Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Amor Bravío #17 (Uni 12) Tue 8/28/12 Andres/Daniel mucks out the bull***t as Dionicio keeps dishing it out.

Rancho Malquerida

Camila is introduced to “Andres”.  Alonso tries to make it clear that he’s the one in charge around here.  Daniel thanks Camila again for the opportunity.  Alonso may have noticed there’s a little “something” passing between them because he asks Camila “what’s up?”

In the Parlour,

Agustina is pleased as punch that Dionisio has asked her to be involved in his business venture that involves some type of retirement fund. Dion puts on the charm, saying he’s sure her high society friends would be sure to buy in if she offered it to them.  Poor little Agustina is like a school girl falling hard for his line and agrees to meet him for dinner.

At the pens,

Natalia takes Daniel to Leoncio who is immediately rude and tells him not to address him as Udsted.  Daniel agrees, saying he agrees they are not equal. 


As Alonso walks Dion out, Dion reminds him they’re on the same side but he’s had to intervene because Alonso hasn’t been able to get Camila to forget about the heir to this maldito property.  Alonso thinks he’s on the brink and doesn’t think it necessary for Dion to come on to his mother-in-law.  Dion thinks it’s always important to discover someone’s vulnerability.  Camila’s vulnerability is her mother.  This will become very important in getting Camila to cooperate.  Alonso doesn’t see how, since Camila isn’t the type of woman who blindly obeys her mother.  Dion agrees, she doesn’t obey her mother…….nor her husband.  Ouch!  Alonso tells him he doesn’t care what he does with Agustina but he wants to be informed on everything that happens in this house and on the ranch.  Dion repeats they’re on the same side, and he’d better not forget it.

Out at the pens,

Leoncio gives Daniel a shovel and tells him to start shoveling the dung (estiércol) and not to throw it out because it’s good for fertilizer (abono), got it? 


 Camila’s on the phone leaving Viviana a voicemail apparently wanting to share that she ran into Daniel again.  Agustina appears and happily shares she’s interested in joining Dionicio in the retirement fund venture and he’s invited her to dinner to celebrate!   Camila’s happy for her and says, who knows?  This could possibly lead to something more between them.   She’s really glad to see her mother so happy but she’d also like to see her happy as a woman.  Agustina ruins this mother-daughter moment by saying she’d like to discuss Camila’s marriage. * Buzzkill * Agustina doesn’t mean to justify Alonso’s behavior but reminds Camila that for men “the ability” is everything to them and if they can’t perform in that area everything else in their life is affected.  Camila knows this only too well.  The Alonso she knows now is very different from the one she used to know.  Agustina thinks this could just be a period of adaptation, young people today don’t realize the hard work that goes into a marriage.  Camila assures her she understands that but there are limits.  Agustina reminds her that when she arrived at this ranch depressed and unable to walk, Alonso was very caring (solidario), patient, and tolerant.  Shouldn’t she return the favor?  Camila has a flashback to a time when she was still wheelchair bound and Alonso was very considerate and encouraging her to walk, telling her he’s there help her.  We see a montage of images of them together as Camila slowly healed.  She comes back to the present and figures her mother may be right and it’s her turn to be patient and tolerant. 

Back outside,

Alonso is walking with Leoncio, saying he really doesn’t like the new guy and wants him to put the pressure on him so he’ll leave.  They walk past the cars and Alonso notices the damage to the front of the car Agustina was driving.  Alonso’s frustrated that he isn’t kept informed about anything that goes on around here!

At the pens

Daniel is working very hard and Rodolfo offers him a handkerchief to wipe his brow.  He would offer to help, but then he’d get fired.  Daniel thanks him but says he’s fine.  He looks up to see Leoncio watching him.

Alonso’s Office

Alonso is berating Natalia, reminding her that he hired her – not Camila.  He’s the boss and she better not get any ideas about protecting her “boyfriend”.  If she goes over his head again, she’s fired.  She apologizes and the brute leaves.

El Campo

Camila runs into Leoncio and asks for the new guy – she wants to speak with him but tells him to forget it because Viviana comes running up.  Camila starts to tell her about “el vato”.  They stop talking because Rafael is also there.  The talk turns to the pending birth of a calf to one of her prized cows.  She thinks it would be fantastic if they could witness the birth and take photos.  They love the idea and talk of staying at the ranch until that happens.  Rafael worries how this may affect Camila’s marriage.  Camila thanks them for being so tolerant and patient because they continue to come around despite Alonso’s rudeness.  Everyone agrees Viv and Rafa will continue their work. 


Daniel and Rodolfo get to know each other as they get head to the kitchen for lunch.  Daniel learns that Rodolfo arrived at the ranch shortly before Camila and that Agustina and Don Daniel were in-laws.  He learns of Don Daniel’s affection for Camila, her accident, and how el Don took her in.  Rodolfo thinks she was much happier when Don Daniel was alive and before she married Alonso.  Rodolfo tells him Camila’s a true angel.  Daniel suggests there are angels with the soul of the devil.  Rodolfo assures him this is not the case with Camila.

El Campo

Viviana and Camila are alone again and they start to talk about “el vato”.  Camila reminds her “el vato” is the one she thought was so cute and now he’s here.  Rafael interrupts them again.


Natalia seeks out Daniel and learns of the job Leoncio assigned him.  She’s angry but Daniel tells her he’s willing to do the work because he asked for the job and he doesn’t want her to look bad.  He knows he’s caused her problems.  She tells him about her run-in with Alonso and how he was angry with her for going to Camila about getting him that job.  He threatened to fire her if she asked Camila for any more favors.  Daniel feels badly that he’s caused all this.  She’s only mad about the job Luciano gave him – it’s not fair. 

A Bullring

Pablo looks on as his brother Mariano takes a few passes from a calf.  Pablo asks if Mariano’s talked with their father about some business associates who are expected to visit and stay for a time in their home.  Pablo apparently doesn’t like them very much.  Too bad, says Mariano, because Pablo will have to tend to them.  He’s on his way to Zacatecas.  They’re interrupted by Pablo’s phone.  It’s Luzma calling to tell him she loves him, she loves him, and can’t wait to see him. 


Luzma hastily hangs up the kitchen phone because the slovenly Leoncio has arrived. Ugh, this guy’s such a slob.  He scolds her for using the phone.  He doesn’t want problems with the patrones.  She wonders if he ever tires of always being in a bad mood.  She escapes and rushes out of the kitchen.  Piedad comes in and Leoncio says something to her about keeping her daughter in line.

Outside, Viviana drops off Camila in front of the house and she sees Daniel.  She confronts him.  She didn’t want to say anything in front of her husband earlier but now she demands to know what he’s doing here.   First he follows her, flirts with her, now he’s supposedly Natalia’s boyfriend and using her to get a job here.  She demands to know his intentions or he can get off her ranch right this minute!  He tells her his only intention is to work honorably.  He doesn’t understand why Natala told her he was her bf.  Camila doesn’t think it’s right that while he’s pretending to be Nat’s bf, he’s off in town flirting.  Daniel says he wasn’t flirting, he just admires beauty, which she has, and he didn’t mean any disrespect.  Camila says it was indeed disrespectful because she is a married woman.  She warns him that if he wishes to keep  his job, he best mind his place and keep his distance.  Oh, he’s very clear of his station here – she’s the owner and he is only her vaquero.  She’s very glad to see that he’s clear on that.  This will avoid a lot of problems.  She walks off as he stares after her.  *Ay Papi*

Inside, Alonso confronts Agustina about the damage to the car. Why didn’t she tell him?  Did she crash, or what?

Isadora’s Depa

Isadora didn’t think Agustina would accept Dion’s business proposal – she’s so limited.  He knows and that’s why he made her feel she was very important to him.  Hmmm, seems the green monster is making an appearance cuz Isadora wonders how far he’s willing to take this and, snake that he is, he responds, “As far as necessary.”  He’s willing to involve Aggie in his venture in case anything goes wrong.  He must have La Malquerida even if it means becoming Camila’s stepfather.  Eeeeew.  “Por favor!” says Isadora, he can’t be serious.  He laughs his evil laugh and says a man such as himself doesn’t believe in marriage but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t marry in order to get what he wants.  She warns him to be careful because one who plays with fire can get burned.  Why does he sense a bit of jealousy with that comment?  She tells him he’s misunderstood her.  The ends justify the means and all of this has the means to get us La Malquerida. That’s all.


Daniel thought bubbles about Camila—she’s trying to hide her problems by saying she’s a married woman and wants him to keep his distance.  But apparently, no one but he knows she’s an unsatisfied woman.  We see a split screen that shows Daniel outside the couple’s bedroom window as they’re arguing.  He intends to use her vulnerability to destroy her just as she destroyed him and his life. 

Dining Room

Agustina totally fibs to Alonso, telling him the car must’ve been hit while she was parked. Yeah! That’s it!  He agrees to get it fixed without involving the insurance company but tells her to be more careful.  She assures him she will and he’ll see that soon everything will be back to normal.  She starts to lay on the compliments as he plays with his claws.  She tells him she’s so happy he’s there.  She feels so protected and secure.  It’s working, cuz he asks her if she’s being sincere.  Of course, she says.  She thanks God he and Camila are married, especially now that her brother-in-law has died.  They’d be two defenseless women at the mercy of any evil person.  Oh, he’s lapping it up and is happy to hear her say that.  She assures him he’s now the man of the house and of this family.  He’s grateful to hear her say that.

Out in some beautiful wooded area,

Luzma and Pablo are sharing some time together.  He suggests buying her a cell phone but she worries about what her uncle would do if he found it.  She has a better idea.  Camila seems willing to help them.  The cabin has a separate line from the Hacienda and she’s sure Camila would let her use it.  She has even better news.  Her uncle will be out of town on Saturday so they’ll be able to see each other then.  Oh no.  That’s the same day his father’s associates are coming to visit and he has to play host. 

A nearly full moon rises,

And we find Aggie at Licenciado Becerra’s office.  He tells her he still hasn’t heard any news about Daniel Diaz Acosta but he’s still checking.   She hopes he drowned and is sure Dion is right in assuming they’ll soon receive a death certificate so it’s very important he have all the necessary paperwork ready for everything to be turned over to Camila’s name as sole owner.  She’d also like to see if he has any job openings for Amanda’s new tenant.  Any job will do.  She explains she’s indebted to him for a big favor he did for her.  She further explains he’s here as manera provisional (?).  He’s not Mexican and he needs to earn some money to return to his country.  The attorney assumes correctly he’s undocumented.  Agustina assures him Amanda has determined he’s a decent young man.  He sighs that women are so trusting.  Since it’s a friend of hers, he’s willing to give him a job.  She takes his hands and thanks him profusely and he asks her out to further discuss this young friend of hers (hmmm, could this be a possible galán for our innocent Agustina?).  She explains she’s otherwise engaged with Dionisio Ferrer, who has a business proposition for her.  The name sounds very familiar to the licenciado.

Viviana’s Place

They’re discussing Andres (Daniel).  There’s something about him that gives Camila the impression that he’s hiding something.  Viv agrees he doesn’t fit the part of a vaquero or peón.  He could be an educated man.  There are a lot of people in that situation that find it difficult to find jobs in this global economic crisis.  He could be one of those.  Camila still feels uneasy about him.  Something about him makes her anxious (inquieta).  Viv suggests she make some inquiries about him – ask Natalia, or better yet, why doesn’t she just ask him?  Camila scoffs at this idea, joking there must be something other than coffee in Viv’s mug.  Seriously, she even wishes she’d never come across him. 

Amanda’s Hostería

Agustina comes looking for Andres.  He’s not there so she leaves a message with Amanda that she’s found him a job with Licenciado Becerra.  As Agustina leaves, Amanda says to herself it’s obvious she hasn’t heard he’s working at La Malquerida. 

Outside, Camila waits for Agustina by the car.  As she waits, she spies Natalia and “Andres”
strolling through the park.  She tsk tsks, calling him un cínico (shameless).  Agustina suddenly appears and scares the begeesus out of her.  Agustina finds her to be jittery and wonders if she’s in a bad mood.  Camila assures her it’s nothing of the kind and they eventually climb in the car, Agustina driving of course.

Back in the Hostería, Amanda tells “Andres” about the job offer with el licenciado.  Amanda tells him she didn’t say anything about his working at the rancho.  Natalia butts in saying it’s probably better he work for el licenciado.  She proceeds to tell her mother all about the demeaning work they have him doing at Malquerida.  Amanda agrees but “Andres” can only sigh.

Isadora’s Depa

Alonso charges in, highly agitated as usual.  He’s very angry she set him up with a prostitute and forbids her from doing so again.  He is no longer a child and can solve his own problems.  She doesn’t think he’s a child, she just wants to help him.  All he knows is that she has always been manipulative in his life and he’s had enough!  “Basta!”, says Mommie Dearest.  She will not allow him to speak to her in that tone and calls him an ingrate because thanks to her, he’s what he is today.  *does that include the impotence?*  When his father died and left them in ruins, she was the one who pushed him.  He went to all the best schools and colleges thanks to her ingenuity and dedication.  He should be grateful.  Being widowed at such a young age, she dedicated herself solely to caring for him and preparing for his future.  No response from Kimodo jr. 


Natalia can’t believe “Andres” doesn’t want the job with the licenciado.  He doesn’t want her to look bad after everything she did to get him the job at the rancho.  She feels the job he was given was insulting and only to force him out.  He agrees but he’s willing to work hard and show them he’s capable of any job.  She feels badly that he feels obliged to stay there.  He tells her she’s been a tipasa and is very grateful for all she’s done for him.  It’s people like her that keeps his faith in humanity.  He asks her about the story of them being novios.  She apologizes and says she only did it so Camila would give him a job.  She offers to set everyone straight.  He tells her not to worry - it won’t be necessary.  He strokes her cheek before walking away.  She touches her cheek where he’s touched it and heaves a huge sigh.  Oh, she’s falling hard.

Back at the Kimodo Lair

Alonso is on his knees begging forgiveness.  She understands, although his words hurt her.  She understands what he’s going through and only sent him to that prostitute in order to help him.  He tells her it’s one thing for her to try to help and quite another for Dionicio to butt in.  He explains Dionicio is  butting in where he shouldn’t and tells her about Dioncio’s business proposal it with Agustina.  Dion has said it’s to put pressure on Camila about the ranch.  Does she really want Dion to end up controlling everything?  He’s sure that’s what Dion’s up to.  Mommie disagrees saying it’s important for Dion to get Agustina on their side although to be honest she’s not so hot on the idea.  His mother-in-law is no big thing.  But for the time being it’s convenient for all  of them.  Alonso’s not so sure but Mommie repeats it’s convenient and it’s important to use everything to their favor.  He wants to make sure she’s forgiven him.  Oh, ok – she allows him to kiss her on the cheek then pats him on the head like a good little dragon. 


Agustina has gone shopping for her date with Dion.  She’s checking out her dresses with the tags still on them. 

The following morning, Andres greets Camila as he’s walking by with a wheelbarrow full of dung.  She’s surprised this is the job he’s been given and makes a comment that he is capable of something more.  He responds that he has a need to eat and is willing to do an honorable job.  He thanks her for addressing him and walks away.


Padre Baldomero visits with Amanda.  He tells her he feels responsible for what happened to Agatha’s son.  He only wishes he hadn’t opened his mouth to Don Daniel.  None of this would have happened.  She says that although she doesn’t believe what everyone is saying about Daniel, she knows what power, money, and riches can do to change a person.  Padre points out that Daniel hadn’t even known about the inheritance.  That’s right, says Amanda.  If he didn’t love her, he could have just divorced her – but to kill her?  She just doesn’t see that.  They both agree there’s something wrong here.  Amanda has the feeling that Daniel will soon show up to explain how everything happened and prove his innocence. 


Camila visits Alonso in his office and asks him if he’s the one who assigned Andres to muck out the dung.  He blames it on Leoncio and says any job is dignified.  She thinks that after Natalia has worked for him for so many years, he might have found her boyfriend something more suitable.  Again, he blames it on Leoncio.  If that was the job available, well……  In the end, she’s the one who ordered them to find him a job and never specified what that job should be.  She’s never satisfied with anything.  If she wants him fired, he can take care of that too!

Outside, Natalia again complains about the job Andres has been assigned.  She lets it slip out that she hopes that the true heir to the place will soon show up and put everything in order.  She realizes and tried to backtrack.  But at his insistence she starts to spill the frijoles that when Don Daniel died he left everything to a foreigner….and it turns out this foreigner is his illegitimate child!!! 



I just LOVE Daniel aka "Andres Duarte"! <3

Love the title!
I have a hard time watching and not thinking how everyone on this ought to also be smelling of bull***t too, literally. I mean seriously, I grew up on a farm. Andres should have been quite ripe after he finished his mucking out.

I just want to slap Augustina. I did not like her in Alborado, and she seems to be playing the same role here.

Thanks for the recap. I finally got at least the Spanish subtitles to appear (Need to be a computer programmer!), so that helped.


Good work, Paquita, and some good zingers, all about Alonssso:

She starts to lay on the compliments as he plays with his claws.

No response from Kimodo jr.

Oh, ok – she allows him to kiss her on the cheek then pats him on the head like a good little dragon.

I wanted to slap Augustina flat for the "two defenseless women" remark. I still hear this in real life and it really angers me that any woman in a free country still thinks this way. After being married to a man who abused and fleeced her she is refusing to see Alonssso's abuse.

Mucking out the stables has to be the lowest job on this ranch. You think the komodo hates the stallion?

It looks like the lawyer spots Daniel in tonight's episode so here's hoping he can set him straight about Camila.

Fabulous recap Paquita! I also love the title. Gussy totally bought Dio's b.s., didn't she? What an easy mark, but the old devil is a smooth talker.

I think she was spreading around the b.s. herself when she was talking up Alonso's manliness to him. Now that she knows what his problem is, she thinks she can help him out by building up his sense of manhood. It did sort of work. It put him in a better mood, at least for the moment.

Then Al went from being manipulated with compliments from his mother-in-law, to being manipulated by admonishments from Mommy Dearest. That was a creepy scene, but well acted.

For once I would like to see our galans come to logical conclusions when it comes to our heroines. OK. Dan keeps hearing from people he sees as being good people that Camila is a great person. He knows he got his job sight unseen because of her and she went against her husband's orders to make it happen. She did this as a favor to Nat. Everyone also tells him that it's her husband who likes to go around acting like he's the owner and being a jerk to everyone, and since he married Cami, he's gotten worse. The logical conclusion would be that it's the husband who's dirty and would do what it takes to get his hands on the ranch. NOT CAMILA! But no. Dan thinks it HAS to be Camila who plotted to get him out of the way to get her hands on the ranch.

But the news he got at the end about his own parentage must have been a huge blow to the gut.

It was. You can see it in his face. I just watched tonight's episode because I will be at Lincoln Center. Going out on an errand; back in a bit.

I haven't seen the episode yet but thanks Paquita for a great recap. I'm looking forward to watching it even more now.

I also enjoyed the same Alonssso zingers and the Mommie Dearest nickname.

*Ay Papi* is right! Other than a few automobile commercials, I've only seen CdLF in one other TN called "Sonar no Cuesta Nada". He was the only bright spot in an otherwise horrendously bad story.

Can't wait to see who Mariano's business associates are... and how they will end up being related to our main peeps.

Thanks for the recap Paquita. Your title was great too. Dio is a hot mess and ALL the women in the TN need to watch out for him.

Cindy/UA - yes on slapping Augustina. I really hate how the mother who was in abusive relationship keeps telling her daughter to have patience with Alonso. This is not a patience issue; he's an abuser and needs counseling which he refuses to get.

Vivi - yes I would like Dan to use that brain of his a bit more. Glad he realized it could be the inheirtance that "trigger" his bad circumstances but lets look at the characters before placing judgement. While I know you can't go by appearances, the visual difference b/t Cami's husband and Cami is vast and its easy to project which one is good or bad. And though she did get feisty with him, Dan was being a stalker however fine he is.

LoriLoo - good guess about Paolo friends being connected to other people we already know.

Thanks Paquita. I'm so glad for the recaps because I didn't get that Pablo and Mariano were brothers. Sheesh. They look 20 years apart, at least. So what role will Mariano play? I want him to be Viviana's new boyfriend.

Daniel needs to stay at the ranch to eavesdrop and figure out what mess he's getting himself into. But on the other hand, working for the lawyer could give him the opportunity to look at papers regarding his inheritance and everything associated with that. Maybe he can work at both places.

I would love to see Dan work for the lawyer but in any case, I hope he overhears Cam state that she will not take over the ranch unless she gets a death certificate, or the full year passes. At least he'll know that she is not the evil one.

(I know, I know, dream on...)

I think the Padre is the one who recognizes Daniel [*beanie time unless Daniel looks JUST LIKE AGATHA*] not the lawyer. Nobody else besides Padre would know what he looked like (except Dionisio's hit man --ruh roh)

I give Dan "some" slack regarding Camila b/c he's been processing three conflicting sets of information:

1) After discussing his situation with the real Andres, he figures the most likely person to want him out of the way would be Camila, who would have inherited if he weren't named in the will, and who will inherit if he doesn't present himself.

2)He's being told by all of the ranch staff that Camila is a really sweet and good person, just the best, but that husband of hers...just yuk.

3)He sees that the ranch is HUGE and Camila is being rude and snotty to him, telling him to know his place and she is the dueña etc. which conflicts with the "good & sweet Camila" picture he's been given by the ranch staff.

If everyone tells me "Sally" is nice, but Sally is always rude to me, who am I going to believe? Everyone who says Sally is nice or myself, who is experiencing Sally being rude.

Now Dan has an additional piece of information, that he is this man's "long lost foreign son" and THAT'S why he was named as the heir out of the blue. This also means he's Camila's "cousin" he's going to shut down any romantic overtures he may have made towards her.

PURPLE WATCH: Augustina, in her suit with purple roses, checks out her new date night dress/blouse which also happens to be purple.

Come here, Daniel. Let me wash you down. *tee hee*

Paquita, thanks for such a detailed recap. There was a lot going on last night, and you really captured it.

The scene with Isa and El Diablo was great. He is so perceptive and so willing to go to any lengths to get what he wants. I worry for Auggie's future if he follows thru and marries her.

And that scene with Alonssso's head on Isa's lap was dys-turbing. Eeuww!

I'm wondering if Isa's and Al's 'gaslighting' Camila is part of Isa's plan to neutralize Camila if she applies for divorce or annulment. Right now their efforts are directed towards getting control over Camila, but I think Isa is also thinking about what could happen if Camila decides she's had enough of the lizard and wants out of the marriage. As the suffering husband and the long time administrator for the ranch, Alonssso could make a strong case for compensation for all his efforts.

I'm really loving this TN. The acting is excellent, and the story is moving along at a good pace. So far the writers seem to be treating viewerville

And did I see correctly that in the advances the padre recognizes D'Andres in church?

Anya you saw it correctly it was the padre who recognized Daniel.

Tthanks PDelBarrio! I am noting your clean segments when you recap. Makes for really smooth reading. Add one more name to the list of people that know about AlLocoLonso and "su problema" - Dandres. Geeez, I feel a little sorry for Al, no privacy and not one of these people said "too much info" ! I didn't see the scene with Dandres peeping in the window while Camila and Al were quarreling, but Dandres gets a "creeper" point for that move....Maybe I am just irritated with Dandres because his hair style is bugging the @#$% out of me. That little flippydoo over his forehead makes him look sort of juvenile. Even Little Ricky had a slicker coiff. But, I think I may the minority style judge here, because I like Viv's wild wavy hair.

Anon207- Yes, Agustina's signature color is purple, and Nat's signature color is yellow. Have we picked up on any others?

As for Dan-- Cami has been snotty to him twice, after she realized he was stalking her. The first time in the restaurant she was perfectly nice. She was totally justified the other times. In their last conversation she was actually saying he should have a BETTER job. He's the one who brought up the knowing my place line.

Paquita thank you so much for this fab recap. Loved your title as well.

I too would like for D'Andres to work for the lawyer, but he wouldn't be able to find out what is going on at the ranch, like most of you said.

Anon 207- So agree with you about what you said about Camila and D'Andres. He is judging from what he himself is seeing, not what people are telling him about her.

I like Rene Strickler. He is a great actor, I have seen him in PVAA and DA. I hope he is a good guy here. I too wonder who Mariano's clients will be. Does he train bulls for bullfights? Was he a bullfighter maybe?

OT: Christian de la Fuente was also on a USA network series called In Plain Sight, about the US Marshall Service and he played the love interest of the main character. They showed alot of his bare chest, hubba hubba, jus' sayin'. Oh, and his English is perfect.

Did anyone else notice that when Natalia was telling D'Andres about the history of Camila, she told him that Daniel Sr. adopted her?

Anon207- I like D'Andres's hair. But I love his eyes. They are piercing. It's funny that someone mentioned his appearance on Dancing with Stars, so I looked it up. I haven't watched many season's of that show, but I did happen to watch that one. So I was wondering why I hadn't noticed him. Turns out it's the same season that Mario Lopez was on, so that explained it for me. Poor Mario was robbed of that title. He was, and has been since, the best dancer on that show, and he didn't even get to win it. I hadn't watched since then until William Levy was on it last season. Now I want to see Jorge Salinas on it.

CathyX, I love CdlF's eyes too. It's just something about them. I remember when he was playing "Damian" in Fuego en la Sangre, who was trying to get with sappy Sofia, I was so sad when Sofia kept turning him down for Juan (Edward Yanez).

I felt sorry for his character Renato in Corazon Salvaje '09 when his dippy wife didn't want him but wanted Juan instead (again played by Edward Yanez).

So I'm glad to see him here, not playing second banana to anyone else.

Thanks for this nifty recap, Paquita. I've only seen the first few minutes of this episode but I can easily picture the rest of it thanks to you.

I enjoyed watching Augustina fall under Dionisio's spell. She shyly agreed to participate in dinner and anything else he might want to do.

Did I miss something early on in this show? Why is Daniel so certain that Camila is the one responsible for all his suffering? Is it simply because she is the default heiress?


Carlos, Dandres has the right idea that someone may be behind some of his misfortune. One of his Chilean prison mates proposed this as a logical conclusion based on previous events. However, Dandres has come to the wrong conclusion because Camila is the default heiress.

My CC's spell Augustina's name as Agustina. That seemed wrong, but I don't know how the CC's know how to spell a name. Is someone guessing just like us?

Cahtyx- The captions have it right. That's the Spanish spelling. No 'u' after the 'A'.

Did you guys notice that Cami sometimes calls her mom by her first name when she's scolding her or teasing her?

I sometimes think those cc's are done by computer.

And it was the padre.

Bulls are not trained for the bullring; they are traditionally isolated from encountering people on foot until they are actually turned loose in the ring. See the links I posted yesterday on this subject.

Many retired matadors go on to have ranches and some breed fighting bulls. Who knows; Camila's tio could have been one.


I too thought that I caught that about Camilla's adoption. My Spanish is only at a beginning level though, so I assumed I did not hear it.

That would make it possible for C & D to canoodle, right or does that simply mean that her uncle adopted his niece?



I think the adoption thing was simply that Tio took Cami under his wing and treated her as a daughter, nothing actually official.

Padre keeps saying that Dan looks nothing like Tio, but there IS a similarity in their build. Both are big/tall men with broad shoulders.

Thank you for a clear and concise recap, Paquita. I can't believe how much I miss without them. I would watch anyway, but your recaps make the episodes infinitely more enjoyable.

I want to know what's with Leoncio? Why is such a slovenly bully the foreman of Malquerida? Piedad, Luzma and even Natalia seem afraid of him. He likes to corner them, but they don't seem sufficiently annoyed to me. They seem to regard him as a nuisance more than a threat.

Another question--would Dionisio know what Daniel looks like? Didn't he send a photographer to Chile right away to find him (to inform the hitman of his hit, I presume)? Did he see those photos?


The photographer was employed by Tio Daniel; he has nothing to do with the hit man. The only reason that Daniel the Younger thinks so is that both men had Mexican accents.

I do not speak Spanish and I am watching
my first Telenovela, Amor Bravio. First
off, thanks to all the recappers and
commenters alike. You make my experience
very enjoyable.

I am amused by the recappers' use of
nicknames. They are very humorous at
times, but also cause a little confusion
for me. A couple of questions:

Is there a character by the name, Dante,
or is this a reference to Dionisio?

What is the name of the policeman who
answers to Abraham?

Does Alonso always wear red? An allusion
to Diablo?

Some commenters have offered future
pairings. I have one: Ximena and
Viviana. That would be muy caliante.
Okay, so I do know a little Spanish.

Finally, I would like to correspond by
email with someone to help with my
interpretation of the Spanish used in
Amor Bravio, I would be more than
willing to help with English. I do
realize the people here speak and write
better English than I do, but I am a
native and familiar with the idiom.

My email address is
donsdx at gmail dot com.

Gracias, Don.

Hi Don, bienvenidos.

Dante is Daniel/Andres' friend from Chile. He is the one who sold Miriam the insurance policy.

Miriam's brother is the policeman and his name is really Abraham.

I never noticed that Alonso always wears red, but that is a good catch!

I think the Padre will recognize Daniel/Andres from the photo that Daniel sr showed him that was in the yellow envelope taken by the photographer sent to Chile.

I too noticed that Camila calls her mother by name when she is irritated with her. I ahve to agree with Anon207's comments about Andres with regards to his feelings about Camila despite what people had said. But it should be noted that it should not be long before he knows Camila is a good girl and NOT the enemy. The people he should be wary of are Dionisio,Alonso and Isadora.

I know this won't happen until the end, but I'm really anxious to see Agustina's face when it is revealed that Andres and Daniel are the same person. The very person she thinks is an opportunist and a bastard is the same nice guy she ran over. Can't wait to say Vaya,Vaya, Vaya... ;)



Oops, sorry Don. Yes there is a policeman who is junior to Abraham but I do not know his name.

Welcome, Don. I fondly remember my first TN: Manana Es Para Siempre (MEPS). This is my fourth TN. My favorite--so far--is Cuando Me Enamoro (CME).


BTW: there are still people in this country that marry their first cousins.... but it will probably come out that one of them, Dan or Cam, is not the child of either Don Daniel or his brother.

Thank you, UA, for setting me straight about the photographer. I'd forgotten it was Dan Sr. who wanted the photo.

Regarding Camila's using her mother's given name, I remember in Destilando Amor, Gaviota went back and forth all the time with her mother, using tu, Usted, and Clarita with almost equal frequency. There never seemed to be rhyme or reason, except that the Ud. usually showed up when the discussion was more heated.

Thank you, Paquita. Very nice recap.

Good to see Rene Strickler arrive. I was afraid he would be a last-minute addition. He seems rarely to get the girl, but does a nice job. A good exception was PVAA where he really was the ultimate good guy.

OT: I found this movie called Tropico de Sangre that you guys may like. Cesar Evora is in it as well as Michelle Rodriguez who is quite well known here in the US. I think it is set in the Dominican Republic



Forgot to include the link. Here it is:



Wow! I love that title!

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