Friday, August 17, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #94 Fri 8/17/12 EXCLUSIVA!! The self-imposed life sentence of one HOT STUBBORN STOOPID HUNK and its aftermath with two contrasting "family" gatherings‏


Lo refrito:
Connie and Oscar dinner table convo…
Now that Rod is marrying Gala, Rosa got what she wanted, as usual. So I will move to my house. I am worried about Melissa. CL told her the whole truth and she got irate at me and does not want to step on TL manor ever again….
Osc: Forgive me but her reaction was correct.
Con: I want to leave but at same time cannot abandon my sis, RE is not well.
Osc: I know, I need to get the facts from RE about how she gave away the baby but Max won’t let me get near her, not at the moment, she is too ‘traumatized’ at the moment.
Con: All this will end real bad. And I feel impotent to do anything. (can’t stop the train)
Osc: Don’t get involved. (don’t stand on the tracks) You won’t get anywhere and you will end up affected by it all. Why don’t we just enjoy our dinner? Let me enamour you and convince you not to go.

Pato and Hana, they are both irate on Rod’s having impregnated Gala. Hana suggests Rod should have thrown Gala from the bed, or even better, out the window! (LOL!!) Whatever! I bet she was the one that cooked him into it.
Pato: You and I need to be near the child to give him our love and support; his life won’t be easy with a mother like Gala.
Han: Do you wonder how different his life would be with a mother like Luciana? You miss her , don’t you?
Pato: Very much.

Luciana refers to CL as ‘papa’ in front of Magda and Paz.

Lo Nuevo:
Luciana worries that it offended Paz but Paz eases her mind, saying CL is an honorable man and also her dad, just like Galdino.

Pato: I still find it hard to think that Luciana went back to her home town to rebuild her life. Away from us.
Hana: Me too. When Rod went to see her, I thought he would come back with her.
Pato: I too hoped for a reconciliation between them. But now that Rod stuffed his shoe in his rear with Gala, all the possibilities are shut. … I am thinking the foundation needs to send a shipment of education goods to that region. The foundation headquarters are in the same town where Luci lives.
Han: you want to go see her, right?
Pato: Yes. I want to go see Luci.
Han: Take me with you! Ok?
(Rosa E comes to tell them dinner is ready. Pato will go to the table… Hana gets a call on her cell phone from Melissa… Rosa E gets nervous fearing Melissa would tell Hana something… Pato notices…)
Pato: Something wrong, mother? You look nervous.
Rosa: Of course I am nervous for your brother’s wedding. It is the fourth time he is in front of a judge in less than a year (So what? Only a nut like you would keep count of that??) …. Yes the fourth counting the divorce!...

 Hanah tells Melissa that Rod will marry Gala tomorrow because he got Gala preggers. Melissa does not want to talk about Rod anymore, he would not listen to them and let Luci go away. But he certainly let Gala trap him easily. Maybe that is his destiny.. So let him be happy! Yes I am mad.  (Melissa tells Hanah she won’t go to the wedding, Hanah surprised)

Selene is introducing Ofelia to Lastra… he asks Ofe if she has experience, no but can learn. Lastra likes the attitude, of course quickly puts his hands on her… we will get along real well.
At NFERNO Aldo asks for Lorenzo, he does not come by anymore now that he has his own taco business. He went to his hometown on a quick trip. Aldo brags he wants to invest in Lorenzo’s business…  (LOL!!) want to have other investments besides the NFERNO.  Lastra comes by and Aldo does not waste time to brag to Lastra that he is higher rank. Lastra comments ‘the good thing is the business does well with you or without you here’.  Aldo keeps acting like the jerk owner.

Luci arrives with CL to Paz house. He is welcomed, compliments Luci on the house decorating.
The trip was fine, only have little time because been busy preparing for the suit against Max TL. Paz and Luci mention that they are worried about RL, surely Mati told her Luci is expecting, she does not need more reasons to hate her. CL assures her not to worry about that.  Won’t let anyone in that family hurt her or her baby. They would have to kill him first. Luci gets even more anxious. That is what she does NOT want to happen, that that family hurt any one of them more. CL says he will find the way to spend more time with her, and wants them to consider moving to Mex City with him. Paz is not excited with the idea. CL asks them to think about it. He would like to have his daughter and grandchild near him.

At the TL manor dinner table from hell… RE asks Hana how is her relationship with Boris. When Hana mentions that sometimes she likes him a lot and sometimes she does not want to see him, RE undermines her saying at her age she cannot tell what her true feelings are.  Then RE turns to Pato, asks him about his hydrotherapy getting him tired. He says the end justifies the tiresome therapies.

Rod arrives to announce (looking like he is about to cry) that he will marry Gala tomorrow. RE and Max are visibly satisfied, everyone else puts faces like they just learned someone in the family just died.

RE fakes surprise, asks Rod why the change of mind. Rod announces it is best for the child, have to guarantee his future. Pato voices that it is Rod’s decision and he respects it but does not agree with it. Hana begs Rod to think about it for a few days. Max shuts the debate saying it is not up for discussion, Rod will marry Gala tomorrow, period!

RE: Your brother is getting married to respond to Gala as what he is, a gentleman. To not leave his child without a father. To not leave the child out to his luck as so many children are left without fathers. That is not acceptable in this family.
Han: I get that, but why so fast!!
RE: Rod will get married tomorrow and this whole family will be present to support him in his decision.
(Rosa is happy as a pickle, Max nods his support for her… Rod still looks like he just got a ‘you got 3 mos to live’ diagnosis.)

At Het Het, CL tells Luci that hopefully she will get to trust him, to see in him a friend, a confident. Luci says she already does. CL wants to help her forget all the pain the TL caused her. Luci says maybe with time, some years, maybe never, but she is working at it every day.

This is Marta Ivette, from El Heraldo, reporting directly on exclusive coverage from the TL wedding…

Everyone is dressed for the occasion, Connie sports a very cheerful blue flower print dress, RE is much more conservative in brown and black, her dress could easily be seen at a funeral.  All the men (Max, Rod, Oscar, Pato, Aldo and Rod’s friends) are in suits. Hmmm.. what is that stench? Must be either Rosa or Max having an indigestion/gas issue. No wonder Rod, Pato and Oscar have those looks on their faces… The place has natural light (and so many plants that it reminds this reporter of a church she used to attend with her grandmother, mother and aunts. Not your usual civil registry at all.)

You might as well have had people dressed in two color tee shirts… the ‘sorry for your loss’ group and the ‘Oh happy day!’ group.

Hanah and Pato are sitting to one side, looking more like they came to Rod’s funeral than to Rod’s wedding. (Hana is so sad she wants to cry, Pato wants to leave)
RosaE and Max, individually, comment that they never expected Rod’s wedding would be so bland/small/insignificant/rushed. Pato responds to Max that he(Max) and RosaE decided on it, hopefully Rod won’t back down.

And we arrive at the zero hour… Judge asks for the ones being married to approach.  Gala smiles and then seeing Rod looks more like he wants to pack her and ship her to Saturn, wipes her smile right off.

Aftermath: Max thanks the judge…
On the ‘sorry for your loss’ side of the room: Rod tells Melissa he is glad she came. She came just for him. He asks her if she will be with them at the house for the dinner/celebration. She says no I wont go to your house. (Pato notices how firm she is with this and is confused.) I mean, I have a lot to study.

On the ‘oh happy day’ side of the room: Julie and Rosa are all smiles, as is Gala. They have to celebrate their children’s wedding… Rod heard it and is definitely not looking forward to that, still looks like he would have rather signed his death sentence or watched his own funeral…

At Het Het, CL gives Luci the divorce decree document, after warning her that what he was about to give her would cause her great pain.  Right on cue, she begins to cry as he hands her the folder. 

And as a creepy contrast, we cut back to the wedding when Gala is already signing the book… Rod looks back, Hana and Pato are about to cry, Rosa is smiling happily, Max is shooting a laser at Rod with his eyes like ‘you better not back down this time!’… Rod signs very reluctantly… The judge asks for witnesses for the bride… Julie signs with pleasure. Judge asks for Gala’s next witness. Rosa forces a very reluctant and worried Mati into signing as Gala’s witness, which she does, after looking at Rod like saying ‘sorry mi nino’…Judge asks for the witnesses of the groom… Rosa rushes forward and urges Max to sign with her. They do. Judges congratulates the couple, they are now a ‘matrimonio’ in front of the society and the state. 

Too funny that Julie is the only one that claps… she seems to want to break her hands clapping so hard… Rosa voices compliments to the couple. Everyone else still has faces like they are attending a funeral… photo shoot with the ‘happy couple’, Rosa, Max and Julie… no one else. Gala forces a couple kisses on Rod, he pushes her away.  Still looking like he just got a goner (inminent death) diagnosis.

Back to Het Het… Luci crying openly reading the divorce decree… CL tells her he knows how sad she is but this is an important document she must save. Luci says this paper reminds her that Rod and her are over. She is afraid to think that she will never stop crying for Rod. Sabina was so right. She predicted to her that she would cry many many tears, but don’t want to anymore… CL says it is part of the process, you just lost the partner you thought would be with you for your whole life. Luci says that is why I married him, we loved each other very much, but we got lost along the way and could not find each other again. And now he will remake his life and will forget me! What if I don’t forget him? (cries) CL holds her hand in support.

Later walking around town Luci tells CL about how she got the first place in the contest and about the kidnapping by Aquiles. CL is very happy for Luci… he offers to put up a bank account for her for anything she might need… She refuses it and he has to insist a couple more times, finally she gives in. He also wants her to sign some documents, she will be his universal heir when he is gone.

Later CL says maybe if he had been with Aurora when Luci was born, maybe she would have survived. He asks if she will ever be able to call him Papa. At least call me Claudio, not Lic. Ariche joins them and greets Claudio. Asks Claudio why comes so often to visit them.

Back to the funeral… eh… civil burial… UGH!! … civil wedding… RE and Max congratulate Rod, RE thanks him for giving her a grandchild. Rod has to go to Hanah and Pato and asks them if they won’t greet him. Hanah and Pato just say they ‘love him’. Rod says their love will give him the strength he needs. Rod and Hanah hug again.

At TL, Mati arrives and she and Frigidaire have their usual arguments about who has to do what. Mati asks Frigidaire what if Gala asks you to go live with them. Frigid says Gala might want it, but who knows if I do. Funny how Mati gets the last shot telling Frigidaire that the glasses they will toast with are dirty. Frigid just shrugs her shoulders…

At Het Het Magda and Paz arrive and are surprised Luci and CL are not back yet… but they talk about CL taking Luci to the city with him or him visiting them more often … Aquiles arrives… asks about the ‘owner women of the house’… came to find out if they are all set back at their place. By the way, he heard ‘mi amigo el licenciado’ came back. Magda asks what business is it of yours. Magda mocks the ‘mi amigo’. ‘ay que vieja tan agria, te paso un limon y el limon hace gestos’… (ay, what a sour old hag. If I gave you a lemon the lemon would shriek at you). Magda pushes him out the door, Paz tells her not to get so angry.

Ofelia keeps arguing with Estelita about her job at NFERNO. Ofelia says don’t worry, Vio and Polo took me home and there everyone takes care of each other. Ofelia says it’s temporary, and they need the money. Estelita says ‘now it turns out the end justifies the means’. Ofelia goes to Vio’s house, joins Vio and Selene… Ofelia is sad at Estelita’s attitude.  The three comment that they all don’t sleep enough. Vio is mad, she wants to get out of this life of working as waiters at antros. They ask her if it is for Marcial. She admits she loves him but she does not want to see him again (won’t take him away from his kids).

As RosaE and Hana are driven by the taco stand, Hanah yells a greeting to Lorenzo which he returns. And Hanah gets barked at by RosaE about continuing to interact with Lorenzo.

At TLKitchen, Mati: Ay my nino Rodrigo, if you only knew that Luci’s expecting your child.

At the TL great room, there is again a ‘oh happy day’ group and a ‘sorry for your loss’ group. Gala is glowing happy(or acting it). Hanah mocks her ‘you finally got your wish of marrying my brother’… Rod says they will need to postpone their honeymoon. RosaE suggests at least a weekend. Max announces they will leave for Canada. Oscar adds that it is a business trip. Gala says Rod will never travel alone again. Rod says they might be there more than a month. Someone asks where will the baby be born? RosaE would like the baby to be born here in our country. Gala wants the baby to be born overseas. Rod says the baby will be born here(mama’s boy!). Gala says ok dear, whatever you say. Will you toast for the baby?.. Cheers! (or JEERS! Judging from the amount of long faces and Rod’s sick face and even Gala’s who, let me guess, feels offended by Rod’s attitude? Serves her right!)(My GOD!! Talk about a toxic room where people were killing each other with their stares… they might as well be in a house/room where the walls are made of toxic material.)

At the enjoyable Het Het Jacinto table (nice contrast from the celebration at TL great room) they toast for the joy of having CL with them… CL toasts for Luci and her baby. That is news to Ariche who is happy as a pickle… he will teach the baby to play the slingshot.

Back to the city… Rod’s apt/loft. Gala keeps commenting that Luci was there, Rod clarifies Luci did not stay even one night there. Gala changes strategy and says that is past and isn’t even worth mentioning. Rod does not want her to drink any more alcohol, she already had champagne at the TL house. Offers her juice or water. (probably the one moment of the entire episode we should give him positive points for) She would rather go take a shower. Will wait for him in the bedroom…

At TL, Mati is helping Pato get in bed. Pato says don’t know how sorry he is that Rod married Gala. (Mati tries to say now they can only wish them happiness) He doubts Rod can be happy with Gala, he and Hanah asked him many times to try to get Luci back. Especially after he realized all the lies Rosa and Gala laid on him about Luciana. He should have fought harder for Luci. (Mati insists Luci rejected him) That was logical! She was hurt! He should have done more for Luci’s love. Pato wishes he could be with her, to console her. (Mati tries to sermon him, he wont let her.) He wants to be with her, to make her feel that not all the TL are the same. To let her know how important she is to him. (I hurt just to see so much pain in his frown)

And a final almost wordless scene…
Rod sitting on his bed, drinking, Gala comes out on a short robe, takes it off standing in front of him, he just stares at her emotionless/reactionless.

At Het Het Luci is in bed, she prays for all her friends and family, including Hanah Pato and her Mushashon. She pulls Rod’s photo from her wallet, … Rodrigo!...

Back to Rod’s room… Rod slowly stands up, walks to Gala, bends over, picks up the robe and puts it on her shoulders, asks her ‘please get dressed’.. She tries one last time to lean on him and asks him to make love to her… he just gets irritated, grabs a pillow and blanket and leaves the room. She is smoking angry, yells his name, then mumbles that he does not know how much she hates him.  (This last 30 seconds were great, but Rod is still an idiot.)

Previews: CL convinces Luci to tell Rod that she is expecting his baby. She vows to him she will.


My worst nightmare has come to pass!
Gala, Rosealena, & Julie have their Way/Day!
I hated this episode for this reason ALONE.
When will Melissa speak up and stop blaming Studies?
When will Mati opened her zipped lip and tell Pato the news of Luci's bebe?
When will Luci stop crying over Rod's pic & CALL HIM ALREADY?????

THIS ISALL too much for me!!!!

Marta- Thanks for your great recap. I especially like how you reported the wedding. They did look like they were going to a funeral didn't they. Not a cheerful face in sight, except for Champagne Queen, Gagme, La Loca and Max. I hated that wedding and poor Mati, to be roped into signing. Too sad all the way around.

I was surprised when Melissa showed up for the wedding. It had la loca sweating bullets. She is so afraid Melissa will finally spill the frijoles.

Loved the scenes in Het Het. I liked when Paz was talking to Magda and asking after Vio's papa, and here comes Don A, too funny. I wonder what was so great about Don A back in the day. Magda doesn't look like the type to fall for just anyone.

Loved how Rod, notice I am calling him Rod, shut Gagme me down right quick. That was great. Rod has redeemed himself in my eyes right now. But if he sleeps with Gagme,his redemption goes right out the window, jus' sayin'.

Marta this was hilarious. I also enjoyed your reporter who was spot on w/the description of the faces at the funeral ooops wedding.

Madelaine you are a dear. What's his name is still an idiot, why glare at your parents like you are three and they made you do this? Why agree to marry to have the marriage from Hades? Again short of saving Luci's life, this brain trust has a way to go to be a galan.

And Mati. Our dear Judy wanted to bop her recently and honestly I want to do much worse. She knows she is doing the WRONG thing (signing the wedding papers, talking nonsense to Pato) and yet does it. And then acts as if her hand wringing, whining, and sad face compensate for all her enabling. Basta!

I loved Oscar's response about Melissa having the right attitude. Once she gets her degree, she will have to come up with another excuse. But her rant on the one w/o a brain was funny and incredibly accurate. If she finds out about Luci's pregnancy and the cover up (which is doubtful) La Loca would be living in fear everyday.

After all the scheming now Gala hates the dumb one. This is going to be some kind of marriage.

Oh and two things made me VERY worried about Claudio. The will and saying he would die to protect Luci. I will be extremely disappointed if the writers don't allow him to live to the end of this TN.

Reason number two million why I despise Gala... those hard glittering pebbles where her eyes should be. They look as though they should be in a snake's head, not a human's.
Mati and her displaced loyalty to the strangely thick necked Rosalena have gone past irritating and entered criminal negligence.
I think the writer's have pushed me too far into my dislike of Rodrigo, I think there is no going back for me. I'll always like Pato better and wish he were the galan who gets the girl in the end.


Well Gala swore revenge on Rodrigo after he so publicly humiliated her with the first fancy civil wedding. So she still hates him. I guess marrying him is her revenge. Looks like the beginning of hell for dimRod, what a baby.

Thanks much Marta! I missed most of the epi, not that I really wanted to see the wedding/funeral.

There are many reasons to dislike Max and Rosa, LOL, but for me their worst crime is their willingness, eagerness even, to destroy/sacrifice their son's happiness for their own twisted reasons. Max for his jealousy/hatred of Claudio, and Rosa for her jealousy/hatred of Aurora. So selfish and heartless. Those two truly are a perfect match.

Oh, how glad that this recap was in the hands of our dear Marta to give us all the wrteched details and infuse it with humor,because that sure was one thing lackinga that sorry excuse for a wedding.

What the blazes was with that dress La Loca wore? That about set the tone for the whole day: dark, depressing, and just wrong. I can see the director: "Ok, quiet! Everyone, look nauseous...NOW!Action"

Speaking of nauseous---Dumbass may never smile again, and I guess we get use to that deer in headlights look. But I give him kudos for how he handled Gala at the apartment. Amazing she is so delusional that she really thought a piece of paper would suddenly make Dumbass go all gooey and lovey after he basically stared her down with his best "I so don't want you" look at the wedding.

Hanna was outstanding last night. When she was ranting about Gala to Pato I was like YES!! This!! Her refusal to smile and fake being supportive...oh I hope she makes Gala's life pure...well you know. She's my new hero. Now dump Boris, hook up with Lorenzo and you can really cause the evil minions' blood vessels to burst. My girl.

And why didn't Dumbass do a pre-nup?

I agree on Mati--I thought it was perfect justice that she was forced to sign for Gala. She has supported her little nutjob through her antics, blabbed about Luci, and now she's seeing how Loca's machinations are reaping sadness upon her children. Live with that! Lurch may be a big old gossip, but honestly, Mati has caused as much grief. I just can't give her a pass.

Pato to HET HET please, and I soooo want him to have a bit of a chat with Melissa before he goes. Then when he gets there and finds out about the's going to be so painful to see how perfect he and Luci could be and we know she winds up with Dumbass. I would rather the gang stays there vs. coming to MC. (If they can keep Aquiles from breaking the doors.)

I really don't care about Este. Sorry. WHole plot feels like filler.

Oscar, Max and Dumbass are all going to Canada? For a month? The women folk all left on their own---the horror!!!!! Yeah, Pato needs to leave like ASAP to keep his sanity.

LURCH!!! LOVE IT daisynjay! perfect! except Lurch barely spoke at all, let alone gossip on the family business or try to get payment on spying around.. but still love the nick for Frigida.

Whew. Last night was sooooo miserable, but you made it fun with your wry retrospect SUPERMARTAREPORTER. Agree with your assessment of Roselena's dress. Hideous. First ugly outfit I've seen her wear. Symbolic wardrobe, no doubt, reflecting the ugliness of her heart and soul.

Chuckled at your "happy as a pickle" sprinkled throughout. And describing Rod as looking "like he has three months to live". Yes, miserable as it was, we're about to see Rod start living the consequences of his poor decisions. All his life he's been a madcap bachelor, evidently picking up and discarding lovers with ease. Now he's chained to a grasping woman who loathes him even more than he dislikes her, and has lost his one true love. Going to be a tough Life Boot Camp for our Rod now. And I don't see any joy for Gala either, other than the bitter victory of having "won" a reluctant, disinterested groom.

Perhaps we will see changes in Rodrigo that will allow us to like him again and see him as a possible fit for Luciana. But for now, Pato is clearly the more "sympatico" candidate.

I have a feeling the pressure cooker is about to burst sooner than we think. so Rod will still be tied to this 'leech' and living a miserable life, but it will be more and more miserable as the truths about Luci, CL, RosaElena and Max come out to the open slowly but surely. I wonder if RosaElena will even turn on Gala on a last minute attempt to have Rod still see and talk to her. Will RosaElena throw Gala under the bus when push comes to shove about not telling him about Luci's pregnancy? will she tell him stte of 'Gala begged/forced me not to tell you so you would marry her'.
Definitely with CL preparing his trial/hearing to prove his innocence and with Melissa, while protecting Luci at same time, Oscar and others knowing what RosaElena did things will definitely get interesting and RosaElena will have a hard time keeping all the plates spinning to not have her house of cards come crashing down on her. I am actually looking forward to the next few weeks to see how all this unravels...
And if CL gets part of TL empire back after he proves his innocence, wow! who knows what CL will do to send a 'IN YOUR FACE!' message to Max, hitting him where it hurts more, in the 'full control' obsessions he and RosaE have.

Now that you all commented on it, i agree that Mati had it coming with all her enabling, being forced to sign as Gala's witness.
As much of an enabler as Connie has been, i have not seen her talk to Rod or Luci TRYING TO CONVINCE THEM of doing what RosaE wants... she has been more of a silent enabler/accomplice, but not active.

Great recap as always.

Why can't you all be happy for Rosa? She is pleased as punch that the "power" couple is back together. Now her son can be as happy as she and Max.

Melissa isn't really a threat because Rosa will simply burn that bridge when she comes to it.

Shoulda, coulda, woulda Rod! What a wus. Looks like he may even be dead to himself.

Wishful thinking about throwing Gala out a window, Jana cause' I really think she would just fly off.

This TN is really fun to watch. I know that Don A is a blustery old fool that doesn't understand the consequences of his actions but he is fun to watch. Bursting through the doors at Luci's house cracked me up.

Anybody remember how Luci got out of that kidnap-marriage thingy the Don A did? Can't get my brain in gear this am.

Marta- I'm just about to watch my recording, but I so loved your take on the funeral wedding. Can't wait to see all the looks on everyone's faces.

Anon 10:19- The way Luci got out of being forced to marry Aquiles when he kidnapped her is she refused to say yes, refused to sign the paperwork, and fought like hell. Meanwhile, Ariche told the cops in the town where Luci was kidnapped, then brought them back to Het Het, where they got Paz and Magda. Then they all headed over to Aquiles house with the police, when Luci heard them she started yelling bloody murder, the cops broke down the door, rescued her, and Aquiles was thrown in jail. But once the cops from the other town left, the police in Het Het set Aquiles free since they are under his influence.

OK. Just finished watching. Mati has ticked me off many times, but never have I wanted to rip that bun out of her head as I did this episode. Of the few people in that room who know Luci is pregnant, she’s the only one who has no self interest in Rod not finding out. Which means SHE is the one who should tell him! Yet, she’s sniveling to herself about how different things would be IF Rod knew. HELLO!!!! He would know if YOU told him, and he wouldn’t marry Gala! I had no sympathy for her when Rosa strong armed her into signing as Gala’s witness. And speaking of that, wasn’t it interesting that none of her friends signed for her? I saw Marcos and Fernanda having a bit of a silent argument about it. Clearly Fernie and Vale are more concerned about what their boyfriends think about them, at least in this instance. Even Gala’s assistant didn’t sign, and she was standing right there up front.

I laughed at the look on Gala’s face when it looked like Rod was going to do the exact same thing to her again and not sign the marriage contact after she had just signed. She was sweating bullets. LOL! He would have done it too, but then he glanced at her belly and that sealed the deal for him.

I’m glad Rod stayed strong in front of naked Gala. I guess he can only be drunk and/or p*ssed off to do the deed with her. Now he’s just depressed. Too late anyway.

CL keeps baiting anvils about giving his life to protect Luci and having her legally become his heir to his fortune and assets. I really don’t want him to die. He’s already lost so much of his life, and Luci already lost one papa.

Lastra was looking at Ofelia the same hungry way he looked at Luci when she first came (note, he does not look at Serena or Vio or any of the other girls this way). I see Ofelia having the same kind of Lastra trouble as Luci did. Estelita will really lose it then.

Thank you Super Marta.

Loved your line---Rod looks more like he wants to pack her and ship her to Saturn. Also the line---talk about a toxic room where people are killing each other with their stares.

I'm not with Hannah---Instead of hugging DimRod and giving him her support, she should have hit him with an oversized baseball bat. [I hate you for marying that bruja and I will never support you--It makes me sick that you're my brother.] If that had been said, it "may" have woke him up.

No pre-nup? When things get worse, bruja cold fish Gagme will take him for everything he's got. Gagme and her bruja mother will still come out winners.

I am still worried about Claudio's safety--he will need a bodyguard or maybe two. Max plays rough. I don't think Claudio realizes the danger he will be in with the filing of the lawsuit.

daisynjay and all other interested parties---You're too late. I have already sent three months payment for rental of the extra bedroom in Paz's and Luciana's house in Het Het. I leave next week.
the gringo

Mati,Connie, and Melissa are just as bad as Rosalooney. Any one of them could have stopped this and didn't. I don't know how much more I can watch! AARGH!!!

How could Connie and Melissa stop it? They don't know about the baby, just the Luci-CL connection. The reason why Rod is marrying Gala is because of her pregnancy. Knowing Luci is pregnant too would be the game changer as far as that's concerned.

Knowing what Rosa did to CL would cause all kinds of chaos. It would maybe even postpone this wedding. But it's no guarantee it would stop it, because it has nothing to do with why Rod has chosen to marry Gala.

Sat Aug 18, 02:20:00 PM EDT


Maybe not, but since Rod has been so angry about Luciana supposedly having a romantic involvement with Claudio, I think he might feel differently if he knew he was her father and not her "lover" and would not marry Gala under any circumstances. On the other hand, I guess it wouldn't solve anything--it IS a soap opera. ;)

Cathy- You're right, that part of Rod's despair and hopelessness comes from thinking that Luci has "moved on" with CL. But I don't think that either Connie or Melissa would directly connect the CL situation with the Rod wedding situation, so they aren't thinking about it that way. Mati, on the other hand, knows like everyone else that the reason Rod is marrying the hateful Gala is because she's pregnant.

Cathy and Vivi...Isn't it amazing how these stories hook in our emotions. Sometimes I have to keep saying to myself "It's just a story, just a story...."

And clever to have already made a 3-month deposit on your room at Paz and Luciana's. You win buddy!

Ok, Gringo. UNCLE! You win. But can you let us visit? I'll bring a sleeping bag! I just want to sit in on one of those delish looking family meals they have, sun streaming through the windows and then a nice walk in the hills. Promise not to be a pest.


OK OK---I love that house soooo much and the surrounding countryside but I guess that others love it too---YES, you can come visit. Paz and Luciana would probably be proud to have some gringo's from El Norte come to visit their pueblo. Maybe Don Aquiles would throw a fiesta to welcome us gringo's to the town.
the gringo

Hello All!! Super recap Marta,You had me in stitches.Goes to show sometimes the recaps are better than the actual show. Boy am I glad I miss the Dead to Me funeral. We can squarely put the blame at Mati's feet. What is wrong with these writers. Hope she can live with herself. All the comments are hilarious. Crispa's pebble eyes on a snake head about Gala was so funny.Gala not finding joy in her victory is the best revenge.She has always controlled Dead to Me with sex. it aint working now. Her pebble eyes are going to get even smaller. Sweet...
Like Judy said it's only a show but you do get drawn in.That is why these writers better stop irritating us.

Hey Gringo-- Magda has an extra bedroom too. Plus Luci and Paz could always double up in Paz's room and free up another room. Plenty of space for Caray Caray visitors from mas alla del norte.

aRRRRRRíaaa! I'm there LOL!

Vivi and Gringo ya'll beat me to it. You Gringo with the renting of the room already, and Vivi with the extra room at Dona Magda's. lol. I think Don A would throw us a fiesta, but he'd want lots of money, lol. I'm with Daisynjay crying Uncle! I know, maybe if Dona Paz is not gonna farm that land, maybe she'll think of maybe putting up a B&B, with an investment by Claudio of course, and when it's done we could all visit en masse and stay there. I hear Dona Paz and Dona Magda and Ariche on occaison will be eating en famille at the B&B with the guests, jus' sayin'.

Thanks for the recap, SuperMarta. Mike and I must be the meanest people on this blog - we LOVED the wedding / funeral. We roared all the way through. So many mean/nasty/stupid people in one place, what fun! So, who was the scrawny, bony-backed female with the strange dress? All strappy in the back like she was wearing a huge sandal, but I never could figure out from the front who was wearing it. I know: meow...

Emelia- I was watching all the faces at the funeral/wedding with glee too. The girl in that sandal dress was Gala's friend Fernanda.

Thanks, Vivi. Fernanda is very pretty but that dress did her no favors. Glad you also enjoyed the wedding expressions. I can't stand July but her acting was spot-on. How funny!

Glad everyone enjoyed... arg!! missed Fernanda in commenting on the outfits... definitely a dress worth mentioning on the 'fashion hits and misses of the evening'.

I would like to rent a room at Paz's B&B (Great idea everyone!! that way we all can share the room by renting weeks at time from gringo... awesome!)

i am sure on monday we will have the 'lo que no se vio del funeral de DTM Rod' (what you did not see from the funeral of Dead to me Rod main show!)

Thank you Marta for your lighthearted version of that awful episode. Loved your paraphrased version of the conversations (Rod stuffing his shoe-well, you know where, was particularly memorable).

Oh, I did think that Claudio naming Luci as his sole beneficiary was some kind of anvil alert; do hope I am wrong.
Love what Luci did to that house.
Now that Rod has married Gala, the storyline will be free to to reveal to Rod that Luci is pregnant, too. This TN is awfully predictable, but I am really enjoying these recaps. Also, I like the actors.

Emarie, yes i paraphrased it. what Pato said was 'ahora que Rodrigo metio la pata' (now that Rod stuffed his leg in it)

I too am hoping Claudio wanting to give Luci a bank account and make her his universal heir is not an anvil. i want him to walk her down the aisle in the final ep, hopefully to have her marry Pato, but maybe to have her marry Rod.

Emarie- I kind of like that this tn isn't trying too hard to be different, but is instead doing a classic story right. This was a daytime tn afterall. Not one of the flashy evening ones. But it drew big ratings in Mexico regardless, because the story is solid and people enjoyed (are enjoying) it. My only worry is that it might at some point spiral into boring silliness because they expanded it by a bunch of capitulos simply becasue it is doing so well.

yep most awkward uncomfortable wedding ever...& talk about embarrassing for gala when rod put her robe back on in the end. but getting no sympathy from me; really thought rod was going to think with his namesake tho out of desperation or hopelessness or something. his best bet now is to fake his death & just start over somewhere else. don't know how's he's going to stand being married to her, just thinking about being chained to gala makes me very very depressed.

& totally agree with yall about mati. she started getting on my nerves more when she told rosa about luci's baby & agreed not to tell anyone else (idiocy!)and now its official. her "mi nino/nina"s can also be grating & can totally become an additional drinnking game (so eat up before you watch this tn people!)

& is it just me or are there others that don't like ofelia?? I mean I'm happy for her daughter&mon that she’s with them, but there's something about her that I can't stand. which really sucks because I was enjoying all the side & supporting characters. really hope they don't make her into a possible someone for pato.

& agree karen, my anvil radar def went up with Claudio during this episode. for me tho it was more because of him saying that he would do anything to protect luci moreso then the will


Ms. Judy B., I definitely agree with you that RE was wearing something hideously symbolic where she used to wear good fashion. the collar was as lopsided as her brain. As usual, I cry at funerals. So there goes the waterworks in my house. I too am so angry with Mati. She could have told Dead to me about Luciana's pregnancy and there wouldnt have been a wedding, er....funeral. I am now wondering why most of the evil deeds of the villains and villainess are left in the dark and not all are afterwards explained or getting their deserved punishments. I really would like to see RE in jail than in the funny farm. And here we see Gala getting rewarded by being pregnant and getting hitched again to Dead to me!!!!It's not fair. oohhh I could whine to high heavens but what good would it do me!!!!Great reporting Martha!.

The tough part about telenovelas VIDA 2 is that the evil folks seem to be winning for sooooo long. And the good folks don't get their "happily ever after" until the last day or so. Very lopsided.

But of course, even when the baddies are winning, THEY ARE NOT HAPPY. They're constantly rehearsing their grievances and slights, scheming for their next skullduggery and worrying that their evil house of cards is about to come tumbling down.

Meanwhile, the good folks, while suffering, are also enjoying some aspects life, blessing others and soldiering on regardless.

Pato is a good example. He's paralyzed, and occasionally down, but also loving and appreciative of his blessings, such as they are.

Gala is Never Happy. And Julie is too busy scheming to enjoy what she's already gained (other than those ubiquitous glasses of champagne). And Roselena is just a psychic mess. They're losing more than they're winning.

Judy, that is one of the reasons I SOOOO love Pato... he reminds me of my daughter who has had 9 major surgeries in her first 14 yrs, but has risen from all that to go to Europe with People to People and just came back from a Japan trip with a group from her school. She is like the energizer bunny, keeps on going... and is probably the happiest of my kids. I actually get strength from hers to keep going myself. That is Pato. He had the accident, for a time he was totally given up until he saw Luci again and set himself to protect her and try to get Rod to make her happy since he was unable to himself. And despite all the wrong that goes on around him he keeps his head over his shoulders and his mind and focus in the right places. unlike his brother or parents he remains fair, sensible and generous toward everyone else.

We're on the same page SuperMarta. Is that the same daughter who appreciated you being praised for your can-do attitude?

Stress and setbacks can shatter the fragile, bruise and damage the average, and strengthen the exceptional into pure grace. Pato is in the latter category. Sounds like your daughter is as well.

Judy, you said 'skullduggery'... one of my favorite words, yay!

Marta, I'm impressed, delighted, humbled, by your story of your daughter. I nominate you for Mother of the year, actually many years. And your daughter for 'Best Person Ever'.

Now that Ariche knows that Luci is pregnant, he may be the one to spill the beans to Rod, assuming they still talk on the phone once in awhile. Excellent way for DimRod to find out, though, from someone who loves him so much and thinks he is giving him good news.

Well--Rod has married Ice Queen Junior. Ice Queen senior being his crazy mother of course.

Is it horrible that I wish Gala would die in childbirth? I'm not even Catholic-but that I am thinking it makes me want to go to confession. How else can that child have a chance? If Gala is gone you know Luci would love that baby and adopt it--she is just that good.

The whole competing uteruses story line has me all worked up. I am so ready for the truth to come out and for Rod to finally get a clue.

Keep the recaps coming--helping me fill in the holes in a big way!


@ANNA...these recaps do get us in touch with our more primitive feelings don't they? Yes, Gala certainly promises to be a toxic mother. It will be interesting to see how the story line plays out. Certain to keep us hooked right to the very end!

Maybe she'll just repent at the end and give up the child to Luci. Or maybe Juli will sell it to a nice couple. Everyone wins!

Kelly there's a scenario. Wicked girl. Yes, maybe Julie could negotiate for a lifetime supply of champagne for selling the little nipper. Arrrrgh.

Where's the 'like' button when I need it? Y'all are too funny!

Marta - fab recap.

Poor Rod, a victim of birth order. He had several years alone with Rosa and Max and this is the result.

JudyB, yes it is the same daughter.

I totally hated the wedding, Rosaliar's outfit looked horrible. I hope that CL won't die because he is just getting to spend time with Luci. And will somebody please slap Mati!! She had the the chance to tell Dead to Me that Luci was pregnant! I liked the part when Hana mocked Rosaliar i hope she gets the message.'s pretty well unanimous. We hated the wedding (although some found it funny...glad they could laugh!)and we're super annoyed with sanctimonious Mati.

Like your "Rosaliar" quip. Good to hear from you.

For a minute I was thinking Rod wouldn't sign it AGAIN but I think I would be more pissed if he pulled that -- you can only do the not-signing-at-the-altar thing once, what an idiot he is!

HATED this episode, LOVED the recap!

Hey does anybody follow the Twitter of any of the RPEA peeps? Last weekend they finished filming and lots of sentimental tweets and goofy pix like this one:

Like GabSoto in his glasses b/c reminds me that he isn't really The Idiot Rodrigo!!

Geat pic Katie! Harry G. (Oscar) is wearing glasses too. Nice to see Laura Flores (Rosa) smiling. She has such a beautiful smile, which we never get to see in this tn. Same with Jessica C. (Gala), but she isn't smiling in this pic. I've heard the Twitter feeds from most of the tn actors are great, but it seems like they can sometimes carry spoilers of things to come, although I guess they themselves try to avoid that. Apparently the actors on LQNPA let slip spoilers on their twitter feeds that really upset viewers in Mexico.

Thanks Katie for the pic. It looks like this cast has fun with each other, anyway.

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