Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Abismo de pasión #127 9/10/12: Memories, like the corners of my mind...

 Monday's recap brought to you courtesy of cathyx. Thanks Cathy!! (Reminder: there will be no episode on Tuesday.)

Rehash- Doc is at the hacienda waiting for Ingrid when she arrives. He feels as though sheʼs hiding from him. Why did she lie to him? He found out that she was the one to pull the trigger and let Damian take the blame. But I didnʼt come here to talk about that. Why didnʼt you tell me that you married Gabino? Ingrid tries to hug and Doc tells her one of my favorite TN commands ʻNo me toques.” Another one is “largate”. He asks why did she want Damian to take the fall, why did she want him to let Gabino die? She says Gab had everything he had because she got it for him and it isnʼt fair. She wants her portion of it. He is mad that he and Damian got used by her and she needs to largate out of La Ermita and heʼs going to call the police tomorrow. He leaves, she has a hissy fit and throws things around. She grabs the leopard and throws in on the ground and lo and behold, there are the tickets she was looking for.

Carmina visitʼs Gab and cries about why he didnʼt listen to her about how dangerous Ingrid is. He suddenly wakes up and grabs her neck. She breaks free and he complains about his massive headache. She tells him that of course it does, you have a bullet in it. She gets help.

Braulio, Lola and Chente are in the square eating sandwiches. Antonia sees them and yells saying she was looking everywhere for them and there they are. Brau tries to talk to her about being easy on Chente and not fight with him. Antonia tells Lola, hands off my man. Lola agrees and leaves.

Dam and Flo are talking about the final prep for the boda. Dam smiles at Floʼs tummy and said that everyone is saying that once the baby is born, our problems will go away. I donʼt know who told him that because trust me, once a kid enters the picture, they will only increase tenfold. Flo is sorry that he and Gael are fighting. Dam is surprised at that. She says his mom has been very successful at separating him from all of his friends. He then tries to touch her tummy, she does a quick bob and weave to avoid it, and changes the subject. She says that Alfie is trying to see to every detail for the wedding because she doesnʼt want any surprises. But we all know that anything can happen no matter how much planning you do. Dam looks at her and tries to figure out what she really means by that.

Antonia is pleading her case to Brau. Long story short- she still loves him and we are still a family with Vincente.

Lola is telling Elisa what happened in the square with Antonia. Then Elisa tells Lola that she wanted to talk to Ingrid and overheard Dam and Ingrid talking about Dam not being the one to shoot Gabino, and only taking the blame for Ingrid. Lola says that speaks for Damʼs nobility and heart. Elisa hopes that Gael sees it that way too. Lola wants to know why she was looking for Ingrid? Ing told Elisa that she was looking for something that would reveal a big secret about Carmina. Donʼt know what it is, though she mentioned tickets. That and how strange Alfie is acting lately makes her wonder what is going on.

Alfie remembers back to a conversation she had with Stephie. (How do these people have such photographic memories of conversations that took place so long ago?) Stef asks why Alf is telling the town that she is having an affair with Rosendo. Who told you? Augusto. Stef assures her that if her husband is having an affair, it isnʼt with her. She has no need for a lover because Augusto is an animal in bed and he brings it home every night I want it. Ok, she didnʼt actually say that, but Iʼm sure she means it. Alfie comes to the present time and tells herself that she has to be patient, she will find out tonight what is up.

Alf is leaving home and sees Dam. He wants to know where sheʼs going, sheʼs going to dinner with a friend. Dam didnʼt think she has any more friends left after Begonia. Ouch. She says she does and leaves.

Ing comes by to give Gael a present but Padre says heʼs not home. He informs her that everyone knows that she is the one who shot Gab. (OMG!! Ingrid still has the mascara smudge on her face from 3 episodes ago) He calls her on her game, says he knows that the reason she came to town was to get her hands on the Arango inheritance. But Gael is becoming skeptical of her and even if he were to find out who his daddy is, he wouldnʼt care about the money.

Alf arrives to meet Ing. She lets herself in and sees the house in disarray.

Carmina is at the hospital and calls Gabʼs house to talk to Ingrid. Alf answers. They both want to know why they both want to talk to Ing. Alf tells her that Ing has proof to show her that has to do with Rosendo and Stef. Carmina is fretting. She hangs up and tells Doc that Gabino woke up.

Ing arrives at the hacienda, sees Alfʼs car and gleefully pulls out the tickets and kisses them. And right out of a bad horror film, Gabino stalks up behind her in hospital gown and bandaged head and grabs her. Viewerville is wondering if there is the usual split up the back of the gown and will we get a show.

Elisa is still mulling over her problems and how Gael will react to Damian. She and Lola kill episode time to rehash the entire storyline that the rest of us are sick of hearing.

Flo is holding the Damʼs Amulet that she apparently scoffed from Alfʼs room when she was looking for more keys to her bedroom. She recalls the conversation she had with Elisa about the amulets. Dam tries to come in and is surprised that she locked the door. No one knocks in this house.

Gab brings Ing into the house and ties her up. She asks what he will do with her and he says nothing more than what you did to me. He wantʼs to know what Alf wanted, then looks in her purse and sees the tickets. He grabs a scarf and after a good long sniff, he wraps her mouth with it. He does some more episode filling reminiscing about the good times they had together. Then they fight some more and fall on the floor passed out.

Dam asks Alf what she will do about the land that Gabino has. She wants to have them to grow their own habaneros.

Gab wakes up again and I canʼt figure out what the heck he is doing to a still passed out Ingrid.

Ramona offers Pal some tea. Paloma says no, she knows what the herbs can do to a person and what they did to Sabrina. Ramona wants the truth about the baby daddy but Paloma is not talking.

Flo is still thinking about the Amulet and reminisces about her conversation with Ramona about Elisaʼs amulet. 

Ramona reminisces about the time she gave the amulets to the kids.

Dam reminisces about the time he gave Elisaʼs amulet to Gael to give to Elisa. Then he wonders aloud what happened to his own amulet.

Elisa reminisces about Gael giving her the amulet from Damian. Also the time when Damian left town and almost got run over.

Ing is laying in the empty grave and Gab is sitting on the edge looking very sexy with his gown off his right shoulder exposing his massive pecs. He reminisces about the time Ing asked that he kill Carmina for her. Then he takes her purse and the tickets and throws them into the grave telling her to keep them safe with her. Then he proceeds to shovel dirt onto her to bury her alive. He makes sounds of enjoyment as he does this.


Sorry about all the typos. I can't submit the recap until late morning, so I didn't review it like I should have. I'll do better next time.

cathyx, you do not need to apologize. We are incredibly grateful for your hard work. Spellcheck caught a couple of typos and I corrected them. I didn't think you would mind.

First of all, THANK YOU so much for the recap. I loved your paragraph where Dam and Flor were talking about the wedding, her "bob and weave" and then your advice that once a kid enters the picture their problems "will increase tenfold".

Your comment about Ingrid's 3-day old mascara was hilarious.

It seemed to me that Carmina was calling Ingrid to warn her about Zombino, which kind of surprised me. And yes, I was wondering about the split in the back of his gown! You know us too well.

I've just got to say that Ingrid was not fighting very hard for her life. Yes Gabino is a hulk, but he has a bullet in his head for pete's sake. She gave one feeble attempt to escape and that's it? And then she just lay there in the grave, not trying to jump out or anything? OK, I know they had to advance the plot but the least they could have done was have him conk her on the head with the shovel.

What I am looking forward to: Dam and Flor's wedding because I can't wait to see what Flor has up her sleeve.

cathyx, ITA with you about the perfect reminisces. I thought the exact same thing when Alfie was thinking back. Thanks again for the absolutely terrific recap. I quite enjoyed this episode, especially the "bad horror film" ambiance. I like the lumbering zombie Gabino; Salvador Zerboni is really bringin' it home.

Cathyx, absolutely great work and much appreciated.

Zombino and Ingrate are seriously demented and I really enjoyed this trip down their dark wormhole...well, except for the directly violent parts. I didn't need to see that quite so explicitly. I though she hit her head on the floor pretty hard and maybe that was why she wasn't fighting back when she was in the grave. How exactly did he get that nice grave all dug, anyway? It was nice and neat and might have even had some stone walls in it. I wouldn't think he'd be up to that kind of work. Has he just been keeping a hole handy for occasions such as this?

I can hardly wait for Dam and Flor's wedding. Flor is so much more appealing now that she has a project; it's given her real life and energy. Plus, Dam seems to like her a lot more now that she isn't hounding him all the time. He seemed almost relaxed and happy. Last night I thought they had way more chemistry together than Dam and Elisa have ever had.

Cathyx: Thanks - wonderful.

Julia: I think Gabino told Ingrid he had dug this grave for someone she wanted him to kill.

I, too, could have lived without the blatant violence. Ingrid hit her head on the wall/door as she was trying to escape. I would have preferred Gabino's telling someone like Carmina that he buried Ingrid alive - I didn't need to see it.

I was wondering about that perfect grave, too. Also, how Zombino managed to get to his hacienda so quickly. It's hard to imagine he ran or that someone would pick him up hitchhiking. I think these details are best managed by Emilia's Beanie.

Funny comments about Flor and her project. Dam seemed sadly disappointed that he was locked out of Flor's room, heh.

Guess What? I just posted above and did not enter the puzzle letters - so, does that mean I am not a robot?

Oh, just read Pasofino's comment. I missed that Gab had a grave ready to go.

I'm pretty sure he dug that grave for the time when Ingrid wanted him to kill Carmina. It was meant for her. He just about did kill her too but stopped right before doing it.

Why would Carmina want to warn Ingrid about Gabino waking up? Or did she just want to gloat and get her worried?

Thanks so much cathyx, what a delightful treat. You are such a peach to take over Mondays. I love your playful sense of humor.

I thought that Gabino was hilarious last night and Carmina cracked me up, "...of course it does, you have a bullet in it."
Julia, I think that Gabino dug the grave some time ago at Ingrid's behest to accommodate Carmina. He's kept it handy... ya never know when you're gonna need a grave on short notice.

I thought I heard Alfonsina agree with Dam that she really doesn't have any friends left but there are still a few folks who amuse her and she spends time with them occasionally.

I'm not quite ready to say goodbye to Ingrid, but apparently you are, Sylvia:

"... the least they could have done was have him conk her on the head with the shovel."




cathyx - THANK YOU for the recap! Well done and much appreciated by 'moi.'

"no me toques" and "largate" are some of my phavorite phrases, too. However would we learn these useful phrases without telenovelas!?! They sure don't teach it at Adult Intermediate Spanish class.

This was the most fun episode, and I giggled throughout the the Gabino scenes. He reminded me of the movie genre --- zombies, mummies, return of the living dead, and "Shaun of the Dead" and The Monster in "Young Frankenstein" (my personal favs).
THEN he reminded me of "Animal House" in his ready-for-gatoring toga. To-ga! To-ga! To-ga!

Yeah, I kept wondering why Ingrid didn't stand on top of the dirt Zombino was tossing into that grave, too. It's not like her legs were tied up! There she was, flopping around like a carp out of water, wearing her own telenovela beanie hat. . . But then I figured Gab really would conk her on the head by the time she reached the surface. In the end, that's what I wanted to happen, so that the body would be found quicker…. but most likely by wild dogs or something. Gah.

Why do I get the feeling Florencia might hit us with her own surprise at the boda?

Pasofino - I think it means that you ARE a robot. LOL

"He's kept it handy... ya never know when you're gonna need a grave on short notice."
LOL Carlos. Gabino was probably a Boy Scout --- "be prepared"

cathyx - thanx for a great recap. You're so right about the horror movie genre and Gabs coming out of the night to grab Ing! And my 93 year old mother could have gotten away from Zombino (thanks for the great name, Cap'n Sylvia!). That was a bit unbelievable. ICU escapee with a really bad headache and a gimpy arm overpowering and kidnapping healthy woman. Did he even have shoes on? Oh, I forgot, this is TN land.

I agree with you - there was so much rehash-filler. The story could end Friday if the writers would just wind it up.

Was that short white dress Elisa was holding supposed to be her wedding dress? I wonder if she shops at Ramera Bridalwear.

I'm also looking forward to Dam/Flor's wedding and whatever it is that Flor has planned. I hope that we don't have to wait till Monday to find out?!

Cathyx, this was stellar. I laughed out loud at your point on admonishment to Dam: "I donʼt know who told him that because trust me, once a kid enters the picture, they will only increase tenfold." Most excellent!

I have to say that the violence was over the top and way too revealing. As Julia said "I didn't need to see that quite so explicitly". ITA.

Perhaps it's just my wishful thinking but I liked that Braulio put his arms around both the little varmit Vincente and Tonia too. I think he respected the fact she stood her ground. I give her credit - Lolita can be somewhat intimidating but Tonia made it crystal clear she's not stepping aside gracefully.

I'm hoping Horacio makes a miraculous appearance. Not only to retrieve the tickets from the grave but yes, to save Ingrid. She needs to stand trial. No one deserves to be buried alive. I think I have to include Carmina in that too.


Anya - "Ramera Bridalwear" is hysterical! :-D

Gabino was barefoot.

What did Blue Lass call Elisa's bridal garb? Toddlers in Tiaras?

Diana, you are such a nice person. I fear I must seem positively homicidal compared to you. I promise I'm harmless in real life. (Although Mr. Sharkbait once told me he never wanted to make me angry before dinner due to my unnatural interested in herbs of the culinary, medicinal and toxic variety. I am always cheerfully pointing out poisonous plants to him. I think Ramona and I would get along just fine.)

Carlos, in truth I hope Ingrid makes a last minute escape. I enjoy her frenetically energetic activities. She makes the rest of La Ermita seem like somnambulists.

Cathyx...hooray for stepping in for Sara and doing such a great job. I bet every single person reading your recap (ever single parent for sure!) just howled when they read"I donʼt know who told him that because trust me, once a kid enters the picture, they will only increase tenfold."

When you have your first baby, it's like a bomb has exploded in your life. With the second, all Hell breaks loose, and after that, you just head for cover.

Although they're dragging this out, I love the reminiscences, because it gives us a chance to see the lovely Estefania again, as well as those adorable child actors. Just wish the grownup Elisa was as dear as little Elisa. Not by a long shot!

Diana, although I hate the aggressive way Tonia speaks to Lolita, I was glad to see the family working together to comfort and protect 'Chente as well. They ARE a family, no matter what. My favorite line from an urban writer was "A dysfunctional family is STILL a family." Amen to that. And we need to respect it.

Although I want to see Lolita and Braulio together at the end, I also want to see him treating Tonia with affection and kindness and both of them parenting Chente with love and guidance.

Cathyx- Many thanks for stepping in and recapping for us.

I also loved the horror movie aspects of this episode and Zombino. But like Sylvia, I hope Ing survives. Let's face it, without Ing and Kenia, the people in this town would NEVER do anything or change anything. They were all content to go on as things had always been. Plus, those plane tickets have to finally come to light, dammit!

Let's not forget, the reason Damian came back to La Ermita in the first place was to tell Alfonsina he was marrying Florencia. If Damian had never come back to La Ermita, he'd be married to Florencia today and probably very happy.

And Guido would be alive...sniff.

Cathax, love your cool humor. “I donʼt know who told him that because trust me, once a kid enters the picture, they will only increase tenfold.” So funny and true!

“And right out of a bad horror film, Gabino stalks up behind her in hospital gown and bandaged head and grabs her. [And] Viewerville is wondering......if we will we get a show." It’s only the older, sicker gentlemen that give "shows" Ha!

Sylvia: “What I am looking forward to: Dam and Flor's wedding because I can't wait to see what Flor has up her sleeve.” Totally agree!!! All my Abismo de Pasion energy is resting on *****Florencia******

Julia: ”I can hardly wait for Dam and Flor's wedding. Flor is so much more appealing now that she has a project; it's given her real life and energy.” Yes, yes, yes.....that is the only reason I’m hanging in, oh yes....and the recaps and comments too! What can it be, what can it be?

I wish the writers didn't feel the need to have such nightmare inducing deaths like burning alive and burying alive....we could do without the violence. Too bad, because the writing is so sophisticated on this show. (Giggle)

I'm assuming Carmina called Ingrid to tell her Gabino had awakened and gloat that now everyone would know she shot him -- and also that her fake marriage cert would come to light.

Cathyx, I just cracked up when you said, "They both want to know why they both want to talk to Ing." That was a funny conversation. I think Alfie's in a perfect position to take the fall for Ingrid's death -- if anybody even suspects she didn't just disappear.

Yes, Anya, that's Elisa's wedding dress. Hard to believe, isn't it?

Cathyx, I also liked your aside on Augusto. When la difunta Estefanía said she didn't need anyone else, all I could think was "that's because you have NO BASIS FOR COMPARISON."

"I'm assuming Carmina called Ingrid to tell her Gabino had awakened and gloat that now everyone would know she shot him -- and also that her fake marriage cert would come to light." I'll buy that Blue Lass. Makes more sense than Carmina being worried for Ingrid's safety. What was I thinking? (Hand slap to head.)

Alfonsina was in the hotel when Guido was killed, but Dr. Tovar testified she wasn't there long enough to kill him. Alfonsina was at Hacienda Beltran when Zombino snatched Ingrid, but Gael can testify she wasn't there very long either. Still, one could make a case. Luckily for her I think the grave is back at the Casita Azul and not at the Hacienda.

Now, now, now.....let's let ole Augusto.......REST IN PEACE!


I thought I could see the tall walls of the procesadora in the background of the grave scene, but it could have been the tall walls of something else.

Elisa's wedding dress was given to her by Lolita, who said it was originally going to be HER wedding dress to Braulio.

Knowing that Lolita has always been very modest (no boobs hanging out a la Tonia), Elisa probably chopped the dress down to an appropriate ramera hem.

Thanks Cathyx for a good job.Now I know what Flor would do as a surprise on her wedding day. show off the Amulet!!!! And after revealing that Alfie had stolen it from Damian, He will finally be totally angry with his Mom!!! Bwahahaa. Joking aside, what do the amulets really have to do with this story..big deal!!Fillers they are!!!Vivi, I really would hate for Ing to die right there, because I want revelations on who killed who in this tn.and those tickets, I hope that Ing gave Gael and Elisa the duplicates as a wedding gift. And why would Gabino bury them with Ing, I thought those where his insurance money from Alfie in case anything goes wrong with his plans.

Cathy, you're the best for getting this done for us. I missed the beginning, so grateful for the info on what I didn't see.

But I did see everything after the blue-gowned Frankenstein came bounding down the lane. O....M....G....all I can ask is, when did they hire Quentin Tarantino as the director.

Now granted, I have never been a fan of Irritating, but if her anvil is to be buried alive, what the heck can we expect for Gab and Carmina? Salvadore played Gab like someone who had more than a bullet thru the brain, I think they need to make sure they fix the screws that went loose.

I would assume, lord help me, that they are looking for our blue-gowned gardner. So where will they find him, will anyone notice the freshly filled hole and he is covered with dirt, and II suddenly goes missing. Nah...this is La Ermita. Just another day.

Was that Dam possibly showing a few brain cells churning when Flo wouldn't let him feel the ole baby-bump, and then locked the door?? C'mon, you can do it! Think!

OMG, Vida2, now you've got me wondering what *is* in that wedding present...Padre was hefting the box like it was practically empty.

It's probably a contract saying "I will tell you who your father is if you will promise to give me the inheritance you are entitled to."

Yeah, you're probably right. [sigh]

Anyway, if they don't have working telephones in La Ermita, what are the chances they have a photocopier?

But they *do* have working telephones in LaErmita. In a recent episode, I almost fell off the sofa when Elisa used the telephone.

These people could do with some cell phones.

Thanks, Cathyx! This was definitely a story that needed telling!

My favorite line in the show -- Gabino the Undead's chipper "Hola chula!"

Some of you softies may not be ready to let Ingrid go but me, I've done my anticipatory grieving and all so it can happen any time now. The thing is, Gabs was dropping hints that he would be the one dropping dead thus leaving Ing an escape ...

Remember how he was not only saying his head felt like it was going to explode but also that he had severe crampy pain (calambres) in his left arm? Maybe he's about to have a heart attack and topple into the grave allowing Ing to climb out over his dying body, shlepping her big purse behind her.

And while I'm being ungenerous, let me add that as pathetic as Toña may be, I've never liked this character. She is always shown as obsequious with the boss and gratuitously nasty with anyone she feels can't strike back. She sneered at Flor when she knew she could get away with it. She has certainly always been a "sore winner" around Dolores. Braulio deserves better.

Blue and Julia -- so glad you mentioned the gift for Gael -- what COULD it be? (If I were Lupe, I'd have refused delivery!)

Oops, Vida2, I see it was you who brought up the subject of the intriguing wedding gift!

Doris, I don't mean to go all real world here but I think there probably are lots of places in Mexico where cell phone reception is poor or totally lacking. However in our story, everyone but Ramona seems to have a land line and yet people around La Ermita rarely let their fingers do the walking.

Oh well, all that running around keeps everyone healthy -- physically, anyway.

Novela Maven, "Maybe he's about to have a heart attack and topple into the grave allowing Ing to climb out over his dying body, shlepping her big purse behind her." I like your style sister.

Now I'm dying to know what The Gift is. Remember when Ingrid brought that gigantic cake to Gael? Padre even ribbed her about it last night. I'm thinking maybe a poisoned apple? Ingrid's not exactly the poster girl for motherly love.

NovelaMaven - good point about lack of cell phone reception. I had not considered that. ;-) They definitely are getting in their 10,000 steps a day.

Back at ya, Sylvia! :)

Anyone else enjoy the twisted symmetry of Gabino and Horacio both ending up as things that go bump in the night gravediggers?

Thanks everyone for the nice comments.

Julia, Doris, Anya, I agree. How can a man with a bullet in his head and just woke up from a coma be able to do all that to a perfectly healthy woman? If she just keeps squirming in that grave, she should be able to keep herself from being buried.

Vida2- I believe the amulets were given to the kids by Ramona because they were to be good luck for them because she 'knew' that they were going to need them. She also 'knew' that they were meant to be together in the future.

Good question about what' in the box. I like the idea of a photocopy of the tickets. Or maybe it's that folder that has all the proof about Gabino and Carmina.

Novela Maven- I completely agree with you about Antonia. I remember at the beginning when she stole Braulio from Delores. She knew how much they were in love with each other and she didn't care. I hope Brau and Lola get married.


Cathyx thanks so much for your wonderful recap of another mess. Zombinos and endless and needless chatter about bad plots, sigh. And I'm with you and NM about Tonia. She's wretched.

Vida2 - Dam had the amulets made by Ramona for his parents, a lost cause if there ever was one. After he found they were not using them, he took one and gave the other to Elisa.

Love these guesses about II's gift!

Novela Maven- I'm not voting to keep Ing around because I feel sympathy for her. I'm perfecrly willing to have her die in any fashion at some later point. :)

I just like that she keeps the action going, and afraid that things will stall if she disappears. We all saw how long it took Gael to give a damn when his sister disappeared and ask any questions-- not until the body popped up. And now Ing has told Padre she's leaving town, left a gift, and Doc T. also thinks she left town before he called the cops. Gael is NEVER going to ask any questions and poke around. If he saw the freshly dug grave, he STILL wouldn't ask any questions. Alfie doesn't get the tix, Carmina's secrets are safe and there's no one around to be a thorn in her side, Gael won't find out who his papa is, etc. I do wonder what's going to happen to Gabino now. Will the bullet remain in his head? Will he continue stumbling around like Zombino, clutching his head, moaning about the pain, and going after his enemies like a crazed demon?

I am glad that Doc escaped another hellish relationship. Maybe he'll actually learn this time. Three strikes, you're out Doc. There was that nice receptionist at Elisa's company...


Thanks, cathyX for stepping in! you should be a recapper! we need your humor and comments.. so true!

Julia... you don't mind if i steal your 'Zombino and Ingrate' for tonight's recap. right?

Carlos, Gabino tells Carmina 'my head is about to explode!' and ... Carmina cracked me up, "...of course it does, you have a bullet in it.". ME TOO!! funniest moment of the night!

Ramera Bridalwear indeed!... TOTALLY AGREE!!

About the amulets... remember Damian asked Ramona for a set of amulets when he thought his mom and dad were having trouble as a couple... but after she had given them to him, his mom would not wear it, and his dad died ... then he decided to send one to Elisa when his mom separated them, he gave it to Gael making him promise he would give it to Elisa...

About the gift... when Ingrate (LOVE THE NICK!) gave it to Padre to give to Gael, Padre grabbed the huge box with one hand and tossed it over the table... usually a box that big weighs a bit more (the least weight would be a set of towels, the heavier stuff would be a thick crystal vase or bowl, which i would consider a bit hard to find at La Ermita... my guess is the box either had the poisoned apple (good one!) or was empty except for maybe a note for Gael... a reveal of his dad's name? nah! she would not do any FAVORS to Gael).

btw, i think Carmina would tell Ingrate that Zombino (great nick too!) was awake to see if Ingrate would find someone to finish Zombino off for the both of them. both need Zombino to die anyway. Carmina because of the secrets, Ingrate because she would get the hacienda etc etc...

Flo's plan... previews that we are seeing every now and then are a bit of a spoiler so i won't comment on that.

Vivi, ITA that Doc has finally kicked Ingrate for good... he finally sees the light...

Gael... well, it was a bit more humanly how he treated Alfonsina, but he still has some manning-up to do...

As far as which Chapulin Colorado will save Ingrate, i have a feeling we will have Hora-mbie making an appearance on Zombino and scaring him into the headache stroke that will kill him, or... wait! maybe DrT will step in again and become a neuro-surgeon to take the bullet out and save him long enough for him to spill beans on all women over 42 on the show (my guess is Lolita is not yet 42).


NM, i like your telling of the Zombino final moments...

Were Gabino and Ingrate really ever married? Or were they more like common-law husband & wife? I'm confused over that, but I have missed a whole lot of episodes.

Cathyx: This was splendid! Thanks for filling in with your great humor and insightful eye. I am guessing you have recapped before?

--- "They both want to know why they both want to talk to ING."
--- "Viewerville is wondering if there is the usual split up the back of the gown and will we get a show?"
--- photographic memories of conversations. LOL Too funny!

Speaking of which...Good eye to CARLOS for spotting Ramona's new hat a few episodes back.

From the previews,I thought the Zombino scene would end up being a dream. So glad it wasn't...for my enjoyment, not ING's.

Anon 207 - about the gifted wedding dress from Lolita being chopped down by Elisa: I think *that* dress is still in the closet. *This* dress was made from the gifted veil.

Thanks again, Cathyx, you handled it like a pro!

Rosemary la Otra

This comment has been removed by the author.

Carlos, right this morning on Despierta America, they showed the scene where ZOmbino says his head is exploding and Carmina's response... too funny!

More about the amulets:

As pointed out by Karen, Damien ordered them custom made for his mom and dad... if you recall, Alfonsina put hers on and actually began to get that old time feeling and a little tingle which moved her to pounce on Rosendo who was all WTF and pushed her away. She then took it off, cast it aside, and... well, here we are.

Do not doubt Ramona's skills. I'm still hoping that she will zap someone into toadhood. Hmmm, maybe Chente.



Do not doubt Ramona's skills. I'm still hoping that she will zap someone into toadhood. Hmmm, maybe Chente.
ROFLOL Carlos!! too funny, i second the motion!

btw, Ramona has told several people to not undermine the power of the amulets, the only thing they need to do is the boy/girl need to wear them at same time.

NM, thanks for the image of the Zombie Gravedigger Twins. I'm loving that! It did cross my mind that if a dead body turned up in a freshly filled grave, Horacio would be a suspect...they don't know it's him, of course, but they know there's *somebody* in the cemetery with a shovel...

R la O, a dress made out of a veil, too funny. Only you would think of that. ;}

Oh, and thanks NM for the new t-shirt slogan, "I don't mean to go all real world here." I'm putting that one on when HOLA CHULA gets dirty.

(BTW, the donkey in the pic with me is named Chula -- really. She's a beauty. Her owner told me she may be under saddle soon.)

I must have missed some episodes but where is Sabrina?

In the Department of Knowing Far Too Much About this Crap than I Should Admit in Public:

Anon: Sabrina is in Guadalajara with her aunt.

Doris: Gabino and Ingrid never got married but Ingrid somehow bribed the right people and obtained a false marriage certificate. So they are married the same way Gabino owns Cielo Abierto -- falsely but apparently convincingly.

Sabrina's staying with her aunt in Guadalajara.

NM - thanks on the Ing/Gab fake-marriage

ANOTHER QUESTION -- (I am getting caught up on my recordings from last week.)
* Is it my imagination, or does Chente look like he has had a growth spurt, and grown six inches since the start of this telenovela???

"* Is it my imagination, or does Chente look like he has had a growth spurt, and grown six inches since the start of this telenovela???"

Hey Doris, I was noticing how tall Chente looked last night when he stood up from the bench and seemed to be roughly the same height as Braulio.


You've been workinghard! First you get Cristian away from Silvia Navarro over on AB; now you give us this great recap. Bravo, CathyX.

Carlos, I could not agree with you more—with a little luck Ramona will slap that Chente-snot with Toadness. And yes, Blue, he looks like he has grown a foot. I bet in a few years he will be a galan. He is awfully cute for such a little B-rat.



Doris: Sorry! I attributed your question to Blue Lass. Oops!


It was Doris who pointed it out, but yes, I concur -- they must have sent Chente away to boarding school to cover his growth spurt.

As far as I'm concerned, he's already a toad.

What I noticed more was how Chente towered over Tonia. Apparently it is not my imagination, then.

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