Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #50 9/25/12: Resentment Will Rot Your Internal Organs...

  • At the hen party, Eva/JC has gastritis caused by finding out he'd gotten Samanta pregnant. He cries in the bathroom. For her part, Helena is upset to find out about yet another conquest of JC's.

  • Fer wants to get a whore for his son, whose sexuality he doubts. At home, he yells for his wife and though he's too drunk to find the bedroom he has sex on his mind. Marcela plasters ooze onto her face to avoid him.

    Next day she tells him: "We have to have a very serious conversation about sex." Perhaps related to her story to the girls of her "cousin's friend" whose husband thought sex should take about three minutes?

  • Eva later asks Samanta: "Why did you never tell JC?" "We met at conventions, at first it was only sex. I knew he wasn't a man who could commit himself, but I fell in love. When I thought about telling him I saw he had another lover. I couldn't count on him for anything. He wouldn't have cared at all if he'd had a child. So I had an abortion."

    Eva tries to stand up for her former self but hears a lot of unpleasant truths concluding with: "He broke the hearts of hundreds of women. At least he's rotting in hell now -- but I'm still sad."

    JC moans to Mimi: "When I think about Lalo and then about that poor child never born... I was a vile cretin, an egoist. I deserve everything that's happened to me. No wonder she wanted vengeance." He vows to undo some of the damage he did her.

  • Next morning three of the girls in turquoise come into Rebe's office all cheery, thinking they're all chums now, but Rebe freezes them out. "I am a big cheese and y'all are merely window dressing."

  • Helena wants to go on with her life and even fall in love again. "That's a terrible idea" squeals Eva. Eva mocks Helena's new assistant for his upturned moussed 'do and pegs him as a Don Juan in the making.

  • JC/Eva dives under the reception desk seeing mother Eugenia in the foyer saying goodbye. "Marcela, wasn't that the fabulous Eugenia, actress with the million dollar face? Why was she here?" "She has some mental lapses, she came to see her dead son."

    JC gets the phone number and calls his mom. He talks to her in his own voice and she is overjoyed: "How have you been, my love?" "I miss you so much." "I want to help you, listen to you, where are you?" "Very far away, but I think about you always. I can't come back until I can prove my innocence." "I prefer you far away than in jail! You're everything to me! Call me more often." This was so sweet.

    Eugenia catches sight of Eva and is sure she recognizes her/him. S/he says, "JC and I were really close friends, can I come visit you sometimes?" "Thanks, yes, sometimes I feel so lonely, it would be good to have a friend." They embrace.

  • Eva calls Samanta dozens of times and goes to her house, no answer, finally Samanta calls and says: "Because of our conversation last night, I'm leaving G.I. to accept another offer which will take me far, far away. You were right, I need to get over my resentment. Goodbye."

    Helena is glad Samanta is leaving: "I would be so uncomfortable around another woman whose heart had been broken by Juan Carlos." "Resentment will rot your internal organs" warns Eva. "Right, let's just forget about him," Helena concludes.

  • Lucia can't stop harassing Mousse Boy. Santi comes along to remind them he's getting married this weekend and sort of causes it to happen that Mousse Boy is reluctantly going to accompany Lucia to the wedding. He's Just Not That Into Her.

  • Adriano asks Eva how the hen party went. Eva denies that they missed having men around. Adriano makes snide comments about women and Eva derides his "ugly commentary" and calls him a misogynist. So he asks her out on a date and plays his pathetic "lonely" card to persuade her.

  • Plutarco with his big crocodile grin invites himself over to Helena's to hang with her and Lalo.

    Then my computer rebooted. When it came to itself, Pluto was in Lalo's new room pretending to be interested in the interior decorating Helena has been doing. She is overjoyed that Lalo's coming to live with her at last, so of course we know there will be a hitch.

    Pluto asks her repeatedly, "Aren't you ready to start your life again?" He makes it clear he's interested but she firmly declares she only cares about Lalo.

    Onesimo is later amused: "Your greatest rival, and he's not even nine years old." When Pluto gets an evil twinkle in his eye Onesimo worries: "You're not going to steal that boy and put him in an orphanage are you?"

    Pluto figures he can do better than that and be a hero to Helena. We don't know his exact plot, but it involves (according to the avances) the sudden dread appearance of Lalo's father Mario.


I love your bullet point recaps, Melinama. Thanks for being there before I've even had time to watch the video. you amaze me.

Couple of interesting twists tonight.
- Samantha got an offer she couldn't refuse (from Plutarco??) and left town.
-JC talks to his mother on the phone & reassures her that he's alive.
- Plutarco is going to use Mario to separate Helena from Lalito -- and somehow make himself a hero in her eyes. I wonder how that will play out.
Lots of new threads to play out. I didn't see most of them coming. (Though someone suggested the phone call last week. Good call whoever that was!)

What's really going on with mousse boy? He's going to be interesting to watch.


Thanks Melinama for these great bullet points. You always hit all the major points.

Yeah, I think Samantha must have taken Pluti up on his offer. I hope she does start new wherever she is going.

Loved the convo between JC and his Mom Eugenia. They miss each other so much and that hug was priceless.

Helena will not be happy that Mario is back in the picture. He abandoned her and went to the States and took all the wedding money. I don't even know if he knew she was pregnant when he left. If he knew then it is ten times worse and she will never forgive him. Pluti played a bad hand here.

Liked how Eva kept slapping Adri too funny. Everytime he said something bad about women Eva would slap his back, hard enough to make him stumble, lol. I think Adri is starting to fall for Eva, Ruh Roh. How will Eva deal with that.

Like how JC/Eva is learning about him/herself thru working at G.I. It is opening his eyes.

Melinama, your recaps are a balm for a busy brain. Thanks for keeping it short and spicy..."big cheese and you all are just window dressing" was great as is the nickname Mousse Boy.

Sounds like Juan Carlos' near-death experience confronting all his sins is going to continue for quite a while. All the more fun for us!

Melinama - Thanks for all the highlights.

Good, Marcela will put up with Fernando's three minutes no longer.

Did I see Mousse Boy show attraction for Santiago? I still think he's a spy. He pumped Lucia about the Mayuaga project, but I don't think he's asked Helena about it.

Thanks Melinama!

This is at least the second time Adriano has invited Eva to go out with him... and bring Mimi along. (Or did Eva/JC invite Mimi the last time?) So it's not completely clear that he has the hots for Eva. He might be more interested in Mimi... or he might not be sure yet and is trying to get used to being around women over the age of 26.

He really seems to be struggling with trying to figure out what he wants out of life, and with whom.

Speed Racer/Mousse Boy, I don't know what to think about him. He sure was quick (and very eager) to get Fernando that information about the prostitute for Kevin. That whole thing is so creepy.

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Niecie, one day recently (I think it was Friday, I think I left it out of the recap) Mousse Boy told Helena that he'd prepared himself to work as her assistant by reading up on all the Playa Majagua stuff. He seems very eager about that too.

Maybe he's just a very eager guy. I mean, GI has the contract for Playa so I'm not sure what would be in it for him to be looking for secrets, unless he's trying to get another company in on a contract with GI, or dig up dirt on GI to compromise GI's deal with PM. So... okay, there's still potential for wrongdoing there...

OK, now I'm just babbling. :-)

But very thought provoking babbling, Julie. It's interesting to try to figure Mousse Boy out.

I'm with you Madelaine-- that scene between Eva/JC and Eugenia was very sweet --on several levels.


Thanks for the recap!

Marcela is funny, gooping herself up to repel her horny husband. I hope he does get reformed. She deserves so much better than what she's been putting up with all this time.

I thought there was a certain sizzle between Santi and Lucía. Maybe there's potential there if they both ever get their acts together.

Mickey Mousse remains a mystery. He must figure he got all the information Lucía had if he's trying to evade her now.

Julia- I also saw some chemistry there between Santi and Lucia. He was totally being her wing man in that scene and helping her get a date with Mousse Boy to the wedding. They are both pretty goofy. I think they'll be a good match eventually.

Not looking forward to the trouble Helena's ex will cause. On the plus side, another hunk added to the mix. Maybe we can set Bastardo loose on him, and use his powers of evil for good, for a change.

Thanks, Melinama. I agree, Plutarco does have a big crocodile grin. My favorite scene was Eva on the phone with Eugenia. It was so very sweet. And I liked Eva playing with Mousse Boy's hair. I've done that- touched someone's spiky hair and gone, "Ow."

Thank you for the recap, CHF.

I'm so glad Eugenia has finally heard from her son. She's so sweet and so sad, I keep hoping good things will come her way.

I forget how the Adri/Eva/Mimi date came about, last time. Did Eva ask if she could bring her cousin? This time, if I remember correctly, Adri asked Eva out, and it seemed like she was about to decline. So Adri moved quickly and said Mimi could come too, then Eva accepted. So Adri's goal is Eva. And if she'll only go out if she can take her chaparo-prima, he'll take that deal.

Ah - so there was a little subtlety that I missed! Thanks, Paula.

I'll give Adriano credit for having the sensitivity to accommodate Eva's hesitancy without making her feel defensive about it (you know, like, "what are you afraid of, it's just dinner" or "don't you like men"). Of course, he probably realizes that Eva can handle him if he gets out of line. ;-)

Thanks for the recap, Melinama!

One thing I like about this TN is that it keeps zipping along, throwing new things at us every week. It will be interesting to see what the whole Lalito's father thing is all about.

I was under the impression at first that Speed Mousse Guy got the info of a prostitute for Fern - forgot he wanted one for his son. I suppose Marcella will find the card with the prostitute's info and make a wrong assumption too.

Mil in NC

Thanks, Melinama, for the succinct and satisfying recap.

Awww! JC is able to get some comfort from talking to/hugging his mother. He needs that sweetness to offset the sour taste of his callous behavior with Samantha.

Eva messing with Mickey Mousse's hair! Je je! And punching Adriano on the shoulder. Ja ja! And yet, able to appear wounded deep in his heart when he thinks how his actions affected the ladies. Love ya, JC!

Drew Lachey had on a shiny sharkskin suit on Dancing with the Stars--just like Pluto.

La Paloma


I don't know that the "right" assumption would make her any happier! And she will be especially mad at him if he refuses to discuss sex with her while simultaneously pushing a prostitute on his son.

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