Thursday, September 06, 2012

Abismo de Pasión #124 9/5/12: Gabino's room turns into the hot spot in town... Gael keeps sinking his face in it... and the Stepford wives/mistresses have multiple face-off's with each other

Carmina beating up Gabino ‘don’t you realize you are the last thing I have in life?’
Elisa talks to Lucio about what happened. Lucio remembers when Nina died and how he suspected Gabino all along. HE is mad that Gael and Elisa did not let him know what was going on from the beginning. IF you had told me earlier I would have baked a cake… baked a cake… baked a cake…
Horacio at Nina’s grave sweating bullets of remorse, appologizing, saying ‘usted no debio morir’ (you should not have died) ‘yo se que no merezco su perdon’ (I know I do not deserve your forgiveness)
Inmundo comes in Gabino’s room and slams the door at seeing who Gabino’s visitor is. Carmina feeds him a story that she is affected by what happened to Gabino, Inmundo not buying. Carmina says if Gabino dies, you will have II all for yourself. You don’t know what kind of ‘alacran’ (scorpion?)… Inmundo defends II saying she has gone through much, having to give up a son, burying a daughter here. Carmina says I had to burry a son, my sister and the remains of my husband. Inmundo threats, don’t mess with Texas (I mean, II), II and I will rebuild our lives. (Yikes! the white of her teeth is brighter than his med robe!) Carmina says please forgive me, II is exactly the woman you deserve.
Lo Nuevo:
Gael is giving II his bed.. warns her about the old lumpy mattress, the sweaty stinch, the cockroaches, and the plaid shirts all over… II begins her crying stage act… she is ‘moved’ at what he is doing for her, exactly what she should have done for him, tuck him in and prayed with him (i need a B___ bag, please!) every night as a child. Gael is not as moved as she thought, says ‘don’t worry, there was always someone to do it. But you are right, at times when I was little I wondered what it felt like to have a mother to pamper you.’  II swears she thought about him every day. Gael says ‘I wish that were true’. II asks why he does not believe her… Gael says because of what Kenya told me about her childhood with you, she suffered much… II is willing to answer all his questions. What Gael wants most is for II to tell him who his father was.. II just says that subject needs a long time to explain, will tell you tomorrow… when I tell you it will change your life. When that door is opened, there is no turning back… Ok tomorrow… tomorrow… I’ll love you (I mean I’ll tell you)… tomorrow!... it’s only a day aaaway… (she kisses him goodnight and then rubs the stitches in her face with her fingers)
Elisa asks Lucio ‘help Damian’. He wonders why she worries about Dam so much if she is about to marry Gael. Elisa not worried about that. Elisa admits to Lucio that she does not want to visit Dam again because it is not good (maybe she means 'easy' here) for her to be with him.
Damian in jail remembers Elisa was about to tell him about her feelings, he guesses correctly that she was about to tell him she still loves him.
Outside the jail cells Alfie and Loopy are unsuccessful in having the guard let her see Damian, even when she threatened him with losing his job… Alfie assures the guard he will regret ‘this’.
Next morning Carmina is with Gabino, II comes in… starts mocking Carmina that she seems to have a bad vibe around her, that Gabino, her only ally/savior left in the world, will die… Carmina tries to demand II give her the money Gabino was going to give her for Cielo Abierto. II keeps on mocking her that she will never see the money or get the hacienda. II even tells Carmina that Gabino and her married ‘por bienes malcomunados’ (shared assets). Carmina calls her bluff, then mocks her back about letting Gabino beat her up. That II had it all planned out for months. You knew how to surround yourself with people who could pull the trigger on Gabino for you. Poor loser Inmundo thinks you are a martyr but you are the worst of hypocrits… what about your litte bastard? you thought he would defend you no matter what... But have to admit to being surprised II would get Damian to do it for his friendship with Gael. II tries to play it like it is all in Carmina’s imagination.  You are worse than me, no you are much worse. Both villainesses threaten with destroying each other… when who comes in… wait for it… wait for it, the actual ONLY LEGAL lover of Rosie Arango… a third woman who would want Gabino to have died?.  Alfie in the flesh…  Suddenly we have three women and a loser in the room.  II takes over the show, telling Alfie how nice you showed up, Carmina can now tell you about all her secrets. Carmina tries to make her exit, says no secrets here. Alfie asks why the rush. Carmina says you are probably more in hurry to get your son out of jail. Alfie agrees, she wants II to come with her right now to the courthouse to declare so Damian will be free right now. Alfie notes that Damian’s defect, inherited from his father, is that he is incapable of refusing to help a ‘lady in distress’ , in this case II.  He is noble and brave, but doesn't realize there are 'mujeres como tu' (another reference to the song with Pepe Aguilar) who don't deserve being saved. Carmina laughs in agreement. Before Carmina leaves, Alfie tells her she wants to talk to her about an unfinished tea talk subject, Stefie.  Carmina, visibly startled by the sudden request by Alfie to stir the pot of christmas past (especially when II has just CASHED IN her chance to give Carmina the 'right back at you'  laugh), claims she has nothing to hide. Carmina steps out only to find herself in front of … wait for it… wait for it… her constant annoying conscience in the form of Padre Loopy. She asks him if he is here to give Gabino the last rite, surely he won't survive. Loopy asks if she is affected or relieved by Gabino's situation. Maybe she is relieved she is ridding herself of one of the people who know her secrets. Carmina assumes Loopy was the one that hinted Alfie about asking Carmina about Stefie. Loopy denies he said anything and reminds her must be one of the several people who know your secrets, he has enough having to keep quiet about her sins. Carmina says don’t forget I am the expert in planting hatred among people. Loopy says would never forget that, you abominable woman, that you have spent many years spreading hatred and unhappiness to people’s lives. Carmina threats about planting hatred between Damian and Gael. Loopy says don’t dare touch them. Carmina says what will Damian say when he realizes he is dying of jealousy because Elisa will marry not his friend but his own brother. She will cash out on Damian’s anger to make the brothers hate each other to death. ‘ah, you did bring your bible… here you can see the results of that…’ Loopy assumes she is talkin about the story of Cain and Abel (where Cain killed Abel for jealousy/hatred). Carmina says Gael, Abel, Damian, whatever the name. What matters is that they are not the first pair of brothers to kill each other. Carmina leaves on a high. Loopy watches her concerned.  (wow! that whole sequence in and out of Gabino's room was AMAZING!!)
At hacienda, Braulio and Tonia comment that Dam's situation is not easy, and that it is better CHente does not know what happened to Gabino for now. Chente comes out, Braulio will take him to the procesadora Castanon to show him around. CHente excited.
At Castanon procesa, Flo finds Quique. She found out about his upcoming marriage to Paloma, came to congratulate him. Quique surprised she bothered to come for that. Flo calls him on his lie, last time they saw each other he said Paloma was just a friend. He calls her on being the last person who should call him on a lie. Flo takes a step back saying she only wants the best for him. Quique says he thinks the changes coming in his life are positive. Flo says just think about it, from own experience i can tell you it is the worst torture to get hitched to someone who doesn’t love you. HE gets irritated reminding her she told him many times Damian was the love of her life. Flo says she is not happy, she realized too late that due to the pregnancy, she was chained to a life she did not want to live. She had the silly hope that some day he could rescue her.  She always thought that no matter what she could come back to him. Quique asks ‘did you expect me to wait for you all my life until you got tired of being Mrs Haranguo?’.. Flo says she realizes all she lost. What pains her most among her losses are dad and Quique. Wish you happiness… Goodbye. (kiss).
Back to the 2 Haranguo mothers in Gabino’s room… THey threaten each other, Alfie wants II to declare in favor of Damian, she can accuse II of trying to murder her with Gabino. II threats she can change her version of what happened and accuse Damian of shooting Gabino intentionally. Alfie backsteps and says she wants to have the party in peace… II says heck no, you would have me kicked out of LaErmita. Alfie says not quite, I know now we have a common enemy, Carmina Bouvier and I know you can give me, or SELL me, the info I want. II says yup I know quite a bit of her. We both seem to be interested in having Carmina disappear. Alfie says for first time we both have something the other is interested in. II says Deal! I will declare in favor of your son. Alfie buys into it and leaves. II mocks Gabino… what did you expect? The three ‘Stepford wives’ in front of you and you could not do anything or enjoy the show!... (gets close to his face) why don’t you do me a favor and go ahead and die already?’(what’s with II rubbing her stitches next to her mouth into all the men she talks to ? she kissed Gael and now she kisses Gabino’s face and rubs her stitches afterwards… creepy).
Alfie insists to Loopy to marry Damian and Flo. She will do whatever is necessary to get Damian out of jail in time for him to get married this weekend. Loopy promises her to go see Damian later. II comes out and is elated to find out from Loopy that Gael was worried about her when she was not there in the morning. She believes she is finally getting to his heart. Alfie is running out of patience and poking her face with her fingers nervously, wants to take II to Merida.
Said Gael is talking to Elisa in his room (she is wearing some type of sun-catcher as necklace, complete with beads and feather-like strings) about being worried for II. Gael says last night he got to talk to II and it felt more sincere than ever. But he is really confused about all that is going on. Elisa suggests to postpone the wedding a week or two… (wrong move! Instant HULK tantrum has been triggered). Of course not!! (with a face that says Hell can freeze over before I let our marriage be postponed!!... grow up, boy!! Not everything is about you and Damian and your insecurities about Elisa!!) Elisa says doing it for his mother… and also for you, you look affected by all that has happened. Gael gets mad again, Elisa says I am here for you, only trying to help you. HE apologizes for his reaction, saying the tantrum is not about her. Elisa is not buying his appology until he tells her WHAT OR WHO is making him so angry.
Braulio and CHente meet up with Quique at procesa… Quique still thankful to chente for what he did for Sabrina, gives CHente the phone number so he can call her. Quique tells Chente about Damian shooting Gabino and Gabino being in serious condition at health center… Braulio worried about CHente who took off running.

Back to Elisa/Gael, now full blown replayed argument about Damian and who-do-you-love: ‘try and deny that everytime you see Damian something like this happens! Don’t you think I can see how you hug him? how you melt for him? / I don’t melt for anyone!/ Certainly not for me! I got that real good! But what about for him?? / He is a married man expecting a child, what part of that don’t you get?? / Rub it in my face that that is why you are not there! / you have no right to reprieve me for anything. Since we got engaged I have not betrayed you. / no? Try to deny that you still love him. / Look, I have always been honest with you but now I am beginning to question about your honesty. I have known you all your life. And something is up with you. And obviously you are hiding it from me. / You are right. (with a 'caught with the hand in the cookie jar' look down in shame) / Then stop acting as if you have a big load on your conscience, because mine is really clean.
Flo visits Paloma at DrT’s office. Paloma gets defensive, but Flo says don’t worry my place is with Damian. Paloma smartly points maybe your heart is not. Flo turns the question on her. Are you in love with Quique? Paloma says ‘I don’t use those tricks of getting preggers to catch a man’. Flo says would not like for QUique to go through same situation again and be with a woman who does not return his love…. Later Flo asks Paloma how does it feel to be expecting a baby? Paloma says perhaps same as you. A huge happiness but at same time fear, want to be a good mother. Will be the biggest love of my life. / Your grandma was right/ what did she tell you? / that there is something in the look of a pregnant woman… not sure but … maybe… happiness… (Flo leaves crying, perhaps feeling sorry for not really being pregnant and envying Paloma a bit).
Lucio visits Dam at jail in Merida. He pains to see Damian there. Damian says don’t worry, lawyer is working on it. Lucio says there are a couple inconsistencies in your story. You said you fought Gabino for the gun and then it went off by accident. In the police investigation it showed the gun was shot about 4 meters away from Gabino, and that is why he is still alive. Dam tries to say it all happened so quick that the details escape him. Lucio says better remember so you will be released. At least while he is in jail he won’t have to deal with Flo or with Alfie. Lucio laughs in agreement but says you better not be hiding anything. Better tell the truth sooner rather than later. Alfie runs in to tell Dam that it is all settled, II declared in his favor and she paid the bail. The day after tomorrow you will be able to marry Flo. Lucio is forced to congratulate Damian. Damian looks like he heard his friend died.
Loopy is seeing Gabino… too sad that no one in this town is interested in you… (as if called by intercom, in runs Chente). Braulio tries to get CHente out, but no one will get him away from his papa. Outside the room Braulio uses Lolita’s shoulder to cry on about CHente. Lolita says Chente will have to realize Braulio is the only father he ever had. Braulio thanks Lolita. She goes to talk to CHente. Lolita talks to Chente and tells him about Braulio being his only father, whereas Chente rejects him to be with someone who never cared about him. But CHente won’t listen so Lolita gives up, comes out and tells Braulio she will spend the night in the waiting room with him. Braulio moved at Lolita’s concern in both Chente and himself.
Alfie drops off II at hacienda. Alfie is thankful to II for declaring for Damian, and, that business done, tries to get II to tell her about Carmina. But II claims she is too tired and it was a long day. Alfie seems to buy that. Talk to the pillow about the price tag on some plane tix I am interested in. II says I am no travel agent. Alfie says don’t be silly, you know what tix I am talking about. Sure. Who told you about them? That doesn’t matter. I want them.  II says what you want is to find out what names are in them, if Stefie or someone else. Alfie leaves.
II looks in Gabino’s safe and around all over the hacienda for the plane tix… to no avail.
Elisa gets home and remembers scenes about their childhood where Gael was jealous of how she wanted to contact/write to Damian. (sighs.. hah.. Gael will never change)
Damian remembers another childhood scene, when he and Gael were talking about Damian having his dad but Gael not even knowing who his was but he has Damian, Elisa and now Paloma as friends… then Elisa and Paloma arrived and Damian and Elisa suddenly only had eyes for each other.  Suddenly Damian’s daydream is rudely interrupted by the last person he would have expected to see (i giggled at her response 'but you had me in the list, right?')… Tangel-Ho. She mocks him for always having been so naïve… you don’t realize you got played by II… that woman is a fox… II used you to shoot Gabino. Even if it hurts you to hear this and you don't believe it, Gael helped her all the way. (she is certainly fulfilling her promise to Loopy)
Previews: Carmina keeps twisting the knife… Gael confronts Carmina saying not Damian or anyone will separate Elisa from him. Carmina says don’t be so sure… and seems to give him the same spoon fed poison… VO: but among so much evil, a truth explodes!... Damian confesses to Loopy that he did NOT shoot Gabino Mendoza.
Note tomorrow's ep is at 8:55 EST, 7:55 CST!!!


Hi Super Miercoles Marta and thank you for the fantastic recap. Yet another night of incessant blabbing. Sheesh!

Bwahahaha..."bake a cake", "I'll love you tomorrow", you were really on a song roll tonight.

"Paloma says ‘I don’t use those tricks of getting preggers to catch a man’." Que the hell? What a hypocrite!!

"Damian looks like he heard his friend died." Yes, I do believe his 'little friend' died right then and there, heh.

Anyhoo, those were some of my favorite lines from tonight's recap. I admit I do enjoy watching Fina, Carmina and Ingrid torture each other.

I wonder where the tickets are? Do we thing Horacio might have already lifted them?

yup it was sure a song and dance episode, and the ladies going at each other (II and Carmina, Carmina and Alfie, II and ALfie) sure were a great spectacle. it was almost a 'lets see who has longer nails/claws' contest.
And Gael... if II did a song and dance skid in front of him and told him the earth is really flat he would have believed that too. and then gone to argue with Elisa about it.

Perfect title Marta. Enjoyed your embedded vocabulary which was the icing on a delicious, filling and delectable cake (recap).

".. warns her about the old lumpy mattress, the sweaty stinch, the cockroaches, and the plaid shirts all over" was my favorite line among many.

I thought the star of the night was Altair Jarabo. She exuded just the right touch of vulnerability last night, and frankly, I have to pretend the baby snatching plot never existed as I am firmly in her corner. Are you with me Carlos?

Why on earth didn't Tonia and Brau tell Vincente about Gab?? Whatever were they thinking? Also, I adore Lolita, I really do. But, something is tugging at my heart saying Tonia and Braulio should be together. They've been a family for so many years. Yes, she lied but she has more than paid the price. I'm not sure where this leaves Lolita, but I am just not comfortable with she and Brau together. I know I'm alone at a table on the patio, but that's OK.

Sylvia, I defininely think Horacio has the tickets. That will be one of the last big reveals. I'm only sorry Augusto won't be around to see it.

Marta, thanks again.


Thanks for the recap Marta. I too loved the Stepford wife & mistresses all in one room. At least it was amusing filler.

Sylvia & Diana - Horacio already has the tickets? It makes sense and I hope its true.

I do hope Flo is able to get a dress like Julia described yesterday and pop the fake baby. That would be a great wedding stopper.

Had a bad headache last night ( and still do this morning) so I gave up and went to sleep instead of watching last night. Looks like I missed a dousy of an episode. Wonderful recap Marta--now you have my interest piqued. Sounds like maybe a decent episode for a change.
Love your description of the three harpies in Gab's room. if it's true that an unconscious person can still hear events around them, Gab must be having a hoot of a time listening to all this.


i wouldn't be surprised if the plane tickets were taped to the top of the inside of the safe and II just missed them because she was so angry... i still say Gabino still has them hidden somewhere, maybe burried somewhere...

Marta I always feel so fortunate when you recap these crazy, advanced spanish capitulos! ITA with you about Carmina and Padre's convo. being amazing, once I knew what they were saying!!!

And the three evil divas together was priceless. Have we ever seen them all together before? They have all fathered children with Rosie and are all mean as snakes. No wonder Rosie and Doc Tovar were friends--they had a lot in common ie bad taste in women!

Daisy--hope your headache goes away and you feel better soon. :(

Diana--ITA about Braulio ditching Tonia. It seems extreme after all those years together. Marta, do you know if Braulio and Tonia are divorced or just separated?

Lastly, I am so with Diana and Carlos and anyone else at the Altair Jarabo table. She is totally bringing it of late. I have no idea what she's up to, what she's planning but I don't care. The range of emotions she shows on her face--all the layers to her character. She's amazing!

Thanks again, Marta!


I totally agree that Altair 'brought it'... and the writers are really messing things up EXCEPT with Flo's character. If she is to be redeemed, they are certainly on the right track, and Altair is delivering it masterfully.

Wonderful recap Marta. I also enjoyed seeing Rosie's/Gab's women all together, bearing their claws. Good stuff.

Altair's bad girls are almost always redeemed by the end, AND get happy endings. Looks like the writers are putting Flor on that road, although I still think her planning to kidnap his sister's baby would permanently shut down any feelings Quique has for her. But hey, if he can forgive and forget that little moral slip up, I can too if it means they have a happy ending together.

If Horacio has the tix, I'm not sure when/how he would have been able to get them back. Who else could have them? Where could they be? I'm also inclined to believe they're taped under some drawer somewhere.

Cynderella- I read your late comment on the last episode. Yes, Sortilegio is bursting with beefcake. WL, Gab Soto, David Z., Marcelo C, and Julian Gil (who is slimy but not as evil as in LQNPA). I hope you enjoy watching.

Thanks, SuperMarta! Got up early and watched this morning, then got to read your fun recap. I have to admit, though, that my favorite line was actually in your comment -- "if II did a song and dance skid in front of [Gael] and told him the earth is really flat he would have believed that too. and then gone to argue with Elisa about it." JAJAJA.

And I agree with everyone who has already commented that Altair is really delivering the goods. When Paloma was talking about how it feels to be pregnant, and Flor kept swallowing was really poignant. I see now why everyone complained about how underused she was at the beginning of the TN.

Marta: What a great recap. I can't decide which of the two - Carmina and Ing are the worst. I just don't think Alfonsina is quite up to their level.

Anyway - where are the tickets? I still think Gabino hid them somewhere.

And Ingrid was super-crazy last night! I think she may have surpassed Carmina.

Thank you Marta, great job. So much dialog to sift through. You captured it all.

Someone please, please, tell me why do good people always believe what bad people tell them, even when the bad person has been caught in a huge lie that specifically pertains to that good person???? Damian, come on.

If the writers are trying to stretch out the episodes, and Horacio does have the tickets, wouldn't they have shown him taking them? But who knows with this show.

I loved the scene with the 3 women together. What a hoot. Is there anyone besides Vincente who doesn't have a motive for killing Gabino in the hospital room? They should post a guard at the door. In fact, I was surprised Ingrid didn't try to do just that when she was alone with him.

Katy, I am pretty sure that Braulio and Antonia are separated. They have been married a long time. We don't know if they had a church or a civil wedding, but whichever I don't think we have seen Braulio start divorce proceedings. Honestly, I'm not sure which way their story line will go unless Tonia happens to die, in which case he will jump right to Lolita. Personally, I don't think Braulio and Tonia should stay together. If I were Tonia I would not wish to live my life with a man knowing that I would always be sloppy seconds, but she seems OK with that. Diana, I will come and visit you at Tonia's table, I don't want you to be all alone amiga!

cathyx and others, maybe you are right about Horacio not stealing the tix. They never seem to miss a chance to show him skulking around with his hair in his face. Knowing Gabino he has the tickets well-hidden in a special hidey-hole or amongst his African artifacts. I've been keeping an eye out for those gigantic horns that keep popping up in our telenovelas but I haven't seen them yet.

Super recap, Marta, as always, very entertaining and informative.

Diana, one of the main reasons I'm still watching is because of Altair Jarabo. Until just recently I've felt that she was being wasted, but finally she is shining through. I'm glad that everyone here is finally getting to see and appreciate what a talented actress she is.

Diana, I'm also with you on Tonia and Brau, I really like Lolita, but Braulio was married to Antonia and I think that that he actually felt relieved to have an excuse to bail on his marriage and pursue Lolita.

I'm fairly certain that last night was the first time we had all three of those ladies together in one place and what fun it was.

I loved Lucio's sly smile and sly remark when Alfonsina told Damián that she had arranged his bail.



Katy and Sylvia, I think I remember Braulio telling Lolita previously that it's OK for them to be together since she is a widow and he is divorced.


Augusto knew the truth...that Carmina was Rosendo's lover, not Estefania...that he had blamed Estefania for 15+ plusthat's why he was whupping Carmina's @$$ before she shot him.

Paloma is correct that she doesn't get pregnant to trap a man (she would have told Gael you ARE the father! if that were the case.)

However, she did use sex to try to lure Gael away from Elisa. It is only because her sex trick failed to lure Gael away that she is putting on the martyr act.

There is really no reason for Elisa & Paloma to be friends anymore:

1) Elisa broke the friend code by dating her friend's ex.

2) Paloma stabbed Elisa in the back by knowingly, willingly sleeping with Gael (set out to have sex with him as a matter of fact) while knowing he was engaged to Elisa.

There's no reason why these two should be friends ever again. Both of them had the "I'm goin' for mine no matter who gets hurt" and as a result everyone will get burned.


Carlos, thanks for the info on Brau and Tonia. OK then, let the sparks fly between Brau and Lolita. Makes sense, Lolita doesn't seem the type to make a play for a married man. (As much as anything makes sense in this silly show.)


Carlos, I agree with you that Braulio told Lolita that he and Tonia were divorced, or at least separated, otherwise Lolita would not have agreed to start over their relationship.

Ita that Tonia will probably die to have Lolita and Brau together in the end.


I think what Braulio actually said was "now that I'm free" -- it made several of us a little nervous because we didn't know exactly what that meant. But since both characters are Good Guys, I'm sure they wouldn't have them flirting like this if he were still attached.

Marta, you did it again! Thanks so much for the fun and thorough recap of the crazy events of the evening -- from your title on through to the end.

I also appreciate the heads-up on the scheduling change.

Now I have to go back and savor the comments ...

My TV guide shows this show to be on at 10:00pm pacific time tonight.

Oh crap. Really? They have removed all the episodes online so I can't get a head start. Looks like it's gonna be a long night, sigh.

Silvia-can't you just record it and do it in the morning? I can't even stay up for the 9:00pm time to watch it.

I might, but I am planning to go out of town tomorrow and was thinking of getting an early start. Maybe I'll reconsider, guess I'll see how alert I feel tonight.

Great work Marta. I am so glad to have your accurate dialogue translations on this and every other Wednesday. Wow, I do not know how you get it all. Thanks so much for being such a great member of out team.

Karen called last night's epi "amusing filler". boy is that right!

OK, now, the writers have been beating us over the head with the idea that Heat-shot Gabino is obsessed with the idea of having everything and more than Rosendo Arango did. We have seen how that worked with Rosendo's two mistresses, but just how is Gabino going to HAVE Alfonsina? I think Alfonsina might be in for a different kind of 'rough wooing' from Gabino if he lives, perhaps even with some sexual overtones. Not sex, mind you, but sexual energy. I still think the woman he most wants to control is Alfonsina. I could be wrong, but Alfie even looked a little troubled to see Gabino unconscious in that hospital bed in the Stepford Wives scene. Call me crazy, but...

Thanks again Marta. Great job on the recap.



In a very sick and twisted way, I would love it if Gabino and Alfonsina become lovers.

thanks everyone for the kind words. have a confession to make, i did some editing this morning, posted last night at midnite before i really lost track of what i was doing... so i did last minute edits and additions this morning.

Thanks Marta...I only saw part of this so your wonderful detail was really appreciated.

I did see the poignant scene between Paloma and Florencia and thought that both actresses did very well. What I liked best was Paloma's line about being very happy but also being "very scared". That is such an accurate reflection of the awesome responsibility we suddenly suddenly face the minute we realize we're actually pregnant...married or no. But Florencia was so wistful last night, I'm hoping for a miracle and that she actually CAN get pregnant. Heck, doctors have been wrong before.(Sorry Carlos, but you know it's true.)

Elna June: You're not crazy. I thought right from the beginning that Gabino had his eye on Alfonsina, and that she, in some perverse way attracted to him. She seems willing to admit the relationship with Ingrid and to pay to keep it all quiet. But, in the case of Estefania, she went completely off the rails. It makes no sense. She's just a small-town babe living a big lie.

And thinking about Florencia some more, I actually thought Ramona was needlessly harsh when she told her you're DRY, EMPTY. Why that cruelty? She could have just said I KNOW you're not pregnant, you don't fool me for a minute, but instead she really stressed the "barren" part. Any woman who's been diagnosed as infertile knows how devastating that is. And that is what Florencia has been told. I am frequently put off by Ramona's harshness with young women...Paloma and Florencia. I really don't get it.

"She's just a small-town babe living a big lie."

Paso, you've sure got a way with words. I read that and had an overwhelming desire to pour myself a Scotch...and I don't even like Scotch. It just sounded so hard boiled.

Ha ha, Sylvia. Reminds me of my favorite hard-boiled line: "Beautiful women make me want to smoke."

Sylvia: Tee, hee. I'll join you with the scotch.

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