Sunday, August 12, 2012

Wed. Recapping Spot Still Open for Amor Bravio

Please let Melinama or me know if you're interested in giving it a shot!  Thanks!

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Hi there (again - I think the site thinks I am a troll), What does it require to be an official recapper? I am game if you still need someone. Mena

Mena: Hi there! You would be translating the events of the weekly episodio from Spanish to English. (If you have CC3 and need a bit of help, you can "cheat" by reading the English subtitles.) If all you have is CC1 it's Spanish subtitles. You'll need a decent dictionary. There are a few good online dictionaries for Spanish also we use.

Melinama will probably have you do a trial recap of a show and send it to her first, to make sure you are comfortable doing it and can manage. Then she gets you set up to post what you write which needs separate passwords and so forth.

I believe I've seen your name here before and I am glad to see you are still commenting. All opinions are welcome! We'd love having you give it a try! It can be fun and is a good way to practice what you're learning. Please contact her at this address.

caray [at]

I'll let her know to expect your e-mail. Ok?

Thanks for stepping up, amiga!

Hello! I am also something of a lurker. Caray caray has keep me up to date on many a novela (and kept me laughing throughout!). How do I become a member of the community?

Jardinera654, OK I will do that straight away and see if it works out. Thnx and maybe I'll even post someday. Mena

All, I have now set up a real live profile and tested a real post. When I saw it actually showed up on the site, I was amazed and then I promptly deleted it (thankful that I hadn't written something crazy as a test) from the main blog and then turned it into a draft where it now sits.... The future is looking promising for being able to maneuver this blogger world. Just waiting for my next steps. Maybe I will see you soon.

Mena: Good deal!

Hellashelle: Welcome! You already are! Just get a gmail email like, hellashelle at and sing into gmail before coming to the site and your name will appear in blue. If you forget to sign in, then the computer program will make you do it before you sign on or when you post a comment you can sign in/Choose and Identity under the comment box. Hope that's not too confusing. Once you get the hang of it you can edit your profile and upload any kind of picture to appear by your name, etc.

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