get Rod back to the altar/judge's table.

@Karen...oh my goodness...I hope you're wrong about Matilde's fate! Although it wouldn't be the first time some sweet, lovable servant has been knocked off (I'm thinking of Ana Martin being pushed out the window in STuD..STILL not over that.)

I loathe Gala but agree that she hasn't done anything death-worthy yet.

Frankly, the only one I'd be willing to see die at this point is the lovely Roselena herself. But again, she hasn't killed anybody. YET. (Hmmmm...but do we know why Aurora died in childbirth?)

@Vivi..thanks. Yes, no church wedding for Gala. So her life is spared. She can continuing running her magazine and wreaking havoc in Rod's life (and Luciana's, alas) for a good long time.

Going back to Rosa's brush off of Hannah's kiss. As cold as Rosa is, she is particularly cold to Hannah, and more loving towards her sons. Notice that the pic that she smashed just had her and her two sons in it. No Hannah. Perhaps her coldness towards Hannah has to do with the fact that Hannah was born after Rosa believed her marriage had been destroyed by Aurora and after she had betrayed Aurora by giving away Luci. Maybe the birth of her baby girl a few years after she gave away Aurora's baby girl brought back those memories. The conception of Hannah was also probably one of the last times Rosa made love to Max.

Judy- Aurora had a hear problem in this was listed as her cause of death. Gala and Julie found this out when they were researching Claudio Linares. I think I remember toward the beginning of this TN that Aurora had a risky pregnancy.

Oh, sorry for the typo it should be heart not hear, lol.

Thanks Vivi and Madelaine...background info is always important.

@Vivi...funny, I didn't look closely at the picture. I figured the female face was Jana's. But no! Just Mom and her two boys. Oh dear.

I can remember decades ago when I was in graduate school, an Iranian mother in my dorm proudly showed me a picture of her with her three sons. She grudgingly admitted that she also had a daughter, but evidently she didn't deserve to be in the photo or mentioned with the same pride as the boys.

Karen, Judy, the actress who plays Matilde (Maricruz Najera) was also Tomasa, the ill-fated housekeeper of Dona Bernarda in TdA. I suspect most of her characters have been nannies or housekeepers. She was the (more fortunate) cook to Julieta Rosen in Madres Egoistas, my first novela ever.

Oh dear UA, was she as long-suffering and co-dependent as she is in this one? Sometimes I just want to smack her when she's wringing her hands and going "Mi niña.." (Of course then I feel VERY VERY BAD about myself. I need an altar like Roselena to confess my many sins of judgment.)

Julieta Rosen was the protagonist of ME (Raquel); the villana was Maria del Sol as the housekeeper and former nanny (Mariana). Mariana's son, Fernando (Alberto Mayagoitia), was the male villain. Maricruz Najera was Nati, the cook.

Without going into too much detail, the story begins with a very twisted version of Cinderella where Mariana's objective is to steal Raquel's inheritance. Fernando, you see, is the illegitimate son of Raquel's playboy uncle of the same name as the result of a drunken one-night stand. Mariana had Tio Fernando murdered on his wedding day and went away to have the baby so that her bosses wouldn't know she was pregnant. Nati always knew that Mariana was no good, but couldn't make Raquel see it because Mariana was Very Clever. This leads to a number of cliches that involve missing children, several deaths (including Raquel's first husband), amnesia, arson, disfigurement, and a few other medical situations on the way to the standard happy ending.

Thanks for the info on Mati and ME, UA. Though I eventually bailed on TdA, I remember her character's death; Bernarda was so bad.

And thanks Vivi for reminding me about Gala's divorce. I'm w/Judy that though she's a harpy, Gala shouldn't have to die. Also didn't get over Ana Martin's death in STuD and that could be why I thought poor enabling Mati might be on her way to heaven by the end of the TN.

Well, if Gala doesn't die, and she doesn't miscarry, the only hope is redemption. Otherwise that will be a messed up situation for Rod with his wife (Luci, hopefully) and his baby-mama always at odds with each other.

@UA...loved your Very Clever.

@Karen...we have the same sensitivities.

@Vivi...Wow, redemption for Gala. Hard to wrap my mind around that, but maybe...

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