Thursday, September 06, 2012

Amor Bravío #22 (Uni 17) Wed 9/5/12 Driving Miss Camila, er, Crazy (if you know what I mean)

Whoosh, the story flies by when you are recapping on the first run of a capitulo!  Pero, onward as the recaps must go on and hopefully it is all in the proper sequence of events.

We begin tonight’s story back in the jeep with Dandres driving a very drunk Camila home from Viv’s house.  Camila emotes as any good drunk does about all her problems, of which she has many.  Dandres astutely asks if these problems are because of her esposo (the one whose “problema” has recently been broadcast throughout the town).  Camila launches into the “all men are unfaithful” to which our noble Dandres claims “au contraire”.  Camila adds her skepticism about even having this discussion with Dandres as he runs the streets flirting with cada quien and his novia to boot.  Dandres pulls the jeep over and with great “sincerity” states he does … not …..have ….a novia.

Dandres, with puppy eyes, probes Camila a little with something about being unfaithful like her husband and she assures him that she … does … things… right.  First she divorces, THEN she hits the streets!  This tequila buzz is causing her thermometer to rise and she attempts to remove the furry vest with the furry bracelet hand.  Camila starts by asking for Dandres’ help and then lands a right blow with a “let go of me”.  Dandres, with face impactada, decides he better get the drunken lady home pronto!

At the hospital, Dionisio slides in on Isavibora at the table and makes a few verbal jabs at her about AlLocoLonso’s dismal performance as the wingman to their nefarious plot.   Dio reminds Isa that Al said he was officially cured and on his way to making Camila a happy compliant wifey.  Isa snarls back that obviously Al must have been lying about this all along.  Dio suggests that he will have to handle matters into his own way to which Isa snarls the rhetorical question “are you threatening me?”  Dio leaves with the final jab to Isavibora to take care of her “bebe”.

We return to the drunken Camila stumbling into El Rancho and Driver Dandres now steering her somewhere to flop for the night.  Dandres suggests she sleep in the house but Camila argues that, no, the cabana is hers and that is where she will sleep.  Dandres offers her coffee and she refuses, adding, she wants it even less from him and emotes again about how he is not her confidante.  After astute questions from Dandres, she proceeds to slur and slobber over the story of her lost love Luis and the events of the night in which they left the bachelor / bachelorette party and had an accident which resulted in his death.  Camila still believes that his death was her fault.  Surely, she says, Dandres cannot relate.  But, au contraire, Dandres can perfectly understand.   He adds his own a cryptic tale of having lost someone and the fault being his.  Hmm, you are a full of surprises, she says, just like my Tio Daniel.  Camila slurs and slobbers over this story about how he was unfaithful to her aunt Amparo (like Al and lots of other unfaithful hombres) and had another son who is her mysterious cousin Daniel.  Sadly, she has never even seen a picture of her cuz to see if he even resembles Tio Daniel.  What an addition it would be to this small little family, a new cousin, says Camila.  Slobbers abound about how all men are unfaithful.  Dandres decides he better get this drunken lady to bed pronto!

He whooshes her off her feet, kicks open the door and proceeds to put her to bed.  The pooch manages to dash out of the cabana door, probably well overdue to relieve herself.  The two come face to face as Dandres places her on the bed.  She asks if she is that disagreeable and wonders aloud if that is why AlLocoLonso was with someone else.  She really is drunk!  Their faces meet closely as she ponders this question and then………….she passes out.  Commercial time.

We return to the cabana with Dandres putting Camila to bed.  He leaves her all tucked in and wanders out into her office.  He chats with the dog about his bone, snoops around a bit, listens to a voice mail to Camila from Pablo and ponders.  He concludes she is a celestina (matchmaker of sorts) and further ponders who this Camila really is.

Outside in the courtyard, Tio Leo is on the prowl and accosts his niece Luzma, questioning where she has been.  Harsh words are heard and Tio Leo smacks Luzma.  Dandres, witnessing this, comes to her rescue and stops Tio Leo from continuing.  Tio Leo snarls at Dandres to stay out of this and wonders what he is doing out in the courtyard.  Dandres and Luzma (wink wink) say he is getting a glass of water for Camila.  Dandres gives Luzma an out from Tio Leo and tells her to go get the glass of water for Camila in the cabana.  She departs and threats between the two hombres ensue.  A seriously offended Tio Leo  ominously tells Dandres his days may be numbered here at El Rancho.

In the kitchen, Piedad questions Luzma about where she has been and why her eyes are red.  Luzma dodges the questions, grabs a glass and tries to dash off to the cabana to keep watch over the drunken patrona.  Dandres shows up and asks to talk to Luzma.  Piedad looks a little puzzled but relents.  Dandres asks her where she was and Luzma tells him she will tell him a little later.   He asks her to stay the night with Camila and take care of her to which she agrees and dashes off.

Next Dandres wanders into the living room and reports to Agustina that he left Camila in the cabana because she wanted to be alone.  Agustina thanks him and reiterates to a doubtful Dandres that she wants him to be the chauffeur and live at El Rancho. He is a little doubtful that he should accept this job. She proclaims that because she is the mother of the duena of the ranch, what she says goes.  She insists he stay and tells him she will ask Piedad to help him with anything he needs at the ranch.  I hope that after all this work, Dandres can finally get some sleep.

The next morning, in the bedroom of the cabana, Camila awakens to see Luzma and a VERY bright sun (menudo please).  Luzma explains that Dandres asked her to watch over Camila .  Suddenly, Camila clutches her jammies and asks, who put on the jammies last night?  Calm down Camila, Luzma tells her she helped Camila put on the jammies.  Wheww, we can all hear Camila say and darn the ladies in viewerville say.  Camila sees the mark on Luzma’s face and  asks about it.  Luzma reveals Tio Leo is the one who gave it to her when he hit her. Camila is horrified to learn Luzma’s Tio hits Luzma and vows to talk to him.  We are glad to know Tio Leo has it coming to him.

Elsewhere, at the hotel in town, Dandres is bidding farewell to the lovely hotel hostess Amanda.  She tells him he is always welcome and he tells her she reminds him of his mother.  They promise to discuss this more at some other time.  Air kisses and god blessing between two swells.

Back in the cabana, Luzma is finishing telling Camila about the Pablo story.  She tells Camila about seeing Pablo watching movies with bratgirl.  At this point Camila is looking pretty hung over and stumbles out to greet the day.   Luzma reminds her to thank Dandres for looking out for her.

As Camila comes stumbling into the living room Agustina is announcing to Tio Leo that Dandres is officially the new chauffeur.  Tio Leo smirks and mumbles something to which Camila adds she wanted to talk to Tio Leo.  She gives him a verbal cachetada right back saying he is never to hit any woman on this ranch again.  Is he clear?  Go Camila!   He turns to leave and Agustina cheerfully reminds Tio Leo to tell Piedad to help Dandres.  Tio Leo is having a bad day.

Far away at Dionisio’s apartment, he is yelling at one of his henchmen to get him some sort of official declaration, likely the declaration that Daniel Diaz Acosta is dead.  The henchman seems daunted on the other side of the phone as Dio yells “how do get it, just get it, I can’t wait anymore!”.  The henchman and Dionisio are having a bad day.

At the hospital, AlLocoLonso is being chewed out by mumsy about his stupidity.  Isavibora tells him Camila does not want to see him.  Al  has difficulty with this considering he is her husband.  He demands mumsy call her.

Back at El Rancho Camila and Agustina are discussing why Agustina has hired Dandres as a chauffeur.  Agustina explains that Camila needs someone she can depend on.  Despite Camila’s protests, Agustina stands firm that Camila respect her opinion.  We see that Agustina has developed some chutzpah in this episode.  Agustina is having a good day.

At the hospital, Al calls Camila.  She tells him she does not want to speak to him. Click.  Bzzzzz.  Isa, ever helpful says “I told you so” .  Al clutches his chest.  Al is having a bad day.

Back at El Rancho, Agustina has a heart to heart with hung over Camila.  She reminds Camila that AlLocoLonso loves her because Isavibora told her so.  Camila does not seem to care.  Agustina tells her she needs to visit her husband or people will talk.  Camila does not seem to care.   She points out his recent stupidities and that she refuses to be a selfless wife and continue to put up with this.

At the courtyard of El Rancho, Dandres is telling Natalia that he is moving to El Rancho.  She tells him she will miss him and sneaks a peck on the cheek and then apologizes. This kiss seen by Camila who is already in a foul mood.

At the hospital AlLocoLonso has a hissy fit about staying in the hospital for further observation.  The doctor tells him he will let him out if he signs a document that he did it at his own risk.  Yup, Al the lawyer says  fine!

Back at El Rancho Piedad shows Dandres to his new room.  Tio Leo lurks by the door.  He asks Dandres how he convinced the patrona to hire him.  More stare downs and Tio Leo nods towards the room saying anything can happen here.  We think Tio Leo does not like Dandres mucho.  Oh and by the way, Dandres is told, the patrona wants to see him.

Next stop of the day for Dandres is Camila’s office.  She asks him in. The tone has changed to “all business” on the part of Camila after seeing Natalia plant a beso on Dandres’ cheek. Camila thanks him for returning her home last night.  And by the way, she adds, about your new job.  Camila tells him she is not exactly on board with Agustina’s plan to hire him as chauffeur but Camila is going along with it because she doesn’t want to contradict her mom.  Camila tells him this job will require him to be discreet.  Furthermore, whatever he does on his own time is fine, but that public scenes of smooching, like with his girlfriend Natalia, are verboten.  Dandres, with a straight face and a smartass comeback asks Camila what exactly is she upset about, that he has a girlfriend, or that he was kissing another woman.  Camila, indignant but undaunted rambles on about the rules on the ranch that need to be respected and adds that he is not to provoke her.  Dandres, again with a straight face and a smartass  answer asks “am I provoking you?”.  Camila answers, yes, since the beginning when she first met him! She rambles on again about the rules of El Rancho and says Dandres can take it or leave it.  Dandres tells her he likes to tell the truth, put things out in the open and is not like her who lives on appearances (whoa buddy, getting and staying snarky).  They finish the exchange with “do you understand?” and a glare from Camila and an “excuse me…. Patrona” from Dandres.  He leaves and Camila takes a big gulp of coffee. Camila is having a bad day.

In town, Amanda and Padre are at the hotel catching up on chisme, in particular, the latest about AlLocoLonso.  Yup, one more person is told what Al’s three P’s, the little pills, the prostitute and the paramedics (add a forth on your own).  Padre is scandalized showing it with a quick sign of the cross and a “Jesus, Maria y Jose”.  Amanda tells Padre she knew Al was a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  They continue to talk about the people at the hotel and Padre asks about this extranjero who was staying at the hotel.  Amanda describes Dandres as a good person.  A little more discussion that frankly lost me because I thought the Padre knew Dandres had been staying there.

We flash over to Luzma, in class, at her school.  Her friend passes her a note.  Outside, they are walking and a forlorn Luzma says Pablo is history, that he was just using her as her friend warned her.   She walks along and lo and behold, bumps into Pablo outside waiting for her.  He tries to explain about the message that she never got and she tries to explain about the message he never got, etc.  Lots of misunderstandings ensue and Luzma tells Pablo not to call her “mi amor” to beat it back to his chilanga (trans:DF’er). Pablo is having a bad day.

Back at El Rancho in the living room, Natalia is talking to Dandres in the entryway.  He is telling her the ubiquitous, “you’re the best, but I only see you as a friend.  I just lost someone and haven’t gotten over it“.  Ever cheerful Natalia is accepting the ubiquitous line and tells him to look her up if he ever changes his mind.  While this is going on, Viv is lurking around the corner making a mental note that this vato, Dandres is fair game. Yayyy.

Back at the school, La Directora, apparently on campus creeper alert, encounters Luzma screaming at Pablo, intercedes and boots Pablo from campus.  She calls  Luzma into her office and proceeds to suspend her despite Luzma begging her not to.  Luzma is afraid that if she has to have her mom sign the suspension paper, Piedad will decide to just keep her out of school for good.  No luck, case closed according to La Directora.  Luzma is having a bad day.

At El Rancho, Viv has made her way into Camila’s office.  Camila is beside herself, with canas verdes (trans: green grey hairs due to that vato) because of that Dandres fellow.  Viv tells a dubious Camila what she just heard, that Dandres does not have a girlfriend and he is not the boyfriend of Natalia.  She further hypothesizes that Natalia only called him her boyfriend to help him get the job at El Rancho and Dandres went along with the game so as not to rock the boat.  Camila is struck with this news.  Viv proceed to go back to her finger talk from a previous episode (I told you all in viewerville we would get back to this) with Camila saying Camila is soon to be free, Dandres is free, and she should “encuentra la luz”… see the light.

Avances:  Camila asks AlLocoLonso for a divorce.  Viv outs Dandres as Daniel Diaz Acosta.


Here it is compadres and comadres. It took a wee little more time, but better late than never.

Thank you! I am so glad to see this! Last night, I was into the episode, but mentally yelling, "What is she saying? What is he saying?!" Darn beginning Spanish.

This TN sure keeps you involved.

I do have to say that those shorts that Cam had on could not come off soon enough. UUUGGGLLYY! When I saw her in her jammies, I thought, "Danny, you naughty boy!" I did get it though that Luz did it.

No principal would expel for yelling on the playground. If we did, we would have no students.


Thanks Mena, no one cares that it's late. In fact, with such a late night program, I'm surprised you get it done as soon as you do.

I loved the good day bad day theme. It was so true for this episode. I can't wait for the sparks to fly between Dan and Camila. He has her number big time. How great was it that Viviana overheard the conversation between Dan and Natalia. But how does Viviana know Dan as Dan? Does Rafa spill the beans to her? She didn't recognize him when he was talking to Natalia.

Let's hope now that Padre knows about Alonso that he doesn't try to convince Camila to try to work out her marriage anymore. Just grant her the annulment please.


Cathyx, since outing Dandres was in the avances, I am not sure. But, I did hear a blip where Viv says "he called you Daniel." which might mean Rafa blew it again by calling him Daniel, but this time it was in front of Viv.

Cindy, LOL about the yelling. I am thinking she was making a scene with a boy and that was the problem. Which I think still holds true for your observation that the principal wouldn't suspend someone for three days for this or there would be no students. LOL

Mena: was only able to watch the last five minutes, so really appreciate the detailed recap.

You were cracking me up with the "good day/bad day" schtick. Too funny.


Mena: Thanks. I missed so much last night - kept falling asleep.

Camila now has a real big problem: how is she going to get rid of Alonso with his mother living at the ranch and with her mother cohorting with Dionisio. The writers will keep us snared in this web.

Mena--You've offered service with a smile (or a tongue in cheek). Thank you for the clippity clop action trotting right along with necessary dialog. I also have trouble hearing/understanding Dandres when he starts into his seduction mode--his voice drops and the background noise becomes the foreground noise.

Cathyx--You'll have to wait until Friday to see how it is that Viv outs Daniel. Only Padre and Rafael know who he really is; so if it isn't Padre, it'll be Rafael who will probably accidentally spill the beans, or Viv overhears them talking--as she did the very crucial Natty-Dandres convo.

Yep, Dandres has puppy eyes AND deep long dimples (a la Rogelio) and a gorgeous set of lips, too. And he looks good in blue skivvies. I also appreciate the fact that he's clean shaven and they don't have his hair looking like an oil slick happened.

Dandres, in the pull-over scene asks if Camila would ever be unfaithful to her husband. She shakes her head slowly (so as not to get any dizzier). Then he asks even if she fell in love with someone else? She shakes her head again. That's when she tells him that she divorces first then "hits the streets." I think our galan is making a list of the things he'll have to overcome if he wants to seduce her and bed her.

There is one critical convo element that will be important later on (if Camila remembers it)....when they are sitting side by side in the cabana and Cam has just poured/slobbered out her sad story and Dandres launches into his. He says, after saying that he was responsible for the death of someone very close, that she should know about that (I think he slipped up there because right now he DOESN'T want her to know who he is). When she says, how would I know that, I don't even know you.

Poor Alonssso. He is having the worst possible day. Even mumsy wouldn't provide any solace. Dionisio is not far behind though. He is twirling too many plates in the air, each with its own schedule--getting the death certificate, getting the ranch, dealing with the investors, keeping Isavibora from going off on her own, seducing poor Gussie (not a hard job, that one), making sure Daniel doesn't appear. It's enough to give someone a heart attack--oh, it did. Wrong guy.

Mena, you got a fun episode to recap, congratulations. I love your style.

I looked on my TV schedule and can't find AB scheduled for tonight. I know the President is giving his speech at the DNC. Does anyone know for sure if it's on or not tonight?


Mena- Fabulous recap. I also loved the good day/bad day theme. Loved seeing Dan's effect on women, and he knows it too. He uses those puppy dog eyes and that smile, and cheek caresses to maximum effect. He knows what he's doing. I'm glad he told Nat the truth of his feelings, but I also gave her points for telling Dandres the truth of how she feels. It's worth a shot.

I really don't see how Al is going to worm his way back into the house and keep Cami married to him. I do agree that having his mother living there, and Cami's mother dating his "friend" Dio, makes it harder for Cami to push him out of her life. I can see him making the point that he should remain ranch manager, even if they are separated/divorced.


Mena, thanks for a great recap! My DVD recorder did not work last night so I would be lost without this.

Loved the good day/bad day theme!

I think that a couple of episodes back something came up in conversation between Padre and Dandres that led me to believe that Padre did not know that Dandres was living at Amanda's.

Another great recap, Mena! I appreciate your clarifying the dialog in the courtyard between Dandres and Cami where he tells her he prefers the truth rather than relying on appearances as she does. He kind of scolds her, right? Oh, the irony! What about when she discovers he's relying on appearances to evade the truth?

I want to tell all the recappers, no worries about when you post! I discovered Caray, Caray about 4 years ago, and it has enhanced my enjoyment of telenovelas tremendously. Thank you all!

Robey- My TV guide says this show isn't on tonight either. And Abismo de Pasion is on at 10:00pm.

thanks all, as usual for your kind comments..
Anita, thanks for the updates, now it rings a bell for me that he says you should know that.
The other thing I meant to mention is that the stage crew stuck an annoying fountain in the middle of the living area that is really annoying me. The running water is really loud and it drowns out the dialogue. Arrggggh.


Great job, Mena. You certainly were having a good day! :-)

Needless to say, I loved the good day/bad day refrain. I also enjoyed your describing the directora as on "campus creeper alert."

Cathyx, I too wondered how Viv knew that Dandres is really Daniel. It doesn't speak well of Rafa if he spilled the beans to her. But how else could she have known?

I guess we won't know until tomorrow. There's apparently no Amor Bravío tonight. It's being supplanted by Amor Obama.

Thanks, Cathyx.

I've been wondering something about Cam's helping Luzma and Pablo. I got the impression that Pablo's family did not approve of him dating Luzma. Does Cam know that? Because if she does, then I have a problem with her going behind the family's back (considering their ages) and encouraging the two. My friend said that she might not know, but could guess this is the case considering they're from different classes. Which would still make it wrong in my eyes.


Cathyx, I agree that Amor Bravío is not on tonight, but today's Washington Post TV listing has Abismo de Pasión at the usual 9 pm hour.

That may be, I'm on Pacific time.

@ Robey--Camila is a very enlightened young woman. She obviously knows LuzMa is the daughter of the Rancho cook and surely she knows who her rancho neighbors are, so she doesn't have a problem with class distinctions.

When LuzMa pleaded her case to Camila, she was willing to act as a go-between. It started out just using the cabana for private phone conversations. LuzMa didn't want Tio, especially, to listen in. In first accepting her "role," Cam did some backflash reminiscing of "primer amor" and how special it was.

No Amor Bravio tonight, at all. Must put our expectations on hold til tomorrow.

I also don't see a problem with Cam helping the younguns with their first love. Any issues their parents/tios may have with it (because of the class difference), are their issues.

I don't think Cam should be encouraging something that their families are against. Luzma is a minor. I really believe she shouldn't be interfering.


Mena thanks so much for this recap. I too really wanted to know what Cami and Daniel said to one another and you provided a great summary. Daniel is quite the smarty pants ;)

Speaking of our galan, when Natalia was asking if you ever get over your love, how about it, that was an incredible smile he gave her! I swooned. I know he's destined for Cami but Natalia is a cutie. I've seen CdlF in other TNs but this is the first with him as a galan and I like it!

Good stuff, Mena.

Luzma is probably just on the brink of the age of consent and I think Pablo is under 21 also. It's borderline, but probably Camila is looking at her own madre's issues about this stuff.

Pablo was speaking about going away to start college, so he's around 18/19, and Luzma was speaking about almost graduating and being of age, so she's likely 17. Then they plan to snub their noses at their families and make their love public. There isn't a huge age difference.

Thanks, Mena. Has anyone seen the new m & m ad featuring William Levy ? It's cute.

To Mena and cathyx,

Just wanted to say that this lurker has enjoyed your starts as recappers. You are doing a super job! Your recaps have been really good from the get go! Congrats!!

Thank you.:))

Dear Lurker, thanxx and happy lurking. It is an interesting exercise and I have really picked up some interesting vocabulary. I feel like a journalist with a print deadline and breaking news .. LOL


I object to Cam interfering with the parenting of Luzma, since she's a minor and still under her mother's care. If her parental guardians (mother, uncle) do not want her dating Pablo, for whatever reason, IMHO, Cam has no right to interfere with that.


Spoken like a true parent of a teenager Robey. LoL
Was there any indication that anyone besides tio L was against their relationship? Thanks Mena.

Thank you, Mena, for a smart and thorough (and fun) recap.

Have we discussed "pinacuates", Padre's favorite expression. My dictionary says it's a beetle-type insect. Any other interpretations?

CdlF may not be the world's greatest actor, but he's doing well enough that, with his looks, he's fantastic in my book. Silvia is excellent -- one of my favorites. A very convincing couple.

@Traveling lady - I don't think the specific word the padre says is significant. The actor who plays the padre always seems to have a favorite word that he uses, just as he uses pinacates here. In another TN he used "canicas," which means "marbles." I think he uses a different word for each TN, but it's a hallmark of his, or, as I like to think of it, a verbal tic.

Anon 08:10: Actually, I don't have children (much to my regret), which is why my opinions on the subject are "IMhumbleO". :)


Terrific! Loved the snark!

Thanxx from the trainee ... this week I kicked in the spellcheck.. next week I'll upgrade the font!


Thanks for the context of Padre's expression. I recall now the actor and his use of "canicas" -- was it in Sortilegio?

You are right, the word itself doesn't matter. But I think it's pinacates rather than what I relayed before.

I do like the actor and character. The actor's signature trick makes me like him even more.

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