Monday, August 13, 2012

Amorcito Corazón Discussion #84-88 Aug. 13-17

Today I head back to work full-time (*sob*) so I won't be able to get the recap done until much later this evening. Since the prime time recaps will probably already be up by that time, I'm scheduling this post to publish at it's usual time so as not to take up any homepage space later. I'll put today's recap in the comments.

Feel free to discuss today's happenings. (In other words: forewarn me if EWM and Horny do something awful.)

If anyone wants to give recapping a try let me know. This is a good show to get your feet wet as we are a smaller group. Blue Lass describes it perfectly: All we really need are pithy bullets. :-)

I will probably be limiting my vocabulary additions to the week-ends, but I love when y'all add your words to the comments. I'll add them to the list.

I'll leave you with some new compounds I picked up this week-end:

  • el/la mandamás : bigwig; big boss
  • el santocampo: cemetery
  • contrarreloj: timed 
  • a contrarreloj: against the clock


The Main Events
Ricky came to start the electrical fire but was caught by Isa and 'Nando. He conks Fernando on the head and Isa gets a great look at Ricky. Idrogo is assigned to the case. Jorrible tries to make light of the crime. Jorrible finds out Isa knows what the thief looks like.

Sabrina has definitely set her sights on F5. She flounced around in her jammies, played the flirt AND made F5 huevos rancheros.

EWM went to a curandera to get something to "get rid of a so and so who's getting in my way."

Maristoopid continues to act like a besotted twit around Knuckles.

Marifer overhears Doris talking about adoption and gets upset. Doris says she was talking about a friend of hers. You can tell Doris really wants a baby.

Babs and Juancho made out and I got nauseous.

Moncho has it bad for Babs. Willy finds out and approves.

Moncho puts the raffle plan into motion.

Lucia prays for strength to get over Willy. Willy swears to not get in touch with Lucia until he is free of Horny.

Thanks, Sara.

I love how things are starting to unravel for Jorge. I was bouncing up and down and clapping with glee when all those polis descended on his office and threw out his box and he didn't get it back.

So, Jorrible made a really shady deal with some old guy for 5 pieces of art for 50 million dollars (plus shipping), if I heard right. Wow. He slimes in the big leagues. But the guy wondered how he got them out of Colombia, since he is aware they went missing from the National Museum years ago. Is it possible this deal could go badly for Jorrible? I hope so.

My favorite part was Lucia's dream about showing up to her wedding, only to arrive at the church as Horny is walking out already married to Willy G. Loved Horny's black wedding outfit.

I was gagging at Barbaric's slurping and groping all over Juancho, too.

I wrote down a few words:

careta - mask (also means cheeky devil)

ajetreado - hectic

asediar - to beseige

Thanks for the Vocabs and mentioning Jorge's deal. Slip-shod recapping on my part. NO excuse.

I was so excited over the loss of the cherub's too! On an unrelated note: Jorrible was a complete jerk to his mother yesterday. How could someone as kind and loving as Beba raise such a momzer?

As I tossed and turned last night I was thinking that Sabrina was truly a hussy. Huevos Rancheros?! That's just playing dirty. Then I remembered your words and I am really on the fence. Is she going after F5 with malice toward Zoe, or is she just drunk with the power of being attractive? I can't read her facial expressions well.

Then again, she knew what she was doing 'cause she was in those pj's and Zoe had specifically asked her to cover up when around the house.

And if everyone will bear with me I have a vocab note from Friday.

Remember when Mayela had talked to Beba and was telling her about all things the new baby needed?

She said she had not talked to Beba because everyone was "reatareadas" and that everything they needed for the baby was "racaros". Then she sad Willy was "remal"

Well I went nuts looking for these words (Yes, because I'm an idiot.)

Turns out in Mexican (and Argentine) slang you can add "re" to something to mean "really."

Oh all right, so y'all probably already knew that...but I was thoroughly confused. LOL.

Sara, I've fallen behind and I'm out of town this week so I won't be able to pitch in. I'll catch up over the weekend and try to make up for it next week.

But I'm warning everyone now, I plan to FF through the cousin-incest, coz yuck.

Sara- "re" is just a shortened form of "rete" which means very, extremely, really. So someone might say rete mal, or remal in slang/contraction form.

Have fun on your journey Blue Lass and definitely fast forward through Barbwire and Juancho.

ReIcky is such a dumbass. He pauses for a long time while Isa stares at him, then as he's leaving he stops in the light and turns around again so she can get a really good look. And then he tells Jorrible he was so sneaky.

How much longer will it be before all the characters know each other? Isa, Zoe, Poncho, Doris, etc. still don't know all the people in the poorer neighborhood (aside from Poncho meeting Mayela). We need these people more entangled!

Oh, there was one bit of info in the Barf/Juancho makeout scene: she tries to get him to skip work to hang out with her (and by "hang out" I mean...well, let's just not think about it). Remember what a hard time he had finding work? Remember he hasn't even worked at this place very long? Remember how the family DESPERATELY needs more money? None of that matters to Barbwire.

Ugh. Long day at work and I'm looking forward to today's episode. I love this fluffy little bit of brain candy. Why does this show appeal to me so much, despite all the baddies and stoopid people?

Sara thanks for your recap. How was the start of school? I appreciate your vocabulary, too.

Poor Doris does want a baby. I wish she could find a way to confess and not have the whole family hate her.

Don't the writers already know we had the teen plots? So why have Moncho, a really nice man with horrible taste in women (Tuqueque's mom lied about the child's paternity) have a crush on Barbarian? She needs to end this TN ALONE and her wretchedness revealed.

Yeah the continuing of unmasking of Jorrible. Ricky walked right into Isa's apt and she identified him!

Though its been a while since I've seen straight up witchcraft in a TN, EWM's latest antics are way creepy.

Kids don't start school until Monday, but this week has been meetings and tomorrow I have an off-site meeting and tonight I was at school until six passing out schedules. So far I think it's going to be a good year :-)

I'm going to do a recap in a minute, but I loved your comments. Que the hell was EWM doing with those dolls???

I agree with you about Doris. Somehow I want her to come clean, end up with Poncho and a baby and still have a good relationship with Fernando and his girls.

Blue Lass: I hope you never feel pressured to do a recap. I always appreciate it when you do. Enjoy your trip.

Julia: I hope you are not offended when I steal all your nicknames. You truly have a gift!

What do we have so far and have I given proper credit?

Hortensia: Horty (Vivi); Horny (Rosemary Primera?)

Barbara: Barbwire; Barbarian; Barf (Julia)

Marisol: Oh dear me too many to name. Changes on a minute by minute basis according to her actions: Marisolame; Marisostupid; Marisoloud (credits?)

Manuela: Manny; EWM (Karen)

Jorge: Jorrible (Julia?)

Lo del martes
EWM, Nando and Isa
EWM goes to see Madame Urraca to get a brebaje (potion) to get Isa out of her way. Not murder or anything, just make Isa break up with Fernando. Unfortunately it's Nando who gets it thanks to an unfortunate coffee mix up.

Nando, Isa and Jorrible
All the brebaje managed to do was give Nando a bad case of diarrhea. Jorrible arrives unannounced and he is borrachísimo. While Jorrible passes out on the couch, Nando "runs" (ji ji) to the bathroom. While Isa forces suero (saline solution) down Nando, he looks through Jorrible's phone to find his chofer. Ricky must be a chofer name, 'cause that's the name Nando chooses and tells Isa to call. When rICKY arrives, Isa recognizes him and Nando conks him on the head. At the station, Jorrible swears rICKY was with him the night before. Idrogo tells Jorrible about rICKY's record and Jorrible "fires" him.

rICKY and Jaibo
I think they are negotiating doing a job together?

Horny, Willy and Lala
Horny spends most of the episode calling Willy hers and saying things like "he belongs to me." He's not an object, beech! Horny wants to eat dinner with Lala and Willy. They go to a taqueria and Horny is pretty disgusted. She stuffs tacos in her purse. Willy, impressed with her appetite orders the tripe. Hey, is the actress playing Catitia on Eva?

EWM, Nando and Isa Parte II
After coming home from the police station, Nando whines jealously about Jorrible. He pouts and decides to sleep at home. The next day he stays home from work and EWM thinks the potion is working...especially after she sees Isa's glum face. Isa won't call Nando 'cause she has her pride. Yeah. We're going there again. *le sigh*. Oh, Nando put EWM in charge for the day. Lord help them all.

Más del martes

Doris, Poncho, Mayela and Marifer
Doris continues to nag Poncho about adopting Mayela's baby. All Marifer ever hears is "adoption" and she tells Nando. Nando and Doris have a talk and she promises she meant to give the baby to Nando and Isa. Nando thinks Doris needs psychological help.

Moncho, Barf and Juancho
Juancho continues to feel ill at ease about not telling Lala and Willy. Barf tells him to chill and let her handle things. Moncho interrupts their movie night to ask Barf to be his novia, but chickens out. Later he tells Juancho why he was there. Juancho calls Barf and she privately laughs at the idea of being Moncho's novia. I hate Barf. I can't remember who the Ricardo Margaleff fan is, but thanks for pointing him out. I love his scenes. He is very expressive and his scenes with Barf today were painful to watch.

Willy and his Móvil
Hello, product placement!

rICKY-The carnal from hell
Bastardo sees everyone selling rifa tickets and knows what his next robbery is gonna be!

Thanks, Sara!

I'm the Ricardo Margaleff fan. As good as he is in this, he was about a million times better in Llena de Amor and Al Diablo Con los Guapos. Those roles gave him more to do. Well, there's still time on this carnival ride.

I'm also a Diego Amozurrutia (Juancho) fan, btw. I know Juancho is kind of a numbskull but the actor is pretty awesome. The character he played in Mi Pecado was amazingly well done.

I think it's really nice that Manwily has found herself a little craft project. Have fun with your dollies, witch. She's creepy.

Yay to Isa for recognizing rICKY. I wish she had pushed the point, though. No one checked up on the alibi, and he's a known skeezeball.

Poor Doris. She does need a therapist. I loved when Marisol threw the pillow at Fernando. First time I've approved of anything she's done in awhile.

Other favorite part was Horny stuffing tacos in her handbag. She is so delusional. I do not remotely understand why a woman would want to have an intimate relationship with a guy she knows doesn't like her and doesn't want to be with her. That just seems so awkward and humiliating.

I have a few vocabs, some of which aren't entirely new to me, but maybe if I repeat them enough times I will remember them:

de manga ancha - easygoing

ir viento en popa - to go well, progress, generally said of a romantic relationship

de sopeton (there is an accent over the o...for some reason this stupid machine is refusing to do accents) - unexpectedly

tajantamente - categorically

se te zafo' un tornillo? - do you have a screw loose? Have you lost your mind?

chifladura - madness, insanity

un titipuchal - heaps, hordes, a lot

hee hee Julia! I have the exact same words written down!!

I am very excited because last Thursday my Spanish CCs started working. I don't have garbage anymore!!!! I'm so afraid they are going to go away. It's a amazing how much more one picks up when the Spanish words are scrolling along with the dialogue.

I've only seen the Al Diablo DVD, so I'm sure most of Margaleff's work was left on the cutting room floor...he played "Rocky", right? He ended up with the sister turned model?

I'm also becoming a fan of Amozurrutia. Juancho=Twit, but Diego doing a good job of it.

I added a new compound to our list today. From the Abismo recap: prestanombre=frontman.

PS: Horny is indeed delusional. She really thinks she can cast her spell on Willy, but I think you've got it right: to force a man to be with you is pathetic and humiliating.

Entering "de sopetón" reminded me:

Juancho told Moncho that Barf has a novio; that it's the brother of some friend from school.

Barf is very against the Juancho/Barf relationship going public. Maybe cause she knows doin' your matter how gross.

Thanks, Sara! I whooshed through 3 epis last night, and I missed some of the finer points of this one. You have such a good eye.

Over on Abismo, we've been kvetching about all these women who think they're nothing without a man, but this thing with Doris is worse. She started out with lots of spunk (and a great career in flooring), but after a few months with a pillow down her dress she thinks if she can't have a baby she'll literally die? She really DOES need psychological help.

I love Julia's "ReIcky" -- great use of a new term. NOW I'll remember it!

Moncho was so sad and sweet last night. I hope they find someone nice for him.

Yeah, Doris' character development has been weird.

At first she was a bit manipulative and very selfish. Then she started to soften and her friendship with Poncho has grown and she's gotten close to Fernando's family. Now she is getting weepy and wimpy. Not cool IMHO. She really does need help.

Since EWM has moved on to other ways to split up Isanando, I wish we could get Doris out of Nando's house.

"Moncho was so sad and sweet last night. I hope they find someone nice for him"

Yeah, 'cause Barf isn't good enough for him. Hmmm, maybe one of the Casa Hogar ladies? I particularly like Jazmin.

Have you seen Friday's episode? Tio Padre puts Jazmin in charge and she does the cutest little giggle afterwards.

PS Lucia need to get the heck out of the church and back to Willy.

Oh yes! Willy is the ultimate in sad & sweet. Lucia just needs to get over it already...but somehow I fear there will be more malentendidos around Horty etc. Bleah.

I was glad to see Ketita again. I like her.

I have a question about these longer TNs, Character Shelf-Life and Plot resolutions.

'Tho I didn't watch all of UFCS, I did notice there was all kinds of comings and goings and plots being introduced and played out, so that is what's led to my pondering.

Amorcito Corazón has 206 episodes. I am assuming that we will have to wait until the bitter end or very close to it to have the following resolved:

-EWM, Isa and Nando (though how they can stretch it I have no idea.)

-Lucia and Willy

-Zoe, F5 and Ceci

I think the following could be resolved before the final

--Beba gets a man.

--Moncho gets a lady.

--Juancho and Marisol finally get together.

--Sarita and Leopoldo

--Doris and Poncho (and by default Mayela)

I am hoping the following people go away before the end






I'm just thinking out loud. Thoughts? Opinions?

I don't see any hope of getting rid of Horny, since she's related to EVERYBODY. But a nice gangland shooting would do for Jaivo & ReIcky (and maybe Barf could sustain some collateral damage and spend some time alone in rehab THINKING ABOUT WHAT SHE'S DONE.)

Though I want her gone muy pronto, BL is right Horny isn't going any where soon. And ITA w/Sara & Julia about her obsession w/Willy. She keeps saying he's hers like they have a real relationship. She knows he hates her which only if you are delusional is a viable way to "have" a man. My consolation is that bad mothers is comedies can have very bad endings - death.

In addition to Lucia needing to get over her problems, she needs to stop treating Beba like the Mother Superior treated her. Beba and Horny each have a VERY different relationship w/Willy. Though Beba confused her loneliness w/marriage, she at least wanted a relationship w/Willy not some stud/play-thing as Horny does. Yes, Beba messed up but she's been trying to help Willy ever since she learn about Lucia and we know that's has not been the case w/Horny.

I do like the scenario w/Barb getting to go to the hospital to contemplate her horrible deeds but she's so off, she'll need a near death experience.

Amigas- I have fallen behind again, but hope to catch up tonight.

I echo the wish for Lucia to leave the church and go back to Willy. He is so sad without her. He's lost his Willy sparkle. :(

Vivi, he got a bit of his sparkle back when he was flirting with his car, didn't he? :)

Sara, thanks so much for the recaps! I am woefully behind on episodes but I have definitely been enjoying the recaps and comments

Double thanks for the "re" lesson. That has baffled me before. Can't believe I never figured it out, duh.

"He's lost his Willy sparkle."
Blue Lass is right, he got some of it back when talking to the WillyMovil (he kind of had to, it was product placement), but for the most part You are right Vivi. He just isn't the same.

And Karen- I just LOVE the new Beba/Willy dynamic. I think she is definitely over him romantically and she's taken to a more motherly way of dealing with him. I am very tired of Lucia being so mean to Beba.

Sylvia-I'm glad the recaps (English used of re-) have been helpful.

I felt restupid (Mexican use) when I finally figured re- out.

Beba and Horny are also very different in that Beba actually had a relationship with Willy. Yeah, he was using her, but she didn't know that. She loved him, he was affectionate to her, she gave him stuff because she wanted to. It may not have been the real deal, but it wasn't coerced. She actually had reason to believe she and Willy G had something together. Horny doesn't. And Beba has behaved MUCH better since, and Lucia should stop being mean to her.

Horny is power-mad. She just wants to WIN.

Okay, as soon as Willy G has some money, maybe he should arrange for a "romantic" get-together with Horny wherein they meet someplace dark or she's blindfolded...and hire ReIcky to go in his place. Or Knuckles.

Not really, because that's evil and Willy G is not, but she deserves it.

Love these comments about Beba, Willy, and witchy control freak. I also think that Beba will need Willy as a "replacement" for her son whose going jail or worse by the end of the end. And since Lucia has no parents, Beba would LOVE being an abuela.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Blue Lass-Yup. That's Horny. I'm thinking that the Mannyzana did not fall for from the tree.

Julia- I think your plan for Horny is pura perfección!!

Karen-I think that would be the best ending for Beba, Willy and Lucia! One of my favorite cut to commercials is the one with Willy hugging Beba. They aren't being creepy they just look like great friends. I can't find an image and I was seeing spoilers when I looked. (Darn that internets!)

Lo del miércoles

Julia gets her wish
We had some construction talk today. The San Somwhere project ran out of 1/2" reinforcing rods (varillas)and Manny just told the rep to use the 3/8" rods they had. The poor guy tried to explain, but Manny just yelled at him. No, this is probably not important...but I remembered Julia wanted constructory bidnez talk. As expected, Manny was an incompetent twit (previous comment deleted to correct egregious error in last word.)

Good News for Willy
Catita is going off to Miami with her galán and she wants Willy to take over the gimnasio with the goal of buying it? (Did I get that right?)

Massage a tois
EWM goes to Fernie's apt to administer the second dose of Urraca's Brew. EWM make Doris leave and get rid of Mine. EWM proceeds to slither into 'Nando's room, ply him with a "treatment" that will help aleviate the retortijones (stomach cramps.) Somehow this becomes a slimy massage that Isa interrupts. Isa gets pithed and leaves. EWM takes the opportunity to talk smack about her to Fernando.

Zoe wears green well
Sabrina wants F5 to accompany her to some thingy with all her married friends. When he refuses, she calls Zoe's phone (Zoe was in the bathroom upchucking.) There's a confrontation and some lines, and eventually F5 says "fine, I'll see you tonight." Which Zoe overhears and she gets suspicious when he plays it off as work. Later, Sabrina promises she'll help her get to the bottom of it. F5 goes with Sabrina, but then leaves her on the steps because his place is by Zoe's side. Meh. Too late F5. We're all on team Zocilio.

Barfy, Juancho and Moncho Oh my!
I am recapping this under extreme protest.
1. I am tired of watching relatives slobber all over each other.

2. Listening to Barf talk about her "first time" gives me retortijones.

3. I can't handle another female "blackmailing" (emotional in this case) a guy into sleeping with her. QTH??????????

4. Watching Moncho's face when he sees Barf in the arms of Juancho breaks my heart.

5. Having to suffer through Barf's tirade when she tells Moncho she wouldn't be his novia if he was the last man on earth was more than I could bear.

I'm sorry Katita is going to Miami, but it was a good wrap-up. I'm not sure she suggested Willy buy the gym, but he did talk about that possibility later with Lala. And Katita was funny about her novio -- he has a dorky name (Remigio) but he's "un leon en la cama." She also told Willy he's the only one she would trust with the gym, and that his ladies really miss him.

But QTH did Sabrina say to F5 to blackmail him into going to that party? I didn't follow that at all.


Más de miércoles

Mayela, Poncho and Doris
Mayela finally gets in touch with Poncho and meets him. Doris introduces herself and asks Mayela if she's ever considered putting the child up for adoption. Mayela takes offense, asks if they are the police and leaves. Poncho takes that as a "no" and figures he's off the hook. You know Doris is not going to give up easy!

News from the Rancho
Sarita is happy to report Leo is walking again. I was smiling like a fool during this scene. I love these two.

Estupideces sin fin
Isa finds Jorrible's keys and calls him to come get them. When he arrives he notes her sad mood and asks if he can help. Isa decides she needs Jorge's point of view with her Nando problems and they go to grab a drink. So when Fernando finally drags is sorry butt out of bed and goes to Isa's, she's not home. Isa explains to Jorrible that Mannyipulative is Mannyhandling Fernando. Isa thinks that Fernando is blind (We do too!!!) Jorge, who is a bastion of objectivity (NOT), takes advantage of the situation to talk smack about Fernando. He's week-willed and just as much to blame as EWM. EWM has coincidentally chosen the same watering hole to wet her whistle and sees Jorrible and Isa together. She snaps a pic right when Jorrible helps Isa retrieve her fallen purse and it looks very pre-kiss like. (You know, I can barely get a picture of an immobile object with my phone, how did Manny manage this?)

I"m going to go back and watch that Blue. I didn't get it all either 'cause I was taking notes/multitasking.

Ok. I've watched and I've seen the CCs and is still doesn't make sence.

Sabrina says: Are you calling me a liar? Well, I guess that could happen if you accept and you're looking at/see (veas) Zoe right now and you tell her I'm talking to you. Or she could accept and I could tell her you didn't want to because you had a lot of work.

I really don't think I got it despite the CCs 'cause it doesn't sound blackmaily to me. I italicized the bit that was weird to me.

I guess Sabrina just knows that F5 is tempted by her and trying to be a "good boy" and there is no way out of this situation for him?

oh for pete's sake SENSE.


weAk-willed. Oy vey. I'm not as dumb as my recaps make me look.

Proofreading is apparently a lost art for me. *le sigh*

Sara, thanks for confirming that I didn't miss anything in that senseless F5/Sabrina conversation. That plot line is getting old fast.

The only other thing I'm measurably confused about is where Manny came up with that guy. We don't know him, do we? We're just to assume that after 5 years in Florence, she still has a stable of escorts on call?

I guess so. I assumed it was some poor schlemiel she picked up. And she must have FLOWN! One minute she is at Isa's door with Fernando next thing she's at the same place as Isa.

Thanks for keeping us up to date Sara. I caught yesterday's episode.

I was already pretty fed up with the Isanando instant breakups over the silliest of issues, but Isa going out with Jorge to talk about her relationship with Fernando is the dumbest thing ever! I have to give up on her, she's too stupid. She really thinks Jorge will give her some valuable insight? Give me a break!

Here's what I wrote in my notes about Isa: "dumb.a$$." I just didn't use the dollar signs.

Thanks for noting the construction talk, Sara! And for all the rest of it, too.

I did catch the talk of the varillas. I think this might, in fact, be a big deal. Manwily's big exec decision that she's so proud of is, of course, exactly the WRONG thing to do. If they use 3/8" rebar when it should be 1/2", I see two likely outcomes:

1. An inspector or someone else will catch it, and word will get around that the constructora is trying to cut corners and their work is shoddy and dangerous, which will ruin their reputation.

2. No one will catch the error during construction, and the finished building will be dangerous and could have a disastrous failure.

In real life, if you made this substitution (btw, I don't think I have EVER used 3/8" rebar on any project. It's too small to do much. 1/2" aka Number 4 is the smallest I ever use), depending on where the rebar is the building would probably be strong enough to hold up its own weight and everyday loads, but not for the loads it's supposed to be designed for. So when there was, say, an earthquake or a bunch of people on the floor dancing, you'd get a failure that shouldn't have happened. This is a safety hazard and would also be very bad news for the constructora.

It is my observation that builders aren't putting enough rebar in buildings in Mexico. I've sat and watched construction on some buildings there. Unreinforced masonry! Barely any steel in the concrete columns! It scares me, to be honest. They get earthquakes there. The reason all those buildings collapsed in Haiti in the earthquake was lack of reinforcing steel.

Realistically, this shouldn't be an issue to go to the company president with. The construction managers on the various projects should be authorized to buy materials, and they should know who the local suppliers are. That is their job.

Okay, I'll get off my enginerd soapbox now.

I agree with you ten thousand percent on Barf's behavior. How could she treat Moncho that way, when he has never been anything but nice to her? Come here and I will make you feel better, Moncho! He is WAY too good for her.

I did like FFFFF ditching Sabrina, and is it just me or did he look pretty hot when he was giving her that withering stare in the car? But he still is a cad.

Isa and Fernando are both being deliberately obtuse and I refuse to be interested in their fickle relationship. If Ferny can strip down to his skivvies for a thorough groping by the Mannyipulative Mannyhandler (good ones!) and not see how there's anything wrong with the situation, there may be no hope for him.

What is in Mayela's past that she freaks out about police and runs away when someone asks if she's thought of putting her child up for adoption?

Thanks for your recap Sara. And thanks for taking one for the team on the inane teen plot w/kissing cousins. It's just gross and probably the worst B relationship I've seen (aside from Rohell or anyone sleeping w/sisters or brothers).

Julia- thanks for the construction info and ITA on Isa/Fer's stupidity. Thank goodness we have Willy though Lucia is being difficult.

I know we have too long to go but I don't see how Barbarian will be worthy of anything but banishment by the end of this TN.


Julia-Thanks for your insight on construction details. I was kind of thinking about that scene today and I wonder if this *will* become important. I'm wondering about Mayela's extreme fear of the police, too. Is there some sort of issue with baby buying in Mexico?

Karen-I agree. I just don't see any way to redeem Barf.

Ha ha, Julia, it's not just you -- when F5 was giving Sabri the hairy eyeball in the car, I thought he was kind of attractive for the very first time! Maybe because he had his mouth shut.

Hey everyone. My power went out soon after I got home and it just came on. I'm posting this from my phone. I probably won't get to watch until tomorrow. Please accept my apologies.

No worries! I'll summarize what I remember:

Zoe decided since FFFFF was out no doubt living it up, she'd go have fun, too. So she took her unborn baby out for a night of heavy drinking. FFFFF came home, found she was gone, started drinking, called her, went and met her, and they kept drinking and drinking together. Totally soused, he proposed, and they went off to the home of some judge friend of his (the judge was also drunk) and apparently got married...they signed the marriage certificate and the judge declared it official. Then they went to some hotel and crashed and dropped the crumpled paper on the floor. In the morning, they didn't remember having gotten married and were horrified when they found the marriage paper.

I predict they'll need rehab before long.

Manwily blackmailed Doris into confronting Fernando and Isa with the photo in which Isa appears to be kissing Jorge. Fernando and Isa did more insufferable bickering and Doris feels terrible.

Doris made a deal with Mayela to buy her baby. Lots of money; it's a stretch for Doris.

Juancho told Willy G and Lola that he and barf are novios. Willy G told him he'd better be sure and not be a cad. Moncho cried a lot. Sniff. Poor Moncho. He can do so much better.

Mayela had a fight with Jasmin and flounced out of the casa hogar.

Willy dreamed that Lucia was taking her vows and he tried to stop her but Lucia wasn't into getting back with him and Horny and Beba pulled him away.

Maneater had a conversation in the office with some supplier but I didn't see what the significance was. It sounded like he was just going to send samples, but maybe she's going to sign contracts or orders for stuff Fernando would oppose. She also called her witch doctor and did some more voodoo crafts.

Oh, and ReIcky watched Moncho selling a bunch of raffle tickets and it looks like he's planning to steal the money.

Julia-You are marvelous. THanks for doing that. I might just fast forward through most of Thursday's stuff and watch Friday's stuff tonight.

Manny is going to run that company into the ground!

I will watch again tomorrow for more details and vocab, but here's all the tsuris from Friday:

--Jorge cleared everything up to Fernando and Isa broke up with Fernando for good (again.)

--Zoe and F5 woke up hungover and married. He accused her of trapping him. There was screaming. They're going to get divorced. Cecilio said he would take care of everything for Zoe. Sabrina took advantage and plans to be right there for F5 when he needs "consoling."

--Lucia donned the habit again, much to Willy's dismay. He cried. He begged. He smooched. She cried. She denied. She slapped. They've broken up and it better not be for good.

--Isa resigned. Zoe resigned. Isa, Zoe and Susy cried.

And really I think those were the main events.

Minor happenings include:

--Doris has a psych appointment tomorrow at 11. She also wrung her hands most of the episode. She feels bad about the picture thing.

--Mayela contacted Poncho and told him she's out on the street and needs help. Doris fretted about being able to afford helping her.

--Kncuckles had a bunch of balloons for Marisodumb. Her friend said snide things about poor folk that have to ride public transport.

--Moncho sold tickets to police officers, thus delaying reIcky's planned robbery/assault for at least one more episode.

--Willy advised Barf that being a nagging, harpy, shrew is not the way to a man's heart.

Can someone clarify the following:

--Manny Mensa told Fernando about some business with the supplier Rojas, but I didn't quite get what upset Nando so much.

Can I just gush about this show again? Sure, today was not very upbeat but it just made me happy to watch it. I flippin' LOVE the way everyone talks. Even the ones I don't understand have a certain inflection/musicality.


Julia thanks for recapping Thursday. ITA that fickle leads make it hard to pull for them. These two have had more break-ups than any TN couple I've seen and I don't think I'm exaggerating.

Sara thanks for recapping Friday. I too enjoy this show but just wish we could have less of the baddies. Watching EWM cackle about her success was not fun. Also if both of our couples are not together and bad ones are, the writers do need to throw us a bone like Juancho getting a brain dumping Barf and Barf getting some comeuppance. Or rIcky going back to prison b/c he gets caught trying to steal the lottery money.

ITA, Karen. TIME FOR SOME GOOD NEWS. Or at least more dancing.

Gracias, Sara.

A high point for me was Fernando shoving Manuela out of his apartment.

I think Fernando was annoyed because he thinks whatever it is the supplier Manuela talked to supplies is inferior and he doesn't want those products used in their projects. It sounded like she had authorized substituting them for whatever was originally specified. He told her she caused the problem, so fix it. She didn't even tell him about the rebar thing, which is probably going to be worse.

He was already annoyed at her because she started her report on how well she's managed things in his absence by telling him she's ordered all the office windows to be cleaned and the restrooms repainted and fresh flowers everywhere, to make it look nicer. He was all, "why are you spending money so frivolously and wasting my time with housekeeping issues?"

And after she got shoved out of the office, Manuela thought-bubbled, "Gee, and I didn't even tell him about the rebar -- oh well, at least that's on the inside where no one can see it." AI AI AI.

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