Thursday, September 27, 2012

Abismo de pasión #138 9/26/12: Everyone has advice for Gaol, but he practices selective listening, encouraged by Dam giving up the race, And the anvil cloud follows Loopy around

Dam stops by Gaol’s… need to talk... How did you find me?... Uncle told me you rented here. ..And did he tell you why? That I would live here with Eliar? …(Dam is very controlled, Gaol is ready for another brawl, very insulting/offensive, rude) Our being bros does not change things. I hate you even more now. Look at your life. And look at mine. You were born with a silver spoon and I was left at the church door. You lived with your comforts, your hacienda, trips, schooling… what about me? I had to work to survive. To help Padre Loopy with the bills! (and turning the lights on and off at the church, don't sell yourself short, Gael!) You took everything from me. From the surname to my gal!…. I swear, if I am here, it is… Don’t swear! I renounce the Arango surname! And our bloodline! You will never be my bro. (isn’t that a good thing?)… This time I am willing to lose. But I won’t apologize for what I did because I don’t regret it (you will, Dam!) or for what happened back then, because it is not my fault. But I will ask you forgive Eliar…. You forgive her! She loves you, she has been yours… Eliar also loves you. And you know it. If you forgive her she will take you back, and if you convince her, she will marry you. I will step aside. I have taken too many things from you, bro. So I came to tell you I renounce Eliar. And I renounce to her for good.
Lo Nuevo:
No I don’t believe you. … Words go with the wind (Gaol is no Scarlet, Dam!). But I will show you the money. Nah! I will show you with my actions (not willing to put the money on the line, Dam?) I hope you will forgive me for what I have had and you haven’t… You said it yourself. I have nothing to forgive you, it was not your fault. The one to blame is that jerk Rosie! Who didn’t give me his surname or recognize me!... As far as I know, he never knew you were his son… I would not be so sure… I am. I am sure if he had known, things would have been different … jajaja!... and I am not talking only the money/things/hot wheels/wagons/Tonka trucks/He-man dolls/BatMan costumes or rubber G-I-Joe soldiers. I am also talking about affection. … Let’s stop the chat about what could have been… lets chat about what IS. Swear to me that what you are offering about Eliar is true!.. I swear. And want you to know I am glad I have a bro, and that it is precisely you. I swear. … I hope I will be able to say the same thing someday, but it depends on you following up on your word… I will. For now I have to go tend to my mother for a few weeks at Merida. She will probably be on the OR for heart surgery.  .. aren’t you going to say goodbye to Eliar? … no. I might not resist the urge to ‘nap her on horseback again. But please tell her I wish you both happiness.… then I will tell you that by the time you are back, Eliar and I will be married. I hope it all goes fine (with Fina?)… Goodbye, bro. Be happy. (tries to do handshake, Gaol does half-willingly, then gives Dam a devilish stare as Dam leaves, but we can see the ice is beginning to melt on the guy… ).
Back in town, Tangel-Ho runs into Elisa, (decides to play the let’s-see-how-long-it-takes-to-tick-Eliar-off game)… how did your bro in law greet you back? Or should I say your ex-fiancee’? … you know gossip runs around this town like an air-born virus.. it sticks around like the heat… But tell me, what does it feel like to be the jackpot prize between two bros? History is repeating itself, but in reverse. Augie was the prize for the brawl between myself and your mom, as sisters… No, my mom did not hate you but I know very well that you always hated and envied her, and you still hate and resent her to this day. … Same will happen with Gael and Dam… Not all brothers have to curse and fight each other all their lives. … but if that bothers you, why don’t you bag them both? Forget either of them exists! (boy, first reasonable advice coming out of the orange puckers??)
At clinic, Alfie still blabbing about Elisa, Stefie, etc etc. Loopy says the confession vow prevented me from spilling beans earlier… but what about you? I believe it was just pride/ego … and even if it is hard for me to admit it, ambition played a part too. You wanted Dam to be the only heir. But now all that must change…. I don’t see why. My hubby did not leave a will… I know that is not true. You destroyed that document, I never told you but I saw you burning it the very night Rosie died… even if you never get it, all I have done is to protect Dam, my only son! … it is so sad that even if this might be last time we see each other, you still reprieve me… Don’t say that… Tonight they will take me to Merida to do heart surgery on me, and I might not make it from there… I have my faith still. And I am still your bro.. till the day I die. And I will pray for u. I hope God can someday forgive us both for all our sins. I love you sis… (anvil alert!! Anvil alert!!) Don’t go! Stay with me until Dam comes to get me with ambulance. Don’t want to be alone. Don’t want to die alone!
Around Church, Tangel-Ho is looking for Loopy… seems she is anxious to silence him for good… ‘don’t you dare spill out my confession secrets… if you do that or get near Elisita, I might let the Devil take over me…’
Dam stops by Lucio’s and leaves a letter under the door (for Eliar, I am sure)
At laguna shack, Quique is asking Paloma to give them another try. She is still waiting on Gaol, who won’t see how valuable/ wonderful she truly is. ‘Gaol has known you all his life and still does not know who you are. I got to know you the last few weeks, and I love you. I am still willing to marry you and give your son my surname. I am no Gaol! I no longer feel anything for Flo. I love u now.’  Paloma turns down Quique still, after all that sweet talk.
Lolita gives Elisa the letter from Dam… (I will add my own interpretation of each line)
  1. The way things look now we have a slim chance of being happy together.
(Heck!, I have tried to take you away like Loopy asked me to, but something comes up everytime!)
  1. I don’t hate Gael, but I do understand his hatred and I care about it more than I thought.
(I understand he inherited his ambition from his mama and I won’t blink to hand him a pot of gold)
  1. I have taken from Gael everything… even you, the woman he loves. So I give you up.
(I have enjoyed everything, he never had any… I even took his favorite horse… so I give you to him)
  1. I love you as I will never love anyone else.
(I like looking at your boobies and booties, I know I will never look at anyone else’s the same way)
  1. I know you love us both, but you don’t have to choose anymore. Please forgive and marry Gael.
(you wanted to have us both, but I won’t be another bird in your nest… so you have only 1 left)
  1. Forget me… Goodbye my love, goodbye forever.
(forget me… I will find my eye candy somewhere else that is not so expensive to enjoy the view)

At shack, Ramona arrives to see a deflated Quique leave… Paloma debriefs her on the visit.. Ramona says why wouldn’t a guy notice your feelings and beauty? (even if they run for safety when they get to know her better once she gets too clingy…) Ramona points that if Gael was too blind to see her virtues, that does not mean other boys like Quique could not. He must really care for u to be willing to accept another’s baby. Paloma not willing to let Quique sacrifice, would rather stay alone. Ramona frantically flaps her fan, seems she can make fans from wicker around the cenote)
They are bringing Alfie out of the clinic onto the ambulance... (we hear 'Boom! pow! 'careful!! careful!!' Boom! swack!! 'Careful!! I can imagine Alfie whispering curses at the poor ambulance guys) Just before Dam climbs on the back of ambulance, Loopy catches up with him in street. They say their goodbyes. Dam climbs into the ambulance. Eliar arrives just in time to share a depressing glance with Dam.
Snake TangelHo watches all from afar.
Lucio visits Loopy. Lucio tells Loopy that his decision to leave priesthood is rather extreme. Had to break my confession vow, Gael was going to kill Dam and had to tell him to stop him. .. Anyone else would have done same… if I had not, Dam would be dead and Gael would be a delincuent.
Sabrina, totally convinced, tells her family Loopy recommended and the zulu tribes accepted, so she will be on way to Africa any day now. BegoneYa and Inmundo try to make her change her mind. Later Quique also tries to change her mind, he confesses to her that Paloma’s baby is not his. And about his wanting to be with Paloma. Sabrina says you are falling again in the trap you did with Flo.
Elisa is telling Paloma about the revelation moment. Elisa has not talked to Gael. Eliar says Dam is confused, has guilt feelings with Gael, so much he does not want to be with her anymore. Paloma does not get how the two things are connected. Will you let Dam break with you for guilt feelings? Dam wrote a letter and left. They will do heart surgery on his mother. I can’t force him to stay. Paloma asks Eliar why they came back a bit mad at each other. Eliar says now town will have a field day with the gossip about her following mommy’s teps. .. What would happen if you got pregnant while you and Dam were gone? Eliar loses her breath, then says she would tell Dam, don’t want to repeat the story of Gael’s. Baby would not be the one to blame. Paloma impactada by the answer.
Lucio visits Gael. I heard everything and thought you might use some company. Elisa is non-stop crying… Gael still resentful that Elisa cares what would have happened to Dam. Lucio says she cared about BOTH of you! … You also think Elisa loves Dam and I the same? … Elisa cares about you both PERIOD!!   Lucio tells Gael that Loopy is taking it really hard too (SEE?? It’s not just ALL ABOUT YOU boy!!)… so hard he is giving up priesthood. You know him better than anyone. HE is a good priest and a good man, you owe him a lot. (Gael nods in agreement).Go talk to him? He needs you!
At Merida Hospital, Dr tells Dam and Alfie that she does need a very risky open heart surgery.
Probably my favorite scene in the episode… Gael catches Loopy at home. Gael starts acting his old self like a nervous little boy in front of Loopy. Loopy tells him he is not worthy of being a priest anymore. Loopy gives the excuse that the due date is here for the replacement priest to arrive. Have to move out of this house. Where to? … Does it matter to you really? … Why wouldn’t it??... Gael, your evil twin has filled your heart with hatred, and has stolen your nobility, you have turned resentful. … No I don’t resent you. On the contrary, I am only too grateful for all you have done for me. It did hurt a lot that you did not tell me all these years about my origin, but you also taught me to be a one word man and that was your duty with God. … so you forgive me? … it is me who has to apologize, Pa’ Padre! (ouch! Anvil alert! Gael is wearing a black and white plaid shirt!!). … I am no longer a priest but I am your father. Will always be your father. Did you talk to Dam? … yeah he came over. .. what did he say? … that he had taken too many hot wheel cars and sugar daddy’s from me so he was leaving me Eliar (is that a good trade/gift?... that is debatable) … so I want to re-start where I left off and marry Eliar ASAP…. Do you realize that speaks well of his heart (Gael nods no). I doubt Eliar will want to marry you after all that has happened. … That is why I need you to help me convince Elisa to forgive me and get back with me!!... No, Gael. Don’t count on me… (tantrum boy is back!) Why not!! You owe me!!... You don’t have to behave like this!! You can’t play victim and try to blame Dam for stealing her!! Even less take advantage of your brother’s guilt to steal her from him… No sir!!... Yes sir!! We both know you have not been totally honest with Eliar either! There is something that you are hiding from her and that puts a black cloud on that great love you say you feel for her!! You have to tell her!! You have to recognize that while engaged to her you betrayed her with another woman!! IF you really want to marry her, Don’t get to the altar to make a promise that is not true, hijo.
Lolita is glad Eliar won’t accept Gael again just because Dam suggested it. Paloma still loves Gael even if she is considering Quique. Lolita does not understand how Dam could renounce her. Lolita is confused, why are Eliar and Dam still playing the game of getting on and off the merry-go-round. Eliar says Tangel-Ho is right about comparing the past and now with Gael/Dam. Lolita says both Eliar and Dam are confused, but they cannot take such drastic measures. … so what now?... well, I don’t know but don’t break up for doubts and guilts, don’t carry burdens that are not yours…
Gael gets home still miffed… door knocks again.. (boy is this the most popular spot in La Ermita today or what??)… it is Paloma this time. … what are you doing here?... what else? To be a listening ear if you need it (suddenly the word has got around that Gael needs a Psychiatrist. Where is DrT to show his psychiatry skills?)… once you told me that after what happened among us we would never be friends again. I don’t want to hurt you again… can’t help it (but keep comin’ to take more crap from u)… Dam told me he would leave the way free for me with Eliar. I know my words hurt you but Eliar is the woman I love… what you don’t want to understand is that Eliar does not love you… Enough! Eliar loves me!, Dam assured me of it! Wants me to marry her as I had planned!!.. Eliar won’t take you, even less after what happened!!... Yeah, I was about to do something crazy for jealousy! Thank God Loopy arrived to prevent me from hurting Dam!! … I am not talking about that, you JERK!!... Padre told me the same, why did you tell him? … because I could not take it anymore, I had to tell someone… he told me to come clean with Eliar, tell her the truth… he is right, if you want Eliar to take you back, you have to tell her about us. If you don’t tell her, I swear I will.
Loopy is walking down a rainy street… Tangel-Ho cuts him off… Evil never rests. You had been overdue by now. I was wondering when you were going to sneak out in the open. … I too have been asking myself when you would leave this town finally. The 6 months lead time is over… that is not your bidness. When I leave is not your problem. But I have to tell you I don’t have to leave town. The people I still love and those that still need me are still here… that sounds like a threat. Be careful… save your threats, Carmina. I know perfectly what you are capable of. Listen, you better beware, you are the one that does not know what I am capable of… yes I do. What happened? Loopy broke a confession vow?? … that I did to avoid a tragedy. Be careful what you do, evil woman. Wherever you try to plant evil, I will plant the truth… THE TRUTH!... (boy he has just signed his death sentence from the way she beams/targets her laser eyes at him.)
Previews: Paloma threats Gael to tell Eliar or she will. Gael confesses to Eliar he was with another woman. Elisa demands he tell her who that woman is.


Thank you Super Marta!

I don't know how you do it -- so fast, so complete and so funny with all the wry asides.

"Forget me… Goodbye my love, goodbye forever. (forget me… I will find my eye candy somewhere else that is not so expensive to enjoy the view)" Snort!

Your Wednesday marvels keep the rest of us honest for all the other days of the week. :D


Word nerd note on "querer" vs "amar":

It was interesting to hear Lupe say to his sister: "Te quiero"; and then a beat later "Te amo". We are often taught that "amar" is used to speak of romantic love, or feelings of deep affection for one's spouse or lover. "Querer" is used between parents and children or brothers and sisters or non-romantic friends. And often it's used between "novios" who are commitment-shy.

But here Lupe says "Te amo" to his sister and he seems to mean: I love you profoundly. It's very powerful precisely because the word is not often used this way.

yes i found that carefully selected wording... but in this context it means he loves her VERY DEEPLY as a sister, with her virtues and her defects... but in most cases it is like you said, NM, 'amar' is usually reserved for romantic love.
in a couple, they might use it intermitently one way and the other, but when the love is not romantic it does sound odd if the word 'amar' is used instead.
Even from a parent to a child the word 'love' seems more acceptable than between siblings.

it was weird but well acted, watching the two twins in the same scene... Gael arrives to talk to Loopy and while the theme revolved around Loopy and their relationship as father and son, we had our old wonderful Gael. But the minute Loopy turned the subject to Gael/Elisa, the evil twin took over.

The other very well acted scenes were Gael/Damian and Loopy/Carmina. boy Sabine has the snake queen face and gesture down to an art by now. wonderful acting!

Thank you for the recap, marta! Sort of a meh episode but I got the feeling the stage is being set for some real action muy pronto.

Gael did not look quite as loco last night. Thank goodness. Maybe he is over his temper tantrum.

PadLupe looks strange in civilian clothes, without his collar. I hope there is not an anvil over his head. He is one of my favorite characters (and actors).

Carmina was having a Very Bad Hair Day.

Seriously, the best thing Dam & Gael could do is put Elisa up for bidding on eBay. Buyer beware.

I am so glad(!) Paloma told Gael that he must tell Elisa about Gaeloma. Betrayals, indeed!


Seriously, the best thing Dam & Gael could do is put Elisa up for bidding on eBay. Buyer beware.

LOL good one! but i am afraid Dam and Gael will get a rude awakening of how Elisa looks from someone outside looking in (third parties who are NOT obsessed with her boobies and booties or us the Patio members, including our dear goners (Rosie, Stefie, Nina, Kenya) with us).
Still waiting for the revival of Horacio and Ingrid... will they

Love it all Marta! Much of the same old last night, but as god-awful the plot and dialog is ( and thanks for those "translations" - Tonka trucks Bwahahaha!) the acting was pretty decent last night as others have pointed out.

But I agree-- what Carmina wants, Carmina tries to get, and she wants Loopy to shut up...permanently. Anyone else bothered by the fact that there are too many anvils, murders in this one small little town? Those middle-school little writers have seen too many Friday the 13th or Quentin Tarantino movies. I'd be packing my bags if I lived there. I so don't want anything to happen to the good Padre. Poor Lucio, he'd be the only elder voice of reason left in town...the man shouldn't have to be burdened with this bunch.

Did love the scene with him and evil/schizophrenic Gael. Funny how a couple "fun times" with Pal turned him into a raving lunatic. Nice job writers. And he doesn't even know about the bebe yet. Dam should give his Bro lessons on how to do the bed-hopping without being eaten up with guilt.


Loopy certainly used a double-edge sword to stop Gael from killing Dam. On one side Gael FINALLY knows who he is and where he came from... on the other side it must not be a fuzzy feeling to know you were entitled by birth to many things you never had... while your sibling enjoyed it all along.
Can you imagine the two dinner tables? rice, beans and tortillas (if lucky) on one and the best european foods/ best locally available meat cuts and fresh produce in the other. Late model sports car vs .. what was it... ah! Amadeus!!

Bien hecho, Marta.

We only have 33 episodes left. When I get home later I will take a shot at a Karmageddon Poll. I think the choices are simpler for this than they were for LQNPA.

Thanks for the recap Marta. Enjoyed your title and the info on "amar" vs "querer" you and NM mentioned.

I hope things start moving now instead of characters acting without sense or reason.

I really hope Lupe doesn't die. I would like to see someone who knows what she is capable of foil her.

have to say Gael looked absolutely delicious today, complete with huge boots, dirty facial hair, plaid shirt and the bruises on the face... yummily perfect teddy bear!
ok, there... had my drooling moment. I feel better now...

i melt when he gets on 'pa'padre!' mode. can't help it.

my fav hair length/color on Mark too... AARGGHHH!! ok, stop it marta!

I cannot wait to see Gael's face when he learns Paloma is preggers and he is the baby daddy. And he HAS to find out, right? because this is a telenovela.

marta - LOL

What we learned last night:

Paloma needs to have a Coliseum of seats.

Elisa is getting what she deserves.

Lupe will soon have a chance to have a chat with Augusto, Estefania, Rosendo, etc.

How can Paloma go back up in Elisa's face and play BFF when she hasn't told Elisa about her & Gael's "fun times" together?

Yes, if Gael wants to marry Elisa he needs to tell her about the betrayal with Paloma. But if Paloma wants to be friends with Elisa, SHE should have told Elisa the truth. It's just as much Paloma's truth as it is Gael's.

Elisa gets what she deserves re: Damian because she set this whole chain into motion by lying to Damian that she had fun times with Gael, was profoundly in love with Gael and was the town ho. During her & Damian's fun times, she wanted to immediately leave to run to Gael. So while Damian is Dam Stoopid, Elisa has given him plenty of doubt.

I don't agree with Damian that Rosendo would have given Gael this shower of attention, because while Rosendo loved Damian, he blew Damian off ALL THE TIME to have fun times with Carmina. The reason Rosendo is dead today is because he was abandoning his family to run off with Carmina. If Rosendo did that to his legitimately recognized son, he would have done the same to Gael.

And Rosendo's will most likely provided for Gael...that's why Alfonsina burned it up...because if Rosie's will only provided for Alfonsina & Damian she wouldn't have burnt it up.

Great job, Marta. I chuckled at your assessment of Gael's appearance last night. I was thinking, wouldn't he look great if he just had a shave and a haircut?

My favorite scene was the confrontation between (ex)Padre Lupe and Carmina. What great chemistry. Now that he is leaving the priesthood, I'd love to see them get together... although those murders could be a deal-breaker.

"For all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these 'it might have been'" John Greenleaf Whittier

I got the impression from Alfonsina that had Rosendo known that Ingrid was pregnant with Gael he would have dumped her (and I guess marry Ingrid... shudder) and Damián would never have been conceived. Would Gael have been better off?



This comment has been removed by the author.

Anon, love your list... esp about Loopy's soon to come close encounters. LOL!

also Elisa did lead Dam on to the huge doubt and confusion... and not only that but she egged/led Gael on to believing she was marrying him and that he had a chance with her, when she knew she would only love Dam forever. So even though i found his yelling at her 'I hope you are satisfied with your deed!' a bit harsh, she does deserve it...

also agree that the 'truth' about the powow in the hut near the cenote is a truth of two people, two people equally as important to Elisa, and she will feel betrayed by BOTH of them...

so noone there is 'innocent pure and clean of lies and betrayals'.

agree that Rosie's will must have provided for Gael, at least a monthly allowance and enough money to complete college level schooling (just to make sure his 'good deed' was followed through with or without him around). Otherwise i agree Alfie would have no reason to burn the will.
But i have to agree also on Rosie's attitude. if he had learned Gael was his birth child, he would have provided for him, i dont think he would have gone quite as far as bringing Gael to the hacienda to have them live equally as brothers, though. But certainly he would have given Gael his surname and financial backing.
But Rosie had his 'cola que le pisen', i agree.
IF Rosie had married Ingrid instead of Alfie and only had Gael, maybe the story would have repeated itself but with Gael being the 'raised rich' kid with a dad who abandoned him because he could not stand his mother, and Rosie would have found an 'Tangel-Ho'-like option and be gone just like here.


My brain stopped several episodes ago when Elisa/Eliar was feeding Damian all of this misinformation re her relationship with Gael.

Somebody PLEASE explain to me the point of all of that? It just does not seem like a 'logical' action on the part of a person who is finally with their one true love.

Right. I understand that oftentimes, there is no logic in these stories, but why did Elisa do this? What point did it serve? Just how pathetic is she, anyway?

Gael/Tacher looks like a dirtbag to me right now. Ugly hair, ugly faces, and ugly clothes do not make this guy a galan in my book, but hey...

Where in the heck is this story going?

I also think Rosendo is/was a loser.

if you want to check out Mark T shorter hair, suited, clean shaven and cleaned up, check his Jorge characater at Para volver a amar sunday mornings at 9am EST on Uni. those who watched LHDM got to see him in the entire range... from clean rich shaven to really looking like a drunk dirt bag.

Maybe my memory was playing tricks on me, but in that eerie and menacing encounter between Carmina and Lupe at the end of the episode, I heard the voice that Rene Casados used all through La Madrastra.

These two actors would be great at cartoon voice-overs. I'm waiting for Sabine to use her "I just swallowed some helium" voice again; I heard it here but let it slide unremarked.

About Mark Tacher -- yeah, he cleans up nice but he's not exactly an Adonis, even at his best. Since Mexican novelas seem to be stuck on hiring surgically-enhanced beauty queens and genetic-freak Mr. Universe types for protagonista roles these days, I think Mr. T is stuck as an also-ran. (Although he would certainly make a splendid antagonista.)

"Lupe will soon have a chance to have a chat with Augusto, Estefania, Rosendo, etc."

"And Rosendo's will most likely provided for Gael...that's why Alfonsina burned it up...because if Rosie's will only provided for Alfonsina & Damian she wouldn't have burnt it up."
You always amaze me with your rational thinking. Well done! Why didn't WE think of that. LOL Oh, right, our telenovela beanie hats are on sooo tiiiight that the oxygen is cut off to our brains (as it is supposed to be) so none of us thought of this.

Gracias Super Miercoles Marta. Your detailed conversations and descriptions are greatly appreciated. I always feel they are a gift to me because I get to recap the next episode knowing exactly what went down the previous night.

I agree that both Gael AND Paloma should tell Elisa the truth. Or just keep their mouths shut. For Paloma to insist that Gael tell Elisa is kind of chicken-s**t on her part.

Favorite scene: the final scene with Lupe and Carmina. They both get those uber scary voices and faces. Shudder.

NM, i do admit that not everyone likes the 'looks' of Mark T... but to me he is in the category of high acting skill and attractive voice, sort of in the same category that Rafa Novoa is in COlombia and Lizalde, Evora and Peniche Sr have been in Televisa... not an 'Adonis' to the general population but plenty of charisma.
Mark likes challenges... does not mind doing non-novela shows, so i doubt he would allow Televisa to box him in a cookie cutter role over and over like other actors have been put in. And he certainly has made himself a household recognizable icon in most of South America so jobs he would not lack.

That is one flaw i see in Televisa, if you are not the 'adonis' or 'diva' to the general population, you better be a great actor (a la Rene Casados, Eric del Castillo, and females like Raquel Montero, Daniela Romo, Dona Magda Guzman, etc). I like mixing new faces with the household ones... not to carry same cast from one novela to next.


I guess more than a flaw, it is strategy in the part of Televisa.

Ah, Marta--I think we need to have a special patio support group meeting for us Tacher fans when this is over--commiserate how once again writers have trashed his character in a TN and the fact we still came out of this thing a fan.

NM - I agree. He doesn't have that chiseled look they seem to want in the main galan (though his bod is fine in the qualifying muscle department). After watching his turn as evil twin Gael, I could really see him have a hoot being the bad guy. Sort of like Sergio Goyri - can turn on the charm, not bad on the eyes, but boy - the stares and evil can just come blasting out. Not everyone can do a great villian.our boy may have a future.

Daisynjay, would love to have that support group meeting.
as a villain, when he shows that tantrum/anger face, Mark reminds me of Sergio Sendel... i agree he would have a hoot with a villain character.

Thank you so much, Super Miercoles Marta! I have so much to do today but couldn't bear a day without my TN recap fix!

NM, thank you for clarifying the "amar" "querer" thing. When Padre Lupe said them both to Fina, I thought: "What's the difference". They've always confused me because doesn't querer mean to want? So I always thought "Te quiero" was more romantic because it meant "I want you". It's great to get the nuance of the word! Now I know...

Last night I must have thought 10 times "I'll just wait for Marta to explain it tomorrow!"

Muchas Gracias, Amiga!


I appreciate the comments/thoughts re Tacher.

I also appreciate that you let me have my thoughts re this actor even though it strays from the main stream thought here.

I don't like cookie cutter actors. I agree that he brings something 'else' to the table, but right now, he looks quite ugly to me, so I guess he is doing his job.

Rene Strickler is no hunk of the type that Televisa seems to want these days, but I like his versatility. Perhaps that will be Tacher's niche as well.

It's hard to decide whether it's the actor; the character, or both that I don't like right now, but this Gael jerk is wearing thin.

Katy said: 'Last night I must have thought 10 times "I'll just wait for Marta to explain it tomorrow!"' Hee, I did the same thing.

Marta, sounds like your Tacher table out on the patio might be getting crowded. (Except for a few of you whom Gael is driving nuts.) I just watched a video of him on youtube from La Hija de Mariachi. Was that him doing his own singing?


I'm sure Marta will be back to give you chapter and verse but the short answer:

No, the singing of the principals in LHDM is all dubbed. Brilliantly, yes, but indubitably dubbed. Neither Tacher nor his co-star Carolina Ramírez do their own singing.

Thanks for the hard work on this recap Marta. I'm so glad it wasn't one of mine to do. The conversation in this episode was so ridiculous, I was rolling my eyes over and over. The constant on again/off again theme with Elisa and Damian rivals that awful female boxing TN that I refuse to remember the name of. I'm so past caring if they get together, it's not even funny. The only couples I care about getting together is Enrique and Paloma, although she's too stoopid to know he's the best guy for her, and Lucio and Mara.

How can Dam stand to be by his mother? She has done so much damage to him and he still stays by her bedside. That's another reason I don't care if he and Elisa are together at the end. I don't like most of these characters anymore. I used to, but the writers have made me hate them.

Novela Maven, thanks. Drat, I was hoping those were his own pipes so I could love him a little more.

actually the guy whose voice you hear through Mark's character is usually standing behind him, his real name is Jairo del Valle (his real name is also used in the novela). he plays the little guitar, there is another guy playing the huge one and another one playing the classic size one. Jairo looks the oldest of the three. His son is also in the manada. The voices of 'Rosario' and 'Coloso' are also dubbed.

you see and hear Jairo del Valle singing in a few 'Pasion de Gavilanes' episodes.

nope, singing is not Mark's forte'. just take my word for it.

he plays the little guitar,...
lol, i meant he plays the manada member who plays the smaller guitar....

I don't like most of these characters anymore. I used to, but the writers have made me hate them.
I am in the same position, cathyx. It is a shame, too. This telenovela started out quite well. The exxxtteeeeennnnsssssiiiiooooonnnn has ruined it.

Extensions ALWAYS ruin telenovelas. Can anyone recall if an extension ever improved a telenovela, or at least the TN remained "as good as"?

The extension ruined La Que No Podia Amar too. Once Jorge Salinas was hospitalized, they never got back on track with the story. But I can't blame the lost story on his temporary absence. It was more the extension that did it in. Dragging things out that never should have been dragged out, and when it was in the finale, they didn't even explain and tie up a few of the loose ends. And they had a lot of time to do it too.

I totally agree on extensions killing great storylines... this tn being an extreme example of that. the other one is La Mentira for those who have been watching TNs long enough. ('98).
Even Pasion de Gavilanes was extended and it was a circus when Mario C. got hurt and they went into a swamp for several weeks, it seemed.
This tn took a turn right about when the 'they are siblings!' scheme took over as Dam/Eliar were heading out of town.


Ah, Super Marta Miercoles, you've hit another one out of the park. And I just marvel at your energy to write down all the details as well as your own from-the-heart reactions. You're a phenom, lady.

I hope Paloma gets her head on straight soon and that she realizes Enrique is too good to let go.

And please, Dios mio, keep Padre Lupe safe!

Very worried about Padre Lupe for two reasons. 1) The code of cannon law states: "Can. 1388 §1. A confessor who directly violates the sacramental seal incurs a latae sententiae excommunication reserved to the Apostolic See." And cannon law is also clear: there is never a just reason for violating the seal even if the priest's or another's life is in danger! Well, Fr. Lupe needs to tell the bishop and I guess a case could be made for him in Rome! If he were to die in this state he could still go to heaven if he makes a 'perfect act of contrition'. Believe me, if anyone could make a perfect act of contrition it's Fr. Lupe 2) Carmina wants to kill him. Will the orange witch succeed? I hope not. But she does have a string of murders to her discredit.

Thanks for the canon law, Anon 6:38. Interesting stuff. If Carmina does go after Lupe...and he forgives her even as he's dying...would that do it?

Great recap, Marta, and great comments all. I may never catch up, but I *feel* as if I'm there...

I agree that winners never extend, and extenders never win. But I guess it must make money, or they wouldn't do it. In contrast, we have El Tal, which was so stupid it was CUT SHORT -- it didn't get any smarter, for sure, but it got way more entertaining. ;}

UA, what's a Karmageddon Poll?

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