Friday, September 14, 2012

Abismo de pasión #129 9/13/12: Everything is the way it is because it got that way.* or "Dude, she shot me in the head!"

*D'Arcy Thompson, evolutionary biologist and classical scholar.

Let's settle in on the Patio and enjoy another evening in Anhedonia* where three young couples are preparing their floats for the Festival of Marital Despair.  In this remarkably barren corner of the Yucatán, where the last live birth was the odious Chente, the population would have dwindled to nothing were it not for knaves and fools and their careless couplings.

*anhedonia: lack of pleasure or the inability to experience pleasure.

The old: 

At Casa Castigo:
Carmina's not selling Cielo Abierto to Elisa.  Well then Elisa will fight for the land and the quinta.  (Her words would carry more weight if only she would remember to wear pants.)

Elisa gets a phone call and arranges to meet someone.

At Hacienda Harango:
Florencia tells Damián to stop playing with his gun and put it back in the box.

[Anxious whispers are heard on the Patio.  The crowd knows what's coming.  What the hell is wrong with you, Alfonsina?]

Flor goes all sphinxy on Dam about tomorrow.  Dam clueless may be getting a clue but still doesn't have a clue what it is.

The New:

The problem with Ingrid
While Doc Tovar and Gael wait for the ambulance to deliver Gabino to the Health Center, they have an awkward conversation about Curly.  When doc tells Gael that Ingrid is married to Gabino, Gael feels bad that his ma toyed with the doc's feelings; and doc feels bad for Gael because his ma is such a cold, calculating slut.   While Curly didn't actually admit to planning what happened, says Doc Tovar, she didn't exactly deny it either.  She has probably already left La Ermita because she knew Edmundo was going to turn her in to the police today.  Do it, says Gael.

Out at Ramona's chosa, the wail of the ambulance sirens spooks Gabino.  He thinks the police are coming for him.  (Perhaps he recalls leaving his shovel marking the spot of the huge death pit right in front of the blue house and overestimates the inferential power of local law enforcement.)

But for now, Gabino's punishment is that the bullet in his head isn't going to kill him.  And it is only Ramona's herbs which can take away the torment of his headaches.  The problem is, he ain't getting a second dose:
"Los vas a padecer día y noche el resto de sus días."
(The pains will torment you day and night for the rest of your life.)

When Chente rushes in and tries to embrace his sperm donor, Gabs pushes him aside roughly.  Then he hustles past the EMT's and out the door.  Ramona tries to keep Chente from following him.

But Florencia doesn't have any friends
So Dam is puzzled when Toña says Flor went to meet a friend for coffee.

Though she may have an enemy or two, Flor realizes, when Elisa walks into the fonda and up to her table.  "What are you doing here?" asks Flor unpleasantly.  "I called her" announces Sabrina.  "I thought Elisa would be interested in hearing about the ruse you used to trap Damián."  Here Flor has the grace to look down, at least for a moment.

Chente and Braulio follow Gabino into Hacienda Safari Land.  Gabino moans and holds his head.  He feels fine and he's not going back to the damned Health Center.  He throws clingy Chente  out of his house and then sits back on his couch in a way that settles a running bet on the Patio.
[I told you he was wearing underpants, says EJ.  They always do, says the Cap'n and nods  authoritatively.]

Gab wades through the remains of Hurricane Ingrid, hangs up the phone left off the hook the night before, and inspects the contents of a briefcase: wads of cash.

We'll always have grammar
Elisa has to turn a deaf ear to Sabrina's Important Revelation because if she didn't, we could all cancel tomorrow's show and hang out on the Patio with The Ones who Got Away.  But she does give us a pretty turn of phrase:
"De haber sabido que me ibas a citar con Florencia, jamás habría venido."
(Had I known you were going to arrange for me to see Florencia, I would never have come.)
["De haber sabido" is an alternative to "Si (yo) hubiera sabido" in this contrary-to-fact conditional sentence]

Anyway, Stoopid Elisa flounces out in her little girl shorts after telling Sabrina that she's done with Dam Stoopid -- she's marrying Stoopid Gael.  And Flor, flaunting her fake belly, gets to play at being offended.  Stoopid Sabrina ends up believing that Paolo was lying.  Again.
["Masterfully played," murmurs Carlos appreciatively.]

Paloma reports back to Doc Tovar and Gael that Gabino refused to go in the ambulance.  Enrique enters and invites his father and Paloma to dinner.  He has a surprise for them, he says.  Gael excuses himself and Paloma follows him out of the office.  She is sorry his mother is a thug and a whore.  And she's sorry she won't be at his wedding.  But she does wish him all the best.  Really.

Now Enrique joins Paloma and she begs off going to dinner.

Las cosas van a caer por su propio peso
Ramona is in church on her knees offering a prayer of entreaty to her Lord: keep everyone safe, but especially Paloma; and keep Gabino Mendoza away from her; don't make Ramona regret saving his life.  And  whatever may happen to Ramona, spare Paloma from the suffering that she herself as well as Paloma's mother, Remedios, suffered.

Padre Lupe joins her.  Ramona shares her anguish about Paloma -- that she is marrying the wrong man, a man who is almost certainly not the father of her child.  As for Lupe, he is sure that all the members of the quartet are playing out of tune -- it's not only Paloma but also Gael and Elisa and Damián.  Lupe thinks Ramona can make things right by telling the  truth about the night Estefanía and Rosendo died.  Ramona absolutely refuses.  (And a tear -- a tear! -- trickles down her cheek.) The last time she spoke out, Augusto died.  She won't make that mistake again.  Besides, how would that change anything?

Lupe is convinced that the four children -- and the adults they have become -- were marked by the events of that night.  If they knew the truth ...  Ah well.  The truth will out.

Ramona walks away, waving her arms in the air and nearly shouting: "No voy a hablar aunque me pida." (I'm not talking even if you beg me!)

BandanaHandBandageHeadMan crashes through the Dolores security shield at the quinta.  He's looking for the aunt.  To Gael's query, he answers no, he doesn't know where Ingrid is.  But she took all her crap (porquería) from Safari Land.  "And she shot me in the head, dude!"

Al grano.  Gab has the adelanto for Cielo Abierto.  Elisa isn't interested.  She knows Alfonsina is behind the deal.  And she wants him out of her house. 

Gabino thinks his money will impress her; he slams the briefcase full of cash on the table and then winces at the noise.  He and Gael get into a shoving match.  "Are you gonna beat me up like you beat up your women?" sneers Gael.  And Gabino strikes back, telling him it was all an act, something his mother came up with so Gael would feel sorry for her.

It's as if the earth had swallowed her  ... burp.
Carmina and Alfie can't figure out what has happened to Ing.  "Es como si la hubiera tragado la tierra."  Car wants to cut a deal for Cielo Abierto but Alfie is no longer interested.  And by the way, the price she offered was fair.  She still has her check stub to prove it...

Elisa and Gael invite a rain of anvils by vowing that after tomorrow, they will be together always.  He could stand anything but her abandoning him; she swears she never will.

Three Tovars at Table
Enrique is pleasantly surprised that Sabrina approves of his relationship with Paloma.  Doc wants Sabrina to give Begoña a break -- she is her mother.
[Diana is nodding so vigorously at his comment that La Paloma smiles and quietly passes her a Dolores bobblehead doll.]

Elisa lies in bed and gazes at the torn and patched-together photo of her mother and Blanca.  Lolita joins her and they snuggle.  Says Elisa:
"Yo no habría podido sobrevivir en esta casa si no fuera por ti."
(I wouldn't have been able to survive in this house if it weren't for you.)

Carmina slithers in and mocks them.  She ridicules Elisa for using a dress that belonged to a "servant".

Would somebody please open the damn box?
Gael finds that Padre Lupe has prepared a special prenuptial dinner for tonight.  He also learns that Ingrid has left a wedding gift him.  He isn't interested.

Ramona paces.  We hear weeping.  Paloma lies in her hammock and sobs.

The Big Day Arrives

Another wedding gift.  Or two.
At Casa Castigo, Ramona presses her amulet into Elisa's hand and tells her cryptically, that Florencia made a promise; and if she keeps it, Elisa will need the amulet.

At Hacienda Harango, Dam fine, still wet from his shower, his upper torso bare, a white towel carelessly wrapped around his waist ... um ... what was I saying?  Oh yeah.  Florencia has something for him -- his amulet! She wasn't hiding it -- his mother concealed it because she knew it reminded him of Elisa.  Flor found it when she was ... er ... looking for something else.

"¿Qué te traes entre manos, Florencia?"

Flor gets a reprieve when Lupe shows up and she scurries off to get dressed.

Lupe is there to say goodbye.  He'll be gone when Dam comes back from his honeymoon.  They exchange a man hug with requisite shoulder pats.  Padre gives him his blessing.

Back at Hacienda Safari Land
Gabino holds his bandanahand to his bandagehead and moans.  A guy has fixed the door.  Two women are cleaning up the rubble.  He barks for coffee and pain pills.

Alfie comes in and expresses surprise that Gabino isn't in the hospital.  Make no mistake, she tells him.  She's sorry the bullet didn't kill him.  She is there for Ingrid.  Gab repeats his story:  Ing took her crap and left.  Alf is dubious.  Ing isn't the type to leave without a big payoff.  Gabino moans and roars: "She's a harpy!  She shot me in the head, dude!"

Alfie stays impressively on task.  She tells Gabino that Ingrid offered to sell her some plane tickets, tickets that he, Gabino, had held onto all these years.  "Remember?" asks Alfie.  "I found the bill and you said that Rosendo was leaving with Estefanía."

Gabino remembers it differently.  He said nothing and Alfonsina drew her own conclusions.  In any case, it's Gab who is selling the tickets now.  The price?  Fifty percent ownership of the Procesadora Arango!

Now Alfie does something hideous and unprecedented.  But you have to look closely because it only lasts a few seconds:  She laughs!  The harsh sound transitions almost immediately into a bark:  "You'll never be my business partner!"

Retorts Gab:  "Then you'll never know if you've been right or wrong all these years."  His old twitchy face is back now.  He waves her off without bothering to turn around.

Elisa is still at her dressing table when Sabrina comes calling.
She apologizes for the scene in the restaurant.  She should have known Paolo would lie to her.  Elisa asks off-handedly: "What did he say?" 

"That he never loved me, that he just wanted my baby for Flor because supposedly Flor can't have children."

Avances:  The weddings run into some snags.



Maven. You genius. I have only read the first two PPs and I had to write a note thanking you for making my day. It was a long but boring day and you just made me laugh outloud, a sure cure for my own short bout of anhedonia.

Anhedonia, Hah! I am sure you know that that was Woody Allen's first name for the movie 'Annie Hall'. Anhedonia, otherwise known as 'Depression', is a pueblo in the Yucatan, who knew?

Chente as the last live birth? You are killing me, amiga. I love this recap already...

Hasta mañana, y gracias.


Novela Maven, I have only read your first paragraph and I am howling in delight. Before I watch tonight's episode and baste myself with your delightful recap I want to THANK YOU for subbing for me tonight. I just now got home and it is 23:45! I'm so glad you kindly offered to fill in.

More later...

Novela Maven, what a fantastic and hilarious gift you gave to us tonight. Thank you for the patio nods, we appreciate them. I love the patio and I'm thinking about bringing my sleeping bag for those "long" nights.

You have so many hilarious Mavenisms, too many to mention right now (coz I'm friggin' exhausted and ready for bed) but I loved "It's as if the earth had swallowed her ... burp." OK I am a sap for bathroom humor. The burp got me.

EJ, no I did not know that Woody Allen's first name for Annie Hall was Anhedonia. Too bad someone made him change the name, otherwise the entire world would know the meaning of anhedonia.

I loved how Gabino kept trying to shush everyone, the headache you now. But he couldn't seem to sush his own bad self up, lol.

Wasn't it great how Fina rolled her eyes when Gab griped "she shot me in the head dude"? I also really liked their little boleto standoff, but if I were Alfonsina I would have whacked Gabino over the head with my purse on my way out. Just for fun. Because he has a head injury. And it would hurt.

Yeeks! Bodas interruptus for tomorrow night. We even have the white knight riding in on a white horse.

Novela Maven, thank you again. I heart you!

Brilliant NM. Anhedonia indeed. Quite a party-busting bunch are the denizens of this town. I love it when after a so-so episode, we can come to our Patio and read a hilarious recap that is far better than the episode could hope to be.

Again, star of the show is Gab. Bless him, but his bullet-ridden brain sure gives us some fun acting. Frankly, I would have taken the cash if I was Elisa. Donate it to charity, get a new wardrobe, get Gael a haircut...

Someone please send Chente back to school...anything. What a worthless, stoopid character.

Previews sure sort of blew the lid off of any thought weddings would actually go off. Well, we sort of that it anyway. Did like the look of Flo walking down the aisle, sans baby pad, in wait for And of course, Dam Stoopid is brandishing the gun that mumsy was Stoopid enough to give him. (And noone in this town knows how to shoot a gun.)

And Ramona shuts up another day because we still aren't in Ultimate Episodes....Argh!!!

Hopefully the Stoopid pills someone put in the water will have worn off soon. Either that or we are going to need some major rounds of something on the Patio to deal with the antics.

Great great work NM! much more entertaining than the episode itself! basically Gabino sporting his bandage around and everyone else knowing something is up but being clueless (esp those with Arango blood or surname) about what it is that they are getting so close to.

Dude! Your recaps always knock my socks off! I can't wait to watch the episode...tho I am sure it won't be had as entertaining as this recap.

Going to have to savor this when we get back, but like everyone else, I'm a sucker for the first two paragraphs..."last live birth" indeed! Aren't you giving Chente too much credit there?

NovelaMaven, inspired and creative. I'm in awe...

"In this remarkably barren corner of the Yucatán, where the last live birth was the odious Chente, the population would have dwindled to nothing were it not for knaves and fools and their careless coupling" was so amazing, I had to repeat it in its entirety.

"They exchange a man hug with requisite shoulder pats" was another of many favorites.

Florencia dodged the bullet Gabino did not. Yes, masterfully played indeed! I'm not sure if the previews were played nationwide but it's going to be an exciting show tonight! I saw what daisy did and man, the fireworks are about to begin. Cancelled deeds and steeds...

Sylvia, I howled at "I would have whacked Gabino over the head with my purse on my way out. Just for fun. Because he has a head injury. And it would hurt." Chortle...

And Ramona giving Gab the only soothing treatment and then refusing to administer further ones was excellent. I wonder if perhaps his punishment will be to linger in pain for the rest of his life?

Can't wait til tonight.

NovelaMaven, thank you for this wonderful gift - translating the phrases that were crucial to this episode was so appreciated!

Happy Friday all!


Judy, our comments crossed...

..."last live birth" indeed! Aren't you giving Chente too much credit there?" Oh my, I'm still laughing.


NovelaMaven - Another excellent recap, filled with snark, Mavenisms, as well as new vocab words for moi. Thank you!

This capítulo was filled with conditional verb tenses, too. (or would that be subjunctive....?)

Neither Brau nor Chente, not even ALFIE (nor the hired help,) noticed the freshly covered grave at Gabino's house? QTH? They must have been wearing their Telenovela Beanie Sunglasses.(TM) Gah.

HOW could you tell he was wearing undies??? I've been looking up that gown like mad for the past two episodes. . .

Hhhmmm. . . I wonder where Gabino got the clean and blinding white new head bandage? Does he have a stash back at the hacienda?

"Es como si la hubiera tragado la tierra." IF they only knew!

"…but if I were Alfonsina I would have whacked Gabino over the head with my purse on my way out. Just for fun. Because he has a head injury. And it would hurt."
Cap'n Sylvia -- BwaHahahahahahaaaa!!!!!

The Avances - And Flo shows up for her own wedding … in a short red dress!!! WooHoooooooo! How much do y'all want to bet Looneyvision saved this episode for a Friday night?!


NM - Like the others, I was blown away by the first paragraph. From "Anhedonia" to "floats for the festival of Marital Distress" to "last live birth was the odious Chente". And THEN, from there on, each and every sentence was a masterpiece. You are one talented amiga.

I also loved:
- "her words would carry more wwight if only she'd remember to wear pants"
- the Dam Clueless line
- "Perhaps he remembers leaving his shovel..." line
- "But Florencia doesn't have any friends" !!!!!!!!! Hahaha!
- EJ and Sylvia winning the underpants bet on the patio
- "Alfie does something hideous and unprecedented...she laughs"
- Even your Avances of simply saying "The weddings run into some snags" Ya think?

Dam my Comcast last night. It was so jumpy and line-y and audio demented that I couldn't watch anything. Thank goodness I got the Great American Novel recap to "fill me in". LOL still laughing at Judy's comment from yesterday.

Rosemary la Otra

NM, I scanned the beginning of your masterpiece and was instantly hooked. Hilarious and loaded with your rapier wit. Hitting Gabino with a purse on the way out?? Oh yeah!
La Paloma

Weekend Alert

Due to low activity on the weekend discussions last week I will be taking a break from them for the next two weeks. There is a photo gallery I started working on but the photos I'm looking for are not as easy to find as I thought they would be.

Anyone else with an idea for a weekend discussion is free to post one for this weekend or next.

(after posting this on the other titles I'll be back to read this recap)

HoneyGirl, you are in POST-SEASON FORM. Back later with faves.

Folks i believe the fresh grave where SHOVEL marks the spot is in front of the blue house. Gabino returned (and everyone visited him) to the hacienda. thus noone noticed the grave... or maybe i am mistaken in the looks of the hacienda.

marta - I do believe you are correct re: blue house vs. hacienda. My telenovela beanie hat is on sooooo tight that all oxygen has been cut off to brain, therefore affecting rational questions as well as thinking. :-)

Yes, it's near the blue house of shame. But what astounds me is Gabino's ability to walk over miles and miles of rough terrain without shoes. The blue gown was perfect - it matched the color of the house of shame.
Note: Dam Fine had to get dressed to continue his farewell convo and hug with Fr. Lupe. He is one modest dude unlike our madcap Gabino!

our madcap Gabino!
"Es como si la hubiera tragado la tierra." IF they only knew!

ROFLOL don't we have even more fun when the novela gets so silly that all we can do is snark the heck out of it?


Hilarious, NovelaMaven. Thanks so much. I always enjoy the diversions into grammar as well.

My favorite line was your last:

"Avances: The weddings run into some snags."

No doubt.

Alfonsina continues coming up with ironic zingers:

"It's as if the earth had swallowed her."

I only wish that Gabino had been there to appreciate it.

My favorite line was from Ramona:

"The pains will torment you day and night for the rest of your life."


Some of you gave me renewed hope for Ingrid yesterday. I know it's a long shot but the fact that Gabino dozed off before finishing the burial and then later woke up with the grave filled in, well...

Come on Gael, maybe you don't care about Ingrid's gift, but we sure do.

Ramona piqued my curiosity a bit in her conversation with the Virgin. I believe she said that she doesn't want Paloma to go through the same thing that she and Remedios went through. Does she have a tragic story of bad love as well? Do we know anything about Paloma's grandpa? Was there a Mr. Ramona?



Doris, he was definitely wearing undies, looked like whitey tighties to me. Or Calvin Klein low-rise trunks. Hee.

Carlos, I also thought Ramona's conversation/prayer was interesting and made me wonder about her past. It worried me too because she told God "do anything you want to me but please don't hurt Paloma". Eeeks, writers please don't hurt our Ramona!

I'm not holding my breath for Ingrid to come popping out of that grave. She's no Buffy (the Vampire Slayer). I think it would be a GREAT twist if she did survive, but I don't give the writers that much credit. As soon as Alfonsina said "it's as if the earth swallowed her up" I toasted a big adios to Ingrid.

This recap cured my own anhedonia (and taught me a new word). Super entertaining from beginning to end.

What a bachelor party...dinner with the priest in the parsonage, while he tells Gael again he's making a mistake.

Once again Gabino was the only part worth watching. Well, Dam's "cleanliness is next to godliness" display was okay, too.

There was one other live birth...Carmina's baby...who quickly realized his mistake in being born and got the heck out of Dodge.

Thanks for making an annoying novela fun to watch Maven. And your writing style (actually all the recappers) is why I can never do a recap or make too many comments, (besides thanking you all), the bar is too high!!!


"There was one other live birth...Carmina's baby...who quickly realized his mistake in being born and got the heck out of Dodge.""

HAHAHAHAHA!! Julia, perfection.

Hey guys,

I just added a few lines about Ramona's prayer for the sake of future Pit scholars. Thank you, Carlos and Sylvia -- without your reminders, posterity would have been cheated.

Sylvia, I just knew you were the go-to person on Gabino's ropa interior. Thanks for confirming.

EJ, I actually didn't know (or perhaps knew and forgot, a thing that happens with alarming regularity lately) that "Anhedonia" was under consideration as a title for "Annie Hall", one of my favorite movies in the universe. It is nice to know that this little recap had some therapeutic worth for you and our friend Julia. And thank you for your late night comment. First comments are always golden, as you know, and especially when they are are gracious and encouraging as yours.

DaisynJay, do you really think the Stoopid is in the water supply? Nice theory. It would explain a lot ...

Sara, yes, definitely watch this episodes. No big shtick like Zombino Does La Ermita but lots of small moments to delight in. Thanks for the nice words, chica.

Diana, "Cancelled deeds and steeds" -- what a lovely turn of phrase, amiga!

Doris, as for Gabino's sometimes white and sometimes dingy bandage turbans -- my sense is that the production crew simply decided that continuity wasn't an issue, that with all the nutso stuff going on, no one was going to notice or care. But I am surprised that you missed the Gabino crotch shot. jejejeje

R la O, I'm always happy when I'm doing a public service:-) Thanks for the nice words.

NM - Indeed, I missed it, and it was not for lack of trying. My TV screen is apparently too small, and I was watching from 15-feet away. I even had my eyes peeled a night or two ago, when he was crouching behind INgrate. I must be slipping in my old age. LOL

My husband is thinking of buying a plasma TV. I told him it would be really nice if the captions -- yeah, that's it, THE CAPTIONS -- were bigger. For my study group. Right.

La Paloma, I'm happy to see you here! By the way, it was Sylvia who wanted to smack Gabino upside the head. (I'm far less aggressive than she! bwahahaha!)

Carlos, as I mentioned above, I agree that Ramona's prayer was interesting enough to be included in the story so I went back and added it. Will we learn more about "Mr. Ramona"? Hmmm. A couple of days ago, we got the story of Ramona's father, the one who walked around with a bullet in his head for 10 years. Maybe they will parcel out more bits and pieces of the backstory of this remarkable character in the next few days.

Speaking of Ramona, I doubt that she will survive to the end. But she has predicted that she will outlive Gabino and she hasn't been wrong so far.

Julia, "Well, Dam's "cleanliness is next to godliness" display was okay, too." Indeed!

You're right about Carmina's baby -- live birth, neonatal death. Still leaves La Ermita a pretty barren place.

Yola, thanks for taking a moment to comment. I really appreciate it. And the only bar we worry about here is the one on the Patio of Lowered Expectations. And it's open right now.

Hey Super Marta, Thanks for jumping in. I'm glad you liked the recap.

JudyB, you know how much I appreciate your writerly perspective. Thank you.

Blue Lass, I'm touched. I'll have you know I chose watching the Pit over watching the Packers make kielbasa out of the Bears last night. You make me feel the sacrifice was worthwhile. :D

yeah yeah, better resolution, larger screen, captions, that's the ticket ...

Ai ai ai. What a romp! First of all, I loved BOTH titles...and from the prose, I have plucked the following favorites:

- Dam clueless may be getting a clue but still doesn't have a clue what it is.

- Gab wades through the remains of Hurricane Ingrid.

- We'll always have grammar.

- Lupe is sure that all the members of the quartet are playing out of tune.

- No, he doesn't know where Ingrid is. But she took all her crap from Safari Land.

I was also tickled by the running theme of people telling Gael they were sorry his Mom was such a hosebag. Really, they should all chip in and send him a sympathy card. I'm sure we have something suitable at AbisMart.


I took a break after cleaning my kitchen floor to read, and it's the best break I ever had. This is so funny and entertaining and, by the way, informative, that I must ask if you are a writer in real life. If you aren't you should be.

Maven, Doris, Sylvia, Daisynjay, Marta, Sara, Blue RlaO, JudyB+++...

I am here on the Patio, raising a glass of OJ (OK, it also has an equal amount of champagne in it) to Gabino's body, performance, and of course, his Calvin Kleins a la Sharon Stone. Actually, given the angle of the shot, I was glad to see Gabino being modest. I have never found that view of even a hunky man to be all that...flattering. Jejejeje...

O how I loved last night's episode. As Marta said, the more absurd the capitulo—the more fun we have on the Patio.

"De haber sabido que me ibas a citar con Florencia, jamás habría venido." A contrary-to-fact conditional, how cool. Thanks for highlighting this amiga. Also, 'citar' was a new verb for me.

On girlfriend Ramona: I need her address. I want some special herb guac to put on my head that makes all head pain null and void. It might be much more effective (with less side effects) that other options I have tried. I could live with green goopy hair if my head would stop hurting. It has a ne sais quoi.

I am all agog to see Florencia's surprise tonight. It looks like it involves a red dress with no Porta-baby. If any of you missed Julia's comment of the other day, she had a very clever idea for Flo's reveal involving a front opening trap door in her dress, allowing for easy access to FakeBebe. I howled at the thought.

Only 30 or so episodes to go!



NM thanks for this wonderful recap. As Marta noted (and by the way thanks Marta for your recap that I read too late b/c of work) the more ridiculous the TN the better the recap. I am dismayed that you think Ramona won't be with us to the end. I enjoy her character flaws and all and would hate to see her go.

Thanks, Blue!

"I was also tickled by the running theme of people telling Gael they were sorry his Mom was such a hosebag. Really, they should all chip in and send him a sympathy card. I'm sure we have something suitable at AbisMart."

Actually I did find this card at AbisMart:

Tu mamá es ramera, yo sé
Qué pena contigo mi güey
Pues ni modo, compadre
Lo que hizo tu madre
No fue por tu culpa --
¿o qué?


Let's order the whole line! I'm sure they have something for Boda Interrumpida as well...and how about "sorry for the fake loss of your fake pregnancy"? And "¡Caray! Your Rapist is Out of Jail!"

Cathyx, I am enormously flattered that you imagine anyone would publish what I have to say! The truth is I just get it out of my system here. I will admit to being a lover of words but I have never earned my living as a writer.

EJ, I made a mistake in the original posting and I must point it out to you so that when you find Ramona, you make sure you ask her for the herbal bebida she gave to Gabino and not the green schmutz she pasted on his head. I think the poultice was to help the wound heal but the analgesics were in the drink. Lo siento.

Karen, Thanks for the nice words. Don't take my predictions seriously. Unlike Ramona, I'm almost always wrong. :-) And I'd also love to see Ramona around to help raise her bisnieta.

Yes, Blue Lass, I like it! But we'll need more writers!

Maybe we can put it up for a weekend topic, NM. I think UA's taking this weekend off.

Ay, que me meo de la risa! jajajajajajaja

Ramona's going to need to get a nice "Sorry I couldn't be bothered to tell everyone your mama wasn't a philandering ho" card for Elisa. She'll probably need to go all out and get one that plays music or has a pop-up.



Ramona tea? That's even better that an unguent! If we sell it at Abismart I'll take one case...


Great recap...full of snark!

Before I comment on DZ's nice, wet..."package"....never mind that's my first observation. Really he could rival William Levy in that area.

Chente is really getting on my nerves! Seriously somebody needs to smack that kid upside the head!

So Romona will remain silent as the grave...oh well. Seriously though I was yelling at the tv that Gab, unfortunately, is Pal's daddy.

I will be settled in my recliner tonight, gleefully awaiting Florencia's lanza-fakebabyalmohadazo at Alfonsina & Co.

I so hope Florencia delivers. (The lanza scene, that is, since she's not really preggers.)

Okay, what would be awesome is if Flor was bickering with Alfie and then was all, "well, HERE's what I think of your stupid nieto blackmail shenanigans!" and grabbed a spear or a saber or something and stabbed it right through her panza. Sideways, of course, so it would only go through the bebazo nerfazo.


Probably too late for you to read this but I just had to say thank you for this recap. All your recaps are amazing but I think this may have been your best. I couldn't begin to name my favorite lines. Even the title headings were inspired! The whole quartet is playing out of tune! Hilarious!

Thank you!



Oh Julia, what a fun scene that would be. Do you sell spears and sabers at your tool store?

EJ - if you are mixing your OJ with champagne, you obviously haven't tried Whipped Vodka yet. Mmmmm.

Also, EJ, I bet those special Fresno avocados could cure whatever headache the Whipped Vodka misses.

The more I think about it, the more I think Horacio rescued ING. What else is he doing in his free time? Surprisingly, he is not spying on Lolita.

I would like to see Flo walk down the isle and when she gets to the end, she turns around and lifts up her dress to reveal that the baby is really a bag of Tostidos Brand Corn Chips. Product placement will win the day.

Whipped vodka? Do you drink it, bathe in it, or apply it to head wounds? Or all three?


Fake bebe is really made of Tostitos??? Lordy, that's funny.


Tostitos Brand® Baby.

LOL good one!!

poor Loopy... Cain y Abel indeed!

I still say the most compelling romantic story of the night featured William Levy and Mrs. Chocolate M&M. At least Mrs. C. didn't have a huge honkin' cold sore to contend with. jejejejeje

Must rewind for the Levy/M&M encounter. Also I think I noticed a new "Soy la Mala Suerte" from Allstate -- my students LOVE those.

Katy, Thanks so much, amiga!

Blue, you realize Mrs. Chocolate and Sweet William were on on Friday, right?

Yes, the Mala Suerte dude is great. Not exactly galán material perhaps, but definitely knows how to work it. In fact a recent Telemundo "Let's Give Ourselves a Bunch of Stupid Awards So Televisa Knows We Mean It" show, the actor got as much play as the stars of the other novelas on that station.

Cathyx, I bet Flor was planning to use your idea of a baby made of Tostachos but she got so nervous waiting for the boda religiosa that she ended up eating all the chips. So then she had to go with Plan B -- the blood-orange colored form-hugging dress.

Novela Maven-
I thought you were going to say that she ate them and now her big belly is just the extra pounds she put on.

Ah, thanks, NM. Haven't watched Friday yet. I'll have to hurry up and get to it before Cynderella posts, because I cannot RESIST her recaps.

Cathyx, Oh noooooooooooo, no one gets fat from eating Tostachos. Tostachos make you strong and beautiful and they build solidarity in a crisis.

What do you do when the joven Damián robs your nińa Elisa in the midst of her wedding vows? Simple. You kick back with bags of Tostachos, and bowls of guacamole, salsa and cheese. (In fact, I believe there's a line of greeting cards that addresses precisely this situation. Blue?)

Posted on the Greeting Card thread, NM -- right after your latest bit of genius. ;}

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