Friday, September 14, 2012

Amor Bravío #26 (Uni 21) Thu 9/13/12 Amor Desengañado

Pobre del Padre Baldy…he ran his truck right into a tree and Leoncio's not all that broken up about it "Que Dios me perdone" aside (May God forgive me).

Alonso bitches his mom out for contracting a hit on Padre Baldy.  She bitches him out for not having the balls to do it himself.  Isadora backs Dionisio's play, saying they needed the fake death certificate.  Alonso says things are getting way out of hand…and when he thinks they're getting out of hand, that's pretty damn out of hand.  Isadora tells him to shut up already and get 3 million pesos out of his wife to pay for the hit.  "Do something right for once!  If she won't do it, then get her signature or whatever, but we have to pay him off or he'll turn us in."

Andres and Camila see Padre Baldy's truck and pull over to see what they can do.  Camila is shocked and has a flashback to her own accident.  Adres can't get Padre Baldy's door open.

Lenocio reports to Isadora and Alonso that Padre Baldy resembles nothing so much as a doornail.  Leoncio violated the cardinal rule of murder for hire…ALWAYS double tap.  Or at least check for a pulse, moron!

Camila is lost in her flashback.  Andres tells her that Padre Baldy's still alive, but they need help.  They don't have a cell with them.  Andres gets in the cab with the truck and tells her to go get back, but she's stuck on not being able to drive and not being able to walk back fast enough.  Andres talks her into driving back.  When pleading doesn't work, he resorts to yelling at her to just go already.  "Slowly!  You can do it!"  Camila puts on her big girl panties and gets in the SUV.  Andres kicks the door open from the inside as she's driving off.  It would have been good if he'd done that before she drove off…maybe driven the Padre into town on his own?  But at the speed she's driving he could probably catch up.

Leoncio claims it was an accident.  He's not a killer or anything.  Alonso says  in that case, there's no need to pay him.  "Well, I did help him die.  And I risked myself for our mommy, so…"  Isadora says she'll pay up.  Leoncio feels the need to say he had his own reasons for getting rid of the metiche (busybody) Padre.  He gets a little too handsy with Isadora and Alonso tells him to cut that out.  Leoncio, still under the assumption that he's now one of the cool kids, goes on to say the truck got a little scuffed, but they can always blame it on Andres, right?  "Why would he want the priest dead?" asks Alonso.  "I don't know.  I mean, I don't know your reasons either, but you have them.  I just don't like the guy.  We'll just make something up and get rid of him.  It's not like you care."  Isadora tells him to get lost already and keep his mouth shut.  Isadora grabs Alonso's hand to stop him from biting his nails.

Andres has gotten Padre Baldy out of the truck and reaches back in for the envelope with the letter, stuffing it in the back of his pants and examining the truck.  He notes the paint marks are the same colors as Alonso's truck.  Padre Baldy starts moaning.  Andres tells him to hang in there and asks if it was Alonso.

Padre Baldy loses consciousness as Andres keeps begging him to hang in there.

Luzma stuffs some papers in an envelope and rushes out of the cabin.

She sees Camila drive up in the SUV.  Camila tells her to call for an ambulance and tells her where they can find the padre while she goes to get her case.

Luzma, sobbing, runs into the kitchen, grabs the phone, and calls the Red Cross.  Leoncio is in shock.  Luzma was supposed to tell Agustina, but she's not there.  Lenocio suggests she tell Isadora.

Dionisio is busy macking on Agustina.  He ignores his cell phone, but she encourages him to answer it.  It's Isadora, calling him to tell him they need to talk, so he'd better hurry up his romancing.  She says they need to stop the death certificate from showing up.  Dinoisio makes his excuses to Agustina and calls for the check.

Camila made it back with her bag.  She and Andres start working on the Padre.  She jabs him with an ENORMOUS needle as she tells Andres she told Luzma to call an ambulance.  Andres reminds her that if Padre Baldy lives it's because she got over her fear of driving.  Camila tries to brush it off, but then says Andres made her do it, so maybe God and the two of them will have to share the credit.

Piedad comes looking for Isadora to tell her about Padre Baldy.  "Ummm..dying or dead?"  Cara de impactada de Isadora when she hears it's "dying."

Amanda and Natalia are serving dinner to their guests.  They've noticed Padre Baldy hasn't shown up.  Natalia takes a call from Luz Maria with the news about the Padre.

Padre makes it to the hospital, where Camila and Andres aren't allowed in.

Isadora passes the news on the Padre on to Agustina and Dionisio.  Agustina wants to go see how he's doing, so Dionisio offers to take them.  The moms encourage Alonso to stay home since his heart isn't doing well.  While Agustina goes to get her bag, Dionisio demands an explanation.  More nail biting from Alonso.

Leoncio gets his drink on while recalling the afternoon's joyride.  Looks like the drinking ain't working anymore.  Piedad comes out to ask him to come to dinner.  She sends Luzma into the kitchen.  She thinks that Leoncio is worried about the Padre dying, but I don't think she realizes he's more worried about him living.

Padre Baldy is getting his head stitched up by some less-than-competent actors who haven't watched enough Grey's Anatomy to make it look like an actual surgery.

Andres brings Camila some coffee in the waiting room.  She's grateful to him for what he did for the Padre.  Amanda and Natalia come running in looking for an update on the Padre, but right now, none of them know much of anything.

Alonso comes looking for Leoncio, but Piedad claims she can't find him.  Alonso goes running out the back door.  Piedad is afraid Alonso will find him drunk and fire them both.

Amanda needs a minute alone, so she goes to get some tea.  Agustina, Dionisio, and Isadora come in.  Dionisio supposes something ran in front of him and he lost control of the truck.  Camila wonders why Padre Baldy was at the ranch in the first place.  Isadora claims she talked to the Padre, but he didn't say why he was there besides looking for Camila.  Andres looks suspicious.

Alonso finds drunk Leoncio in his room.  Leoncio blames Isadora for asking him to do it in the first place, Alonso blames Leoncio for not doing it properly.  Leoncio says he won't go down for this on his own.  "You can't fire me because you still owe me money.  If you want me to keep my mouth shut, don't threaten me."

Andres goes to make a phone call, but Natalia finds him in the hallway to tell him that Isadora lied.  Padre Baldy was there to see Andres.  When Natalia told him that only Alonso and his mother were home, Padre Baldy got upset and went into the house to talk to them.  "Why would she lie?"  Natalia doesn't know, but she smells a rat.  She begs him not to say anything to anyone.  Andres calls Rafael and tells him he thinks Alonso and/or his mother tried to kill Padre Baldy.  Rafael is worried that they don't know what the Padre said to upset them.  Andres arranges to meet Rafael at this house tomorrow.

Dionisio takes his leave because he has a "business meeting" early the next morning.  The doctor comes in and says Padre Baldy is in critical condition.  They're trying to control some internal bleeding.  He's in Intensive Care and sedated, so he advises them to go home.  Agustina wants to leave the number of the ranch so they can call if there's any change.

Luzma heads for the woods to snog Pablo.  She tells him about Padre Baldy.  Between that and Leoncio's drunkenness, she thought it would be safe for them to meet.  Pablo's all set to tie the knot.

Alonso meets everyone coming in.  Agustina is on her way to bed.  Isadora tries to talk Agustina and Camila out of going to the hospital in the morning, but Agustina blows her off and tells Andres to have the car ready early.  Alonso slips up and says it must have been awful to see Padre Baldy's car there crashed into a tree.  Isadora catches the slip and her eyes widen, but Camila just agrees it was awful.  Agustina asks Camila for a moment alone and dismisses Andres.  This leaves Alonso and Isadora in the foyer alone.  Isadora barely waits for them to be alone before she starts yelling at him for being an idiot.  She noticed the look on Andres' face, so she knows he realized that Alonso must have had something to do with the accident.  She supposes they can't fire him now and they'll have to bribe him to keep his mouth shut.

Andres goes out to Alonso's SUV and examines the damage.  He notes the scratches on the passenger side, then sees something on the floor outside the driver's door.

Alonso and Isadora continue the argument.  He plans to just claim that Isadora told him the details.  Isadora actually says her hands are clean and it's all going to point to Alonso.  "I'm so disappointed in you.  As hard as I tried to educate you, you wouldn't learn.  You always have to be one step ahead!  But you're such a weakling…and now we're paying the price!"  Isadora continues berating her stupid imbecile of a son, who goes back to biting his nails.

Agustina tells Camila that they need to take an image of the Sacred Heart to the Padre since it helped Camila get better when she first arrived.  Camila tells Agustina about Andres getting her to drive the SUV.  Agustina thinks Andres is an angel.  Camila says she actually does feel a little better.

Andres goes to his room and opens the envelope.  He finds the surveillance photo, again, then the other envelope.  Open it, open it!  He opens it!  "Daniel, you don't know me.  Maybe you've never heard of me.  I don't really know.  I hope this revelation doesn't affect the image you have of your mother, may she rest in peace, but I can't keep it quiet.  I knew Agatha over 30 years ago. I loved her more than my life, and now isn't the moment to try to justify anything, but our encounter happened at the wrong time.  We were both married, but in spite of that, our love was clean and sincere.  I regret I didn't have the courage to confront the whole world to love her freely, the way she deserved.  With her recent death, I learned of your existence and the possibility that you could be my son won't leave me in peace.  I tried to find out, so I had you investigated.  I'd like to do a DNA test to confirm it, but that will only happen if you agree and when we're face to face, if life allows that to happen.  But since I can't wait for that to happen, in order to protect my beloved niece, Camila, I've made the decision to change my will and leave you as my sole heir, in case I die before you and I are together."

In split scene, Andres contemplates the letter and Camila contemplates Andres.

"Now I need your help, and I want to ask you for a huge favor, now that I have anyone else to rely on.  I know this might take you by surprise and change your life, but I just find out my niece is in danger because she's fallen into the hands of leeches--her husband Alonso and one Dionisio Ferrer.  They've gotten close to her with bad intentions, to divest her of La Malquerida and all the goods they think she will inherit the day I die.  Camila is my adoration, the daughter I never had.  She's a woman of values and good feelings.  I feel responsible for throwing her into Alonso's arms and since at this moment I can't think of another way to protect her, I've decided to leave you all my goods, supposing you are my son.  If you're not, in exchange for you help, you'll be able to live comfortably with what I'm leaving you for the simple fact of being Agatha's son and for the love I had for her.  I know you're a good man and you'll help me get justice in case I can't do it.  When you're both safe, share my inheritance with her.  At this moment the two of you are my two greatest treasures.  I hope you can understand my desperation and receive in advance my appreciation and my eternal gratitude.  Daniel Monterde."

Next morning, Rodolfo tells Camila that they've all heard about the Padre and are going to pray extra hard for him.  He figures she's probably not in the mood, but today is the "tienda de macho" (store of the macho?  A bull auction perhaps?) and he's got everything all ready.  Camila tells him to handle it and he assures her he can.  He asks her to send his best to the Padre.

Camila thanks Andres again for what he did yesterday.  Agustina is ready to go and is crowing that soon she'll have Andres all to herself since he's gotten Camila to drive again.

Isadora and Dionisio bitch about how wrong it's all gone. Isadora says she's got 24 hours while Padre is in Intensive Care to take further action.  Dionisio is pissed that Isadora trusted Leoncio to take care of something so delicate.  He realizes this isn't the first time she's contracted a hit on someone…or is it?

Tomorrow:  Isadora plans to take matters into her own hands; Daniel admits they've all been Alonso's victims; Vivi asks the immortal question, "So what do we do now?"  I guess we'll have to tune in tomorrow to find out.

Vivales = vividores, leeches, sponges,
Despojar = divest, disposess
Desahogadamente = comfortably


Goodness! Between conventions and futbol it's been nearly a month since I had to recap! I'm glad things have moved forward somewhat.

I have a show coming up in October! More details as they become available, but it's a play and it will show one weekend in Flagstaff, one weekend in Phoenix, and one weekend in Nogales and possibly Tucson. Yay!

Congrats on the upcoming show Kat! And great recap.

I am so glad I was wrong about what would happen to the letter. Yay! Now we can move forward and D'Andres can stop being such an ass when it comes to Camila. Also glad that she was able to overcome her fear of driving, although she was white-knuckling it all the way to the ranch at 25 miles per hour. LOL!

Good work, Kat, and break a leg.

There is no doubt in my mind that Isadora has killed before. The only thing she doesn't like about it is the risk of discovery. Alonssso is such a bungler he will be her undoing eventually.

With no papers and being in Mexico illegally how the hell did Daniel get a driver's license? I hope he puts that letter in a safe place!

At least Camila can drive again.


First, good, good luck with the upcoming shows.

Great recap. Loved the line about double-tapping, or at least checking for a pulse! Alonso,Leo and Isadora do seem like the gang that couldn't shoot straight. Gosh, Cesar is creepy in this.

Can anyone remind me, now that Camila is driving again, about the scenes before the accident? Luis was too drunk to drive and she was hesitant because she wasn't used to the car, the road? Or am I imagining this -- just not remembering (I blame, once more, the 10 hour as I'm drifting and watching all at once!)

Vivi - from yesterday. You are no doubt correct about the passing of the short novela. Ugh. Telemundo has shown some shorter ones,including Donde esta Elisa and La Reina del Sur. But in general (La Reina was more like a mini-series), Telemundo seems to recast the same smaller and probably less expensive stable of actors through all of their novelas. As they contract the higher-price spread, the novelas will probably become more expensive and longer. What do you think?


Thanks for the recap! I was laughing out loud! Good luck in your show!

I have only watched 2 complete TNs, Alborado and Triunfo del Amor. The latter was so disappointing (and awful) that it cured me of watching modern TNs until this one. This one is keeping me very engaged. In fact, I check this blog repeatedly waiting for the recaps to find out what I don't get. Last night, I came home half an hour late and forgot to set the DVR. Glad to find out I missed a lot of flashback, but I wish I had seen the rescue. I sure like Cesar in this role better than the last one I watched him in!

Thanks to all the recappers. I would not be watching these if it were not for you folks.


Traveling Lady, I recapped that episode. Camila said she didn't like driving on highways. I don't think they were quite out of the city when the accident happened.

La Reina del Sur was short because the book it came from is only 300-350 pages; the story was padded to some extent. I also think the mystery ones are a little shorter because there is only so much you can do with a who-done-it.

It does annoy me that many novelas now are longer than the story needs to be and this is absolutely about total budgets for the year. Telemundo learned this with Pasion de Gavilanes and on the two occasions they have rerun it they cut out most of the excess. That one was longer than it should have been because it was the highest-rated program they ever had at 7PM and they wanted to get another 4-5 weeks out of it at the time. It was almost 50 episodes shorter when they reran it the following year.

Thanks for the great recap, Kat. Friday mornings weren't nearly as much fun without you!

Loved your snark, as always. I especially enjoyed "Padre Baldy is getting his head stitched up by some less-than-competent actors who haven't watched enough Grey's Anatomy to make it look like an actual surgery."

This TN is surprising me. I didn't expect Daniel to get to read the letter until close to the TN's end. Earlier this week I joined the chorus of folks moaning about how fed up we were with Daniel's stubborn, wrong-headed ideas about Camila. Well, I guess our moans were heard. Certainly after the letter, Daniel can't continue to think Camila wants to do him in. Indeed, he probably now understands more about the true situation than anyone else in the TN. I wonder what that means for his safety. [ominous music starts here]

With Daniel in possession of the letter, I'm fearing that the Padre isn't going to survive, helped along of course by Isadora. [Of course, since things in TNs usually don't turn out the way I expect, he's likely to make it after all.]

Thanks again, Kat. Congrats and good luck with the upcoming show.

Weekend Alert

Due to low activity on the weekend discussions last week I will be taking a break from them for the next two weeks. There is a photo gallery I started working on but the photos I'm looking for are not as easy to find as I thought they would be.

Anyone else with an idea for a weekend discussion is free to post one for this weekend or next.

I went to get my hair cut this AM. My beautician is watching this too. When I told her I missed the first half last night when Padre was rescued from his truck, she said it was on "On Demand." So when I went to catch the first half. "On Demand" lists episodes 19 and then skips to 22, I watched episode 22 thinking it would be last night. I am pretty sure I just finished tonight's episode :):). No spoilers here. And no Padre rescue for me, I guess.



FINALLY Dan realizes that Camila is not behind anything, that it's ALONSO and DIONISIO he has to watch out for.

I actually like the Alonso character (just not with Camila) and feel very sorry for him. It's obvious he's a very screwed up person and the root of that is Isadora. Poor man won't have any fingers by the end of this show, the way he gnaws his nails.

What a great episode to recap. I was just like you when Daniel had the envelop in his hand. Read it, read it, I was yelling at the TV. I'm surprised so far at the good things that are happening. I so used to bad people never being found out, this is refreshing so far. I just hope it keeps up.

I also liked the part where Isadora will have no problem throwing her son under the bus if need be.

Now that Dan's read the letter both Vivi and Rafa have more incentive to keep their mouths shut about Dan's true identity.

But, now that Dan knows that a) he actually could be Camila's cousin and b) Camila is not in on this plot that should put the brakes on his silly seduction revenge...paving the way for Rafa to move in on Camila*.

I think Rafael is a good guy BUT if he's interested in Camila and senses Dan is too...Rafa has some pretty damaging information that could take Dan out of the picture...literally.

*Camila really needs to heal from what happened with Luis (not to mention Alonso), and Dan won't be able to truly give himself to Camila until this mess with Miriam/Chile/Lon-Dio is solved.

Someone asked about who the fan lady in the beginning credits might be. Could she be Pablo and/or Mariano's mother?


5 ft - Thanks. Nice to be enjoying your recaps again after the show got preempted on Thursdays. Congrats on the play.

I laughed when Alonso tried to weasel out of paying Leoncio for the hit because the padre had an “accident.” Alonso clearly was not made for a life of crime, unlike mom.

For all Dionisio and Isadora’s wily ways, they’ve made major screw-ups -- the botched attempt on Daniel's life, expecting Alonso to be able to keep Camila in line, and now having disgusting Leoncio in on their team. As 5 ft said, Leoncio thinks he’s one of the cool kids now.

Daniel Sr. knows how to write a decent letter. He covered every point I wanted him to, even about the DNA.

Great recap, Kat. I chuckled at your surgeons stitching up the padre and how they haven't watched enough of Grey's Anatomy to make it look real.

Now that the gang that can't shoot straight knows that the padre knows Daniel is alive and spoke with him, you would think they'd start looking around town for foreigners with South American accents. Also, Daniel arrived in town (and at the ranch) shortly after the news of events in Chile were reported.

Anon207 - do you mean that the damaging info Rafa has on Dan is that he's an escaped prisoner/murderer or is there something else Rafa knows that I've forgotten?


Kat: Great recap, as always. And break a leg.

If Isa has murdered or hired a hit man before, I'm betting her husband was the/one of the victim(s).

I loved the little "dance" Cam and Dan did when he was trying to help her walk to the car. And she finally took his arm. Cute.

Cindy: You missed a good one in Cuando Me Enamaro with our own Silvia Navarro. That was a quick moving one--something exciting happening everyday like this one. We had lots of great discussions about that one. My fav--so far.

Anon207: I, too, feel sorry for Alonso. With a mother like Isa, he;s=='s never stood a chance.


Dear 5ft:

Thanks for providing such a great recap. I especially appreciated the direct translation of the contents of THE LETTER.

Good luck with your new show.


As per TN rule #53, if no one is shown praying to Virgincita that Padre lives, then Padre dies. So far, no one has prayed. Hopefully tonight someone will.

If Rafa gets so consumed with wanting to be with Camila and Dan is a major rival, Rafa could get rid of Dan permanently by turning him in. We already know he has loose lips b/c he keeps calling Andres DANIEL! DANIEL!

Hopefully when Dan shows Rafa and Vivi the letter it will impress upon both of them* that this is a serious life and death situation Camila & Daniel are dealing with...keep yo' mouth shut!

*Vivi already knows this from how Dionisio and Alonso were acting in the living room.

I can't imagine that Rafa will do any such thing to Daniel. Daniel saved his life when he was in Chile. I don't think he would betray him, even for a woman.

Kat thanks for your great recap! We have missed your wit and humor. And congrats on your new show!!

I'm also happy THE LETTER was actually read. Now Daniel will stop being Jero from CME and become The Bodyguard and fall for our heroine.
Any bets on when he'll find out whether or not they are primos?

Rafa probably won't turn Dan in, but he COULD. He's my #1 suspect in giving Dan's true identity away...he's already proven that by calling Andres "DANIEL!" on at least 2 different occasions AFTER D'Andres told him not to.

Right now Daniel has to assume he and Camila could very well be cousins, especially after reading the letter...but he knew this before reading the letter when he decided to start his "make her fall in love w/me" revenge scheme.

If they are cousins, Camila's the only living relative Daniel has (so he thinks....I still don't think Miriam is dead).

EJ: I'm also glad the amazing Kat translated the letter. It was a good letter.


I'm having to be a lurker because for some reason, I'm not able to decipher the "anti robot codes" in order to leave a comment. But I am enjoying the novela, the recaps and the comments.
The unreadable anti robot code is the reason I'm a couple days late in thanking Anon207 for explaining the term gaslighting.

Thanks, UA, for information about Camila's driving. Probably not important, but I was interested and I appreciate the effort to recall the circumstances.

Interesting about Pasion de Gavilanes. I happened to read an interview with William Levy, who said that he wants to return to novelas, but is interested in doing a short one, around four months. I've heard other actors who have hit the big time say the same thing. They are apparently out-of-luck on that one! Maybe we are okay with some of them sticking to their new-found venues.

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